Why Manifesting Great Results Means Going Slow

Photo by Vu Thu Giang on Unsplash

Why do some things seem impossible, daunting and unfeasible? Are they really? To understand why nothing is impossible, daunting or unfeasible, one must know how thoughts become things.

Peter Gabriel, an English musician, singer, songwriter, record producer and activist gets it. He penned a song called “Mercy Street“. Its first two versus give clues about how reality happens. It’s worth navigating to that site and read the first to lyrics. I removed them here to avoid being sued for using lyrics without permission!

In this post I’ll introduce one aspect of that knowing of how thoughts become things: The nature of time. In part two, I’ll use something I’m creating that some people think is impossible as a model illustrating how thoughts turn to things and nothing is impossible.

It’s important first knowing that all experience is subjective. No two points of consciousness share the same experience, even when two people focus on what they may think is the same thing. In this way, each human creates their unique experience. Time participates in shaping each experience.

Time to know time

“Time” is an important component in thoughts turning to things. If a person wants to deliberately create their reality, they must grok time as a cooperative element.

It’s obvious most people don’t understand time. Look around. Impatience, haste, deadlines and other artifacts of our socio-economic system show how humans push against and fight against time. If they knew what time was, their impatience, haste and eagerness to beat time would vanish.

Understanding time allows a person great freedom and flexibility. That’s because in understanding it, a person finds more joy in life. Such joy eludes those moving through the world using the social construct known as time.

The social construct that is time works against people’s ability to express their natural creative abilities. (Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash)

So what is time? It is an interpretation springing from a human point of consciousness. As that consciousness considers “what is” becoming something else, natural time happens. Natural time is that interval between “what is” and the something else it becomes. This time is not the same time people most commonly think about.

Nearly every human does this “considering” thing. So everyone thinks everyone else shares the experience they experience. But each person’s experience is unique. Nothing gets shared. Including the interval called time.

This natural time, the interval, has nothing to do with clocks.

Time created in insecurity

The social construct we call time is something domineering humans put in place to regulate how people get things done. Look back at history and what happened when domineering cultures met other cultures still connected with natural processes.

Those domineering cultures often got impatient and angry when those other cultures operated on the natural knowing of time. So those domineering cultures, in their collective insecurity and frustration, forced other cultures to disconnect from what they knew.

Thus we have “monochronic” time. In it, people get things done in a coordinated way, using time increments segmented into small precise units. This coordinated time is called “clock time” (by Eckart Tolle) or “assembly line time” (by Seth). This kind of time is the common, agreed-upon phenomenon through which everyone coordinates their activity all around the world.

But that time is based on insecurity, born of disconnection. It’s why westerners were once highly frustrated with Mexicans, Native Americans or Australian Aboriginals. When such people met, they gathered on natural or polychronic time. They met when moved. This often infuriated insecure westerners impatient to “get things done”. Fury, anger and impatience indicate powerlessness and insecurity.

Variable speed polychronic time

Polychronic time gets closer to the interval that is natural time. Again, this interval happens while a current manifested thing changes into something else. The word “time” doesn’t accurately capture the experience though because the word “time” implies something fixed and linear. “Fixed” and “linear” are attributes of clock time, not natural time. That’s why “interval” fits better.

Clock time possesses three other attributes: apparent past, present and future. Each flows from one to the other. The interval between manifestation, however, is highly flexible, nonlinear, and all happening in the now. One thing turning into another can happen in an instant. Or it can take eons. And since it’s all happening now, past, present and future don’t exist. Clock time creates past, present and future. Natural time is now, now, now.

While you may not have experienced past, present and future as happening at once, I’m certain your experience includes witnessing time’s flexibility. Natural time also enjoys variable speeds at which it passes. How long or short natural time’s interval lasts, depends on the consciousness experiencing it.

How “fast” time passes depends on one’s resistance about what is becoming. With little resistance, one manifestation turns into another quickly. With high resistance, manifestations might never happen. The interval can stretch into forever. Or pass so fast, you’re surprised it’s happened so quickly.

Time, natural time, expands or contracts depending on the consciousness experiencing it. (Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash)

Instantaneous time happens

Natural time exists in infinitesimal quantities in the place from which we come. I call that place “nonphysical”. Everything happens there instantly. That’s because resistance in that place is so low, it’s not worth considering.

You’ve already experienced how time can fly by or crawl. Your state of being shapes the interval. Absorbed in an activity, the interval contracts. When bored out your ass, the interval expands.

The Universe is consistent. So if your experience of natural time shows you its variable speed, stretching and contracting, then a place must exist where time goes so quick things happen in an instant.

We know, then, theoretically a place exists where time essentially doesn’t exist. Everything happens at once there. That place can be experienced. But let’s call it theoretical for now.

Good reasons exist for why time functions differently here compared to in nonphysical. But let’s not bother with that. Instead, let’s see now how putting all this theory to work works.

Simultaneous early manifestation

When a person receives a desire, that desire came from someplace. The desire exists before it shows up in the person’s mind. Where it exists is the same place we come from and where time is practically nonexistent: the nonphysical.

So a desire “manifests” first in the mind of a person. That desire wants full expression. Usually desires show up in more than one mind. That way, it enjoys a higher probability of becoming fully expressed. We hear of stories where one creative sues another. The plaintiff claims defendant “stole” a creative’s idea. Sometimes it’s a film idea, or a book concept or a melody, for example.

Usually, the plaintiff gets angry because they didn’t act on the idea, but the defendant one did. Such situations happen because a single idea shows up in many people’s minds at once. But usually only on person will take it to completion.

The minute that desire shows up in the mind, in nonphysical, all resources needed for its full expression, exist. Resources are like desires. They come from the same place desires do. In that place, everything happens instantly. So when a desire exists in nonphysical, so must all resources needed for its full expression.

The minute a desire shows up in the mind, in nonphysical, all resources needed for its full expression, exist. Deliberate creators know their job is to relax and let the desire fulfill itself. (Photo by Vu Thu Giang on Unsplash)

Fertile ground or dead end?

But when a desire shows up in a mind, other thoughts already exist there. These other thoughts create an atmosphere either conducive or detrimental to the desire. That atmosphere will largely determine whether the person receiving the desire acts or not. “Atmosphere” can also be called “momentum”.

Consider a person who believes life is hard, money comes from working for another, people are greedy and “I am not worthy of my dreams.” Such a person isn’t likely to receive a desire inconsistent with what they believe. But let’s say they do. And the desire they get is “create a nonprofit for dogs.”

Don’t you think that person’s immediate reaction to that desire would likely be one of the following?

  • That’s crazy. I can’t do that!
  • Where would I get the money?
  • No one will support that
  • I’m too busy trying to pay my bills
  • I can’t quit my job
  • How would I do that?

These thoughts exist quite comfortably in the atmosphere created by thoughts like “I am not worthy of my dreams,” life is hard, money comes from working for another, people are greedy. So if the desire shows up, odds are it won’t get expressed.

But for the person who understands how dreams are made real, as Peter Gabriel put it in “Mercy Street”, the desire flourishes. That flourish gets aided by time. I’ll cover how in my next post.

Being An Empath: A Good thing? Think Again.

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

Someone wrote me recently asking if being an “empath” is real. They wondered how Law of Attraction works for empaths since no one, this person claims, can “absorb another’s feelings.”

It’s a good question. The question sits right among other questions people don’t want answers to because the answers, while accurate, confront commonly-accepted explanations about life and how it works.

Society accepts people calling themselves empaths. Lots of articles online describe its characteristics. Such articles also offer advice about being one. They suggest ways of negotiating struggles empaths have, and how to become an empath if you’re not.

For the record, I would NEVER recommend someone become an empath. Nor would I recommend anyone claim that word to describe themselves if they think they are one. Here’s why.

“Empath”: a slur hardly anyone knows about

A lot of empaths get bunged up when someone claims being an “empath” isn’t real. I had a business relationship turn sour when I told the person I considered doing business with that such a thing isn’t real.

I didn’t know back then what I know now.

Law of Attraction says anyone can create any reality they want. Hold a belief long enough, it says, and it will become “true” for the person holding the belief. Seth confirms this in their writings too. Their book “The Magical Approach” lays out exactly how Law of Attraction works although they don’t call it that.

The dictionary definition based on a science perspective. Not the best perspective when considering things outside of science’s purview.

So let’s take a gander at what’s happening with “empaths”, whether they’re real or not, how Law of Attraction works for them and why I would recommend no one call themselves an empath.

Looking at what it is

The definition I pasted above comes from mainstream culture. Its underlying message is the whole idea of a person who can “apprehend” the mental and emotional state of another is “paranormal”, meaning beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Alright then. Good start.

In other words, science will not be helpful here. Same holds true with Law of Attraction. People saying Law of Attraction is false will argue no scientific evidence exists supporting its veracity.

And the definition of the word used to describe empathic abilities.

Well, Law of Attraction is PARANORMAL, meaning it is “beyond the scope of science” and therefore out of science’s reach or purview. In other words, science has no say in the matter because Law of Attraction is out of its scope.

Now, an empath is someone who can perceive and understand (that’s what “apprehend” means in this context) what another feels or thinks. The key distinction between perception such as this, which we all have, and an empath, is that an empath perceives and understands what another feels or thinks as though what another thinks or feels are the empath’s thoughts and feelings.

Is that actually happening?


We all are one

On the one hand, at a level beneath ordinary conscious awareness we all are one. At the deepest level of our being, all of us share the same Source. It exists beyond the unconscious mind, as illustrated below. That 4th stage, far right, called Turiya in Yoga Theory, is that state of being.

A masterful diagram of human consciousness derived from “yogic science”. “A” represents waking consciousness, functioning through the body, the senses and our intellect/mind. “U” represents that part of the conscious we have active access to, which informs how we use section “A”. “M” represents that part of the consciousness which creates consistent behavior patterns in A and U. It is accessible through disciplined practices such as Positively Focused. “4th” represents the eternal, indestructible essence of what we all are.

So connections exist between us all, which, in theory, would have us able to perceive another’s mental or emotional state. This connection is accessible, but only with a lot of practice. Do empaths experience others’ experiences –  thoughts, feelings, etc. – as their own? Or is something else happening?

We all are one. And our feelings tell us something really important. Empaths miss this totally. (Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash)

Vibratory receptivity

Law of Attraction says everything has a basis in vibration. And, “that which is liken to itself is drawn”. Remember that.

We live in a vibrational environment, which our senses (see the left side of the picture above) interpret into objects and space. “Everything” includes us humans. We, therefore, are vibrational energy beings, who created our bodies as a way to expand into more and better via this “reality” which we also create, just like our bodies. I wrote extensively about why and how that is on Quora in case you’re interested.

Since we’re all one at the basis of what we are, and since we all are also vibration, it’s absolutely true each of us can harmonize with another’s vibration, or be open to grok another’s vibration such that we perceive the vibratory content of that person.

That’s part of what’s happening with “empaths”.

Sloppy vibrational focus creates “empathic abilities

But there’s a dark side to what’s happening with people claiming empathic abilities.This aspect needn’t happen and, frankly, shouldn’t. It happening gives rise to all problems empaths experience. It also kiboshes any chance of an empath experiencing the Charmed Life I write about.

In a nutshell, an empath experiences what they experience because they are sloppy in their vibrational focus. Empaths suffer from their “empathic abilities” because of this. I put “empathic abilities” in quotes because it’s not really an “ability”.

Rather, it’s a failure on the part of the “empath” to deliberately apply creative vibrational focus. Instead of doing that, they allow themselves to harmonize with what they’re observing. In other words, as the Law of Attraction says, they become liken to that which they observe, then get drawn into it (they become it).

Then the empath thinks they are doing something special. But they’re not doing something special. They’re doing something sloppily. Empaths allow their vibration to tune to that of another person. When they do that, they experience what the other experiences, but it’s their version of it, not what the person experiences.

That’s why I call “empath” a slur. Instead of describing something desirable, “empath” describes a state where one allows another’s vibration or something they’re observing to downwardly influence their own vibration.

Struggles empaths experience are self-inflicted. (Photo by Molnár Bálint on Unsplash)

Charmed Life or self-inflicted struggle?

Many “empaths” feel overwhelmed by their surroundings. Again, this is because they’re not focusing their vibration deliberately. Instead, they just “let it all in” the good, the bad and the ugly.

Not just that, they go even farther. They also let their vibration merge or come into harmonic alignment with that which they’re allowing in. In other words, the environment they’re in, vibrationally dominates them.

But they could tune and then, hold their vibration and dominate the environment thereby creating something better than what was there before.

If they did the latter, they wouldn’t experience “empathic abilities”, they’d experience the Charmed Life. That’s because when a person’s vibration dominates their environment, and their vibration is high, that environment MUST reflect back to the person their dominant, high vibration.

Abraham putting it plain. Empaths get created when people let their thinking get sloppy. Negative experiences they have are trying to tell them to knock off their sloppy vibrational management.

I could be an empath, but would NEVER use that term

In 1:1 sessions with clients I create a deliberate, vibratory “bubble”. There, I dominate the experience with my very high vibration. That’s why my clients always exclaim how much better they feel after their sessions. They also come to greater insights about their lives, because my focus brings them up to a high vibrational state from which they perceive life differently.

Here’s a client acknowledging results he got, and his appreciation, after just two sessions. Before joining me in my “bubble”, he was on the verge of suicide.

Having practiced this practice for over 15 years now, it’s very easy for me to perceive what another person feels. Sometimes I can tell what they’re thinking too. That’s because, I’ve cultivated the ability to perceive at the vibrational (Source) level, and allow that perception into mine. This skill heightens significantly in the bubble.

NEVER allow a client’s vibration to effect mine. Never. Ever. Doing so would not serve the client. And, it would be exactly what Abraham says not to do: allow what you observe to effect your vibration.

So to me, being an “empath” is real. But being one isn’t a gift or something someone wants to be, unless they don’t understand what being an empath is about. It’s just a person who is somewhat vibrationally attuned, being sloppy with their vibration.

I prefer being a vibrational snob. Doing so has served me well. In this brief video, Abraham describes why everyone should strive for vibrational snobbiness.

A vibrational snob is something you really want to be. Not an empath.

How Law of Attraction works for empaths

Law of Attraction works for everyone. Even those who believe it doesn’t work. For an “empath”, it’s amplifying the effect of their sloppy vibration management. Giving it (the sloppiness) a high-falutin’ word like “empath” further amplifies it, for now, the person believes they are something special.

And that focus adds momentum to their thoughts and actions. They are prone to do more of what they are doing and thus feel more of what they’re feeling (somewhat out of control, a victim of their surroundings, powerless to manage their feelings, tired, anxious, etc.).

But, such people come into the world with a great ability. If they deliberately manage their vibration, they can use their sensitivity to help others. The Star Trek character Deanna Troy, a supposed “empath” offers an example of what such people can be. She is stoic, aware, clear about distinguishing what she’s feeling and what SHE HERSELF FEELS. That’s a powerful distinction from most empaths I know.

In my experience, people who claim that title, tend to live lives of struggle, especially socially. Again, this is their doing, a product of sloppy vibrational tuning, amplified by their focus on the sloppiness.

So, yes, there is such a thing as “empath”. But it’s not something I would want to claim. Instead, I prefer vibrational mastery. That’s what I show my clients how to attain. Then we get to enjoy our Charmed Lives. Where everything we want happens.

How To Get Great Results From “Failure”

Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

Sometimes the best results come from what ordinary folks call “failure”. “Ordinary folks” are those who don’t understand what emotions are for and how to use them to get everything they want easily.

For them “failure” represents a “reality experience” that must be avoided. Others taught them they must avoid “failure” at all costs. I learned that too. But failure can also look like not fitting in, or living life in ways others don’t approve of.

It could look like not earning an amount of money others think is respectable. In other words, failure often means “not getting others’ approval”. So avoiding failure often turns into seeking approval or, better stated, avoiding others’ disapproval. So dreams get forgotten, one tries to fit in instead of living authentically or pursuing “unrealistic” ideas. Ideas that, if pursued change the world.

Failure: not an option

But for the Positively Focused person, failure doesn’t exist. Every experience proves fabulously expansive, bringing more and deeper joy, satisfaction and clarity.

Some people can’t conceive of a life where only good things happen. But good things happening is Universe’s default mode. Nothing “bad” ever happens.

But again, after going through indoctrination we get from those who’ve come before, those who forgot what they knew, life comprises a mixture of “good” things and “bad” things.

That’s why few people get anywhere near understanding they create their reality. They just can’t accept they stand at the center of the Universe, a Universe conspiring to deliver any outcome one wants, “good” OR “bad”.

Life is a series of good events. If you’re not seeing it that way, you’ve been indoctrinated into seeing life the way it isn’t.

Ambitions the size of your dreams

Once cracks show up in that indoctrination though, life gets interesting. Not only will one see life different, it occurs different too. Dreams become real again. Desires, small ones at first, start showing themselves as complete/fulfilled. Belief emerges from within, then hope, then optimism. In time, ambition grows as do the size of one’s dreams.

Moving through such stages in my own Positively Focused practice has me focusing into reality things I once though impossible. One such thing is creating events which lead to money showing up with no effort.

I’m in early stages on this subject, but getting better at it. My most recent experience gave me a great example that inspired greater belief/knowing in me. It also reminded me “failure” is fiction.

Dreams are your reality the moment you give up thinking the way you were taught.

Abraham’s right, of course

Crypto markets now offer wealth-building opportunities making many people around the world life-changing wealth. My curiosity with crypto extends to creating experiences – manifestations – which fortify my knowing that I create my reality. Especially around money.

Abraham has said when a person’s vibration gets chronic and high enough such that large sums of money flow into their life, they’ve accomplished something significant. Specifically, here’s what they say:

“Once you are able to achieve and consistently maintain your personal alignment, a great deal of money will flow into your experience (if that is your

Abraham email Sept. 30, 2021

I therefore recognize my trajectory on money as an indicator of something significant, not an end goal. My old trajectory once included too many negative thoughts about money. Even though for a time I was quite financially successful, I didn’t enjoy it much because of this.

Today though I’m finding it fun focusing lightly on money as a subject. Which brings me to what happened.

Putting it to the test

A client of mine and I share my crypto enthusiasm. We both want to see how well our focus creates circumstances such that wealth from crypto flows into our lives.

So over several days, after reviewing a number of coins, I waited to see what one coin, Shibu Inu, might do if I set an intention about it. First, I casually paid attention to its progress over those days.

Having done that, I got the impulse to set an alert for the coin’s price, expecting it to drop to a point where I might put money in. That same day, the price dropped to that point, the news of which I shared with my client.

Two days later, the price jumped 10 percent. Had I put money into the coin, a 10 percent gain would have been nice. I didn’t put money in because I was testing this process. Not trying to make money. I was more exploring than anything else. I’m in no hurry either.

Messaging my client…
Shibu Inu jumps 10 percent.

More evidence begets boldness?

Curious with that outcome, the next day I put an alert, on a whim, on Bitcoin. My impulse suggested marking it at $50k. At the time it was in the low $40s. The next day the alert triggered.

My software alerting me of the “manifestation”.

So I put another in at $50.3 and again, the alert triggered, indicating Bitcoin rose to my second casual expectation.

BTC pushes up over $50.3 (The thin vertical green line protruding from the right-most rectangle). The horizontal orange dotted line represents my $51K alert I set later.

While all this was happening, I was on vacation. Someone following Copiosis gave me $1500 in Bitcoin to take some time off. I funded vacation expenses with my money, expecting Bitcoin would reimburse my expenses. Bitcoin’s price dropped a bit, however, which dropped the value of the $1500 down to about $1200.

What’s interesting about that is my entire trip expenses totaled about $1200. I lived on the cheap even though I flew first class – another story I’m writing a blog post about – so seeing Bitcoin drop a bit wasn’t as disconcerting as it could have been.

Still, I wanted to see what would happen, were I to “expect” or “manifest” Bitcoin going up. So, like I did with Shibu Inu, on Dec. 17, I casually put an alert in my software for Bitcoin to rise to over $51K (see photo above). I didn’t know if that would be enough to recover the $300. That didn’t matter though. I was playing around.

Taking action too soon

Five days later, on Dec. 21, I started getting impatient. The money I used to travel, which I planned to reimburse from my supporter’s gift, was money I typically use to pay rent. So I wanted Bitcoin to go back up so I could cover my $1200 trip. At that moment, the coin was at around $1200, but I wanted it to go at least up to $1300.

Checking that day, Bitcoin rose to $49K. Close to what I wanted. But not high enough to trigger my alert. At that level, my Bitcoin holding’s value was $1360. Enough to replace my funds. I speculated about whether I should just cash it in and be good…

Here’s where my “failure” came in.

Abraham talks about this kind of thing all the time. They talk about “taking action too soon,” meaning, doing something to create an outcome instead of allowing Universe do it for you. Taking action too soon usually happens out of impatience, frustration, or doubt. That’s why I did what I did. I doubted.

I didn’t know when Bitcoin would get to $51K. To be honest, I knew it would. What I doubted was whether it could get there before I needed to pay my rent nine days hence. So I cashed in my supporter’s gift, which covered all my expenses.

Then it happened

The very next day, though, almost exactly 24-hours later, when I woke up, I received an alert. Bitcoin had surpassed the $51K!

Bitcoin pushes past my alert just before it drops in the next hour.

While I enjoyed and felt relief in having cashed in my gift 24 hours ago, I also felt disappointed I hadn’t waited. Had I waited and received exactly what I asked, not only would I have fulfilled my desire, I would have experienced a wonderful fuller fulfillment of it, proving the Universe had my back.

I still see that’s what happened, but I missed out on the “more” that was available by acting too soon. Honestly, the difference between cashing in when I did and waiting until it went where I expected was about $64. So I didn’t miss much.

Still, taking action too soon destroyed the marvel, the joy of seeing Universe respond to my request. But since my awareness is expanded, even missing the delight of that offered a nice surprise. In seeing what happened from a Positively Focused perspective, I got that I took action too soon, but still reveled in the realization.

I got this nice blog out of it too!

One could say I “failed” to follow through and benefit from my desired manifestation. Did I though? Or did I get something just as good: I still see Universe giving me everything I want. Where’s the failure in that? I say there isn’t any.

So I revel in this wonderful outcome.

How Great Client Sessions Create Better Life Events For Me

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

I love it when my clients’ experiences highlight my own negative focus, thereby allowing me to do something about that, the doing of which amplifies my Positively Focused practice.

That sounds convoluted. But it rings true in light of what happened in a recent client session.

In the session, my client shared a wonderful unfolding manifestation she created. Weeks ago, she encountered a women’s group called Sisters On The Fly, which empowers women through outdoor adventures. They explore the world in recreational vehicles, on horses, in canoes and more. Through such experiences they create independent, capable women.

These explorations serve as backdrops for building community, camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Fly fishing, horse back riding, camping, hiking, biking and kayaking all are on the agenda.

My client camped, fished and hiked before. But a lot of what these women do, she’s never done, including riding a bike! So Sisters On The Fly offered something special to my client. An opportunity to expand friendships and experiences.

A good story turns great

While listening to my client, I saw that sparkle of passion blaze in her eyes. Little did I know, she was just getting started.

One day, my client said, she called her partner Dale at work. She asked how he was doing. Dale works as consignment manager at an RV dealership.

“Today,” Dale said. “I’m doing great because I’m the customer.”

Dale often jokes with his partner, my client. Some days his joking annoys her. Today was one of those days. But in her annoyance, my client missed clues Dale offered. Clues indicating he had a big surprise for her. A surprise that dovetailed perfectly with Sisters On The Fly. One that would cause my client to soar with joy.

That’s why Dale was the customer that day. He purchased a recreational vehicle as a surprise for his partner. The vehicle he bought? A 1989 Ford TransVan conversion.

Ford used to take ordinary Econoline cargo vans and convert them into recreational vehicles. With only 55,000 miles on it and costing only $3000, this TransVan was a deal Dale could refuse.

This isn’t my client’s but it is what it looks like. See the interior at “Aubernutter” on YouTube here.

Ugly duckling? Or Swan?

When Dale told my client what he was doing, initially, she was not happy about it. She imagined driving a van being unwieldy and uncomfortable. Scary even. A number of other concerns came to mind too. Its looks for example. 😂

But then she dropped those thoughts after realizing what really happened. With no expenditure of either money or effort on her part, she created for herself what she now sees as the perfect RV supporting her desire to play with Sisters On The Fly.

She told me about seeing the van for the first time. My client said she felt herself transform in front of it. It’s quirky exterior and even quirkier interior made her wince at first. Then she imagined wonderful adventures she could have driving this van – sleeping beside rushing rivers, and camping out with a bunch of women who looked fun and adventurous, and learning to ride a bike!

“I would have never considered such a vehicle,” My client said. “But when I saw it, I had to admit, it was really fun thinking about the fun I could have in it.”

Her excitement creates my extraordinary experience

That’s the point at which we had our session. My client bubbled over with joy about the unfolding, all of which happened with her doing hardly anything about it.

But what was really extraordinary for me, was how her story affected my own journey. When she told me about how she got this RV essentially for free from her partner, I experienced envy. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I endeavor to travel the rest of my life in an Airstream trailer towed by a Ford F-150 truck as I create inspiring stories like this one, and also move Copiosis forward.

So hearing her story offered something special beyond my client’s joy and excitement. I felt “envy” for that reason. Most people don’t realize how such emotions offer HUGE hidden value along with their apparent discomfort. People don’t get that because they don’t understand what emotions are for.

But I know. I know “envy“ tells me something important. And so while listening and reveling in my client’s experience, I also did something about envy I felt. And in doing that I furthered my own fulfilling desire.

Here’s what I did: I thought differently about what my client told me.

The Airstream I’m attracting…
…And the truck that will tow my Airstream.

Creating new thoughts

Resistance I felt which people call “envy” grew from thoughts I told myself. Thoughts like like these:

  • I want something like that to happen to me
  • Why can’t that happen in my life
  • Why is my own desire taking so long
  • I wish I had someone who’d do that for me

In other words, I wanted what my client was getting. Of course, I don’t want a 1989 TransVan. I want a brand new Airstream trailer pulled by a brand new Ford F-150 truck, customized to my desire.

But the fact that I felt envy about my client’s story told me I still had resistant thoughts such as those above. Thoughts not about what my client got, but about what I wanted. And those thoughts slow my desire fulfillment.

My client’s experience therefore offered insight into my own. Insights lighting up resistance I must soothe. My client’s experience was created for me as much as her. For it showed me my own version of what she got revealing itself to me through her.

That sentence is worth reading again.

From that epiphany, I could think better thoughts. Thoughts aligned with my version of what my client got. Those thoughts sounded like this:

  • I’m so glad I had this expeirence
  • It showed me exactly where I am relative to what I want
  • Now I can chart my way vibrationally more on course
  • I love knowing that
  • Seeing this new, more powerful perspective thrills me
  • I love recognizing gifts I’m getting from this story

And in recognizing these new, better feeling thoughts, I felt envy go away. In its place came joy, appreciation and adventure. Exactly those feelings I’ll feel when my own version of my client’s story fully blossoms.

Amplify, amplify, amplify!

I knew feeling joy, appreciation and adventure then, indicated alignment to that unfolding I desire, in which I’ll feel joy, appreciation and adventure in the receiving later. I knew also that that inner transformation meant I’m even closer to that full-blown fulfillment.

Catching all this, then doing something about it created more momentum in me. Pleasure I felt indicated that increased momentum. By cleaning up my thoughts, not only did I find more joy in hearing her story, I found more joy in my own transformational experience. Joy too in soothing resistance, thereby increasing manifestational momentum.

Next, I wrote a journal entry about the experience. That journal entry, the writing of it, further amplified my momentum. Within the entry I did a basic amplification process which amplified the momentum even further. Then I dictated this blog’s first draft.

My Journal.

What happened here?

What happened was my exterior reality, through my client, showed me another aspect of resistant thought slowing down my desire manifestation. My client’s experience also confirmed what is in my future reality. This experience with my client afforded me a chance to soothe resistance I didn’t know I had.

So this whole experience turned out to be a client session for me. A session where I moved forward my own manifestation.

I love seeing and experiencing experiences with clarity. There’s nothing better than clarity. That’s because in clarity I see with pinpoint accuracy where my resistance exists, then do something about it.

The universe cooperates with me giving me experiences which clarify opportunity to amplify momentum, by soothing resistance. In the soothing I move more quickly towards that which I’m wanting.

Put another way: I eliminate resistance standing between me and my manifestations thereby allowing my manifestations to show themselves to me faster. In this way, not only did my client and I enjoy a fabulous session, I benefited from the session as well, as I usually do.

I love client sessions because of this. What we do together creates realities which produce in-the-moment joy and satisfaction as well as eagerness and positive expectation for more such joy and satisfaction in the future. All evidenced by and embodied in manifestations I know are on the way and fulfilling themselves.

This is the Charmed Life. And it’s available for anyone willing to be Positively Focused.

How To Create An Ideal Partner

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

I want to manifest a partner, but I cannot visualize how I want her to be like, etc. What can I do by using the Law of Attraction?

What there is to do now is relax and enjoy the process of drawing this person to you. Not worrying about “visualizing how you want her to be like”. That work already is done.

You’ve already done what you need to do through living your life and having partners who showed you more clearly what you wanted, by being what you don’t want. Your Broader Perspective is now holding that new person “out there” for you.

Your job now is to line up with that person who is “out there”. How?

Now have fun

By enjoying your life, finding things to be interested in and appreciating and expanding into the person who eventually will become a match to this person. The only thing keeping that person “out there” instead of in your bed is, you’re not yet a match to her. Were you a match, she’d be there already.

So enjoy the process of becoming and watch how quickly she shows up.

Each partner you’ve had were stepping stones to this person you want now. Most people don’t like this answer, because they think that turns people you’ve been with into means to ends.

Your nows become better nows

But every now experience is a means to future, better nows. Same goes with people. Your life is a continuing process of becoming more and better in all cases that you don’t resist by thinking contrary thoughts to what you want.

But even contrary thoughts benefit because they will – like all thoughts – create realities matching them. So you can see what thoughts dominate your attention, which tells you want’s coming in your future. That’s how you can track towards futures you want.

Including future partners.

Most people don’t know this though. So they flounder, getting some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t. Including sucky love lives…

Don’t be one of those people.

Find your alignment with what you want. You know when you’re aligned when you find life a wonderful ride on the way to what you’re wanting.

Then you have what you want: A wonderful life. The girl then becomes icing on the cake.

How Bike Flats Can Lead To Great, Happy Results

I love positive derangement. Feeling so good, experiencing life so positively that people label you “crazy”, feels wonderful. The sweet spot of Positively Focused is that perspective. From there, the extraordinary shows itself nearly all the time.

This morning proves that assertion in abundance. It looks like coincidence to the uninitiated eye. But to the Positively Focused, what happened happened because that’s what happens when a person finds their grace and worthiness.

In other words, when a person finds they stand at the center of the Universe. There, life’s an adventure. I love sharing this story. I know it offers inspiration for others. That’s why I started this blog: to inspire others into a new reality. One where they get everything they want, the life I call a Charmed Life.

A wonderful day awaited

I woke up this morning super positive. Amazing dreams, an amazing “meditation” session, and an eagerness about the day fueled my rising. As usual when I wake these days, my higher knowing, my Broader Perspective, serves me a list of things it knows will inspire me.

That list included going grocery shopping. I planned a Safeway trip today, Friday, followed by a Trader Joe’s trip Saturday. But my my Broader Perspective said do both today.

My calendar showing the two appointments for shopping, one Friday, one Saturday. The was prior to receiving my Inner Being guidance.

I follow such guidance more quickly and often these days. Because I know following such guidance always leads to extraordinary experiences. I write about these every week in this blog.

I don’t have a car. Instead I get around by foot or my bike. A bike ride in the cool morning air this morning sounded great. By the afternoon, Portlanders expected temperatures in the low hundreds, so I felt eager about getting these trips in early.

Safeway was easy and fun. I enjoyed a nice chat with Tammy, the checkout person who usually rings my groceries. While checking out my groceries, I shared my excitement over how much food I got for so little money, thanks to Safeway’s loyalty program. Tammy agreed laughing. I’m sure she though me crazy.

Then I rode home with my panniers full of wonderful food. When it was all either in the fridge or pantry, I realized, I forgot toilet paper I bought. Rather than disappointment about that, I felt excitement about another ride to Safeway. That’s how much I like riding my bike. 😊

Getting the toilet paper happened quick. After putting it away, I prepared for my TJ run. Little did I know, while I prepared, the day had ready awesome delights prepared.

Good and bad here, now

It was a lovely ride to TJs. Before leaving home, I sat a few moments. In those moments I savored how good I felt, how wonderful it is owning the bike I own, how awesome it is living where I live and how much fun the ride to TJs would be.

I took an alternative path just to amplify the fun. Nearly everyone I passed greeted me with a smile. Cars stopped on main streets so I could cross. A young woman walking her dog sported a lovely hat and I told her so. She smiled in return. Fellow bike riders greeted me as I passed.

My beautiful transportation.

Everything went in a way indicating I had aligned with all that is good. My Broader Perspective and the Universe showed me all the way to TJs evidence of my alignment.

As Trader Joe’s approached, I saw a homeless person. Now in the past, when I ride by a homeless person on the way to Trader Joe’s, I have, again, in the past, worried about him going into my bike bags while I shop. So I lock my bike bags to my bike. I also leave nothing valuable in them.

This time, when I saw the homeless person, I imagined the homeless person trying to take my bags. Then he did some sort of vandalism because he couldn’t get them off my bike.

Slight insecurity accompanied that imagined scenario. That’s when I caught myself. Emotions tell me something important, I know. What was I doing? Creating a reality I didn’t want. That’s what my emotions told me. So I dropped that imagined scenario as quickly as I could. My positive feelings returned and, for a few moments that imagined scenario disappeared.

It would return a bit later. Thankfully, not in as big a manifestation as it could have!

“Good” and “bad” exist in every universal particle, in every scenario, in every moment. I know how I focus shapes how much of each fills my experiences. That’s why I practice a positive focus. It maximizes the former and excludes all of the latter.

Let the fun…continue?

Leaving that scenario behind, I locked my bike, went into the store, followed my intuition and got everything I wanted in about 10 minutes. I checked out and while doing so the wonderful checker greeted me with a smile and a nice little conversation.

Then, when I walked out the door I looked towards my bike. My attention went right to my rear tire. It was flat as a pancake!

For a brief second, that scenario I thought before returned. Did some homeless guy slash my tire? Slowly, I approached my bike. Again, I dropped that scenario. After all, no matter how it happened, it happened. My bike had a flat. Brooding about it wouldn’t fix my tire!

Houselessness runs rampant these days. It also triggers many people’s negative stories. Including mine. (Photo by Yawer Waani on Unsplash)

After loading the pannier with what I bought, I put them aside, then detached the tire, and opened my accessories bag. That’s when I noticed my repair kit was missing! The patch kit was there, but other tools I needed weren’t. I couldn’t repair the flat!

At that point, I stopped myself, took a breath and assessed my situation. This wasn’t what it looked like. Something brewed here, ready to be enjoyed. I didn’t know what though. Still, I know this flat wasn’t random or an accident.

So instead of jumping into action, I took a moment and reframed the situation.

“Boy, something really great is going to happen because of this,” I thought to myself. “This is going to be fun!” And I meant it!

Just then, another biker passed by riding an electric bike. Two people passed after that. Meanwhile I started putting my bike back together, figuring I would have to push my bike to a repair shop, call a Lyft or an Uber.

Bring on the wonder!

Minutes later, that electric bike rider returned. He asked me if everything was OK. I explained what happened, that I planned a walk to a repair shop. He mentioned The Bike Gallery, a major bike chain here in Portland.

Under his breath he said that if I took my bike there, and knocked on the door, the staff would let me in and fix my bike.

“I actually work there,” he added in an even lower tone.

Right then, I knew something amazing had come together. My spidey sense told me this was the Universe unfolding a continuous stream of extremely positive outcomes in response to my chronic positive focus. That stream started from my dreams. And with this flat, that stream continued. Here’s what happened next:

The guy left, I got my bike back together, then started walking from 43rd Ave. to the Bike Gallery located on 53rd Ave. I enjoyed the walk. It was good exercise. I enjoyed the increasing heat on my face and body while walking. A light sweat started on my skin, which evaporated in the light, heating breeze, cooling me in the process. The weight of my panniers full of food pushed down on the flat. That made it easy to push my bike even with no air in the tire.

Two-thirds of the way to the Bike Gallery, I looked up the street and saw a biker who looked like the same guy who helped me at Trader Joe’s. When he saw me he turned my way. It was the guy.

“You walk fast,” He said then pointed to the pannier latched to his bike. A huge manual air pump extended out of its open top. “I packed some repair tools and was coming back to rescue you,” He added. “I’ll meet you back at the store.”

The joy keeps coming

He greeted me when I arrived, then ushered me to the maintenance department. There he took my bike, disassembled it, took apart the flat tire and showed me what the problem was: the rim tape slipped causing the innertube to dip into one of the spoke dimples. That, combined with the pressure of the air in the tube, cut the tube open.

“You would not have been able to repair that.” He said. “And even if you tried with a new tube, that tube probably would’ve gotten punctured too.”

There’s my bike in the rack. The rim and tire rests against tool drawers.

Obviously, my Broader Perspective, the Universe and All That Is orchestrated this uncommon, uncanny flat tire situation. Responding the way I did, my blessed path unfolded, opening doors to a cavalcade of wonderful outcomes.

I could have got angry about the flat, railed at the sucky timing, or felt sorry for myself. Doing that would have opened different circumstances. Imagine, were I pissed, the guy who helped me may not have felt comfortable approaching me. Or maybe in my frustration I might have said something rude.

But by reframing the situation and seeing it as an adventure, the whole situation unfolded in this wonderful way. I aligned myself with those positive outcomes, which continued even while this guy repaired my tire.

While he repaired it, I noticed another bike repair guy grinning ear-to-ear while fiddling with the cash register. I felt inspired to compliment him, so I did.

“You’re having a great time,” I said. “I can tell by your smile.”

“I love what I do,” he said. “Bikes are the best.”

I agreed while noticing his name, Tim, on his name tag. While my bike got fixed, Tim and I enjoyed a great conversation. He worked at the Bike Gallery for many years and has been working on bikes all his life. This store was short-staffed, so his manager at the store where he usually works dispatched him here to help out. Imagine that! Another synchronicity!

Had that not happened, we wouldn’t have enjoyed what happened next.

The full monty brought to life

Tim said he’s lived in Portland all his life, repaired bikes all his life and feels he’s living his dream. Thus the smile. He lives in a place called Hillsboro, here in Oregon. His family lives in other local cities called Portland, Forest Grove and Salem.

He and I also talked about bicycle motocross, a passion of his, about my heroes from my bicycle motocross days whenI was a child. I loved watching real motocross while growing up in Southern California too. I told Tim that and Tim told me a great story where he met one of my number one heroes of that time. Tim and I both got more excited the more we talked. Did I say it was a great conversation?

Meanwhile the guy who rescued me, whose name was Randall, replaced the original fabric rim tape with an upgraded rubber version, put the bike back together, then rolled it over to me.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

That’s when I really knew this flat tire offered tremendous opportunity, which I stepped into by framing it as a positive adventure instead of a mishap. That opened the door to this awesome experience.

Think about it. The flat itself was uncommon. I couldn’t have repaired it had I tried. The universe didn’t want me too. It and my Broader Perspective wanted me to witness how much they love me by orchestrating all that unfolded. So cool!

By way of explanation, I told Randall about the Positively Focused blog and how I write about these kinds of wonderful synchronicities that happen in my life all the time. Then I asked if I could take his picture. He said yes.

This is Randall and I:

Me and my guardian angel and bike repair guru, Randall (r).

Randall lives in Woodstock and rides his electric bike to The Bike Gallery every day unless work demands something different.

Something different and delightful always awaits the Positively Focused person. Nothing happens by accident. Everything happens on purpose. Being Positively Focused brings that purpose into focus. The purpose everything means to give us all is joyful recognition that the Universe is always on our side.

But if one doesn’t line up with that love, that joyful acknowledgment of this joyful purpose, they get struggle, pain, disappointment and more.

I prefer joy, love and happy results. So I do everything I can to foster and amplify those results. It’s easy, once I got the hang of it. As a result of that, even an unfixable bike flat serves up a great big heaping pile of joyful experience.

That’s the Charmed Life. There’s nothing better.

How Being Positively Focused Creates Results You’ll Love

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

My clients love it when they create convincing results. I love it too because I also delight in the evidence. With many clients these days, all practicing being positively focused, my own evidence, my knowing, gets doubly confirmed with client evidence.

Seven months ago, K.J. said he missed performing piano before live audiences. He especially enjoyed performing in supper clubs. COVID-19 put the kibosh on that.

He also lost his blogging job and old beliefs told him he had to “earn a living“ at a “real job” instead of enjoying playing music. Those beliefs created fear, discomfort and insecurity as he used up his savings. So, like any non-Positively Focused person, he believed his doing – job hunting – took priority over enjoying life.

Getting fired leads to better life approaches.

Just starting out back then, K.J. owned many negative beliefs about most things, which kept many of his desires from him. I can’t go into more detail than that for privacy reasons, but K.J. was extremely frustrated about his life.

Still, when a person has desire, that desire fulfills itself whether the desire-er experiences its fulfillment or not. That meant in a probable future, K.J. already performs in front of a live audience at a supper club. He also enjoys steady income from many fulfilling avenues.

When the desire-er gets out of the way, then desire fulfillment shows itself as part of the desire-er’s reality. For K.J., experiencing a joyful life springing out of his unhappy one, meant him getting out of the way. That, of course, meant becoming Positively Focused.

For a while, K.J.‘s beliefs forced him into job hunting. The problem was as an over-fifty unemployed male, beliefs K.J. had made that road very rough. “Earning a living“ again and “getting a real job“ was going to be a long, tough row to hoe.

Fuel for that unsatisfying fire came as long-held held beliefs K.J.’s father drilled into his head. He told his son regularly “you’ll never make a living as a musician“ and “get a REAL job!”

As you likely know, dear reader, plenty of people make good livings as musicians, but K.J., steeped in his father’s beliefs, his own miserable life experiences and his seemingly unfulfilled desires, couldn’t see these numerous exceptions.

Losing one’s job can be a very good thing (Photo by Yawer Waani on Unsplash)

Family heirlooms of thought

Everybody at some point struggles with beliefs they unwittingly adopt while children. Those formative years create strong reality-creating ripples through life. As children, we naturally understand universal laws, but parents – sometimes – literally beat such understanding out of us.

So parents pass to children limiting beliefs like heirlooms passed from generation to generation. Such “thought heirlooms” keep fulfilled desires at bay until (ideally) we realign with them as adults. That’s usually what’s behind “mid-life crises”.

The easiest way alignment to fulfilled desires happens, happens through reducing resistance created by such heirloom beliefs. That’s what being Positively Focused is all about.

Steady improvement starts immediately

Over the next seven months K.J. and I exposed many beliefs no longer serving him. He saw how they create realities inconsistent with what he wants. At the same time we created new beliefs more aligned with what he wants.

I knew the work was working because K.J. showed up over those seven months increasingly happier, lighter and less worried about getting a job, income and things in his life he hated. He spoke more about what he wanted rather than what was. When he did talk about what was, he found more and more positive aspects in those things.

As he complained less about things, they improved. He realized he had enough saved, so money wasn’t as dire an issue as originally thought. The more he relaxed, the better he felt. Feeling better, he saw more improvement in his life. The more that happened, the more he turned to his passions. Such as playing piano and writing.

Step two shows the earliest manifestation evidence that your desires are fulfilling themselves. In other words, your feelings tell you everything you need to know.

Feeling better is a sign

K.J. knew his life improved long before physical evidence showed itself. That’s because he felt better. He knew this meant physical improvement would follow. Patience was all that was needed.

Improvement evidence showed itself not long after as he indulged in writing projects and music. He spent more time doing these things instead of complaining and job hunting. Then he stopped looking for a job altogether, gave up worrying about money and focused nearly all his waking time on having fun. That relieved a lot of resistance about things he wanted.

One of the beliefs in the way was his creative work wasn’t worth sharing. He believed his creative expression had value only in its perfect form. We worked a lot on this. Over time, he started “busking”, performing for free on the waterfront for passersby at a local restaurant.

K.J. out busking on the waterfront.

As K.J. performed, his comfort grew. With increasing comfort came greater ease and confidence at the keys. His music improved and people began filling his tip jar. He took more and more money home each weekend. People would stop and tell them how much they appreciated him being there.

That confidence spilled over to his writing. He started sharing excerpts of his novels online. As he did, gradually more and more people expressed appreciation for his sharing.

Manifestation came from around a blind corner

Recently, he turned to doing Facebook live stream musical performances. The first couple of times no one joined him. The third time one or two people showed up. K. J. kept at it, intending that, no matter how many or how few showed, he’d find enjoyment in sharing.

No one showed up for the next live stream. But the time after that, several people attended and commented copiously about his performance.

A supper club owner was one of those people. The next morning, K.J. found a text message on his phone from the supper club owner. Here’s what it said:

K.J. shouted (to himself) in jubilance. He did not realize the connection between what he asked for seven months ago, what he created when he expressed a desire to perform in front of live audiences again, and the text message.

Once I reminded him, he got it. And when he did, we both amplified the recognition.

Charmed Lives await everyone

When one understands how reality springs from thoughts, it’s fun seeing desires fulfill themselves before one’s eyes. It needn’t take seven months, but good reasons explain why sometimes it takes a long time…or sometimes never happens.

If someone does not understand how reality creation happens, reality still plays out right before their eyes, but what they get instead of what they want is whatever they believe.

This is why being positively focused is important, if a person wants a Charmed Life. When a person is positively focused, understanding how reality is created, they gradually see all desires fulfilling themselves. Desires big and small.

What thrills me most about K.J.‘s manifestation is both the confirmation and his joy. In his joy I see my own, as my own manifestations reveal themselves to me in the same way his reveal themselves to him.

And isn’t this co-creation at its best? Sharing and reveling together with someone who knows what you know, thereby joyfully co-creating an experience where both parties get the joy and the fun?

It’s fun being a deliberate creator. Even more fun is when the deliberate creation happens in the company of another.

I’d say it doesn’t get any better than this. But I know life always gets better. That is, when one is positively focused.

How To Joyfully Get What You Want

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.

That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.

That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.

But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.

An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.

Yearning burning desire sucks.

Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”

The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.

And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.

This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.

Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.

How it can work

Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?

It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.

Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.

In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.

Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.

20 minutes of wisdom…

Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.

It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.

And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.

When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.

That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.

The question is: is yours?

The Little Things Lead To Great Big Things

Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

I know my big desires are on their way because, more and more, I see little, surprising things happen which tell my being Positively Focused works.

For example, I lounged languidly on my couch this evening while enjoying a book and listening to classical music via my Bluetooth headphones. Engrossed in the book and enjoying the music felt wonderful, peaceful and rewarding.

A desire to shower earlier than usual came to me. It was an impulse, something I talk about all the time with my clients. When a person gets an impulse, the best thing to do is follow it immediately. Learning to do this takes a while, but once one understands why, and does it, the benefits are huge.

I felt this impulse grow over about five minutes. Its growing intensity indicated something special ready for me, a delight formed by my Personal Trinity, flowing, ready for my discovery.

I texted my housemates. Usually I shower around 9:30 in the evening. Showering earlier might disrupt my housemates’ plans. I didn’t want to do that. They both gave the all clear. One of them planned a bath later. She thanked me for letting her know.

Positively Focused makes the blind see

Note the synchronicity – the little indication of perfect timing – in me, wanting to shower early, my housemate wanting to bathe later.

But then came the next little sign.

As I prepared, my headphones’ low battery indicator chimed. They had 10 percent of their charge remaining. That was the second sign. Following my impulse had me take a shower just as my headphones needed charging, which meant, my headphones could charge fully while I showered.

My Personal Trinity leads me through my impulses to manifestations happening all the time. Seeing the small ones allows bigger ones to be visible by me.

I know this sounds inconsequential, but I also know it’s highly consequential. Little things like this happen all day, every day. People think “thoughts create reality” is bunk because they don’t know how to see the little things happening all day, every day proving that thoughts do indeed, create reality.

They can’t see these little things because believing “thoughts don’t create reality” blinds the believer. They can’t see such signs because they don’t believe they exist.

Some people who stand with one foot in “thoughts create reality” and the other in “thoughts don’t create reality” can see signs, but they write them off as coincidence, or chance or “confirmation bias”. I wrote about this phenomena – called split energy – in detail here.

Either way, both groups miss out.

Miss out on what?

I know paying attention to impulses, immediately acknowledging them, recognizing the co-incidence of the impulse and the result, and celebrating that, primes my awareness to seeing other signs. What signs?

Signs indicating my bigger desires are also being real-ized by me. The more I appreciate these little things, by writing and sharing blog posts about them, the more quickly those bigger things flow into my life.

Your bigger desires are fulfilling themselves. The question is, are you tuned to seeing them doing that? If you’re Positively Focused you are. Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

It’s hard focusing one’s big desires into reality, especially if the desire-er wants something they don’t believe is possible. It’s easier starting with seeing little indicators and celebrating them. Over time, confidence grows.

Then, before one knows it, evidence of ALL their desires show themselves, turning a person’s ordinary life into a Charmed Life.

Not celebrating the little things, the person misses out not only on those, but also the joyous, fun, easy unfolding of the big things they want.

I’m not that kind of person though. That’s why I’m Positively Focused.

I Love Living With My Head In The Clouds

I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.

I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.

Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.

I love when nature bares her beauty to me.

Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.

It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.

I love knowing all of this.