Where My Credibility Comes From

Roller coaster pf
Photo: Aiden Roof

“This stuff makes no sense,” A client said. “It totally illogical. How do you know this stuff works?”

This client’s frustrated outburst is part of the path. In only six weeks their relationship transformed, they’re feeling more comfortable in their skin, feeling happier and more excited about life. They’re now pursuing dreams of becoming a well-paid musician by taking practical steps in that direction. Their life: better, their mood: more positive, their experience of life experience: more fun.

Why did such a question come up despite all this evidence?

In a word: momentum.

For a while it’s a roller coaster

When clients first start working with Positively Focused, they get excited. They see evidence of their life getting better everywhere. The more they alter their stories and perspectives, the more evidence they see.

At some point though, old stories reassert themselves. These old stories are living things, like everything else. They enjoy life energy they get when a person focuses their way. When a person stops focusing on old stories, they sort of push back. They don’t want to lose attention they once got.

When they push back, clients feel the negative emotion that comes with that. Momentum ensues and, before you know it, they forget evidence they created that excited them just days ago.

This is normal. It’s also why it helps having someone who’s walked the path and knows what to expect. That’s where I come in.

How do I know all this stuff works?

I know this stuff works because it’s working in my life. I know it works because my desires are coming true all around me. I know this stuff works because I feel excited about this work, I feel excited about life, about living, about the evidence happening in my life, both in physical and nonphysical. I’m excited because life feels so freaking great…and that’s because of this work.

In their frustration, this client couldn’t understand how I have insight to All That Is and “nonphysical”. They couldn’t understand how I speak so confidently about how the Universe works, how it’s designed by us to deliver all we want, and that life is supposed to be a positive adventure. They couldn’t understand how I could know something “limited human consciousness can’t possibly know.”

I told him the reason they can’t understand it is because they’re not yet where I am. I told them human consciousness is only limited when the human believes their consciousness is limited. The reason why I speak with such confidence, I told them, is because I’ve changed my stories, and my reality broadened to include awareness of the nonphysical world.

I have a third degree black belt in nine different martial arts. It took me about five years to get to that level. I once trained others in these schools. When I did, I spoke with the same clarity and confidence about that material as I do about “stories create your reality and here’s how.”

My “Menkyo” certifying my 3 black belts in 9 martial arts schools.

In the martial arts field, what separates my opinion from an opinion of a white belt, someone who is just starting or someone who has now experience at all? Experience, practice, knowledge and wisdom that comes from five years of personal experience with the material, with guidance from a 15 degree blackbelt who’s been training in this material over 35 years.

The same is true with this work. While others focus their attention on perhaps finding love, raising families, building careers, wealth and material satisfaction, I’ve focused my attention on epistemology and ontology using empirical methods applied across a wide variety of “spiritual” fields. I’ve been doing this at least since I was six.

Walking the path makes me an expert

So I am clear. I speak with confidence and clarity in this field in the same way I do in martial arts: I know because I’ve walked this path so long, I just know it.

The cool thing is, anyone can do what I do. With diligence and focus, anyone can have a life they love filled with everything they want and then show others how to get that. Life is meant to be lived happily. Do that and you’ll have a happy life. The question is, how do you “do that”?

That’s what I know and what I show my clients.

By the end of our time together, this client was back in their usual happy space born from doing the work for 12 weeks. They thanked me as my clients usually do: by telling me they love me.

I understand who and what people are. I relate to them from there. When I do, they feel that. When they feel that, they can’t help but express love for me. I’m loving them after all.

Frustration: that’s part of the path at first. Because I know this, I don’t let doubts about my credibility shake my confidence. I do the work, which is why I know what I know. And that’s why I can help people create lives they love.

Transform Your Husband Or Wife Without Their Involvement


This is a Positively Focused client. Like all of Positively Focused clients, he is getting immediate results in creating the relationship he wants. This is why I guarantee the process. It works.

My client is in a relationship with his son’s mother. Their relationship had been very rocky because our client was telling rocky stories about himself, about her and about his relationship. In three sessions, after cleaning up some of his unhelpful stories, his son’s mother started acting different. How? My client stepped into his Moment Of Becoming and created a new version of her.

In this clip, hear him settle into his reality-creation power. He creates people in his reality too, which is why his partner changes as well as his reality.

This client is now on his way to his dreams. He’s excited about the path and finds the work exhilarating, even while recognizing the work, in his words, can be a “blessing and a curse.”

I would say the work puts him where he belongs: at the center of the Universe, ongoingly creating the Universe that surrounds him. There, it does seem like a blessing…when  creating the Universe on purpose.

When not creating on purpose, as the client says here, it becomes curse. Or I could say life shows clients how not creating reality on purpose leads to unnecessary turbulence in reality-creation.

The more my clients discover the joy of living in connection with their Broader Perspectives the more they get what they want. Then, living lives in created realities they don’t want feels awful. But that’s good: How else are my clients supposed to know when they’re creating on purpose, or creating through obliviousness?

Find out more about my client services here.

How I created $10,000

How I created

Life is delightful, and, sometimes challenging.

Last month, in cahoots with Inner Being, I realized over $10,000 in project funding. Rendezvousing with that money came surprisingly and delightfully, which is how “right timing” always feels.

Between jobs last month and with COVID-19 shutting down job opportunities, I slowed down looking for work. In that space, I realized what I wanted more than a job paying the bills, was my projects paying the bills.

But existing stories about my projects paying my bills created ongoing nows consistent with them. That’s why I needed work. I didn’t believe my projects could pay my bills. So that’s the reality I got.

• • •

Earlier this month, I decided I would allow those stories a path out of my awareness. Doing that, I knew they would no longer influence my Moment of Becoming.

Do that long enough, I knew, and stories consistent with my desires would show their momentum. My awareness would expand towards that and, in time, I would experience reality consistent with new stories, instead of what is.

That’s what I started two weeks ago. On Day one, determination reigned. By Day 12, old stories re-asserted themselves. All stories or beliefs or thoughts enjoy leaning toward their fullest expression. Once in the head, getting them out takes work, unless I know what to do, which I do, so it’s not work. It’s easy.

The withdraw
I left some in my account…just in case

My old stories reveled in my then what was. The more I looked for work, the stronger their momentum. Their revelry felt like pressure, fear and anxiety in me. Leading up to Day 12 I entertained thoughts like these:

  • I gotta get a job. My savings are running out.
  • I should take whatever I can get.
  • If I don’t take this job, there may not be others.
  • I’m in competition with others for jobs I want.

But then I reminded myself that I create my reality. Thoughts don’t create my reality. I do, by thinking thoughts. That means I can choose thoughts I think. Choose thoughts that feel good and I know by my good feelings, realities consistent with what my Inner Being has in store for me will become my reality.

That’s what I did. I chose thoughts that feel good. “Thoughts that feel good” sounded like this:

  • I don’t need to take any of these jobs I feel “blah” about
  • There are plenty of jobs available for me…
  • I’m not competing for the job that’s for me. It’s only for me.
  • My Inner Being knows the best job for me.
  • I’ll wait for that best job.

But then, something happened. I began thinking totally different thoughts, thoughts that felt even better!

  • I don’t want a job!
  • I enjoy working on my projects.
  • Why can’t my projects pay my bills?
  • They can!
  • I want that reality!
  • Working on my projects full time feels fun!

That was around Day six. Between Day six and Day 12, old belief constellations reasserted themselves several times each day. They (those beliefs) popped into my head under their own momentum.

Thankfully, I trained myself into monitoring my feelings. Any time I felt bad, I knew old stories popped up, even if I didn’t know what thoughts I thought at that time. Negative emotion usually came when my attention slipped into the future. That’s a no-no because when thinking about a future I want I easily slip into thinking about the “how” and the “when”. How will my projects sustain me? When will that happen? Will it happen before I run out of money?

Those thoughts always conjured negative emotion.

Sometimes I knew what thoughts I thought. Other times, I didn’t. Either way, anytime I felt negative emotion, I pulled my attention back into the now, then focused on the positive beliefs.

When I couldn’t shift my thinking because momentum had too much strength, I took a nap, or did something I enjoy: watch a favorite movie or take a walk.

By Day 14, I had done a lot of all that. I felt good.

On Day 14, I had wonderful dreams and epiphanies I journaled about. Then, one of my Positively Focused clients sent a message on WhatsApp. He’s not only a client, he’s keen about Copiosis, one of my projects. He’s given money to that organization before.

My conversation with my client/gift-giver.

It just so happened, I launched a social media advertising strategy earlier in the week for that project. So I had plenty to show him. The progress excited him. So much so, he said he would give me more money to run that organization. Then he said to use the rest of his gift to fund my living expenses so I could work full time on my projects.

How much was “the rest”? Nine thousand, eight hundred and eighty dollars! I walked right into my desired reality. I withdrew most of that, but kept some in Bitcoin.

• • •

Here’s the thing about all this. That money is great. Now I don’t need a job. It will fund my living expenses for most of the rest of the year. More money is coming, I’m sure.

But what’s more thrilling is what I experienced on the way to this money. The deliberate focus. The lining up with my Inner Being. Clarity coming from that. Positive, wonderful, ecstatic feelings that come from that clarity. Every moment I stayed in the present moment, the Moment of Becoming, I enjoyed throughly. In other words, most of that time I was happy. I’m happy still.

Those times I didn’t I stay in the Moment of Becoming, I see as beneficial too. Without them, I couldn’t tell that I wasn’t in the Moment of Becoming. So even those times benefitted me. 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Getting the $10K is great. But desire fulfillment lasts hardly as long as the anticipation, the joyful expectations, the pleasure that is knowing it’s on its way, and seeing the signs as I move toward that fulfilled desire. Since I’m eternal, new desires will always spring up. So I’ll always be on the way to one desire or another.

That means, life gets mostly lived on a journey towards someplace. Every time I arrive, arrival births new desire. Which is why I know this: Life is about the journey. Not the manifestation.

I Don’t Need Trust When Evidence Abounds


I need trust when there’s no evidence. But there’s evidence everywhere that I create the life I live. It’s important knowing where evidence is. That way I see it.

Evidence is all around me. The more I see, the more I see. There is overwhelming evidence. The only thing keeping me from seeing all that evidence is me.

More specific: What keeps me from seeing all the evidence are old beliefs I keep alive in my Moment of Becoming. Beliefs contrary to what I now know.

When these old beliefs, these old stories stay active, I don’t see the evidence. That’s because these old beliefs say “‘you create your reality’ is bullshit”.

They say my birth was a random chance of molecular and genetic predisposition. They say the universe is uncaring and objective, separate from me. They say I must do as others do to get what I want. They say I’m not unique. I’m not powerful. That I’m not eternal. That I am a small speck.

I know these stories are petering out in me. But their echos remain like ghosts. I know they’re still around, even though evidence supporting them is less visible. I know they’re still around because of how I feel sometimes.

I don’t feel this way as much as I feel ecstasy though.  These days ecstasy predominates.

But I know those old beliefs are still there. Because I sometimes feel a sliver of negative emotion. Standing there, in those stories, trust is needed.

Because there, I can’t see evidence telling me I create reality. Even though the evidence literally is right in my face.

Knowing where the evidence is, finding it regularly, seeing it in great big piles makes trusting unnecessary. That’s why I don’t need trust. I know.

Evidence “I create my reality” dominates. How else can it be?

• • •

Maybe, because people don’t know how to see the evidence, they create stories like “it doesn’t work” or “it’s bullshit”. Or, they call it “wishful thinking”.

Here’s the irony: It is working for these people too. Evidence is all around them.

That it’s not working is the evidence.

It looks like “it doesn’t work” because the story “it doesn’t work” creates life experience confirming that. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Stand in “It doesn’t work” then look for evidence of it working. Life will show you it’s not working. But that’s what you’re creating. So that’s what you’re seeing: it not working. And it working.

If you don’t know how to see the evidence, you’ll feel insecure, powerless and other negative emotions. You might get angry, or indignant. You’ll think you’re right. You’ll write blogs sharing your righteousness. You’ll post “Stories” on Facebook and Instagram. You’ll have facts. And, of course, you will be right.

Life looks overwhelming, with chaotic events, pain, war, nasty politics and violence. It’s enough to keep a person in insecurity and fear. Until that person begins seeing evidence in all that. Evidence showing them they create their reality.

But you’re also not. Life experience created from any attitude (where you stand) matches that attitude. So you are right.

But you’re also not, because the life experience you’re creating is proving what you think. Thus, it is proving “it works” and “it doesn’t work” AT THE SAME TIME 😂😂😂

Negative emotions are strong. Let’s say someone stands in the attitude “it doesn’t work”. Then they look for evidence it does work as a way of trying to prove it doesn’t. In other words, they’re not really looking for evidence it does work. They’re looking for evidence confirming their attitude, which looks like the absence of evidence that it’s working.

When a person does that, they experience a range of emotions. Collectively it may feel like “disbelief” or “doubt”. Even “foolishness”. Foolishness sounds like this:

“I can’t believe I even tried to prove this shit works. I’m an idiot!”

Feeling doubt, the no-evidence-seer will draw to them all kinds of other stories/beliefs. Stories that reinforce their original story. The no-evidence-seer will then act in reinforcing ways. Including telling more stories which create more evidence of it not working. They’ll also draw to them people telling like stories. For the most part, that’s what science does when it considers this subject. 😂

For example, someone who believes science has all the answers might scoff to a friend about what happened. The friend may agree with the no-evidence-seer, themselves being one who also puts great weight in science. Such agreement reinforces the first no-evidence-seer’s beliefs.

What happens eventually is, no-evidence-seers live their lives in insecurity and powerlessness, aka “doubt”. Then they make things happen the hard way: Through effort, struggle, sacrifice.

I know. I was one of those people.

They don’t believe they create their reality. So they look to other people for guidance, advice, what success looks like, what love looks like, what happiness looks like. They don’t know they feel powerless or insecure most of the time because such feelings feel normal to them. Which is why ecstasy feels so extraordinary when it happens. Usually during sex. Or a wonderful meal. But hardly ever any other time.

I once stood in doubt and disbelief. Standing there I couldn’t see evidence. So I did many others do in the same place: looked to others, hid my authentic self, concerned myself with what others thought about me. Not any more.

It’s ironic because ecstasy is supposed to be the dominant life experience.

Insecurity and powerlessness tell the person feeling them something. But the no-evidence-seer misses that message. So, they get lost in the spectacle of a willy-nilly created life. Random lives. Lives where dreams die. Where mediocrity predominates.

There’s nothing wrong with that. Statistically, it’s the average person’s life. And eventually everyone sees the evidence. Everyone sees it the moment they die.

That’s not my path though.

I see evidence everywhere. So I’m clear. I’m ecstatic about All That Is, about life, about my life, about me.

I need trust in the absence of evidence.

But I have plenty evidence.

So I don’t need trust.


Addendum: While editing this story, Apple Music played a song by Nina Simone. It’s called “Feeling Good”. The lyrics are appropriate given what I’ve shared here. I’m feeling good. You can too…

Feeling Good

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin’ on by you know how I feel
It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life for me yeah
And I’m feeling good
Fish in the sea, you know how I feel
River running free, you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel
It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun, you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done, that’s what I mean
And this old world, is a new world
And a bold world for me,
And I’m feeling good
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel
Scent of the pine, you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

The Harsh Reality Of Creating My Reality

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Creating reality is fun.

There are times when it feels shitty though.

To explain: As my reality-creating skills get better, I realize how great being in the “enlightened state” feels. I’ve gotten consistent at it. When I’m there for long periods I feel ecstasy.

I’ve also had 40 years of living life not in that state.

In that not-enlightened state I was creating reality too. A haphazard Willy-nilly one comprised of random thought and focus. That’s a “normal life”.

It’s not always fun seeing that reality show up. Feeling as I do now, that old reality’s emotional content sucks. It’s a far cry from ecstasy.

Momentum Is Everything

I know creating reality deliberately brings instant results. But only in areas with little resistance, negativity and weak negative belief momentum.

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In areas where there’s a lot of resistance, negativity and strong negative belief momentum, I first must soothe all that before I see results.

Then again, feeling resistance, negativity and its associated momentum subside is an immediate result.

So holding my focus on what I want despite evidence it’s not coming, is crucial. There’s always evidence of all potential realities. I must learn to know what improvement looks like. Then focus on that. That’s how I create realities I want.

And that’s why so many miss how great this work is. And how real its results are. They pay too much attention to what doesn’t seem to be improving – when in actuality it is –  instead of noticing improvement showing up.

I know I get more of what I give attention to. It’s that simple. So I pick out and focus on evidence of improvement. And, I get more of that. That’s being Positively Focused.

My current, manifested reality aka The Present Moment  is a mix. It comprises some of what I’ve created, which is still active in my awareness, and what is being created, now by me, through deliberate focus in the Moment of Becoming.

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For example, this post was prompted by an income tax situation with my ex-wife. We had filed jointly when we were married. Having divorced this summer, I was filing single for the first time in a while. I was worried I’d owe a lot of taxes.

These days, I know “worry” tells me I’m creating a reality I don’t want. That’s why it doesn’t feel good.

But the negative feeling of “worry” drew into my experience a brief belief constellation. It comprised all kinds of worrisome thoughts, thoughts that had a basis in reality. A reality I wasn’t wanting.

So I shifted my attention to thoughts that had a basis in a different reality. A reality I wanted. A reality where my taxes would be managed easily.

Guess what?

The first thing that happened was, I felt a lot better. Then, I received a series of impulses of what to do. Following them, I filed my taxes easily. The amount I owed was quite manageable. What I had briefly worried about didn’t come about. Instead, it all worked out. As it always does.

• • •

When thoughts and beliefs surface from times I lived unaware of what I know now I feel shitty. A “normal life” feels normal to people, because they rarely experience ecstasy. They’re used to feeling crappy. Crappy feels normal to them.

For me, a normal life feels shitty because contrasted against ecstasy, anything less feels, well, shitty. I’ve become used to feeling ecstasy.

Which is interesting because, from an enlightened perspective, feeling shitty is a great thing.

Because when I feel shitty these days I instantly I know to reach for feeling better. I know how to do that too. And my experience changes in an instant. So feeling shitty turns out to be positive. It’s a prompt. When I respond to the prompt, I always return to my enlightened state.

I love that state so much. I’m addicted to feeling ecstasy. That’s an addiction worth having.

Wouldn’t you be if you knew what it felt like, and knew ecstasy could be your dominant life condition, conjured at will?

Honestly too, the longer I practice allowing my natural enlightened state, the shorter these negative periods get. The period prompting this post lasted a day and a few hours, for example.


They used to comprise most of my waking life. I complained a lot back then. So I got a lot to complain about. * Which gave me more to complain about.

It seems the shorter those periods get these days, the worse they feel. It also seems the harder I try to get out of one, the longer and more intense it gets. If I catch it early though, I can talk my way into ecstasy again. Sometimes, it’s better observing it with no judgment and let it pass on its own. Like a summer storm.

I know the negative feeling, that intensity, feels so bad because it’s contrasted against how great I’m usually feeling these days.

These days, I’m appreciating the shitty moments more. For they wouldn’t feel so shitty were I not so often feeling ecstatic. They’d feel normal. You know, “In every life a little rain must fall”.

That’s true only if you’re living a “normal life”. I choose an extraordinary one.

• • •

I’m so glad I’m in this awareness state. It feels wonderful knowing what I know, applying it, then seeing fruits of the application.

I know for example these shitty moments benefit me. They are impetuses. They create within me stronger, more urgent desire for consistent oneness with my Inner Reality. So I can feel ecstatic longer and with more intensity. The more I allow that, the more my reality must shape to that consistent, ecstatic state. Meaning, my experience of daily life must include more and more ecstatic experiences. I feel ecstasy when I get what I desire.

Evidence showing up in my life proves that’s what’s happening. Including what just happened, while writing this (see the * below).

I find invincibility in ecstasy. How can my life experience, my physical life, not match to that? It’s cool knowing I can create any reality I want. Right out of the reality I have.

Sometimes creating is harsh.

But it’s worth it.


*Addendum: This is so great. This post is an example of the simultaneity of past, present and future.

I drafted this post on September 28. Long before I wrote the post I linked to above. But in my Broader Perspective I knew in the future I would create the post I linked to in this post. That linked post related a story about my experience at work, a story explaining how complaining gives you more to complain about. So I let this post about the harsh reality of creating reality sit on the back burner, while out of my Moment of Becoming (the future), examples substantiating what I was writing in this post came to pass.  Now I’m editing and preparing to publish this post. It’s December. On November 25, I posted that other post about complaining.

In other words, I knew in the past that, in the future I would write a post I’d want to link to in this post I was writing (in the past), so I let this post sit until that other post was published. Now that it got published, I was moved to finish and publish this one. How cool is that?

Linear time is an illusion.

And my awareness is now broad enough to perceive and delight in this uncanny, awesome experience of the simultaneity of past, present and future! How cool!

The Key To Easily Creating My Best Future Nows

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I know my stories and beliefs about the world create the world. I also know my stories and beliefs are right there, in the forefront of my conscious mind. So it’s easy to see what my future is going to be. I only need to think about what I’m thinking, and believing. And saying.

Soothing thoughts creating realities I don’t want is precious. It’s precious because that’s how I create desired reality.

For example, I know it’s not a given that certain conversations about things have to be tough. There are infinite versions of such conversations in nonphysical representing probable and alternate versions of said conversations.

The conversation has already happened. The question is, which version am I drawing into my experience?

There are versions where such conversations turn into arguments. Versions where they become fist-fights. And there are versions where they’re pleasant, easy and productive too.

The conversation can be hard. But it can be easy too. And fun!

That’s how I want them to be. Pleasant, easy, productive.


The key to creating realities I want instead of ones I don’t is understanding the “Moment of Becoming” (MOB). Then drawing the desired reality I want through that so it becomes my life experience.

How do I do that? I do that through deliberate thinking and feeling.

That’s easy (with practice).

• • •

Every event, every thing, every interaction began first as a thought. The vast majority of events, things and interactions happen with little conscious attention to how they become.

That’s because Humans aren’t aware of what you’re reading. They’re literally overcome with “reality stimulation”.

So they create their individual and collective life experiences without their conscious participation. Which is why so many get the life experiences they have.

I know it is possible to create events, things and interactions on purpose. The way I want them to happen. I know I can create people the same way. That’s what I want. That’s what I’m learning more how to do.

I know, and you know, reality can be created on purpose.  Things like inventions, art and such happen like so. Especially things we buy. Creators of those things go through a creation process not too dissimilar from the one creating reality. Those creations are reality.

I know the same process works for my personal life experience. Everything else too. This personal experience is how I’m practicing making “creating” a regular part of my life experience in this time-space reality. While at the same time refining my creative prowess in other dimensions. Including nonphysical.

Imagine what life can be like when I’m creating on purpose and it unfolds as I’ve intended! It’s happening more and more already.

That’s why I’m excited about life more and more. And more Positively Focused too. The more Positively Focused I am the more life creates according to my purpose.

The more that happens the more thrilled I get. I want to have more. So I get even MORE Positively Focused. Then life gets MORE like how I want it. So I want even more…

It’s the best positive feedback loop ever!

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The positive feedback look that is my waking reality.

Ok…Back to conversations…it’s a great example of how to be Positively Focused.

• • •

Last night my housemates came home well after 10 p.m. Ten begins the “quiet hours” of the day here at the house.

But they weren’t quiet. They had been out drinking and were loud. I had gone to bed at 11 p.m. I woke to their noise. At first I was irritated and annoyed.

My first thoughts were negative about the experience. They’re what I call Thought-Reactions.

  • Ugh, they’re so loud
  • I hope this isn’t going to be a normal thing
  • Don’t they know it’s the quiet hour?
  • I’m going to have to talk with them about this.
  • Ugh, I bet that conversation will not go well

But then I noticed the emotions “irritation” and “annoyance” for what they are.

I knew those emotions meant I wasn’t seeing this experience the way I see it from my Broader Consciousness. Another way of putting that: I was seeing this situation through my old beliefs/stories, rather than beliefs/stories supporting my desired future reality. Emotions I felt were telling me my focus was creating not on purpose.

So I sat in bed, and started thinking different thoughts. I literally made them up, which is what creation is.

I thought thoughts consistent with future experiences I want to have with my housemates.

All future experiences exist right now, alongside the present moment, in the Moment of Becoming as all things do, including probable and alternate pasts, presents and futures. So having them become my reality is a simple process of aligning my thoughts and beliefs so they’re consistent with the reality I want to have.

Here’s how I did that.

First, I thought thoughts that soothed old thoughts I had about my housemates. I could be brief because I caught the momentum early:

  • I can tell hey had a good time
  • I’m glad they enjoyed themselves
  • They’re not always this way…

Then I turned my attention to thoughts about me and what I want:

  • This is a great opportunity
  • I’m glad I’m having this experience
  • It’s giving me an opportunity to practice what I preach 😌
  • I enjoy seeing that this is actually a positive experience
  • Without this experience, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to practice!
  • I love practicing creating reality!
  • I love seeing this practice create positive results!
  • This is a great opportunity I’m giving myself!

Pay attention to what you’re feeling as you read each statement set. As you do, maybe you’ll feel the subtle but real energetic difference between the thoughts. Which thoughts feel better?

Thoughts draw to themselves thoughts like them. All thoughts want to express the fullest version of themselves…right into physical reality. That’s why inventors, artists, writers, etc., get inspiration. An idea “grows” in nonphysical. It’s seeking its full spiritual expression which is physical expression. When it gets to a certain point, it draws to it physical circumstances most likely matching its desire.

Voila! A great invention, work of art or masterpiece! Or a conversation aligned with the creator’s intent.

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It’s how reality happens! An accumulation of “thought” energy sufficient enough to move that energy “forward” into physical expression.

So I know this work at 1 a.m. last night was valuable work.

And doesn’t that mean that my housemates arrival and loudness also was valuable?

Their coming in late catalyzed opportunity to create new future experiences while simultaneously changing past experiences.

Similar past experiences in which I created that first set of negative Thought-Reactions.

It would be easy as I write this to think of past experiences like this one where I felt annoyed and irritated.

Instead of thinking about them now, I’m thinking about that probable future.

The future that I’m creating. The future I want. Where I have a conversation with them that’s light, fun, happy and productive.

And I’m adjusting thoughts and beliefs about that conversation. How it’s going to go. More important: How I’ll feel in it.

Then I’m focusing on those emotions: vibrant, alive, eager, happy, positive, influential, encouraging… As I do, new thoughts come to mind. Images too.

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Thoughts and images about how to communicate with them, what the conversation looks like. How fun it will be. How we’ll joke and laugh about it all.

I know that when I’m creating reality, the right combination of thinking (telling stories), beliefs (stories with a lot of momentum behind them) and emotion is key.  Editing stories and beliefs, which means catching myself when thinking beliefs that create my reality, then changing them by creating preferred stories/thoughts/beliefs that will create my desired reality, is the first step. Sometimes it’s easier pinning the emotion. Beliefs sometimes seem hidden.

I’ll get to that.

Next, turning my attention to emotions which come up as I tell the new stories focuses/amplifies the inexhaustible energy that is what I am. It puts that energy into motion.

That forward motion draws energy like it. In time, so long as I’m aligned with that energy, what I desire must be.

Because all ideas seek their fullest expression. And their fullest expression in this-time space reality is physical.

This is the way a reality creator creates.

• • •

Consider the movie business. A movie producer/director begins first with the idea. Then imagines it expanding into more. Then she writes it down. She creates a script or screenplay. Then she assembles her team and equipment to make it.

The tangibles – the team, the actors, the equipment, and the actual ready-to-view movie, come after the idea is well under way.

She doesn’t start with a finished physical movie, then try to adjust the characters, the scenery, give crew direction, write the script, the camera angles the lighting, etc., after the movie is already made!

That’s what Humans do though. Instead of working with that which creates their reality (their thoughts and beliefs) they try changing the movie itself (the reality they experience).

A producer starts first with an idea.

In the same way, I know I create my reality. I’m most effective when I plan my moments in advance.

My tangibles are thoughts/beliefs/emotions. They are my connection to my Broader Consciousness flowing in nonphysical and always focused on orchestrating what I’m wanting.

My Broader Consciousness delivers what I want in wonderful ways. It is my production crew. And it’s top notch. There’s no movie it can’t create for me. Just look at my dreams!

My Broader Consciousness is me. My Broader Consciousness is my extended self. Too big to fit in physical reality and yet always there focused on me because it is me! And it loves what I’m doing here. Always!

In the same way a movie producer begins with an idea, I know I create reality the same way.

I start first with an idea. Energizing it with thought momentum combined with the powerful energy of my emotions. Then I wait for the right inspiration to act.

Acting or actions aren’t the way things happen. The “happen” has already happened. Acts are the path through which I rendezvous with that which has happened. 

⬆️⬆️ That paragraph is worth re-reading. ⬆️⬆️

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Beliefs/stories are always available in consciousness. They are not buried in some “subconscious” or “ego” or some other hidden place as psychology would advise.

Beliefs/stories only look invisible when they’ve become so active they do two things: 1. They stop being in my awareness because they have become “true” for me. 2. They’ve moved so far forward into expression that they stop being beliefs and show up as my reality!

In other words they ARE true for me. So true I can see them, touch them, feel them. Hear them. Experience them.

By focusing on how I feel in any given moment, I’m aware of the reality I’m creating. Emotions will lead to beliefs which seem hidden but aren’t.

They are easy to find once I know how to look. “Find” isn’t the right word though because beliefs/stories are right in the open expressed as my reality. I know the best place to hide something is right in the open. That also makes “hidden” things easy to “find”.

Creating reality is fun now that I know how it happens. All creators get aid from the best positive feedback loop ever.

But what’s really fun is diving into the process, playing with the tangibles and seeing my movie unfold before my eyes.

Follow up: two nights ago, I had that conversation with my housemates. It was the best creation ever! It started with us just chatting about the day. They happened to all be sitting in the living room so I joined them after pre-paving my reality. After some fun and laughter about our days and life in general, I got the intuition to say the perfect thing which lead to a wonderful outcome about that night that prompted this post.

Our newest housemate just broke up with his girlfriend. He was heartbroken. So my other two housemates took him out for solace. Getting drunk is what some people do to forget for a time. 🙄

My new housemate apologized as did the others. Then we went right on chatting about all kinds of topics including spirituality, wealth, entrepreneurship and more.

It was the best conversation ever. Just as I had intended.

The Best Manifestations Are Those I Stumble Upon

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

How Manifestations happen is a great secret of the Universe. I know Manifestation is instant. The question I put to myself is: Is my awareness broad enough to see it when it happens?

One Universal secret I’m learning through life experience is this: Universal secrets are “hidden” in Plain Sight. Including Manifestations.

As my awareness expands enough to see with Plain Sight, the secrets stop being secrets. They become the way life is.

For example, I know Manifestations are instant in my Experience of Origin. The moment I want something, it’s done in Inner Reality. I know this because I “see” them there, in the Moment of Becoming (MOB).

Compared to Inner  Reality, Physical Reality contains more resistance. It’s part of the framework. That’s a good thing.

Without it, my desires would manifest so fast, I couldn’t keep up.

Besides, I’m not always clear about things I want. Time, which is synonymous with “Resistance“, helps me refine my desires.

Resistance decreases as focus moves from physical reality, through the Moment of Becoming (MOB) towards nonphyisical or Inner Reality.

I’m glad, therefore, that there’s more Resistance in Physical Reality. It allows time to clarify desire.


Physical Reality Manifestations can be instantaneous. Yes, Physical Reality has more built-in Resistance. But resistance I introduce slows Manifestations.

Actually, what happens is my Resistance distorts my reality. So much so I can’t see Manifestations manifesting.

The more Positively Focused I am, the better I see. The more plain my sight gets. In Plain Sight I see manifestations all over the place. That’s because as resistance drops and sight gets plain, awareness expands. Plain Sight means, less distortion. Distortion is seeing reality through my Resistance.

One thing I see in Plain Sight I find surprising: Manifestations almost always deliver on many fulfilled desires.

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My last post, for example, described how my “dream job” manifested. That manifestation was instant. Once I focused, it popped into view. I knew it was “done”. All I had to do was take simple steps to full realization.

That’s how all Manifestations happen. If I have Plain Sight, that is.

But this job also fulfilled another desire. Many actually, but I’ll focus on one in this post. I didn’t realize this fulfillment until a couple days ago. I’ll explain that in more detail in a moment. First (as always 😜 ) some background:

I want to travel North and South Americas’ open roads in a Recreational Vehicle. I’m specific about what this looks like. I want a Ford F-150 and an Airstream trailer.  I’m even more specific than that. I want a white, extended cab F-150, Platinum Edition with the 6.5 foot bed, ecoboost engine, towing package and more. I’m very detailed with the truck 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾.

I’m detailed about the Airstream too. I want a late model 27-foot, front bedroom, queen bed Airstream Serenity or Globe Trotter. I know what colors and textures I want in both the truck and Airstream. And I know my Personal Trinity is coordinating this whole package.

Even as I write this.

I want to visit all the state and national parks. I want to visit all the coast lines. While I’m doing all this traveling, I want to write this and my other blogs, with income realized from my passions. I also want to continue my 1:1 spiritual mentoring sessions while on the road. I want to make videos and movies about my experiences and expanding awareness too.

I’ve written before about resistance standing between me and this full-blown Manifestation. So manifesting this desire is taking a while…

Or is it?

Desires do manifest full-blown and instantly. And, they manifest “all the way”. All the way, though, may not look like a fully-manifested desire.

With Resistance standing between me and them, I get a distorted view. My desires manifest immediately. Full blown. The question is, is my awareness broad enough to see them plainly?

My awareness is broadening all the time. In that broadening, I’m seeing my immediate manifestations more plain. That broadening awareness revealed my dream job, not only as a dream job. But a manifestation of traveling the open road.

It doesn’t look like I’m traveling open roads. It doesn’t look like exploring and writing blogs and doing spiritual mentoring. It doesn’t look those ways if you’re looking at it one way.  A distorted way.

Look at it plainly though and that’s exactly what’s happening. It is an immediate manifestation of my desire given my current resistance levels.

In other words, I have my Manifestation. The current, always clarifying, always getting better version of the Manifestation, I call, “traveling the world in an airstream trailer with an F-150” is the job I have.

You may laugh and think I’m deluded. But consider the corroborating correlations:

  • My job has me on the road on a daily basis.
  • Last week, I travelled I-5 from Portland to Eugene, Ore. and back on a beautiful sunny day. Over four hours of glorious alone time. On the open road. In beautiful weather.
  • I drive a Ford Truck. A cargo van, yes. But it’s a Ford. And it drives like a truck.
  • I don’t tow a trailer. But I do have ample room in back to take breaks in, enjoy my lunch and have private time no matter where I am. Just like I would were I towing a trailer.
  • Every day I get to explore parts of Portland I haven’t seen before. I get to see beautiful neighborhoods, homes and interact with friendly people. I get to see places I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have this job.
  • The job feels like I’m on the road all the time. Which I am. Ninety percent of the time I’m working, I’m behind the wheel traveling from one place to another.
  • When I’m working, I’m on my own. I get to self-start and self-manage. I set my own pace, consistent with data metrics. Essentially, I’m on my own.
  • While I’m working, I get insight on blogs to write, videos to make and illustrations to create.

No wonder my Inner Being said this was exactly where I was mean to be. Not only is it on the path to new partners and opportunities. It’s also fulfilling my desire to be full time behind the wheel.

Seeing parallels between my full-blown desire and my driving job takes creativity. But isn’t that what Manifestation is? Isn’t that what LIFE is? Focusing on the positive aspects of this job is important. It turns what I’m doing now into the fuller, richer, more satisfying version of the desire I have. That also effects all my other desires swirling in my Moment of Becoming.

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My desires are living things. They are refining themselves all the time. Even after they pop into material manifestation, they’re still becoming more.

“Manifestation”, the process, isn’t about having desires become things. It’s about expanding my awareness to plainly see ongoing, constant manifestation of manifestations. It’s about me seeing that my Manifestations are expanding. As I expand.

As I see with increasing clarity, my Manifestations become more. What that means is every moment contains Manifestations I want. The question is, can I see them?

In Plain Sight I can.

More often I stumble into them. That’s ok, because when I do it’s delightful. And get this. This job is fulfilling many desires at the same time. Seeing this itself is a manifestation! All Manifestations, no matter their size, have this potential.

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Which is why life can be, and is, an ongoing, moment by moment, joyful experience. A Charmed Life in other words.

Bottom line: my dream job is the furthest forward Manifestation of several desires I have. Desires which are in varying stages of  manifesting, dependent on how much Resistance I hold.  My ability to know this depends on how clearly I see.

When I saw my job this new way, it shook me. I got goose bumps up and down my body. I know goose bumps say something important. They show up when I see Physical Reality through the eyes of my Inner Being. I know seeing these correlations equals expansion. A broadening of my awareness. As that happens, my manifested desires become more. I become more. My Inner Being delights in that. It communicates its delight in the most intimate way: goose bumps.

This current version of my on-the-road Manifestation is cool by itself. But it also is morphing into the full-blown more version. The version where I’m enjoying North and South America. Enjoying them from behind the wheel of my F-150, towing my Airstream.

The key to moving from where I am, to that more full-blown manifested version, is this: Standing in deep appreciation, joy and enthusiasm about the manifested version I’ve got right now.

That’s what being Positively Focused is all about.

How My Dream Job Gives Me My ❤️’s Desires

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We humans think a dream job is one that checks our boxes.

Great pay. Interesting work in a field we choose. Lots of bennies and more.

But this is what society tells us a dream job is.

I know a real dream job is one that comes to from nonphysical, the world of dreams. It’s born of my connection to my Inner Reality. Because of that, my dream job matches who I am in the moment.

This true story shows what I mean. As I tell this story, my Inner Being will chime in. Consider it nonphysical color commentary 😀.  I’ll italicize their input. Like this:

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We know Perry’s life experience is a dream experience. It is no less a dream than dreams he dreams nightly. Physical human life experience, or wake-scape, looks more real. That’s only because humans put most of their attention on it. Wake-scape springs from and renews itself from dream-scape. Wake-scape is dream-scape, materialized. It is a more tangible dream.

What humans call dreams can be as real as wake-scape. There is great benefit cultivating such awareness. Perry knows this. Finding experiential balance between waking “reality” and his Reality of Origin – his dream-scape – produces seemingly extraordinary experiences in Perry’s wake-scape. But they aren’t extraordinary. They are “facts of life”. They’re what happens when anyone prioritizes their relationship with their Inner Reality.

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In a previous post I said I would share how I got the bridging job I now enjoy.  My Broader Perspective says this is the perfect job for me right now. Almost daily neat realizations spring from it.

I’ve written in previous posts about some of those. How I got this job is what this post is about.

I’m surprised how much I enjoy this job. It’s not what I would have said I wanted to do at this stage in my life. But so much changed since making my Inner Reality my top priority…

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Before that, my aspirations came from Belief Constellations I created. I created these constellations listening to parents, teachers, television, and observing others’ experiences.  My own life experience and interpretations of said experience also contributed. All this formed rich constellations of beliefs. Beliefs from which came my aspirations: A rewarding career. A luxury car. A nice home. Lots of money. The American Dream.

Living from my Reality of Origin is far more rewarding than what I had. Focusing on the Moment of Becoming, while holding awareness of my Experience of Origin, makes physical life experience fascinating. I’m far more thrilled than when I was a “successful professional” with all that stuff.

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Fascination is what life experience is. It becomes ho-hum when humans forget how every instant springs from what Perry calls “Belief Constellations”. You create your reality. The fascination returns when you get this, then see your creation’s emergence from thoughts you think. Once visceral, tangible, physical life experience proves this to you, more than anything you want to express that creative ability more and more. Life becomes fascinating again. As you knew it would before you decided to physically materialize.

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Here are some of the beliefs included in my past Belief Constellation(s). Maybe you identify with some of them:

  • Success is the American Dream
  • Owning expensive things indicates success
  • Marriage is the epitome of relationship success
  • Having expensive and varied life experiences are success indicators
  • Having lots of money indicates success
  • Having a great socially-stimulating lifestyle, with lots of friends and lovers is success
  • An executive job with a high-faluting title and fat salary means you’ve made it

None of these things are bad. I had all those things. I enjoyed aspects of them.

But my enjoyment was perverted. They weren’t essentially enjoyable. They were expedients. What made them that? How I experienced them.

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You see, all that success masked an inner yearning. I was outwardly successful. I also was stuck. I felt a missing…

As you know, society, marketers and the internet says things and experiences can fill that missing. I believed them. So I sought satisfaction, meaning and self-worth in these things.

Seeking my self-worth in that, I ignored my essential essence. I gained the world and lost (my connection to) my Soul Awareness. I was outwardly happy in the sense that I knew people looked at my life and admired what I achieved.

But I had achievement backwards.

Back then achievement was what others said it was. Now achievement is simple: being happy. It’s fascinating transitioning from previous belief constellations to the current, still emerging, constellations.

Happiness now comes from my Essential Essence. Not from things. Or even other people. Living focused on my Essential Essence brings continual, always increasing happiness, and satisfaction. Everything I was looking for in all that accumulation and success-seeking.

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I know everyone has a Reality of Origin. If traced far back enough, we all share one origin. If traced far back enough, it’s the same for all of us. My Reality of Origin changes all the time. Like my now and my future. The past is never stagnant.

Putting dominant focus on how my Broader Perspective sees life, while standing in the Moment of Becoming, I find great satisfaction. I know what is is becoming more like what I want. That awareness is happiness.

That’s essentially what life is for me now.

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It’s challenging for some and nearly impossible for others to believe beliefs create reality. Everything in physical life experience stems from a person’s thoughts. That reality is convincing. It’s easy for humans to get lost in it. Then create the illusion of separation between thoughts and created reality. Then think and believe consistent with that. That separate reality is “objectively real”, separate from thought.

Then they’re stuck (until they aren’t). They now think thoughts consistent with a separate, objective reality. All life experience is born of beliefs. So their life confirms for them a separate, objective reality.

There’s no reason that reality can’t change to another. All it takes is the same work humans put into creating the reality they have. Most aren’t ready to do the work. Even though it’s the source of incredible success, happiness and prosperity. They get what they’ve creatED and complain about that. Instead of creating what they want. And realizing the joy that comes with that.

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There are beliefs a lot of people share. Except maybe the wealthy.

The main one is: “I must trade my time and effort for money”.

I have this belief.  I believe(d) that money only flows into my life experience when I do something to “earn it”. Well, I’m changing that belief. Still, momentum of that long-held belief pervades. It’s everywhere, isn’t it?

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It’s like a powerful river current. Ever tried swimming against a strong river current? Making headway is impossible.

For four years I swam against the current of my beliefs about money and jobs. I refused to get a job.  Instead, I believed money would come to me through my projects.

And while some money has come, it’s not yet where I want it. Money is coming through my projects. But my beliefs about money close the door on what would otherwise be an abundant flow.

It’s challenging for some and nearly impossible for others to believe beliefs create reality. Everything in physical life experience stems from a person’s thoughts. That reality is convincing. t’s easy for humans to lose themselves in it. Then create the illusion of separation from it. Then think and believe consistent with that. That reality is “objectively real”, separate from thought

Then they’re stuck (until they aren’t). They now think thoughts consistent with a separate, objective reality. All life experience is born of beliefs. So their life confirms for them a separate, objective reality.

There’s no reason that reality can’t change to another. All it takes is the same work humans put into creating the reality they have. Most aren’t ready to do the work. Even though it’s the source of incredible success, happiness and prosperity. They get what they’ve creatED and complain about that. Instead of creating what they want. And realizing the joy that comes with that.

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One day, this video showed up on my YouTube account. I know everything showing up in my life is on purpose. The message was clear. It makes more sense to have a job, a temporary one, while I allow new belief momentum to grow.

But I wasn’t going to get a job the normal way. That’s because I knew a better way was possible. Having is work for me requires remembering five key points.

  1. Creation rarely happens in an instant. Creation doesn’t happen in a flash. It happens through steadily increasing momentum. The result I want is immediate in nonphysical, but, materialization takes a while. Also, physical reality contains more resistance than nonphysical. So materializations don’t happen here instantaneously. This illustration is helpful.
  2. By the time I desire something it’s done. But its materialization depends on me receiving messages leading me to the doneness. If I’m not open, or in tune it gets delayed.
  3. I know I’m ready when I’m consistently positively focused. That’s because my Experience of Origin and my Reality of Origin are pure positive energy. Being in tune means experiencing physical reality the same way I experience nonphysical reality: with as little resistance possible. Resistance is lowest when positively focused.
  4. Looking for the result slows it down. This is important. Looking for the materialization puts energy on its absence. It adds resistance. Materializations happen quickest when I’m not looking for them.
  5. Early signs of materialization feel like a thought interruption. I know when I’ve received the message when a thought happens that I’m not thinking. Meditation helps condition my mental atmosphere so it isn’t noisy. In that peaceful mind-state, such messages stand out from ordinary thought.

Aware of these five points I knew getting a job could be easy. I wanted to be the evidence of that. Of course, that’s what happened.

I was on my daily walking meditation. I wasn’t thinking about getting a job. I was thinking about my resistance about getting one.  I didn’t want a job that would consume all my energy like professional jobs I’ve had. I wanted to be able to have capacity after work to work on my projects. I didn’t want to get up early to go to work and spend my mornings (my valuable creative time) working for someone else.

Then I caught myself. I realized I wasn’t positively focused. So I changed my thinking.

I thought instead about how it would feel to get a job matching everything I wanted. I dropped my criteria. Instead, I focused on how it would feel getting a satisfying job. One matching my current state.

I had no idea what kind of job that might be. Or how much it would pay. I was a blank slate. Fertile ground for my Inner Being.

The Inner Being that every human has knows everything that person wants. That’s because the moment the person decides they want something, it is real in nonpyhysical and part of one’s Inner Being. That’s the Experience of Origin.

The Inner Being thereafter, organizes pathways. Pathways that, if received by the person, will lead to the desire’s physical manifestation.

We know this is the way life works. It only looks different because of where humans put attention. The more they look at what they don’t want, or reasons why they don’t have what they want, the more of what they don’t want they get.

This is purposeful, as we said before. It eventually causes a turnaround. The person starts listening to their Inner Reality. Just as Perry is doing.

Matching my physical reality with my Inner Reality is the best way to hear impulses from my Inner Reality. So on my walk, I thought “how would my Inner Being feel about me having the perfect job?”

What came to me was: “triumphant, appreciative, jubilant and joyful”.

That was the message. It came out of the question. It wasn’t me thinking that thought. It’s hard to describe. Impulses are easier to feel than describe.

Next, I put attention on these emotions. Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy. I let them build. I felt better and better. Soon I felt great. Extreme positivity. How could I not? Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy feel great, right?

Then, after three minutes, it happened.

The name of the company appeared in my head. I knew it wasn’t me thinking that name because my thoughts were on the good-feelings. Besides, that company name wouldn’t have come into my head. I rarely think about it.

Nothing else followed. It came so suddenly, it surprised me. Then it was gone.  I was thrilled. Fascinated. It happened just like my Inner Being said it would. Eager and excited, I continued my walk.

The view from where I sat by the river.

At the end of my walk, I sat alongside a river’s edge. I pulled out my phone and looked up this company. Was I surprised to see they were hiring?


I applied on the spot. In an hour, I got a hire date contingent on next steps.

First I had to video record one-minute answers to three questions. Later that week, I had to pee in a cup. The proctor told me supposing no disqualifying indications, I would start on my start date.

And that’s what happened. In less than a week, I went from wondering about a job, to getting one. No resume prep. No searches. No interviews. Only a piss test.

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This job offers a lot more than soothing my old beliefs, enough income to cover all my basic needs and a little spending money. The shift I work allows ample morning time to meditate and work on my projects. The work itself is light on my mental capacity. That leaves lots of mental leeway to practice being positively focused. Lots of mental leeway to strengthen my connection with my Inner Being, Inner Reality and my Personal Trinity. It also brings new relationships and experiences. Relationships and experiences I share here.

Those relationships and experiences are divine rendezvous. Experiences letting me know I’m on my path.

When not working, I’m not working. I bring no work home like I did in my high-stress jobs of the past. That means even more focus time.

And, the work itself is energizing, physically rigorous and demanding. My 8-hour shift passes quick. I feel strong, light.

This job is one more proof point in a mountain of evidence. Evidence piled so high, I know nonphysical reality is real. I know everything my Inner Being told me and is telling me is playing out. I know all this manifesting business works.

Not because of what happens. Because of how I feel moment by moment.

In this way faith is unnecessary. Tangible evidence is overwhelming. Who needs faith in the face of so much evidence?

Trusting my connection with my Inner Reality is growing at an incredible rate. Proof begets trust. And a desire to know more.

I know I create my reality. I want to understand more deeply how that happens.

It’s thrilling thinking about what will happen next. I’m living the fascination my Inner Being says life can be. That’s why I write this blog. I know based on feedback I get that what I’m sharing inspires others.

And ultimately, that’s why I’m here. To inspire others not only to their dream job, but to their extraordinary life.



Bridging Beliefs To A Better Now (Video)

The beliefs I hold are creating my reality. I am bridging those beliefs with beliefs that create more things in my reality that I want. I know what I’m believing by looking at what my now contains. For my now reflects back to me my beliefs. My current now can be bridged to a better now. I do that by thinking thoughts into beliefs representing what I want in my now: happiness, joy, fun and things that surprise and delight me. Be sure to watch with the sound on 😀