What a Positively Focused 1:1 Session Looks Like

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Prospective clients sometimes ask about what client sessions are like. Some wonder what I do with clients. Let’s take that last question first.

I provide context where clients get clear about who and what they are. In that clarity, they find what I found in my own clarity: That they create their life experience ongoingly.

When they find that, life takes a turn. It becomes fulfilling, fun, fantasical seeming, although it’s not fantastical, it’s just how life works when Positively Focused.

Gradually clients enter their creative powers while learning, or re-learning how their creative powers work. They find happiness, freedom and joy.

I show clients their power and how to get it through a mystical experience that feels like a conversation.

Now the first question:

What are client sessions like?

Client sessions are conversations where I share insights about what my clients talk about. The insights open greater awareness, both for clients and for me. Since I give clients access to me through text and email as well as our in-person sessions, I can share an example of how a session sounds.

The following is an email from a client who lives with his wife. Married many years, Clifton (not his real name) now wants out. He wants out because he finds his situation, including his wife Margo (not her real name either), intolerable.

Behind Clifton’s perceptions are belief constellations creating his intolerable situations, including Margo. Clifton is on his eighth session. Already he’s seen seemingly extraordinary shifts in his wife. Only they are not extraordinary.

By learning how to create his reality on purpose, Clifton has created a new-to-him version of Margo and a new-to-him version of their marriage. Clifton wants his freedom. But he knows he can’t have that until he makes peace with his current reality.

Being Positively Focused does that. It also makes his experience of his changing reality more fun, as you’ll read from this email exchange. Clifton gave me permission to share this exchange provided I remove identifying details. The bolded sections are Clifton’s comments, with mine following.

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

It’s the dreading one feels liberated from

So, I paid my income taxes today. Almost $4500. I had been dreading it and still haven’t filled out a return (though now I have REAL motivation to do so, ha ha), and was thinking , “Send them a crumb” — which is how I’ve done it for years. Throw the wolves a bone now and again and they’ll back off for a while (until they get hungry again). This year, practically at the last minute, I threw them the whole carcass.
It was liberating. I realize that I’ve always felt “liberated” (at least temporarily) whenever I am able to pay these creditors off at the calends (first of the month), and then I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Gives one a feeling of power.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, how something “dreaded” once done turns “dread” into “liberation”. Remember what emotions are about. Then ask yourself: what is it I feel liberation from? Is it really the taxes? Or is it the “dreadful” feeling, which indicates something important, and when freed from that you connect with something that feels comparatively liberating and powerful? Interesting thing to consider.

I have $50,000 tied up, but currently collecting nine percent annual interest compounded, some gold coins and another $10,000 currently tied up in the van (I cleaned it up and put a “For Sale” sign on it, but have yet to put an ad on Craigslist)

Most of the day was spent in that “Joy/Freedom” space. I had a good piano lesson with Sergi (graduate of a music academy in the old Soviet Union – can’t recall which, but it was a prestigious one). Earlier that day, I had been looking at a very wide screen monitor, 2nd hand at a local computer store. The store owner called me and informed be the price was almost $400 – more than I cared to pay, and I politely told him so and thanked him for getting in touch. I could have, of course – but I feel I should be spending those dollars on other things. Anyway, sure enough, I had a “hunch” on the way home and stopped at Goodwill. Found a working 48-in. TV that will double very nicely as an entertainment screen and a computer monitor. Price – $50. I liked that a whole lot better than $400. And it’s bigger. Yes, the stand’s a bit wobbly (probably why it was given away), but I imagine that’s just a matter of tightening a screw or two.

Nice job following the hunch. Life is an adventure, or can be, when one connects with All That Is and allows it to lead one to all one wants. It also becomes treasure hunt-ish. Who knows what lies around the next bend or building? And, the best footing from which to play the adventure is in “Joy/Freedom”. Absolutely.

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Photo by Beth Jnr on Unsplash

Everyone seeks internal connection on their way…

Also feels good to me to reuse and/or repurpose something. That includes composting. I am not a fan of gardening (one source of conflict between Margo and I), but at least composting is a good way to make use of food that has “gone off” and would otherwise be wasted.

See the differing interests between you and Margo as wonderful sources of both joy and variety. Joy in that what you love you love and what she loves she loves…and you both get the same thing from both your loves: connection with your Broader Perspective.

Variety in that, in the relief of your partner’s passion, you, rather than being turned off by that, can turn instead (turn the other cheek) to YOUR passion and feel exactly what she feels when she’s tending to her plants: connection, flow, fun, exuberance.

Then, perhaps, you can feel appreciation – not conflict – when you turn back to what she enjoys, knowing she’s getting from her passion the same thing you get from yours and so your passion and hers are not all that dissimilar.

Not that it matters, or maybe it does – but I was in the market for a large monitor because as a composer, I often work with very large scores – and it is tremendously helpful to see as much of it as possible. Not practical on small monitors.

That you are “in the market” matters. You’re on your way…you’ve been on your way, but also have been resisting the “way”…to your dreams. The monitor is a manifestation – a sign post – indicating your waywardness. I use that word not in it’s traditional definition, which is negative, but in a new way, indicating “toward your way”. The way you connected with that TV indicates your “compliance” with your Broader Perspective.

And just as you were compliant [in such a way you realized previous, important manifestations] and now this manifestation, there will be many more instances of delight on your way….which is why life never creates wham-bang manifestations that happen in an instant like magic. Instant manifestation happens in nonphysical. But in the world of manifested things, All is set up so you can enjoy and savor the JOURNEY towards the destination. Each moment is a realization. The more you come into this conversation, the clearer your awareness and the more you’ll see this statement’s accuracy.

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Most don’t see manifestation evidence because they don’t know what it looks like

This week, I also had the impulse to add something to an unrelated tweet [on Twitter]. Some actor had put himself out there, advising any directors or producers of his availability and experience.  I retweeted and added that if anyone was looking for a great film composer, please consider me – and added links to samples of my work on YouTube. A couple of people retweeted it…usually, I don’t hold out much hope for these sort of things, but one never knows…trying to stay open to the possibilities.

This is a great example of your mixed energies. You don’t hold out much hope, but at the same time you “never know”. So you took action based on hope/who knows…and you saw a tiny manifestation of desire (that someone retweeted the tweet) outweighing your disbelief [expressed as “don’t hold out much hope”. Most miss these instances of evidence. Now you know it’s more evidence of you on your way. Nice.

Like the double recliner I bought for what I plan to be my “apartment/suite.” I sleep best in a recliner, which are typically for one —  but when I saw it, I started thinking, “Hmmm…what if I get lucky?” Wouldn’t want to live with someone in that space (it’s pretty small), but it could be a nice place to entertain… 😆

Enjoy this unfolding process right up until you wake one morning with someone beside you and you get how you manifested them as you manifested the recliner! Objects, people, circumstances…the entire Universe: at your command.

Margo and I have been getting on better, I think. Monday evening, she apologized for being short with me earlier, but she had been feeling poorly (infected insect bites) and just wanted to do the Garbot thing (“I vant to be alone!”) I told her I felt her pain and understood completely – but in the future, please just come out and say that. I’ll respect it. (Actually, I’m glad to, ha ha)

I’m sure you would be happy to respect it. Isn’t it nice to see the movement forward with her? And didn’t it confirm our conversation about her that whenever someone appears upset with you, it’s never about you? It’s about THEM. ALWAYS.

Their connection (or rather their LACK of connection) to their Inner Being…that’s always the source of negative emotion. So next time you can know…and accept…and then run for the hills, when she indicates disconnection through ornery emotional expression!

Her infection and current state of well-being is also why I am yet again postponing telling her we need to get a divorce. Yes, because I think we have grown in different directions and neither of us are happy in the relationship the way we should be. Officially however, it is for financial reasons.

I have consulted with lawyers and financial advisers, and they basically say the same thing – I will be better able to provide for her if she is not my legal spouse. There is nothing illegal about it, couples often do it because one needs disability payments and it is impossible for one spouse to totally support the disabled one. Also true if they continue to cohabit. I knew someone who continued to live with his ex. And of course, we haven’t shared a room for years – and soon, I’ll have a whole space, complete with kitchen and bath, to myself. I have put this off for way too long. And I need to do it like, yesterday. But she’s feeling bad right now, and she’s not terribly stable in general. I am afraid for her.

“Fear” is an emotion. Fear for another indicates you, looking at another and seeing that person differently from how your Broader Perspective sees that same person. Yes, there are aspects of reality you think confirm the “truth” of what you think might happen if she were on her own. And, your strong fear indicates you creating a reality in which you get to witness her being exactly as you are creating her.

And…there’s another version of her you could draw to you and so experience. The same way you’ve done with her and her disconnection caused from insect bites. You are allowing more of the person you know her to be to shine through. But for now, it’s prudent to proceed on this path. It is, for both of you, the path with the least angst. Always a good idea: following that path.

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Photo by Juan Miguel Agudo on Unsplash

Everything you want is right on your path

Eventually, I really don’t want to be living under the same roof with her – but for now, I have been attempting to rebuild some kind of relationship so she knows she’s cared about and won’t have to worry about her basic needs and won’t be abandoned to fend for herself (at this point, it would be like abandoning a child).

Anyway – this is how I must present it. As a strictly financial decision. Nothing else changes. We continue going on as we have, living in the same house (which will continue to be community property). She remains my sole heir and beneficiary. She’ll be able to get disability payments and EBT and remain eligible for Medicaid.

The difference is, I’m a free man. Period. What I will do with that freedom or how it will play out, I have no idea, but I’m staying open. She’ll be free as well. Gods know, I’ve tried to encourage her in her writing, and mostly the way she relates to animals. If there was an office of Ambassador to the Animal World (or at least carnivores, bovines and equines), Margo would do the job better than anyone else I know.

All this is good stuff. Mahayana Buddhists would say you’re being her Bodhisattva in creating such a caring landscape for her. It is good as I know you feel good taking this path.

Encourage her in thought, but don’t voice them. Let her and her Inner Being come to the realization wherein she puts her passions into practice and from that she creates a whole new world where money comes into her life easily and swiftly.

Sometimes, I think she’d be happier with her brother, running his huge ranch cabin as a B&B, taking care of the horses and the sheep and the dogs and cats. It’s what she spends most of her time and energy on anyway (and she complains about it, but I usually tease her, “You know you love it!”) So that’s where things stand…I’ve asked that “Broader Perspective” of mine to let me know when the right moment to announce the divorce is. About all I can do at this point.

Yes. As with the saw, as with the TV, as with everything you want, this is the best path. Do so and watch how easy the conversation goes. The more experiences like these you have, the more convinced you’ll become that this is the only way you want to live: surprised and delighted. Which is how you knew your experience would be when you first decided to come into physical reality.

It’s all in the joy

My clients come enthusiastic about what we do together. The moment we start, they feel resonance with what we talk about. In short order they get results. That’s why I offer a 100 percent money back guarantee. Everyone gets the result. Schedule your free 1:1 session.

How My Dream Job Gives Me My ❤️’s Desires

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We humans think a dream job is one that checks our boxes.

Great pay. Interesting work in a field we choose. Lots of bennies and more.

But this is what society tells us a dream job is.

I know a real dream job is one that comes to from nonphysical, the world of dreams. It’s born of my connection to my Inner Reality. Because of that, my dream job matches who I am in the moment.

This true story shows what I mean. As I tell this story, my Inner Being will chime in. Consider it nonphysical color commentary 😀.  I’ll italicize their input. Like this:

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We know Perry’s life experience is a dream experience. It is no less a dream than dreams he dreams nightly. Physical human life experience, or wake-scape, looks more real. That’s only because humans put most of their attention on it. Wake-scape springs from and renews itself from dream-scape. Wake-scape is dream-scape, materialized. It is a more tangible dream.

What humans call dreams can be as real as wake-scape. There is great benefit cultivating such awareness. Perry knows this. Finding experiential balance between waking “reality” and his Reality of Origin – his dream-scape – produces seemingly extraordinary experiences in Perry’s wake-scape. But they aren’t extraordinary. They are “facts of life”. They’re what happens when anyone prioritizes their relationship with their Inner Reality.

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In a previous post I said I would share how I got the bridging job I now enjoy.  My Broader Perspective says this is the perfect job for me right now. Almost daily neat realizations spring from it.

I’ve written in previous posts about some of those. How I got this job is what this post is about.

I’m surprised how much I enjoy this job. It’s not what I would have said I wanted to do at this stage in my life. But so much changed since making my Inner Reality my top priority…

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Before that, my aspirations came from Belief Constellations I created. I created these constellations listening to parents, teachers, television, and observing others’ experiences.  My own life experience and interpretations of said experience also contributed. All this formed rich constellations of beliefs. Beliefs from which came my aspirations: A rewarding career. A luxury car. A nice home. Lots of money. The American Dream.

Living from my Reality of Origin is far more rewarding than what I had. Focusing on the Moment of Becoming, while holding awareness of my Experience of Origin, makes physical life experience fascinating. I’m far more thrilled than when I was a “successful professional” with all that stuff.

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Fascination is what life experience is. It becomes ho-hum when humans forget how every instant springs from what Perry calls “Belief Constellations”. You create your reality. The fascination returns when you get this, then see your creation’s emergence from thoughts you think. Once visceral, tangible, physical life experience proves this to you, more than anything you want to express that creative ability more and more. Life becomes fascinating again. As you knew it would before you decided to physically materialize.

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Here are some of the beliefs included in my past Belief Constellation(s). Maybe you identify with some of them:

  • Success is the American Dream
  • Owning expensive things indicates success
  • Marriage is the epitome of relationship success
  • Having expensive and varied life experiences are success indicators
  • Having lots of money indicates success
  • Having a great socially-stimulating lifestyle, with lots of friends and lovers is success
  • An executive job with a high-faluting title and fat salary means you’ve made it

None of these things are bad. I had all those things. I enjoyed aspects of them.

But my enjoyment was perverted. They weren’t essentially enjoyable. They were expedients. What made them that? How I experienced them.

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You see, all that success masked an inner yearning. I was outwardly successful. I also was stuck. I felt a missing…

As you know, society, marketers and the internet says things and experiences can fill that missing. I believed them. So I sought satisfaction, meaning and self-worth in these things.

Seeking my self-worth in that, I ignored my essential essence. I gained the world and lost (my connection to) my Soul Awareness. I was outwardly happy in the sense that I knew people looked at my life and admired what I achieved.

But I had achievement backwards.

Back then achievement was what others said it was. Now achievement is simple: being happy. It’s fascinating transitioning from previous belief constellations to the current, still emerging, constellations.

Happiness now comes from my Essential Essence. Not from things. Or even other people. Living focused on my Essential Essence brings continual, always increasing happiness, and satisfaction. Everything I was looking for in all that accumulation and success-seeking.

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I know everyone has a Reality of Origin. If traced far back enough, we all share one origin. If traced far back enough, it’s the same for all of us. My Reality of Origin changes all the time. Like my now and my future. The past is never stagnant.

Putting dominant focus on how my Broader Perspective sees life, while standing in the Moment of Becoming, I find great satisfaction. I know what is is becoming more like what I want. That awareness is happiness.

That’s essentially what life is for me now.

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It’s challenging for some and nearly impossible for others to believe beliefs create reality. Everything in physical life experience stems from a person’s thoughts. That reality is convincing. It’s easy for humans to get lost in it. Then create the illusion of separation between thoughts and created reality. Then think and believe consistent with that. That separate reality is “objectively real”, separate from thought.

Then they’re stuck (until they aren’t). They now think thoughts consistent with a separate, objective reality. All life experience is born of beliefs. So their life confirms for them a separate, objective reality.

There’s no reason that reality can’t change to another. All it takes is the same work humans put into creating the reality they have. Most aren’t ready to do the work. Even though it’s the source of incredible success, happiness and prosperity. They get what they’ve creatED and complain about that. Instead of creating what they want. And realizing the joy that comes with that.

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There are beliefs a lot of people share. Except maybe the wealthy.

The main one is: “I must trade my time and effort for money”.

I have this belief.  I believe(d) that money only flows into my life experience when I do something to “earn it”. Well, I’m changing that belief. Still, momentum of that long-held belief pervades. It’s everywhere, isn’t it?

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It’s like a powerful river current. Ever tried swimming against a strong river current? Making headway is impossible.

For four years I swam against the current of my beliefs about money and jobs. I refused to get a job.  Instead, I believed money would come to me through my projects.

And while some money has come, it’s not yet where I want it. Money is coming through my projects. But my beliefs about money close the door on what would otherwise be an abundant flow.

It’s challenging for some and nearly impossible for others to believe beliefs create reality. Everything in physical life experience stems from a person’s thoughts. That reality is convincing. t’s easy for humans to lose themselves in it. Then create the illusion of separation from it. Then think and believe consistent with that. That reality is “objectively real”, separate from thought

Then they’re stuck (until they aren’t). They now think thoughts consistent with a separate, objective reality. All life experience is born of beliefs. So their life confirms for them a separate, objective reality.

There’s no reason that reality can’t change to another. All it takes is the same work humans put into creating the reality they have. Most aren’t ready to do the work. Even though it’s the source of incredible success, happiness and prosperity. They get what they’ve creatED and complain about that. Instead of creating what they want. And realizing the joy that comes with that.

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One day, this video showed up on my YouTube account. I know everything showing up in my life is on purpose. The message was clear. It makes more sense to have a job, a temporary one, while I allow new belief momentum to grow.

But I wasn’t going to get a job the normal way. That’s because I knew a better way was possible. Having is work for me requires remembering five key points.

  1. Creation rarely happens in an instant. Creation doesn’t happen in a flash. It happens through steadily increasing momentum. The result I want is immediate in nonphysical, but, materialization takes a while. Also, physical reality contains more resistance than nonphysical. So materializations don’t happen here instantaneously. This illustration is helpful.
  2. By the time I desire something it’s done. But its materialization depends on me receiving messages leading me to the doneness. If I’m not open, or in tune it gets delayed.
  3. I know I’m ready when I’m consistently positively focused. That’s because my Experience of Origin and my Reality of Origin are pure positive energy. Being in tune means experiencing physical reality the same way I experience nonphysical reality: with as little resistance possible. Resistance is lowest when positively focused.
  4. Looking for the result slows it down. This is important. Looking for the materialization puts energy on its absence. It adds resistance. Materializations happen quickest when I’m not looking for them.
  5. Early signs of materialization feel like a thought interruption. I know when I’ve received the message when a thought happens that I’m not thinking. Meditation helps condition my mental atmosphere so it isn’t noisy. In that peaceful mind-state, such messages stand out from ordinary thought.

Aware of these five points I knew getting a job could be easy. I wanted to be the evidence of that. Of course, that’s what happened.

I was on my daily walking meditation. I wasn’t thinking about getting a job. I was thinking about my resistance about getting one.  I didn’t want a job that would consume all my energy like professional jobs I’ve had. I wanted to be able to have capacity after work to work on my projects. I didn’t want to get up early to go to work and spend my mornings (my valuable creative time) working for someone else.

Then I caught myself. I realized I wasn’t positively focused. So I changed my thinking.

I thought instead about how it would feel to get a job matching everything I wanted. I dropped my criteria. Instead, I focused on how it would feel getting a satisfying job. One matching my current state.

I had no idea what kind of job that might be. Or how much it would pay. I was a blank slate. Fertile ground for my Inner Being.

The Inner Being that every human has knows everything that person wants. That’s because the moment the person decides they want something, it is real in nonpyhysical and part of one’s Inner Being. That’s the Experience of Origin.

The Inner Being thereafter, organizes pathways. Pathways that, if received by the person, will lead to the desire’s physical manifestation.

We know this is the way life works. It only looks different because of where humans put attention. The more they look at what they don’t want, or reasons why they don’t have what they want, the more of what they don’t want they get.

This is purposeful, as we said before. It eventually causes a turnaround. The person starts listening to their Inner Reality. Just as Perry is doing.

Matching my physical reality with my Inner Reality is the best way to hear impulses from my Inner Reality. So on my walk, I thought “how would my Inner Being feel about me having the perfect job?”

What came to me was: “triumphant, appreciative, jubilant and joyful”.

That was the message. It came out of the question. It wasn’t me thinking that thought. It’s hard to describe. Impulses are easier to feel than describe.

Next, I put attention on these emotions. Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy. I let them build. I felt better and better. Soon I felt great. Extreme positivity. How could I not? Jubilance, appreciation, triumph and joy feel great, right?

Then, after three minutes, it happened.

The name of the company appeared in my head. I knew it wasn’t me thinking that name because my thoughts were on the good-feelings. Besides, that company name wouldn’t have come into my head. I rarely think about it.

Nothing else followed. It came so suddenly, it surprised me. Then it was gone.  I was thrilled. Fascinated. It happened just like my Inner Being said it would. Eager and excited, I continued my walk.

The view from where I sat by the river.

At the end of my walk, I sat alongside a river’s edge. I pulled out my phone and looked up this company. Was I surprised to see they were hiring?


I applied on the spot. In an hour, I got a hire date contingent on next steps.

First I had to video record one-minute answers to three questions. Later that week, I had to pee in a cup. The proctor told me supposing no disqualifying indications, I would start on my start date.

And that’s what happened. In less than a week, I went from wondering about a job, to getting one. No resume prep. No searches. No interviews. Only a piss test.

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This job offers a lot more than soothing my old beliefs, enough income to cover all my basic needs and a little spending money. The shift I work allows ample morning time to meditate and work on my projects. The work itself is light on my mental capacity. That leaves lots of mental leeway to practice being positively focused. Lots of mental leeway to strengthen my connection with my Inner Being, Inner Reality and my Personal Trinity. It also brings new relationships and experiences. Relationships and experiences I share here.

Those relationships and experiences are divine rendezvous. Experiences letting me know I’m on my path.

When not working, I’m not working. I bring no work home like I did in my high-stress jobs of the past. That means even more focus time.

And, the work itself is energizing, physically rigorous and demanding. My 8-hour shift passes quick. I feel strong, light.

This job is one more proof point in a mountain of evidence. Evidence piled so high, I know nonphysical reality is real. I know everything my Inner Being told me and is telling me is playing out. I know all this manifesting business works.

Not because of what happens. Because of how I feel moment by moment.

In this way faith is unnecessary. Tangible evidence is overwhelming. Who needs faith in the face of so much evidence?

Trusting my connection with my Inner Reality is growing at an incredible rate. Proof begets trust. And a desire to know more.

I know I create my reality. I want to understand more deeply how that happens.

It’s thrilling thinking about what will happen next. I’m living the fascination my Inner Being says life can be. That’s why I write this blog. I know based on feedback I get that what I’m sharing inspires others.

And ultimately, that’s why I’m here. To inspire others not only to their dream job, but to their extraordinary life.



Brit Marling Knows. So Can You.

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Brit Marling (right) talking with friend Zal Batmanglij. (Photo: maybeMaybeMaybe, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Her films are gorgeous, quirky, thought-provoking art you either love or hate. But more important, Brit Marling’s career trajectory to film making stardom shows how you can find success simply by following your inner guidance.

Your inner guidance knows better than societal, parental or even your own ideas of how to become successful.

Hard work is never the best path to success. It can and does work. And almost everyone who “makes it” will say that’s what they did. But we’re telling you, that’s not what’s happening and that’s not what made them successful.

There are a LOT of examples we could share. But Marling’s is timely.

One, because her newest Netflix show The OA dropped it’s Part II and it’s amazing. Two, because we love her quirky storytelling which explores themes dear to us. And three, because she chose to follow her inner guidance over practicality, even though the practical route was blue-chip certified, guaranteeing her a seat at the elites’ table.

Kicking guaranteed success to the curb, she succeeded nevertheless.

Having trouble understanding the difference between following your inner guidance and doing the practical thing? Listen to Marling’s story.

Once a Goldman Sachs analyst, fast tracking in her mother’s footsteps on her way. But the job was making her sick. Doctors (supporters of the being “realistic”) had a fix.

But Marling had a better idea: she quit Goldman Sachs and pursued film making.

The result? Successful films, an outstanding series currently on Netflix and a life she won’t trade for anything. All not possible had she literally swallowed the (anti-depression) pill in order to stay at Goldman Sachs.

Everyone can have their own version of her story. But not when you’re thinking hard work is the way to success.

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But Perry, what about those who struggle, never realizing success the likes of Marling and others?

That’s why we need a better national infrastructure. One that makes it easy for people to follow their inner guidance. The reason so many fail following their inner guidance isn’t so much because they suck at it. It’s because society sucks at supporting them doing that.

Dont follow your passion blog
Many people write articles about NOT following your inner guidance. Why is that?

That’s why “don’t quit your day job” is so popular. And so often followed.

That’s also why so many advise against following your inner guidance. Even though doing so can work, our infrastructure is built against people doing that.

But that’s changing.

Meanwhile, Marling shows the best human output comes from following one’s inner guidance. So the question is, are you following yours?

Want to? Here’s where to start.


How To Read Successful People’s Success Stories

Clark Tibbs do something great FB blog
Photo: Clark Tibbs On Unsplash

There are so many people out there offering success recipes.

Facebook, YouTube and other social media advertisement services opened the flood gates. Now, anyone with a success story and some digital tools can hawk their “proven” success tips.

Then there are the “Uber Successsful.”

Millions follow Uber Successfuls, with stardom in their eyes. They want wealth, happiness, the good life. Celebrity.

Anthony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others, offer how their hard work, persistence and vision made them successful.

You can do what they did, they say…


Successfuls, both minor and major camouflage how easy success really is. They don’t do it on purpose. So if you want success, listen to these people. But first, learn how to read their stories.

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Photo: Annie Spratt On Unsplash

Successfuls don’t understand the “how” of their success. That’s why their recipes emphasize what’s irrelevant and downplay success’ ingredients.

Learn to read the typical success story though, and you unlock real doors to success. Like successful people promise.

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Take Arnold Schwarzenegger. Everyone knows his success. Watch this video, seen many millions of times across the internet. In it, Arnold distills his success to five essential rules.

Fortunately, none of the rules he offers made him successful. Want Arnold’s success? Let’s distill what really happened.

Generally, successful people like Arnold suggest specific action. Action you must take to get results. Actions they say will make you successful. While focusing on action, they gloss over the secrets. Secrets all successful people use (and we do mean all).

The reason they don’t speak plain about them? Most aren’t aware what they are. They call them “lucky breaks”, or “chance” or “fortunate events”.

A few come close, but miss, attributing success to “God”.

The rest ascribe 80-90 percent of their success to their hard work, their actions, what they knew or who they knew. They assign 20 percent, or less, to “luck”.

Here’s what’s remarkable about that: it’s the opposite.

Ninety percent or more of their success was “luck”. Effort represents a minuscule percentage.

That means, your success depends on “luck” too.

· · ·

Here’s the good news: It’s not luck.

Success happens via direct, deliberate easy-to-use processes. Processes you control. Processes Successfuls use. That means, any outcome you want is possible.

You don’t need luck. You only need to know the processes. Then you can manufacture “luck” at will.

More good news: It’s impossible not to be successful. That’s because you already know how the processes work. You’ve only temporarily forgotten.

(photo of person thinking)

You listened to the video. Notice Arnold ascribing all his success to his five rules? Notice his casual references about where luck mattered?

Probably not. But we did. Let’s recap.

How Arnold’s Success (And Every Other Success) Really Happens

At 00:25, Arnold introduces his success “rules”. These rules, he says, work for anyone. “Rules” imply things you must do. They also imply things you must not do (don’t break the rules).

Don’t follow the rules, Arnold says.  You won’t be successful. Or happy!

But life doesn’t work that way. You are eternal. It’s not possible to “not be successful”.

Eternity has no finish line. You always get do overs. There’s a second chance, a third, a fourth, fifth, sixth…etc., on through eternity.

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Every next moment is a change to start anew.  (Meme: By the author)


But when you think “oh boy, there are RULES I’m going to have to follow?” that lengthens your success path.

There are no rules you must follow.

At around 00:38, Arnold describes Rule #1: “Find” your vision and follow it.

Have no vision or goal, he says, and you’ll drift around and not be happy.

Arnold says, if you don’t “find” your vision, you’re lost. But he doesn’t explain “how” to find your vision. Maybe he didn’t have time to explain. Perhaps he doesn’t know how.

Visions or goals aren’t something you “find”. You can’t help but have them! Life experiences evoke from within you unending desires. THOSE ARE YOUR VISIONS. Arnold describes this, but not in his rules. Instead he buries it in his life story.

Though Life Experience Visions Are Automatic

After Germany and Austria’s defeat in World War II, Arnold wanted escape. He wanted out of war-torn Europe. That was his first vision! His first goal. Did he have to “find” it?


His life experience drew it from him.

That’s how your life works. From your experiences you birth visions and dreams. Visions sometime feel like dislikes. Arnold disliked Austria. He wanted to escape. That was his vision. He didn’t need to find it!

Arnold’s rule number one is wrong. There’s no “finding” your vision. They come automatically.

Yet, less than a minute into his speech, Arnold reveals secret number one. At 00:54 after knowing he wanted to escape, he “luckily” watched a documentary about America.

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Arnold Giving up the secrets. You always know Successfuls share  real secrets when they use keywords such as “luck” or “fortunate”. (Photo credit: YouTube/Goalcast)

Was this luck?

If it was, then you’re screwed.

Because luck only happens to the lucky!

Good news: it wasn’t luck! This is how life works for everyone.

Arnold had life experience. Life experience clarified his vision. Get out of Austria. But he didn’t know how or “to where”. His Broader Perspective did though. His Broader Perspective arranged his life to include the documentary. It was not “luck”. The film showed up on purpose.

It’s likely Arnold doesn’t know he has a Broader Perspective. So instead of giving credit where it’s due, he called it “luck”.

When successful people tell success stories, keep listening for keywords like “luck”. When they use such words, they’re giving up secrets. Their secrets are not actions, advice or rules you must follow.

Only one thing makes you successful: lining up with you Broader Perspective. It is arranging your success all the time. Your Broader Perspective always speaks to you. Most of the time, you’re not listening…Successful people find a way to listen.

Successful people would have no stories to tell without Broader Perspective’s involvement.

· · ·

Ask any successful person you know if they could predict when, where and from whom these “lucky breaks” would happen. Every person will say “no”. Human awareness is too small to know.  It’s too small to arrange billions of events, and resources becoming your life. Including people who’s ideas will benefit you. Ideas those people haven’t even had yet!

Trippy, right?

All this is beyond normal human perception. Right up until such events become reality. But it’s child’s play for your Broader Perspective.

After seeing the documentary, Arnold “knew that is exactly where I wanted to end up” he says. Young Arnold got excited. “Excited” is an emotion. Emotions tell you you’re on your way to success. That’s their purpose.

Arnold was on his success path. He felt positive, excited. All he had to do now was keep following his vision as it evolved. Broader Perspective would do the heavy lifting (pun intended). It would create one event after another.

When strung together, Arnold would find himself successful.

It’s that easy. It’s so easy, you can do it.

So did Arnold have to “find” the vision of “ending up in America”? Nope. Then why do you?

Next, he asked “how will I get there?” The answer already existed. His Broader Perspective already held the experience “ending up in America”. It already had shaped many paths leading to America. Paths including people who could help Arnold get there.

It didn’t matter Arnold didn’t know how he would get there. Just by asking the question, he matched his Broader Perspective’s “knowing”.

What happened next reveals another secret having nothing to do with Arnold’s effort.

At 1:09, Arnold says: “…One day I was fortunate enough to see a bodybuilding magazine…” In the magazine, he says, he read an article about Reg Park, a former Mr. Universe.

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Arnold’s second clue. The keyword “fortunate” always points to knowledge, the speaker is unware they have. (Photo: YouTube/Goalcast)

“Fortunate” is another keyword. When Successfuls uses this word, perk up. Here’s what they’re saying. “I don’t know how the heck this happened, but it made me successful, so pay attention, I’m telling you the secret”.

Arnold couldn’t get himself out of Austria on his own. He had no idea “how”. He had no money. No one did. He had no idea “where” he’d go.

But his Broader Perspective had answers to how and who and where. The documentary, then Reg Park were answers Arnold wanted.

Arnold got inspired. He felt excitement. In his excitement, he primed the next major event. The more positively focused you are, the quicker things happen.

At 01:22 Arnold says “I read the article as fast as I could”. Park’s success boosted Arnold’s enthusiasm. You could say Park and Arnold share the same nonphysical origins. Park’s experience pointed the way for Arnold’s ambitions. Through Park’s example, Arnold realized his own path.

Life works like this for everyone. It is not luck. It is not fortune. It is not random. You have life experience. It spurs desire. Broader Perspective makes it real at once.

You don’t experience that realness as immediate as your Broader Perspective. Why?

Because desires become real slower in physical reality than in nonphysical. In nonphysical, things become things immediately.

It’s a good thing it’s different here. Too much crazy stuff would happen otherwise. But that’s another story.

Just know that your success happens exactly as Arnold’s. Not successful yet? You will be, after you learn how do to what Arnold did. Not what he says he did. What he actually did.

In other words, no rules.

Arnold describes Park “all of a sudden” landing “in Rome. He’s doing Hercules movies” after training and winning Mr. Universe.

But Park’s success (and Arnold’s) didn’t happen “all of a sudden”. It happened over time. “All of a sudden” is a keyword phrase. During that time, did Park or Arnold work hard? Struggle? Sacrifice? We don’t know about Park.

But that’s how Arnold describes it. If you watch Arnold’s training footage, however, you would see he wasn’t working hard.

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Note the yellow box. Arnold acknowledges his “hard work” and “struggle” “didn’t matter”. (Photo: YouTube/Goalcast)

More likely, he was enjoying it. That’s how he explains it. But you must listen carefully.

At 2:04 he says hard work wasn’t part of the equation. Nor struggle. “It didn’t matter” he said. Why? Because he found his passion. Meaning: he knew he was on his path.

· · ·

Let’s summarize so far. Here are the first steps to everyone’s success:

  1. Your desires, automatically surface through life experience. These are your visions/goals.
  2. Now you know what you want. That moment, your Broader Perspective becomes that. It then sends you clues via intuition, events and circumstances spurring your desire. It’s never full blown desire fulfillment. It’s bread crumbs on a path.

Watch Arnold’s speech again. See if you can ignore Arnold’s rules. Instead, tune in to keywords in his story. Keywords indicating how Arnold (and every successful person) unknowingly reveals real secrets. Secrets so secret, even Successfuls don’t know them. Even though they share them.

Arnold’s “rules” had nothing to do with his success.

Speed Builds As Success Gets Bigger

Later in his speech, Arnold’s early successes inspire even bigger desires. He’s had some success. He’s feeling confident. So he shoots for bigger dreams.

At 2:30 he talks about being another John Wayne. But he wouldn’t be able to have had that grand vision had he not started with his smaller one: leaving war-torn Austria.

That dream got fulfilled when he first saw the documentary, then read the magazine. By then, he knew how (follow Park’s example) and where (go to America).

So Arnold didn’t follow Rule #2: Never ever think small. He thinks he followed it, but his first thought wasn’t huge. It wasn’t “become the next John Wayne.” It was “get out of Austria.”

Not “become the next Mr. Universe”.

Not “Become a movie star”.

Just: get out of Austria. Where? “I don’t know!” How? “I don’t know, I just want to escape!”

When you have a small goal, it’s just as big as a big goal, because small goals lead to bigger ones. You don’t have to start with a big one. Start where you are.

Arnold didn’t have a big goal to start. He started where he was.

You don’t have to have big dreams.

Next we come to Arnold’s Rule #3: ignore the naysayers.

Arnold didn’t follow this rule either. He did listen. Why do you think he took english classes, accent removal classes, diction classes…

Meanwhile Arnold’s Broader Perspective delivers what Arnold calls “a little break”.

But it actually was a massive real-ization: a part in a TV show.

That part lead to Pumping Iron, which made Arnold niche famous.

Then Stay Hungry came.

By this time, Arnold’s dreams blossomed more and more. The more real they got, the happier and more confident Arnold got. Arnold’s attention turned to bigger and more exciting dreams and desires. How? His dreaming capacity increased with each previously fulfilled goal.

Again, that’s how life works.

Conan The Barbarian: The Big Break

Then came Conan The Barbarian. Let’s talk about Conan the Barbarian, something Arnold calls “the big break”.

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The Epic Conan Poster.


Arnold says it came “finally”. As though he had been waiting a long time.

But he’s not recognizing every fulfilled desire preceding this famous movie. Each fulfilled desire made the next possible. Fulfilled dreams come in succession. Not in a Big Bang.

Conan was impossible before Stay Hungry. Stay Hungry: impossible before Pumping Iron. Pumping Iron: impossible before that TV role. All Arnold’s acting, impossible before his preparation. His preparation, impossible before winning Mr. Universe. Winning Mr. Universe, impossible were it not for Reg Park and the magazine article. The magazine article, impossible before the documentary. The documentary, impossible before wanting to escape. Wanting to escape, impossible before the aftermath of WWII.

A long series of manifestations, one leading to the other, made Conan The Barbarian possible. Including events having nothing to do with Arnold.

That’s important!

First, there had to be a Conan The Barbarian concept. Original Conan stories were first published in 1932. That’s fifteen years before Arnold was even born (1947)!

The Conan stories then had to become comic books. They started out as fantasy stories. Not comic books.

Frank Frazetta, a famous fantasy artist, was born in 1928. Well before Arnold could have known about Reg Park. Frazetta’s art became famous. According to Wikipedia, “His interpretation of Conan visually redefined the genre of sword and sorcery, and had an enormous influence on succeeding generations of artists.”

In other words, Frazetta’s art boosted Conan’s mystique.

Somewhere along the line, the Conan fantasy inspired a future movie director. All these events happened well before Arnold started acting!


Many events, inspirations, sparks of imaginations. Imaginations happening well before Arnold was born!

Then, came Arnold’s tiny dream: Get heck out of Austria.

Conan was monumental. Note how Arnold describes it. We’re pasting his verbatim commentary so you can read it without the video. It’s thrilling:

“…You know what was so interesting about it was the director said that at the press conference, if we wouldn’t have had Schwarzenegger with those muscles, we would have had to build one.”

Then, about Terminator:

“James Cameron said, the “I’ll be back” line became the most famous movie lines in history because of Arnold’s crazy accent because he sounded like a machine!”

Here’s what we wrote before about these kinds of events. Events organized by your Broader Perspective:

“When your Broader Perspective organizes events in your life, it works with other people’s Broader Perspectives. Your Broader Perspective has your best interests in mind. Other people’s Broader Perspectives have your interests in mind too. And vice versa. So when a person shows up in your life, they agreed, through their Broader Perspective, to be there. In being there, they get what they are wanting. Even as you get what you want. Everyone in any situation gets the same thing: what they want.  There are no exceptions to this.”

That director’s Broader Perspective, and James Cameron’s Broader Perspective, Frank Frazetta’s Broader Perspective, Reg Park’s Broader Perspective….were and are working with Arnold’s Broader Perspective. Such coordination got/is getting everyone what they wanted/want.

Did you get a little shiver down your spine, or goose bumps across your body?

That’s your Broader Perspective agreeing with us. Because what we’re sharing with you is 100 percent accurate. You have control over this process. Let’s review the steps adding steps three and four:

  1. Your desires surface through life experience. These are your visions/goals. It’s automatic.
  2. Now you know what you want. That moment, your Broader Perspective becomes that. It then sends you clues via intuition, events and circumstances spurring more desire. It’s never full blown desire fulfillment. It’s bread crumbs on a path.
  3. You must now merge with your Broader Perspective. You’ll then hear clues and perceive event chains. These event chains are desires fulfilled over time. How do you know you’re merged? You are positively focused. You are happy, appreciative, joyful, excited, inspired. All these tell you you’re merged.
  4. Watch what happens. Celebrate when desires get fulfilled, then move back to step one.

These basic steps make all Successfuls successful. Your success equals anyone on any stage telling you about their success. Working hard isn’t required.

You only need to do what they did. Not what they say they did.

Your success may not look like Arnold’s, or any other’s success. Your life is unique. You’re not here succeed like others. You’re here to succeed in your way.

Successful people don’t share secrets of their success directly. That’s because they don’t know the secrets. Instead they talk about what they did. They encourage you to do what they did. They don’t tell you it’s not about doing. Success is about being. Being merged with your Broader Perspective.

That’s the secret.

Now you know. Now you can listen to their experiences, tune out the irrelevant 10 percent. Then tune in the 90 percent that made them successful.

Pain endurance: unnecessary.

Everything Arnold did, he did because he wanted to. He enjoyed it. Here’s why he says otherwise. Like many successful people, he doesn’t understand how he got success. Instead he justifies his success. How? By saying he found his vision, worked his ass off, didn’t listen to anyone and endured pain. Performing altruism is a nice touch. But as you know, many successful people become altruistic after succeeding.

None of those things made him successful.

What made him successful were “lucky” breaks, big and small. Those and “fortunate” events impossible to arrange on his own.

Those events his Broader Perspective arranged. Yours can too.

We invite you to listen again to Arnold’s story. Or any successful person’s story. See if you can tune out the rules. Tune out what they said they did, and listen to the 90 percent their Broader Perspective did for them.

Arnold’s story is inspiring. But ignore his advice. Learn to read his story correctly. Hear the “hidden message” to turn inward. Listen to your own Broader Perspective. Merge with it. Then chart your own delightful path.

How? By staying positively focused.

Need more help? That’s why we’re here.

Your Future Lies In Leisure, Fun And Happiness

Jordan Whitfield work harder FB blog
Photo: Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Do you work hard?

If so, why?

Have you thought about it? Are you doing it because you must? Are you doing it because if you don’t work hard, you’ll be fired? Are you doing it because it’s the only way to get income?

Or do you do it because you think you enjoy it? Are you wearing your hard work as a badge of honor? Do you complain or boast about how hard you work, how busy you are? Do you get angry when people think you’re not working hard?

Or maybe you like your job. You find fulfillment there. Two questions for you:

  1. Would you do the work for free?
  2. Would you keep working if you won $500,000,000?

If the answer to either of these questions is “No” then you’re not working because you like it. In the first place, you probably do that work because you need its income. Maybe you’ve chosen work you “like” to get income rather than doing shitty work for it.

That’s not liking your work. It is tolerating it.

Our guess is, afforded other options, working would be the last thing you’d do. No matter how much you say you like it.

Some people “work hard” as justification. They say they work hard. They say that because the think they should. They think they should because society tells them they should. So do parents. So do teachers. So do “leaders”.

“Work hard. Be successful.”

Society rewards your compliance with income, approval and, ironically, more responsibility. More responsibility ensures you’ll work even harder.

If you don’t work hard, society says you’re not paying your way. You’re not earning your living. You’re living off of others. You’re a loser.

loser comment from Twitter

In other words, society, which means other people, shames you into working hard. Shame is like shit: it rolls downhill. Shame makes you shame others who challenge the notion that working hard is or was worth it.

But it’s not worth it.

Maybe you shouldn’t care what society thinks. Not caring what society thinks is far more worthy of approval than working hard. In your not caring what others think, you find authenticity. Persist in that and you find invulnerability.

Think now: if you’re invulnerable, doesn’t that also include all the money you need and then some?

Yes, it does.

Bold assertion, yet 100 percent accurate: the only reason anyone works hard is because they believe they must.  Even those actually working hard –– digging trenches by hand, picking lettuce by hand, or some other literally body-destroying job –– don’t have to do that kind of work.

Every person creates their own reality. That includes how money comes into their life. You’re not a cog working for money. You came to have fun. Not work.

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Photo: Isis Franca

“Well, I have to work,” You say.  “I need money to survive.”

Work correlates to income only because you believe that. Trading “value” for income is a belief. Not “reality”. Reality is what you make it. Just because it looks like everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean you must.

And, by the way, not everyone is doing it. 😜

Parents gave a teenager some years ago $1000. He put it all in Bitcoin. Now he’s a millionaire. Did he work hard to become a millionaire?

You don’t either.

As an eternal creator, you came into the world intending joy and ease. Not working for money. Even though society believes otherwise, having fun, being happy and playing is just as valid an avenue to money as working hard. It’s more fun too.

You may scoff reading that. Such reactions only indicate how deeply you believe in needing to work hard. Or even work at all.

In the last two days, Perry had two conversations with two retired women. Both aggressively defended “work hard”. They worked hard most their lives while saving money for “the good life”: retirement.

Defending that notion is understandable. Especially if that’s what you did with your life. It would suck to realize you didn’t have to work your entire life, but did anyway. So we don’t blame older people when they expect others should work hard.

That’s what they did.

We’re here to tell you you don’t have to do that. You can. But it’s not mandatory. It’s not the future either.

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Working hard is so 20th century.


It is mandatory if you go along with what society says. But “society” only represents collective agreement. Not reality.

For sure not your reality. Unless you believe what they believe.

That feels like this: Deep down you feel simultaneously shitty but also righteously indignant. “Shitty” comes from believing you must “work hard” when you really know you don’t. Indignant comes from knowing deep down it’s bullshit. Yet you’re doing it anyway. You justify “working hard” by pointing to the income you get. But that income represents a pittance of not only what you could get, but what you’re worth.

Your worth is intrinsic. No amount of money can compensate you for that.

Belief that you must work to earn money to live is unnecessary.

The time is neigh where your work-hard-ability will not be enough. The automation of everything is not inevitable. It’s happening. Right now. It’s present tense. Not the future.

This means, real reality is on our side. Meaning, one way or another, you’re either going to become the deliberate creator that you are, now, or, you’re going to do it after you’ve lost your income generating ability.

Either way, that’s humanity’s future.

We’re not here to scare you. The coming future is amazing. It offers unlimited opportunity. The only limits to that opportunity are what you believe is possible. If you believe you and others must earn a living, then the future’s going to be unpleasant for a while.

But only for you and those who believe as you do.

We are the future making the future happen. It’s the future you’re wanting too. But you don’t know that when you’re agreeing with society saying you must prove your worth by working hard.

We suggest you start looking at what you believe. There’s no better time than now to start.


Your Harshest Critics Are Awesome Allies

Fabien Deletraz WORLD CREATOR FB blog
Photo: Fabien Deletraz

Attacks on what you’re doing tell you you are on your path.

Everyone who accomplished something great did so facing massive criticism. Some harsher than others.

If you are crucified by the mainstream, congratulations. You are in good great company. Those who changed the world for the better are rarely liked.

That is, until their deed is done.

Facebook and Apple are not the kinds of “world changing” we’re talking about.

Changing humanity’s trajectory, significantly improving fundamental societal structures, and heralding in a new relationship between human beings –– these are the kinds of accomplishments we’re talking about.

When you’re up to something that significant you’re bound to attract those who hate what you are doing, those jealous of what you’re doing, those who fear what you’re doing.

You’re equally bound to attract those who love what you’re doing.

But if you’re up to something significant, you must remain true to what you’re doing and not let either the adoration or the hate beguile you you. For hate can easily turn to adoration and adoration turns to hate just as easily.

Humans are capricious.

Most of them would rather go along with the crowd. Most of them fear being ostracized by that crowd. And most of them also criticize that very same crowd.

Abraham calls the crowd “the peanut gallery”. Their opinion matters so little it’s not worth peanuts to such a one standing in their invincibility.

When you’re doing something significant, you’re likely to be alone in your pursuit. Something else Abraham says: It’s lonely on the leading edge. In the silence of that leading edgeness however, you discover life mastery.

· · ·

For those who know their invincibility, the peanut gallery’s opinion matters not one whit.

While it’s been often mis-attributed to Mahatma Ghandi, the homily, which more likely comes from union leader Nicholas Klein, still paints a compelling picture:

  • You’re first ignored
  • Then you are laughed at
  • Then they try to abuse you
  • Then they enshrine monuments to you

So many would-be world-changers give up when people ignore them. Or when they are laughed at. Many who get through those phases, give up when abuse shows up. The very few who continue reach the promise land of dreams fulfilled.


Glory goes to those who fulfill dreams. Not to those who just dream them.

In today’s connected world, no human can deliberately plan events such that their voice rises above the noise.

But when allied with All That Is, providence steps in, orchestrating on behalf of the connected individual, events which seem like lucky breaks or coincidence.

More often, though, the best, divinely-inspired events look like bad luck. Horrible luck even.

Here is what separates those who are enshrined from those who go unrecognized.

The enshrined understand their enemy’s true value.

Antagonism serves the iconoclast well. For ridicule, abuse, negative attention and opposition all amplify their message.

Recently, Perry was a guest on a Facebook Live event. Actually, he was the main course, as the audience was furious at things he had said recently. They were looking for their pound of flesh. Two pounds really.

What was billed as a discussion could have been described as an ambush had Perry not already known what was going to happen. The host and her audience attacked and ridiculed and laughed at Perry, his lifestyle, his beliefs. They tried to take him to task for his perspective on the transgender community.

But Perry is invincible. There is no task a mob can take him to because Perry has clarity. He doesn’t need agreement from the peanut gallery, which is often ignorant and lost in the what-is-ness of life.

Interestingly, while many of the loudest voices pilloried him during the show, some less vocal people heard what he was saying. Their experience will dramatically change their lives.

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Though they will not be able to connect their participation in that event with life changes they will experience, the experiences will none the less offer opportunities otherwise not available.


Those who don’t understand you are going to ignore you. Those threatened by your authenticity are going to attack you. Then those who were ignoring you will join in the attack. Or they will watch from the sidelines. If you look like them, if they think you are part of their tribe they are going to try to force you to conform to their ideas of proper tribe behavior.

Very few tribes are as insecure and therefore fearful of change than the tribe known as “black people”.

But if you can continue, despite attempts to get you to conform to others’ opinion of how you should be, you will, over time, shape the world to your divinely-inspired opinion.

And you will discover how powerful you are. And how invincible you are.

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Colin Kaepernick would not be where he is were he not shunned by the NFL and other major institutions including the Republican Party the casual racists and the rest of the peanut gallery.

People who have changed society or the world did so amidst harsh rebukes. Harsh rebukes are what people offer when they don’t understand.

For the world-changer, it’s best to let the peanut gallery do what it does best: assist in their own special way in your success.

Recognize attacks are part of the path and you win.


Conspicuous Consumption Is A Spiritual Practice

Zoe Holling spiritual practice FB blog
Photo: Zoe Holling

There is no distinction between a spiritual practice and wantonly consuming material goods. Both produce the same result. Guaranteed.

So go ahead and consume all you want. Or live your life as an ascetic.

It doesn’t matter too much really.

And don’t worry about the planet. It is easily handling the demand. Though it seems like it’s not.

We know, science isn’t on our side.

That is, if we had a side, science wouldn’t be there. Not yet anyway.

Whether you’re determined to master meditation, go vegan, drive an electric car and recycle everything or generate enough wealth to buy an Airstream, a yacht, five houses and a G-5, you’re eventually going to come to the same realizations.

Everyone arrives at the same realizations after death.

Some, again, on both paths, get there before that.

That’s rare.

Those who do are venerated. Bill Gates–Deepak Chopra. Leonardo DiCaprio–Eckhart Tolle….there are endless examples of the venerable on either path.

· · ·

Some say you can not be spiritual let alone experience higher consciousness while pursuing material satisfaction. These people sometimes see consumerism itself as possibly the worst invention of modern civilization, and the most conspicuous consumers, a scourge.

Facebook rant
Many people out there rail against material success.

But when you consider where all this material stuff comes from, how it is produced and why, you discover something interesting: the pursuit of material satisfaction is just as powerful a path to “enlightenment” as any spiritual one.

That’s because, all things material, including the pursuit itself, is a spiritual process.

To explain:

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Where is all this stuff coming from? Photo credit: ohmky unsplash

Where do things come from?

Every invention starts with inspiration. Whether it’s Facebook, Medium, A Tesla, or BlackKKlansman, creation starts with an idea. Where do ideas come from?

Science will tell you they come from associative processes in the brain which constantly fire in the background of conscious awareness. But there are many steps prior to that process that happen that science doesn’t know about.

These steps take place nowhere “near” the brain. Let alone in the brain.

For example, we recently were designated a Medium Top Writer in the Racism tag. We had no idea there was even such a thing as a “Top Writer”.

Top writer

One day three weeks ago, we got the impulse (a strong urge) to share our work on Medium. We had been sporadically doing so, but two weeks ago, that strong desire turned into a process where we gradually attained a three-story-a-day publishing regimen.

There was no problem in our mind needing a creative solution. We didn’t even think about how to attain Top Writer status, let along in the Racism tag. We simply started including Medium as a publishing outlet of our work, enjoying the artistic process along the way.

We know the coordination of events in the physical world which had this result show up in our life experience occurred in a “place” we call The Moment Of Becoming. That place doesn’t exist anywhere in physical reality, and is certainly outside the brain. Rather it is a conduit through which material reality emerges.

This is why we practice being more immediately responsive to our intuitions. We have seen so much evidence that intuition is not a random, unreliable source of knowledge, but a highly accurate, intelligent and reliable guide to getting everything we want.

Even things we don’t realize we’re wanting. Until we have them. Such as this Top Writer thing.

The inspiration to increase our publishing on Medium came from somewhere.

Where did it come from? From that no place we call The Moment Of Becoming.

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Photo: JD Mason


It is the same place a desire for a car, or a bigger house or a better job comes from: an innate process all humans have and use as expressions of aware-ized life experience.

Aware-ized life experience, which is what you are, desires more of everything. As those desires are satisfied, satisfaction births new desires propelling aware-ized life experience “forward”….along the lines of specific desire focuses, or “channels” or, as Seth calls them: Value Fulfillment.

Inspiration is individual guidance from the larger part of who we all are. It indicates paths through which Value Fulfillment can ultimately be experienced, in a given moment of the collocation of time, space, events and participating expressions of aware-ized life experience.

· · ·

A person is born with a natural desire to create. She seemingly fumbles around for a bit in life until she gets her footing and tunes into her intuition –– her innate impulses “sounding” from “non physical” and received in The Moment Of Becoming.

All during the fumbling she is creating, but indeliberately. Indeliberate creation is valuable too. So it’s not wasted energy. No more than the millions of seeds a tree produces, only a very few of which actually become trees.

Intuitive inspiration doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it results from a long series of deliberate and focused attention resulting in a momentum of accretion around a value fulfilment unique and inherent to the individual intuition receiver.

At some point our intrepid human follows that inspiration. It doesn’t matter when, because, like all of us, she is eternal. As she gives more and more attention to the inspired idea, resources in the form of people, money, opportunities and events accrete around her.

This process is sometimes delayed by a person who is not naturally attuned to what is going on. A person might try to use the world of “doing” or “action”, manipulating matter, people and events, in order to fulfill intention. Those naturally attuned to this process we’re describing, use far less action, are much more effective and enjoy the journey far more than those who aren’t.

Some time later our individual has a product or service or some kind of value or usefulness to offer. The gestation is perfectly culminated to coincide with the desire for said product or service. Or….due to one or many factors, there is a delay prior to the co-incidence of events wherein eager consumers are ready to consume said value.

This delay humans like to call “failure”.

Which is a misnomer, because there really is no such thing. Just like seeds that don’t grow into trees aren’t “failures”.

In the former instance, where everything comes together easily, consumers consume said invention and life moves on. In the latter, an infinite number of alternative events can result, depending on how the maker reacts to the gap between desire expression (wanting to create value for others) and actual desire realization (having someone consume said offer).

Both parties – consumers and producers – are collaborators in this process.  Inventors invent based on input from those who want the invention. That communication happens in non-physical, then is “seeded” to many potential “inventors” simultaneously, which explains why multiple inventors will have the same idea at the same time.

It also explains why patent law is a joke.

But that’s another story.

Collaboration includes aware-ized life experience expressed in the physical world as the material resources used to make the product or service. All matter is representative and contains within it aware-ized energy. Everything is alive, in other words.

The satisfaction gained by all parties in the consumption of the thing –– from the smallest particle to the largest instantiation…a planet perhaps ––  and the value produced is the “more” that was only “potential” when the seed of inspiration got planted.

Thus, with the blooming of invention leading to the delight of consumption, the universe, All That Is and all participating parties become more.

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Even graffiti taken to “more” becomes beautiful in itself. It is the same with life. Photo credit: anders nord

In an ideal world, humanity would work its wonders to create more and more efficient and useful (i.e. valuable) ideas which increase the capacity and efficiency of its productive capability as well as the productive enjoyment of humanity’s physical environment, with no resource exhaustion.

Expanding desire would cause resource expansion and both would keep pace with each other in an ongoing expansion of everything.

We see this happening despite obvious signs to the contrary.

But the timing of “desire” and “fulfilment” is wonky because humans pay too much attention to What Is Happening, lose connection with their invincibility, experience fear and insecurity and act from those places.

This connection loss opens a can of worms too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say, we see the world today, where “waste”, seeming resource depletion and environmental destruction are the order of the day instead of what we’re describing.

And yet, underneath all this is what we’re describing: everything working wonderfully in an elegant and consistent orientation towards more and better for everyone and everything.

The problems humanity faces are due to many factors, one of which being the belief that goes something like this:

“Everything has a cost and if you can’t tell me how to pay for it, I’m not going to support it. And if I have to pay for it and I don’t agree it should be done, forget about it, particularly if it benefits others, or makes them lazy. People should work for what they get.”

Desire causes opportunity for desire satisfaction, leading to desire fulfillment, then more desire and thus more “more”.  Beliefs like the above just slow things down greatly delaying the process and leaving those who could enjoy satisfaction not enjoying it.

Until after the death moment.

Aware-ized life experience has an insatiable desire for more. It will always desire to experience more of itself. This positive feedback loop –– the desire to have more experiences is partially responsible for you (being an instance of aware-ized life experience) being eternal: it’s just not possible for you to come to an end because you are constantly creating more life experience through experiencing your life experience.


How Consumption Equals Enlightenment.

As we said above, some achieve great prosperity allowing a level of material freedom that affords freedom of time and resource abundance. Sometimes in this state, a person begins to look inward or outward, or both. They want to do good. And they want to be able point to the good and say “see, that’s because of me”.

Of course everything aware-ized life experience does leaves an indelible, positive mark on physical reality. Most people don’t understand that.

So they “try” to become more than they perceive themselves to be.

That is the same outcome some “spiritual” people can also arrive at. For every single spiritual guru we can think of has turned to do exactly what some very wealthy people do. They just do it in ways consistent with the path they are on.

Some spiritual “finders” tend to also become wealthy. Particularly those in the west. In those cases we see them trod both paths: spiritual and material, blessing the world and people as they go along.

But no matter the path, those who make it while still in a body is small. In fact, there are a lot more who don’t make it than those who do.

The following is going to get heady….


What Is Happening and How The What Is Happening Is Happening

People get stuck in another feedback loop, where they don’t understand the “How The What Is Happening” part of What Is Happening. Thus they get lost in the happening, instead of understanding the How The What Is Happening Is Happening.

Lost there, they see the world as random, uncaring dangerous and risky. Their only recourse is to try to take charge of the What Is Happening part. They are oblivious to the How The What Is Happening Is Happening part, even though the “How….” part is the funnest, most enjoyable part of the whole process making up the “What…”.

Thus the challenges in the world.

Racism, sexism, Trump and his supporters, the alt right and the alt-left, Russia and the US, wars, poverty, disease, etc. All sides of any “issue” are oblivious to How What Is Happening Is Happening. Instead they are dazzled by What Is Happening.

So they take sides.

In their dazzlement, they stumble through life fighting against What Is Happening, where they have no power instead of focusing on the “How…” part, where all their power is.

Thus, they suffer.

With the right guidance a person can easily navigate their awareness from the What Is Happening, back to the How What Is Happening Is Happening, regain their power (and their invincibility) and therefore be a Conscious Creator Of Reality.

That understanding, and the deliberate creations which results from that, is enlightenment.

Few are doing that right now, but oh, boy how times are a changing!

· · ·

There is no difference between living “spiritually” and living immersed in a consumer lifestyle. Both create experiences which can but usually do not produce lasting fulfillment and unshakable happiness. Not until after death.

Which is why, when it does happen, we venerate such people for their rarity.

The ultimate path of humanity is to become a vast collection of super human individuals in a vast civilization of super humans. We’re speaking both materially and spiritually since they’re one in the same.

We’re a long way from that. But we’re happy with a civilization of ordinary humans, punctuated every now and then by individuals who are super human.

The venerable position of “invincible super human” is available to everyone. Both paths can lead there.

Everyone gets there eventually.

So don’t sweat it. Consumer or Ascetic. You’re on the right path. And eventually, you’ll arrive.

Life Constantly Demonstrates Your Super Humanity

Maria Bandasian Super human FB blog
Photo: Maria Bandasian

Those who don’t understand their invincibility project it into their reality. They imbue superheros, kings, and gods with what they themselves have, but of which they are ignorant.

A state of grace surrounds you. You’re no different from plants, animals and mountains in this way.

Through your grace you get everything you want. Including invincibility.

Grace = the state of being favored.

Obvious evidence demonstrates your grace state. But it’s almost always taken for granted. The sun which bathes you continually, the air, available to you in abundance, and the physical framework –– principally this planet upon which and through which all your desires are received by you, all offer overwhelming evidence.

That’s not all though. Millions of evidence bits demonstrating your favored status surround you.

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We can see at least 25 indicators of our state of grace. You?

Your natural grace is hard to acknowledge when you’re bunged up in daily life, trying to make things happen.

But more focus brought to the obvious signs, begets greater realization of equally obvious, but much more tantalizing and highly desired ones.

For example, Perry* and his wife, Bridget are on a vacation in Northern Idaho. On their way up from Boise, where they were visiting with Bridget’s daughter, Bridget, who has difficulty sitting in cars for long periods, wondered aloud whether there would be a place they could take a break, use the bathroom, stretch their legs and enjoy a snack.

She really had to go.

She first tried what most would do in this modern, technological era: she pulled out her phone to see what lay ahead via her maps app.

But there was no service.

She was technologically, temporarily blind.

Aloud, in mild frustration, she mentioned having paper maps as backups for this exact reason, but then, knowing much of what Perry knows, she decided to see this as an opportunity to practice receiving in her grace.

She settled into the ride, enjoying obvious signs of how blessed she is:

  • Blessed to have a business that supports her with a nice summer break
  • Blessed for having had time to spend with her daughter who is at school
  • Blessed with a wonderful car that functions flawlessly
  • Blessed with awesome traveling weather
  • Blessed with a wonderful canine companion, her doggy-baby

Immersed in her “grace recognition”, she felt better.

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Bridget and Perry’s doggy-baby

Meanwhile, Perry, who was driving, was appreciating Idaho’s scenic beauty.

They were driving alongside Payette River, which meanders through the landscape. The road mirrors the river’s twists and turns. Around every bend was something new and wonderful to see.

With both feeling their grace, they were delighted by what happened next.

Rounding another bend they saw 70 yards of white sand along the river, bordered by the typical bouldered river shore. Beside the beach: picnic tables, tall triees…and a restroom along the road. Plenty of space to park, they had the whole place to themselves.

Bridget saw it first and recognized immediately the peculiar timing. Her grace had been demonstrated by her, to her. Arriving at that particular spot, on a 285 mile journey, exactly when she wanted nothing more than a break. Not only was there a bathroom, there was a beach.

On a river.

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A scenic beach and picnic area on a river. Including a bathroom. Perfect evidence of our state of grace. What evidence are you seeing?

Coincidence? If you consider the perfect co-inciding of events, orchestrated with such exact timing that both people could delight in the experience, then yes, it’s a “coincidence”.

This is the way life is supposed to be.

For everyone.

Getting everything you’re wanting, large and small with ease is our natural state.

And when you learn to see the evidence of this constantly, you develop something which eludes most everybody on the planet: An invincibility born of realizing so much evidence of your grace that no other conclusion fits.

Invincibility born of grace.

It’s a superhuman characteristic that is real.

And you have it.


We refer to our physical presence by its given name for clarity and ease of story telling.


It’s Already Gotten Better In America. Don’t See It? You will.

David Pisnoy its getting better FB blog
Photo: David Pisnoy

Humanity will find itself in a brand new world the moment it realizes competition is not a thing. And oh what a beautiful world it will be.

That new world is not going to happen in a flash of enlightenment.

It’s going to happen the way it’s happening now: a gradual collective realization over generations as more and more individuals realize who and what they are, then come into the world in their successive life experiences consistently living from that place.


“Who they are”

You are not human. Human is a form adopted in order to experience physical reality. The human form, with its fleshy-bony countenance, is as tied to physical reality as reality itself.

Not you.

Which is why remains following your after death.

This doesn’t only apply to humans. All physical matter experiences this.

We are all eternal, unlimited and rambunctious expressions of All That Is, that wonderfully complex origin from which we all came from long, long ago. All That Is does not lord over us like gods. We have no need to appease it with any kind of sacrifice or surrender. We are it. There is no separation. That’s who we are. That’s who you are. Not human.


“What they are”

This is far more interesting than “who”. Humans believe they are the only sentient species on the planet. Save for maybe dogs and dolphins and monkeys. But there is far more sentient awareness than that.

Every form of physical matter, from the smallest particle to the largest object, hums with awareness. Life experience itself, is itself, aware and alive. And each physical instance existing within life experience is itself an aware and alive whole and complete instance of life experience. There is no separation here either. This is what you are.

Call it “aware-ized life experience”.

If the answers above to both these questions are accurate, and if there is no separation within and among anything (because everything is encompassed in the two answers above), then how can there be competition?

Competition with who? With what?


Sounds strange?

We know it does.

There are thousands of ways of describing the process that always has been aware and is now experiencing itself as innumerable whole and complete instances of itself.

These innumerable instances, again, whole and complete in themselves, exist simultaneously and, more importantly, cooperatively in a boundless positive feedback gestalt that always becomes bigger, better, more.

And it never ends.

Somewhere way back there, human instantiations of aware-ized life experience adopted beliefs that are far off the mark. Those beliefs spawned even more distortions.

Today we’re living their legacies.

“Competition” is one of these. But there are so many more such beliefs. And when you tug on one, you discover its intricate connection to others.  It’s like a Gordian Knott: bewildering to contemplate unraveling.

Belief in competition produces high levels of insecurity, instability, fear and pronounced feelings of lack of self efficacy. It’s everywhere in modern society.

Nowhere is it better expressed in the United States than in the White House.

The world you experience reflects back to you that which you yourself are ready to see.

Sometimes, though, the signs have to get more overt before “seeing” happens.

Either way, you eventually get it.

Then life shifts.

We’re at one of those moments right now. And as terrible as it may feel “on all sides”,  the result of all this churn is going to amaze.

Not everyone will see it.

Not everyone needs to.

Those who do will find themselves in a whole new world.

And oh what a beautiful world it will be.

Normalizing Enlightenment Is Within Our Grasp

YIN YAG blog

A polarized world is the best time to have what you deeply desire.

There is no better time to get what you want than when others are strongly asking for what they want. Especially if what they want is the opposite of what you want!

It’s obvious everyone “on all sides” is stridently asking for what they want. The problem is, they’re going about it wrong.

Instead of using their most powerful inherent capability, they are trying to get what they want through action.

Mostly, destructive, negative action.

Pity. Kind of.

We say “kind of” because every kind of asking for what you want eventually brings it to you. But you can have what you want so much easier, faster and more fun doing it different.

The good news is, the stronger people ask through action, fighting against what they don’t want and arguing with those who oppose them in the process, soon they end up saying “fuck it”.

And in that relaxation, they find the “loosening” of enlightenment, which causes them to quickly have what it is they’re asking for.

What is enlightenment

It’s nothing special. Well, it’s special only because few people have it. Even so, those who do have it realize it’s not that special. All it is is an awareness of one’s inherent grace, realized through a practiced happiness-for-no-reason that has become chronic. It is accompanied by the receiving of all one is wanting as a result of that.

Once those things start showing up, one realizes their inherent invincibility, born of their life experience demonstrating to them without a shadow of a doubt that they create the life experience they live.

It’s hard to see how true those words above are when you’re embroiled in bitter arguments online or in your family or among your friends about any of the myriad topics in physical reality which vie for your attention these days.

But the moment you begin turning away from those things, you find peace. And in that peace – if you hold it long enough – you rediscover your power.

From there, you literally become unstoppable.

What enlightenment feels like: Grace given. Grace received. Getting all you want. That includes material and financial success. Awareness that you’re getting all you want. Perpetual happiness as a result of that. Freedom coupled with a sense of adventure for life. Broader perspective expanding beyond your physical senses, allowing you to take in far more of what you are than just your physical experience defined by your physical senses.

In short, it feels like an ongoing joyful expression of love.

But it is not a permanent thing nor is it a final stage. You don’t “become enlightened” and thus “know it all”.

You have to continuously nurture it and along with that you receive an ongoing broadening awareness which encompasses more and more “knowing.”

The payoff of all that is a life you thought unimaginable.

Until you start living it.

Yes, it can come in a flash of inspiration.

But it is more fun to see it gradually develop, alongside your continued refinement of it. For you’re always becoming more than you are. That’s why you’re eternal.

None of this will ring true for you until you begin realizing evidence of it in your life experience.

Now imagine an entire civilization living from this place. What could be possible?

Some say “There will always be murder, crime, greed and the other vices. You’re arguing for a leftist Utopian fantasy.”

And we say, “You only think that because you haven’t tasted the sweetness of living that we know. And you spend far too much time putting your attention on physical reality. When you stop doing that, you’ll change your tune. And everyone does sooner or later. For some, it takes dying: Everyone who dies ends up in exactly the state we’re describing.”

But you don’t have to wait to die to realize enlightenment. It’s there for you whenever you’re ready.

The good news is, once you start down that path, there’s no turning back. You’re going to be enlightened. And in your enlightenment, you make room for the enlightenment of others.

So whether we consciously normalize it or not, a normalized enlightenment is a fait accompli.

One that is within our grasp.