The Easy Way To Love: Stop Looking

Photo by Laura Seaman on Unsplash

The best way to find lasting love is to give up trying to find him or her and let him or her come to you.

I encourage all my clients in this direction because it’s fun, it’s easy and it works 100 precent of the time. You can’t say that for online dating, that’s for sure. It’s crazy so many people try that route when so few succeed.

But being Positively Focused about your life guarantees you’ll meet your match. That’s why I guarantee it. And it will happen in a fun and easy way.

Universe stands ready 

A client proved this recently in her own life. It happened so easy, it honestly knocked my socks off when she told me. Then I realized I had to share it with you all. It’s a textbook example of how cultivating a Positively Focused outlook works.

This client, let’s call her Diane, has been with me for about 34 weeks. We meet each week 1:1. She takes the practice seriously. She’s diligent about telling positive stories about everything. No wonder her life is filled with all kinds of amazing things happening.

Then again, they’re not amazing. It’s just what happens when one takes control of their life by telling stories about life consistent with the kind of life they want.

Buoyed by things going right in her life since taking on the practice, Diane pretty much stopped thinking about how, when or where she’d meet her match. Then she gave up looking for him through online dating sites. As a result of taking that off her mental plate, she also stopped blocking the Universe from giving her what she wanted.

She did that by not telling stories about her match (and other related topics) that created a reality where he remained absent.

Kissing a lot of toads

It’s easy to stop thinking about not having the love you want when your life starts giving you all kinds of great experiences. The paradox of that happening is, because you’re focused on the other great things happening, it’s easy for you to become a match to your Broader Perspective.

Matching that you hear impulses it constantly sends you. Follow them and you’ll eventually meet your match. The Universe will lead you right to the spot where your match is waiting.

Otherwise, you’re trying to do it yourself and, in trying to do that from your disempowering stories about dating, about your date-ability, about the whereabouts of your match, you take all kinds of routes that lead you on wild goose chases. Goose chases where you end up kissing a lot of toads. Sorry about mixing metaphors there!

But when you’re loving life, having fun, enjoying your own company, you turn into a cooperative variable in the equation that sums up to you and your match meeting. That’s what happened with Diane.

In fact, she didn’t even have to go anywhere. He came to her. Here’s how that happened.

Kiss that? No thanks. I’d rather be single, happy and let my perfect match come to me. (Photo by Laura Seaman on Unsplash)

Creating the Charmed Life

“I got a notification on my phone the other day,” Diane explained in our session. “It was a Facebook friend request from someone I didn’t know. I don’t accept friend requests from people who don’t have a picture on their profile. But my impulse said to accept it, so I did.”

An “impulse” is something everyone receives all the time. It’s a message from their Broader Perspective coming in response to a desire they’ve “put out” that their Broader Perspective received.

The impulse, when followed, leads to the unfolding manifestation of that desire. Should the person follow the impulse, they will eventually rendezvous with that fulfilled desire.

As one tells more and more positive stories about their life, they release resistance which creates “noise” that interferes with receiving impulses. As resistance subsides though, impulses come in loud and clear. The next step is following the impulses.

This is how the Universe, one’s Broader Perspective and the individual create “manifestations” culminating in the Charmed Life I write about here each week.

Impulses are the basis of the Charmed Life. But it all starts with being happy, i.e. the guaranteed results of a Positively Focused practice.

Not your job?

A human’s job is not to make things happen. That’s the Universe’s job. Broader Perspective’s job is to lead each individual to their fulfilled desire, which the Universe fulfilled.

So what’s the human’s job?

The human’s job is to create the desire which turns the Universe into more. Then the human receives the fulfilled version of that desire by following its Broader Perspective impulses. The receiving is always surprising and delightful. As such events fill one’s life, one discovers their worthiness, invincibility and the Charmed Life I mentioned above.

In this way, life becomes easy. Most people don’t know this. That’s why so many run around trying to make things happen while finding it very hard to make things happen that way! It’s why so many people give up on their dreams, or compromise on dreams and live lackluster lives. It’s also why so many are depressed, anxious, tired and alone too.

Diane developed a habit of hearing her Broader Perspective impulses with a determination I have yet to see matched by any other client. It’s no wonder then that her life overflows with examples of self-fulfilling desires, desires that delight and surprise her.

One great benefit of session time is we get to revel in all the delight and surprise. It’s fun hearing how clients gradually begin living the Charmed Life promised through this practice.

One advantage I enjoy is having my clients’ experiences amplify my own. They also confirm everything I know, which increases my confidence about what I share.

Ok back to what happened with Diane.

Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral
A bonus of my spiritual practice, in addition to it being my occupation, is the upward spiral delight of seeing my own personal practice results confirmed in my Clients’ results. I don’t need this to know being Positively Focused is the best life. But it’s sure nice seeing the confirmation nonetheless.

The impossible possible

The person making the Facebook friend request had a photo of a car on his profile because he was a car buff. Diane received an “impulse” to accept the request because of what happened next.

What happened next blew Diane’s socks off. Diane said the guy said he saw her profile and immediately wanted to get to know her. He thanked her for accepting his request, then started chatting her up. 

The chatting continued every day for a week. Turned out he was an oil rig worker, educated, happy and very interested in getting to know Diane.

But at our next session, she told me she was concerned because she didn’t think this guy, let’s call him Jeff, knew that my client was transgender.

That’s right. Diane is transgender. Most transgender women have many disempowering stories about guys, which is why most transgender women remain single, alone, lonely and mad.

I know this because through my sister blog The Transamorous Network I serve transgender clients the same way I do with non-trans people. About half my client roster is composed of trans and trans-attracted people.

When Diane told Jeff she was trans, Diane said Jeff “paid it no mind. He thought I was cisgender, but he said me being trans didn’t matter!”

Anyone who is trans, or knows transgender women knows how rare such an exchange is. Some might say such an exchange is impossible. And here was Diane, a trans woman, having exactly that experience. Being Positively Focused pays yo!

The Transamorous Network, my sister blog offers insight into thoughts and beliefs of the transgender community. Through The Transamorous Network, I offer the same material I offer through this blog, Positively Focused.

Negative stories, negative reality

Most of the time, according to transgender women who contact me, the men they meet are chasers. They’re looking for “chicks with dicks”, or, when they think the woman is cis, then find out they’re trans, they disappear.

Again, a transgender woman never need experience any of that. But it does happen when, again, transgender women tell negative stories about dating, themselves and men.

For example, another client I’m working with who is transgender currently enjoys a long-running, online, long distance relationship with one guy. She’s actually seeing a few men as a result of her Positively Focused practice which has her changing her stories too.

But she needs improvement, evident in this exchange.

“Even when I’m at my worst,” she said in one session. “He keeps coming back.”

“Why do you think he keeps coming back?” I asked.

“Because he just wants me to fuck him,” she said.

What a disempowering story. Of course, there’s no way a guy would want to keep talking to her because HE LIKES HER. And, what do you think the story “guys just want me because they want me to fuck them” says about the transgender woman thinking such a thought?

Well, it demeans the transgender woman as much as it demeans the men she meets, thereby kiboshing any chance of men even having a chance with her!

Every belief one thinks or expresses or even allows in their awareness carries an associated vibration which creates realities consistent with it. Some of the most damaging are thoughts one thinks about one’s self. (Photo by Sherise VD)

Diane’s dates improving

Diane enjoys a different trajectory. Having changed her stories about subjects related to meeting her match, her men encounters improved dramatically.

First she’d get cat-called at bars. Then men wanted her for “quickies” in the parking lot. Then, guys would approach her, but ghost her after that first encounter. After that, men started sticking around, but they weren’t the caliber of men Diane wanted.

Now, here Diane is getting the furthest forward version of what she wants. And she literally didn’t even leave the house to meet him! Nor did she spend any money dating online.

Furthermore, Diane wanted a guy who had more going for him than “hustling”. Many men she met in the past were street hustlers. Mostly they were into the drug trade and generally getting into criminal mischief.

But Jeff has a steady job. More than that, he wants to take Diane hiking and fishing, as he enjoys the outdoors. Sounds pretty normal, right? But to Diane, it’s not.

“That’s something I’ve been wanting to do more and more since starting becoming Positively Focused,” Diane said. “That he wants to take me out to do those things shows me this is all working out perfectly for me.”

That love you want is right there in front of you. If you can’t see it, or you feel you’re not making any progress towards it, it’s likely you have beliefs which create realities where the relationship that is there, isn’t there. It’s a problem I can help with. (Photo by Toa Heftiba)

What’s the future?

How this situation turns out makes no difference. The main thing happening is Diane is improving her dating stories. She’s seeing her improved stories creating connections reflecting to her that improvement. Diane acknowledges she still has stories she wants to improve, so Jeff isn’t the final match, offering everything she wants.

How does she know that? Because she’s still evolving as a person and in what she wants. As her life improves, as she uncovers what she really wants and goes after that, she becomes more of her authentic self.

As that happens, she becomes more confident and more certain of who she is. Meanwhile, she’s meeting this guy amidst that transition. So Jeff represents a match to who she is currently. Other men stand ready and waiting for her as she becomes more.

And that’s why I urge clients not to be impatient when creating their reality. For the longer a person enjoys what they have, without thinking what they have – especially with partners – is The One, the more they will see what they have improve more and more. Why? Because they are becoming more and more.

Diane’s example shows how easy finding a lover happens. The less energy and attention one puts on that, the more they just enjoy life, the easier finding that person happens.

But when someone thinks finding a partner is a challenge, a problem or impossible, that’s exactly how it will be. Thoughts create reality.

Why not think thoughts that make your ideal reality easy? If you’re ready to know how, I got your back!

The Best Future Comes From Positive Focus

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

A client of mine enjoys gambling. She goes to her local casino every once in a while to wind down and play. A couple of my clients do this. It’s not something I find interesting, but what interests me about both clients is how often they win.

One client’s experience, let’s call her Lucy, shows how developing a Positively Focused practice gives one access to powerful insight, insight that reveals the future. And if one follows that insight, the future turns our great. I found it interesting her Broader Perspective used her gambling hobby as the backdrop.

Your role in All That Is

One day Lucy headed to her favorite casino with $100 in her pocket. She planned to gamble just that money then head home.

So she walked into the casino, and, the moment she was inside, she got an impulse. She said she heard it as plain as day. The impulse said “put it all on 11”.

As one develops a Positively Focused practice, that person connects with their Broader Perspective. That’s the part of everyone that remains in nonphysical while a portion of that perspective, that eternal, indestructible being, creates then inhabits the physical bodies we know as ourselves.

That Broader Perspective enjoys a birds-eye view of our unfolding life. It sees all  probable future realities that shoot out from us as we observe, interact with and interpret the world around us. From all we interact with, we create desires. And those desires become the fullness of All That Is.

Our Broader Perspective holds all of that and sends us signals – impulses – that, if followed, draw to us situations and circumstances consistent with fulfilled versions of those desires.

Obviously, great advantage exists for the person able to hear these impulses. Every Positively Focused client develops this ability. That outcome is guaranteed as well as several others. And when they do develop this ability, then consistently follow those impulses, their life becomes the Charmed Life I write about.

Inner guidance advantage

That’s what Lucy referred to when her impulse said “put it all on 11”.

What’s interesting about that impulse is Lucy’s Broader Perspective knew Lucy enjoyed the roulette table. So when Lucy received this impulse, she knew it meant the roulette table.

But it’s also interesting – and you may know this – that 11, the number her Broader Perspective offered, is known as a powerful numerological number. One signifying a “spiritual message”.

But Lucy is just starting to learn to hear…then follow…this highly advantageous inner guidance. So when she got the impulse, she felt super excited, she said.

“I knew this was guidance from Source or my higher power or whatever,” she said. “It came the moment I walked in the door. It was obvious it wasn’t a passing thought. I knew where it came from, you know what I mean?”

I did know.

Such impulses come to me all the time. My practice includes immediately following such impulses, no matter how trivial they feel. Even if nothing immediately obvious results, I know following as many as possible, as quickly as possible, makes it possible in the future to hear, then response in kind to future, more significant impulses.

Impulses one receives from one’s Broader Perspective is the sign everyone looks for. Follow them and watch the Charmed Life emerge effortlessly. (Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash)

Fear, doubt: buzz killers

Lucy isn’t there yet. As she went from the entrance to the roulette table, doubts about the impulse rose from within her. “Doubt” is not as strong as “fear”, but both indicate beliefs or thoughts that are inconsistent with what one’s Broader Perspective knows about the subject under consideration. 

Every emotion is about that and only that.

But doubt and fear say “Hey! Mind your thoughts young Padewan, you’re blocking your connection to the force!”

Lucy feared this impulse might not be what she thought it was, she said. She feared putting “all” her money on one number. If she didn’t win, she thought, her visit would be really short…only a few minutes!

Little did she know, the doubt and fear she felt was part of a wonderful unfolding underway. An unfolding she couldn’t have predicted.

By the time she got to the table, her doubt had hold of her. But not all the way. Instead of putting all $100 on 11, she reasoned, she decided to put half of it down on 11 and keep the rest. This whole reasoning process happened in mere fractions of a second before she took her place at the table. So for those around her, she looked confident and determined.

To them she arrived, sat, pulled out $50 and confidently put it on 11.

Numbers and their meanings get introduced in advance stages of Positively Focused practice. Some think numerology is hooey. But when one delves deeply into spiritual matters, it begins making sense. (Photo courtesy Pinterest)

Knowing the future

What do you think happened? The wheel stopped…on 11. 

Lucy wasn’t the only one surprised. She said the whole table looked at her in shock, including the person running the table. Here this woman just arrived and in a split second put down a bet…and won!

Lucy won $1,500 off of a $50 bet in less than three minutes after entering the casino, less than three seconds after arriving at the table!

That was enough for her. She packed up her things and started leaving. Those nearest her tried to get her to stay, but Lucy had enough. She got what she wanted, even though she didn’t realize it would be so fun.

“I was overwhelmed with how easy it was, Perry,” she told me in our session following that weekend. “It was like I knew before hand what was going to happen. And it did!”

Lucy said, and I agreed, that following the impulse half way was better than following it fully because she learned something really important.

“If I had put it all on 11,” she explained. “The real gift wouldn’t have sunk in as strong. I followed it half-way and got the half-way result. So now I know I can follow my impulses, no question.”

Indeed. Had Lucy followed completely the impulse she received, she would have won over $3000 off a $100 bet in seconds.

But given the way it happened, Lucy got a lot more than three grand. Next time she receives an impulse, she now knew, she’d follow it to the wonderful, full, delightful and surprising manifested unfolding awaiting her instead of letting doubt kibosh that.

The partial version was still pretty cool though.

“I feel so taken care of,” She said. “Everything always works out for me.”

It’s the best future

The Universe ensures everything works out for everyone. And everyone can live the Charmed Life my clients and I do. All it takes is a little practice learning to see the world through “the mind and eyes of god” that Broader Perspective everyone has looking out for them and sending them signals leading to everything they want.

We all came here knowing this. And we all get knocked off course for a little while. We forget how powerful and all-knowing we actually are.

That’s because life experience is bewildering in its realness and tangible splendor. It doesn’t help that we come into the world through people equally out to lunch about what’s happening. So few know what you’re reading. That means parents, teachers, bosses and political leaders are all, for the most part, leading people in all kinds of crazy directions.

The best future comes from positive focus you share with your Broader Perspective. Recover that and find your Charmed Life. It’s easy. Need help? I got your back.

I Love When Clients Rave About Their Great Results

Photo by Janita Sumeiko on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the clarity and power and joy promised through the Positively Focused practice. It’s guaranteed or they get their money back. No one asks for their money back though because everyone gets great results.

I love it when clients rave about their results. Their experiences amplify and confirm my own, which is a great fringe benefit supporting my own Positively Focused practice.

Case in point: recently a band-new client expressed pleasure with results he received from a process I offer in client sessions. What’s really cool about his experience is, this happened after only one session.

A client raves about results he got this week…

This is why I guarantee the practice works. It’s also why clients tend to stick with me once they start. The practice works. It delivers exactly what I say it does. And so, it’s no surprise clients send texts like the one above.

It’s still great getting them though.

God in human form

Every human is a creator. Every human is God in human form. When a human realizes that, their life transforms.

…results consistent with my Positively Focused guarantee.

Gradually they discover life on their side. They also discover they stand at the center of the Universe. Then their life improves. It becomes the Charmed Life they knew it would be when they decided to come into a body.

From that point forward, their life fills with self-fulfilling desires. The more that happens, the more fun the person experiences. Then something really cool happens.

They stop being human and become the super human they were before they forgot who and what they are.

I love helping people rediscover their creative power and joy. It brings me joy. And it amplifies what I know about myself.

There’s nothing better than that.

How To Get Great Results From “Failure”

Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

Sometimes the best results come from what ordinary folks call “failure”. “Ordinary folks” are those who don’t understand what emotions are for and how to use them to get everything they want easily.

For them “failure” represents a “reality experience” that must be avoided. Others taught them they must avoid “failure” at all costs. I learned that too. But failure can also look like not fitting in, or living life in ways others don’t approve of.

It could look like not earning an amount of money others think is respectable. In other words, failure often means “not getting others’ approval”. So avoiding failure often turns into seeking approval or, better stated, avoiding others’ disapproval. So dreams get forgotten, one tries to fit in instead of living authentically or pursuing “unrealistic” ideas. Ideas that, if pursued change the world.

Failure: not an option

But for the Positively Focused person, failure doesn’t exist. Every experience proves fabulously expansive, bringing more and deeper joy, satisfaction and clarity.

Some people can’t conceive of a life where only good things happen. But good things happening is Universe’s default mode. Nothing “bad” ever happens.

But again, after going through indoctrination we get from those who’ve come before, those who forgot what they knew, life comprises a mixture of “good” things and “bad” things.

That’s why few people get anywhere near understanding they create their reality. They just can’t accept they stand at the center of the Universe, a Universe conspiring to deliver any outcome one wants, “good” OR “bad”.

Life is a series of good events. If you’re not seeing it that way, you’ve been indoctrinated into seeing life the way it isn’t.

Ambitions the size of your dreams

Once cracks show up in that indoctrination though, life gets interesting. Not only will one see life different, it occurs different too. Dreams become real again. Desires, small ones at first, start showing themselves as complete/fulfilled. Belief emerges from within, then hope, then optimism. In time, ambition grows as do the size of one’s dreams.

Moving through such stages in my own Positively Focused practice has me focusing into reality things I once though impossible. One such thing is creating events which lead to money showing up with no effort.

I’m in early stages on this subject, but getting better at it. My most recent experience gave me a great example that inspired greater belief/knowing in me. It also reminded me “failure” is fiction.

Dreams are your reality the moment you give up thinking the way you were taught.

Abraham’s right, of course

Crypto markets now offer wealth-building opportunities making many people around the world life-changing wealth. My curiosity with crypto extends to creating experiences – manifestations – which fortify my knowing that I create my reality. Especially around money.

Abraham has said when a person’s vibration gets chronic and high enough such that large sums of money flow into their life, they’ve accomplished something significant. Specifically, here’s what they say:

“Once you are able to achieve and consistently maintain your personal alignment, a great deal of money will flow into your experience (if that is your

Abraham email Sept. 30, 2021

I therefore recognize my trajectory on money as an indicator of something significant, not an end goal. My old trajectory once included too many negative thoughts about money. Even though for a time I was quite financially successful, I didn’t enjoy it much because of this.

Today though I’m finding it fun focusing lightly on money as a subject. Which brings me to what happened.

Putting it to the test

A client of mine and I share my crypto enthusiasm. We both want to see how well our focus creates circumstances such that wealth from crypto flows into our lives.

So over several days, after reviewing a number of coins, I waited to see what one coin, Shibu Inu, might do if I set an intention about it. First, I casually paid attention to its progress over those days.

Having done that, I got the impulse to set an alert for the coin’s price, expecting it to drop to a point where I might put money in. That same day, the price dropped to that point, the news of which I shared with my client.

Two days later, the price jumped 10 percent. Had I put money into the coin, a 10 percent gain would have been nice. I didn’t put money in because I was testing this process. Not trying to make money. I was more exploring than anything else. I’m in no hurry either.

Messaging my client…
Shibu Inu jumps 10 percent.

More evidence begets boldness?

Curious with that outcome, the next day I put an alert, on a whim, on Bitcoin. My impulse suggested marking it at $50k. At the time it was in the low $40s. The next day the alert triggered.

My software alerting me of the “manifestation”.

So I put another in at $50.3 and again, the alert triggered, indicating Bitcoin rose to my second casual expectation.

BTC pushes up over $50.3 (The thin vertical green line protruding from the right-most rectangle). The horizontal orange dotted line represents my $51K alert I set later.

While all this was happening, I was on vacation. Someone following Copiosis gave me $1500 in Bitcoin to take some time off. I funded vacation expenses with my money, expecting Bitcoin would reimburse my expenses. Bitcoin’s price dropped a bit, however, which dropped the value of the $1500 down to about $1200.

What’s interesting about that is my entire trip expenses totaled about $1200. I lived on the cheap even though I flew first class – another story I’m writing a blog post about – so seeing Bitcoin drop a bit wasn’t as disconcerting as it could have been.

Still, I wanted to see what would happen, were I to “expect” or “manifest” Bitcoin going up. So, like I did with Shibu Inu, on Dec. 17, I casually put an alert in my software for Bitcoin to rise to over $51K (see photo above). I didn’t know if that would be enough to recover the $300. That didn’t matter though. I was playing around.

Taking action too soon

Five days later, on Dec. 21, I started getting impatient. The money I used to travel, which I planned to reimburse from my supporter’s gift, was money I typically use to pay rent. So I wanted Bitcoin to go back up so I could cover my $1200 trip. At that moment, the coin was at around $1200, but I wanted it to go at least up to $1300.

Checking that day, Bitcoin rose to $49K. Close to what I wanted. But not high enough to trigger my alert. At that level, my Bitcoin holding’s value was $1360. Enough to replace my funds. I speculated about whether I should just cash it in and be good…

Here’s where my “failure” came in.

Abraham talks about this kind of thing all the time. They talk about “taking action too soon,” meaning, doing something to create an outcome instead of allowing Universe do it for you. Taking action too soon usually happens out of impatience, frustration, or doubt. That’s why I did what I did. I doubted.

I didn’t know when Bitcoin would get to $51K. To be honest, I knew it would. What I doubted was whether it could get there before I needed to pay my rent nine days hence. So I cashed in my supporter’s gift, which covered all my expenses.

Then it happened

The very next day, though, almost exactly 24-hours later, when I woke up, I received an alert. Bitcoin had surpassed the $51K!

Bitcoin pushes past my alert just before it drops in the next hour.

While I enjoyed and felt relief in having cashed in my gift 24 hours ago, I also felt disappointed I hadn’t waited. Had I waited and received exactly what I asked, not only would I have fulfilled my desire, I would have experienced a wonderful fuller fulfillment of it, proving the Universe had my back.

I still see that’s what happened, but I missed out on the “more” that was available by acting too soon. Honestly, the difference between cashing in when I did and waiting until it went where I expected was about $64. So I didn’t miss much.

Still, taking action too soon destroyed the marvel, the joy of seeing Universe respond to my request. But since my awareness is expanded, even missing the delight of that offered a nice surprise. In seeing what happened from a Positively Focused perspective, I got that I took action too soon, but still reveled in the realization.

I got this nice blog out of it too!

One could say I “failed” to follow through and benefit from my desired manifestation. Did I though? Or did I get something just as good: I still see Universe giving me everything I want. Where’s the failure in that? I say there isn’t any.

So I revel in this wonderful outcome.

How Powerful Results Result From Doing Nothing

The Universe stands ready to deliver on every desire. It’s happening already all the time. But powerful manifestation results best show up when a person understands the role “doing” plays in manifestation.

In the future I’ll share how my relationship with Abraham came into being. In the meantime, as part of the Positively Focused features series, I’ll write brief posts on emails I receive from Abraham, which offer insight from them on particular topics.

What I find interesting about these emails is, in addition to their solid content, they often come with perfect timing. They tie directly to or remind me and encourage me about something going on in my life. So I find these emails great additions to my Positively Focused routine. Sign up to receive these emails at this link on Esther’s website.

So here’s the first of this new feature series.

Anything can happen

Here’s the first email:

When I talk with clients, they often miss the message. They hear what I say, but they don’t understand how profound or important what I’ve said is. For example, I’ll point out something they said as evidence of the Positively Focused practice working. Clients early on are always looking for proof. But they don’t know where to look for early stage proof. So I show them.

But when I point it out, it often goes unregistered. Which is why some clients take a while before they start producing really solid results and why I often repeat myself 😂. I think the same thing holds true for what Abraham says. People let it wash over their ears or eyes while not really taking it in.

In this email for example, Abraham offers unequivocal assertions about how the universe works. They’re saying whatever you want you can have it. Anything.

But having it requires a certain attitude. I often tell clients they must be a match to what they want. Another, easier, way is if they can hold no resistance about what it is they want…it must happen. Holding no resistance is easier because often when someone focuses on trying to become a match to what they want, they inadvertently activate built up resistance. This often looks like putting attention on the absence of what’s wanted. And clients do this while unaware that’s what they’re doing.

Manifest effortlessly

So when Abraham says “get out of the way” it’s another way of saying “allowing” it to happen. That means introducing no resistance. “Relaxing” means turning attention to something other than what is wanted, so you forget about what you want. With your attention off it, it will come. Effortlessly.

Most of us don’t like that because we’ve all been trained that “doing” is the way to make things happen. That’s a trap though. Taking action is never meant as the way things happen. Action represents the final cooperative components coming into place. One final cooperative component often is the desire-er. So action or doing doesn’t make anything happen. Instead, it brings the desire-er to the “coordinates” in time and space where they receive, perceive or witness their manifestation’s full-blown unfolding.

Everyone moving around the world taking action think action makes things happen. And, when one believes that, that becomes true, as any belief will because beliefs create reality reflecting their content. But that kind of reality can be hard, arduous and disappointing.

The trouble with “manifesting”, is many don’t culture the patience required to allow their resistance to sooth sufficiently enough so they can see evidence of the unfolding. That combined with “doing indoctrination” trips people up on the way to their manifestation. They look for it too soon. Not seeing it, they feel doubt, which indicates resistance in place.

So many think this “manifesting business” doesn’t work for this reason. But it does work. A person just needs to know HOW it works. That’s what I help people know.

Why You Don’t Want Everything You Want Right Now

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets. I share the answers as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: How Can I Manifest Everything I Desire In My Life Right Now?

You don’t want to, believe me. Here’s why…

Think of all the kinds of things you have desired. I’m sure there were times when you wished harm on someone you cared about, for example. Or perhaps you wished that your coworker, or your boss, suffered a tragic accident, or got fired, or some other terrible outcome.

On the positive side, imagine how many times you wanted something. Then, later discovered you didn’t want it. Or think about times you wanted something, got it, then realized the getting of it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it would be. Think too about how much stuff you have and how much time it takes keeping it all.

Now think about all of the desires you could potentially have in one lifetime. Since you’re an eternal being, you have far more than one lifetime.

Beginning to get the picture?

No fun, no time and too much

There’s no way in hell you want everything you desire “right now“. And besides, where that to happen, you would be overwhelmed with all the cars, houses, clothes, girlfriends or boyfriends, jobs, and everything else that would pile up from the ongoing fulfillment stream of just this one life. And that’s just the positive stuff.

Which is why you can’t get everything you desire right now. The eternity that is life experience happens such that desires flow manageably. You like it that way.

Think about it. The bike you had in high school prompted a desire for a better bike, or maybe a motorcycle or car in your future. But that didn’t make the bike less enjoyable. That car you had in college, prompted a desire for a better car, a faster car or a nicer car in your future. But the college car still got you around on dates or maybe got you laid.

In other words, your desires come paced so you can enjoy their fulfillment. If all your desires happened at once, there would be no more desires to fulfill, and thus no more life experience. Nor would you have time to enjoy it all.

That would be no fun. Don’t you think?

Better Results Always Get Greater

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

I love knowing that life always gets better. I knew that when I decided to come into physical life, but, boy, seeing it, feeling when it happens…nothing beats that. It’s what makes the Positively Focused Charmed Life such a wonderful life.

There’s never a need for “the other shoe to drop”. Unless, of course, you expect that. What a person expects, happens. So when I respond to questions about why Law of Attraction isn’t working for someone, on Quora, for example, I always say Law of Attraction always works.

The reason why people think it doesn’t is because they don’t understand what’s happening when what they expect, doesn’t happen. Often a person will think they’re focusing on what they want. But actually, they’re doing the exact opposite. As one client recently described here on our sister YouTube Channel:

A client totally nails it…

So a person might think they’re expecting what they want, but aren’t. Then when what they want doesn’t happen, they’re oblivious as to why.

The power of momentum

Momentum creates everything. But one must understand which direction their momentum builds. Momentum can happen in the direction of what someone doesn’t want. But, when a person maintains chronic positive focus, that focus creates momentum which ensures future manifestations better than those preceding it. My housemate situation illustrated this perfectly.

For the last year, I’ve enjoyed two housemates matching perfectly my positive focus. A third moved in at the beginning of the year who started off looking like a match. But in short order they proved how unmatched they were.

So instead of focusing on those things not matching what I wanted, I instead did as I did before with previous mis-match housemate situations: I focused on what it would be like not having them there.

It was no wonder then this past summer this person announced they made other living arrangements. I knew that meant my housing situation would improve. So instead of thinking about how wonderful it was that this person soon would be gone, I focused on the next person and how great of a match – a better match – they would be.

My landlord reflects me perfectly

Since living here so long, I enjoy a great relationship with my landlords. We’ve seen renters come and go and we work well together screening potential applicants.

I can’t help infusing that process with my positive focus, which sometimes kind of gets on my landlord’s nerves, because it can look like I’m rather passive with screening applicants in a timely manner.

I know scarcity consciousness drives much behavior which looks like “responsiveness”. After all, if something offered to me is mine, it doesn’t matter how timely or not I respond. It’s mine. I bring this same approach to screening potential housemates: the right housemate in no way can be deterred from moving in. Law of Attraction and being Positively Focused drives what happens in my life. Not “responsiveness”.

But my landlord doesn’t know this. She believes “doing” makes all the difference. Including being responsive.

I love when my environment reflects back to me how I focus in the world. One day my landlord and I had an exchange over text that perfectly illustrated this. We differed on our approaches to filling the vacancy.

My landlord telling me how it is…and me, soothing her concerns.

Of course I didn’t want to further inflame differences between us, so while saying I’d defer to her approach, I kept up with my predominant focus on my focus rather than any action I take. 🤣

All beliefs proven “true”

When a person lives in the world of “doing”, that reality confirms their beliefs. For example, my landlord believes her attention to detail, prompt comms and quick scheduling of viewings makes all the difference. But I know all that action pales in comparison to holding true to the knowing that the Universe handles all this and my action means very little in my life unfolding.

But if a person (like my landlord) believes action makes all the difference, that person’s life will confirm such beliefs as “true”. And in that truth, one better take prompt action or else.

Any belief believed long enough will produce corresponding realities proving that belief true. The problem with belief in actions as being predominant factors for desires becoming things is, when it comes to desires where you feel powerless to act, such desires seem impossible.

If I want to be rich, for example, or I want a partner, and I don’t know what action to take to realize either, the powerlessness I might feel indicates I have belief preventing me from getting what I want. “Action makes all the difference” could be (and often is) one such belief.

Soothing such beliefs creates a life proving what my landlord says I know; that the Universe delivers. I trust in that because that’s what my beliefs have created a life full of. So I KNOW this to be.

My landlord doesn’t and that’s ok.

The uncanny proving itself

But then my landlord sent the following story which totally confirmed what she knew about me: the universe will orchestrate people out of the path who are not a match to what I want:

And yet….she does believe!

I know our views, my landlord and mine, are more similar that she thinks. But her upbringing has her kind of focusing more in the “doing space” than me. That’s ok. Because days and several bad fits later, she sent another text:

A perfect unfolding

Unstoppable coordination

It was a perfect unfolding. Joe first connected with my landlord for a room she had in her house, but the timing/match delayed that consummation so the unfolding would continue such that he became my housemate!

Right around the same time, one of my other housemates gave notice. She’s horny. 😂 And she needs privacy and room to…uh…entertain. So she’s finding a place where she can live alone.

Instead of being upset about that, I knew her moving out, as great a housemate as she was/is, means the next person is going to be even better. That has me feeling extremely positive about her moving out.

And that’s the key to everything. I could be disappointed and feeling loss at having a good fit moving out. I could also feel worried the next person won’t be as good.

But what good do such thoughts do? They only set up circumstances to coordinate such that I get what I think about. So doesn’t it make sense to think about what I want, not what I fear?

I think so.

Having done that consistently enough through the years shows me, not only does it make sense, it always turns great results in to greater results. Just like I prefer it. And by the way, Joe moved in last Wednesday. He’s great!

My Birthday Got Better After Starting Great

Last September I took the Amtrak Cascades train north through the beautiful coastal Pacific Northwest. It was my birthday and I treated myself to an awesome outing.

But what happened gave me more than I bargained for. It also showed precisely why I practice creating my Charmed Life through a Positively Focused practice.

Curious about what a “Charmed Life” looks like? Read on…

I booked my trip a week in advance. So when the travel day came, my birthday, I packed my bike then rode to downtown Portland’s Union Station. There I checked in then found a nice spot in the lobby.

Portland’s Union Station in all its glory.

That’s when….

The Fun Began…

I rested my bike beside me at the end of a long passenger bench. Moments later, a lanky gentleman walked by pushing an older bike.

Me and my Surly.

“Nice bike,” he said, looking at my Surly Straggler.

“Thanks,” I replied before noticing his bike, a Surly Long Haul Trucker. The same brand as mine, only a different model. I knew then a gift just walked by. So I pursued him then introduced myself.

“I’m Optimistic Chris,” he said with a smile. Then he regaled me with his story.

No wonder my Broader Perspective wanted me to followup with him. This “chance” meeting wasn’t chance at all.

Optimistic Chris and his partner “Lovely Laura” are known on Facebook and Instagram as “Soulmate Cyclists“.

While he told me their story, he radiated positivity and also a sense of someone who achieved something great.

Which he had. He just finished a 4,000-mile, 93-day solo ride on his Surly from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon by way of all the wonderful attractions one would imagine.

How fun.

Optimistic Chris and his Surly.
Soulmate Cyclist calling card.

“Couple” turns “solo”

Chris told me Lovely Laura’s companionship was part of the plan. But he left her behind. That’s because three years ago, a deer tick gave her Lyme disease, making such a ride potentially very uncomfortable. She told Chris to go without her (she really is lovely). So here Chris was, at Portland’s Union Station sharing his accomplishment with me instead of Laura.

Lovely Laura, the other half of “Soulmates” (Photo courtesy their Instagram).

Chris explained that Laura was waiting for him back in Madison, Wisconsin where he lives. He obviously enjoyed his trip and looked enlivened by it even though his soulmate couldn’t be there.

It was special meeting Chris, and I know my trip, like his, would be special too. Here I was, not even on the train yet and it already was!

Onboard salty conversations

Once onboard though, delightful surprises continued. I sat in a comfy seat in the passenger car. Above me were my saddle bags in the overhead, packed with camera gear and other equipment, my computer and iPad.

Several hundred feet behind me, in a separate car, hung my bike. It swayed on its cargo hook, as the train curved along the tracks that passed over Portland’s Willamette River.

Once in Southern Washington, I treated myself to a hot chocolate, one of my favorite beverages. I make a delicious hot chocolate at home. Torani sugar free vanilla flavored syrup, Trader Joe’s chocolate powder, marshmallows, and my secret ingredient: salt, all go into my cocoa concoction.

The brew I enjoy most in fall and winter. Hot cocoa made my way.

Because of this, I tempered my expectations as I figured none of those would be available on the train.

They weren’t. But, just like meeting Optimistic Chris, what was available delighted me still.

At the snack car, a young woman greeted me with a smile so wide and bright, it shone from behind her face cover. Tara introduced herself and asked what I wanted. When I told her I wanted a hot cocoa, I asked what kind she had. She told me and we agreed, it likely wouldn’t be as good as my concoction. I told her what my secret ingredient was.

She said she hadn’t tried that, but thought it would make ordinary, watery cocoa better, so she showed me where the salt packets hung out.

Train wide recognition

While Tara prepared my cocoa (sans marshmallows) we chatted a bit. We talked about her namesake (she was named after her father) and how she likes her cocoa rich too, like me. So she adds two packs instead of one when she makes cocoa at home. I didn’t miss the two now-empty Swiss Miss packages on her stainless steel prep station beside my paper cup. 🙏🏾🥰

Minutes later, Tara handed me the hot cup. What happened next surprised me.

“You get my favorite customer award,” Tara said. “Your cocoa is on the house.”

“That’s crazy!” I exclaimed. “Today’s my birthday!”

“I must have sensed it!” she said, her smile beaming again through her mask.

Tara the day maker for whom I made the day!

Settling back into my seat with cocoa in hand, I didn’t realize Tara’s wasn’t through with me. Her voice came over the intercom.

“We have a special passenger on board today. Happy birthday Perry!” She said.

My ride really begins…

The train arrived in Seattle late, but in one piece. So did my bike and I. I retrieved my Surly from an admiring cargo car attendant, attached my panniers and slowly rode down the platform, through the station and out onto Seattle’s streets.

End of the line at Seattle King Station.

The rest of the morning and early afternoon were wonderful, filled with Seattle’s sights and sounds, including portions of the Puget Sound I spied from bikeways on my way through downtown.

Seattle has a surprisingly good bike trail system. The trail catching my interest on my birthday was the Burke-Gillman Trail, one of the city’s premier riding trails.

My adventure primarily focused on this 27-mile, multi-use recreational trail, running from Ballard to Bothell, Washington.

First I took a detour to a bagel shop my housemate recommended. Their Lox sandwich didn’t disappoint, which I ate at Gas Works Park. There, right on the water, I took in beautiful weather, and the oddest looking water vessel I had ever seen:

It’s a boat…made out of a hot tub!
The best bagel I’ve ever had.

More fun and leisure

Other stops along my ride offered interesting scenery, views of things I hadn’t seen before, and parks along waterways at which I lounged during breaks.

Riding along a downtown waterside trail.
Parked beside a wonderful view.
The destination trail: Burke Gillman.
More Burke Gillman.
Gas Works Park
Seattle Skyline from Gas Works Park.
A submarine commemoration park along my ride.
Fins galore…I find out why…

The real adventure starts

While hanging out at that park where the fins were, I kept close eye on the clock. I wanted to catch my train and knew I needed about the same amount of time it took me to get to the park, to get back to the station.

About an hour later, it was near time to go back. I packed my things, then mounted my Surly. A third of the way towards the station, I received a text message from Amtrak:

My train was going to be an hour late departing. So instead of rushing back to the station I took my time.

When I arrived at 6:17pm, the security guard outside the station must have known what was up. He looked and me and shook his head then said “you’re here for the 507?”

“Yes,” I said.

“I’m sorry man,” he said. “It left already.”

I must have shown shock because before I could pull out my phone and show him the text, he said “I know. You’re not the only one. You get a text or an email?”

“Text” I said.

What happened?

He told me to go to the ticket counter. Five people ranging from frustrated to furious milled around. One irate woman shouted “Somebody better get fired for this!”

Meanwhile Brittany, the Amtrak agent, explained what happened. After that, her manager came out and apologized too.

“A miscommunication happened on our part,” He said. He offered refunds or reschedules for the next day. Everyone there lived in Seattle, so it was no big deal for them, most said.

But I had no change of clothes, no toothbrush, nothing. Rains were on the way and I didn’t want to sleep overnight in my 58 year old body on a Seattle King Station wooden bench.

That’s when Brittany caught my eye. When she pulled me aside, I explained my situation again. She apologized and took notes of my case.

The Lovely Brittany.

Brittany told me I should write to Amtrak customer relations. But she couldn’t guarantee anything would happen. Meanwhile I needed someplace to stay. I told Brittany, quite confidently, that Amtrak would reimburse me for a hotel and asked her to direct me to the nearest one.

She pointed to the Embassy Suites right next to the station. Then she offered storage space for my bike. I stored my bike then walked over to the hotel. Ben, the front desk attendant met me with a smile. I smiled back and happily told my story, then asked for the cheapest room in the place, adding that I was sure Amtrak would reimburse me.

Ben told me he’d hook me up for the night and not to worry. Handing me the key card and giving the overview spiel, he then said “let me know what you think about the room.”

Knocking my nickers off!

Ben had done a number on me. In a good way. He gave me a corner suite. It had a gargantuan bathroom, a kitchenette, living room and separate bedroom suite. A giant flat screen TV occupied the living room wall…and bedroom wall. Both sported a personalized greeting.

A quick tour of the room Ben gave me. It’s spacious.

Needless to say Ben earned my admiration. The entire staff, in fact, did. For the next morning, they treated me to the most scrumptious hotel breakfast I’ve ever had.

I enjoyed my evening. In fact, after touring the room and thanking Ben profusely for his generosity, I realized now I could go get that ice cream a friend recommended I experience. I figured hours ago I didn’t have time to visit, but not any more!

I only got the empty cup to show for it. Trust me, it was yummy!

Nom nom. Ae delicious treat I enjoyed to the last slurp.

Home, making my case

The next morning was uneventful, with the ride home a calm experience. From Seattle to Centralia I passed the time with a woman who, like me, had engaged in psychedelics. My preference: ayahuasca. Her’s: mushrooms, which she enjoyed the night before. We talked about our experiences, about art, mantras and perceiving life differently from most people.

When I got home I went into crafting my email to Amtrak. I called their Customer Relations department, got the correct email address and dashed off my perspective in a fun, positive story, just like what I’m sharing here. I included many of the same photos, including this one of me using a hair dryer to dry my only pair of underwear, which I washed in the bathroom sink.

My dirty drawers, now cleaned and drying under the hair dryer’s blast.

You can read my email here. It’s a pdf version saved to my cloud drive.

A month passed without hearing anything. So I called and spoke to a lovely Customer Relations person, who I told I was happy to meet her and that I was going to make her day by being her best telephone call. When she laughed I asked her name. Tonya, she said.

Meanwhile, I heard her fingers clicking across a keyboard. Moments later she said “Well, looks like someone reviewed your email [yesterday].”

“That’s great,” I said. “That means they haven’t rejected it.”

“You sure are positive,” she said.

“Yes, I am,” I said, smiling at her recognizing my super power.

A few minutes later, Tonya told me someone would get back to me in a few days. A few days later, someone did. Adam Bland from Amtrak Customer Relations wrote me a lovely email. Here’s what it said:

A happy ending

The Charmed Life looks like this trip. Where everything I do and everything I encounter fulfills me deeply. People I meet are friendly angels looking to amplify my already high-flying joy.

More of my life includes ongoing events just like what I experienced on this trip. That’s not surprising, for I now enjoy a Positively Focused momentum which perpetuates the Charmed Life I enjoy. I write about those experiences in this blog each week.

Experiences on this trip proved how being Positively Focused creates that life where everything works out for me. This hyper-condensed series of fantastic-seeming experiences can be anyone’s. I’m not special.

All that’s needed is desire then a commitment to seeing the best in everything and everyone. In other words finding the positive side of life.

My birthday started great, but it got far better because of my attitude. The rest of my life is shaping similarly. So can yours.

How To Create An Ideal Partner

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

I want to manifest a partner, but I cannot visualize how I want her to be like, etc. What can I do by using the Law of Attraction?

What there is to do now is relax and enjoy the process of drawing this person to you. Not worrying about “visualizing how you want her to be like”. That work already is done.

You’ve already done what you need to do through living your life and having partners who showed you more clearly what you wanted, by being what you don’t want. Your Broader Perspective is now holding that new person “out there” for you.

Your job now is to line up with that person who is “out there”. How?

Now have fun

By enjoying your life, finding things to be interested in and appreciating and expanding into the person who eventually will become a match to this person. The only thing keeping that person “out there” instead of in your bed is, you’re not yet a match to her. Were you a match, she’d be there already.

So enjoy the process of becoming and watch how quickly she shows up.

Each partner you’ve had were stepping stones to this person you want now. Most people don’t like this answer, because they think that turns people you’ve been with into means to ends.

Your nows become better nows

But every now experience is a means to future, better nows. Same goes with people. Your life is a continuing process of becoming more and better in all cases that you don’t resist by thinking contrary thoughts to what you want.

But even contrary thoughts benefit because they will – like all thoughts – create realities matching them. So you can see what thoughts dominate your attention, which tells you want’s coming in your future. That’s how you can track towards futures you want.

Including future partners.

Most people don’t know this though. So they flounder, getting some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t. Including sucky love lives…

Don’t be one of those people.

Find your alignment with what you want. You know when you’re aligned when you find life a wonderful ride on the way to what you’re wanting.

Then you have what you want: A wonderful life. The girl then becomes icing on the cake.

Why I Find Joy In Great Little Things

I love staying in the now. Here, in the present moment, I find delight in nearly everything. Of course, everything is love because All That Is is exactly and only that.

But, as most people know, it’s hard seeing life that way when mired in thoughts inconsistent with love.

A recent client shared an experience illustrating what I mean. After her intake session, we talked about emotions and their function. Having not heard what we talked about, she shared what she learned with a friend.

She explained about the Positively Focused approach, how emotions mean a lot, and how people can live in perpetual happiness, but often don’t. Then she shared a list of emotions we talked about, which ranks them from most negative to most positive.

The charmed life awaits

“Wow,” her friend said, looking at the list. “I hardly ever experience these more positive emotions.”

Of course, most people live in that state, mostly feeling something between boredom or anxiety or worse. Rarely does someone feel love, appreciation, joy or positive expectation. So when they do come, people feel surprised, not knowing these states can exist as permanent life conditions.

Cultivating such life conditions comes from implementing a set of tools which produce what I call the Charmed Life. Such lives are available to all.

But enjoying such a life requires near constant positive focus. Some balk at that. They say “I don’t want to focus all the time.” But they don’t get that such diligence, practiced at the beginning, results in consistent experience going forward. In other words, it’s a very small price to pay for lasting happiness.

And, when one does put diligent focus into practice….they’re happy. Is that really a price being paid?

I don’t think so.

Part of my practice includes enjoying life’s little things. Doing that, I find joy everywhere. No wonder the bike ride I recently took brought so much satisfaction. So much so, I made a film about the journey. Check it out, especially the nature surprise in the middle.