When Life’s Results Shows Me How Fun Life is

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

TLDR: The Universe’s humor aligns us with the abundance of life, as the author’s experience with a new client illustrates. Coincidences manifest our desires, and this synchronicity reflects a growing trend of abundance in the author’s client practice. The story highlights the joy of life aligning with our wants, and the spread of positive outcomes through clients’ lives. The author emphasizes that a delightful life is achievable by aligning with this universal abundance.

The Universe enjoys a sense of humor. It’s one reason why mirth feels so good. In mirth, we’re aligned with All That Is.

Life is a component of All That Is. Life too, enjoys a sense of humor.

So when life served me with this wonderful, humorous manifestation, I felt the humor too. The “coincidence” of what happened was so perfect, I couldn’t help but enjoy the unfolding.

This story is about what happened. Let’s take a look at that lovely “coincidence”.

More clients equals more abundance

Of course, I put “coincidence” in quotes because, really, there are no coincidences. Not in the way most people use that term. Abraham likes to say “coincidences” are the co-inciding of cooperative components, emerging in physical reality in a time and place with perfect timing. That emergence happens in a way we can enjoy that “manifestation” as the final cooperative component coming into place.

So we could say coincidences are real. Real in the sense that they happen because we manifest them. Not because they represent some random happening.

Knowing this, I enjoyed what you’re about to read. It also helped that what happened grew my client practice. Lately, in fact, more and more clients are showing up. That’s consistent with what I’ve written about over and over: that the Universe showers us with abundance. Abundance of all kinds.

The best abundance though is that aligned with what we’re wanting to see. When that happens, the world becomes delightful. Then we get even more of what we’re wanting. And that “more” comes in greater abundance. Which explains why more clients are showing up.

It’s so cool.

A playful “coincidence”

One weekend recently, while working on a blog post, a funny thing happened. I was writing a paragraph explaining the story of Pollyanna. That’s when I got an email notification. My calendaring app notified me a new client scheduled a free Positively Focused 1:1.

I clicked over to the email and, what do you know! The new client’s name was…wait for it…Pollyanna!

What’s interesting about this person is how much of a natural she is to the practice. Like everyone, life caused her to conclude in ways unhelpful for living a Charmed Life. But the fact that she’s found her way to this practice was no coincidence. She’s taking to it quite quickly, which is something I like seeing in clients.

Such rapid resonance with the practice foretells promise. A promise that results such clients will produce, will create ripples of goodness through their lives and the world at large.

It’s no surprise then that one client’s ripples include her daughter and now her son becoming a client. And another client’s best friend becoming a client, then her husband too.

Finding something different

The fact that Pollyanna came to me perfectly timed as I wrote that paragraph doesn’t escape me. Seriously, how many “Pollyannas” are out there? I see this as a spectacular indication of my own alignment. That and all the other wonderful things happening in my life.

I love it when life reveals to me things proving how fun and easy life is. Life can be this way for everyone. In fact, it IS this way for everyone. If we’re not experiencing that, it’s only because we’ve overlaid bogus beliefs on what’s really happening.

It’s not that those beliefs aren’t “true”. All beliefs, believed long enough will produce realities consistent with them. But the question is: is that truth something you want?

If the answer is “no, I want something different” then I can help with that.

Our Charmed Life is continually unfolding. I love seeing my clients discovering this, then aligning their life experience to that. Maybe you’re ready to do the same?

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