I love how life experience surrounds me with evidence of my clarity. This morning, I’m seeing “the web of life” exemplified through actual webs: spider webs.
Yesterday my landlord expressed shock at the spider population. One can’t walk three feet in a garden or a yard and not run into spider webs. They are everywhere; including indoors: my room, common spaces, and, of course, outside.
Today spiders don’t bug me. Their being proves life’s abundance. I’ve blogged before about seeing coyotes, rabbits, deer, snakes, opossum and raccoon. Not to mention insects, rats and, yes, spiders. Life proves life’s abundance.
Through focus on life abundance, I find it easier seeing material and financial abundance. When material and financial matters generate adventure and eagerness instead of worry and lack, then “material and financial abundance” no longer feels like new age pap. I start seeing it everywhere, then feel it too. Feeling abundance leads to experiencing abundance. I know everything starts with “being” and “feeling” is what “being” is all about.
Life sustains life
After sharing her spider tales, I told my landlord about my experience seeing a wasp one morning delicately snatch a spider straight from the center of its web. The wasp carried the spider to a leafy branch, a few feet away. There it stung the spider, then ate it.
The wasp did this twice more, leaving three perfectly spun webs devoid of their creators. I felt blessed seeing this web of life at work.

Looking at spider webs I used to think they were traps where life gets extinguished. Now I see them as webs of life, as spiders need to feed too and every spider potentially feeds wasps. Every death is a suicide, so I know those who ensnare themselves in spiders’ webs, do so on purpose.
These days, when I feel a web’s gentle touch on my arm, my face or bare leg while walking through a park, my yard, or through my room, I no longer feel shock and surprise. These days when I see a spider inside, I do my best to escort the little lover outdoors. They are living expressions of All That Is, as am I. They don’t deserve to live, they are life. I get their connection to me and me to them. It goes deeper than the feeling of their webs across my body or knowing through a long string of cooperation, I am as the spider and as the wasp. I know now all life, every kind no matter its size, contributes to the whole.
So when I see a spider indoors, or when I stumble into a web, I no longer kill the web-spinner…most of the time. Instead I marvel at how complete and effusive the web of life stretches; and appreciate my part in its interconnectedness.