I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets. I share the answers as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: How Can I Manifest Everything I Desire In My Life Right Now?
You don’t want to, believe me. Here’s why…
Think of all the kinds of things you have desired. I’m sure there were times when you wished harm on someone you cared about, for example. Or perhaps you wished that your coworker, or your boss, suffered a tragic accident, or got fired, or some other terrible outcome.
On the positive side, imagine how many times you wanted something. Then, later discovered you didn’t want it. Or think about times you wanted something, got it, then realized the getting of it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it would be. Think too about how much stuff you have and how much time it takes keeping it all.
Now think about all of the desires you could potentially have in one lifetime. Since you’re an eternal being, you have far more than one lifetime.
Beginning to get the picture?
No fun, no time and too much
There’s no way in hell you want everything you desire “right now“. And besides, where that to happen, you would be overwhelmed with all the cars, houses, clothes, girlfriends or boyfriends, jobs, and everything else that would pile up from the ongoing fulfillment stream of just this one life. And that’s just the positive stuff.
Which is why you can’t get everything you desire right now. The eternity that is life experience happens such that desires flow manageably. You like it that way.
Think about it. The bike you had in high school prompted a desire for a better bike, or maybe a motorcycle or car in your future. But that didn’t make the bike less enjoyable. That car you had in college, prompted a desire for a better car, a faster car or a nicer car in your future. But the college car still got you around on dates or maybe got you laid.
In other words, your desires come paced so you can enjoy their fulfillment. If all your desires happened at once, there would be no more desires to fulfill, and thus no more life experience. Nor would you have time to enjoy it all.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
I want to manifest a partner, but I cannot visualize how I want her to be like, etc. What can I do by using the Law of Attraction?
What there is to do now is relax and enjoy the process of drawing this person to you. Not worrying about “visualizing how you want her to be like”. That work already is done.
You’ve already done what you need to do through living your life and having partners who showed you more clearly what you wanted, by being what you don’t want. Your Broader Perspective is now holding that new person “out there” for you.
Your job now is to line up with that person who is “out there”. How?
Now have fun
By enjoying your life, finding things to be interested in and appreciating and expanding into the person who eventually will become a match to this person. The only thing keeping that person “out there” instead of in your bed is, you’re not yet a match to her. Were you a match, she’d be there already.
So enjoy the process of becoming and watch how quickly she shows up.
Each partner you’ve had were stepping stones to this person you want now. Most people don’t like this answer, because they think that turns people you’ve been with into means to ends.
Your nows become better nows
But every now experience is a means to future, better nows. Same goes with people. Your life is a continuing process of becoming more and better in all cases that you don’t resist by thinking contrary thoughts to what you want.
But even contrary thoughts benefit because they will – like all thoughts – create realities matching them. So you can see what thoughts dominate your attention, which tells you want’s coming in your future. That’s how you can track towards futures you want.
Including future partners.
Most people don’t know this though. So they flounder, getting some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t. Including sucky love lives…
Don’t be one of those people.
Find your alignment with what you want. You know when you’re aligned when you find life a wonderful ride on the way to what you’re wanting.
Then you have what you want: A wonderful life. The girl then becomes icing on the cake.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: Alright well if you say hard work is not the key to success then what is? Growing up we’ve always heard that you can get anything you want, you just have to be willing to work hard for it. But if hard work really isn’t the key to success then what is? I really like your approach and any feedback on this would be much appreciated.
Good questions.
That you’re asking them shows your openness to their answers. That’s more than half of what it takes to get to the answer. So good for you for asking.
You’re right. So many parents teach us that working hard is the key. Heck, all society tells us that: our teachers, our politicians, TV and movies, music…virtually everything in the physical world echoes this sentiment. Who am I to contradict it?
I’m someone who knows better.
Many reasons explain why nearly all society enforces this idea. Before answering your question, it’s important knowing some of these reasons.
Most have no idea
One, the reason why so many in our society, including our parents, parrot this bad advice is because that’s what they’ve been told.
Think about it: nearly everyone who succeeds claims “hard work” as their key. What most don’t realize is, they think that because they’ve been told that. They fall back on that because, really, they can’t explain their success, feel guilty or insecure about it and use this ubiquitous answer. Not because it IS the answer, but because so many people believe it. And in parroting it they defend themselves when others claim they don’t deserve success they created.
Which is why so many, when they claim their success comes from their own hard work, they make that claim often stridently or angrily. Have you notice that?
But notice those who are really successful, extraordinarily successful. Those people won’t attribute success to “hard work”. The ones who own their success and aren’t ashamed or embarrassed by it, the ones who don’t listen to those who claim they don’t deserve their success, they attribute it to “luck” or “fortune”.
This gets closer to the truth. They have no idea how they did it. They know it wasn’t their “hard work”. After all, many of them will acknowledge they didn’t actually work very hard.
But they don’t know what the key was either. That’s why they give luck, God, or fortune credit. Not themselves.
The answer is play
The key is the same thing that had you enjoy your early youth. It’s a care-free-ness, it’s a playfulness, a joyfulness, a rambunctious self-knowing. This is borne of knowing you’re god in human form (as I put it) or, in other words, living in “grace” “deservedness” and “worthiness”.
As a very young child this is obvious. But as people “grow up”, they trade this knowing (often by necessity) in favor of parents’ bogus ideas of what it takes. I did this for many years.
Thankfully, I came to my senses. 😂
I’m not Christian, yet it must be acknowledged that Jesus was onto something when he said (something like) to enter Heaven’s Kingdom, you must become as a child. “Heaven’s kingdom” is a metaphor for “success” (however you define it).
So the answer to the question is, become like you were. Know your clarity, your self-love, your blessedness, your worthiness. The vast majority of humans don’t believe they’re worthy. Or they think they lost it. And they don’t know how to get it back.
Knowing your worthiness works because when you know your worthiness you discover the Universe constantly gives you whatever you focus on as a desire. You realize it’s not your job to make things happen. Rather it’s your job to bask in your blessedness…just like birds, bees and flowers…and allow the Universe to shower you with your deserved blessings as it does for birds, bees and flowers.
Doing that amplifies your knowing that you’re blessed. For how could you not believe you’re blessed when you witness everything you want coming easily to you?
You have one job
But since you’re not a bird, bee or flower, it’s a bit more complicated than that. You must also be open to hearing signals coming from your deeper knowing that guide you in action towards that which you want.
Follow those guides and, in time, you’ll gradually come into all you desire. That’s your one and only job.
For following these guides will ALWAYS feel like fun, excitement, passion, joy…and this is why that second group of people, the really successful, will acknowledge they didn’t work hard. Because it didn’t feel like “hard work”.
It was fun, a blast, a head trip, a big party, the time of their lives….in other words, they followed their inner knowing.
The challenge is, most people shut down the connection through which “inner knowing” can be “heard”. I show people how to reopen that connection.
It’s extremely simple
So that’s the key: knowing you’re blessed. When you know that, you see reality differently. When you see it differently, you see everything you want happening on your behalf. Not “believing” that’s what’s happening, but actually seeing it happening.
Then hard work isn’t necessary. Just joyful being. That’s what everyone knew life would be like when they chose to be here.
I write every week about what opening that connection looks like, how to practically implement what I’ve described as the key: how to find the lock, insert the key, turn it and unlock the door leading to the effortless having of the Charmed Life.
It’s extremely simple. Far more simple than what our world tells us.
So you know what you want. You know now you can have it without hard work. I suggest you test it out and see what happens. I promise you, you’ll be amazed, delighted and, eventually, ecstatic at how great life gets. Just as I feel delight and amazement at how easily this response rolled through my fingers! What fun!
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: What are the most powerful affirmations?
The most powerful affirmations are ones that work. That seems obvious, but reconsidering this obvious answer reveals an important point: the power isn’t in the affirmation. It’s in the person.
Any affirmation will work whenever the person using it aligns their creative energy with what they want. In other words, desires, those things which inspire affirmation use, fulfill themselves. They do that when the only thing blocking them gets out of the way. What is that thing? The affirmation user himself.
When affirmations work, they work for this reason. They allow one to soothe themselves out of the way. Standing there the fulfilled desires shows itself to the desire-er. Every time.
Affirmations have no power
All that work doesn’t happen because the affirmation is powerful. It happens because the user talks himself out of unhelpful disbelief. Then he feels himself into, belief, knowing and then gradually into the reality in which his desire already happened.
In short, there are no powerful affirmations. There are only powerful people. Expressions of God in human form, who align themselves through their thoughts to their fulfilled desires. One needn’t an affirmation for that. But affirmations can, and often do, focus one’s real power – life force focus.
Those knowing this don’t attribute their power to words. They own it themselves, because they are the power. When this happens, affirmations fall by the wayside. In their place emerges what had the power all along: eternal, nonphysical conscious energy embodied in human form.
That’s what every instance of physical reality is, including humans. So a human affirming it’s inherent power is the most powerful affirmation when it affirms it’s eternal reality then leverages that affirmation in service of its desires.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: What does it mean to have a soul?
I personally don’t use the word “soul”, but what it attempts to mean is the non-physical counterpart that is a part of the wholeness that is “we”, the oneness of all things.
What “soul” points to comprises a boundary-less component of all of us. It is that “oneness” new-agers casually reference. I prefer “Broader Perspective” in describing the place from which we all emerge from and return to.
Even “emerge from and return to” distorts what really happens. No separation exists between us here in physical reality and that broader part of us remaining in non-physical reality. So we don’t emerge or return. Instead, we shift perspectives from one to the other. And that shift happens constantly.
Distortions abound…oh my!
Besides, when some people use “soul”, it automatically conjures a “belief constellation”. And that constellation of beliefs includes other words, values, meanings, judgements and conclusions. All of these distort one’s understanding.
Here are other words conveying distorted understanding:
The devil
Less than (God)
The need to earn love/acceptance
The failure to ean love/acceptance
Losing the soul
Selling the soul
All these concepts offer distortions. And all these distortions start with the world “soul”.
That’s why I don’t use the word “Soul”.
Don’t distort what is
Most words listed represent distorted human beliefs layered over All That Is’ purity. They don’t belong in conversations about All That Is because they give wrong impressions about All That Is.
That’s why I say “soul” usually muddies the conversation. Two people rarely hold similar frames of reference. Especially regarding “soul”. Because of that, “soul” frustrates understanding more than it illuminates.
I also know people use words like these as expedients. After all, many find difficult talking about nonphysical. Probably because verbal descriptions fall short in describing All That Is magnificence.
And maybe that’s a clue. Maybe, instead of talking about it, we could just experience it in silence and let it be within us all.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Is it really possible to manifest anything, like having very big success doing something not very mainstream, like playing classical music (this is just an example)?
Anything one can conceive of, the moment it’s conceived, not only is possible, it’s done. The only question, since everything is done, is, how long will it take the conceiver to harmonize and thus realize with their creation?
The questioner wants what they want, but they don’t believe it. The way they ask the question shows this. Their question communicates “I don’t believe it” or “I want to believe, but I doubt it”. Phrases such as “very big success” “doing something not very mainstream” typify doubt or disbelief.
Life does not limit desire
EVERYTHING is possible, not just little things and mainstream things. ANYTHING wanted not only can happen, it already happened.
But when a person stands in a question, the person is nowhere near what already happened.
Where is it?
Is it really possible?
Can I do it?
What about…?
Are there examples of others who…?
What if?
Such questions mask the “happened”. They express doubt or disbelief. People asking such questions want what they ask about, but they are 1. Paying too much attention to their desire’s absence, or 2. They don’t believe what they want is possible.
Leaving questions behind
And yet the great thing is, when someone learns they create all their experiences, clues telling them how well they create show up everywhere. Then that person sees every desire fulfilling itself. At that point life gets fun. Questions become unnecessary. Instead, one leans towards answers…and gets them.
Here’s a simple, accurate template to get what you want:
You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
You must find a way to harmonize with what you’ve created. When you do…
You’ll have it.
That’s it.
The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that, they create reality. But reality they create keeps looking like their present reality (not manifesting their desire) because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!
Everyone can enjoy Charmed Lives. Everyone knew that when they said “I’ll take on a body!” But created reality contains so much complexity, that complexity masks how simple creating reality is.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: How many days does it take to manifest something like a better life?
Short answer: it depends.
An objective reality doesn’t exist. So it’s not possible to answer such a question with a specific number of days and expect that to be “the average number of days“ or “ the least amount of days” that would be accurate for everybody.
The only reality that exists is the one perceivable by the perceiver. In other words, physical reality is a 100 percent subjective experience. The same is true when creating.
So the number of days it takes to manifest something like a better life depends on the person’s subjective experience, their constellation of beliefs, which includes how much they doubt or believe what it is they’re trying to create.
If a person has a lot of doubts or resistance about what they’re trying to create, it’s gonna take much longer than if they have pure focus on what it is they’re wanting and they believe what they’re wanting is possible.
Also, it depends on what it is one wants. If somebody wants to create something they believe is easy, which is the same thing as saying something they have no resistance about, it can manifest in a few hours. But most people don’t have such pure focus on topics they consider to be “serious“ or things they really, really want such as “a better life”.
So, the number of days it takes depends on the desire, and how much resistance someone is holding about the desire. It can take a few hours, or it can never happen.
The good news is, evidence it’s happening is immediate, if you know where to see it. And in seeing the evidence, one gets encouraged. Encouragement speeds up the process, so before you know it, your life IS better.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: Is this correct for manifestation? I’d light colored candles assigned in each day while I meditate, script my manifestations, do a novena until the (small) candle melts. Novena is for my wish too and protection in case evil spirit is around my candle.
Answer: In short, you’re trying too hard. But if this way you describe conjures positive feelings in you, keep it up.
That said, there is a “correct way” for manifestation. It’s any way that feels good.
You see, you are a manifesting machine. Your body is a manifestation you’re manifesting on an ongoing basis. Do you have to “do a novena until the candle melts.” to keep your body here?
Your thoughts are manifestations flowing to you incessantly. Do you have to meditate and script manifestations for the thoughts that come to you?
When you moved your fingers to write your question, you were manifesting. Did you need to worry about evil spirits while creating that question?
You can’t help but manifest!
The reason why you do your body and your thoughts (as examples) so easily that you don’t know you are doing these things is because you pay them no mind and in doing so you don’t get in the way of your own, eternal, powerful ability.
When you walk through your created reality and put your attention on something, that, alone gets the manifestation process going. Looking at something, you know whether you like what you’re looking at or you not, right?
Which one becomes your present now (in the future) depends on what you do between the time you choose and the time what you choose shows up. Most people don’t understand this, so they think they have to do processes and meditations and lighting candles and performing magic.
Do them if they feel good
You can do those things, and if they feel good keep doing them.
By the way, “evil” is not a thing. Neither are “evil spirits”. But if you believe they are, then they are. Why? Because you create your reality….ALL OF IT.
Here’s a simple, accurate template for creation:
You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
You must find a way to line up with what you’ve created. When you do…
You’ll have it.
That’s it.
The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that they are creating reality….it just keeps looking like their present reality, with nothing really changing, because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!
But you don’t need me or anyone else telling you all this. Life can be fun, rewarding and fulfilling. You can have a life where it fills in with everything you want. Be easy and don’t take “manifesting” so seriously. It’s supposed to be fun.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. Here I answer questions I get through the internets. I share them here with you as they may help feel inspired to be more Positively Focused.
Someone asked: Why do we have soul contracts with people that will eventually end up hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health?
Answer: First, they aren’t really “contracts”…
Connections we have with others represent the energy stream that we are. It seems we are individuals living in separate bodies, but beneath that interpretation, which feels so, and is very real….beneath that lies the actual phenomena of All That Is: a stream of awareized energy that we all are, divided into categories or families, if you will, subdivided into yet more categories, organized according to “harmonics”…vibratory patterns of awareized energy distinguished and organized around timeless “core values” or “intents”.
These “soul contracts” as you describe them are such organizations. They aren’t hard and fast “pacts” like a compact, rather they are resonance patterns or harmonics that can be felt. That’s why they feel like “contracts”: inescapable, irresistible.
Ok, that’s the pretty theory. Now for the practical answer…that you might not enjoy reading. 😊
It’s all about more and better
No one hurts, kills or destroys us mentally or otherwise. That’s our doing. Each being with whom we have significant contact exists within us as an inseparable aspect of that unique organization stream I mentioned above, rising and falling in harmony with our own core intents.
They serve an extremely valuable purpose in our lives. They help us shape ourselves into our ideal self. That image we know ourselves to be in nonphysical, that we wish to express in physical through our core intents. This ultimately leads to our Charmed Life.
Ideally, these relationships focus us inward. There we find our invincibility and unconditional love…for ourselves, for others and for circumstances. In that love we find our stability from which we pursue and realize our wildest desires as deliberate creators, our Charmed Life, in other words. In realizing our desires, we transform physical reality in ways we knew we would before we choose to come here.
However…in many cases, such as the ones you describe with “eventually end up hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health”, instead of finding freedom, joy and unconditional love, we focus on aspects of these partners that seem to drive us crazy. In doing that, we create increasingly amplified versions of those things, react to them and in our reactions, amplify those things even more. In that way we create a downward spiral of increasingly negative created reality conditions.
The fury, the exasperation, the anguish, and, yes, the circumstances that end up looking like “hurting us, killing us, or destroying our mental health” are actually OUR creation. They are what happens when we don’t use those relationships they way they are meant: as catalyzers for inner exploration and awakening.
A personal example will help
For example, my ex wife was such a person. She was horrible in many ways and an angel in others. It took great effort to take my attention from what I perceived she was doing “to me” and put it on my inner reality. I knew finding within myself the unconditional love I wanted was key. Neither she, nor anyone else could give me that.
Standing there, in that unconditional love, I could allow her to be as she chose to be…even when she slept with other men. Even when she and her friends railed against me. Even when she filed for divorce.
Everything she did was positive. It all served a positive purpose for me. Getting the positive aspects in those situations required cultivating an unconditional, stable love for her and for myself. I know I succeeded because, as I wrote above, I found my resonance with my eternity, my invincibility, my Inner Being awareness and thus my enlightenment.
I remember one night, not long before the divorce was final, where she and I stood in her living room on the verge of actual physical violence. That’s how out of balance we both were. It never came to real blows, but it certainly could have.
We co-create enlightenment
The point of all this is, no one does anything to us, we do it to ourselves through the interpretations we make about what we observe and the reality borne from them. Most people don’t know that so their interpretations go unexamined.
Instead of owning their created realities, including outcomes of hurt, death and diminished mental health, and doing something productive about that, they blame their partner, soul mate, “twin flame” or whatever. When all the while that other person had the potential of being a catalyst for enlightenment.
We each create our realities. No one does that for us. But some people help facilitate our creative abilities, if we are responsible enough to accept the catalyzing stimulus flowing from the awareized energy stream that is at once us and our “soul mates”.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Someone asked: Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?
Answer: We humans could benefit from being a little less dramatic.
A “Dark Night of the Soul”…..Whoooooo…..Seriously?
Life is supposed to be FUN.
Fear is optional. Having the fun though requires examining so many aspects of how we be. One way we shoot ourselves in the foot is how we be with regard to what comes our of our mouths (or our fingers). This “Dark Night of the Soul” malarky is a great example.
All this is, is an interpretation, and an unhelpful one at that. If I called it that, I’d be afraid too. But that fear tells you something: It tells you you are misinterpreting what’s really happening.
Most people don’t understand what emotions are or what their purpose is, but some are starting to come around. Emotions are extremely important. They serve a purpose. But that’s another story…one you don’t need to know to resolve this question.
The experience humans describe the way you’re describing it is simply a turning point. It’s a wonderful opportunity you’ve created for yourself, an opportunity to head in the direction of your wildest desires.
But if you fear it, if you see it as some massive, significant, scary event, you’re not lining up with the probable future reality this turning point you created offers for your own benefit. What you are lining up with is the suffering, strife, stress and pain…all the things “Dark Night of the Soul” implies.
Notice that everyone who describes this turning point this way has had experiences consistent with that description. You can’t experience it any other way when you believe it to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”.
If people knew this, the moment they heard someone describe it this way, they’d run for the hills because it doesn’t have to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”!
So how do you experience this wonderful time, this wonderful moment, this glorious opportunity for what it really is?
I hear you: “That’s easy to say…Perry…but HOW?” You ask. “Especially since I’m feeling stuck with this “Dark Night of the Soul” business!?”
Here: I’ll show you:
Start by recognizing and owning that you’ve accepted as your own, a common, yet bogus, belief that puts way too much emphasis on negative interpretations of what is actually a wonderful experience. How? Say:
This is ok.
I’ve adopted this belief, but I don’t have to keep it
It’s ok that I adopted it, and I’m ready to change it
It’s so cool I can change my mind, change my beliefs
I like that I have the ability to change my beliefs
I like that it can be pretty easy…
In a few moments of saying six or ten such statements, you’ll feel better about these turning points.
Next, start saying things about these turning points that support what I’m saying they are. If you do step one above, step two will be easy!
Life is an adventure
I like figuring my life out
I may have made turns that don’t serve me, but like changing my mind, I can change my course
I like experiencing the new
I can get through this
I’ve come this far, why not?
I think this is going to be interesting
I like being interested in things…
Then turn your focus to how you’re feeling right now, having done step two. That’s step three:
Wow, I feel better about this whole thing
I’m never going to describe turning points that way again, they’re just turning points!
I actually feel pretty excited about what’s to come
This is going to be fun…
And before you know it, you’re welcoming it!
Welcome everything life offers you. What’s really happening is, you’re offering your life experience to yourself. When you get that you create your reality, you can start creating any reality you want. It’s easy. And it never has to include a dark night of the soul.
(Notice how I decapitalized the phrase. That helps reduce some of the significance people put on it. LOL 😂)