How I Live Happy With Better Manifestation Results

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

The essence of this manifestation business is focus. The better the focus, the better the manifestations. I get better manifestations when I remember this, then put my attention, or focus, on that which I’m wanting.

“What I’m wanting” is so important. We often think we’re focused on what we want when we stand metaphorically in the desire of something. But that’s like asking a question over and over and not being willing to hear the answer.

What we really want is the answer, not the question. But in the manifestation business, we often think we fail at manifestation when we don’t get what we want. Or when it takes so long to get what we want that we give up.

But Law of Attraction is always responding to what we focus on and delivering that. So when it seems like things just keep turning out the same, instead of improving, that’s what’s happening. Law of Attraction is working. It’s just giving us what we’re focused on.

Getting what I want

We can’t keep focusing on the question and receive the answer. We also can’t focus on the desire for something and get what we desire. That’s because the desire, often feels like asking the question over and over.

Think about it. If we focus on wanting something, we still don’t possess what we want. That’s why we want what we want: we don’t have it yet. But in putting attention there, we perpetuate that state of not-having. That’s why for many, getting what they want takes very long or doesn’t happen at all.

Now some things do take a while to happen. That’s because of a couple things. One is resistance. Usually on things we want really badly, that “really badly” indicates strong desire. But it also indicates a lot of resistance in the way.

So getting that kind of manifestation requires soothing that resistance. That resistance must soothe before what we want can come in.

The other reason it may take a while is, what we’re asking for requires a lot of coordination of events in physical reality. This Law of Attraction business isn’t magic. It’s reality. And physical reality happens gradually. So we must cultivate patience.

But if we’re focused in the right place, we don’t need patience. Focused in the right place feels joyful. So much so, even the time it takes for something to happen doesn’t feel like a long time.

Which brings us back to our focus.

Abraham putting it plain.

Getting it right

What does it feel like to have the thing we want?

That’s an important question. It’s important because it highlights where we must focus to enjoy the manifestation we desire. Again, standing in the desire is fraught with shaky vibration. Standing there it’s too easy to activate the absence of what one wants. Then Law of Attraction will keep manifesting that.

But if we can feel what it feels like to already enjoy that thing we want, well then, we’re in a totally different vibration.

Feeling thrilled, or excited or happy about a full-fledged manifestation is a start. But in the absence of having what we want, it can again, be tricky staying in that feeling place. There’s a better way that’s easier.

Think about any manifestation you now enjoy. One that happened a while ago. Maybe it’s a job, or a car. Or maybe it’s better health. Are you still, now over-the-moon excited about that past manifestation? Or are you calm easy and not really thinking about it much and generally happy?

It’s likely you’re in the latter feeling place. And that’s the place you want to be in about future manifestation. Feeling as if you have it already feels like that. Calm, easy fun.

It’s a pro tip

No resistance exists in a place where we just accept what is and feel open and empowered and generally happy about life. That’s the sweet spot for allowing in future manifestation. In that place we don’t think about what’s coming. Or maybe we touch on it, but we don’t stay there long enough to trigger doubt or shaky faith. We touch on it, then go right back to accepting what we have. Acknowledging what’s come is a good way to stay in this powerful place.

I practice that often. Whenever I sense a dip in my disposition, I run through all the wonderful manifestations that have come. In short order I’m right back to feeling good. Rarely do I feel dips because I keep a running journal of everything happening in the day. I highlight dreams I experience as well as experiences I enjoy while in meditation.

In this way I perpetuate feelings consistent with vibrations aligned with my Broader Perspective. My Broader Perspective stands constantly looking forward to what’s coming, knowing Law of Attraction has it all handled. I want to stand there as much as possible too.

It’s not a bouncing-off-the-walls feeling. It’s a calm, empowered, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly in my Charmed Life.

What Happens When Clients Share Their Amazing Lives

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the Charmed Life I promise. Some clients, however, want more. That’s why I created an Advanced Practice level. That practice takes one’s joy to places which amplify the Charmed Life beyond people’s wildest dreams.

I like working with Advanced Practice clients. Because with them, I can share things other clients aren’t ready to believe. Then we can together practice making those unbelievable things happen in our lives.

It’s taking “you are God in human form” and making that a real life experience.

An advance practitioner recently suggested I convene a group session of people who, like her, enjoy advanced practices so much, they want to share their experiences. So I started a monthly group session practice two months ago.

The results so far are astounding.

Limitless possibilities

Participants are starting to see how no limits restrict how wonderful life can get. The Charmed Life I promise clients represents an unlimited upward spiral of delightful life experiences. These experiences get better and better, causing one to wonder “what else can I do, be or have?”

I think that’s why the client suggested starting a group session. She figured she could amplify her own Charmed Life through listening to others’ stories. Of course, she was right.

Lisa exclaiming about how great the recent advanced practice Positively Focused monthly session went.

Notice what Lisa said above?

Sometimes people hear about Positively Focused and ask whether it’s like counseling. But Lisa’s right. The Positively Focused practice is not at all like counseling. First, it’s based on deep, accurate knowledge of how the Universe works. This spiritual knowledge when put into action, creates results so convincing and so powerful, one can’t help but feel the way Lisa described herself here. Second, we’re not trying to fix something wrong or broken. And third, I don’t know of any counseling theory based on the premise that we all are God in human form.

Positively Focused is not counseling. Instead, it’s a confirmation of what everyone is: God in human form, here to express and create as such.

More than the price of admission

But that’s the nature of all reality. We’re all creating our own experiential Universe. And when we get a handle on that, we can powerfully create anything we want. The only limit: What we believe.

The more a person does that, the stronger, happier and more empowered one feels. That’s worth the price of admission! And all my advanced clients agree.

Some Advanced Praticioners raving…

Getting together with people, all whom are discovering they’re God in human form, takes this “you create your reality” business to a whole other level. When a person experiences another’s experience through that other person’s new Positively Focused perspective, entire new realities open up.

What’s more, this practice changes people. They exude something special others pick up. It’s a calmness, a certainty, a clarity that’s unmistakable. That unmistakeable reality of presence is attractive. Clients who experience it want more.

The upward spiral

Clients experiencing the group session feel their presence reflected back to them by other advanced participants. It’s here that clients really get the power of the practice. When they see it in others, they can feel it more in themselves. When that happens, when they see it happening in others’ lives, they want it more in their lives.

That’s the upward spiral I write about often. It happens in every practitioner’s life. But when an advanced practitioner sees it happening in another’s life, it’s just more confirmation the practice works.

And that’s the wonderful gift Lisa offered to other advance practitioners in suggesting we meet monthly. So far, it turns out she was onto something.

I’m glad I listened to her suggestion.

Why Do My Manifestations Not Happen?

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I’ve been trying to manifest, but it’s not happening. So how do I make my manifestations into reality?

Answer: “Manifestation” is reality.

Whether we perceive the manifestation or not makes all the difference. Some “manifestations”, aka, reality, slip by people’s awareness. For example, most people will not celebrate the thought “I want to win the lottery”. They’re too focused on getting to the “winning”.

But that thought couldn’t be perceived had it not manifested as “real”. Furthermore, the “winning” depends on first seeing the desire to win as the most important manifestation. Not getting the money.

Knowing that thoughts are reality opens one up to more possibility. Ignoring them can kill off any future manifestation. For example, most people overly focus on the ultimate outcome of the “manifestation stream” — the money in one’s bank account. Focus on that and a person likely misses many prior manifestations that block that ultimate outcome.

Almost everyone adds a ton of resistance to their desires. Ignorant of that, most people can’t get to the “money in your bank” part. So they claim manifesting doesn’t work. But it always works.

Thoughts are reality manifested

Think about it: when we focus on winning a lottery, for example, all kinds of beliefs come up. Here are some:

  • “Winning the lottery is impossible”
  • “Winning the lottery is like gambling”
  • “Only suckers play those games”
  • “Lotteries manipulate and prey on desperation”
  • “I’m not lucky”
  • “I’m want to win, but don’t believe I will”
  • “I don’t deserve something like this”

That last one runs deep and is most powerful. Most people don’t realize they hold such beliefs. But most do.

Here’s the rub: all these beliefs are manifestations, just like thoughts. Thoughts are early manifestations. Beliefs are further evolved manifestations. They enjoy more momentum than a thought.

Beliefs and thoughts both create realities consistent with them. So if any of the above beliefs are strongly believed, winning the lottery isn’t likely.

Such beliefs conjure feelings like doubt, uncertainty and pessimism, which tell the person (even though she doesn’t realize this) “you’re not going to win the lottery!” When they play, they won’t win. Not winning is the ultimate manifestation of their persistent thoughts about the manifested reality called “winning the lottery.”  So their desire “manifested”.

And that’s an important outcome. Not winning the lottery tells the player they hold beliefs contrary to their desire. Not winning therefore, isn’t failure. It’s information the player wants to know.

So thoughts are reality. Most people won’t agree. They think “reality” must be something they can touch, see, feel or interact with. But don’t we do that with our thoughts? We feel them, interact with them, we imagine them into our mind’s eye, so we can see them. Then they shape our experiences.

How to not get your manifestation

Back to the lottery: If we’re waiting for the ultimate manifestation, it’s easy to slip into impatience too. That emotion tells us “you’re not going to win the lottery” as well. Any negative emotion about a subject tells us we’re going away from or blocking our desired manifestation in that subject area. 

This is all why it’s important to understand ALL manifestations are reality. Including thoughts. It’s also important knowing what “manifestations” look like. If we don’t know a thought is a manifestation, for example, we won’t know what next appropriate step to take after receiving the thought or receiving its downstream manifestation.

Not knowing that, we’ll kibosh the next evolving version of that manifested reality. Which is why so many people give up on dreams (such as winning the lottery), then, in their cynicism tell others to “get real” or, “this manifestation business doesn’t work.” 

It doesn’t work. For them. Because they’ve manifested a reality in which it appears to not work. But it’s working.

If we want to manifest effectively, we must realize manifestations start at the incipient stage – first as thoughts – then know what to do from there. Knowing that, it’s easy turning reality into a Charmed Life.

Here’s Why Avoiding Documentaries Is Really Good Advice

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Documentary films often include an unknown danger for most people, which is why it’s really good advice to not watch so many. Or any at all. Here’s why.

I recently watched a documentary called Human Playground narrated by actor Idris Elba. It’s a series about humanity’s supposed preoccupation with games. Particularly games originating from us needing to survive, fight, kill and endure pain. One episode, for example, explores humans living on the Steppes of Far East Asia. Their sport: game hunting using Golden Eagles.

The same episode follows Amy Palmiero-Winters, the first female amputee to compete in the grueling Marathon des Sables. Marathon Des Sables is a six-day, 156 mile ultramarathon. Rules require runners to carry everything they need with them as they run what essentially is six regular marathons back-to-back. Meanwhile, a camel walks behind the pack of runners. Those the camel overtakes before crossing the finish line are out of the race.

Palmiero-Winters doesn’t win. In fact, she doesn’t finish. Instead, she ends up in a horrible-to-watch fetal grimace as EMTs inject her with fluids. Other aids help with excruciating leg cramps she has even as she screams in pain from the help they offer.

Photo of the first British Runners to complete the Marathon des Sables (Dr Mike Stroud OBE, Rene Nevola, Richard Cooper and Prof Mike Lean). (Photo By Rene Nevola – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Laughing out loud

It’s all great TV. And it would otherwise be harmless entertainment if I didn’t know what I know. The problem with Elba’s documentary, and many such films, is a dangerous overreach reinforcing disempowering beliefs humans spread to one another like a rampant COVID mutation.

For example, less than two minutes into Rites of Passage, the third installment of the series, Elba offers what seems like an innocuous assertion. But the words flowing from his mouth are as powerful, if not more so, as they are seemingly harmless.

The show begins with the camera closing in on a fog-enshrouded village in Madagascar. At village center is a group of brown people. Elba sets up the scene with an ominous VoiceOver.

“Birth,” Elba says. “Is a lottery. We don’t get to choose the culture we’re born into. Which means, we don’t get to choose the games we play either.”

On it’s face, this statement is so ridiculous, I literally laughed out loud when I heard it. But then I thought about millions or tens of millions of people who will hear what he said and unconsciously accept Elba’s words as true.

Elba is a popular entertainment figure. Many love him, and for good reason. The problem accompanying such fame and adoration should be obvious. Just because Elba, or any famous person, merits fame for their talents, doesn’t qualify them on any other subject. But many people take their words as though backed by something substantial just because of their celebrity.

Madagascar is the location for one episode of the documentary Human Playground. (Photo by gemmmm 🖤 on Unsplash)

Mind your thoughts, Luke

Make no mistake, Elba’s talents shine as an actor. Box office receipts substantiate the assertion. When it comes to acting, Elba is an authority.

But Elba and many people like him, including documentarians, don’t understand squat about how reality happens.

The problem lies not only in Elba’s ignorance, but also in the power of suggestion. The power of suggestion is a neutral force. However, that neutrality masks its effectiveness. Few people consciously understand suggestion’s power. By “suggestion” I mean words, thoughts, beliefs, their underlying vibration and that vibration’s electromagnetism.

Humans live literally swimming in a sea of suggestions. It’s why Yoda and other Jedi Masters exhort their padewans be mindful of their thoughts and feelings. Yoda knew thoughts pack a tremendous punch. The unconscious mind will readily accept nearly any suggestion vibrationally matching one’s dominant vibrational momentum.

The vast majority of people don’t understand “thoughts create reality”. So they unwittingly expose themselves to all kinds of disempowering suggestions. Internet memes, ad and election campaign slogans, even “news” messaging come packed with suggestion. Some vehicles deliver relatively harmless suggestions. Others communicate awful suggestions. Some reinforce ideas so disempowering, they disconnect people from their experience as God in human form.

Instead of minding one’s thoughts, as Yoda urges, most people’s subconscious indiscriminately gobbles up all kinds of suggestive messages. And it all happens with the human largely oblivious.

That obliviousness made Fox News and Fox News mirror doppelgänger MSNBC rich and powerful. It’s also causing great misery among many Americans. Americans who turn on one another on political, religious and racial grounds.

Life reflects belief

Elba’s statement above represents suggestions which disconnect people from their Godhood. They’re so innocuous sounding, they go unchecked. Such suggestions go right by conscious awareness and into the subconscious. From there, they create reality.

But Elba’s assertion – made as though it’s fact – is not fact. A simple process of discovery will reveal that we do indeed choose when, where, and every other birth factor. That includes our parents, economic situations and, yes, the culture and games in that culture. Unfortunately for many, this discovery process necessarily takes a while. So few will do it long enough to discover they choose everything they experience.

The results are so convincing, however, it makes Elba’s assertion, and his ignorance, laughable, which is why I laughed when he said what he said.

Elba’s assertion that we come into the world as through a lottery, acts at subtle levels. Once accepted, they generate insecurity in the individual. That insecurity attracts other suggestions with similar electromagnetic properties. People unwittingly then create lives filled with random, risky and unfavorable situations. Other people are seen as scary and threatening, especially those who look or think differently.

If a person believes life is random, by definition, one has no control over life. That makes life a risky, scary proposition. People immersed in such insecurity often deny their insecurity. But a life filled with “ups and downs”, or mostly downs, comes from unwittingly accepting such disempowering suggestions as “Birth is a lottery.”

Of course all beliefs prove true if believed long enough. Then, the person will defend their beliefs as true. Even when those beliefs create extremely painful, miserable, dangerous and frightening life experiences.

Most documentaries fill our heads with unhealthy suggestions. Which is why I watch hardly any. (Photo by Chandler Media on Unsplash)

Most documentaries aren’t worth watching

A lot of documentaries become successful based on the enraging nature of their content. Often, the more enraging the content, the more popular the documentary gets. And it’s those very documentaries we all might want to consider avoiding like the plague.

I don’t use the world “plague” lightly. For just like a plague, such documentaries spread like viruses. They infect us with negative suggestions while rarely offering solutions to problems they present. Yes, some win acclaim. Their makers gain massive fame, fortunes and awards. Some create momentum which changes culture for the better.

But at what fundamental price? Many documentaries present problems so great no single person can do anything about them.

Then there are documentaries like Elba’s Human Playground. Seemingly innocuous shows about humanity which amplify common, yet no less disempowering, suggestions. After watching the first installment, I felt something amiss. After the first few minutes of the third installment I shut it off. I’m not planning to watch any more.

I prefer minding my thoughts, allowing only suggestions in which support the reality I want. Admittedly, such attention requires diligence. But extraordinary, deliberate living, the Charmed Life I write about, demands such fine-tuned attention.

We live in a sea of suggestions. I’m committed to selecting from among that sea only suggestions adding to my joy. Suggestions amplifying my knowing that I am the creator of my reality. Which is why I avoid pretty much all documentaries. You should as well.

When My Old Beliefs Challenge The Happy Life

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

My life, like all things, exists as a paradox. The paradox is only now very clear to me. I’m working through healthcare issues, non-life threatening ones. But they do show how Belief Constellations create corresponding realities.

As confidence in my own practice grows, I’m focusing into reality manifestations nearly everyone believes are impossible. And yet, evidence grows proving Seth’s and Abraham’s contention that everything, no matter what, is possible.

But a period of years passed in which I sowed manifestations consistent with “sloppy creation” or unconscious creation. I harbored beliefs which generated a lot of momentum. That momentum created undesirable physical manifestations. But since I accepted beliefs as most of us do, I accepted those physical manifestations as a part of me. I didn’t need to do that.

For example, 22 years ago, I started a new job at Intel. It was a textbook manifestation. The new opportunity brought more money, more opportunity, more prestige. Furthermore, it was something I specifically asked for. And, how it unfolded was truly magical. But the experience created unwanted manifestations too. Here’s what happened.

The set up goes great

At the time I ran the media relations department of a large federal electric utility. I also was the agency’s media spokesperson. As such, I worked the media. One of those people was a journalist I’ll call Cooper. He covered energy for the local newspaper. Over time, we became great friends. While we became friends, I grew tired of the electric industry.

Meanwhile, high tech was making a lot of people rich. More high tech was coming to the Northwest. The jewell of the Northwest’s high tech sector at the time was Intel. It had built a number of large facilities recently. And so they were hiring a lot of new people.

I decided it would be wonderful working at Intel. So I went to work with my then manifestation process. I set my intention. Then added momentum behind it. Then I let it go.

I got my media job at the energy agency the same way. So I knew “you create your reality” was true. But I wasn’t as strong in it as I am today. Nor was I as deliberate or focused. Even while I produced stunning manifestations, I still harbored many disempowering beliefs in my constellations.

One of those was “I can’t hack it at a private company”. “It’s cut throat in the private sector” was another. “People stab you in the back,” I imagined. I figured my bosses would find out I couldn’t handle it and fire me. These thoughts commingled along with my desire to work at Intel.

Many folks enjoy the private sector. I had different beliefs. (Photo by Israel Andrade on Unsplash)

Textbook manifestation

I recognized those beliefs as true. I didn’t think about the fact that those beliefs create my reality too.

Beliefs often are more powerful than desire. That’s because beliefs have momentum behind them. Reality often proves them true as well. Or rather it works vice-versa. Belief momentum creates corresponding realities. We look at those realities as evidence. The evidence seems to prove the belief true, when really, the belief came first.

So when I focused on getting a job at Intel and let it go, I didn’t think about cleaning up my vibration on that subject. Meaning, I didn’t think about cleaning up these unflattering beliefs about working at Intel.

A textbook manifestation happened next.

Silicon wafer manufacturing is Oregon’s high tech jewell. I wanted in one of those companies. So I manifested an opportunity. (Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash)

Intel recruited Cooper out of the newspaper. He became Intel’s media spokesperson. Cooper was now a media relations colleague. I had no idea this happened until some time later.

When sometime later happened, I got a call from Cooper. He told me Intel had a community relations manager role for which I’d be perfect. I applied. Weeks later Intel made me an offer.

The whole process floored me. I watched it unfold the whole way astounded. I left the energy agency and began my new job as Intel’s community relations manager in 2000.

It didn’t go well

The job actually was great and I performed very well. The problem was my old beliefs. Remember those beliefs I described above about working in the private sector? Little did I know, those beliefs were manifesting too. As a result, my experience of this wonderful manifestation included a lot of anxiety. Self-doubt also plagued me. The team I managed picked up on that like a pack of alpha wolves. Some of them behaved in ways I feared.

All that manifested in me as physical symptoms too. I developed stress and anxiety. I started having stomach problems like heartburn. Long story short, stomach acid leaked into my esophagus over time. It scarred tissue linings there which caused a mild stricture.

One day, a year or two after starting at Intel, I had a medical emergency. I got food stuck in my esophagus right at the stricture, which needed emergency removal. At the emergency room, doctors told me I had a “tapering esophagus.” They stretched that part of my esophagus with a rod they pushed down my throat, which fixed the problem. But doctors told me I’d need the procedure again in about ten years.

A medical emergency clued me in to my momentum. (Photo by Yassine Khalfalli on Unsplash)

Which brings us back to today. It’s been way more than ten years, but I had started feeling food stick in my throat again. As a veteran, I get free medical care from my local VA. When I told them about my “condition”, they immediately set me up for a redux of the procedure had many years ago.

You can’t ignore past manifestation

And here’s where this story comes full circle. I left Intel because I wasn’t happy there. Leaving coincided directly with commitments I made to double down on all this “you create your reality” business. That commitment included wanting to know and experience everything in my reality as manifesting beliefs. Including conditions in my physical body.

The problem is, I have legacy manifestations. Manifestations which manifested as a result of old beliefs. Beliefs which created these manifestations in the first place. Manifestations including this gastro situation.

I can’t ignore my past manifestations while creating new ones. My gastro situation emerged as a direct manifestation of my beliefs. A new procedure on the body will work temporarily. But unless the underlying belief goes away, the problem will resurface.

Doctors want me on an acid reflux reducing prescription. They say that drug will prevent future recurrences. But I believe prescriptions are unnecessary. My old beliefs say medical intervention must happen to “cure” physical health problems. But these days, I want vibrational solutions.

Since leaving Intel, I eliminated from my body several things people call “illnesses”. I haven’t had a cold in years. I used to get at least two colds a year. One in the spring and another in the fall. Not anymore.

I know those changes result from vibrational focus. So when I think about getting on this prescription, it feels contrary to how I think and believe today. Yet, I still must recognize the prescription as a manifestation. A manifestation of old beliefs about “healthcare” and how to “cure” symptoms.

Creating deliberately

I believe I sufficiently soothed old beliefs around work. Money flows into my life with no relationship to “work”. My life no longer includes working in high pressure jobs. And my desires these days involve creating wealth through manifestation. Not working. In the same way, I needn’t take this prescription.

I recently told my VA primary care doctor I regard the mind as the best medicine. To my surprise, he and his team agreed with me. So I want to soothe beliefs perpetuating this “stricture”. I also want to soothe beliefs creating other physical conditions. Conditions not part of my original body blueprint.

I believe I can live free of all prescriptions. I know many Americans accumulate medicine dependencies as they age. I’m choosing a different path. So I expect improvement, not decrepitude, as I age. It’s like Abraham recently said in an email:

Esther’s intent mirrors mine.

I appreciate old beliefs. I also appreciate seeing connections now obvious between how I once believed and what my health looks like. And I’m eager to see both those beliefs and those conditions improve as I consistently construct my Charmed Life.

What experiences have you had where you’ve changed your physical condition through mind as medicine? What conditions are you still working on? Do conditions you currently experience challenge your belief that thoughts create your reality?

I’d love hearing your experiences.

What Happens When People Kill Themselves

Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

I once contemplated suicide. In high school, I dated one of the prettiest, most popular girls. One day, she quit dating me. Her parents didn’t approve apparently. Drawings I made of her and I engaged in sexual acts, which her parents found, didn’t help my case…

So much did her parents disapprove that they dropped the bomb, in person…on my mom. They showed up at my home one day and, in no uncertain terms, told mom I wouldn’t see their daughter any more.

My adolescent heart broke. Not knowing what I know now, I thought my youthful world ended right there. What was the point of living without her?

Obviously, I didn’t take my life. It was a momentary blip. The next day, the experience past, I moved on. So did my ex, apparently.

That’s why I understand the dismal place people find themselves where suicide seems logical. Getting to the place where suicide makes sense sucks. But it needn’t suck. Nor need it be fatal.

Instead, it can be the best launching pad to a better life.

Emotions as divining rods

Suicidal thoughts feel scary. Especially when they sneak up on you. But do they though? Are people contemplating suicide happy one moment, then, voila!, they want to die?

Of course not. Suicidal thoughts usually come to ordinary folk after a long period of gradual, increasingly negative thoughts. As such, suicidal thoughts resemble any other thought and their associated momentum.

Thoughts trigger emotions. Nothing else does that. Anyone can figure this out by watching where their emotions come from. The common refrain that “X made me” sad, or angry or jealous is a lie we tell ourselves constantly. No one makes someone else feel anything. How someone feels depends on thoughts that person thinks about what they’re thinking about. That’s the only source of emotions.

And yet, emotions are crucial. They help tell us many important things about every choice we make. Some of the most powerful thoughts humans think happen underneath human awareness. It’s not that they’re “unconscious”. It’s just that the thinker is oblivious to how they’re choosing to think about what they’re thinking about. Emotions, therefore, act as an immediate feedback mechanism for our thought-choices. Not just those we choose “unconsciously”, but ones we consciously choose too.

Emotions also tell a person what’s coming in the future. Yes, they’re a kind of divining rod, accurately and constantly predicting the future before the future comes.

But since most people don’t know this, they end up feeling chronically anxious, worried, doubtful, insecure and depressed. Then they’re frightened when suicidal thoughts show up. Thoughts they could avoid completely had they used their emotions, humans’ natural divining rod, appropriately.

Most people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. So they can’t fully benefit from their emotions. (Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash)

Negative thoughts start it

Negative thoughts, and their associated emotions, essentially tell the thinker “stop how you’re thinking or you won’t like what comes next!”

Suicidal thoughts do the same, but at volume 10. They say “Dude! Wake the fuck up! You’re heading somewhere you’re not going to like!” That’s why thoughts about killing one’s self feel awful. If someone thinking about suicide looks back across their “thinking” history, they will find a succession of increasingly negative conclusions about life, themselves or some situation. They’ve been thinking thoughts on a variety of subjects that are grossly inaccurate. And they’ve felt increasingly awful-feeling emotions along the way.

So suicidal thoughts usually indicate a strong momentum of negative thinking (long held beliefs) leading to feeling unworthy, powerless, hopeless and depressed; all emotions signaling immediate action is needed.

People generally panic or they double down when such thoughts happen because they don’t know how they happened or where they come from. So they don’t know what to do when they show up (that’s powerlessness), which exacerbates their feeling out of control (that’s helplessness). That triggers more fear and powerlessness and lack of control. See how that momentum builds up?

But such thoughts can be reversed with very little effort.

A client who had suicidal ideation found near-complete relief from such thoughts after one session.

What happens after the act

A hopeless or depressed person who kills themselves ends up where everyone else who dies ends up. They return to where they came, a place I call “nonphysical”. There, they remember everything they forgot when they became human. They remember they are an eternal being. Their awareness expands back into the Broader Perspective that tried guiding them while in a physical body. They realize there’s far more to what they are than life on earth.

They also return to the pure positive, joyful energy being that is their natural state. In that state they also realize something else. They get that their exit from the life trajectory they chose was premature. They also see that, like a bad dream, experiences they feared were of their own making. A path they created that, had they kept walking, would have improved.

Human life experience offers so much rich and satisfying opportunity. It literally changes the being experiencing it in profound ways. It does the same for everyone involved.

The experience offers such profound opportunity, a being standing in nonphysical finds it irresistible. That’s one reason why so many humans and other living creatures incarnate.

Post-suicide, these realizations deeply move the person. They remember the profound reason they chose human existence. That reason compels them so completely, they find themselves drawn right back into another body to resume the process they began. The process leading to profound transformation and elevation.

This doesn’t happen against their will. The happening happens because the being, the eternal being, knows what this experience offers. And it wants that.

Life offers profound transformation and elevation. (Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash)

A temporary fix at best

So suicide offers at best a temporary respite from a chronic series of interpretations that ran counter to what really happened. Instead of seeing their life unfolding in a beautiful, perfect, divinely-timed unfolding designed by them, they saw it as an awful experience over which they had no control.

Such distorted interpretations usually don’t lead to suicide. Otherwise far more people would kill themselves than do. Suicide happens less frequently because, most of the time, human consciousness, guided by its Broader Perspective enjoys an underlying propensity towards “good”. Inner guidance steps in well before the train gets near careening off its track.

Killing one’s self looks bad and wrong and scary. But it’s none of these things. At worse, it’s a temporary detour. At best, it offers a reset for the eternal individual. A chance to recover that awesome awareness state from which the human journey began.

In the midst of suicidal thoughts, killing one’s self seems like a good idea. But it only prolongs the inevitable. (Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash)

Suicidal thinking’s great potential

Ultimately, all paths lead to fulfilled desire and expansion of All That Is. No one need experience emotions leading to suicide. Such thoughts usually resolve themselves with just a little attention paid to creating other thoughts aligned with one’s Broader Perspective.

People thinking about killing themselves possess tremendous energy. Such people can transform then channel that energy towards their desires. In other words, a person contemplating suicide enjoys tremendous potential.

I help people learn to channel that energy and potential. I show them how to improve their thinking. After that anything becomes possible. That’s what life holds for everyone. Unlimited possibilities available to all. That makes life so worth living.

I think anyone would enjoy that. Why wouldn’t they? Because most people don’t realize how good life can be. I love helping folks realize life’s goodness. A perspective born from realizing they are, as I am. God in human form.

Thinking about committing suicide? Get help by dialing 988 in the US.

How To Get Successful Manifestation Results

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Why aren’t I shifting or getting any successful manifestations?

Answer: You are getting successful manifestations. You just don’t realize you are. The reason you think you’re not, and thus calling your results unsuccessful or non-results, is because you don’t understand fully the manifestation process.

You’re always getting manifestations. Your entire life is completely composed of them. What do you think your body and the world you observe are?

The only reason(s) whatever it is you’re wanting to manifest isn’t happening (yet) is either you still aren’t a match to what it is you want or you’re still resisting it or you’re too focused on the result and generating impatience, which is another form of resistance, or you’re way too focused on “I’m not shifting or getting any successful manifestations.”

Another way of saying that last one is, you’re too focused on the absence of your desired results.

As a result of any of these, or a combination of some or all of them, you ARE getting successful results. The results are showing you what you must do to get what you want:

  1. Stop focusing on what you don’t want
  2. Soothe resistance about what you want
  3. Appreciate the results you are getting as the positive indicators they are

If you weren’t getting the results you’re getting, you wouldn’t know where you are relative to what you want. Isn’t that good to know? How else are you supposed to know where you are relative to where you want to be?

So keep going. Relax. Stop being so hard on yourself and the results you’re getting. The results you’re getting are great. Appreciate them and watch how your progress-momentum increases.

Why Getting What I Want Sometimes Sucks

Photo By big-ashb

Sometimes getting what I want sucks. It sucks because the result – getting what I want – shows me something I didn’t realize. That can suck. But it also, in every case, confirms what I show my clients. It also proves from my own life the power of what I share with them.

Such results also remind me I create my reality by what I focus on. Not what I want. That’s a huge distinction. Many people think this manifestation business happens by focusing on what we want. And while that is true, usually what’s happening is we focus on something other than what we want. Then we get that. And then we say “this manifesting business doesn’t work”.

My recent client leaving demonstrates this with supreme perfection. I wrote about his departure last week. In that post I shared how he chose a life of struggle and hard work as though those things were badges of honor.

However, such a life isn’t a badge of honor. Well, it is to other humans. But I’m not here to please others. You aren’t either.

We’re here to live our lives as the Gods we are. We’re here to create unique lives consistent with that which thrills us. And, frankly, I don’t know anyone thrilled about living lives of struggle, sacrifice and pain born of working hard. Especially when such paths usually offer scant glimmers of possible success. Instead, such paths usually end in mediocre lives.

Lives lived as the gods we are lead to fun, joy and freedom. The path of struggle, hard work and sacrifice CAN lead there. But often, it doesn’t. (My artwork)

We’re all free to choose

It bears repeating. The honorable life is one lived consistent with what and who we are as Gods in human form. That’s why the masses and society in general idolize those who “walk to the beat of their own drum”, who are authentic pioneers creating something brand new or earth shattering. Rarely do such people follow society’s general life prescription.

Living that way, as powerful creators we all are, means casting off bogus beliefs so we live lives wherein everything we want happens effortlessly. Our life can include all manner of great things, where all our needs are met, just the way it happens for animals and plants in nature. I described this in my previous post.

But so many choose struggle instead. I show people how to live lives of joy. Not struggle. So my clients’ lives become the Charmed Life I write about. Not every client ultimately chooses that though. And I must be ok with their choice.

This client chose society’s general life prescription. Their choosing reminded me how powerful I am.

The power of belief

I saw tremendous potential in this client. Like other advanced practice clients, he quickly grasped the fundamentals. As a result, our conversations often included profound insights and realizations about how great life is. We also reveled over experiences he created up to that point. Experiences proving undoubtedly that the practice works. Some such manifestations which he created he originally thought impossible. Each of those thrilled both him and me.

Yet, I also saw in him a potential for “darkness”. By darkness I mean a tendency, a strong potential, that others’ bogus beliefs would sweep him up and carry him away from his emerging Charmed Life.

I likened him to Anakin Skywalker, father of the famous Star Wars Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Anakin became the Star Wars villain Darth Vader after giving into the Dark Side of the Force. Anakin’s mentor, Obi Wan Kenobi saw great potential in Anakin. But what Obi Wan and his fellow Jedi Masters also saw was potential for the Dark Side. In the same way, I saw great potential in my client. And a chance he wouldn’t fulfill that potential.

wax sculpture at the Madame Tussauds Star Wars exhibit in London depicting Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker from the prequel trilogy. The client who recently ended his membership reminded me of the power of this Star Wars character possessed. And a similar potential for succumbing to the Dark Side. (Photo By big-ashb)

Self-fulfilling prophesy

I often shared this perspective with that client. I hoped doing so would encourage his leaning into the light of his Charmed Life. In doing so I forgot how effective I am as a creator. I forgot I create my reality, including how others show up, through what I focus on. Not what I want.

The more sessions we enjoyed, the more encouraged I got about his potential. But the more potential I saw, the stronger my thoughts about him “turning” got. Since I identify strongly with Jedi lore, I recognize a lot of momentum exists in me about that lore. What I didn’t realize was how powerfully they’d create the client I ended up with.

Later in our session evolution, I sensed a “disturbance” in his way of being. He started coming to sessions less prepared. He started offering pespectives reflecting doubt and suspicion. And he started questioning my path. He became a Positively Focused version of Anakin Skywalker. Right before my eyes! He even turned to the hard-work encouraging book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People!

One day he strongly disputed the validity of the personal reality unfolding in my life. Of course, he knew his opinion of my unfolding reality was irrelevant. And he knew such doubts would create realities for him that would eventually have him leave the practice. But that didn’t stop his momentum. A momentum amplified by my own focus.

Neither he nor I was surprised when he said he wanted to end his practice. He punctuated his departure with belligerent statements, feeling offended and again disparaging my path. Remarkably, these are similar behaviors Anakin showed toward his mentor Obi Wan. He even tried killing his mentor before becoming Darth Vader.

You get what you focus on

After that interaction with my client I realized I got what I focused on. I got a promising client who chose turning away.

Of course I did not want this outcome. But looking back on thoughts I focused on the most about this client, I must admit they mainly were about him turning away from his Charmed Life. So his choice is no surprise in retrospect. After all, I’m a powerful creator. I create my total reality. That includes versions of those with whom I interact. And that includes clients with whom I work.

I’m no exception to universal laws. Just like anyone else, I create what I focus on, not what I want. Focus is key. So if I want what I want, I must focus on that. In this case, I focused on something other than what I wanted.

And I got that.

I feel like Obi Wan Kenobi. Losing his promising apprentice, Anakin, rocked Obi Wan to the core. Unlike Obi Wan, however, I know everything always works out. So I’m not going into self-imposed exile like he did. I’m not going to quit my practice or quit helping others. The client who left will be fine. And I learned something awesome. It’s an experience I’ll remember, always.

And isn’t that the great thing about all “sucky” experiences? It’s the power of their “suckiness” that makes them such awesome experiences. That is, if one can see them as awesome, instead of sucky.

This experience made me a better creator; a better spiritual teacher as well. And for that, instead of feeling sad or sucky, I’m deeply appreciative.

What Happens When A Client Goes His Own Way

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

I wager if someone wanted to cross the United States, and the options were walking, driving or flying, most people would choose flying. And if instant teleportation were a thing, they’d choose that over flying. In other words, people would choose the easy over the hard.

But when it comes to matters of having lives they love, most people choose lives equivalent to walking across the country instead of flying. Then they’d proclaim how great they are for having made that choice.

I had a client cancel his membership recently. While I remain positively focused about it, I still recognize old beliefs I have about his choice. Those beliefs leave me feeling responsible for his choice. I’ll share why in next week’s post.

That said, their departure confirms what I know: that most people remain nearly hopelessly inured to the belief that success comes from hard work struggle and sacrifice. So, they’d rather struggle, work hard as hell and “earn” it. Then act like they did something honorable.

Finding honor in parroting what others do isn’t very honorable. It’s, as Abraham says, “regurgitation”. The paradox is, so many regurgitate their lives as copies of what others are doing. Meanwhile, society venerates “original thinkers,” “pioneers” and “rugged individualists who march to the beat of their own drums”. That paradox distinguishes the truly honorable from the masses indoctrinated into thinking parroting others paths merits accolades.

The leading edge isn’t for everyone

This client’s membership lasted over eight months. In that time he realized amazing epiphanies. Epiphanies that created way better life experiences than those he had before learning what he now knows.

So in our time together I helped him tremendously. He said he got all the tools he needs to deliberately create his reality along his desires. I agree. But he declined to move into the advanced practice, as some others have. Not everyone wants a life proving nothing is impossible.

That’s ok. There’s never a crowd on the leading edge of anything. That includes expanding human consciousness. It also includes enjoying a life in which everything comes easy. Instead of crowds, pioneers populate that leading edge. They show humanity what is possible beyond beliefs defining things as impossible.

In reality, everything is possible. But one must believe that to experience it. And most will not question their beliefs long enough so that life shows them everything is possible.

This client didn’t leave because of his disbelief though. As he put it, he prefers to work hard and earn his success. That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? But his decision implies a kind of failure on my part.

Living indoctrinated

You see, the idea that one must work hard for one’s success is a persistent distortion of what’s happening on earth. Humans are the only species working hard, working themselves to the bone, their nose to grindstones, earning their living. Meanwhile ALL OF NATURE does exactly the opposite.

My failure is in not inspiring this person to give up his rigid indoctrination to the belief that he must work hard for his success. In reality his success, in everything he wants, already is assured and exists for him. All he need do is line up with that reality and enjoy the fruits of his birthright without exerting any effort at all. But he believes there’s honor and some kind of glory in struggle and sacrifice. Cultural and societal indoctrination holds strong in him.

And so, he chooses to work hard, sacrifice and earn the success that’s already his. But because he can’t see he already has it, he’s willing to do anything to get it. Even if it means struggling.

It’s funny how literally millions of examples show how unnecessary working hard and struggling is. Those examples literally surround us. And every Great Master extolls in their teachings that life, by definition, is one of ease, joy and effortless abundance.

Abundance is the rule

Animals and plants show how easy life can be. They don’t struggle. They don’t suffer. Everything they want comes to them. That’s why Jesus used examples from nature in his Sermon on the Mount.

In that sermon he extols the abundance, the natural state of being, which permeates all things. And he argues if nature enjoys such abundance, SO MUST HUMANS. So stop your struggle, he admonishes:

Look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Why take thought about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: They neither work, nor do they spin. Yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these. Therefore, if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is here and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?…For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you. Therefore, take no thought about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought about the things of itself.

The Bible, Modern English Version

Struggle is overrated

What so many don’t know, despite distortive interpretations of such texts, is we are all God. In that state, we all bestow upon ourselves the plenty Jesus describes here. But our “little faith” keeps us chained to the toil we see others doing then create for ourselves. We memorialize others’ struggles as something honorable. Then we take that example as the way life is. And how our life should be.

That’s why so many choose life as my former client has. It’s the dark side of living. It’s choosing to live in insecurity and struggle. Such struggle needn’t be anyone’s life. But it’s easy falling into the trap of other people’s belief constellations. Constellations saying life is hard. Beliefs asserting that success comes through struggle. When we adopt such beliefs they become our own. Then we lose the grace, the love, joy and blessings Jesus refers to in his sermon.

The Sermon on the Mount Carl Bloch, 1890. Jesus was onto something important.

Culture, family, religious expectations, national expectations, workplace expectations and parental expectations all drive people to such bogus conclusions.

We all create our realities. Such reality stems from our beliefs. The problem is, when we take on other people’s beliefs, theirs become ours. Then our reality matches others’ beliefs. It’s why life looks so similar for so many.

That’s how bogus beliefs become truth. People see what others do. Not knowing they can create any reality they want, they copy others’ beliefs. Then do what others do. Their reality then confirms the beliefs as true. But any belief becomes “true” because that’s how reality happens: through belief.

Collective reality distortion

Then such truths get perpetuated as parents, teachers, religious leaders, peers and society amplify distorted truths as “the way life is”.

My client’s mother urged him almost constantly to get a job, finish his education, stop being lazy and be of value. So few understand what Jesus and all the Great Masters offer us, especially parents. I don’t perpetuate distortion. My life proves what Great Masters tell us. I help clients create similar lives.

But that doesn’t mean I always succeed. Sometimes the dark side wins.

When it does, I know nothing went wrong. Everything under the sun is good. There is no evil. Jesus talked of evil and hell, but he used those concepts at a time when such concepts resonated. Today’s humanity is ready for more complex and accurate metaphors. But even the old ones contain universal accuracy.

Life can be easy. It’s what all the Great Masters offer. Everything one wants can come with no effort. Humanity owns vast capabilities people today say are impossible. But they’ve never put their assertions to the test. Instead, what they think impossible is that way because others brainwashed them into those beliefs. Those beliefs then create the reality where some things show up as impossible. But they’re not.

Meanwhile, pioneers stand on the leading edge. They offer humanity new realities. I enjoy playing in Positively Focused sessions with such people.

I choose the Charmed Life

Abraham contrasted struggle with the leading edge in a recent email I got from them. The email prompted this post. Here’s what it said:

Most people…equate results with struggle. And so, you sort of wear your struggle like a badge of honor. And all of that is opposite of allowing the Well-being.

There’s nothing wrong with working hard. Just as there’s nothing wrong crossing the country by foot. But wouldn’t you really rather fly? I would. And if instant teleportation was available wouldn’t you rather do that?

I sure would. While I welcome anyone wishing greater joy and ease in their life, I relish working with folks who choose to fly. Flying is the start. From there everything becomes possible. Having a life one loves means not subscribing to beliefs others foist on us. It’s the life lived according to the Great Masters.

It’s the Charmed Life I write about. The life opposite the dark side.

Which life are you choosing?

The Less You Do, The Better Life Gets

The best way to create a better, happy life starts with learning how to do nothing. When people discover the power of doing nothing, life really starts taking off. In a short time, it not only gets better, life feels happier.

Most people instead get caught up in the “doing disease”. They think happy, better lives come from doing things that will, supposedly, make them happy. But what they find is, all that doing leads to a whole lot more doing. And rarely does the doing make the person happy.

Before they know it, the person’s at the end of their life, regretting they spent so much time doing as well as not doing what they could have done. Doing is the dis-ease that can rob one of life.

So many think all we need “to do” is do more of what others are doing and we’ll find happiness. So that’s what we do. We work hard, sacrifice, put off joy now for joy later…

I know that path personally. I worked almost 30 years before I realized the secret to happiness was doing less.

Doing is drudgery

Before that realization, doing had me doing what everyone else did. It worked. Sometimes. Looking back, though, all that hard-earned money, lofty positions that looked good on paper but took their toll on my personal life satisfaction, wasn’t worth the happiness I enjoy now, doing a lot of nothing besides attending to my spiritual happiness.

It’s really crazy how so many people, especially Americans, tie their happiness to work. While it’s true work can be fulfilling, that fulfillment depends on landing work that feels fulfilling. Maybe that’s why 50-80 percent of people hate their work. So what’s the answer? Where does happiness happen?

I suggest it lies in the heart and mind, not in an external situation. Which means, of course, the difference between those fulfilled at work, doing, and those hating what they’re doing lies in what they’re thinking about what they’re doing.

The best way to change how one thinks first comes with understanding how one currently thinks. That’s where becoming Positively Focused starts.

Until a person figures out their thinking patterns and habits, it’s too easy to stay trapped in the doing the disease, trying to create a different result by doing the same things.

I’m glad I found the way out of all that. The way out being doing nothing. It seems crazy, but it’s true. Here’s why.

So many people tire themselves out by trying to get what they want through action. But doing nothing begins a path where things happen far more easily. No struggle required. (Photo by Adrian Swancar)

You match what you’re getting

First, the reason so many seek happiness through doing, yet fail to find it, is because they’re trying to get something they don’t believe they can have. Or they’re looking for it in the wrong place. I talk about this with every client. A person can’t find something they think they can’t find. That’s the case for keys, lost gloves and, frankly, a happy life.

If someone thinks life isn’t fun and easy, they can’t experience the fun and ease of life. No matter how hard they try creating that, it will evade them. A person just can’t create outside of their existing beliefs. And what a person believes often lies hidden in thoughts they’re thinking so often, they can’t consciously perceive the thoughts when they think them.

Insecurities proceed us all

The fact is, if a person thinks life is a struggle, people are out to get them (or don’t care about them), or that their life has no meaning or other similar thoughts, the insecurity or anxiety such thoughts trigger tells the thinker what they’re thinking about life, people or the meaning of life is inconsistent with how life actually is.

What’s more, those thoughts will create life experiences consistent with them. Life will occur as a constant struggle, people will be predatory and life will feel meaningless. And once such thoughts create life experience consistent with them, momentum behind those thoughts is so great, those thoughts continue creating life experience on their own. Until the thinker generates momentum in a different direction.

This is why life seems “the way it is”, like some objective reality. Instead of the subjective reality life really is. Life is a subjective reality under direct control of the person experiencing the reality.

Instead of taking control though, people become victims of that auto-created life. Which means becoming victims of their uncontrolled thinking processes. They try harder. They do more, push, struggle more, thinking if they do all that, they’ll finally get what they want.

It doesn’t work that way. Life gives what you think about. Not what you want.

Finding happiness is easy when you give up the struggle. (Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash)

Doing it different?

Doing nothing begins an important process. That process reverses momentum created when a person keeps doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. When someone calms themselves, relaxes and focuses inward, powerful processes get underway even though it seems like nothing happens.

And the more that person relaxes into doing nothing, the more effective they get. That’s because every person receives guidance through their intuition, their Inner Being or Broader Perspective. Doing nothing tunes one into all that timeless wisdom.

What really happens is, by doing nothing, the person calms down noise in their head. That way they start hearing clear signals their intuition sends all day, every day.

In time, the person realizes some profound insights. Like this client:

Uncovering such insights takes a while. And this is the challenge. So many people in our lives tell us doing nothing is lazy and time wasting. But it’s not that. It’s a profound state of being which tunes one back into their deeper knowing.

But if you listen to society, parents, educators and all those loud mouths in the peanut gallery, you’ll hear “stop being lazy”, “work harder”, “success is in the struggle”.

It works but it’s tough

Such approaches work. But do you really want to struggle through life? I don’t. I’d rather enjoy life while seeing my life bringing me everything I want with little effort.

People who struggle claim it’s worth the struggle. They look at and display scars they “earned” on the way to their success. I say give that approach up, especially when it comes to finding happiness.

Instead, figure out how to instantly become a match to the happiness so often sought but not found. When it shows up, you will be a match to it because the instant you create it, you ARE a match to it. You’re happy. Stay in that and a happy life becomes yours.

A better way exists. It starts with doing nothing, which really is doing a lot. Learning to do nothing transforms life. My clients know this. It’s time for you to know it too.