How Being Blissful Makes A Great Day Greater

Janita Sumeiko Up your spiritual game FB blog
Photo: Janita Sumeiko

Life is a constant, joyful romp, with nature celebrating your every move.

That may not be the case for some people. But that’s only because there are beliefs in the way, making life feel anything but fun and joyful.

One such belief a lot of people share goes “There is a separate, objective reality. It is random and uncaring. Even hostile. I am vulnerable in it. So I must be on guard.”

Leaving that belief behind, for a little bit, opens phenomenal possibilities. And the more beliefs like this you leave behind, the happier your life gets.

Perry had an experience which illustrates this well.

He woke early and happy as he usually does. Over a couple decades, he has practiced holding only beliefs he wants to see acted out in his reality. As a result, Perry is nearly always happy.

This particular morning though, his happiness didn’t last. The shift didn’t immediately register. But when it did, he knew why.

The day before, Perry was overcome with “doing”. There were so many interesting and fun things he wanted to do in that day. But there wasn’t enough “day” to get all he wanted done, done.

So when he went to bed the night before, his dominant emotional state was “overwhelmed”. When he woke this morning, before he knew it, he picked up right where he was when he went to bed.

Feeling overwhelmed.

· · ·

When you’re happy more than not, happy is all you want to be. Anything other than happiness doesn’t feel good. And the happier you are, the more happiness you want.

If you’re really, really happy, long enough, any time you’re not happy after that feels awful.

So when Perry felt overwhelm compared to being happy, he knew what he preferred.

Feeling “overwhelmed” doesn’t result from having too much to do. There’s always more to do. That’s what makes life eternal. Any time a person feels overwhelmed, what they’re experiencing is the emotional response to a belief.

The belief is: “I don’t have enough time to do all I want to do.”

And of course, when you believe you don’t have enough time, your life experience reflects that.

You don’t have enough time. Or at least it feels that way.

Actually, you have plenty of time. You just don’t know it because, in that moment, you don’t believe it.

No belief is bad or wrong. But some beliefs create life experiences most people would rather not have.

Time shortage beliefs, for example, trigger many unwanted emotions. Including stress, doubt, worry or a general sense of lack of efficacy. At work, they may feel performance anxiety, fear, inadequate or agitated.

In the long run, time shortage beliefs can be dangerous. They can cause unnecessary errors and shoddy results. They can even create unsafe workplaces.

Besides, you’re not having fun when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or fearful.

Some would say “that’s life”.

But we say life doesn’t ever have to include such experiences. Such experiences are only part of life, until you realize they don’t have to be.

· · ·

As soon as Perry realized what was going on, he also realized what he wanted.

What he wanted was to know he has plenty of time. So he did something he knew would help: he took a walk.

At 5:30 a.m.

It was dark outside when he started. As twilight grew, his mood improved. Nature has a way of doing that.

Perry sometimes walks along a nature path teeming with wildlife. Most people miss all the animals living there. But Perry has a knack for seeing wildlife all the time.

This morning was no different: He came across six coyotes watching him from behind a stand of trees.

One of the intermediate signs of progress when practicing spiritual development is the natural environment behaves differently towards you. Rather than hiding it’s wonders, nature puts itself on vivid display.

Perry has had many such experiences. That’s why he carries his phone on such walks. He loves capturing these moments. Like this one of two river otters:


Feeling wonder from his coyote rendezvous, Perry returned home. He meditated to set his mood for the day, then started doing things he knew would be fun.

By 10:00 that morning, he had accomplished a lot. He learned a new piece of software, contemplated a video he’s wanting to produce, and wrote a new story to share on social media. This on top of a two-hour walk, a 30-minute meditation and studying Spanish via Duolingo.

But there was something Perry was avoiding: A lunch appointment later that day. He didn’t want to take time to go to lunch, but he felt obligated.

Here’s why.

Nearly every Thursday for the last 10 years, Perry has had lunch with the same person. This person has influenced big decisions in Perry’s life. Perry left his successful, but stressful tech career to become a solopreneur, for example, because of advice from this person.

He also got married.

An enduring friendship also came from these lunches. So did several failed startups. Startups in which Perry and this other person invested significant amounts of money.

A lot of trust and camaraderie has grown between Perry and this person too. Through all this, this person became a mentor of sorts. And for good reason: he has far more startup experience.

But Perry changed a lot over the last few years as he’s upped his spiritual game. Today, he heeds his Inner Being guidance almost exclusively. Not what people in his life, including his wife and close friends, think he should do.

To do lists, others’ expectations, a sense of responsibility or “duty” are mostly irrelevant now.

Spiritual development isn’t magic. The “becoming more” spiritual development promises comes with requirements. Letting go of old ways and turning towards new ones for example, is a prerequisite to becoming more.

The obligation Perry was feeling was exactly that. He faced a “becoming more” requirement: he had this lunch appointment. An appointment he resisted because he knows the lunch no longer serves him.

Giving the lunches up felt like disrespecting all that came from the them. Including disrespecting his long-time friend. But what Perry didn’t know, was a future delightful outcome was in motion.

One that would benefit everyone involved.

· · ·

Like all eternal beings, including you, dear reader, Perry has a unique connection to Infinite Intelligence. Infinite Intelligence by definition knows everything you’re wanting and how to lead you to those things.

In fact, it is always guiding you to what you are wanting.

But you have to learn how to hear its guidance. Following that guidance is rewarding, fulfilling and delightful. When you do follow it, you discover your own invincibility. In your invincibility, you discover happiness levels the vast majority of people miss.

You also get everything you’re wanting. Yes, that includes material things.

Perry has proven this to himself over and over, in matters large and small. Including financial matters. Over time, he’s become convinced of his inner guidance’s superiority.

Which brings us back to 10 a.m.

· · ·

Perry didn’t want to go to lunch.

He wanted to cancel.

But now it was 11:00. Too late. That’s when Perry’s lunch partner texted, asking if he was on his way.

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Busted…by text. Happens a lot.

“Yeah,” Perry texted back. “Getting ready now.”

While getting ready, Perry confided to his wife.

“This lunch doesn’t suit me anymore,” he said. “But I like [the guy] and am feeling resistance in telling him I don’t want to have lunch any more…It’s not that…I just want more of my time to pursue my passions.”

“Well maybe you can reschedule it in a way that gives you more of your time back,” Perry’s wife said.

He nodded in agreement as he put his bike helmet on, then rode off. Feeling conflicted, but certain the lunches were coming to their end-of-life, Perry set his mind to being present.

On his way downtown, he choose from his surroundings pleasing things on which to focus:

  • The bike ride.
  • The beautiful weather.
  • The wonderful bike he owns and how fun it is to ride.
  • The music playing in his Air Pods. The contribution of all the people that makes it possible to hear music from Air Pods.
  • The fact that Portland has made it super easy for cyclists to get around.

By the time Perry arrived downtown, he felt much better. That meant he was in tune with his Inner Being.

And that’s when the Big Event happened.

Turns out Perry’s lunch partner was wanting to do the same thing Perry was: consolidate his time.

Normally, the two men record a podcast Wednesday. Doing that takes Perry five hours (including the commute). Wednesday’s show and Thursday’s lunch use as much as seven hours each week.

So Perry’s lunch partner asked if it would be ok to move the recording date to Thursday. That way, both activities could happen in a half-day, instead of spread across two.

That would save Perry almost three hours each week!

It was exactly what Perry was wanting. And he got the solution without doing something he didn’t want to do.

The two long time friends spent the rest of lunch talking about how their lives have changed. Those changes would likely bring their regular lunch dates to an end.

They also talked about sun-setting the podcast. In six months time, or sooner, Perry will likely be free of the podcast and the lunches.

A perfect outcome. For both parties.

And that’s another outcome of upping your spiritual game. When you’re connected with your Inner Being, you get what you want, with ease. And, getting what you want happens in a way that others get what they want too.

These kinds of perfect outcomes become common occurrences. In a short time of paying attention to how you feel and choosing to be happy over anything else, life becomes easy.

Like it’s supposed to be.

When life is easy, life is fun. The fun and ease come from discovering your reality comes at your say-so. When your life experience convinces you of that, you start feeling invulnerable.

Invulnerability is another way of expressing invincibility.

Everyone creates their own reality, whether they know they are or not.

But when a person learns to deliberately do it….life gets really, really interesting.

Life becomes a continuing flow of delightful experiences leading to greater and greater bliss, joy and happiness. Including new relationships with nature. Meanwhile, working hard to get what you want becomes a thing of the past.

You came here to have fun in every moment. Are you ready to experience your own joyful romp?

When A Trip To The Optometrist Brings More Clarity Than Expected

David Travis Optometry FB blog
Photo: David Travis

It was going to be a quick trip. Get the eyeglass adjustment. Go home.

Easy peasy.

What it turned into: something far more interesting.

· · ·

During his recent Idaho vacation, Perry wore contact lenses.

That’s because his new glasses, which he ordered well before the trip were not ready. His existing pair wasn’t either. A manufacturer’s defect forced them back to the repair shop.

Perry prefers glasses for many reasons. Napping being one. Napping is more complicated with plastic disks in your eyes.

Glasses are easy. So Perry prefers being bespectacled.

You can imagine his delighted then, when the vision specialist called Perry the first time, two weeks before his vacation. That is, until she told Perry the bad news: his new glasses failed inspection. They’d have to be redone too.

Two different pair of glasses. Two different repair shops. Two warranty problems.


A long series of “unfortunate events” about Perry’s eyes accented the last few weeks. First came what Perry thought was a scratched cornea.

Nope. Pink eye.

Then he broke his old glasses playing with the family dog. They came back a week later, but just two days after that, broke again. Warranty defect.

Then came his annual vision exam, which prompted the the new glasses order and its attendant manufacturing problems.

That’s when Perry wondered aloud to his wife, just prior to leaving for vacation, that something larger was happening having to do with more than eyeball vision. He wondered -– rightly –– whether his need for clarity, had more to do with his non-physical perception than seeing with his eyes; an expansion of perception which would make more visible the expanding grace Perry –– and every human being –– naturally enjoys.

Perrys broken glasses blog
Perry’s older glasses. It was all working out…in the end what a delicious ride!

Perhaps these experiences were leading up to a new experience Perry; an experience that would delight him by making visible what was there all along, but hidden from him in plain sight.

Like “lost” keys you search frantically for only to find them in the exact spot you checked five times.

Everyone has had that experience.

For Perry though, it wasn’t about lost car keys, but keys to questions he had been asking all his life.

· · ·

Your physical reality always, faithfully reflects what is going on with you in the non-physical realm –– that place from which you come, the place from which everything flows from –– through The Moment of Becoming and, finally, into full-blown physical reality. The more you open yourself to this, the more you are able to see and consciously experience both the physical, the non physical and The Moment of Becoming.

It’s a highly satisfying experience to have this experience. And it comes with delightful, practical benefits.

· · ·

(At the time all this was happening Perry didn’t know all this. As he writes this blog post, he is coming into clarity as we share what was happening behind the scenes. So now, as he writes, Perry is delighting in the epiphany, his awareness of what it is we’re sharing now.)

Back to glasses, vision and vacations.

It frustrated Perry to hear his new glasses wouldn’t be ready for another week. The specialist assured him they would be ready the following Tuesday. By then, Perry and his wife would be in Idaho. He asked the specialist if it were possible to ship the glasses to the house where they would be. Of course this was possible, she said.

For a price.

And that’s what happened. On Thursday, as promised, with just days of their vacation remaining, the glasses arrived. Cost: $24. Interestingly, around the same time, the other eyeglass shop repairing his older glasses called. Those frames were ready to pick up too.

The coincidence didn’t escape Perry. Two pair, ready to go, but neither nearby.

When the new glasses arrived, they were beautiful. Their case alone is a work of art. They’re more sturdy than his old ones too. Perry enjoyed looking at them. Though they needed adjustments, he wore them instead of the contacts for the rest of their vacation.

· · ·

Back home Perry wanted to go to the eyeglass shop for adjustments. But, something else vied for his attention: a nap.

As one’s state of grace, one’s invincibility becomes more obvious, a person is less and less comfortable adhering to what Seth calls “assembly-line time”, the idea instilled in humans that you must work straight through from 8-5 (or worse), with your nose to the grindstone “making it happen” and “getting shit done”.

If you let it, your life experience, shows you how All That Is, your Inner Being and the Universe work together to make things you want to happen happen in your life. When you see how this non-physical “trinity” delivers everything you’re wanting –– with perfect timing and in the perfect way –– more and more you want to let them do work.

A person in their state of grace, in their invincibility, becomes like daisies, trees and the rest of nature: she simply allows her trinity to shower her natural abundance upon her.

Part of that delicious experience, is a renewed relationship with napping.

Abraham and Esther Hicks equate sleeping and meditation. Both refresh oneself by immersing one in one’s origins.

ahmet-ali-agir- sleep pull quote blog
Photo: Ahmet Ali Agir

Perry strives to heed impulses to take naps. But in this case, he wasn’t willing. Everyone has free will. And everyone’s trinity knows how to work with your free will to surprise and delight you.

That is, if you are aware enough to receive the surprise and delight.

Which Perry certainly is.

A person can’t act contrary to one’s state of grace. But it can feel that way. As you’ll soon see.

So Perry went to the shop, feeling tired. When he arrived, there were two people ahead of him and only one person behind the counter. She said everyone had gone to lunch but her. She would be with him as soon as possible.

This was not the person who helped Perry before. Perry felt frustration mixed with his fatigue. But he was committed to not vent his frustration on his reality.

He knows better.

Instead, he sat patiently, expecting everything would work out.

He thought about bagging the whole idea and returning another day. But just before he got up, the woman behind the counter called him over.

She took his new glasses into a back room. Then she returned and put them on Perry’s face. They looked even better than before. They fit better too, which the woman confirmed aloud. Then Perry noticed something strange.

While they did fit better, he noticed the lenses were not symmetrically aligned and the nose bridge was crooked.

The woman noticed this too, but tried to avoid it. When Perry pointed it out, she acknowledged the problem saying the lenses were flawed.

They’d have to go back for a warranty repair. Perry’s frustration returned.

Now Perry knows “frustration” has nothing to do with what is happening in front of him. Instead, it always has to do with what is going on inside him. His physical world simply reflects back to him his internal realitiy…with 100 percent experiential acuity.

This is so with every human. No exceptions.

So when the woman behind the counter apologized for the inconvenience, knowing Perry had been waiting a while for these glasses, Perry took a deep breath, then smiled and said “It’s ok”.

She wondered aloud if he had a spare. Which reminded him: his other glasses were ready to be picked up. Perry had forgotten about that.

What perfect timing, he thought. Even when it feels like things are going wrong, it’s actually working out with perfect timing. Perry left his new glasses feeling lighter.

Back home he again felt the urge to take a nap. But by now, the momentum of Perry’s frustration had a hold of him and his life experience. Taking a nap was a possibility, but it was much more probable Perry would continue along his frustration path.

This is why it is important to cultivate positive expectations.

Not only does one’s physical reality represent the perceiver’s internal experience, with 100 percent fidelity, physical reality’s consistency depends on momentum created by the act of perceiving, making it much more likely one will continue having experiences consistent with one’s dominant perceptual focus.

Momentum equals experience probability.

Taking a nap would have reset Perry’s positive momentum, thus affording him a better rest of his day. What happened instead was both clarifying and hilarious.

He decided to take the car to the other repair shop and get his old glasses. The other repair shop is across town. Not walking distance like the first shop.

Now Perry doesn’t like to drive in traffic. This was all happening after lunch on a week day. So he could expect traffic to be less than it would have been in the morning, evening or at lunch. But guess what?

That’s right.

Not only did Perry get stopped by virtually every traffic light, he also got “stuck” behind every slow driver, bus, tractor trailer…you name it…it came into Perry’s path.

When he finally got to the repair shop, a woman was just getting into her car to leave. Her street-side parking spot was choice. Perry pulled just behind her, turned on his signal and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

The more he waited, the more Perry could feel his frustration rise. What the hell was the woman doing in there?

Considering the drive over, Perry’s frustration could be cut with a knife. And the more he focused on his frustration, the more frustrated he got.

Meanwhile, the woman was not leaving.

That’s when two guys came out of the shop and jumped in their pick up sitting in a curbside parking spot across the street from the parked woman.

The truck started. Perry turned his other turn signal on.

But they didn’t move either. Instead, the driver and passenger started smoking!


Just when his frustration was peaking, Perry had a cathartic epiphany about this day the last two-weeks, and he his and his wife’s experiences on their vacation. Then, in that realization, something in him gave way.

The peace and well-being Perry knew to be his norm returned in a flood of relief, clarity and awareness.

And in that moment, Perry looked to the left. Inside the repair shop parking lot: there right next to the front door…

…was an open parking space.

No one had left. It had been open all this time.

Perry laugh out loud as he pulled in, went into the shop, got his glasses, then drove home….

….and then took a nap.

It was the best nap ever.

sylvie tittel blog
Photo: Sylvie tittel

The World Gives You What You Are. That Is The Best Case For Being Happy

Ryan StoneLife is Faithful PF blog
Photo: Ryan Stone

Hate and you will experience hatred. Hate enough and you will be hated.

Discriminate and you will experience discrimination. Discriminate enough and you will be discriminated against.

Attack and you will have to defend. Attack enough and you will be attacked back banned and shunned

Be angry and you will experience anger. Be angry frequently enough and you will not know peace.

There is freedom in loving, in being happy. For when you are happy, loving and inclusive, you discover a world that reflects all that back to you.

It’s not to hard to figure. Unless you’re wrapped up in stories which make figuring, at least for now, impossible.

Hard Work Rarely Makes Life Better Or Fun

Photo: Matthew Schwartz

Life experience says: all you want comes through hard work. Or does it? Success at anything can be easy. All it takes is a Positively Focused orientation.

Life tells you all you want comes through hard work. It tells you that because that’s what you tell yourself.

When you read books from people who “worked hard”, you’re confirming what others told you. Believing you must work long hours because your colleagues, your “competitors” do, or your boss expects you to, only perpetuates what others told you.

Feel you have to work weekends because you’re “behind the 8 ball”?  That attitude reinforces your belief story; the one seemingly consistent with your life experience that says “success comes from hard work.”

It’s the other way around

But your story is NOT consistent with your life experience. Your life experience is consistent with your story.

Change your story and your life will shape itself to fit the new story you tell.

You’ll get immediate results. But unless you know what to look for, you will miss them.

And that’s why people think positive thinking, affirmations, Law of Attraction and things like that don’t work. Because they don’t know what to look for.

Should you be able to drive if you don’t know what road markings mean, or if you don’t understand driving “rules”? Should you be able to teach someone else to drive?

Our guess is you’ll say “Of course not.”

Then we think you’ll agree that not knowing how to see the signs that positive thinking, affirmations and such are working, kinda disqualifies you from being an authority on whether such things work or not.

Success can be inevitable

It’s better to just say “I don’t know.” Because if you don’t know how to see the signs, you don’t know.

Hard work can and often seems to lead to success. That’s only because so many people are working hard at being successful. Meanwhile, what’s actually creating the success they enjoy, has very little to do with the effort they employ.

Hard work is not the key to success. Success comes despite hard work offered. It can be inevitable.

So why are hard workers often successful and those who don’t work hard (seemingly) so often not?

Interesting paradox, isn’t it?

Be the exception not the rule

But if you look more closely, you’ll see FAR MORE hard workers are often not successful and sometimes those who don’t work at all hard are.

Most of us don’t seem to have the luxury of slowing down and exploring what they’re reading here. But overcome that story and test what we’re offering, you will find accuracy in all of this.

Then, you’ll become the exception.

You can be successful without all the struggle you think you have to offer to get it. Through this blog and our 1:1 session work, we show people how success comes easily and hard work becomes obsolete.