How To Create Reality Easily Matching Any Desire

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

The reason nearly everybody has such a hard time with life experience is they resist what they want. Instead of being Positively Focused about life, they focus on everything going wrong.

A client recently had an experience worth sharing. It not only shows how stories create reality, it also shows why people don’t see connections between their thoughts and realities their thoughts create.

Not seeing those connections is why many folks live lives of compromise, of professionally unsatisfying, or lonely or anxiety-ridden, depressing lives. People feel powerless about doing something about such lives. When they do try, they fail.

You might think “my thoughts don’t create my reality”. If you don’t believe thoughts create reality, that thought, “my thoughts don’t create my reality.” creates a reality where it looks like your reality isn’t being created by your thoughts. 😳

That’s why it’s important knowing beliefs create reality. It’s also important knowing how to read the signs telling you what beliefs are creating what reality.

So let’s now turn to our client’s story.

A woman creates while not knowing she’s creating

Selene, who happens to be transgender, came to her session in good spirits. She had a good winter holiday, spent at home with family. The farm where she lives sits on cold, frozen farmland, but inside her home, good cheer, good food and family filled the space and warmed Selene’s heart.

That good cheer extended to her father, mother and sister, all of whom laughed and ate and celebrated. It was a good holiday, which marked a big change in her life. Usually holidays in Selene’s family are not fun.

A couple days before her session, a customer entered the Starbucks where Selene works, ordered a drink, then took off his mask. He started drinking his beverage in the store. That violated Starbucks’ COVID-19 policy.

Thoughts create reality wherever you are, even in a coffee shop. (Photo by Vaishnav Chogale on Unsplash)

Selene saw the customer and politely explained to him that, one, he couldn’t remove his mask while in the store and, two, he could not drink his beverage inside.

The man looked Selene up and down, then said “Are you trying to control what I’m doing sir?” in an intentional misgender.

Selene has enough positive story momentum though, so being misgendered didn’t phase her. Then she heard her assistant manager behind her say “Sir, Selene is a woman, not a man. You must leave now.”

As the unruly customer turned to go, Selene added “It’s also illegal to retaliate against workers when they enforce statewide COVID policy.”

Not seeing the connections…until they’re seen

In her session a couple days after this experience, Selene wondered aloud why she experienced this. She thought such an experience wouldn’t happen since she’s been telling positive stories, evidenced by such a good holiday with her family.

Why did this unruly man enter her life? Why did she have such a confrontation, she asked.

I remained silent.

A moment later, Selene started talking about something else, thinking she changed the subject. Little did she know, she was about to answer her own question.

Selene said she read an article on the internet. It described a new law now in effect in her area. It protects workers from retaliation when they enforce COVID-19 policies at work.

I looked at Selene silently. She got my look and smiled. It didn’t need saying, but I said it anyway:

After reading the article, Selene said, she liked the new law. She told me she thought about how cool it would be to have an experience where she could use it.

I looked at Selene silently. She got my look and smiled. It didn’t need saying, but I said it anyway:

“There is no mystery about this experience,” I said. “You were in your positive momentum of the holidays, feeling good, in joy with your family. Then you read this article and felt confidence in the new information. Feeling confident, you declared wanting to use that law. So you created an experience consistent with your declaration: an opportunity to use it.”

It’s obvious once seen

Life always shows how thoughts create reality. Most miss the connections, because they don’t believe that’s what’s happening. So when something happens now, they forget past nows wherein a thought was entertained that creates what’s happening now.

Once you know how to see the clues, they’re obvious.

Here’s the formula using Selene’s example:

  • Selene felt wonderful from previous nows with her family. Those previous nows were born of work she’s been doing through her sessions.
  • In her wonderful feeling, she attracted a news story specifically about her work as a customer-facing employee. It’s likely Selene had an unexpressed desire to feel more protected at work around COVID and her gender. Thus her life experience revealed this news to her.
  • In the revealing, Selene felt better about her work as a customer-facing Starbucks employee. That confidence took it a step further: it had her express a desire for an experience matching that confidence, which would bolster said confidence.
  • Then she dropped the whole idea. She thought about it no further. She didn’t share the article. She forgot it until she brought it up in our session.
  • In forgetting it and not sharing it, she allowed momentum of her story to grow without any competing stories interfering.
  • So, in only a few days, she got exactly the experience she wanted.

It always works this way…or it can

How thoughts create reality.

This is how beliefs always create reality. Knowing this, any reality imaginable can be created. The reason many people have a hard time getting anything they want, is because they resist what they want by focusing almost totally on what they don’t want.

They focus on sucky relationships they have or had. They focus on people on the other side of a political divide. They complain about things the government, their spouse, parents or children do. They complain about their boss or their job. The plain old complain. 😂

Such thoughts can’t create happy lives.

If instead people emphasized all the positive things in their lives, things they enjoy about their lives now, their parents now, their spouses now, their job, boss, and children now, their lives would gradually include more of those things.

Having anything is easy when you know how to do it and believe the how. But if you think thoughts aren’t creating reality, then it’s near impossible.

The easy way to have anything wanted: think thoughts that feel good.

I Love Living With My Head In The Clouds

I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.

I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.

Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.

I love when nature bares her beauty to me.

Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.

It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.

I love knowing all of this.

Life Amazes When You’re Positively Focused In The Now

Photo by Jane Carmona on Unsplash

I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.

The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.

The incredible becomes every day

This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.

It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.

Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.

So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.

My client sharing her wonderful awareness.

I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.

By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.

In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.

And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.

The Charmed Life shows up in real time

What Holly shared with me was striking, wonderful and yet expected. After all, I guarantee results produced from Positively Focused sessions. So Holly’s result was no more surprising than any other client results. It’s just what happens.

What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.

I’m getting ahead of myself 😄

Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:

My responses and her loving my response as I loved hers. Everything happening perfectly.

Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?

Then this happened

Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:

A Client raves to Holly about her experience with being my client 🤣

When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.

Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:

Holly considers my impulse.

Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:

Welcoming my newest client and the extraordinary response he made given my ongoing conversation with my current client. This allowed Holly to share Taylore’s comment with him in person before our free 1:1 session.

What was happening?

Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.

So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.

Scott’s request to reschedule enabled Holly to share Taylore’s experience with him.

And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.

Me doing the work, and my client doing the same.

And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.

The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.

What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:

  • This is all coincidental
  • This is confirmation bias happening
  • This is just luck
  • This doesn’t happen all the time
  • This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?

All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.

I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.

Doing so we discover fabulous lives unfolding right before our eyes. Lives consistent with the Charmed Life I guarantee from being Positively Focused.

How To Make Your Sorrows Into Joy – Now

It doesn’t take long to turn sorrow, tears and anguish into joy, elation and happiness. A little time being Positively Focused will do it. For some, it happens in an instant. Especially with a little assistance.

But if a person doesn’t understand why they feel sadness – or any other unwanted emotion – changing moods is near impossible. That’s why so many are depressed, chronically anxious and using prescription medicines such as Prozac to mask their emotional states.

That’s too bad because emotional states say something worth knowing, if one knows what to do with such feelings. Such feelings lead to Charmed Lives when used for what they’re there for.

What are emotions for?

Ask yourself: what are emotions for? If you think they’re just there so you can know how you’re feeling, or how certain events or people are “making” you feel, then you’re way off.

There’s way more value to them than that.

We have emotions because they tell us moment-by-moment where we are relative to our greater knowing. When a person learns that, then practices using their emotions for that purpose, their life becomes a Charmed Life, guaranteed. Desires, even long-held ones, fulfill themselves.

Before they know it, a person finds happiness around every corner. That’s the promise at Positively Focused. What’s cool is, such happiness can happen instantly, even when a person is in misery.

Taylore, one of my newest clients shows how it’s done in this video. In just a few moments, while thinking about the exact same subject, she goes from feeling tear-filled, sad and miserable to being happy, free and empowered.

All emotions are positive because they tell us important things. But unwanted emotions, such as feeling powerless, don’t have to be in our lives. Still, it’s hard going from powerless to joy and love when powerlessness is one’s dominant emotional state. It’s easier getting to “worry” or “disappointment”, as Taylore does here…just before she leaps through to joy.

Anyone can do this

There’s nothing magical to enjoying magical lives. All that’s needed: perspectives which spawn magical lives right out of whatever life a person has. Only such lives aren’t magical. They are what life promises everyone.

So why doesn’t everyone have such experiences? Well, they are, only their negative beliefs stand between that glorious experience and the magical experience that is their natural life. Only it’s not magic.

A thrilling adventure is what everyone expected before they were born. Why on earth would anyone want to come to miserable lives for 80 years or more? No one, originally.

But many people suffer needlessly because they deny opportunities offered to them constantly that opens doors to thrilling adventure, freedom, happiness and joy.

All it takes is a person willing to be Positively Focused despite whatever is happening in their now. In time, they’ll see life shape to that positive focus. Then, before they know it, they are living proof of what I claim: that people are gods in human form, creating their lives moment by moment.

Turning your life into a Charmed Life is easy…(Drawing by the author)

It started with a story

Taylore’s epiphany started with an experience with her son I didn’t let her share with me. I had no interest hearing her sob story because I’m Positively Focused. Instead, I spoke over her tears, following my Broader Perspective which focused on stories she told herself about what she looked at about her son.

Her stories were what were causing her emotion, not her son. I knew if she changed her stories, she’d experience an amazing lesson. And guess what?

That’s what happened.

Every person’s life reflects back to them stories they are telling themselves. Every story will become “true” if told often enough. So why not tell only positive stories?

Because people don’t know they create reality through their stories. So they tell stories about “what is” constantly, rather than what they want to see.

I’ll believe it when I see it

That’s a trap. If you wait for the world to show you your dreams, in order to believe your dreams are possible, you’re going wait for a long, long time. Instead, choose your dreams over reality. See them, and the world will show you they’re worth believing because the world will include them, fully fulfilled.

That can only happen when you’re Positively Focused.

How Long Before My Life Gets Better?

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: How many days does it take to manifest something like a better life?

Short answer: it depends.

An objective reality doesn’t exist. So it’s not possible to answer such a question with a specific number of days and expect that to be “the average number of days“ or “ the least amount of days” that would be accurate for everybody.

The only reality that exists is the one perceivable by the perceiver. In other words, physical reality is a 100 percent subjective experience. The same is true when creating. 

So the number of days it takes to manifest something like a better life depends on the person’s subjective experience, their constellation of beliefs, which includes how much they doubt or believe what it is they’re trying to create.

If a person has a lot of doubts or resistance about what they’re trying to create, it’s gonna take much longer than if they have pure focus on what it is they’re wanting and they believe what they’re wanting is possible.

Also, it depends on what it is one wants. If somebody wants to create something they believe is easy, which is the same thing as saying something they have no resistance about, it can manifest in a few hours. But most people don’t have such pure focus on topics they consider to be “serious“ or things they really, really want such as “a better life”.

So, the number of days it takes depends on the desire, and how much resistance someone is holding about the desire. It can take a few hours, or it can never happen.

The good news is, evidence it’s happening is immediate, if you know where to see it. And in seeing the evidence, one gets encouraged. Encouragement speeds up the process, so before you know it, your life IS better.

How To Enjoy The One Thing That Overcomes Split Energy

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

A common experience among newer Positively Focused clients is “split energy”. Here’s why resolving split energy is not only important, it can be a joyful process and create a life worth loving.

But first, let’s look at what split energy is, why it happens and why so many people don’t know about split energy and thus struggle with it.

What is split energy?

Split energy happens when belief and desire conflict with one another. It can also happen when a person stands in two conflicting belief constellations.

For example, some of my clients want to believe the idea that “you create your reality” leads to a heaven-on-earth life. But beliefs such as “there is an objective reality beyond human control” conflict with that.

Another example: many people want lives where money isn’t an issue, or where they have lots of money. At the same time though, they believe “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “the only way I can get income is through a job”, or “debt is just a fact of life”. These beliefs conflict with a life where money is plentiful. The conflict creates split energy, which feels like confusion, anxiety, uncertainty, or feeling emotionally stuck.

My mentor adds an awesome perspective:

Continuing to tell stories of shortage only continues to contradict your desire for abundance, and you cannot have it both ways: You cannot focus upon unwanted and receive wanted. You cannot focus upon stories about money that make you feel uncomfortable and allow into your experience what makes you feel comfortable. A different story will bring different results: My thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things that I consider to be good, which includes enough money, and health, for my comfort and joy.

– Abraham

To summarize: Split energy happens when a person wants something, but doesn’t believe it is possible. Or when past beliefs conflict with a desire.

Split energy means having a foot in beliefs that conflict with other beliefs or desires. Split energy often feels like confusion, uncertainty and anxiety. (Photo by Sherise VD on Unsplash)

Why it’s a struggle

Many people struggle with split energy while not knowing they’re struggling, which is why split energy is a struggle. They think negative emotions indicating split energy – confusion, feeling uncertain, anxiety, insecurity – are just parts of life.

But life is supposed to be fun, easy and filled with self-fulfilling desires. Actually, that’s what’s happening all the time, even for someone with split energy.

A person with split energy, however, creates over and over, realities containing and reflecting back to them the combination of their split energy. That’s why nothing seems to change for the person, or why things change, but often stay the same or get worse.

In other words, life SUCKS when split energy dominates. 🙄

It’s more common than you think

Many popular communities generate split energy situations among their members. Religions are a major culprit. Religions as sometimes practiced, contradict beliefs that are normal, wholesome and good. But some people in these organizations create split energy when their natural, normal, wholesome desires contradict religious doctrine.

For example, a person who finds transgender women attractive, but who also is Christian or Jewish might struggle with religious beliefs contradicting their desires. Their religious upbringing keeps them feeling unworthy, fearful, in shame, and in self reproach because religious teachings do not allow or agree that certain desires are natural, normal, wholesome and good.

You are god in a human body

Another example: it’s very difficult for a Christian or a Jew, for example, to believe they are God in a human body creating reality as they move through life. Creating reality is God’s job, religions say. Many also claim a HUGE gap exists between “being human” and “God”. So human thinking they’re God borders on blasphemy!

It’s also difficult for some Christians to accept that they can fulfill all their desires themselves, especially desires Christianity tells them are sinful or bad or will send them to hell.

A major source of split energy are religions combined with an authentic self at odds with religious doctrine. (Photo by Dejan Livančić on Unsplash)

I know some people practicing religious-inspired beliefs do not have that experience. So I’m not saying that religion is bad across-the-board. If you are a believer, a Christian or a Jew, or whatever, and you’re happy, then enjoy your happy life. 😌

People do come to me though from these communities seeking what I offer: freedom from struggle, emotional and physical pain, anguish sometimes and even fear and hopelessness born of split energy generated from their desires conflicting with their religious beliefs.

Clients brought up in religion literally have one foot in their religious beliefs, and another foot testing the waters of something they know holds promise. They want to be Positively Focused.

But their old beliefs, their dominant, practiced ways of being, learned through their religion, conflict with what they feel: that they are an eternal, enlightened, God in human form.

Other split energy sources

Religion isn’t the only source that can create split energy. Beliefs adopted from one’s parents or one’s culture often contradict the Positively Focused approach, or what some of my clients affectionately call the “perrydigm” 😌.

One of my client’s parents, for example, raised her to believe a woman must serve her family to the exclusion of her own desires. She is a powerful woman and is embracing her Positively Focused approach with relish. As a result she is moving quickly through soothing these old beliefs, as these text conversations illustrate.

And yet she finds it fascinating how much her old beliefs cause resistance in her which feels like a “struggle” to her. Her old beliefs tell her being Positively Focused and serving her own selfish desires is bad and wrong. When in fact there’s no better way to be than Positively Focused and selfishly pursuing one’s desires.

Why selfishness is good

Putting both feet in the Positively Focused camp results in maximum connection to one’s Broader Perspective. It is that maximum connection that allows all that one desires effortlessly into one’s life.

It creates joyful, exuberant lives, as Positively Focused people see their lives shaping to new beliefs, morphing from the old beliefs and creating Charmed Lives.

Charmed Lives lead to self love. And when one loves oneself, it is simple, easy, and joyful loving others. Being selfish you become the most generous person anyone knows, because you see others as reflections of yourself, which they are.

Integrating one’s beliefs so that they all reflect a Positively Focused perspective creates wonderful epiphanies, seemingly amazing coincidences. Clear indisputable manifestations are so convincing, they are undeniable. And in that undeniability one releases resistance born of bogus beliefs.

Joyful non-resistance

Releasing resistance, the Positively Focused person uncovers natural joy. That joy is godliness, the God in human form everyone is.

So, the more one stands with both feet in the Positively Focused camp, the more Charmed their life becomes. All my clients experience this to one degree or another.

While the “perrydigm” is a cute play on my name and what I offer, my client’s desire, however weak or strong, moves the Universe in their favor. Not me.

The Universe stands ready to deliver to anyone life consistent with their godliness, their worthiness, their natural connection joyful being.

Everyone experiences joyful lives. Bogus beliefs mask that experience. Split energy results. Cleaning that up starts from a clear desire for joy. The rest happens automatically.

It’s The Most Perfect Manifestation Technique

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: Is this correct for manifestation? I’d light colored candles assigned in each day while I meditate, script my manifestations, do a novena until the (small) candle melts. Novena is for my wish too and protection in case evil spirit is around my candle.

Answer: In short, you’re trying too hard. But if this way you describe conjures positive feelings in you, keep it up.

That said, there is a “correct way” for manifestation. It’s any way that feels good.

You see, you are a manifesting machine. Your body is a manifestation you’re manifesting on an ongoing basis. Do you have to “do a novena until the candle melts.” to keep your body here?

Your thoughts are manifestations flowing to you incessantly. Do you have to meditate and script manifestations for the thoughts that come to you?

When you moved your fingers to write your question, you were manifesting. Did you need to worry about evil spirits while creating that question?

You can’t help but manifest!

The reason why you do your body and your thoughts (as examples) so easily that you don’t know you are doing these things is because you pay them no mind and in doing so you don’t get in the way of your own, eternal, powerful ability.

When you walk through your created reality and put your attention on something, that, alone gets the manifestation process going. Looking at something, you know whether you like what you’re looking at or you not, right?

The moment you know, whether you’re aware of knowing or not aware of it, you create innumerable probable future and alternate realities, existing “out there” in your future nows.

Which one becomes your present now (in the future) depends on what you do between the time you choose and the time what you choose shows up. Most people don’t understand this, so they think they have to do processes and meditations and lighting candles and performing magic.

Do them if they feel good

You can do those things, and if they feel good keep doing them.

By the way, “evil” is not a thing. Neither are “evil spirits”. But if you believe they are, then they are. Why? Because you create your reality….ALL OF IT.

Here’s a simple, accurate template for creation:

  1. You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
  2. Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
  3. You must find a way to line up with what you’ve created. When you do…
  4. You’ll have it.

That’s it. 

The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that they are creating reality….it just keeps looking like their present reality, with nothing really changing, because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!

But you don’t need me or anyone else telling you all this. Life can be fun, rewarding and fulfilling. You can have a life where it fills in with everything you want. Be easy and don’t take “manifesting” so seriously. It’s supposed to be fun.

Positively Focused probable realities
Click here to learn about probable realities, how you form them and how they relate to belief constellations.

What Happens When You Follow Your Inner Being Guidance

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Editors note: This true story comes from a client who is six months into their 1:1 membership. It shows how connecting to one’s Inner Being transforms every part of life, making it an ideal romp of ease, fun and joy. Note how every step of the way leads to more and better. Every day is like this when Positively Focused. Italicized paragraphs have been added for context.

My mom and I are moving. She can’t get her beloved grand piano into the new house we’re moving into, she’s going to have to sell it, and buy an upright piano. She contacted a specialist who came and valued it at £5000, but from that, he would take commission and the cost of restoration.

This didn’t seem right to me and I had the thought “I’m sure this piano is worth more.”

A story is nothing more than a thought or a belief you’re thinking at any moment. Learning how to tie your stories to how you feel can lead to incredible life experiences. This client understood how to tie her stories to her emotions. What happened next happened because she knows what to do when a positive story comes to her.

Positively Focused makes connections clear

So a few days later I was shopping in my favourite wholefood and organic cleaning and beauty products shop. It is run by Jess – a friendly and enterprising South African man who I’ve always felt an attraction to.

I went in there to buy some cheap little Christmas gifts and got chatting as I normally do. Somehow the topic of music came up and he revealed that in a former life he had been a master Piano restorer, technician and salesman for the prestigious Kensington piano company in London.

Notice the tie between her previous experience with the former piano business operator and this former one. Note how connected the two experiences were…

He also revealed that he had left because of the underhand way piano businesses operate, and he had gone solo, building up an extensive and prestigious client base, including royalty, Yoko Ono and the Royal Academy of music in London.

I told him about my mum’s piano and after a few questions he said to me “I’m sure it’s worth a lot more.” I asked him if he would come and value it for a fee.

Knowing that I was also in the music business, he said to me “well I know everything there is to know about acoustic pianos. But I’m in the market for a vintage Fender Rhodes or Wurlitzer piano, and I know nothing about electric pianos. If you could get me a good electric piano from the 70s era, I’ll come and do the valuation for free.”

I put a post on Facebook, and within an hour or two my uncle, who happens to run a piano tuning and keyboard hire business, contacted me to let me know he had one available. I’ve put Jess and my uncle in contact and it turns out they both worked with the same piano restorer colleague many years ago.

Whenever two people come together, it’s always for mutual benefit. Whether trans-attracted or transgender, when you meet someone, mutual benefit always takes place. That doesn’t mean you experience the benefit, even though it did happen. In most situations, people miss benefits they got. It’s easy to see the benefits though when you know how stories create reality.

It gets better…

Two days ago Jess came and valued my mum’s piano and has already found a buyer for it for £10,000, double the original valuation. No need for restoration, and no commission.

Because this client waited and let the Universe orchestrate her outcomes, she got a wonderful, delightful outcome….but it did get better…

This morning I picked up the Wurlitzer from my uncle who happened to be in London on a piano tuning job … Jess and my uncle have not yet spoken about money, however Jess told me that he has some very lucrative business opportunities and propositions for my uncle.

When I picked up the keyboard this morning, my uncle asked me what price he should sell it for. I gave him my opinion but added he might want to consider Jess’s business proposition before charging him anything at all. If he gives you some really lucrative work, I said, maybe you’d like to give him the keyboard for free. He agreed.

The keyboard comes without legs. One or two Facebook posts later, I had sourced same exact model legs and could be in receipt of them within days. My plan is to give them to Jess for free. They only cost about £200, but we are making an extra £5000 on the basis of his goodwill.

So Jess gets to pass on his business and he gets a free keyboard. We get a free valuation and double our money! And I get to broker satisfaction for everyone!


This client’s life increasingly includes, on the daily, experiences like this. Your life happens this way too. Want to learn to see your life that way? Contact me.

I’m Enjoying My Unlimited Capacity

Positively Focused creates power journal

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Sunday, Jan. 9, 2021

I know I perceive All That Is in all dimensions. I also know I project myself into this physical reality, into this “avatar” humans call a “body”, to experience this time space reality.  So perception through the avatar occurs limited.

But it occurs limited only because I learned to believe it to be that way.

The more Positively Focused I become, such limits melt away. Like molten wax flees the flame’s brightness and the heat of its intensity, these limits flow out of my awareness. In their place, my unlimited perceptive capacity reveals itself and I see with the mind and eyes of god…in human form. 

I love knowing this is possible. I love life experience even more as it fills with moments of increasing capacity, increasing awareness, increasing clarity, certain of my eternal nature, certain of my boundless perception and certain as I witness all my desires fulfilling themselves. 

Why Spiritual Journeys Are Hard For Some People

being positively focused is the way
Positively Focused is the way to go. Anguish can be good.
Photo by Armin Lotfi on Unsplash

All clients starting a Positively Focused path experience life falling apart. That’s because recalibrations happen almost at once.

Those recalibrations happen any time one begins a spiritual path true to universal premises. So “life falling apart” is a good thing, an indicator the path works, a indicator the path contains accurate wisdom.

Still, such recalibrations can be so frightful for some, without a mentor, they will abandon the path. Some even give up even while having someone guiding them.

One such client came to me in great pain. Her living situation sucks. She lives in a strong, patriarchal, Middle Eastern country. Her father sexually abuses this client, who is in her 20s. Neither her mother nor her siblings intervene.

At her wits end, she found Positively Focused, reached out and asked for guidance, which I gladly gave. She began the work with me three weeks ago.

After her second session, she bailed.

Her belief constellations pushed back so hard, she couldn’t handle tension existing between her strong existing beliefs about immediate reality, and her equally strong existing desire for more and better, aka a Charmed Life.

An early-stage client’s belief constellations trigger, just before she gives up.

Good news is, “giving up” always is temporary. One way or another, suffering ends. For everyone, death ends suffering. At death we give up resistance to what is and return to pure positive awareness, bliss and unconditional love, which is what we all are.

But for that rare number, suffering ends the moment they take charge of how they create reality. In other words, we need not wait until death to experience overflowing love.

But first one must learn

Tension between existing belief and existing desire is common. Such tension indicates realities one is creating are going to stay the same for a while, rather than become more and better. So it’s important knowing when one has both existing belief and existing desire simultaneously. This is the main reason why physical reality changes so slowly.

Eliminating this tension creates faster realize-ation.

Knowing this becomes obvious once one knows how to see the signs, practices, then witnesses obvious results.

Until then, spiritual seekers will shoot themselves in the feet by attracting thoughts that distract their attention, then express thoughts accurately reflecting their beliefs AND their desire…while not realizing that’s what is going on.

For example, a different client bemoaned his progress because he didn’t experience it as progress. His existing beliefs, the way he sees the world, and his existing desire, wanting more and better according to his circumstances, were in tension. The tension he felt, felt like pain.

What he said (via text) accurately expressed this pain:

A client clues into his obvious progress forward, after not seeing it at all.

But notice how he described his state of “slipping”. He expressed it so accurately and yet, totally missed the clue.

When I showed him the obvious sign, it broke through his resistance. He instantly felt better. Instant emotional improvement indicates massive progress.

Progress is always right in front of your face

Notice his statement’s accuracy. Notice he didn’t say “1 step forward, 2 steps back.” That would have told a different story, one where he was slipping.

But he wasn’t slipping. He was moving forward. He just didn’t see the obvious sign, until I pointed it out.

That’s funny because that happens a lot with people on spiritual paths. They can’t see evidence, even when it’s right in front of them.

It’s hard…until it’s not

A new client gets it.

Many clients tell me being Positively Focused is hard. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Having someone who knows the path helps a lot.

Walking the path without someone showing the way is possible. Some don’t need assistance. But most usually do, which is why I offer what I offer.

It’s painful at first recalibrating to one’s Inner Being, one’s Broader Perspective, rather than being aligned to old stories creating current reality. That pain is optional for those who assiduously use built-in indicators existing for exactly that purpose: making the path not only easy, but fun.

It gets easy for everyone though after momentum builds.

In spiritual practices, early on it can feel like things are going backwards. But even when it feels that way, it’s progress. Knowing that will bring needed relief when feeling frustrated.

I know this from personal experience. So do my clients. Well…most of them 😃.