An Excellent Example Of Why I Trust Spiritual Guidance

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author shares how they developed a connection with their inner self that they use to create happier life experiences, by following guidance they get from their “Broader Perspective”, a nonphysical component of their total being.

Yesterday, my Broader Perspective encouraged me to not eat when I got home. I love my body. I love it looking a particular way and feeling a particular way as well. My Broader Perspective knows this, of course.

So when I went for my walk, they encouraged me through their “still silent voice” to not have another meal when I returned home. I argued a little bit, asking whether a light snack, like popcorn, or maybe a hotdog, would be OK. But in either case I got no response: When I feel goose bumps or shivers in my body, that’s them saying “yes”. When I get no response, that’s them saying “no”.

I was a little poopy about their “no”, but decided to follow their guidance.

Then, this morning, when I did my morning routine, which includes measuring my weight and body composition, I was delighted to discover that I hit my target weight.

This may seem like an insignificant achievement. And yet, seemingly insignificant achievements, comprise the vast amount of data, results or manifestations, proving we can trust spiritual guidance. It is this trust built on insignificant achievements that then allows us to trust guidance on more significant, desired achievements. Achievements like shapeshifting, teleporting, astral travel and manifesting huge piles of money.

Enjoying our expansion

I love knowing this. And I have a vast treasure trove of “insignificant achievements” which has me deeply trusting guidance I get from the spiritual realm, spearheaded by my Broader Perspective. That’s why I aspire to these impossible-seeming achievements. Like shapeshifting, for example.

Developing strong connections with our Broader Perspective, our spiritual guidance, inspires very lofty goals. And that’s exactly what we’re here to experience. We’re here, on this planet, in this physical reality, to enjoy our expansion. Our expansion happens whether we want it or not. But our experiences of that expansion are up to us.

Look around. Many of us aren’t enjoying that experience. When I ask people what emotions they routinely experience in their life, almost everyone says they range between eight and below on this scale of emotions:

Most people when asked rarely experience life at five or higher on this scale.

Rarely do people experience life in the range of five and higher. And yet, that kind of daily experience, that kind of moment-by-moment happiness, can be everyone’s experience. It just requires practice, then seeing proof proving the practice works. When a person sees that proof, they want more proof, bigger proof. In a short while, the body of proof becomes overwhelming.

Part of that overwhelming body of proof includes building a relationship with one’s Broader Perspective. A relationship in which the person hears their Broader Perspective’s guidance. This is an important part of the practice I offer clients. Nothing beats receiving spiritual guidance, following it, and seeing the guidance prove accurate.

A spiritual assistant

Trusting spiritual guidance takes away life’s uncertainty. We don’t need to feel doubt or worry. Life becomes rich and full. Before long, our confidence grows. Then we start feeling, more and more, the upper range of emotions on that scale above. We feel them more frequently. Until they become our natural state.

That’s how we create happy lives. And that’s what our Broader Perspectives want for us. That’s because that’s their experience of our lives. So why shouldn’t we experience what they experience?

My Broader Perspective always suggests things they know I’ll experience the most satisfaction through. Every morning, when I wake, I receive a message from them. They offer something I should do. Doing that thing, I always feel fulfilled.

Long ago, I used to carry a Franklin Planner. It was a miniature 3-ring binder. The Franklin company sold inserts which turned the binder into a kind of personal assistant. Palm Pilots, Blackberry devices and iPhones replaced those paper assistants. But back in the day, I used that thing like it was going out of style. I kept all kinds of to-do lists. I wrote short and long term goals and kept notes about what I was doing.

These days, I rarely use to-do lists. Instead, I let my Broader Perspective guide me, moment by moment, along my daily journey. Following its guidance, I can relax and let it lead me through life. I find it extremely assuring knowing I have this spiritual assistant leading me to everything I want. Everything that will increase my joy.

Trusting the assistance

To be clear, Broader Perspective isn’t something outside of me. My Broader Perspective, and yours, is me and you. It’s the larger part of us that’s too big to fit in a physical body.

We shunt ourselves into two parts when we become human. One part of us “fills” our bodies and lives our lives. The other part remains in nonphysical. It enjoys a bird’s eye view of our life trajectory.

From there, it can see all the probable future realities available to us. As such, it can see which paths offer the most joy, the most fun, and the most direct path to what we want. What we want is a direct contribution to All That Is’ expansion. So our Broader Perspective always guides us to paths which fulfill our wants, paths with the greatest satisfaction.

Our Broader Perspective constantly sends us these messages. I’m sure you’ve felt them. But maybe you misinterpreted them. Or realized after not heeding the message that you indeed had a “gut feeling” or an “intuition”. Imagine always realizing that communication moment-by-moment, following it immediately, then seeing how doing that works out every time. Can you see how much you would grow to trust it?

That’s my experience now, after over a decade of learning to hear, then heed the guidance.

Again, our Broader Perspective constantly guides us to ALL our desires. Even those we may think are unworthy desires for All That Is to focus on. All That Is doesn’t judge our desires. It just leads us to all of them. Again, fulfilled desires are the process through which All That Is expands.

So our Broader Perspective also leads us to things like that new car, house, lover or big pile of money as well as fulfillment, joy and “spiritual enlightenment”.

A happy life and something more

There’s nothing like knowing I have a part of me guiding me to everything I want. It’s even cooler seeing it unerringly doing that, so that I can trust its guidance. This morning’s insignificant-seeming manifestation, therefore, isn’t insignificant at all. It’s one more piece of evidence contributing to the growing trust I’m putting in my Broader Perspective; that part of me guiding me to everything I want.

Again, everyone has this part of them guiding them. But we all have free will, so we must choose to hear then heed messages we get. My clients and I are learning to trust such messages even more because doing so leads to a happy life. One where everything we want happens easily and in perfect timing.

There’s nothing like a happy life. Except a happy life full of fulfilled desires!

The Spectacular Life Is Scary For Most People. Me Included.

Photo by Rodrigo Curi on Unsplash

I once had a female housemate named Debbie. She left her “real job” for a calling. Instead of that “real job”, she wanted to become a life coach. This was back in the day when “life coaching” was the thing. At the time, I too had just left my “real job” in pursuit of startups. So it was nice living with someone else who took the road less traveled.

Months went by and Debbie wasn’t making much progress as a life coach. I don’t know why she wasn’t succeeding. But one day, I happened to see her in passing at the house. In that moment, I knew Debbie had lost her dream.

The look on her face was obvious: nearly out of money, Debbie probably feared what she thought would happen next. She didn’t need to say anything. The dread on her face and tears in her eyes spoke volumes. I remember giving her a long embrace. I told her it would be ok.

She stayed with me in my house a couple more months. Then she moved out. She moved to another state, got a job for a utility and, today, as far as I can tell, is happy. She married. Got a dog. She’s gotten back into dance, something she loves. As far as I know, life is good for Debbie.

Giving the cold shoulder to our calling

As I move through circumstances associated with my calling, I know how Debbie felt. So many of us accept mainstream beliefs. Tow that line long enough and life shapes to those beliefs. Then we fall into a pattern. We’re successfully earning our living. We maybe have a family. Life’s pleasures keep us in that pattern.

I know: I lived exactly that life.

So when our passion calls us, we don’t easily hear it. Maybe we do, but we won’t follow it. Life is too good as it is, however it is. We have friendships, lovers. We have good, stable jobs. Of those who do try following the call, many don’t make it. Like Debbie. We try, but our old beliefs, those having us choose the mainstream, normal life won’t accept new ideas. Even if, in the long run, those new ideas would give us more satisfaction and joy. Far more than our mainstream life.

Mainstream beliefs will push back against anyone who dares to follow their dreams. So those called must overcome emotions old beliefs spark. Emotions warning us we may become homeless, penniless or failures. Beliefs saying life outside the safe mainstream, is too scary.

Even among the daring, many will not overcome scary thoughts about the future, risk and what others might think. I don’t blame Debbie for turning back. This path is not for the faint of heart. My own life offers sobering tales which would scare most people from trying what I’m doing. Most people won’t even begin. Let alone go as far as I have.

Most people never hear a calling. Many who do, give it the cold shoulder. Some try following it, but give in to fear. Fears destroys dreams. (Photo by Rodrigo Curi on Unsplash)

Is it worth it?

But my experience also proves it’s so worth it. It’s really scary at times. But I know what “fear” means. Yes, there’s that “False Evidence Appearing Real” thing. But fear also is a beneficial emotion, like all emotions. Understand what it’s saying and we can make our fear more compliant with our desires. More compliant with the path to which our calling draws us.

It takes a while transmuting emotions keeping us from living spectacular lives. That transmutation process, then, isn’t for the faint of heart. Most people won’t try. And the majority of people living ordinary, happy lives proves we don’t need to try to be happy.

Some of us do try, however. Others, like me, are called and the calling won’t take no for an answer. We are those who dare. It’s scary, yes. But the path, at least so far, is extremely rewarding. I believe it will be far more rewarding in the future too. Right now, it brings me extraordinary experiences I write about in this blog. Experiences convincing me I’ve made the right choice.

In reality though, I really had no choice. Repeating myself: My calling would not take no for an answer.

Is mainstream, ordinary success available on this path? I believe so. Money, influence, relevance and all that are coming. But first, I must believe I’m worthy of my calling.

Debbie gave up too early in my opinion. Was her’s a wrong decision? For her, I can’t say it was. She’s happy after all. At least that’s what it looks like on social media.

But for me, nothing short of the Charmed Life will do. And so, I’m committed to the very end. An end I expect will be spectacular.

Why People Create Tragedies For Themselves And Others

Photo by Peter Schulz on Unsplash

All beliefs create reality. It doesn’t matter if the belief is “true” or “false, “right” or “wrong”. In time, any belief will create reality consistent with it. Which explains the importance of positive focus.

So many examples prove this. It’s amazing so many continue thinking “you create your reality” is wishful thinking. When the world is awash in examples showing how people create their reality exactly this way. How? By focusing on a belief until the belief proves true.

One example sticks in my mind. It sticks for good reasons. One, because of the near-tragedy that could have ensued. And two, because the person involved, Edgar Maddison Welch, believed a preposterous story. A story which he believed so strongly, he acted as though it were true.

Because for him, it was true. Today, Welch regrets taking action on such preposterously false ideas. That didn’t help him though on December 4, 2016.

Pizza…and pedophiles

The idea involved politicians, pizza and a certain taboo. Someone concocted a now widely discredited conspiracy linking prominent democrats and restaurants with human trafficking and child sex. Just to reiterate: so many media outlets have discredited the story. Including Fox News.

Yet, the story quickly went viral. The owner of one restaurant falsely claimed to be involved said he and his employees were constantly threatened:

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault. I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized.”

Again, not one aspect of the conspiracy proved true. And yet, many, many people acted as though they were true. In other words, their beliefs, amplified by several negative emotions, including frustration, insecurity and fear, didn’t allow them to see obvious evidence disproving the conspiracy.

Even false beliefs will occur as true. If the people think the belief long enough, frequently enough, evidence will quickly begin accumulating. The evidence could occur as wildly off base to others. But people thinking the beliefs will discredit the disproving evidence in favor of the [false] evidence. In time, the beliefs will draw so much “proof” the people’s behaviors will align with the beliefs. Then the belief, for practical purposes is “true” to the believer. Then those who get caught up in the created reality suffer tragedies. The belief becomes true for them too in experiential terms.

This is how tragedies happen. And this is how the near-disaster related to Pizzagate happened too. Which brings us back to Welch.

A near mass shooting

For Welch, 24, these false conspiracies were true. So much so, he felt he must act. So he left his home in North Carolina. He headed north to a restaurant purported to be part of the conspiracy. He brought an assault rifle with him. Planning to “investigate the conspiracy,” Welch fired three shots into the restaurant. Luckily, the bullets hit no one.

Later, when police arrested him, Welch saw himself as, in his own words, “…the potential hero of the story—a rescuer of children”, as told to the Skeptical Inquirer. While no one was hurt, the outcome could have been different.

Welch’s experience and so many more illustrate how any belief can become true. Even flawed ones. This explains why it’s so important that people understand how “thoughts become things,” as Abraham puts it.

In fact, a recent email from them makes this very clear:

Abraham once again making it plain.

It can go either way

What’s really great about situations like this is, if flawed premises can create “truth”, what about premises based on the how the Universe actually works?

I mean, if all beliefs will eventually prove true, then it seems it behooves people to focus on beliefs consistent with what they want to experience, right? That’s the premise of the Positively Focused approach. The Charmed Life, the life I write about here constantly, is nothing other than a premise based on how the Universe actually works.

That means, so long as one believes in accordance with how the Universe works and how it’s oriented, they can create any “truth” they like. And that means the world can contain ANY belief. Any belief held long enough will prove true. So why not make your truth something you’d prefer? Rather than a truth you’d not prefer?

That’s what I show my clients every week. How to create “truths” they want to experience. When those truths become overwhelming, then they experience their own version of the Charmed Life. From there, life gets really fun.

Life can go either way. I say, why not make it go the way you want?

What Real Supernatural Gifts Look Like

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Coming on the heels of several remarkable supernatural developments in my personal practice, today I’ll share some interesting experiences I’ve had in my life. They show me everyone can develop superhuman abilities.

That’s right. I’ve enjoyed what people would call “supernatural abilities”. They emerged as part of my Positively Focused practice. It’s only now that even more impressive abilities are emerging. That’s because my belief in such things is increasing every day. And, as I assert here always, belief creates reality.

As I wrote before, everyone possesses these abilities. Expressing them, however, is another matter. Especially abilities such as astral travel, teleportation and perceiving past and future. But all these and more are possible for all of us. That’s because we are not human. We are more than human.

Seemingly superhuman capabilities mark the Mastery Level of the Positively Focused practice. They also come after a persistent expression of the Charmed Life I write about. None of my clients are at this level. But some are getting close.

So what kind of abilities have happened in my life?

Divine guidance on command

On an educational tour of China some time ago, I found myself in the middle of Shanghai, a massive Chinese city. In a park I met a gaggle of girls selling tea. They roped me in, then took me on a meandering path through the city by foot. The city was massive and DENSE with grey concrete buildings. Other than the park I saw, it was concrete, glass and steel, everywhere.

They eventually lead me through an equally massive shopping mall. It must have been three to seven levels. Shops were crammed in there as densely as buildings in the city. I had no idea where I was. Then we came to a tea shop. The owner greeted me. Long story short, I walked out with a bunch of tea. After rejoining my group, the group leader informed me I’d been scammed. Apparently this happens to a lot of people.

Shanghai, China. To my western eyes, every block looked identical (Photo by Rafael Banha on Unsplash)

Incensed, I wanted to confront the proprietor. But I had NO IDEA how to find that shop again. Then I calmed myself. I tapped into my Broader Perspective and said “lead me to that tea shop.” Then started walking. I turned whenever my intuition said so.

You can imagine the tea shop owner’s surprise when I showed up at his shop! We had words and I walked away whole. Afterward, I marveled at how I found that place. It was a needle in a massive number of concrete haystacks!

Jedi-like reflexes

While in the Marines a while ago, I carried my wallet in my hand. I preferred not having it in my pocket. One day, while walking down the street, I got the distinct impression that I needed to look behind me. I had my wallet in my left hand. To look behind me, I pivoted to the right. Just as I did so, I saw a guy running at me on my left. He was going after my wallet! I looked him right in the eye as I lifted my left hand over my head, making it impossible to grab my wallet. He kept running.

Another similar instance happened years later. As I walked to my office downtown, I passed a group of four homeless youths. One held a skateboard. As I passed around them, my senses picked up hostility coming from behind me. Then my Broader Perspective encouraged me to turn around.

Good thing I did. The guy with the skateboard had wound up with the board over his head to hit me. I possess a third degree black belt certification in nine different martial arts. So my sixth sense, cultivated from that training, took over. I moved in exact flow with his movements. I wasn’t moving. My Broader Perspective was moving me. I think it was clear to the guy and his fellows that he had bit off more than he could chew. He and his fellows turned a corner and ran the other way before things escalated.

Skateboarding and violence can get you hurt! (Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash)

Alternate dimensional perception

Then there are experiences I’m having today. In my Positively Focused Advanced Practice Meditations, I’m visiting alternate dimensions and bringing back such experiences with remarkable clarity. My consciousness literally leaves my body and I find myself in other “places”.

These began as brief flashes. But these days, they’re happening in much longer duration and detail. Like this one:

An example from my journal of a series of departures during one Advanced Practice session.

These experiences are just the beginning. As I wrote before, evidence of more powerful abilities are emerging from within me. These are happening as natural byproducts of aligning to All That Is consciousness.

Such abilities are available to us all. Some can realize them on their own. Others benefit from a guide. If you want to experience your superhuman capability, but don’t know where to start, I’m available.

The benefit of such practices isn’t the abilities themselves. It’s the discovery of our eternal nature. A nature that exists in many dimensions simultaneously. That awareness not only triggers or activates supernatural abilities. It also enables one to create whatever life they desire.

A life which includes ultimate states of unshakable happiness. To me, such a life is worth cultivating. If you think so too and want to know how to cultivate your charmed superhuman life contact me.

Why Humanity Will Never Destroy Itself

Photo by Wylly Suhendra on Unsplash

It’s amazing humanity hasn’t killed itself off. Or is it?

I know humanity will never destroy itself. That’s because there’s no way for it to do so. Too many points of consciousnesses support humanity. Meanwhile everything on the planet also flows positive energy into everything else here. In other words, supportive, positive energy bathes us all. It’s so strong, nothing can counter it.

Furthermore, positivity is energy’s basic nature. Yes, energy too is alive. Every speck of matter vibrates with energy. That energy enjoys consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. That intelligence focuses itself into a massive gestalt that is All That Is.

So All That Is is positively predisposed. A Positively Focused practice “tunes” a human consciousness to that positive predisposition. Consistently focused, that human consciousness experiences the same positive predisposition in its life. It leverages the power of that massive gestalt, in other words. That gestalt’s momentum represents tremendous power.

Negative energy is empty energy

All this explains why humanity can’t end. What people call “evil” or “bad” has no inherent reality on its own. Evil, exists, that’s for sure. But the absence of this positive energy referred to above gives “life” to evil. Because of that, evil cannot amass enough momentum to overwhelm positive momentum. Evil is a dead end. Positivity always prevails.

We’ve seen this in every case. All our world wars ended. Enough nukes exists to end humanity many times over. Yet, they’ve only been used once. Coups happen all over. Yet, those nations with the greatest positive momentum, prevail despite such attempts.

That’s because people bent on hate, rage and insecurity align themselves with this “absence of positive energy”. In absence, leverage doesn’t exist, only association. This explains why evil doers often act alone. Or they assemble groups of weak, ineffective people. Groups which, eventually, positive forces overpower.

The weak can’t overpower the power of alignment to All That Is because All That Is is Positively Focused, as Abraham here asserts.

Democracy is positive

Democracy is the furthest forward manifestation of positivity as far as society goes. It enjoys tremendous positive momentum. Free markets too. Both systems have problems. But they still possess great positive leverage, which is why they endure.

For this reason, people who try overthrowing established democracies such as Germany or the United States will not succeed. They can’t amass enough momentum. They can’t because there’s no momentum in the absence of positive orientation. What those of negative intent think is momentum is really just association: They attract people of similar vibrational focus. All of whom are energetically weak.

All this means far more conscious focus maintains humanity than focus trying to destroy it.

For all these reasons and more, I remain unconcerned about humanity’s future. Humanity is here to stay. That’s a good thing.

Making Peace with “What Is” Results In Better Futures

Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

A fundamental I encourage Positively Focused clients develop is accepting “what is”. Accepting what is makes all the difference. If we want our desires to manifest, we must stop resisting them.

But one way we resist has nothing to do with our desires. This resistance happens subtly. Not realizing we’re doing it can cause great delays in creating lives we love.

Meanwhile, Law of Attraction, the process by which thoughts become things, still happens.

Ever wonder why life comes at us with a mix of good and bad? It’s usually because our thoughts contain a jumble of “good” and “bad”. We can enjoy lives full of nothing but goodness. Most don’t believe lives containing only good stuff are possible. But as Yoda says, we fail because we don’t believe. 

Yoda telling it like it is.

Seth says such lives happen rarely because they require great levels of focus and discipline. Most people aren’t willing to put in what’s required. That said, the Charmed Life requires no great amount of focus and discipline. It does require some. But those levels exist well within the reach of most people.

Pernicious non-acceptance

What most people have standing between themselves and their Charmed Life, where everything happens in line with their desires, is that subtle resistance I alluded to above, among other beliefs.

That resistance will slow down every manifesting desire. That resistance looks like any time we do not accept what is happening right in front of us. That’s right, whatever our currently reality is, must be accepted. That is, if we want something different to show up.

Here’s an example of this resistance’s subtlety. If we want something else to show up instead of what IS showing up, and because of that desire, we feel impatience or even a desire for something different, we’re resisting what is. That resistance retards change.

Because, as Abraham has said over and over, when we say “I don’t like this”, the Universe hears “give me more of this.” In other words, whatever we put our attention on is what we get more of.

Abraham once again delivering the gold.

So cultivating a state of being that accepts what is, is crucial. Then we must go beyond that and find a joyful acceptance not only of what is, but also of what is becoming, but hasn’t fully blown out into our physical life experience…yet.

That state feels like something. It’s something crucial to allowing that which we want to flow effortlessly into our lives.

Here’s a clue to what that state feels like. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about things I really enjoy that I already have?”That’s an inquiry worth making. It can open doors to tremendous possibility.

Men Are Losing Their Minds. That’s A Good Thing

Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

I love how All That Is is taking men in the direction of their evolution. It’s great seeing them struggle with identities that, frankly, could have been cast away long ago.

But since we’re all eternal, men, like the rest of us, have all the time in the Universe. Some men are kicking and screaming while the Universe drags them into a better future. A future better for the rest of us, and for the men too.

This is not to say all men have been problems. Many men, the early adopters, already evolved. Today we’re seeing bell curve men evolve. That big bulge of men in the middle of the Normal Distribution are getting a clue. Women know who these men are. So do people of color. And it’s not just white men getting clued in.

That’s another thing I love about All That Is. It happens simultaneously in the the Moment of Becoming, creating more of that which I want to see. There, every person, every living thing, gets exactly what it needs. Every moment serves our collective evolution. It’s odd though that humans resist that evolution, while everything else merrily goes along with it.

Two stories I read recently illustrate men’s progress. One describes how lonely men are. The other talked about men’s changing role in society, especially now that women enjoy greater workplace prominence, larger incomes and responsibility. Such advances, the article says, are upending male role expectations.

Today’s societies and workplaces no longer depend on male brawn to accomplish things, says one article. Income opportunities over time have shifted from blue collar, labor intensive work, to Health, Education, Administrative and Literacy (HEAL) and STEM jobs. Jobs which women can do as well as, if not better than, men.

Finding their place

As a result, more women fill workplace positions than ever before, especially in STEM and HEAL positions. Their numbers triggered better pay for women too, often making them breadwinners of their families. Something men once believed was their main purpose in life.

Not any more.

All this challenges male self-image, this idea that somehow men should rule because they are better breadwinners. That idea was always an illusion. All That Is has always been about cooperation among ALL THINGS. Not only between men and women, but also between humans and animals. The ancient ritual of providing food proves this.

Ancient man knew animals played a key part in their hunting success. It was less about men’s hunting prowess, taking their kill from nature, and much more about the ceremonial and actual cooperation between human and animal. Ancient hunters knew when, for example, a buffalo offered itself to become food for humans, that that buffalo’s act played as important a role as the hunter’s skill.

Men have had it wrong for centuries and in many ways continue getting it wrong about their place. That’s caused many problems for men, women, children and society at large. Some of those problems are dire today. Thankfully men are finally getting the message. That’s a great thing.

Thankfully too, we still have plenty of time to right civilization and distortions many humans still hold about reality as accurate that actually aren’t accurate at all. Remember, we’re all eternal. Time is not running out.

Many men already understand their role in life isn’t about being some overlord over others, especially women. But there still are a lot of men who pine for that fictional status.

Thankfully, All That Is is patient in its instruction. That patience is finally paying off.

How I Live Happy With Better Manifestation Results

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

The essence of this manifestation business is focus. The better the focus, the better the manifestations. I get better manifestations when I remember this, then put my attention, or focus, on that which I’m wanting.

“What I’m wanting” is so important. We often think we’re focused on what we want when we stand metaphorically in the desire of something. But that’s like asking a question over and over and not being willing to hear the answer.

What we really want is the answer, not the question. But in the manifestation business, we often think we fail at manifestation when we don’t get what we want. Or when it takes so long to get what we want that we give up.

But Law of Attraction is always responding to what we focus on and delivering that. So when it seems like things just keep turning out the same, instead of improving, that’s what’s happening. Law of Attraction is working. It’s just giving us what we’re focused on.

Getting what I want

We can’t keep focusing on the question and receive the answer. We also can’t focus on the desire for something and get what we desire. That’s because the desire, often feels like asking the question over and over.

Think about it. If we focus on wanting something, we still don’t possess what we want. That’s why we want what we want: we don’t have it yet. But in putting attention there, we perpetuate that state of not-having. That’s why for many, getting what they want takes very long or doesn’t happen at all.

Now some things do take a while to happen. That’s because of a couple things. One is resistance. Usually on things we want really badly, that “really badly” indicates strong desire. But it also indicates a lot of resistance in the way.

So getting that kind of manifestation requires soothing that resistance. That resistance must soothe before what we want can come in.

The other reason it may take a while is, what we’re asking for requires a lot of coordination of events in physical reality. This Law of Attraction business isn’t magic. It’s reality. And physical reality happens gradually. So we must cultivate patience.

But if we’re focused in the right place, we don’t need patience. Focused in the right place feels joyful. So much so, even the time it takes for something to happen doesn’t feel like a long time.

Which brings us back to our focus.

Abraham putting it plain.

Getting it right

What does it feel like to have the thing we want?

That’s an important question. It’s important because it highlights where we must focus to enjoy the manifestation we desire. Again, standing in the desire is fraught with shaky vibration. Standing there it’s too easy to activate the absence of what one wants. Then Law of Attraction will keep manifesting that.

But if we can feel what it feels like to already enjoy that thing we want, well then, we’re in a totally different vibration.

Feeling thrilled, or excited or happy about a full-fledged manifestation is a start. But in the absence of having what we want, it can again, be tricky staying in that feeling place. There’s a better way that’s easier.

Think about any manifestation you now enjoy. One that happened a while ago. Maybe it’s a job, or a car. Or maybe it’s better health. Are you still, now over-the-moon excited about that past manifestation? Or are you calm easy and not really thinking about it much and generally happy?

It’s likely you’re in the latter feeling place. And that’s the place you want to be in about future manifestation. Feeling as if you have it already feels like that. Calm, easy fun.

It’s a pro tip

No resistance exists in a place where we just accept what is and feel open and empowered and generally happy about life. That’s the sweet spot for allowing in future manifestation. In that place we don’t think about what’s coming. Or maybe we touch on it, but we don’t stay there long enough to trigger doubt or shaky faith. We touch on it, then go right back to accepting what we have. Acknowledging what’s come is a good way to stay in this powerful place.

I practice that often. Whenever I sense a dip in my disposition, I run through all the wonderful manifestations that have come. In short order I’m right back to feeling good. Rarely do I feel dips because I keep a running journal of everything happening in the day. I highlight dreams I experience as well as experiences I enjoy while in meditation.

In this way I perpetuate feelings consistent with vibrations aligned with my Broader Perspective. My Broader Perspective stands constantly looking forward to what’s coming, knowing Law of Attraction has it all handled. I want to stand there as much as possible too.

It’s not a bouncing-off-the-walls feeling. It’s a calm, empowered, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly in my Charmed Life.

What Happens When Clients Share Their Amazing Lives

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the Charmed Life I promise. Some clients, however, want more. That’s why I created an Advanced Practice level. That practice takes one’s joy to places which amplify the Charmed Life beyond people’s wildest dreams.

I like working with Advanced Practice clients. Because with them, I can share things other clients aren’t ready to believe. Then we can together practice making those unbelievable things happen in our lives.

It’s taking “you are God in human form” and making that a real life experience.

An advance practitioner recently suggested I convene a group session of people who, like her, enjoy advanced practices so much, they want to share their experiences. So I started a monthly group session practice two months ago.

The results so far are astounding.

Limitless possibilities

Participants are starting to see how no limits restrict how wonderful life can get. The Charmed Life I promise clients represents an unlimited upward spiral of delightful life experiences. These experiences get better and better, causing one to wonder “what else can I do, be or have?”

I think that’s why the client suggested starting a group session. She figured she could amplify her own Charmed Life through listening to others’ stories. Of course, she was right.

Lisa exclaiming about how great the recent advanced practice Positively Focused monthly session went.

Notice what Lisa said above?

Sometimes people hear about Positively Focused and ask whether it’s like counseling. But Lisa’s right. The Positively Focused practice is not at all like counseling. First, it’s based on deep, accurate knowledge of how the Universe works. This spiritual knowledge when put into action, creates results so convincing and so powerful, one can’t help but feel the way Lisa described herself here. Second, we’re not trying to fix something wrong or broken. And third, I don’t know of any counseling theory based on the premise that we all are God in human form.

Positively Focused is not counseling. Instead, it’s a confirmation of what everyone is: God in human form, here to express and create as such.

More than the price of admission

But that’s the nature of all reality. We’re all creating our own experiential Universe. And when we get a handle on that, we can powerfully create anything we want. The only limit: What we believe.

The more a person does that, the stronger, happier and more empowered one feels. That’s worth the price of admission! And all my advanced clients agree.

Some Advanced Praticioners raving…

Getting together with people, all whom are discovering they’re God in human form, takes this “you create your reality” business to a whole other level. When a person experiences another’s experience through that other person’s new Positively Focused perspective, entire new realities open up.

What’s more, this practice changes people. They exude something special others pick up. It’s a calmness, a certainty, a clarity that’s unmistakable. That unmistakeable reality of presence is attractive. Clients who experience it want more.

The upward spiral

Clients experiencing the group session feel their presence reflected back to them by other advanced participants. It’s here that clients really get the power of the practice. When they see it in others, they can feel it more in themselves. When that happens, when they see it happening in others’ lives, they want it more in their lives.

That’s the upward spiral I write about often. It happens in every practitioner’s life. But when an advanced practitioner sees it happening in another’s life, it’s just more confirmation the practice works.

And that’s the wonderful gift Lisa offered to other advance practitioners in suggesting we meet monthly. So far, it turns out she was onto something.

I’m glad I listened to her suggestion.

Here’s Why Avoiding Documentaries Is Really Good Advice

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Documentary films often include an unknown danger for most people, which is why it’s really good advice to not watch so many. Or any at all. Here’s why.

I recently watched a documentary called Human Playground narrated by actor Idris Elba. It’s a series about humanity’s supposed preoccupation with games. Particularly games originating from us needing to survive, fight, kill and endure pain. One episode, for example, explores humans living on the Steppes of Far East Asia. Their sport: game hunting using Golden Eagles.

The same episode follows Amy Palmiero-Winters, the first female amputee to compete in the grueling Marathon des Sables. Marathon Des Sables is a six-day, 156 mile ultramarathon. Rules require runners to carry everything they need with them as they run what essentially is six regular marathons back-to-back. Meanwhile, a camel walks behind the pack of runners. Those the camel overtakes before crossing the finish line are out of the race.

Palmiero-Winters doesn’t win. In fact, she doesn’t finish. Instead, she ends up in a horrible-to-watch fetal grimace as EMTs inject her with fluids. Other aids help with excruciating leg cramps she has even as she screams in pain from the help they offer.

Photo of the first British Runners to complete the Marathon des Sables (Dr Mike Stroud OBE, Rene Nevola, Richard Cooper and Prof Mike Lean). (Photo By Rene Nevola – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Laughing out loud

It’s all great TV. And it would otherwise be harmless entertainment if I didn’t know what I know. The problem with Elba’s documentary, and many such films, is a dangerous overreach reinforcing disempowering beliefs humans spread to one another like a rampant COVID mutation.

For example, less than two minutes into Rites of Passage, the third installment of the series, Elba offers what seems like an innocuous assertion. But the words flowing from his mouth are as powerful, if not more so, as they are seemingly harmless.

The show begins with the camera closing in on a fog-enshrouded village in Madagascar. At village center is a group of brown people. Elba sets up the scene with an ominous VoiceOver.

“Birth,” Elba says. “Is a lottery. We don’t get to choose the culture we’re born into. Which means, we don’t get to choose the games we play either.”

On it’s face, this statement is so ridiculous, I literally laughed out loud when I heard it. But then I thought about millions or tens of millions of people who will hear what he said and unconsciously accept Elba’s words as true.

Elba is a popular entertainment figure. Many love him, and for good reason. The problem accompanying such fame and adoration should be obvious. Just because Elba, or any famous person, merits fame for their talents, doesn’t qualify them on any other subject. But many people take their words as though backed by something substantial just because of their celebrity.

Madagascar is the location for one episode of the documentary Human Playground. (Photo by gemmmm 🖤 on Unsplash)

Mind your thoughts, Luke

Make no mistake, Elba’s talents shine as an actor. Box office receipts substantiate the assertion. When it comes to acting, Elba is an authority.

But Elba and many people like him, including documentarians, don’t understand squat about how reality happens.

The problem lies not only in Elba’s ignorance, but also in the power of suggestion. The power of suggestion is a neutral force. However, that neutrality masks its effectiveness. Few people consciously understand suggestion’s power. By “suggestion” I mean words, thoughts, beliefs, their underlying vibration and that vibration’s electromagnetism.

Humans live literally swimming in a sea of suggestions. It’s why Yoda and other Jedi Masters exhort their padewans be mindful of their thoughts and feelings. Yoda knew thoughts pack a tremendous punch. The unconscious mind will readily accept nearly any suggestion vibrationally matching one’s dominant vibrational momentum.

The vast majority of people don’t understand “thoughts create reality”. So they unwittingly expose themselves to all kinds of disempowering suggestions. Internet memes, ad and election campaign slogans, even “news” messaging come packed with suggestion. Some vehicles deliver relatively harmless suggestions. Others communicate awful suggestions. Some reinforce ideas so disempowering, they disconnect people from their experience as God in human form.

Instead of minding one’s thoughts, as Yoda urges, most people’s subconscious indiscriminately gobbles up all kinds of suggestive messages. And it all happens with the human largely oblivious.

That obliviousness made Fox News and Fox News mirror doppelgänger MSNBC rich and powerful. It’s also causing great misery among many Americans. Americans who turn on one another on political, religious and racial grounds.

Life reflects belief

Elba’s statement above represents suggestions which disconnect people from their Godhood. They’re so innocuous sounding, they go unchecked. Such suggestions go right by conscious awareness and into the subconscious. From there, they create reality.

But Elba’s assertion – made as though it’s fact – is not fact. A simple process of discovery will reveal that we do indeed choose when, where, and every other birth factor. That includes our parents, economic situations and, yes, the culture and games in that culture. Unfortunately for many, this discovery process necessarily takes a while. So few will do it long enough to discover they choose everything they experience.

The results are so convincing, however, it makes Elba’s assertion, and his ignorance, laughable, which is why I laughed when he said what he said.

Elba’s assertion that we come into the world as through a lottery, acts at subtle levels. Once accepted, they generate insecurity in the individual. That insecurity attracts other suggestions with similar electromagnetic properties. People unwittingly then create lives filled with random, risky and unfavorable situations. Other people are seen as scary and threatening, especially those who look or think differently.

If a person believes life is random, by definition, one has no control over life. That makes life a risky, scary proposition. People immersed in such insecurity often deny their insecurity. But a life filled with “ups and downs”, or mostly downs, comes from unwittingly accepting such disempowering suggestions as “Birth is a lottery.”

Of course all beliefs prove true if believed long enough. Then, the person will defend their beliefs as true. Even when those beliefs create extremely painful, miserable, dangerous and frightening life experiences.

Most documentaries fill our heads with unhealthy suggestions. Which is why I watch hardly any. (Photo by Chandler Media on Unsplash)

Most documentaries aren’t worth watching

A lot of documentaries become successful based on the enraging nature of their content. Often, the more enraging the content, the more popular the documentary gets. And it’s those very documentaries we all might want to consider avoiding like the plague.

I don’t use the world “plague” lightly. For just like a plague, such documentaries spread like viruses. They infect us with negative suggestions while rarely offering solutions to problems they present. Yes, some win acclaim. Their makers gain massive fame, fortunes and awards. Some create momentum which changes culture for the better.

But at what fundamental price? Many documentaries present problems so great no single person can do anything about them.

Then there are documentaries like Elba’s Human Playground. Seemingly innocuous shows about humanity which amplify common, yet no less disempowering, suggestions. After watching the first installment, I felt something amiss. After the first few minutes of the third installment I shut it off. I’m not planning to watch any more.

I prefer minding my thoughts, allowing only suggestions in which support the reality I want. Admittedly, such attention requires diligence. But extraordinary, deliberate living, the Charmed Life I write about, demands such fine-tuned attention.

We live in a sea of suggestions. I’m committed to selecting from among that sea only suggestions adding to my joy. Suggestions amplifying my knowing that I am the creator of my reality. Which is why I avoid pretty much all documentaries. You should as well.