Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Someone asked: Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?

Answer: We humans could benefit from being a little less dramatic.

“Dark Night of the Soul”…..Whoooooo…..Seriously?

Life is supposed to be FUN.

Fear is optional. Having the fun though requires examining so many aspects of how we be. One way we shoot ourselves in the foot is how we be with regard to what comes our of our mouths (or our fingers). This “Dark Night of the Soul” malarky is a great example.

All this is, is an interpretation, and an unhelpful one at that. If I called it that, I’d be afraid too. But that fear tells you something: It tells you you are misinterpreting what’s really happening.

Most people don’t understand what emotions are or what their purpose is, but some are starting to come around. Emotions are extremely important. They serve a purpose. But that’s another story…one you don’t need to know to resolve this question.

The experience humans describe the way you’re describing it is simply a turning point. It’s a wonderful opportunity you’ve created for yourself, an opportunity to head in the direction of your wildest desires.

But if you fear it, if you see it as some massive, significant, scary event, you’re not lining up with the probable future reality this turning point you created offers for your own benefit. What you are lining up with is the suffering, strife, stress and pain…all the things “Dark Night of the Soul” implies. 

Notice that everyone who describes this turning point this way has had experiences consistent with that description. You can’t experience it any other way when you believe it to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”.

If people knew this, the moment they heard someone describe it this way, they’d run for the hills because it doesn’t have to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”!

So how do you experience this wonderful time, this wonderful moment, this glorious opportunity for what it really is?


I hear you: “That’s easy to say…Perry…but HOW?” You ask. “Especially since I’m feeling stuck with this “Dark Night of the Soul” business!?”

Here: I’ll show you:

Start by recognizing and owning that you’ve accepted as your own, a common, yet bogus, belief that puts way too much emphasis on negative interpretations of what is actually a wonderful experience. How? Say:

  • This is ok. 
  • I’ve adopted this belief, but I don’t have to keep it
  • It’s ok that I adopted it, and I’m ready to change it
  • It’s so cool I can change my mind, change my beliefs
  • I like that I have the ability to change my beliefs
  • I like that it can be pretty easy…

In a few moments of saying six or ten such statements, you’ll feel better about these turning points.

Next, start saying things about these turning points that support what I’m saying they are. If you do step one above, step two will be easy!

  • Life is an adventure
  • I like figuring my life out
  • I may have made turns that don’t serve me, but like changing my mind, I can change my course
  • I like experiencing the new
  • I can get through this
  • I’ve come this far, why not?
  • I think this is going to be interesting
  • I like being interested in things…

Then turn your focus to how you’re feeling right now, having done step two. That’s step three:

  • Wow, I feel better about this whole thing
  • I’m never going to describe turning points that way again, they’re just turning points!
  • I actually feel pretty excited about what’s to come
  • This is going to be fun…

And before you know it, you’re welcoming it!

Welcome everything life offers you. What’s really happening is, you’re offering your life experience to yourself. When you get that you create your reality, you can start creating any reality you want. It’s easy. And it never has to include a dark night of the soul.

(Notice how I decapitalized the phrase. That helps reduce some of the significance people put on it. LOL 😂)

I Like Being Positively Focused – I Love Being Me

Life feels good when I'm Positively Focused
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Here’s a series of stories I tell often. They’re why I experience a consistent happy life born of Positively Focused thoughts.

These thoughts create life experiences consistent with what I want, while keeping experiences I don’t want from finding me. It’s like magic, or a spell, but it’s not that. It’s just what happens when I focus on good-feeling thoughts. You can do this too. Try these. See what happens. You know they’re working when you feel good.

  • I like feeling my way to better and better feeling experiences
  • I know I’m doing that when dreams delight me
  • I know I’m doing that when I feel ecstasy from dreaming
  • I know I’m doing that when reliving dreams long into the day comes effortlessly 
  • I know I’m doing that when I feel good
  • When I feel good frequently, I see my life match that
  • Things coming my way delight me
  • I feel ecstasy in things I get to do
  • I see Universe wink at me in moments of divine orchestration
  • I see more and more of those moments all the time
  • Until I see them in nearly every moment
  • I love being physical
  • I love being more and better
  • I love tuning to that and in doing so bringing more and better to the world through who I be and what I’m inspired to do
  • I love having and knowing and fulfilling my purpose
  • I love being me
  • I love being eternal
  • I love Broader Perspective 
  • I love loving
  • I love me 

Being Positively Focused Is Rare

“If you depend on the behavior of another to be a certain way in order for you to feel good, you are on very shaky ground with regard to feeling good. For you cannot control how others be. But you can control what you think. And in controlling what you think, by focusing on thoughts that feel good, you discover people’s behaviors occur in such ways that feel good to you. And so you control other people‘s behavior, not by trying to control them, but by controlling your thoughts about them.”

The Way My Life Is Supposed To Be

positively focused, the way life is supposed to be
Positively focused: the way life is supposed to be

This a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Monday, Jan 4, 2021

I feel my expansion. It feels lovely. I like finding this place early in the morning, then holding it for 15-20 minutes and watching that become my dominant perspective throughout the rest of the day.

It feels wonderful having that perspective early in the morning. And I know, even though that perspective may diminish as the day goes on, I am creating a crease, setting or condition which eventually will extend from one morning to the next. That’s right, a full day’s experience of positive focus. Then a full week. Then a full month.

I’m already well along the way. I feel that condition dominating life experience. As it does, I see the world around me shaping to that. It’s wonderful creating reality, knowing how it’s done, doing it that way instead of by default, and witnessing my own god-being express itself all around me.

It’s the way life is supposed to be. It’s the way I knew it would be.

My Love Of Life Is Palpable

  • I love where I am
  • I love how good where I am is
  • I lean more and more towards my abundance, and see more abundance as a result
  • I love the peculiar state of seeing with the mind and eyes of god
  • It’s becoming less and less peculiar as I experience it more
  • I love seeing life this way, perfect in every way, in it’s always becoming
  • I love how joyful it feels
  • I love how constant that feeling is becoming
  • I love my life
  • I love me
  • I love my Inner Being
  • I love how palpable my love of life becomes the more I love life

The Happiest Part Of The New Year Is Now

Happy new now from Positively Focused
Happy New Now from Positively Focused

Happy New NOW! As you’re reading this, I wish you the most positive, abundant, expansive now possible, born of a Positively Focused perspective.

I know the world is extraordinarily beautiful. In my Moment of Becoming, my life mirrors my internal reality, the one I’ve successfully tuned to my Broader Perspective, which is identical to God. I wish you your version of this experience. It feels so good.

From there, everything happening all over the planet reflects what I know. The world is in a chronic state of improvement and expansion. Everything is getting better. That’s wonderful knowing.

The universe provides us opportunity to see whatever reality we want to as they all spring from our Moment Of Becoming.

And while it’s wonderful knowing, it’s even better seeing evidence of the knowing. There’s nothing more convincing than life evidence proving a Positively Focused life creates a Positively Focused reality, a reality where all desires fulfill themselves.

What I love about 2020 is how my Charmed Life increased the pace in which delightful events flow. The more I adore my Charmed Life, the more my Charmed Life fills with fulfilling desires. 2020 was no exception as I’ve shared in this blog.

I know, of course, those fulfilling desires, including those in the future, already are fulfilled. The only thing keeping me, in this now, from seeing them and experiencing them as fulfilled, are my old beliefs, beliefs which conceal that fulfillment.

That’s temporary though

The good news is, the more I’m Positively Focused the more I reveal to myself more evidence of my already fulfilled desires. This is the process making me eternal. I can’t help creating new desires, birthing new things that become part of All That Is. All those things are as real as the nose on my face. This is how life becomes my a continuous upward, joyful spiral.

Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral
Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral I call the Charmed Life.

It’s my work to walk pathways to my personal, intimate experience of those fulfilled desires though. And that “work” is the process of living eternally. I so like knowing that.

Joyfully positively focused

But what I like more than that knowing, is the feeling. The feeling is the purpose of life experience: feeling joy, feeling myself expand, and experiencing more and more of my divine invincibility.

What I love most about this work is, more people are joining me in the work as clients. As they do, they produce their own results, results which confirm that what I’m doing produces promised results: invincibility, a Charmed Life, a fun life, a happy life.

Positively Focused focuses good stuff into reality
Reality gets created through people interacting with nonphysical. I show people how that happens, and how to use that process to live a Charmed Life.

This new year offers more opportunity. I wish for you to allow opportunity into your life. I’m eager for my life because it’s just the beginning. This now, as I write these words, epitomizes what the rest of 2021 will be for me: a continuous series of now-moments where I strive to do my best to be maximally Positively Focused. I wish that for you too.

Standing in one now-moment after the next, then the next, then the next, I know I’ll discover more of what I already know: that I’m god in human form and that all I want is supposed to be mine.

That’s what the Universe is here for.

Happy New Year!

How I Make My Days Even Better, Happier Days

Positively Focused is the way to get everything I want.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I like turning already good days, into better days. I do that, not by trying to “make” my days better, but by removing resistance I create about how great my days already are. When I do that, being positively focused, my days get even better.

What do I mean by “removing resistance I create”?

Every day, these days, I simultaneously feel pulled in many potentially enjoyable directions. For example, this morning, a new client sent a wonderful text, detailing an experience she had after our session two days ago. I’m inspired to respond with additional insights. The idea of doing that so feels so good!


Another inspiration has me sharing information contained within this blog post with the men and women working with me on Copiosis.

This blog post began as an Instant Message I was writing to my team. I was answering a question they had about how I find so much joy in day-to-day living.

Sharing this blog post, in its original form as an IM felt equally as good as responding to my client. Both opportunities vied for my attention. But that’s not all…

Another impulse encouraged making video social media thumbnails for videos about Copiosis my team has sitting in our cue. I love doing that creative work. It’s fun and satisfying seeing the results. Results like this:

A Copiosis video thumbnail. Something I love doing when I'm Positively Focused.
An example of a video thumbnail. Curious about how and why babies should be paid the moment they’re born? Watch the 2 minute video.

Yet other impulses encourage hopping on Twitter and promoting Copiosis, working on the volunteer strategic project my team and I are creating or working on a Positively Focused illustration panel.

Then there’s the joy I feel in the idea “go upstairs and make something to eat”, and “check in with your client, see how he’s doing”. There’s even an impulse to watch something on Netflix!

There’s probably 20 or so impulses, all feeling wonderful, that I COULD do RIGHT NOW.

Positively Focused illustration panel of a crosswalk activation button
An example of one of my artistic panels I’m enjoying making.

Finding ease in the abundance

It’s easy to get into a seemingly positive loop of “what to do?”… that leads to feeling “overwhelm”, which stems from thinking “I don’t have enough time to do all these things”.

Overwhelm can lead to other thoughts and feelings, thoughts of lack or time scarcity, feeling impatience, even feeling dissatisfaction with what I’m doing NOW, which was, at the time, writing the IM I eventually shared with my team. 

Here’s the thing though:

The many things available back then, which still exist now as opportunities as I edit this blog version of the IM, represented a form of abundance. I call it “opportunity abundance.”

But this abundance doesn’t feel like abundance when I think thoughts like “I don’t have time to do all these things.” Instead, this abundance feels like lack, like too many things to do…this abundance, rather than feeling like abundance can cause me to feel self-pity…if I let it go that far.

That can spiral into a lack of appreciation of the abundance. And that lack of appreciation can effect other areas I really want to experience abundance in, such as the area of finances.

After all, I know the best path to realizing financial abundance that already exists in my reality is appreciating all other forms of abundance that aren’t financial abundance.

Having a ton of things I COULD do, all of which thrill me to think about, IS ABUNDANCE. So rather than going down the path of negative thinking…

I get Positively Focused

I monitor my thoughts, right now, and practice accepting where I am, NOW and enjoying what I’m doing, NOW. I do this while realizing those other things I also want to do aren’t going anywhere.

And if I’m successful, which I usually am, I find myself in JOY, NOW. I don’t find myself in a Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) belief about these other things I could be doing and therefore resenting or feeling impatient about, what I am doing now

Does make sense?

Finding the Positively Focused space, not only do I realize plenty of time to enjoy all these things, I realize too a state of lightness, a lighter way of being. Standing there, life gets really good.

Because not only am I enjoying my now, in this day, the rest of this day and future days, get better too as there are more things to do than I can possibly do in a today. Which means, there are plenty of fulfilling, fun things to do tomorrow and the next day and the next.

That’s life mastery. It’s also how I make my days even better, happier days.

Feeling Better Feels Better

My beliefs create my reality, so I think only better-feeling thoughts.
My beliefs create my reality, so I think only better-feeling thoughts.

I feel myself asking for more. Even in dreams that feeling’s there. It feels so good feeling that. I love how good knowing that feels. Yes, it means my life experience fills with more and more fulfilled desire, but what I focus more on these days is how much better it feels to feel increasingly better-feeling. 

It’s that charmed life I mention.

If People Only Knew…

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Extreme pleasure filled me this morning while dreaming. So much pleasure I woke and flowed in between stunningly beautiful and fulfilling dreams. Waking from them I felt the joy of them, the camaraderie between me and Angels, most of whom were female.

So many I experienced, revealed in, went back into, experienced more, then woke again in peace and clarity. Love, certainty, love, being seen, love, and being known, cared for, attended to, accompanied…so many positive experiences…

Experiences people expect from other people; boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives pale in comparison to these experiences. If they only knew the real, lasting, unwavering unconditional love of their ongoing now origin!

“Positive” doesn’t capture the richness of experience, emotion or immersion, nor does it approach how delighted I feel right now, feeling this while watching and feeling these words flowing through my fingers, falling short in describing how I feel, what I’ve experienced, what I know.

What’s really cool now is, nearly every day, every morning, this happens. Weeks ago I wanted to savor every ecstatic instance. Scarcity and fear fueled that desire. I thought such experiences wouldn’t last. Several weeks later they still come, their ecstasy overflowing, overwhelming, washing over me like waves crashing upon uninhabited, unexplored treasure islands.

My desire shifted from savoring born of scarcity, to savoring in their abundance while expecting, believing, knowing…such experiences know no end.

Like my life knows no end.

So my delight continues, ever delighting me leaving me in stupendous awe at life’s paradoxical yet real-as-fuck dual-and-yet-not dual reality. Physical and nonphysical known by me as one continuous reality.

Merry Christmas To Me

No matter where I am, that’s where I am. I make the best of it. Resisting it just creates more to resist. This Christmas, like every day, I resolve to be more in love with people, more in love with life, and most of all, more in love with me.