Question: What is the best method of the Law of Attraction? Why Do these methods work for some and do not work for others?
I’ve already answered the first question here and here. I want to focus on your second question. It’s more important.
Law of Attraction works in every case. If it worked for some and not for others, it wouldn’t be what the word “Law” implies. BTW, Law of Attraction is not really a “law”. That word suggests someone created this process by which all things must comply. No one did that. It’s always been, just like you and me.
Since Law of Attraction does apply to everyone and everything, it must be “working” for everyone and every thing (which it does). So why do some get what they want and others don’t?
Everyone gets what they focus on
It’s an extremely important question. The answer is, everyone IS getting what they want. But you must understand what “what they want” means in order to understand why everyone’s getting what they want, even those who think they aren’t getting what they want, or thinking Law of Attraction isn’t working.
The Universe doesn’t care about what a person wants. All it’s doing is fulfilling desire. It seems like those two things, desire and getting what you want, are the same.
But from the universe’s perspective, they are not.
Desire from universal perspective, is energy, focused. Getting what you want is a choice. Desire is what summons life force. “Getting what you want” is the result of channelled desire. So desire supersedes getting what you want. It is a larger concept. Getting what you want expresses a focus of desire turning into a result. Does that make sense?
Having made that important distinction, it’s easy to see why Law of Attraction seems not to work for some people. Law of Attraction is fulfilling desire. But it’s also responding to resistance, which is a kind of blocking force humans add to the process of getting what they want through beliefs that are contrary to what they want.
When Law of Attraction kicks into gear, it “knows” what a person is focusing on, and going to work to coordinate that into reality. But if a person is focused more on what they don’t want, or if they’re focused in a way that creates resistance against what they want, then they’re going to get what they’re focusing on: lackluster, or no results at all, or so it seems.
It works who don’t believe
So what one focuses on is what one gets. Not what they want. Unless they focus purely on what they want. For example, someone who believes Law of Attraction doesn’t work, and so tries to make Law of Attraction work as a way of proving it won’t work, will get results proving it won’t work because that’s what they’re focusing on. Even if they try to get what they want, but their predominant beliefs say “Law of Attraction doesn’t work”, they won’t get what they want because their beliefs put resistance in the way, which keeps them from getting what they want.
Those who refuse to test it, and just believe “it doesn’t work”, will see all around them evidence of it not working. They’ll also rendezvous with people with similar results, as Law of Attraction is drawing to them what they’re focused on.
The same is true for someone who, for example, wants a boyfriend, but doesn’t believe they are attractive enough, or smart enough, or successful enough.
Or they might not believe such a boyfriend exists, or that he exists in their local area, or if he does, that person won’t find them interesting. Thoughts matter, in other words.
Negative results are positive
When someone uses Law of Attraction and they don’t get what they want, that’s Law of Attraction giving that person pertinent information.
How does someone know where their focus is, if it’s off, and they can’t tell that it’s off? The answer: They can’t.
So this is another scenario in which Law of Attraction is working, even when people think it’s not. In this case, it’s showing the manifest-er where their dominant focus is, which is very important, isn’t it? That way, they can do something about their faulty “aim” so to speak.
So there’s no evidence Law of Attraction works for some and not others. It works for everyone. If someone thinks it’s not working, they should look at what they’re thinking and focusing on.
Law of Attraction is working. It’s just giving them what they’re focusing on. That’s not necessarily what they want.
But it is, in a way, because by getting what they don’t want, at least they know what they need to do next: focus on what they want better than they have up to now.
This morning probably was the best result I received so far from my Positively Focused practice. It’s an extraordinary result showing how Universe delights the one who finds alignment with their better, happy place.
I woke this morning feeling joy so deep, I didn’t want to get out of bed. I felt at one with All That Is, and that feeling left me in peace, wherein all was right with everything. And in that, I felt struck in All That Is’ beauty, grace and love.
But when someone experiences such deep and profound spiritual experiences, Universe inspires movement because such movement leads to more and better experiences. Experiences confirming that blessed universal connection.
That’s exactly what happened next.
Joy and fun to come
I got an impulse to go for a walk. The impulse came with a sense of urgency, like I mustn’t ignore it. So I got up, did my morning routine and headed out the door.
A few weeks ago I wrote about an amazing experience had in a nearby park. It involved seeing a raptor in the trees with feathers dancing through the air like snow fall. Then a guy walked by who amplified that wonderful experience with a story of his own.
The park where this happened was where my inspiration directed me this morning. As I walked I had no idea what lie ahead. I only knew how good I felt and how wonderful the day unfolded up to now, even though it was only 7:30 in the morning.
The park was mine. No one else walked the walking paths, played in the grassy expanses, walked among the roses, or sat in the pavilion. My favorite music played in my headphones while the sun shone from my right, its warmth heating the day.
Halfway through the park, despite my headphones, I heard a sound I hadn’t heard before. It was a kind of screech. Even though my headphones muffled it, the sound caught my attention. So much so I made a bee-line straight to where I thought it originated.
The compulsion to follow that sound was so strong, I felt kind of odd, like I wasn’t in charge of my movements. It drew me to a spot in the park I rarely frequent.
That’s when it happened
I heard the sound again, then looked into the trees while turning off my music. The draw of this impulse felt extreme as it pulled me right underneath a medium-sized tree. That impulse drew my vision to the lower-most branch, which swung very low from the tree’s trunk.
There, perched on the branch, was an accipiter known as a Goshawk. I didn’t know the word “accipiter” in that moment. Nor did I know the Bird of Prey as a Goshawk. I thought is was a Sharp-Shinned Hawk or perhaps a falcon. Either way, the sight stunned me.
Little did I know, this was just the beginning.
Accipiters are Birds of Prey specifically evolved for successful life in dense forests. These birds are slender with short, broad, rounded wings and a long tail which helps them maneuver in tight areas such as forests. Accipiters have long legs and long, sharp talons used to kill their prey, and a sharp, hooked bill used in feeding. They often ambush their prey, mainly small birds and mammals, capturing them after a short chase. They are commonly found in wooded or shrubby areas.
I’ve always adored Birds of Prey, specifically Red Tailed Hawks and Sparrowhawks. Since moving to Oregon, however, my love of raptors expanded. I also love seeing Bald Eagles and Osprey, which populate Oregon’s scenic waterways.
But I never expected to see such birds in Portland’s city parks. This was astounding!
Watching this bird on the branch, I felt awe. But what happened next left me in stunned.
It was good, but got better
While filming the video above, the hawk suddenly disappeared from view. I stopped shooting to find it, but saw it nowhere in trees around me. That’s when my instinct took over, turned my head left and downward.
The hawk landed on the ground just feet from my…feet! Here’s a video of me in rapturous joy as I caught the moment on video:
This is incredible, I thought! Understanding how amazing this moment was requires understanding a little about Northwestern Goshawks.
Of the three U.S. and Canadian hawks known as accipiters, the Goshawk is by far the most impressive. As far as accipiters are concerned, they are the largest and most aggressive. Goshawks are favored for falconry the world over. According to state write-ups, Oregon offers limited permits for taking Goshawks for falconry purposes. I met someone with such a permit once. His specimen is exquisite even though I don’t think it’s a Goshawk. I mean, must look at this photo I took!
What impressed me most about Goshawks, and my seeing one specifically, is this: It is an uncommon to fairly common bird in Oregon. But they’re usually found in wilderness areas ranging between 1,900 – 6,100 foot elevations along the Cascade, Blue, and Klamath mountains. Even so, here I was face-to-face….or foot-to-foot with one in a city park!
It gets better still!
Just as the bird flew off, I heard another screech, the distinctive sound a Goshawk makes, that now sounds familiar to my ears. This one came from behind me. I turned around and saw another Goshawk, only this one fed on a bird it must have caught earlier this morning.
That’s two separate birds in the same area!
Then I heard yet another screech, again, behind me. When I turned around, I stood literally astounded. For there in front of me were four hawks. Three of them stood on the ground, the fourth on a brach above the others. What were they doing? Playing with sticks!
They threw sticks, tossed seed pods and even stepped on each other’s tails! Never had I seen such playfulness in Birds of Prey. I felt absolutely blessed seeing this display, again, in a city park.
It turned out I was amidst an entire family of hawks. They played and ate from the same kill. They even chased crow and squirrel in front of me. Two even played with each other on a nearby car rooftop.
Joyful nature communion
For the next two hours I watched as these hawks put themselves on display for me. Once, one hawk perched on a tree, looked at me. Then, with no notice, it flew straight at me, swooping over my head close enough for me to touch. I felt I had gone to hawk heaven!
After filming, I noticed bird and squirrel carcasses in this area, particularly under the tree where one of the hawks fed. Apparently, they had been here some time. But my Broader Perspective coordinated this moment, these two blissful hours, for me to commune with these natural, graceful predators.
I tell my clients all the time that when one develops a Positively Focused perspective such that they chronically live in a state of alignment to the beauty of life, nature becomes one’s deliberate partner. It reveals to the Positively Focused its “secrets”. Animals people rarely, if ever, see come out and play, putting themselves on display for one who takes time to tune themselves back to their natural knowing.
I’ve seen coyote families, with pups playing alongside city sloughs, minxes carrying their prey along bike paths, owls flying in broad daylight and at night, perched so close to me I could touch them if I wanted.
Forgotten desires fulfilled
I know when these experiences come, they come solely for my joyful consumption. They also validate my Positively Focused practice as well as indicate that I stand aligned, not only to nature, but to the unfolding, natural fulfillment of all my desires.
I also tell my clients about the nature of “desire” itself. I know many desires I have I don’t remember asking for. But my Broader Perspective remembers them all. When I tune to my Broader Perspective knowing, it begins leading me to all my desires. Not just ones I consciously want, but those I’ve forgotten.
That’s what makes living life so joyous when Positively Focused. I didn’t realize experiencing something like a family of uncommon Birds of Prey up close and personal was something I asked for. Yet here it was delivered in a way I could savor for two whole hours!
Imagine other desires I asked for, cued up by my Broader Perspective and ready when I am to experience. It truly is the Charmed Life I write about. The Charmed Life includes the fulfillment of ALL desires. Not just those a person knows they want, but ones they don’t remember asking for.
My experience today with these hawks filled me with such joy, I am working on a short film about the experience. It’s amazing I got so much video footage, enough for a film I can share. And in the sharing I’ll amplify my own joy, which also amplifies my connection to All That Is.
I write that I am amazed and I am. But I also know what happened is just what happens when I stand at the center of my happy place, where the Universe shows me how blessed I am. How blessed we all are.
Being Positively Focused recognizes Universe’s inherent goodness, its desire to give everyone everything they want. That focus, well-practiced, creates the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog.
What does the Positively Focused philosophy involve? My friend Gheric described it in 30 excellent questions I’ll share shortly.
Life is fun when yes is the default
The Positively Focused philosophy emphatically says “yes” in response to every question. So if a person answers “no” to any question, then a gap exists between what that person wants and what they’re getting.
A simple agreement is not enough. Self-fulfilling desires happen only when someone knows the answers are all “yes”, not just agrees with the answers.
That’s because knowing, believing and thinking are distinct states. Everyone thinks. That’s the default. Think long enough about something and reality serves evidence of what one thinks about. The thinker sees this evidence, then gradually understands this evidence as proving their thought “true”.
Then the person believes what they think. Why wouldn’t they? Reality “proved” what they think. Therefore that person’s thoughts become their beliefs.
Given enough time beliefs recede as evidence replaces “belief” and the “belief” becomes “true”. At that point, the person no longer believes. They know.
So knowing “yes” as the answer requires seeing evidence everywhere.
The 30 questions
These questions challenge many people’s beliefs. They also challenge many people’s realities. Both get challenged because one (reality) springs from the other (beliefs). A person who doesn’t know this finds answering “yes” to every question very difficult if not impossible.
The joy inherent in knowing the answer is “yes” is what life is all about. Living lives where everything comes easily depends on it. Therefore, these questions and their answer are important prerequisite to a Charmed Life.
And now, the questions:
Does abundance in all things exist?
Does well-being flow through all things?
Is evil an illusion?
Is scarcity an illusion?
Is control an illusion?
Do all circumstances work out for good?
Are negative beliefs a catalyst for positive growth?
Does everyone want a better reality?
Do we create our own reality?
Is everyone free?
Is progress an inevitability?
Can everyone have what they want?
Are all paradoxes resolvable?
Are the specific values of the individual aligned with the general values of the collective?
Are all conflicts illusory?
Is every perspective valid?
Is every perspective valuable?
Are humans inherently good?
Can humans be trusted?
Do humans want to be free from control/manipulation?
Do humans want well-being for themselves and for others?
Is humanity currently headed in a positive direction?
Do people want to live by their intrinsic motivations?
Do intrinsic motivations always lead to good things?
Is it okay to give up on something?
Does everyone have good intentions?
Can efficient and effective organizing structures emerge organically?
Does everything evolve?
Can “bad ideas” turn into “good ideas”?
Is it inevitable that every “bad idea” evolves into a “good idea” given enough allowance for intuitive inspiration?
Finding this a challenge?
If you’re having trouble, you’re not alone. But you can discover bliss in human being-ness by learning to see, then living from, what’s possible when you know every answer is “yes”.
That’s what my clients find. And when they do, they become Positively Focused. Then life gets fun.
After all, who wouldn’t want a life full of desires fulfilling themselves? That’s what everyone in a physical body knew life could be like before they came here.
But many get stuck once they get here. That’s because they don’t remember what they forgot, the forgetting of which is a prerequisite to arrival. No need stay in forgetting mode though.
You can remember. Everyone can. If you aren’t, I can help.
The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.
That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.
That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.
But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.
An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.
Yearning burning desire sucks.
Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”
The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.
And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.
This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.
Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.
How it can work
Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?
It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.
Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.
In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.
Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.
Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.
It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.
And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.
When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.
That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.
I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.
The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.
The incredible becomes every day
This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.
It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.
Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.
So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.
I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.
By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.
In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.
And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.
What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.
I’m getting ahead of myself 😄
Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:
Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?
Then this happened
Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:
When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.
Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:
Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:
What was happening?
Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.
So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.
And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.
And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.
The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.
What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:
This is all coincidental
This is confirmation bias happening
This is just luck
This doesn’t happen all the time
This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?
All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.
I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.
Frustration sometimes happens when I think I’m not getting what I want. It’s frustrating only because I’m thinking a bogus belief: that I’m not getting what I want.
But that’s now how reality is created. I create reality by my attention, not by what I want. So to get what I want, I must put my attention on that.
Or, I can focus attention on what it feels like having what I want – even when I don’t have it – and by putting attention there, gradually tune my thoughts and beliefs to what I want. Doing that, I see what I want coming easily.
Proof tells me it’s working
Many things already happened proving this works. More clients showing up, publishing deals happening, money coming into my life without me having to do anything to get it, and, most important, I feel extremely happy.
A couple people ask: “well if this works so well, how come you’re not a millionaire?
The answer is: I’m not in a hurry. Fine tuning my life, my way of being and my beliefs so that money flows in that quantity is happening. But life isn’t magic. I can’t create around my own beliefs.
The only reason I’m not a millionaire yet is because I’m not quite a full-blown match to that. But I’m getting there.
How do I know? I see evidence everywhere. What evidence? I’m not as frustrated and impatient about that as I was in the past; as I said, money is flowing to me in awesome ways; I already received impulses (which I acted upon) that position me to have that reality and I see those becoming more and more valuable every week.
So I AM a multi-millionaire. One that is gradually coming into reality from my future. Good stuff! 😃
Moving through to love, joy fun
I love knowing that, because knowing that I can feel the (self) love, joy and fun of living in the now, while seeing evidence of my millions coming to me.
People suffer from frustration, impatience and sometimes even anger over not getting what they want all the time. The way out is recognizing what those emotions say, then doing something about it.
Do that, and (self) love, joy, fun, happiness – everything we’re wanting – comes easily. And when I’m a match to love, joy fun and happiness, then everything I want must come too.
This is an awesome story about how I created my way out of a job. That creative desire left me more convinced than ever that being Positively Focused leads to the best life possible.
This story comes in three parts. Part one shares the awesome story of my divorce. Part two describes what happened next. Part three shows how I have created a whole new reality, one in which I focus all my time and joy on doing things I love, instead of working a job with a boss, a paycheck and the 9 – 5.
Part one: the best divorce ever
I enjoyed being married because it forced me to focus on the only place unconditional love comes: from myself.
I married my wife even though she was looking to be with a woman and I was looking to be with a transgender woman. She said I was the answer to a spiritual process she completed in her church. Though we both knew what each other wanted, we married any way. To me we didn’t marry for love. It was for spiritual growth.
My wife and I met online. After some months, it was obvious something was there. A sense of togetherness existed, not really romance, but a deeper connection, one born of spiritual resonance. My wife had many problems born of her family of origin, problems I believe she came into reality to become more through. I saw these and wanted to do my part, to play my role in that process. That’s why I married her.
We passed through the first few months in heady fantasy. I ignored obvious signs of trouble, both coming from her and in myself. After the “honeymoon” things started getting real.
I won’t go into details
That would be too long. One day I lay in bed contemplating my next moves after a failed start-up investment. My wife came in the bedroom, looked at me and said “you know, you’re not attractive when you’re moping around like this. Maybe you should spend more time with Law of Attraction.”
At the time I showed interest in that, but a passing interest at best. I didn’t really believe it. This was over five years ago. Little did I know my wife’s prodding began the best time of my life (so far).
Not only did I heed my wife’s urgings I dove head-first into it. I read Law of Attraction books, but only books written by the person who coined the term. Then I started studying works from Seth and Jane Roberts. Later, I encountered Ayahuasca, the plant medicine originating from Peru and now known around the world as a powerful antidote to trauma and other psychological issues.
I didn’t have any of those, but wow, doors Mother Ayahuasca opened dazzled me. Then came a series of high profile experiences with Law of Attraction, which I’ll write about later.
Positively focused: the turning point
Many, many high profile experiences happened over ensuing years which, I think, caused my wife to feel jealous and resentful about what was happening. I don’t blame her, it was part of the process. But her resentment and my frustration widened the gap growing between her and I as I moved more towards my authenticity and she moved towards what she wanted. We both wanted different things, with different people. Our relationship gaped like the Mariana Trench.
Our non-existent sexual relationship dissatisfied her too. I ignored it along with her complaints. I credit our sexual incompatibility to my original search for a transgender partner, and her, I believe, still submerged desire to be with women. Sex not part of our routine, which she complained about more and more, mostly to her friends. Over time, they convinced her that staying in the relationship was a bad idea.
Things got worse and worse (or better and better) for us both. Following specific instruction from all my sources – Aya, Abraham, Seth, and my own personal trinity – I interacted with her less and less.
At one point, she invited me to an open marriage. I knew giving me permission tacitly gave her permission, which is what she really wanted. No biggie, I thought, it was a step in our marriage’s final countdown. As she found a semblance of sexual satisfaction from other men and I focused more on my Inner Being relationship, things came more and more to the wonderful outcome I didn’t expect, but at the same time felt loomed.
My marching orders 😂
Finally, she gave me an ultimatum. I had to move out of her home where we lived. I wasn’t surprised, but I also hadn’t prepared at all for it. I had a small amount of money and no stable income. I had no place to live and roughly three weeks to find one. I had no car and very little other possessions.
But I was happy.
More happy than I had been in a long time. Even facing divorce, with no real human friends and little else, I was happy and I had my Inner Being. I knew that’s all I needed.
By the time she gave her ultimatum, I knew anything was possible. I eagerly looked forward to that possibility. Leaving my wife, at her strong suggestion, launched me on the glorious Positively Focused path I find myself today.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. Here I answer questions I get through the internets. I share them here with you as they may help feel inspired to be more Positively Focused.
Someone asked: Why do we have soul contracts with people that will eventually end up hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health?
Answer: First, they aren’t really “contracts”…
Connections we have with others represent the energy stream that we are. It seems we are individuals living in separate bodies, but beneath that interpretation, which feels so, and is very real….beneath that lies the actual phenomena of All That Is: a stream of awareized energy that we all are, divided into categories or families, if you will, subdivided into yet more categories, organized according to “harmonics”…vibratory patterns of awareized energy distinguished and organized around timeless “core values” or “intents”.
These “soul contracts” as you describe them are such organizations. They aren’t hard and fast “pacts” like a compact, rather they are resonance patterns or harmonics that can be felt. That’s why they feel like “contracts”: inescapable, irresistible.
Ok, that’s the pretty theory. Now for the practical answer…that you might not enjoy reading. 😊
It’s all about more and better
No one hurts, kills or destroys us mentally or otherwise. That’s our doing. Each being with whom we have significant contact exists within us as an inseparable aspect of that unique organization stream I mentioned above, rising and falling in harmony with our own core intents.
They serve an extremely valuable purpose in our lives. They help us shape ourselves into our ideal self. That image we know ourselves to be in nonphysical, that we wish to express in physical through our core intents. This ultimately leads to our Charmed Life.
Ideally, these relationships focus us inward. There we find our invincibility and unconditional love…for ourselves, for others and for circumstances. In that love we find our stability from which we pursue and realize our wildest desires as deliberate creators, our Charmed Life, in other words. In realizing our desires, we transform physical reality in ways we knew we would before we choose to come here.
However…in many cases, such as the ones you describe with “eventually end up hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health”, instead of finding freedom, joy and unconditional love, we focus on aspects of these partners that seem to drive us crazy. In doing that, we create increasingly amplified versions of those things, react to them and in our reactions, amplify those things even more. In that way we create a downward spiral of increasingly negative created reality conditions.
The fury, the exasperation, the anguish, and, yes, the circumstances that end up looking like “hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health” are actually OUR creation. They are what happens when we don’t use those relationships they way they are meant: as catalyzers for inner exploration and awakening.
A personal example will help
For example, my ex wife was such a person. She was horrible in many ways and an angel in others. It took great effort to take my attention from what I perceived she was doing “to me” and put it on my inner reality. I knew finding within myself the unconditional love I wanted was key. Neither she, nor anyone else could give me that.
Standing there, in that unconditional love, I could allow her to be as she chose to be…even when she slept with other men. Even when she and her friends railed against me. Even when she filed for divorce.
Everything she did was positive. It all served a positive purpose for me. Getting the positive aspects in those situations required cultivating an unconditional, stable love for her and for myself. I know I succeeded because, as I wrote above, I found my resonance with my eternity, my invincibility, my Inner Being awareness and thus my enlightenment.
I remember one night, not long before the divorce was final, where she and I stood in her living room on the verge of actual physical violence. That’s how out of balance we both were. It never came to real blows, but it certainly could have.
We co-create enlightenment
The point of all this is, no one does anything to us, we do it to ourselves through the interpretations we make about what we observe and the reality borne from them. Most people don’t know that so their interpretations go unexamined.
Instead of owning their created realities, including outcomes of hurt, death and diminished mental health, and doing something productive about that, they blame their partner, soul mate, “twin flame” or whatever. When all the while that other person had the potential of being a catalyst for enlightenment.
We each create our realities. No one does that for us. But some people help facilitate our creative abilities, if we are responsible enough to accept the catalyzing stimulus flowing from the awareized energy stream that is at once us and our “soul mates”.
I stopped using alarm clocks….I can’t remember when. These days I lightly intend the next day, the day before. Rather than plan a to-do list, things I want to check off tomorrow, I tune my vibration, my feeling tone, my Moment of Becoming so that tomorrow feels fun and adventuresome.
All That Is then gets to work, setting my agenda for me, including dreams and their messages. Including what time I wake.
When I do wake, it’s effortless, easy and delightful. Impulses I receive inspire my action. By the end of the day, the day completes itself. Full of fun and creation, I end each day, these days, happy and ready for another dream state adventure and another wake state day after that. Life is a dream, adventuresome, joyful.
All That Is does my to-dos
This week I noticed my food stores running low. Over the last few days I compiled a list of things I’d enjoy eating. That list included ripening tomatoes and kale from my garden. All That Is, over this week, inspired other list items while also inspiring when where and how these items would fill my fridge. This morning I’m playful and eager, rather than head-down and determined, as I would be were I still in the 9-to-5 grind.
My Heirloom Tomatoes Ripening
My Mini Tomatoes doing the same.
So much life richness happens every moment since I chose living Positively Focused, which means living life’s dream, living on purpose, putting spirituality first and foremost. Describing that richness in words dries it out like turning juicy, mouthwatering beef into tough, dry jerky. Life’s beautiful, joyful experience wherein I play with myself (All That Is) in wonder-filled Co-creation defies description.
My diligent clients gradually get this. When their life gets this good, this fun and when love gets this constant and unwavering, none of them want to go back living and loving the way they once did.
I know the feeling.
The work-focused, American Dream lifestyle, lived on clock time with most of the day spent in jobs worked for money and vacuous sleep states where the sleeper sleeps oblivious to nonphysical’s grandeur, interests me not.
What I live now makes that life an absurdity, an abomination, a Christian’s hell right here on earthly heaven.
Here In Heaven
A housemate asked what I do for income. I gave an insincere, dishonest answer about about my projects. I don’t do my projects for money. I don’t do anything for money anymore. I create heaven; life fills in around that.
I live my life according to the great masters, finding glory in creating reality, glorifying All That Is as an integral component of creating life. It’s fun, living Positively Focused. There I find joy and satisfaction nearly moment-by-moment, heaven lived right here, where spiritual and material stand synonymous with one another. There, money comes as everything else: my creation, to the degree I’m ready, not because of something I do.
I “do” consistent with what I “be”. Then I “have” consistent with that. I be a spiritual being, sharing my love of living, of physical and nonphysical, with others so they may leave behind their alarm clocks.
I have life consistent with that. Being, doing then having. That’s the formula.
Most people live the other way around. They can’t be what they want until they have what they want. And they believe they can’t have what they want until they do something to get it.
I know better.
I could write it wasn’t easy getting here. But it was easy. My Positively Focused perspective transforms once hard moments into joyful adventures and fun times. As I change my present moment experiences through being Positively Focused, past and future change too. “Hard” becomes easy and fun, life gets easy.
Same with my relationship to money. I stopped pursuing it. It now pursues me, All That Is in a body on Earth, expressing freedom that is All That Is, for the fun, the expansion of that, and the joy inherent in it. I’m happy. Happy as a flower.
It’s fun putting God to the test and watching God exceed my test expectations. That’s what happened this morning on my walk.
I know I am God in a human body. Don’t freak out reading that. Everyone is God in human bodies.
Sometimes it’s nice testing my godhood. It’s fun, and it assures me my desires are flowing easily into my life experience. Evidence abounds in that regard, but, every so often creating an event immediately tells me, yup! I’m doing it, I’m creating my reality.
The challenge with creating reality and the reason so many try this “manifestation business” and fail, is because specificity and focus are important. People who fail at creation don’t realize their “failure” actually is success. Here’s why.
If I want something really bad, that’s great, so long as I’m focused on what it is I want. It’s easy, though, in my focus on what I want, to instead focus on the opposite of what I want, which is the absence of what I want, or what I already have.
For example, say I want a new relationship and I’m in a relationship I don’t like. If I focus on all the things I don’t like about the relationship I have, and focusing there, I ask for a new relationship, I’m not going to manifest a new relationship. Instead, I’m going to manifest more of what I have: the relationship I’ve got.
I know I must turn my focus to what I want, not what I’ve got. I know I’ve done that by using my emotions as my guide. I know I’m getting what I want when I feel great in the now, the Moment of Becoming.
The Universe will deliver the essence of everything I ask for. Testing this assertion helps calibrate my focus so I know when I’m focusing on what I want instead of what I don’t. It’s a fun way of refining that important skill.
So that’s what I did this morning. I like testing God (that’s me) by using subjects I don’t have lots of desire about. It’s easier focusing when there isn’t a lot of momentum behind the desire itself. Here’s what I did:
I said I wanted to see a rabbit on my walk somewhere. I live in an urban neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. Houses and apartments and paved streets and alleys define my neighborhood. There aren’t a lot of wooded areas, so seeing a wild rabbit would be amazing. But I knew I can manifest anything I want if my desire is strong enough and, most importantly, my resistance to the desire is weak or non existent.
I focused on how it would feel seeing a rabbit. I held that image for a little over a minute, to get the creative momentum moving. In my imagination I saw the rabbit’s brown fur, its black eyes….I thought about petting the rabbit and how soft it would feel so long as it didn’t bite me 😂. That made me feel happy, a crucial indicator.
I’m clear All That Is delivers the essence of what ask. I know that often means delights beyond my specific ask. So it’s better asking generally rather than specifically because what comes can be missed if I’m too specific about what I want. So while I asked for a rabbit, what I focused on was the fur, the eyes and how it would feel to see something like that in my city.
Then I dropped it. I paid no attention to my request. I enjoyed my walk, the city, the morning air, the flowers and other people out walking.
It was a nearly four mile walk. Returning to the house where I live, I turned a corner one block from home and…not 20 feet in front of me….was a coyote. It looked at me with black eyes…and it had brown fur.
A Coyote a few steps right in front of me! In the middle of town!
Before I could snap a picture with my phone, it ran off around the corner, but as I got to the end of the block, it came running back around the corner. That’s when I got a video of her!
God passed! What a demonstration!
I know I am God in a physical body. I know I create reality through my interaction with it. My thoughts and emotions tell me what creations I’m creating. I share my experiences through this blog because the sharing is fun, but also to encourage others into their full creative potential so they can have as much fun as I’m having.
It really is fun creating reality. I love putting God to the test and then seeing how I exceed my own expectations.