What Happens When I Follow God’s Advice (My Inner Guidance)

Background Photo by Trinity Nguyen on Unsplash

I’m thrilled about writing this post. I’m thrilled because I’m sharing what signifies a big improvement in my vibration. An improvement on a subject showing I am reaching into the “leading edge” of what it means to be human.

Many life goals I have include expressing that “leading edge” life. What do I mean by “leading edge”? I mean living life in ways humans think impossible, and in doing so, expanding what it means to be human. And what’s possible for humanity.

Life for me has been about understanding the human experience through my personal experience, then living in ways that expand on that. While doing that, I’ve lived an interesting life. A diverse life. A life providing all kinds of enlightening experiences. Experiences giving me insight into the human condition.

But at the core of all I am, I am not human. You aren’t human either, dear reader. After all, when this life is over, you and I will continue existing. We won’t be human though. Instead, we’ll cast of this “mortal coil” in favor of our eternal, expanded beingness.

I love the sound of that.

But I really love experiencing that. Experiencing that expanded beingness, right here, in the mortal coil. And that’s why I’m thrilled to write this post. Because I’m experiencing that expanded state, even while I live as human. It’s the best of all worlds.

The power of limiting beliefs

The thrilling thing I experienced happened in late September. I schedule posts in advance. So by the time you read them, what you read happened a while ago. Still, this experience shows it’s worth learning to deliberately create reality through manifesting.

We can literally create any reality we want. Nothing is off limits. But doing that requires diligence. I think most people aren’t ready to take that on. For those who are, however, life gets really fun. Life becomes heavenly. But only for those who can see the possibility. Seeing that, however, first requires believing it’s possible.

That means letting go of beliefs humans accept as “true”. There are many such beliefs. Some contain far more sticking power than others. By “sticking power”, I mean momentum. Momentum we collectively add to these beliefs by accepting and believing in them. One such belief, for example, is “humans can’t regrow limbs.” It’s an interesting paradox.

Because humans CAN’T grow limbs. It’s not because the potential to do so isn’t there, however. Rather, it’s because no one believes it can be done. So no one tries.

Doesn’t this remind you of the story about the baby elephant tied to a stake? Humans are like elephants tied to stakes as babies. Our stakes are our limiting beliefs.

Abraham describing why some things are impossible.

History is replete with things once thought impossible becoming possible. Maybe you can think of some. In any case, the leading edge of humanity lies on that boundary between what people believe and what’s actually possible. I live my life on that edge. So I do things most people think are crazy. That includes choosing to leave lucrative careers, giving up “earning a living” and leaping into the unknown, expecting the Universe will catch me.

And catch me it has!

The perfect unfolding

I chose a life path wherein I want enormous amounts of money to flow into my life. And, I want it to flow in ways that leave me free to live my life. In other words, I want money coming in with me doing as little as possible about that. That way, I can live my life loving life, playful and engaged in what I enjoy.

These days my desires have more sway over my life than fear, obligation or “common sense”. That means I’m living more boldly than ever. I’m no longer willing to accept beliefs we humans commonly hold. I decided some time ago, therefore, to prove to myself that this “you create your reality” business is real.

Unlike others doing what I’m doing, I went “all in”. I gave up jobs, let my marriage dissolve and struck out in pursuit of the extraordinary. Doing that, I confronted and am confronting these common beliefs.

Many such beliefs revolve around money. Money is a big subject. One that needs a lot of cleaning up in my Belief Constellation. That process is not always without fear though. And that’s what I’m writing about today. There’s a lot to share and will likely need to be shared over several posts. But here’s what happened in late September.

Money as a manifested idea enjoys a lot of momentum. Many beliefs about it limit what’s possible around money. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

Living the Charmed Life

In January, my rent is going up. I thought it was going up a lot. But I soothed that belief and it turned out I was wrong: The rent did go up, but not nearly as much as I feared. Still, because I’m bold, and because I’m cleaning up beliefs about money I no longer want active in my vibration, my income is quite low. It’s just enough to cover my living expenses. That’s because my current beliefs about money, income and working for income still hold sway.

But momentum from those beliefs is soothing. I know this because, today, I don’t work for income. Rather, I play with clients, showing them how to do what I have done and am doing. They pay me for this. However, it doesn’t feel at all like work. It feels, instead, as an extension of my spiritual practice. You could say then, I’m being paid to pursue everything I’m writing about here. That’s the joy of the Positively Focused Way: the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.

I’ve enjoyed living this way for several years now. It’s been an interesting adventure that’s only just getting started. But with that rent increase looming, I realized I would need more money. Because I know what I know, and because of a long string of manifestations on other subjects, I resolved to manifest the money I needed.

I realized I could take a job instead. But that’s not the path I’m on. I’m committed to manifesting a life on my terms. That includes manifesting money on my terms too!

It began with a post card

So one day in September, I got a post card. It was from the United Sates Postal Service. They were hosting a “Career Day” at my local post office. This card came with interesting timing. Thinking about taking a job occured to me in the same week. And here is this card showing up. So this was an opportunity to test my connection to my Broader Perspective. I also wanted its opinion on the opportunity. Also, I wanted guidance on what to do too. I mean, I knew what I wanted to do (ignore the card). Yet I felt a twinge of fear-induced impulses saying “go to the career day.”

Our Broader Perspective is the larger consciousness that is us, outside our physical bodies. We are far too big to fit in this human form. So we squeeze a part of us “here”. Meanwhile, the larger part of all that we are remains in nonphysical. That larger part is not the “God” most religions talk about. It is US, experiencing all experiences we’re having across infinite dimensions. That perspective exists outside of space and time.

So it can “see” a lot more than we can. It literally sees all probable futures, choices we have made, can make and will make. And it sees how all those choices always work out. It therefore, is a fantastic source of guidance. This is why the Positively Focused Way primarily focuses on strengthening a conscious awareness of our relationship with our Broader Perspective. Do that and we can receive vivid, clear and accurate guidance.

So, I held the card in my hand. Looking at it, I said aloud “should I go to this career event?”

Nothing happened.

Being a letter carrier. Was that really my path? (Photo by Trinity Nguyen on Unsplash)

Contrast begets manifestation

Then I offered an alternative: “Should I stay the course?” I asked.

YES!” my Broader Perspective instantly “said”.

Now, when my Broader Perspective gives guidance, it’s not in the form of words. I don’t hear a voice. Instead, it communicates kinesthetically. I feel its communication. In this instance, what I felt was a “thrilling”. Massive waves of pleasurable tingles and shivers ran through my body and scalp. I’ve used this communication process so many times. After following the communication, I’ve always received positive results. So I know I can trust it.

And trust it I did.

I put the card on my desk. Then I focused on statements affirming my desire. That’s when I realized that post card was intentional. I put it in my reality to prompt exactly what I was doing: amplifying my alignment with the outcome existing in nonphysical. The one representing the full-blown manifestation of what I want: enough income to cover my rent increase.

A week later, more contrast showed up. I got an email from a digital rights law firm. I inadvertently violated copyright protections of a photo owned by someone else. The law firm said I owed $250!

At first I was shocked. I didn’t have $250! Well, I did, in savings. But that was reserved for other expenses. That’s when I realized this was not a bad thing. This bill was more evidence showing me I was on my path. Use it correctly, I knew, and I would have what I was manifesting.

So I wrote and told them I didn’t have that much money. They replied by reducing their fee by 40 percent, demanding instead $150. Not the best outcome, but it was one I could live with.

Getting off course? Maybe not

Getting that bill triggered more fear and worry. When I got it, my attention drifted to the Post Office’s post card laying on my desk. I picked it up. Remembering what my Broader Perspective suggested, I thought about the career event. Would it hurt to just go?, I thought.

But I knew that question stemmed from FEAR. That’s not a good place from which to act. I knew if I took a job at the post office, the job would just show me why I should have stayed the course. After all, my Broader Perspective wanted me to do that: Stay the course.

But in a moment of weakness, I decided, I’ll just go. I’ll just check it out and see. I knew I was acting out of fear. I acknowledged that, dressed and went to the event.

Representatives there told me about openings available. I wasn’t thrilled about them, but I was curious. They all paid a wage equaling about half of what I make per client hour. But because I would be working many more hours, I’d make more money.

I thanked the reps, took some information and went home. By the time I got there, I was clear: I wasn’t going to work for the post office! That’s going backwards!

The biggest factor driving that decision was that I’d have to stop working with clients. I wouldn’t have time. That was a deal killer. Plus I really enjoyed my current lifestyle. One where I spend nearly all my time practicing my Positively Focused Way and seeing clients less than three days a week.

So the experience of going to the event actually amplified my commitment to stay the course. Interesting!

I can be stubborn tho…

Still I wallowed a bit. I weighed the option of working at the post office a bit more. Then I got the impulse to Google “What’s it like to work at the post office?” Most of the information I read confirmed my original conclusion: working at the post office was a massive divergence from my chosen path. I decided then to give up the post office idea completely. Instead, I thought, I’m staying the course. I’m trusting my Broader Perspective!

That’s when my dream reality entered the picture. In it my Broader Perspective reiterated that I should stay the course. I had a dream the details of which are unimportant. But what is important is the download I got when waking from it. The download was “Don’t pay that $150 from savings. Use your credit card.”

This is why dream state is another thing I eventually get clients to become aware of. Dreams are soooo freaking valuable! When we dream, we return to the fullness of our Broader Perspective. There, we CAN experience nonphysical consciously and vividly. But most people don’t believe they dream. Those who do, think dreams are something they’re not. So they miss the massive value dreams bring.

Dreams are an excellent Source of inner knowing. (Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash)

In dreams, we CAN hear our Broader Perspective speak to us in words we can understand. But again, it requires training. Not really training…it requires soothing resistance acting as an opaque shield between us and the dream state. Do that and dreams become very easy to perceive, experience and understand. As does our ability to hear our Broader Perspective while in dream state.

That download was my Broader Perspective guiding me. So I woke and put that $150 on my card.

Staying the course…lead to something awesome

Then I focused on trusting and relaxing into the now. Past experience proved doing so would bring what I want more quickly. Everything you just read also amplified my desire to focus.

That focus felt good. I felt myself tuning in. Tuning into the probable reality where the money I want is!

Less than a week later, I woke one morning feeling really great. I checked my phone. There on the screen was a notification that a new client registered for a one-time Positively Focused session!

I looked at the confirmation email and the name looked familiar. But the photo of the person on Facebook was unfamiliar.

The new client and the PayPal notification.

When I sent them a reply email, the reply I got astounded me:

“Hi,” She said. “I’ve had that fake profile on Facebook for years. Last week I checked it and in my recommendations was a link to Positively Focused. I knew that was the universe telling me to sign up for sessions.”

How cool is that?!

After our first session, the client signed up for weekly sessions for a total monthly session rate equal to 30 times my rent increase scheduled to begin in January! And, it’s more than enough to pay off the $150 I put on my credit card!

Manifesting requires staying the course

What did I learn from all this? Well, by October 1 I felt absolute confidence the Universe moves to support my desires. Several other manifestations happened in September. Adding this one to those vastly boosted my knowing. Namely:

  • My desire to create money coming into my life with no effort on my part is working!
  • That relaxing and trusting makes what I want to happen, happen faster.
  • I can manifest something I desire in perfect divine timing.
  • I can trust my Broader Perspective!
  • By lightly holding in my mind what I want, I prime the Universe to deliver.
  • When something seems to go wrong, that usually means I’m close to the full-blown manifestation. See things “going wrong” as actually going right!
  • Try not to take action too soon. But if I do, I know the Universe will work around my early action and deliver what I want!
  • Finally, by staying the course towards what I want, what I want WILL HAPPEN. When it does it will be in divine timing. And if it hasn’t happened (yet) that’s only because the timing isn’t right (yet).

All this inspires even bolder action. I know now that everything I’m asking for is happening. So I can enjoy my life on the leading edge of what it means to be human. And, I can eagerly anticipate the day when outrageous fortune flows into my experience.

I love following my inner guidance!

By now you may be inspired to learn to hear your inner guidance. If you are, I’m here. Join my clients experiencing their own versions of what I’m experiencing. Contact me, let’s get you started!

Here’s Definite Proof Manifestation Is A Thing

Photo by Frank Alarcon on Unsplash

We are literally surrounded by evidence proving manifesting is a thing. Why so many think it’s not real astounds me.

Every man-made object first started as vibration which turned into an “idea”. An idea is a thought. Such ideas usually come in a burst of inspiration. “Inspiration” is communication from one’s Broader Perspective.

Then a person acts to make the idea real. These actions come from impulses to act. Impulses come from one’s Broader Perspective.

After a time, the object is “manifest”. It becomes real.

It’s the same in nature. Things manifest first as vibration. The consciousness in nature translates that to a thought. Then it acts on its impulses until manifestation happens.

Our entire physical world is manifested evidence that thoughts turn to things. Why people deny it baffles…

….Then again, beliefs create reality. So if one believes manifestation is fake, the Universe will create circumstances proving that belief “true”. Meanwhile, it’s proving other beliefs “true” too.

In fact, there’s so much room in the Universe, any belief held long enough will assemble cooperative components proving it true. That’s how the universe expands: vibration becomes thoughts. Those thoughts become things.

So a person claiming “you create your reality” is false proves it true. They create a reality for themselves wherein the universe gives them proof that they don’t create their reality!

But your reality needn’t be theirs…

Beliefs create experience

It’s no wonder then when a client talked about her sister, we discovered more “truth”. The client, who I’ll call Mary, has a sister I’ll call Jane. Jane celebrated the birth of her child recently. That’s cool. But what’s even cooler was Mary’s experience.

According to Mary, Jane is kind of a worry-wart. She believes in preparing for all contingencies. When it came to having her child, therefore, Jane believed it a better choice to give birth in a hospital. When she did give birth, complications resulted which necessitated a cesarean intervention.

A week after the birth, Jane re-admitted herself to the hospital with post-birth complications. She’s been in the hospital for a week now.

In our session, Mary asked if all this resulted from Jane’s belief in preparing for the worst. Yes, I told her. But also, it represented a manifestation of Mary’s beliefs about Jane. How else could Mary have had the experience of seeing Jane go through this?

We all create our realities. We do that through our beliefs about reality. That includes beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about others. However, something very important plays a role too. That is the dynamic of co-creation.

Collapsing into another’s momentum

Each person experiences others they meet as versions they create. No two people experience a third in the same way, just as no two people experience the same reality. Even when two people experience the same situation, they each have their version of that situation. There is no shared reality.

That’s true for people in our lives too.

When it comes to experiencing others, belief momentum is everything. Whether you experience someone the way they experience themselves or the way you experience them depends on this belief momentum. For example, Mary and Jane are related and Jane is older. Mary’s experience of Jane is almost entirely the result of Jane’s momentum. In other words, Mary’s beliefs about Jane largely come based on her observation of her. That seems normal, right?

After all, we all get to know people based on what we observe, then conclude based on those observations. But we can also create versions of others independent of our observations. In the same way we can create whole new realities independent of what we observe of reality. In that same way, we also can create whole new versions of other people.

Usually however, we “collapse into the momentum” of another’s belief momentum. We allow ourselves to accept the emanation of thoughts and beliefs people have about themselves. That’s what happened between Mary and Jane.

These days, Mary is questioning all her beliefs. That’s having her see things she hadn’t before. Such as realizing that her sibling’s birth complications weren’t random situations. Instead, they sprang from her beliefs. Mary’s beliefs too.

The purpose of life

This offered Mary tremendous evidence supporting her Positively Focused practice. Evidence proving for Mary that she is literally surrounded by things made real by her through her beliefs.

How else could it be? Who else is creating her reality? No one else is creating your reality either, other than you.

What that means is, we all possess tremendous potential. Potential to create really daring and satisfying realities. Realities offering whole new experiences. For us, for the world and for the Universe.

That’s the reason we come into the world in the first place. We come to participate in universal expansion. Doing so, we expand too. And, through our example, we encourage expansion in others.

It’s the Great Game that is life experience. Expansion, joy and growth is its purpose. What could be a better purpose than that?

Thank “God” We’re All Eternal. That Makes Life Awesome.

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo (Public Domain)

This week in the Positively Focused advanced practice group session, clients and I came upon a surprising view of humanity. It gave me a greater level of appreciation that we’re all eternal.

The conversation started with a client’s question about being a foster parent. Often, foster children she takes in come from difficult situations. Some worse than others. The client shared how she encourages these kids to “buck up”. She said she instills a sense of responsibility, of them needing to get up each day and overcome their laziness.

It was an awesome prompt. One that clarified for all of us how humanity perpetuates civilization-wide beliefs. Beliefs that discourage connection with our eternal selves. Beliefs perpetuating the world we see around us.

It’s a miracle humanity thrives the way it does while holding such beliefs. Especially given how unconscious we are of the power of our eternal nature. Without that eternal nature, humanity would have burned out long, long ago.

That’s why I thank “God” we’re all eternal. Of course, we’re all god in human form. So I’m actually thanking you, me and everything else. That includes animals, insects, plants and even “inanimate” matter, all of which is quite conscious and also god in physical form.

We can express our creative powers…now

Our divine natures is what makes humanity thrive. Indeed, it’s so powerful, it creates from the worst of us, the best of us. It creates the very futures later generations enjoy. Which explains why civilization improves generation after generation. Our worst moments, mass shootings or war, for example, are seeds of those futures.

But we don’t need tragedies creating better futures. Better futures can come out of joy too. Humanity still has a way to go to understand this. That’s ok, though because we’re all eternal. We have plenty of time to learn this.

But you and I can enjoy better futures today. We don’t need to wait generations. Nor need we suffer through tragedies. Human experience is recursive. What happens at macro levels, happens in identical ways at micro levels. So we individuals can create improvement for ourselves. Even while those around us struggle.

In doing so, we become shining examples of what’s possible. That’s the altruistic aspect of learning we’re god in human form. By transforming our lives into the Charmed Life, we live as examples for others. Then others, inspired by our example, strive for their Charmed Life.

Because we’re god in human form, we enjoy eternity and invincibility. There’s no doubt about this. Evidence is everywhere. But seeing it requires looking where the evidence is. That’s the conundrum.

Because if we don’t believe we’re eternal, that evidence escapes us. It’s there. We just don’t see it. To see it, we must believe it’s there. That’s because, as gods in human form, our creativity gets expressed in how we think and believe.

We are the “gods” creating life.

We forget…on purpose

When we come to earth, we come from some place. In that place we know our eternal nature. Of course, entering earthly existence requires blanking out that knowing. It also requires blanking out knowledge that earthly existence is as insubstantial as any other created reality. How else are we to take it as serious if we don’t do that? We must feel life on earth as real, all it’s dangers, all its tragedies, to enjoy the purpose of putting ourselves in the experience in the first place. So we forget our eternal status and accept earthly existence as all there is.

We needn’t KEEP forgetting though. Indeed lots of clues exist on earth to remind us what we forgot on purpose. This post, for example, is a clue.

Many enlightened people live alongside us. They offer clues too. Most of those folks aren’t famous. And they don’t push what they know on us. They remind us only when we’re ready.

Most of humanity, however, never gets ready. So they miss the clues. They see those enlightened people…and ignore them. Meanwhile, their insecurity focuses them on believing and doing what they’ve been told to believe and do. What they’ve been told then is what guides people for much of their lives, if not all of it.

Perpetuating the mediocre

The trick of human existence is a lot of us get stuck in the forgetting. Thank god we’re eternal though. That gives us all the time in the world to figure out the trick. Still, getting stuck believing earthly life is all there is becomes practically problematic. It causes us to miss life’s incredible offerings. Instead, we focus on life’s challenges. Doing so, we foster insecurity within us.

Then, as parents, we pass that insecurity on to the next generation. That generation does the same. We pass on bogus beliefs about life. But those beliefs, like all beliefs, create reality consistent with them. So it seems true that we should, for example, work hard. It seems true that we shouldn’t be lazy. It seems true people should earn a living. It’s just a fact that things aren’t free. Some are lucky, but I’m not, we think. There are rich and famous people, but I can’t be one. Etcetera, Etcetera.

Life then becomes mediocre for most of humanity. We enjoy it because that’s our nature. People will adapt to nearly any condition.

But we’re not here to adapt! We’re here to cause reality to adapt to our desires! After all, even when we adapt, that’s what’s happening. We believe “this is the way life is”. That belief creates reality consistent with it. Then we live in that reality, accepting it’s “true” while not knowing we created it. Not knowing life can be different.

In this way we perpetuate mediocre. We teach it to our kids. Then they do the same to their children. Then human civilization gets better, but at a much slower pace than it could.

But we individuals, at any time, can do life differently. We can remember!

What are we perpetuating?

Our purpose here isn’t to eke out a ho-hum life, while numbing ourselves with stimulants and depressives. Each of us is here to create something that’s never been created before. And when we do that, life becomes awesome.

But getting into human earthly existence requires coming through humans who precede us. So when we get here, having forgotten, through other humans who also have forgotten, there’s no one to remind us when we most need it: when we’re most impressionable. Nearly all parents are “bad” parents in this respect.

But how long must we keep believing what we were told? The answer: as long as we refuse to question what we believe. As long as we don’t question, we teach our kids as we were taught. We may offer some improved lessons. But the main ones remain: life is scary. People, especially strangers, are too. You have to earn your worthiness. You must please others. Money doesn’t grow on trees!

They say money doesn’t grow on trees. That’s because those folks don’t believe it does. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

Well, yes, money does grow on trees. It does if you believe it does. What does this money aphorism mean? It means money isn’t freely available, right?

Rubbish! Money IS freely available. The world is awash in it! And there are some people getting it with no effort at all. It isn’t luck. It isn’t coincidence. Their beliefs make is so, as Shakespeare once wrote.

We create reality individually and collectively. That’s it. When we learn to see how we do that, we can make money grow on trees. We can fill our lives with love. Life can be a rambunctious adventure. There are no limits!

Getting it means testing it

Christian teaching admonishes us to not test God. Have faith instead, it says. The Positively Focused approach says the opposite. It says “test the hell out of it!”. It says “test your creative powers! Watch how powerful you are. Prove to yourself you stand at the center of the Universe and watch the Universe bend to your commands, because it does!”

In time, evidence from your tests will grow so voluminous, faith isn’t necessary. By testing it, you come to believe it. And when you believe it, you’ve got it. You then step into the world as a newborn. You’re born again. Not in the Christian sense, but in the sense of remembering your eternal nature.

That’s the bliss of the Charmed Life. We live as God in Human form, creating life as we live it. Enjoying and reveling in our creation as the Christian God did. We’re proud and appreciative. And we see others as eternal too. Even as they struggle.

Abraham says we can’t get sick enough to help someone get well. Nor can we get poor enough to help someone get rich. In the same way, we can’t convince others they are god in human form.

But we can show them.

We show them through our joyful example. That example doesn’t come overnight. But as it does, it becomes obvious. And along the way, we’re having fun.

Having fun. That’s life’s purpose.

Still with me? Then come on, let’s have fun together. Become a Positively Focused client and discover your eternal nature. Contact me, let’s get you started.

There’s No Perfect, Powerful Method To Manifest

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I have a question about the “369 manifestation” method. Am I able to do it all at once or preferably 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the night? Or can I just write it down all at once?

Answer: Manifestation doesn’t work this way. People come up with all kinds of “processes” purported to be effective. But manifesting is much simpler than this.

The difficulty with manifesting what anyone wants lies in our beliefs about what’s wanted. Resistance we have about what we want slows the manifestation. The timing is important too. By this I mean, we manifest something we want when the timing is right.

That means on some subjects, particularly ones we have a lot of resistance about, it takes longer than others. In fact, on some subjects we feel a lot of impatience. Understanding impatience is important. Such emotions tell us our vibration contradicts our desire. It also tells us we’re slowing down its becoming “real”.

On other subjects, the timing isn’t right. Now, no one is “out there” judging when the timing is right or not. We’re making the call from our Broader Perspective vantage point. It seems the “right” timing is “now”, usually because we feel bad about not having what we want to manifest. That bad feeling is both a sign and the Source of resistance, as I described in the previous paragraph.

Abraham making the process of manifestation plain.

Creation happens automatically. Deliberate creation is tricky

Manifesting a desire is simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy because it requires patience. It also requires soothing existing contrary vibration. Most people struggle with this. So they look for “processes” to help them.

We’re manifesting all the time. That’s what reality is. Reality is a manifestation. It’s coming out from us. We shape it with our beliefs. And we do this automatically. Doing it consciously simply requires conjuring how it will feel to have what one wants. You feel the emotion of having it. Then drop it.

We don’t need special processes. We don’t need to think about it many times. In fact, thinking about it many times often amplifies resistance we have on the subject, thus slowing the manifestation down. Even using affirmations will more likely create resistance rather than alignment.


Because often people speak affirmations while thinking about the absence of what they’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky in other words. We gotta know what’s dominant in our awareness to affirm correctly. That’s why dropping it is better, easier and quicker.

Look. The Universe already knows what we want. Whether we’re clear about it or not, we’ve already made the choice and the Universe already holds what we want for us. The only real question is: when are we going to become a match to that?

And the answer to that question has nothing to do with this 369 method. It ONLY has to do with us finding the vibrational frequency that lets it in. And the best way to do that is to RELAX, ENJOY LIFE and stop doing things that put resistance on the trail….like trying to understand someone else’s manifestation “method”.

What Happens When Life Delivered a Cool Gift

My Advanced clients are so inspiring. Even when they struggle, they create for themselves the Charmed Life. Being Positively Focused Advanced clients, most of them catch when they do this. Still, it can feel like a painful struggle. That’s only because they need more practice. More practice that solidifies their Positively Focused foundations.

An Advanced client today shared a story prompting this post. She’s progressing nicely. Her biggest desire for now is manifesting her lover. But she has many disempowering beliefs in the way. So her path to the lover is really bumpy.

And yet, today she shared a story indicating her progress. Even though she told her story through tears. Now, tears aren’t what people think they are. Tears are manifestations. They represent release of resistance. So crying isn’t a bad thing. Nor is it sad. It’s actually good. It only feels sad because we’re taught that it is sad.

As she told her story, she felt much better. That’s no surprise. Being sad is impossible when one stands in witness to their unfolding Charmed Life.

Here’s the story she told.

A fabulous experience of inner awareness

She’s currently getting to know a guy I’ll call “David”. David has a child from a previous marriage. He and my client, I’ll call “Jill”, were texting. Today is Jill’s birthday and it isn’t a good one according to her. That’s because she perceives herself as alone (she’s not). And she think she’s getting older, which, for her is a terrible thing. It’s terrible because the older she gets, she thinks the less time she has to find and enjoy her lover. In such beliefs, Jill can’t possibly feel happy and optimistic.

Which is why sometimes she’s not happy and optimistic.

Jill didn’t remember the wonderful nature of her sadness. That sadness is telling her something important. As we talked about that, naturally, Jill’s mood improved. Again, a human can’t be sad while standing in appreciation or empowerment, and as we talked that’s where I lead her.

Once getting there, she remembered what happened between her and David. Remembering this story in itself was a manifestation. She wouldn’t have recalled it had her mood not improved. So the story returning to her memory told her something important too. That’s another story though.

David is very busy. Not only does he have a child, he also works a lot. And, this weekend, the weekend of Jill’s birthday, he’s moving. So he’s doubly busy. David asked Jill if he could see a photo of her. She suggested they swap candid shots. So Jill, who was at a coffee drive-through, pulled out of the drive-through. She drove down the road then pulled over. There she snapped a couple pics. Then she sent them to David.

If you believe it long enough it becomes true

As is typical with text apps, Jill saw that David got her pics. Then she saw that familiar three dots at the bottom of the chat indicating that David was writing something. But he never sent that message. Here’s what happened next in Jill’s own words:

“At that moment,” She said. “I knew there were good reasons why he didn’t reply to my pics. But I made up really negative, really bad reasons why he didn’t. Reasons having to do with my appearance.”

“He didn’t like how I looked, I thought,” She said. “He thought I was fat. Or thought I looked too masculine.”

As Jill thought these thoughts, she said, her mood got more and more negative. Before long, she was angry and sad.

“I totally believed what I was thinking,” She said. “I just knew what I was thinking was true.”

Jill’s persistent negative talk has been around a while. So there’s a lot of momentum behind those beliefs. She knew what she was thinking wasn’t necessarily true. And yet, she thought she knew for a fact that they were true. In other words, her reality was confirming her persistent beliefs. After all, she had been in situations like this before. Situations where men ghosted her after she sent a pic.

In those situations, though, she never found out the real reason why they disappeared. So getting no explanation, she made up her own. This she repeated over and over, in situation after situation. Until her explanations became “truth” for her.

Anything we believe will prove true. Believe it long enough and, eventually, we’ll manifest evidence confirming the belief.

Creating deliberately

This is why I advise clients not to look at what’s true. Especially if what’s true isn’t what’s wanted. Instead I encourage them to look towards what they want. That’s because, for most of us, what’s true is inconsistent with our desires. So looking at what’s true causes that which is inconsistent with our desires to persist. Getting what we want, therefore, requires looking where our desires are. That place I call nonphysical.

Perceiving nonphysical is crucial to manifesting what we want. That’s why I spend so much time teaching how to do that in Positively Focused sessions. We can’t see nonphysical with our eyes though. We must learn to “see” it differently. When we do, we have our hands on powerful levers. Levers allowing us to create reality deliberately.

Jill knew what she was doing. Though convinced her beliefs were true, she said she was aware that she was creating a reality she didn’t want. Which is why when David finally did text her, she was not surprised: David had been busy, apologized for his delay and complimented her on her pics.

Jill said this was a powerful lesson for her. “I have to learn to rewire my thoughts so they’re more positive,” She said. I agree.

In every case, the love we want that hasn’t shown up hasn’t because beliefs we hold keep it away. (Photo Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash)

Transforming the future

Being aware of what we’re doing when we’re creating unwanted is another crucial skill. Developing it first requires understanding how reality becomes reality. Then we use our awareness to interrupt that process. Then we learn to direct the process deliberately. That’s what Jill described.

That she knew what she was doing was awesome. That she used that awareness to improve herself was the cool gift the Universe gave her. Had she not had the experience and awareness, the gift would have slipped through her fingers.

We talked about different stories she could tell in place of automatic beliefs activated by habit. We can literally make up any story that feels better. It doesn’t have to be true. It just needs to feel better. In time, it will become true.

  • He lost his phone.
  • Someone stole his phone.
  • The phone got run over.
  • He’s just busy right now.

These four stories feel better than those Jill told herself. The third made Jill laugh. That was a great sign. All of them are not true. Except the last one. Yet they all had Jill feeling better. And that’s the goal.

By practicing this skill on any topic we automatically think negative thoughts about, we transform our future. We make the future compliant with out desires. Do that often enough and we’ll find the future including more of what we want.

What we want therefore becomes a foregone conclusion. They must manifest. That’s just how the Universe works.

Words aren’t as convincing as creating results in your own life that prove this. Maybe you’re ready to do that. Contact meand let’s get you on that path. Life is constantly gifting us. The only question is: are you receiving the gifts?

A Practical Example Of How Thoughts Create Life Experience

Editors note: Many links in this post connect to my other blog, The Transamorous Network, where I offer Positively Focused material, oriented to the transgender community. This story also describes an experience a Transamorous network client experienced recently. It’s being shared here due to its revelatory nature.

Often clients offer great examples of how our thoughts create our reality. That happened just today (at the time of writing this).

This client’s experience also shows how faithfully our beliefs play out in our behaviors. In the behavior of others too. Even so, these often are invisible to us. Because we can’t see them, we can’t do anything about them. So having them show up in our reality is the best way to figure out what our beliefs are.

“Reality” includes our own behaviors. So in addition to how we feel and what we think, another great way of discovering beliefs creating our reality is by looking at how we act. And how people act toward us.

By doing that, we can deliberately create paths to everything we want, with very little effort on our part. This is the basis from which I work with clients. On the way to getting all they want, clients become empowered. They also become happy. This client is a perfect example.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful experience she offered.

Creating her dating reality as she goes

My client is using the Positively Focused practice to improve her dating life, among other things. Recently she stopped using online dating. I don’t encourage anyone to use online dating. Here’s why.

Besides, it’s just more fun meeting your perfect match through serendipity.

Anyway, the client, who I’ll call Sarah, now has several men she’s seeing. Most of them are casual. And a few of them involve actually going out on dates. That’s great because Sarah, who is transgender, has very strong beliefs about men not being willing to take her out. But because she’s changed those beliefs, men now take her out. Go figure!

One guy I’ll call Cleo, wants to take Sarah out. But he’s scared. He still resists his trans-attraction. So, he’ll text Sarah, telling her he wants to see her. Or text her about taking her out. Sarah likes getting these messages. But it irks her that he won’t followup. She wants him to take her out. He doesn’t though.

I explained to Sarah that Cleo represents a stepping stone along the path to the relationship she ultimately wants and will have. I also said the more she focuses on positive aspects of what Cleo offers, the more she becomes a match to that relationship she ultimately wants.

Sarah’s working on this. Some days she’s better than others. But what happened in today’s session was instructive. First some more context.

A relationship to beat all relationships

Sarah loves a man she really wants to be with. She and this guy, I’ll call Paul, have talked on and off for years. Paul really likes Sarah. But he too fears his trans-attraction. Yet he keeps coming back to Sarah. Sarah really wants to be with Paul. I assure her constantly she can be with Paul and will be. Once she becomes fully a match to him and vice versa.

But beliefs Sarah keeps active about relationships, about Paul and about herself keep her from becoming a match. I am working with Sarah to identify and soothe these beliefs.

One belief she has is, if she told Paul about her dating experiences, Paul will get angry at her and cut her off. Even though Paul has consistently told Sarah she should date other people. I told Sarah she should share what she does with these other men. Not to manipulate Paul, but, instead to authentically express what she’s doing. Which is something Paul already encouraged her to do. Paul would appreciate knowing she took his advice, I said. 

So Sarah really wants to be with Paul. Paul likes Sarah a lot and wants that too. But both keep beliefs active that keep the two apart. And Sarah won’t communicate authentically with Paul because she’s afraid she’ll lose him.

Ok, that’s the context. Now, back to Cleo. Keep in mind what you just read. See if you can put the pieces together about beliefs and how they created the reality you’re about to read before I explain it in the section after this next one.

Perfect manifestation played in real time

One day Cleo texted her. He complained that a lot of older cis-women were coming on to him. He said he had lots of opportunity to fuck these women. But he didn’t know what he wanted to do. Sarah told him he should enjoy these women. He should have sex with them, she said, if he wants to and thinks he will enjoy it.

The more a person can enjoy life, the more life will yield to them what they want. That’s the general rule of the Positively Focused approach. So I applauded Sarah for telling Cleo this. It’s also spot-on guidance.

A couple days later, Cleo texted Sarah. He shared news that he did actually follow Sarah’s advice. He said he had a great time doing it. Remember, Sarah encouraged Cleo to have sex with these women.

Here’s what happened next, in Sarah’s own words:

“After he told me,” she said. “I got mad. Then I picked a big, giant fight with him. He got really angry with me. Then he stopped talking to me.”

Can you see what happened here? It’s a perfect manifestation of Sarah’s beliefs about Paul and her playing out, in real time, in her behavior, and Cleo’s!

The evidence: plain as day

Sarah is playing out her belief about being authentic with Paul, with Cleo. Here Cleo is, doing what I suggest Sarah could do with Paul. Cleo is telling Sarah authentically what’s happening in his life. Notice how Sarah first responds to his authentic sharing. She’s empathetic. She offers really good advice: do what pleases you.

But then, when Cleo takes Sarah’s advice, Sarah gets pissed. We could replace Cleo with Sarah in this example, and Sarah with Paul. Doing that, we can see how Sarah is creating a reality revealing her beliefs about Paul and her. They’re playing out in perfect view for all to see.

If I tell Paul what I’m doing with these other men, he’ll get mad and stop talking with me. That’s Sarah’s belief about her relationship with Paul. And that belief has Sarah feeling fear. Even so, when Cleo does what Sarah’s afraid to do with Paul, at first, Sarah is compassionate. She offers great advice. But when he follows it, Sarah gets mad and picks a fightexactly what she’s afraid Paul will do if she shares authentically what she’s up to.

What’s interesting though is the combination of realities playing out. At first Sarah is interested and compassionate. This tells Sarah that Paul would be interested and compassionate should she communicate authentically to him. But her fear dominates her behavior as a manifestation. So she gets mad at Cleo after first being interested and compassionate. That tells her she will match a version of Paul who equally gets mad. Unless she changes her beliefs.

The evidence here is as plain as day. It’s playing itself out in Sarah’s reality. Both in Cleo’s actions and her behavior too.

Power and leverage unveiled

This is the kind of thing we uncover in Positively Focused sessions. It’s the gold daily life contains about everything we want to know. Everything that will get us all the love we want. Or all the money we want. Or whatever else we want. Definitely all the happiness we can handle. And then some.

As we can see, physical reality is very sophisticated. The uninitiated have a hard time figuring all this out. That’s because we have a literal constellation of beliefs creating our ongoing, unfolding reality. A reality that includes behaviors of others. Others we create as specific versions for ourselves. As well as our own behaviors. Behaviors we’re often blind to.

All of this gives us clues about our inner-understanding. Our inner world constantly projects outward. It creates our realities all day, every day. Which is why a Positively Focused practice offers so much value. Through the practice, clients learn how to read the clues.

Just because we can’t see all this doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It is happening. And when a person starts seeing life through this lens, they come into incredible power and leverage. Power and leverage allowing one to deliberately create any reality they want. Including one in which anyone can enjoy anything they want.

Maybe you’re ready to get your hands on that power and leverage. Send me a note. Let’s get you started.

A Great Result Made My Client Do Something Awesome

Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

What I do is not therapy. Which is why I can guarantee my results. When those results happen, clients are surprised. At first.

But then they come to expect the extraordinary. Even so, some results still blow clients away. Which is why, this week, a client gave me a $100 tip. The money isn’t important. What is, is the gesture shows how remarkable the Positively Focused practice is.

This client came to the session distraught. Her younger brother confided in her something scary: He was contemplating suicide.

Like any human who isn’t a Positively Focused client, my client worried about her brother taking his life. The problem with doing that, however, is two-fold. One, the emotion “worry” tells us we’re using our creative energy to create a reality we won’t like when it comes. That impending reality includes versions of people in our lives. Including siblings and other family members. Two, “worry” can align us with another person’s negative intentions, thereby making it more likely the person will go that negative direction.

We’re more powerful than we know

Most people struggle believing we create our reality. Fewer still believe we create the people we meet. And yet, that’s what’s happening. We actually have far more influence on others than we think. That’s why I tell clients to think the best thoughts about everyone they care about.

I did the same with this client. In thinking empowering thoughts about her sibling, she would offer strong influence on not only her brother’s thoughts, but his behavior too. She could actually change his trajectory, I told her, assuming he wanted that.

Indeed, many confiding in others about suicidal ideation do so as a cry for help. They want to take a different trajectory, in other words. So there was a great chance my client could benefit her brother.

It didn’t take long her to find more empowering thoughts within her. Feeling better, she could also come up with words she felt could positively influence her brother. I assured her those words would be influencing. But only if she could maintain seeing her brother in an empowered state. It’s not the words that would do it, I told her. How she’s being will speak more powerfully than anything coming out of her mouth. She got this.

Our happiness depends on no external situation. (Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash)

The Charmed Life emerges from the practice

Of course, suicide isn’t as bad as we make it. For many really struggling with their created reality, it’s often the best way to get relief from intense awful experience.

We’re all powerful creators. But since most of us don’t know this, we tend to create realities of intense negativity. In such circumstances, suicide can be the logical best choice.

Once that choice happens, though, nothing bad comes to the person taking their life. They receive support in nonphysical, then they get to try life again. They get a do-over in other words.

So for the person taking their life, taking their life isn’t a big deal. It’s much bigger a deal for “survivors” though, which is another story.

Thinking empowering thoughts about her brother moved my client into a very positive place. From there she had a great conversation with her mother. Together they amplified each other’s positive thoughts about the relative in question.

My client then felt so good after this, she gifted me the tip. It was a total surprise. She said she went from feeling a dreadful powerlessness all the way to feeling empowered and not worried about her brother.

My client tips me for helping her feel awesome.

Of course, this is something every client experiences in their Positively Focused practice on one subject or another. It is, in fact the purpose of the practice. It’s about learning to improve our moods. Which equals improving our vibration.

When that happens, our lives improve too. So much so, they become the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.

Healing another: it’s no miracle

We constantly create versions of everyone we meet. Everything in physical reality reflects our inner state. People are no exception. It is how the Universe shows up: as a reflection of “god’s” inner state. And we all are gods.

Of course, the person we focus on is a god also. So they’re creating a version of themselves too. As a result, everyone exists as multiple versions of themselves. Those others elicit from us, and the one we create ourselves. The versions others create of us can influence our own self-creation. Especially when the image they are creating aligns with something essential about us. Or when we allow that other person to influence us.

This is how Jesus healed people. He saw everyone as their divine self only. That’s the essential aspect of us all. As a result of his powerful focus, dis-ease withered in his attention. His attention literally caused those people’s self concept to collapse into his high vibration version of those people.

Maybe you think this is crazy talk. If so, then I encourage you to create evidence that will convince you that you do create versions of people you interact with. We’re all doing it. Most of us just aren’t aware that we’re doing it.

Becoming aware that we’re god in human form isn’t hard. But most people benefit from a little help in the process. That’s why I’m here. The benefit of this awareness is literally boundless.

Perhaps you’re ready to live your boundless life. What I call the Charmed Life. Contact me. Let’s get started.

How The Hidden Power Of Words Destroys The Daring Life

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Not long ago, a client offered an excellent metaphor. They were curious about something we talked about in our session. Curiosity is a great place to be. Curiosity will take one very close to the Charmed Life I write about.

Fascination is better. So is amazement. But those emotions naturally show up as clients create more and more evidence. More and more evidence validating everything I tell them in their Positively Focused sessions. Before they know it, the evidence piles up so high, they find themselves in fascination and amazement. Fascination and amazement turn to wonder not long after that. That’s because when one realizes they are worthy of all they desire, and they see those desires happening, wonder becomes the lens through which they experience life.

But I digress. Let’s get back to that client’s metaphor. It’s really instructive.

Clarity in a metaphor

Here’s what they wrote:

“Just want to make sure I understood…if we think of the barrier between conscious and subconscious as the surface of the ocean with the air being conscious thought and water being subconscious thought, then these little doubts and fears that briefly surface in the conscious mind are like icebergs, with the little bit on top one perceives and the huge mass of it (i.e., the momentum) still lurking below, even after one thinks they got a handle on it. Is this a more-or-less apt metaphor?”

The ice berg metaphor gets used often in describing consciousness. Same goes for oceans. So my client’s metaphor was unsurprising. The metaphor itself is mostly accurate.

But we humans over exaggerate what’s going on in life. We also bring that tendency to examining nonphysical, which “consciousness” is. Often, when we do over exaggerate, we do so in a negative direction. In other words, we catastrophize life.

Language often contributes to the catastrophization. Language is powerful. Words we choose literally shape our experience. You’ll see what I mean by taking a deeper look at my client’s metaphor.

Limits put on the limitless

The words “conscious” and “subconscious”, taken together, offer an example of how language can limit experience. When people use these words, they create two things out of something that actually is one thing. It seems there’s a “conscious” part of us. It’s that part of our awareness we’re aware of it. We’re conscious of it. Then there’s the “subconscious” part. We’re aware we have it. But we apparently can’t consciously access it.

So there’s a part of us we can access. And there’s a part we can’t. Between those two, apparently, a barrier exists. Our consciousness cannot pierce that barrier, which is what keeps the “sub” in subconscious.

The words we use have great power. They literally create our limits. (Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash)

But there is no actual separation between what people call “conscious” and “subconscious”. There is no barrier between the two. And there really isn’t even “two”. What does exist is our ability perceive all of what’s there, or not. Inability to perceive doesn’t necessarily mean a barrier blocks our ability to perceive. Inability to perceive only means we can’t perceive. We’re not able to. That’s not the same as “cannot”.

In Positively Focused sessions, clients learn to reunite their “conscious” and “subconscious”. Again, they were never separate to begin with. But our beliefs impose a division that’s not there. In doing so those beliefs limit what’s possible.

In our sessions, clients gradually realize everything is possible. Self-imposed limitations relax then. When that happens, one’s human awareness allows more and more, deeper, conscious awareness. This is why a Positively Focused practice includes dreamwork. We train our awareness to expand through to deeper levels of that awareness.

The results are profound.

Making life more serious than it is

Of course, expanding, deepening awareness takes place in physical too. It’s what causes clients to become more bold about life. We become more daring. More authentic. Which is something our Broader Perspective wants. Because of that, we feel a tremendous sense of adventure about life. Adventure and joy, pleasure and fun richly colors our life.

Self-imposed limits can block deeper self-awareness. After all, something existing in the “subconscious” implies we can’t access it. But nothing exists beyond our access. If we can ask the question, we can know the answer. That opens profound implications for self-awareness.

The other interesting thing about my client’s metaphor is it introduces drama and ominousness to the affair. That “huge mass” lurking beyond our perceptions stands ready to upend our plans. And we can’t access it so what do we do?

The reality is, nothing like that is happening. Seriousness, drama, and dire consequences are human constructs. Nothing “serious” happens in our lives. Even when it looks like it is, that’s our interpretation. And any interpretation can change. That’s what clients learn. And when they do, their life gets way better.

That’s why I use “Belief Constellation” instead of common metaphors explaining consciousness. For, as with constellations in the sky, our consciousness and everything in it is all visible…if we’re willing to connect the dots between feelings and thoughts, then other thoughts connected to that, and then other thoughts connected to that, then other thoughts connected…etc. Nothing is hidden from us. It’s all available to see, revel in, then create more of what we want.

But enjoying that means learning how to do it deliberately and consciously. Including how we speak about our experience.

Want to know more? Let’s talk.

The Spectacular Life Is Scary For Most People. Me Included.

Photo by Rodrigo Curi on Unsplash

I once had a female housemate named Debbie. She left her “real job” for a calling. Instead of that “real job”, she wanted to become a life coach. This was back in the day when “life coaching” was the thing. At the time, I too had just left my “real job” in pursuit of startups. So it was nice living with someone else who took the road less traveled.

Months went by and Debbie wasn’t making much progress as a life coach. I don’t know why she wasn’t succeeding. But one day, I happened to see her in passing at the house. In that moment, I knew Debbie had lost her dream.

The look on her face was obvious: nearly out of money, Debbie probably feared what she thought would happen next. She didn’t need to say anything. The dread on her face and tears in her eyes spoke volumes. I remember giving her a long embrace. I told her it would be ok.

She stayed with me in my house a couple more months. Then she moved out. She moved to another state, got a job for a utility and, today, as far as I can tell, is happy. She married. Got a dog. She’s gotten back into dance, something she loves. As far as I know, life is good for Debbie.

Giving the cold shoulder to our calling

As I move through circumstances associated with my calling, I know how Debbie felt. So many of us accept mainstream beliefs. Tow that line long enough and life shapes to those beliefs. Then we fall into a pattern. We’re successfully earning our living. We maybe have a family. Life’s pleasures keep us in that pattern.

I know: I lived exactly that life.

So when our passion calls us, we don’t easily hear it. Maybe we do, but we won’t follow it. Life is too good as it is, however it is. We have friendships, lovers. We have good, stable jobs. Of those who do try following the call, many don’t make it. Like Debbie. We try, but our old beliefs, those having us choose the mainstream, normal life won’t accept new ideas. Even if, in the long run, those new ideas would give us more satisfaction and joy. Far more than our mainstream life.

Mainstream beliefs will push back against anyone who dares to follow their dreams. So those called must overcome emotions old beliefs spark. Emotions warning us we may become homeless, penniless or failures. Beliefs saying life outside the safe mainstream, is too scary.

Even among the daring, many will not overcome scary thoughts about the future, risk and what others might think. I don’t blame Debbie for turning back. This path is not for the faint of heart. My own life offers sobering tales which would scare most people from trying what I’m doing. Most people won’t even begin. Let alone go as far as I have.

Most people never hear a calling. Many who do, give it the cold shoulder. Some try following it, but give in to fear. Fears destroys dreams. (Photo by Rodrigo Curi on Unsplash)

Is it worth it?

But my experience also proves it’s so worth it. It’s really scary at times. But I know what “fear” means. Yes, there’s that “False Evidence Appearing Real” thing. But fear also is a beneficial emotion, like all emotions. Understand what it’s saying and we can make our fear more compliant with our desires. More compliant with the path to which our calling draws us.

It takes a while transmuting emotions keeping us from living spectacular lives. That transmutation process, then, isn’t for the faint of heart. Most people won’t try. And the majority of people living ordinary, happy lives proves we don’t need to try to be happy.

Some of us do try, however. Others, like me, are called and the calling won’t take no for an answer. We are those who dare. It’s scary, yes. But the path, at least so far, is extremely rewarding. I believe it will be far more rewarding in the future too. Right now, it brings me extraordinary experiences I write about in this blog. Experiences convincing me I’ve made the right choice.

In reality though, I really had no choice. Repeating myself: My calling would not take no for an answer.

Is mainstream, ordinary success available on this path? I believe so. Money, influence, relevance and all that are coming. But first, I must believe I’m worthy of my calling.

Debbie gave up too early in my opinion. Was her’s a wrong decision? For her, I can’t say it was. She’s happy after all. At least that’s what it looks like on social media.

But for me, nothing short of the Charmed Life will do. And so, I’m committed to the very end. An end I expect will be spectacular.

The Magic Of Putting Belief Into Affirmations

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Affirmations work, but understanding how they work makes them work. Just repeating words and phrases doesn’t work. Especially if we don’t believe what we’re saying. Or worse: if our thoughts contradict what we’re saying.

Which is why I don’t start with affirming in my client work. That’s an advanced practice. Instead, I help clients first understand who and what they are. We talk about that a lot.

It’s only after a lot of that basic stuff that I introduce more complex ideas. Belief Constellations, for example. Meanwhile, life experience validates the basics. With enough evidence supporting the basics, I then introduce homework. The homework further confirms the basics. Only after all that do we talk about affirmations.

That’s because affirmations only work when we understand why they work. The why boosts belief. It also connects that belief to a powerful source. The source from which all affirmations draw their power.

The power of self-love

For many people, affirmations don’t work, even though they’ll say they believe they work. Why is that? Because few people know whether their belief is authentic. That’s a problem. Hope can feel like belief. But it’s not belief. Which is why beginning Positively Focused clients learn how to tell the two apart. If the affirmation feels inauthentic, that’s something we want to know. But we can’t know if we can’t discern how we feel.

One client, for example, described “feeling phony” when trying to affirm. That’s excellent awareness. Because if we feel phony while affirming, the affirmation won’t work.

And yet, some affirmations work because the subject affirmed upon has little resistance. It’s easy affirming and creating a parking spot, for example. It’s quite a different matter affirming ourselves into a loving relationship, great job, or financial windfall. The goal isn’t the matter. It’s whether we believe it’s possible.

For many humans, the hardest subject upon which to affirm is the most intimate. It also is where affirmations’ powers come from. That subject is affirming our worthiness. Knowing our worthiness is key. Living a Charmed Life necessitates loving ourselves. Self-love is knowing we are worthy.

We don’t need to fully love ourselves before the Charmed Life begins emerging, however. But a lack of self-love often acts as the main hindrance to our already-existing Charmed Life. The Charmed Life is there. But our disempowering lack of self-love blinds us to it.

Which is why, ultimately, a Positively Focused practice is about loving oneself unconditionally. For in that state, our Charmed Life reveals itself to us. And that super-charges our affirming.

Becoming open to Spirit

Self love is analogous to seeing ourselves as the spiritual beings we are. We are literally love. We’re flowing through, to and all around All That Is. Love, of course, is inherently positive and joyful. Living Positively Focused calibrates one to this joyous, love-full way of being. And in doing so, we find self-love. It’s a lovely upward spiral.

From there clients figure out what makes affirmations work. The universe loves us. It’s constantly showering us with what we want. Effective affirmation doesn’t create anything, therefore. It just matches us up with what the Universe already gives us.

All this means by the time I introduce affirming to clients, its foundation is in place.

Here’s an example of a self-love affirmation string. Used correctly, with the correct mindset and attitude, these statements, intentionally made, create an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life.

This affirmation string creates an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life. But if repeated with no belief behind it, they’re simply words.

We are amazing power, incarnate

With enough focus, one need only recite this string once. After that, the nuanced practice begins. That practice involves maintaining an open awareness allowing one to witness evidence of the affirmation working. In that maintained awareness the single recitation amplifies. In that amplification, life transforms right before one’s eyes.

Again, most people don’t know how to “maintain an open awareness”. It’s a nuance. So, usually, a practice is required. A practice that allows one to gradually develop that open awareness. An awareness recognizing unlimited potential of Spirit showing up everywhere as it always does. It’s the unlimited potential that is all of us…and All That Is. It’s subtle. Which is why a mentor, coach, someone like me, is helpful.

This lovely affirming string filled me one morning with profound spiritual awareness. I took it direct from my journal and turned it into this meme so you, dear readers, might feel what I felt when I used it to enter the love of All That Is.

Come join me in a Positively Focused practice to learn your truly amazing power through the nuance of positive focus. The nuanced power of creative energy flowing to you and through you is you. And me. Contact me, let’s enjoy this practice together.