Mind-Blowing Sex Comes Easily By Being Positively Focused šŸ˜„

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash Positively Focused
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Sex is fun. Sex is more fun when you love yourself. Being Positively Focused creates self-love that knows no bounds. There, sex, even solo-sex, leaves knees weak, and libido highly satisfied.

My best sex ever happens when I’m by myself. Although I’m not by myself. My Broader Perspective is with me loving me as I love myself. When I have sex with myself, my entire Personal Trinity is there too. So it’s really an orgy šŸ˜‚. An orgy of ecstasy.

The last time I had sex with myself, it left me weak for hours. The passion, the joy, the LOVE was so abundant…sex with others just can’t compare.

It seems weird that our society considers self-pleasure sinful or weird or even secondary to giving one’s self to another. Often times we give ourselves in casual situations, as if giving ourselves means little. I used to think sex wasn’t sex if it happened alone. That’s “masturbation”…a very unsexy word if you ask me. Where’s the romance in “masturbation”?

“Masturbation”: society says: “Don’t touch that!”. They’re wrong! Touch it! (Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash)

In my experience, joy of sex is off-the-charts when performed solo. That’s because through being Positively Focused, I’ve come to love my self.

My self-love knows no bounds. Why wouldn’t I be at the top of my list of people I want to have sex with? What’s more, knowing what I know, with weak-in-the-knees solo-sexual experiences part of my life now, why would I share myself with someone I hardly know, someone who likely is no where near as connected to themself as I am to me?

The tyranny of no connection

I get how desperation leads people to fucking almost anyone. So many people have no real connection with another. It’s rarer still that a person has a deep, real connection with themselves. Desperate to find connection, they look for it through the penis or vagina or other body parts of another, rather than finding the only source of unconditional, unbridled and ecstatic connection: with themselves.

It’s no surprise when sex amounts to “getting one’s rocks off”, or it gets stale after having sex with the same person over and over. Even someone you really (think you) love.

I’ve been there. I’ve done that.

And there I usually felt post-orgasm dissatisfaction. The more causal the experience, the more unsatisfying it was after the fact. It was fun during. But the aftermath…well, it was emotional aftermath.

Now I know better.

Casual sex with no connection gives momentary pleasure, but connection is better. Especially self-connection. (Photo by We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash)

Fully accepting me and feeling good

Loving me means knowing me and accepting me. That means knowing and accepting what I like. I enjoy what I enjoy and the more I do it, and accept that I’m doing it and enjoying it, the more joy I get from it.

So many stories out there say what feels good is bad.

It’s the opposite people!

What’s good is good. What’s good leads you to more good. Follow that good-trail and before you know it, you’re in bliss…in bed, by yourself, yes, but also out in the world. Here’s the fringe bennie: when you’re chronically in bliss, you can’t help but meet blissful people. All those assholes? They can’t find you!

Why on earth do we have positive feelings for?

A client describes how being blissful causes old beliefs creating old realities to pale in comparison.

It’s deliciously mind-blowing

Accepting me happened over many years. Being Positively Focused helped a lot. I’m glad I’m here, loving myself in bed and while moving through my day. Nothing compares to that. No one else’s attention matters more to me than attention I pay to myself.

And in that selfishness, I discover doing things I want to do, having things I want to have and being happy…all come easily. Joyful ecstasy of the Charmed Life. It’s available to everyone. And it will make anyone weak in the knees.

How I Easily Created An Awesome Job-Free Life

Positively Focused makes jobs irrelevant. If you want them to be.
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

This is part three of a three part series on how I created a life where I no longer have to work a job. It began when my wife gave me an ultimatum. What came after that was a wonderful unfolding culminating in where I am today: no longer working a job, money coming in easily with little effort on my part and a life filled with joyful moments of clarity, peace, and joy.

In this post Iā€™m going to describe what happened after starting work at the bridging job I created. I described how I created that job in part two.

A job let me live job-free

I went to work for this company. It was a wonderful time where I explored working for a very large successful Corporation again after working at Intel many years ago. This job was much more manual labor focused. I delivered packages around town in a truck.

I enjoyed this work. And I enjoyed working with people who typically take these kinds of jobs. I worked mostly in white-collar executive positions, wearing snazzy clothes in large offices. This opportunity opened my eyes to a different type of people. I had not had the opportunity to work alongside laborers, people who traded their labor for income. What I learned surprised me.

A picture of me at the wheel of my delivery vehicle while on my “bridging job.”

I wrote about many of these eye-opening experiences in this blog. Most fascinating is, when I look back on that job remembering how much fun I had, I also see how that job filled its purpose exactly as I designed it: as the bridging job that would take me from earning a living through a job, to having money flow easily into my life experience without working for it.

While working there, I changed old beliefs that had me tied to wanting jobs. Beliefs such as ā€œa job says a lot about your self worthā€, and, ā€œworking for a big company carries a lot of statusā€, and ā€œmaking money says a lot about who you areā€. Using the Positively Focused approach I soothed these old beliefs so the reality I wanted as my life became the life I have: one where none of these beliefs exist and I live job-free.

Happiness creates opportunity

So it was no surprise to me that shortly after the start of 2020, rumblings among the permanent staff indicated there might likely be layoffs coming. Our jobs were seasonal, but the permanent staff suggested here and there that our jobs might become permanent.

The rumors caused tremendous upset among my fellow drivers. For many, this job was all they had. Others hoped this delivery jobs were ground-floor opportunities to better, permanent jobs.

I was eager for whatever was going to happen. I knew what was going to happen would serve me best. I was not at the whim of this company: I was creating my reality. Not them.

So during my time delivering packages, I reveled in the experience. I immersed myself in the process. I figured out ways to improve and make more efficient the process. I gave that information to my manager who forwarded it to her manager. The management team was excited about what I had written. They gave me kudos for doing so.

I found myself really enjoying this work. I enjoyed the physicality of it. I enjoyed being out on my own. I enjoyed exploring parts of the city I hadn’t explored before. All in all, I enjoyed this job. I did not see it as a job, because it wasnā€™t for me. Instead it was a ā€œbridging opportunityā€œ toward the reality I was creating.

Finally, just after the new year, rumors intensified that layoffs were coming. Instead of coming in the following week, I decided to take all the sick leave I accumulated. While on leave, I turned my attention toward my desires: to move through the rest of 2020 with money flowing into my life without me working a job.

The week I took off, the company terminated all seasonal driver positions. Everyone arrived at their shift and got their termination letter. My fellow drivers wrote me text messages upset about how they felt the company treated them.

They were really frustrated and annoyed and feeling disrespected that they showed up for work only to be dismissed.

Not me.

I was at home luxuriating in my bed, reveling in the future that was flowing into my life.

Me again in the delivery driver vehicle compound.

Then it happened

Several days later, I received a letter notifying me that I have been laid off. But that was no concern because I was enjoying my life.

Thatā€™s because, just before receiving the letter that I was laid off, A person who follows my passion project called Copiosis wrote me a message on WhatsApp. He said he wanted me to be able to put more time on that project, and was sending me cryptocurrency in an amount sufficient to pay for my living expenses for the rest of the year.

I was not expecting this specifically. The message floored me. I knew something like this would happen. I just didnā€™t know what the details of the happening would looked like.

You can imagine my delight upon receiving that message. But what really excited me was how much bitcoin he gave me. True to this person’s word, the money in cryptocurrency he sent me paid my rent and living expenses for the rest of the year.

In other words, the universe coordinated the cooperative components ā€“ leaving my wife, creating a job, an apartment (which I may write about), and this easy transition to a jobless life ā€“ consistent with my desires: living without a job, and, having money come in without me having to do anything for it.

Whatā€™s interesting is, the same person gave me another cryptocurrency gift at the end of 2020. That particular gift came just as Bitcoin took off on a months-long rally. Every month thereafter, the rally increased the value of the amount he gave me by 1/3. That was enough to generate enough cash to last me throughout 2021.

Meanwhile, more Positively Focused clients came, eager to learn how to create their reality. Today my basic living expenses are covered by the cryptocurrency gift combined with the amount of money my clients gift me in return for the transformed lives they get.

Wait a minute…

You may ask: arenā€™t you working when you serve these clients or when you do things for Copiosis? My answer: not at all.

Because when Iā€™m giving time to my clients, I’m Positively Focused. Being Positively Focused, especially being Positively Focused with another person, doesnā€™t feel at all like ā€œworking”. It’s play, it’s joyful and it’s fun.

It is filled with laughter, with epiphanies, insights and realizations, all of which lead to more and better, not only for my clients, but for me too.

Copiosis is a fun, joyful adventure. It’s not a job. I see it as a playground where I get to practice what I preach in Positively Focused.

So by serving my clients I am creating a more and better life for myself. Thatā€™s not working. Thatā€™s enjoying the reality I am creating, realities I am co-creating alongside my clients. Copiosis is like that too.

Today, as I sit in bed dictating this blog post, all my expenses, including enough for entertainment and pleasure expenses, are covered without me having to do anything that looks and feels like a ā€œjobā€. I created exactly the reality that I had intended as I was leaving my wife.

I should add, that anyone can have this life. Anyone can create any reality they want. This is what I show my clients how to do. This is how life is meant to be.

We all came into the world not to mimic what other people are doing. We’re here to make real worlds of our own design matching our wildest desires.

Nothing else feels as satisfying as that. The more I live my life consistent with my wildest desires, the better I feel and the better life gets.

Thereā€™s more to come. And Iā€™m eager for all of it.

How I Easily Created A Job That Thrilled Me

This is part two of a three part series I’m sharing detailing how a series of major life experiences left me more convinced than ever that being Positively Focused leads to the best life possible. Part one shared the awesome story of my divorce. This part describes what happened next.

Recall my soon-to-be-ex-wife gave me my marching orders as an ultimatum: leave my house by the end of the month. I had a small amount of money and no stable income. I had no place to live, roughly three weeks to find one, no car and very little other possessions.

But I was happy. More happy than I had been in a long time. I was happy and I had my Inner Being.

I knew that’s all I needed. I knew anything was possible. I looked forward to that possibility….but.

What I needed now was an income

At the time my dominant belief was “income comes from jobs”. Today I don’t believe that at all. Income comes in any way I believe it comes, not just from a job, and that’s what’s happening in my life these days.

Back then, though, faced with needing an income, I didn’t believe what I believe now. I needed a job. I believed in my Inner Being though, and I wanted to use this experience to further strengthen my belief, to turn my belief into knowing that my Inner Being had my back.

My Inner Being at that time told me a job was the best way to income because my dominant beliefs wouldn’t allow any other income to come my way.

But it also said I can look at any job that comes, not as a permanent thing, but as a bridging job that would allow me to bridge my belief and my desire.

My beliefs told me income comes from jobs. But my desire at the time was “I want a reality where money just comes. It’s not dependent on working.”

That eventually happened, but back then, two years ago, I couldn’t jump straight from believing “income comes from jobs” to “income just comes”.

I needed an income while I changed my reality. Thus, the bridging job.

I did it my way

But I wasnā€™t going to get a job the normal way. I wanted the job through a Positively Focused approach. Having that happen meant remembering five key points:

  1. Creation rarely happens in an instant. It happens through steadily increasing momentum. The result I want is immediate in non-physical, but, materialization takes a while.
  2. By the time I know I desire something, it’s done. But its materialization depends on me receiving messages leading me to the doneness. If I’m not open, or in tune, it gets delayed.
  3. I know I’m ready when I’m consistently Positively Focused. That’s because my Experience of Origin and my Reality of Origin are pure positive energy. Being in tune means experiencing physical reality the same way I experience non-physical reality: with as little resistance possible. Resistance is lowest when Positively Focused.
  4. Looking for the result slows it down. This is important. Looking for the manifestation puts energy on its absence. Manifestations happen quickest when I’m not looking for them.
  5. Early signs of manifestations feel like a thought interruption. I know when I’ve received the message when a thought happens that I’m not thinking. Meditation helps condition my mental atmosphere so it isn’t noisy. In that peaceful mind-state, such messages stand out from ordinary thought.

Aware of these five points I knew creating my bridging job could be easy. I wanted to be the evidence of that.

Of course, that’s what happened.

One day, after receiving my wife’s ultimatum, I went for a walk. While out there, I wasn’t thinking about getting a job. I was thinking about my resistance about getting one.

  • I didn’t want a job that would consume all my energy like professional jobs I’ve had.
  • I wanted capacity after work to work on my projects.
  • I didn’t want to get up early to go to work and spend my mornings (my valuable creative time) working for someone else.

Then I caught myself. I realized I wasn’t Positively Focused thinking about what I didn’t want. I needed to think about what I did want.

So I thought instead about how a job matching everything I wanted would feel. I dropped my criteria about hours, intensity and all that. Instead, I focused on how it would feel getting a satisfying job.

I had no idea what kind of job that might be. Or how much it would pay. I was a blank slate. Fertile ground for my Inner Being.

Matching my physical reality with my Inner Reality is the best way to hear impulses from my Inner Reality. So while I walked, I thought “how would my Inner Being feel about me having the perfect job?”

What came to me was:

“Triumphant, appreciative, jubilant and joyful”.

That was the message I wanted. It came out of the question. It wasn’t me thinking that thought. The thought came on its own.

Now that I received that feeling impulse, I next put attention on these emotions. Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy…I let them build. The longer I lingered on them, the better and better I felt.

Soon I felt great, over-the-top positivity. And how could I not? Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy feel great, right?

After three minutes…

The name of the company I would work at appeared in my head. I knew it wasn’t me thinking that name because my thoughts were on the good feelings. Besides, that company name wouldn’t have come into my head. I rarely think about it.

Nothing else followed the name of that company. It came so suddenly, then it was gone. I was thrilled and fascinated. I felt no resistance at all. It happened just like my Inner Being said it would.

Eager and excited, I continued my walk.

At the end of my walk, I sat alongside a river’s edge. I pulled out my phone and looked up this company. Was I surprised to see they were hiring? Nope.

The view from where I sat by the river.

I applied on the spot. In an hour, I got a hire date contingent on next steps. First I had to video record one-minute answers to three questions. Later that week, I had to pee in a cup. The proctor told me supposing no disqualifying indications, I would start on my start date.

And that’s what happened. In less than a week, I went from wondering about a job, to getting one. No resume prep. No searches. No interviews. Only a piss test.

As surprising as how that job happened was how much I enjoyed working that job. It was fun. I enjoyed people I worked with. And when the end of the bridging job came, it came in ways equally as amazing as it started.

But that’s part three

That job offered everything I needed at that time; enough income to cover all my basic needs plus a little spending money, and shift work allowing ample morning time to meditate and work on my projects. The work itself was easy and left lots of mental leeway to practice being Positively Focused.

It also was energizing, physically rigorous and attention-consuming work so my 8-hour shifts flew by.

Getting the job this way showed how powerful being Positively Focused is. It also showed how faith is unnecessary. Tangible evidence is overwhelming if one looks where it is. Looking there lowers resistance, which makes manifesting easier.

Next time, in part three, I share how I easily got my place to live and then what happened when I came to the end of my bridging job.

Why Spiritual Journeys Are Hard For Some People

being positively focused is the way
Positively Focused is the way to go. Anguish can be good.
Photo byĀ Armin LotfiĀ onĀ Unsplash

All clients starting a Positively Focused path experience life falling apart. That’s because recalibrations happen almost at once.

Those recalibrations happen any time one begins a spiritual path true to universal premises. So “life falling apart” is a good thing, an indicator the path works, a indicator the path contains accurate wisdom.

Still, such recalibrations can be so frightful for some, without a mentor, they will abandon the path. Some even give up even while having someone guiding them.

One such client came to me in great pain. Her living situation sucks. She lives in a strong, patriarchal, Middle Eastern country. Her father sexually abuses this client, who is in her 20s. Neither her mother nor her siblings intervene.

At her wits end, she found Positively Focused, reached out and asked for guidance, which I gladly gave. She began the work with me three weeks ago.

After her second session, she bailed.

Her belief constellations pushed back so hard, she couldn’t handle tension existing between her strong existing beliefs about immediate reality, and her equally strong existing desire for more and better, aka a Charmed Life.

An early-stage client’s belief constellations trigger, just before she gives up.

Good news is, “giving up” always is temporary. One way or another, suffering ends. For everyone, death ends suffering. At death we give up resistance to what is and return to pure positive awareness, bliss and unconditional love, which is what we all are.

But for that rare number, suffering ends the moment they take charge of how they create reality. In other words, we need not wait until death to experience overflowing love.

But first one must learn

Tension between existing belief and existing desire is common. Such tension indicates realities one is creating are going to stay the same for a while, rather than become more and better. So it’s important knowing when one has both existing belief and existing desire simultaneously. This is the main reason why physical reality changes so slowly.

Eliminating this tension creates faster realize-ation.

Knowing this becomes obvious once one knows how to see the signs, practices, then witnesses obvious results.

Until then, spiritual seekers will shoot themselves in the feet by attracting thoughts that distract their attention, then express thoughts accurately reflecting their beliefs AND their desire…while not realizing that’s what is going on.

For example, a different client bemoaned his progress because he didn’t experience it as progress. His existing beliefs, the way he sees the world, and his existing desire, wanting more and better according to his circumstances, were in tension. The tension he felt, felt like pain.

What he said (via text) accurately expressed this pain:

A client clues into his obvious progress forward, after not seeing it at all.

But notice how he described his state of “slipping”. He expressed it so accurately and yet, totally missed the clue.

When I showed him the obvious sign, it broke through his resistance. He instantly felt better. Instant emotional improvement indicates massive progress.

Progress is always right in front of your face

Notice his statement’s accuracy. Notice he didn’t say “1 step forward, 2 steps back.” That would have told a different story, one where he was slipping.

But he wasn’t slipping. He was moving forward. He just didn’t see the obvious sign, until I pointed it out.

That’s funny because that happens a lot with people on spiritual paths. They can’t see evidence, even when it’s right in front of them.

It’s hard…until it’s not

A new client gets it.

Many clients tell me being Positively Focused is hard. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Having someone who knows the path helps a lot.

Walking the path without someone showing the way is possible. Some don’t need assistance. But most usually do, which is why I offer what I offer.

It’s painful at first recalibrating to one’s Inner Being, one’s Broader Perspective, rather than being aligned to old stories creating current reality. That pain is optional for those who assiduously use built-in indicators existing for exactly that purpose: making the path not only easy, but fun.

It gets easy for everyone though after momentum builds.

In spiritual practices, early on it can feel like things are going backwards. But even when it feels that way, it’s progress. Knowing that will bring needed relief when feeling frustrated.

I know this from personal experience. So do my clients. Well…most of them šŸ˜ƒ.

The Sweet Spot Feels Sweet And Creates Better Nows

positively focused
positively focused

Itā€™s so fun being Positively Focused. Iā€™m playing more, working less, enjoying more complaining less and the more I do this the better my life gets!

Just woke from a wonderful nap. It was a choice between that, going out for a walk in the cold, cloudless, sunny day, or making cookies. All good, fun things. Or I could have done worked on my projects.

I sat and felt how each felt, listening and feeling each idea for the best combination of alignment and pleasure.

The nap felt best. My dreams and how delightful I feel post-nap show me I made a great choice. My Broader Perspective loves it.

And so do I.

And I woke with plenty of time for my next client. With no alarm clock, or reminder chime waking me or anything!

Andā€¦LOLā€¦I created this blog post effortlessly! So napping rendezvoused me with a perfect thing to write about, thus enabling me to work effortlessly! LOL. So fun!

The Positive Value Of Negative Feelings

Positively Focused creates a positive life even when sad
Photo by AH NP on Unsplash

The power of being Positively Focused shows up most when feeling negative emotions. The following true story shows what to do when one feels such emotions.

I woke Sunday morning to powerful, clear dreams, but also felt negative emotion. It doesn’t matter what the emotions were about. What matters is what I did.

Hereā€™s what I wrote in my journal in response to this realization. Doing something like this anytime negative emotion shows up makes a ton of difference:

Right this moment I am at the same time present to my powerful expanding self and my currently active beliefs.

I know the more I lean toward the first, not only do I create more of that, but the second soothes into its rightful place: subordinate to my dominant powerful desire. I appreciate therefore the combination, because in the combination I get to choose.

  • I get to choose leaning toward my desires
  • I get to choose focus, deliberate focus
  • I get to create a reality consistent with what I want
  • I know focusing feels really good as it does now
  • I know focusing on my desires is the gift the negative emotion brings
  • Therefore I appreciate the negative emotion
  • I know negative emotion was once positive belief
  • I can appreciate the negative emotion
  • I know the negative emotion is indicating beliefs I still hold are active
  • This is purposeful and good
  • I know those beliefs once served me
  • I can appreciate the negative emotion
  • I can appreciate the beliefs too

And as I sit here in my bed, first thing in the morning, I feel the power of my focus. I feel the shifting of the balance of my belief and desire.

  • I like what Iā€™ve just done
  • It feels subtle but sure
  • I feel the shift from slight dominant negative focus to slight dominant positive focus
  • I appreciate that my positively focused practice allows me to recognize the subtle distinction
  • For now I can shift my entire reality experience toward more and better
  • This feels really good
  • This feels like positive emotion
  • ā€œIā€™m feeling happierā€
  • But that statement still contains a little bit of negative emotion
  • My happiness is relative to my previous negative feelings
  • ā€œI feel happyā€, feels better
  • It is focused specifically in the now, with no relation to the past
  • This is the work and I love it
  • My happiness now has turned to appreciation
  • Now my appreciation has turned into eagerness and passion
  • I love feeling eagerness and passion
  • Now my eagerness and passion has turned to love
  • I love feeling love.

So in this process I just went through, I received inspiration from previous awarenesses, which allowed me to know that the combination of negative belief and positive expectation will always be. For the combination allows an eternal being ensconced in the body, which is what I am, to choose.

To choose what? To choose whatā€™s next.

So much happened in the last four minutes doing this practice. I love how much better I feel now just by speaking these words

  • I love how good Iā€™m feeling
  • It feels really really good
  • It feels like joy
  • It feels like self transformation
  • If feels like fun
  • It feels like self love

I know the more I do this, the better my life gets. I also know the better my life gets, the better it can get, for there is no upper limit on how good things can be.

I feel so much better. I feel positively focused. Iā€™ve literally changed my reality. I feel in love with life and in love with myself.

Positively Focused Makes Reality Better And More Fun

Positively Focused makes everything possible

The power of being Positively Focused is undeniable. That’s why all my clients are in various stages of seeing evidence of their lives getting better and better, and more fun.

Here, a client fulfills a long-held desire: a wonderful experience with her daughter, the wonder of which even her daughter acknowledged. That acknowledgment surprised and delighted my client.

A mother re-creates her relationship with her daughter through being Positively Focused.

Not only that, but her grandchildren too got in on the act. They said “We wish you could stay with us all the time.”

How dear. šŸ„²

After months of struggle with her daughter, the client realizes the struggle is unnecessary. When she does, the struggle disappears. Where did the struggle come from? Where did it go?

It wasn’t always this way

Beliefs create reality. It’s undeniable. Not knowing this, people look out into physical reality, seeing their created reality as something objective, separate from them. They then draw conclusions about what they see.

These conclusions we call “thoughts”. Thought enough times, those thoughts become beliefs. In time, beliefs create realities consistent with them, then fade into the background. Beliefs are forgotten, yet they still exist in physical form, before our eyes as our personal, subjective reality. It’s the only reality a person has access to.

Everyone adopts beliefs from childhood onward. They do this while not knowing such beliefs create realities consistent with them. Before they realize it, a trajectory gets created where beliefs create realities continuously.

My client had entire belief constellations about her daughter formed in exactly this way. The constellation included beliefs adopted from her childhood, her experiences with her grandparents and parents, beliefs that created a version of her daughter consistent with them.

In only nine sessions this client transformed her relationship with her daughter. The struggle? Replaced with joy. You can see her happiness in her face, hear it in her tone and in her words. She ends the video with a statement that gets to the meat of the matter.

You create your reality. Learning how, then deliberately using that process makes everything possible. Including new relationships transformed from the toughest family situations.

Life can be fun and continuously better and better. Happiness, being Positively Focused, is the way.

Addendum: When I showed the clip and asked permission to use it from the client, she said: “Almost made me cry. You have my permission to use this. I hope someone might gain insight from my experience.”

Indeed, I know it will.

Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?

Positively Focused Q-A

Iā€™ve added yet another running series ā€œQ/Aā€ to my blog. Itā€™s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Someone asked: Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?

Answer: We humans could benefit from being a little less dramatic.

ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€ā€¦..Whooooooā€¦..Seriously?

Life is supposed to be FUN.

Fear is optional. Having the fun though requires examining so many aspects of how we be. One way we shoot ourselves in the foot is how we be with regard to what comes our of our mouths (or our fingers). This ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€ malarky is a great example.

All this is, is an interpretation, and an unhelpful one at that. If I called it that, Iā€™d be afraid too. But that fear tells you something: It tells you you are misinterpreting whatā€™s really happening.

Most people donā€™t understand what emotions are or what their purpose is, but some are starting to come around. Emotions are extremely important. They serve a purpose. But thatā€™s another storyā€¦one you donā€™t need to know to resolve this question.

The experience humans describe the way youā€™re describing it is simply a turning point. Itā€™s a wonderful opportunity youā€™ve created for yourself, an opportunity to head in the direction of your wildest desires.

But if you fear it, if you see it as some massive, significant, scary event, youā€™re not lining up with the probable future reality this turning point you created offers for your own benefit. What you are lining up with is the suffering, strife, stress and painā€¦all the things ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€ implies. 

Notice that everyone who describes this turning point this way has had experiences consistent with that description. You canā€™t experience it any other way when you believe it to be a ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€.

If people knew this, the moment they heard someone describe it this way, theyā€™d run for the hills because it doesnā€™t have to be a ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€!

So how do you experience this wonderful time, this wonderful moment, this glorious opportunity for what it really is?


I hear you: ā€œThatā€™s easy to sayā€¦Perryā€¦but HOW?ā€ You ask. ā€œEspecially since Iā€™m feeling stuck with this ā€œDark Night of the Soulā€ business!?ā€

Here: Iā€™ll show you:

Start by recognizing and owning that youā€™ve accepted as your own, a common, yet bogus, belief that puts way too much emphasis on negative interpretations of what is actually a wonderful experience. How? Say:

  • This is ok. 
  • Iā€™ve adopted this belief, but I donā€™t have to keep it
  • Itā€™s ok that I adopted it, and Iā€™m ready to change it
  • Itā€™s so cool I can change my mind, change my beliefs
  • I like that I have the ability to change my beliefs
  • I like that it can be pretty easyā€¦

In a few moments of saying six or ten such statements, youā€™ll feel better about these turning points.

Next, start saying things about these turning points that support what Iā€™m saying they are. If you do step one above, step two will be easy!

  • Life is an adventure
  • I like figuring my life out
  • I may have made turns that donā€™t serve me, but like changing my mind, I can change my course
  • I like experiencing the new
  • I can get through this
  • Iā€™ve come this far, why not?
  • I think this is going to be interesting
  • I like being interested in thingsā€¦

Then turn your focus to how youā€™re feeling right now, having done step two. Thatā€™s step three:

  • Wow, I feel better about this whole thing
  • Iā€™m never going to describe turning points that way again, theyā€™re just turning points!
  • I actually feel pretty excited about whatā€™s to come
  • This is going to be funā€¦

And before you know it, youā€™re welcoming it!

Welcome everything life offers you. Whatā€™s really happening is, youā€™re offering your life experience to yourself. When you get that you create your reality, you can start creating any reality you want. Itā€™s easy. And it never has to include a dark night of the soul.

(Notice how I decapitalized the phrase. That helps reduce some of the significance people put on it. LOL šŸ˜‚)

Being Positively Focused Is Rare

ā€œIf you depend on the behavior of another to be a certain way in order for you to feel good, you are on very shaky ground with regard to feeling good. For you cannot control how others be. But you can control what you think. And in controlling what you think, by focusing on thoughts that feel good, you discover peopleā€™s behaviors occur in such ways that feel good to you. And so you control other peopleā€˜s behavior, not by trying to control them, but by controlling your thoughts about them.ā€

My Love Of Life Is Palpable

  • I love where I am
  • I love how good where I am is
  • I lean more and more towards my abundance, and see more abundance as a result
  • I love the peculiar state of seeing with the mind and eyes of god
  • Itā€™s becoming less and less peculiar as I experience it more
  • I love seeing life this way, perfect in every way, in itā€™s always becoming
  • I love how joyful it feels
  • I love how constant that feeling is becoming
  • I love my life
  • I love me
  • I love my Inner Being
  • I love how palpable my love of life becomes the more I love life