Conspicuous Consumption Is A Spiritual Practice

Zoe Holling spiritual practice FB blog
Photo: Zoe Holling

There is no distinction between a spiritual practice and wantonly consuming material goods. Both produce the same result. Guaranteed.

So go ahead and consume all you want. Or live your life as an ascetic.

It doesn’t matter too much really.

And don’t worry about the planet. It is easily handling the demand. Though it seems like it’s not.

We know, science isn’t on our side.

That is, if we had a side, science wouldn’t be there. Not yet anyway.

Whether you’re determined to master meditation, go vegan, drive an electric car and recycle everything or generate enough wealth to buy an Airstream, a yacht, five houses and a G-5, you’re eventually going to come to the same realizations.

Everyone arrives at the same realizations after death.

Some, again, on both paths, get there before that.

That’s rare.

Those who do are venerated. Bill Gates–Deepak Chopra. Leonardo DiCaprio–Eckhart Tolle….there are endless examples of the venerable on either path.

· · ·

Some say you can not be spiritual let alone experience higher consciousness while pursuing material satisfaction. These people sometimes see consumerism itself as possibly the worst invention of modern civilization, and the most conspicuous consumers, a scourge.

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Many people out there rail against material success.

But when you consider where all this material stuff comes from, how it is produced and why, you discover something interesting: the pursuit of material satisfaction is just as powerful a path to “enlightenment” as any spiritual one.

That’s because, all things material, including the pursuit itself, is a spiritual process.

To explain:

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Where is all this stuff coming from? Photo credit: ohmky unsplash

Where do things come from?

Every invention starts with inspiration. Whether it’s Facebook, Medium, A Tesla, or BlackKKlansman, creation starts with an idea. Where do ideas come from?

Science will tell you they come from associative processes in the brain which constantly fire in the background of conscious awareness. But there are many steps prior to that process that happen that science doesn’t know about.

These steps take place nowhere “near” the brain. Let alone in the brain.

For example, we recently were designated a Medium Top Writer in the Racism tag. We had no idea there was even such a thing as a “Top Writer”.

Top writer

One day three weeks ago, we got the impulse (a strong urge) to share our work on Medium. We had been sporadically doing so, but two weeks ago, that strong desire turned into a process where we gradually attained a three-story-a-day publishing regimen.

There was no problem in our mind needing a creative solution. We didn’t even think about how to attain Top Writer status, let along in the Racism tag. We simply started including Medium as a publishing outlet of our work, enjoying the artistic process along the way.

We know the coordination of events in the physical world which had this result show up in our life experience occurred in a “place” we call The Moment Of Becoming. That place doesn’t exist anywhere in physical reality, and is certainly outside the brain. Rather it is a conduit through which material reality emerges.

This is why we practice being more immediately responsive to our intuitions. We have seen so much evidence that intuition is not a random, unreliable source of knowledge, but a highly accurate, intelligent and reliable guide to getting everything we want.

Even things we don’t realize we’re wanting. Until we have them. Such as this Top Writer thing.

The inspiration to increase our publishing on Medium came from somewhere.

Where did it come from? From that no place we call The Moment Of Becoming.

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Photo: JD Mason


It is the same place a desire for a car, or a bigger house or a better job comes from: an innate process all humans have and use as expressions of aware-ized life experience.

Aware-ized life experience, which is what you are, desires more of everything. As those desires are satisfied, satisfaction births new desires propelling aware-ized life experience “forward”….along the lines of specific desire focuses, or “channels” or, as Seth calls them: Value Fulfillment.

Inspiration is individual guidance from the larger part of who we all are. It indicates paths through which Value Fulfillment can ultimately be experienced, in a given moment of the collocation of time, space, events and participating expressions of aware-ized life experience.

· · ·

A person is born with a natural desire to create. She seemingly fumbles around for a bit in life until she gets her footing and tunes into her intuition –– her innate impulses “sounding” from “non physical” and received in The Moment Of Becoming.

All during the fumbling she is creating, but indeliberately. Indeliberate creation is valuable too. So it’s not wasted energy. No more than the millions of seeds a tree produces, only a very few of which actually become trees.

Intuitive inspiration doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it results from a long series of deliberate and focused attention resulting in a momentum of accretion around a value fulfilment unique and inherent to the individual intuition receiver.

At some point our intrepid human follows that inspiration. It doesn’t matter when, because, like all of us, she is eternal. As she gives more and more attention to the inspired idea, resources in the form of people, money, opportunities and events accrete around her.

This process is sometimes delayed by a person who is not naturally attuned to what is going on. A person might try to use the world of “doing” or “action”, manipulating matter, people and events, in order to fulfill intention. Those naturally attuned to this process we’re describing, use far less action, are much more effective and enjoy the journey far more than those who aren’t.

Some time later our individual has a product or service or some kind of value or usefulness to offer. The gestation is perfectly culminated to coincide with the desire for said product or service. Or….due to one or many factors, there is a delay prior to the co-incidence of events wherein eager consumers are ready to consume said value.

This delay humans like to call “failure”.

Which is a misnomer, because there really is no such thing. Just like seeds that don’t grow into trees aren’t “failures”.

In the former instance, where everything comes together easily, consumers consume said invention and life moves on. In the latter, an infinite number of alternative events can result, depending on how the maker reacts to the gap between desire expression (wanting to create value for others) and actual desire realization (having someone consume said offer).

Both parties – consumers and producers – are collaborators in this process.  Inventors invent based on input from those who want the invention. That communication happens in non-physical, then is “seeded” to many potential “inventors” simultaneously, which explains why multiple inventors will have the same idea at the same time.

It also explains why patent law is a joke.

But that’s another story.

Collaboration includes aware-ized life experience expressed in the physical world as the material resources used to make the product or service. All matter is representative and contains within it aware-ized energy. Everything is alive, in other words.

The satisfaction gained by all parties in the consumption of the thing –– from the smallest particle to the largest instantiation…a planet perhaps ––  and the value produced is the “more” that was only “potential” when the seed of inspiration got planted.

Thus, with the blooming of invention leading to the delight of consumption, the universe, All That Is and all participating parties become more.

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Even graffiti taken to “more” becomes beautiful in itself. It is the same with life. Photo credit: anders nord

In an ideal world, humanity would work its wonders to create more and more efficient and useful (i.e. valuable) ideas which increase the capacity and efficiency of its productive capability as well as the productive enjoyment of humanity’s physical environment, with no resource exhaustion.

Expanding desire would cause resource expansion and both would keep pace with each other in an ongoing expansion of everything.

We see this happening despite obvious signs to the contrary.

But the timing of “desire” and “fulfilment” is wonky because humans pay too much attention to What Is Happening, lose connection with their invincibility, experience fear and insecurity and act from those places.

This connection loss opens a can of worms too complex to go into here. Suffice it to say, we see the world today, where “waste”, seeming resource depletion and environmental destruction are the order of the day instead of what we’re describing.

And yet, underneath all this is what we’re describing: everything working wonderfully in an elegant and consistent orientation towards more and better for everyone and everything.

The problems humanity faces are due to many factors, one of which being the belief that goes something like this:

“Everything has a cost and if you can’t tell me how to pay for it, I’m not going to support it. And if I have to pay for it and I don’t agree it should be done, forget about it, particularly if it benefits others, or makes them lazy. People should work for what they get.”

Desire causes opportunity for desire satisfaction, leading to desire fulfillment, then more desire and thus more “more”.  Beliefs like the above just slow things down greatly delaying the process and leaving those who could enjoy satisfaction not enjoying it.

Until after the death moment.

Aware-ized life experience has an insatiable desire for more. It will always desire to experience more of itself. This positive feedback loop –– the desire to have more experiences is partially responsible for you (being an instance of aware-ized life experience) being eternal: it’s just not possible for you to come to an end because you are constantly creating more life experience through experiencing your life experience.


How Consumption Equals Enlightenment.

As we said above, some achieve great prosperity allowing a level of material freedom that affords freedom of time and resource abundance. Sometimes in this state, a person begins to look inward or outward, or both. They want to do good. And they want to be able point to the good and say “see, that’s because of me”.

Of course everything aware-ized life experience does leaves an indelible, positive mark on physical reality. Most people don’t understand that.

So they “try” to become more than they perceive themselves to be.

That is the same outcome some “spiritual” people can also arrive at. For every single spiritual guru we can think of has turned to do exactly what some very wealthy people do. They just do it in ways consistent with the path they are on.

Some spiritual “finders” tend to also become wealthy. Particularly those in the west. In those cases we see them trod both paths: spiritual and material, blessing the world and people as they go along.

But no matter the path, those who make it while still in a body is small. In fact, there are a lot more who don’t make it than those who do.

The following is going to get heady….


What Is Happening and How The What Is Happening Is Happening

People get stuck in another feedback loop, where they don’t understand the “How The What Is Happening” part of What Is Happening. Thus they get lost in the happening, instead of understanding the How The What Is Happening Is Happening.

Lost there, they see the world as random, uncaring dangerous and risky. Their only recourse is to try to take charge of the What Is Happening part. They are oblivious to the How The What Is Happening Is Happening part, even though the “How….” part is the funnest, most enjoyable part of the whole process making up the “What…”.

Thus the challenges in the world.

Racism, sexism, Trump and his supporters, the alt right and the alt-left, Russia and the US, wars, poverty, disease, etc. All sides of any “issue” are oblivious to How What Is Happening Is Happening. Instead they are dazzled by What Is Happening.

So they take sides.

In their dazzlement, they stumble through life fighting against What Is Happening, where they have no power instead of focusing on the “How…” part, where all their power is.

Thus, they suffer.

With the right guidance a person can easily navigate their awareness from the What Is Happening, back to the How What Is Happening Is Happening, regain their power (and their invincibility) and therefore be a Conscious Creator Of Reality.

That understanding, and the deliberate creations which results from that, is enlightenment.

Few are doing that right now, but oh, boy how times are a changing!

· · ·

There is no difference between living “spiritually” and living immersed in a consumer lifestyle. Both create experiences which can but usually do not produce lasting fulfillment and unshakable happiness. Not until after death.

Which is why, when it does happen, we venerate such people for their rarity.

The ultimate path of humanity is to become a vast collection of super human individuals in a vast civilization of super humans. We’re speaking both materially and spiritually since they’re one in the same.

We’re a long way from that. But we’re happy with a civilization of ordinary humans, punctuated every now and then by individuals who are super human.

The venerable position of “invincible super human” is available to everyone. Both paths can lead there.

Everyone gets there eventually.

So don’t sweat it. Consumer or Ascetic. You’re on the right path. And eventually, you’ll arrive.

How Your Life Gives You All You’re Wanting Demonstrated By A Bike Ride

Caleb Woods bike ride FB blog
Photo: Caleb Woods

In most things you’re wanting, the way you’re going to get it is through people.

Sometimes that includes simple things like delightful, seemingly random (they aren’t random) meetings telling you you’re on your path.

Two days ago, after a wonderful meditation, Perry felt the urge to ride his bike along the lake where he and his wife are vacationing. He thought such a ride, about 20 miles round-trip, would be a nice experience.

But the tires on his bike had deflated a bit on the way to the lake.

Perry didn’t bring a pump. Instead of being disappointed about it, he saw it as a merry adventure: how was he going to inflate his tires? He was eager for the answer.

He looked around for a bike pump but found none. He did find a compressor though, with a tire-inflation tube attached, but the valve wasn’t the kind that would fit his bike.

Pump blog
A valve fitting meant for standard valves. Not the kind of valves on Perry’s bike.

That’s when he thought of those conversion valves which allow a pump to work on any kind of bike tube valve stem. Any bike shop carried these items, he knew, so he decided to ride his bike further into town to buy a couple.

The tires still had enough air in them to make the trip.

The way from the house to the lake trail is single-track, like a mountain bike trail. It’s rocky and bumpy and winds between trees and bushes, up hills and down. Perry enjoyed that part of the ride.

About two miles into the entire 22-mile ride, Perry got his first indication this ride was going to be interesting:

He realized he forgot the keys to his bike lock.

Now most people would think this is something that happens all the time. And it does. Your “higher self” your “inner being” “god”, “the Universe” whatever name you give it, is always communicating with you. The trick is, how open are you to receiving the messages?

Perry is open.

So instead of reacting in frustration or annoyance at forgetting his keys, he merrily turned around and headed back to the lake house. Doubling back, he saw something that looked like a black snake in the middle of the trail. As he approached it, the snake turned out to be his bicycle chain lock.

Perry had left the bike’s tool bag open. Riding over the open trail caused the lock to fly out of the bag.

That was Perry’s second realization.

· · ·

Now an interesting thing to note. Everything happens on purpose. So when All That Is (that’s the nomenclature we prefer) orchestrates an event like losing or forgetting your keys, there is a reason. As this story unfolds, you’re going to understand why.

So bear with us. The story gets much better.

(Right now as Perry writes this, he is reveling in the realization we have just alluded to. Since he knows the entire story, he already has made the connection. Before writing the paragraph above, he didn’t have this realization. You will get the point of this whole story at the end.)

· · ·

Perry’s ride back to his house set up the series of events that would not have happened had the ride back to the house not happened. And this is the case with everything happening in your life. Even when you lose something.

So Perry rode back to the house, got his keys, made sure the zipper on his tool bag was secure, then headed back towards the lake trail.

Along the trail he crossed paths with other bikers, all of whom smiled, waved or otherwise said hi to Perry. When you’re in the presence and aware of your Inner Being, your Inner Being matches you with people who are also in that state in the moment you are. So each of these micro-rendezvous were also indicators.

Having had these indicators and being aware of their receiving, Perry was prepared consciously, for the Big Event.

He followed the curve of the lake shore and came upon a white cargo van towing a trailer of equipment. It was parked parallel along the trail and the side closest to the trail was open. Inside the van was a man not much older than Perry, playing an upright piano.


Jeff playing piano blog
Jeff Playing his piano out of his work van.

It was the strangest thing to Perry and it stuck out of his environment like a sore thumb.

Who keeps a piano in their work van?

The van was packed with cleaning equipment boxes, insulation and cleaning tools. But there was just enough room for the piano, a stool and the guy playing it. Perry rode past the van but then realized this meant something.

So he turned around.

They guy was playing 80s hits, Perry’s favorites in his 20s. After a resounding rendition of a tune from that era, the man turned around to see he had an audience.

What happened next was remarkable. They guy, Jeff, said hi then asked Perry for a song to play. He rambunctiously played it to Perry’s delight. Then, for what seemed like an hour Jeff and Perry talked about Southern California (where they both from) music (which they both love) the 80s, business and more. Jeff was restarting his very successful mobile detail business here in Idaho. He had just moved here from California where he had been tremendously successful detailing planes, boats and cars of “the very rich”.

The connection was so natural and easy for both Perry and Jeff. Like they were old friends.

Jeff said he was taking his lunch break, decided to do so at that spot, because he figured he would be able to do some marketing. His van has big signs on either side.

It was obvious to Perry that Jeff was naturally in tune with his Inner Being. Very successful in business, married to a very successful wife, Jeff had been living his life on his terms for all his life. Perry could tell Jeff was happy. And his life reflected that.

Who plays a piano on their lunch break?

But wait, there’s more.

While enjoying a chat old buds would have, an obviously affluent, older woman pulled up. She asked Jeff for his card, then told him she had a number of expensive boats she needed help with right away.

After several minutes, Jeff gave her his card, turned and flashed Perry a gigantic smile. Perry felt the satisfaction of his own life, reflected in that smile. Obviously Jeff and Perry were sharing a special moment.

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The woman left and Perry and Jeff both high-fived each other, excited about this real demonstration that life is lived best in a state of grace, a state of expectation that life is supposed to work out, always.

After the woman left, Jeff said something Perry will never forget.

Perry is in the process of growing four different companies, a couple of which are highly ambitious. So Jeff’s words were perfect. They were exactly what Perry was looking for.

“The best way to grow a company is organically,” Jeff said. “I’ve got [companies] contacting me online asking $600 a month to do marketing for me. But what I’ve found is best is letting it grow organically.”

We couldn’t agree more.

· · ·

The rest of Perry’s ride was equally monumental, with epiphanies and rendezvous which made the ride, enjoyable, yes, but also deeply meaningful.

And, had he not lost his keys, he would not have taken twice the time to reach the spot where Jeff and he met. That’s the kind of orchestration a human being can’t possibly manipulate into existence. And, everything you’re wanting –– no matter how big or small –– is being orchestrated by All That Is, your Inner Being and the Universe, what we refer to as your personalized trinity in exactly this way.

Every life moment can be this way for every one. No exceptions.

Perry more often than not exists in a state of perpetual strong connection to his personalized trinity after many years of practice, through multiple disciplines. So he is constantly realizing events in which people or animals or events coordinate just so to punctuate his good feelings with real-life demonstrations such as this one. Thus, he lives in a real, conscious state of invulnerability, knowing he and he alone creates his reality.

It wasn’t always that way for Perry. But that’s another story.

There is no end to how better life can get. Discovering you create your own reality and as such can live any life you choose is intoxicating. And, there is no ceiling to how good your life can get either.

Everything is possible.

Maybe you don’t believe that. If you allow it, your life will change that.

In future posts, we’ll be sharing more of Perry’s life experiences. We hope you enjoyed this one as much as we and Perry enjoyed sharing it with you.

Your life is a series of rendezvous with people and events bringing everything you are wanting. You came into the world to be happy.

There’s no better time to be happy than now.

Life Constantly Demonstrates Your Super Humanity

Maria Bandasian Super human FB blog
Photo: Maria Bandasian

Those who don’t understand their invincibility project it into their reality. They imbue superheros, kings, and gods with what they themselves have, but of which they are ignorant.

A state of grace surrounds you. You’re no different from plants, animals and mountains in this way.

Through your grace you get everything you want. Including invincibility.

Grace = the state of being favored.

Obvious evidence demonstrates your grace state. But it’s almost always taken for granted. The sun which bathes you continually, the air, available to you in abundance, and the physical framework –– principally this planet upon which and through which all your desires are received by you, all offer overwhelming evidence.

That’s not all though. Millions of evidence bits demonstrating your favored status surround you.

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We can see at least 25 indicators of our state of grace. You?

Your natural grace is hard to acknowledge when you’re bunged up in daily life, trying to make things happen.

But more focus brought to the obvious signs, begets greater realization of equally obvious, but much more tantalizing and highly desired ones.

For example, Perry* and his wife, Bridget are on a vacation in Northern Idaho. On their way up from Boise, where they were visiting with Bridget’s daughter, Bridget, who has difficulty sitting in cars for long periods, wondered aloud whether there would be a place they could take a break, use the bathroom, stretch their legs and enjoy a snack.

She really had to go.

She first tried what most would do in this modern, technological era: she pulled out her phone to see what lay ahead via her maps app.

But there was no service.

She was technologically, temporarily blind.

Aloud, in mild frustration, she mentioned having paper maps as backups for this exact reason, but then, knowing much of what Perry knows, she decided to see this as an opportunity to practice receiving in her grace.

She settled into the ride, enjoying obvious signs of how blessed she is:

  • Blessed to have a business that supports her with a nice summer break
  • Blessed for having had time to spend with her daughter who is at school
  • Blessed with a wonderful car that functions flawlessly
  • Blessed with awesome traveling weather
  • Blessed with a wonderful canine companion, her doggy-baby

Immersed in her “grace recognition”, she felt better.

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Bridget and Perry’s doggy-baby

Meanwhile, Perry, who was driving, was appreciating Idaho’s scenic beauty.

They were driving alongside Payette River, which meanders through the landscape. The road mirrors the river’s twists and turns. Around every bend was something new and wonderful to see.

With both feeling their grace, they were delighted by what happened next.

Rounding another bend they saw 70 yards of white sand along the river, bordered by the typical bouldered river shore. Beside the beach: picnic tables, tall triees…and a restroom along the road. Plenty of space to park, they had the whole place to themselves.

Bridget saw it first and recognized immediately the peculiar timing. Her grace had been demonstrated by her, to her. Arriving at that particular spot, on a 285 mile journey, exactly when she wanted nothing more than a break. Not only was there a bathroom, there was a beach.

On a river.

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A scenic beach and picnic area on a river. Including a bathroom. Perfect evidence of our state of grace. What evidence are you seeing?

Coincidence? If you consider the perfect co-inciding of events, orchestrated with such exact timing that both people could delight in the experience, then yes, it’s a “coincidence”.

This is the way life is supposed to be.

For everyone.

Getting everything you’re wanting, large and small with ease is our natural state.

And when you learn to see the evidence of this constantly, you develop something which eludes most everybody on the planet: An invincibility born of realizing so much evidence of your grace that no other conclusion fits.

Invincibility born of grace.

It’s a superhuman characteristic that is real.

And you have it.


We refer to our physical presence by its given name for clarity and ease of story telling.


It’s Already Gotten Better In America. Don’t See It? You will.

David Pisnoy its getting better FB blog
Photo: David Pisnoy

Humanity will find itself in a brand new world the moment it realizes competition is not a thing. And oh what a beautiful world it will be.

That new world is not going to happen in a flash of enlightenment.

It’s going to happen the way it’s happening now: a gradual collective realization over generations as more and more individuals realize who and what they are, then come into the world in their successive life experiences consistently living from that place.


“Who they are”

You are not human. Human is a form adopted in order to experience physical reality. The human form, with its fleshy-bony countenance, is as tied to physical reality as reality itself.

Not you.

Which is why remains following your after death.

This doesn’t only apply to humans. All physical matter experiences this.

We are all eternal, unlimited and rambunctious expressions of All That Is, that wonderfully complex origin from which we all came from long, long ago. All That Is does not lord over us like gods. We have no need to appease it with any kind of sacrifice or surrender. We are it. There is no separation. That’s who we are. That’s who you are. Not human.


“What they are”

This is far more interesting than “who”. Humans believe they are the only sentient species on the planet. Save for maybe dogs and dolphins and monkeys. But there is far more sentient awareness than that.

Every form of physical matter, from the smallest particle to the largest object, hums with awareness. Life experience itself, is itself, aware and alive. And each physical instance existing within life experience is itself an aware and alive whole and complete instance of life experience. There is no separation here either. This is what you are.

Call it “aware-ized life experience”.

If the answers above to both these questions are accurate, and if there is no separation within and among anything (because everything is encompassed in the two answers above), then how can there be competition?

Competition with who? With what?


Sounds strange?

We know it does.

There are thousands of ways of describing the process that always has been aware and is now experiencing itself as innumerable whole and complete instances of itself.

These innumerable instances, again, whole and complete in themselves, exist simultaneously and, more importantly, cooperatively in a boundless positive feedback gestalt that always becomes bigger, better, more.

And it never ends.

Somewhere way back there, human instantiations of aware-ized life experience adopted beliefs that are far off the mark. Those beliefs spawned even more distortions.

Today we’re living their legacies.

“Competition” is one of these. But there are so many more such beliefs. And when you tug on one, you discover its intricate connection to others.  It’s like a Gordian Knott: bewildering to contemplate unraveling.

Belief in competition produces high levels of insecurity, instability, fear and pronounced feelings of lack of self efficacy. It’s everywhere in modern society.

Nowhere is it better expressed in the United States than in the White House.

The world you experience reflects back to you that which you yourself are ready to see.

Sometimes, though, the signs have to get more overt before “seeing” happens.

Either way, you eventually get it.

Then life shifts.

We’re at one of those moments right now. And as terrible as it may feel “on all sides”,  the result of all this churn is going to amaze.

Not everyone will see it.

Not everyone needs to.

Those who do will find themselves in a whole new world.

And oh what a beautiful world it will be.

You Already Offer The World Value. Focus On Being Happy. You’ll Get Everything You’re Wanting.

Aleksey Shkitenkov choose to be happy FB blog
Photo: Aleksey Shkitenkov

The purpose of life is to be happy.

Value is something you can’t help but give. Have you noticed?

No matter what you’re doing, you’re offering value to some one or some thing. It’s part of what you come into the world naturally doing.

But happiness…that’s another story.

Perhaps your happiness is fleeting. Perhaps happiness to you is as capricious, and as impermanent, as any other emotion. So trying to think of it as something you can perpetually enjoy, as a steady life state, seems stupid to expect.

Especially when there is so much to witness that isn’t happy to look at. No wonder you shift your desire to usefulness or value over being happy.

But you come into the world to enjoy the adventure of being of value. And the enjoyment, i.e. the “happy factor” was supposed to be something akin to your body: just as your body has grown and become more as you have become older, so to was your level of happiness supposed to become more and more.

Likely that’s not the case, is it.

· · ·

People ask: “How can we be happy with all the suffering going on in the world?”

The rub in that question is, until you figure out how to be perpetually happy, you can’t understand the answer to the question you’re asking.

You become happy first. Then you discover the suffering you see isn’t what you think it is.

To understand the perpetual nature of happiness requires understanding something else that is the subject of great debate: your inherent free will.

Your free will is the nexus between value, your life experience and your happiness. Here’s how:

  1. You cannot help but create value for self and others because this whole thing called life experience is a massive collaboration the purpose of which is eternal expansion predisposed towards “better”. And that’s what you inherently are: life experience getting better.
  2. You can not help but exist here because that was (and continues to be) your intent. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. No one else is forcing you into your body, making sure you stay in your body, on earth, against your will. You’re doing it. And you’re doing it because you want to be here.
  3. And….in your free will, you can choose whether being here is fun or not. In other words, you’re free to put your attention anywhere you want while you’re here. And you can choose to use it to create whatever experience you like.

· · ·


There is a part of you that remains where you came from. While here, you communicate between you and you through your emotions. Ever wonder WHY you have emotions?

Not many ask that question.

That’s why “being happy” appears fleeting. It’s only because you don’t know what it is, or how to use it.

Just like you probably don’t know how to use this:

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What the hell is that? (Photo: City of Mesa)

But the moment you begin understanding what your happiness is for, you begin understanding a lot. Including what’s really going on here on Earth.

You can be perpetually, blissfully happy. But first you have to figure out what happiness is for. Then use it for what it was intended.

When you do, the world becomes your oyster. You get everything you want. And…you become invincible.

Normalizing Enlightenment Is Within Our Grasp

YIN YAG blog

A polarized world is the best time to have what you deeply desire.

There is no better time to get what you want than when others are strongly asking for what they want. Especially if what they want is the opposite of what you want!

It’s obvious everyone “on all sides” is stridently asking for what they want. The problem is, they’re going about it wrong.

Instead of using their most powerful inherent capability, they are trying to get what they want through action.

Mostly, destructive, negative action.

Pity. Kind of.

We say “kind of” because every kind of asking for what you want eventually brings it to you. But you can have what you want so much easier, faster and more fun doing it different.

The good news is, the stronger people ask through action, fighting against what they don’t want and arguing with those who oppose them in the process, soon they end up saying “fuck it”.

And in that relaxation, they find the “loosening” of enlightenment, which causes them to quickly have what it is they’re asking for.

What is enlightenment

It’s nothing special. Well, it’s special only because few people have it. Even so, those who do have it realize it’s not that special. All it is is an awareness of one’s inherent grace, realized through a practiced happiness-for-no-reason that has become chronic. It is accompanied by the receiving of all one is wanting as a result of that.

Once those things start showing up, one realizes their inherent invincibility, born of their life experience demonstrating to them without a shadow of a doubt that they create the life experience they live.

It’s hard to see how true those words above are when you’re embroiled in bitter arguments online or in your family or among your friends about any of the myriad topics in physical reality which vie for your attention these days.

But the moment you begin turning away from those things, you find peace. And in that peace – if you hold it long enough – you rediscover your power.

From there, you literally become unstoppable.

What enlightenment feels like: Grace given. Grace received. Getting all you want. That includes material and financial success. Awareness that you’re getting all you want. Perpetual happiness as a result of that. Freedom coupled with a sense of adventure for life. Broader perspective expanding beyond your physical senses, allowing you to take in far more of what you are than just your physical experience defined by your physical senses.

In short, it feels like an ongoing joyful expression of love.

But it is not a permanent thing nor is it a final stage. You don’t “become enlightened” and thus “know it all”.

You have to continuously nurture it and along with that you receive an ongoing broadening awareness which encompasses more and more “knowing.”

The payoff of all that is a life you thought unimaginable.

Until you start living it.

Yes, it can come in a flash of inspiration.

But it is more fun to see it gradually develop, alongside your continued refinement of it. For you’re always becoming more than you are. That’s why you’re eternal.

None of this will ring true for you until you begin realizing evidence of it in your life experience.

Now imagine an entire civilization living from this place. What could be possible?

Some say “There will always be murder, crime, greed and the other vices. You’re arguing for a leftist Utopian fantasy.”

And we say, “You only think that because you haven’t tasted the sweetness of living that we know. And you spend far too much time putting your attention on physical reality. When you stop doing that, you’ll change your tune. And everyone does sooner or later. For some, it takes dying: Everyone who dies ends up in exactly the state we’re describing.”

But you don’t have to wait to die to realize enlightenment. It’s there for you whenever you’re ready.

The good news is, once you start down that path, there’s no turning back. You’re going to be enlightened. And in your enlightenment, you make room for the enlightenment of others.

So whether we consciously normalize it or not, a normalized enlightenment is a fait accompli.

One that is within our grasp.

Here’s One Of Two Things You Need To Know To Become A Life Master

Mohamed Nohassi life master FB blog
Photo: Mohamed Nohassi

We mention “the moment of becoming” frequently. The reason is, when you get it, and practice using it, you become invincible.

People give up on happiness because they don’t understand how to make it permanent.

They give up on dreams because they don’t know how dreams become reality.

Living from the moment of becoming, you become a life master.

Everything is possible.

If this is accurate – and it is – knowing about the moment of becoming is vital, yes?

So we’re going to describe what the moment of becoming is. This is not new information. There are lots of sources talking about this.

Then we’re going to back up and try to describe it in a way that it makes sense (at least to us 🙂 ).

Ready? Here we go:

What it is: The moment of becoming is the decision point which stands outside of time and space, where you as an enduring personality essence, deliberately choose events you want to experience in your ongoing life experience.

If you got that, you are now looking through a doorway of awesome potential.

Now let’s try to flesh it out a bit.


Life experience: what it’s made of

Two “places” comprise experience. You’re very familiar with one.

You probably call it “reality”. It is the world around you; the physical world, which includes thoughts and ideas as they exist in your brain and the brains of others.

The physical world, therefore, is composed of matter.

We distinguish two separate places comprising life experience: Physical reality is one.

Matter comes in many forms, including events, communication you are most familiar with (electronic, verbal, physical, visual etc.), particles of all kinds, and forces you take for granted, can’t see, but nonetheless experience the effect of, such as wind, gravity and heat.

Anything you can experience with your physical sense organs is part of physical “reality”.

That’s the first “place”.

Now for the second.

The vast majority of humanity speculates about, says it “believes in”, or claims to “know” about this.

And yet people rarely if ever experience it. So they don’t really know about it. If they did, they’d not only be perpetually happy, they would have all they want, living their dream lives.

Clearly that’s not happening for most people.

Physical senses can not perceive this second place, so it is difficult to describe in physical terms. But it is no less real.

Gravity can’t be perceived with physical sense organs either. Only the effect of gravity can. Certain sounds and colors also are examples of unseen yet no less real phenomena. These exist outside the narrow band of sound and color physical sense organs can perceive.

So something existing as real, but imperceptible via physical senses should be a familiar idea. Yes?


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On “either side” of the familiar color spectrum there are colors we can’t perceive. They are no less real. (Photo: Max)

Words fall short in describing this second place.

So, let’s call it by what it isn’t.

Let’s call it “non-physical.” It is “anything that exists outside of physical reality.”

We’re not going into any detail on non-physical. We’re describing what the moment of becoming is, not non-physical.

But we do need a context within which to describe that. The context is “non-physical”.

The moment of becoming is the “space” “between” these two “places”; physical and non-physical. It is the “intersection” – so to speak – the catalyzing “event moment” through which that which is in non-physical becomes physical.

An excellent, easy to understand real-life example of this catalyzing moment is how a human comes into the physical world. Science hasn’t figured this out yet.

A personality essence, the enduring, fundamental basis of what you are, emerges from non-physical into physical, presumably, through birth.

Humans focus on the “birth” moment as the main event. That’s why they ask “when you were born?” instead of say, “when were you conceived?” or “when did you decide to come into physical reality?”

Never the less, the following should be easy to understand.

There are many, many processes, events and collaborations that had to occur so that your birth was possible. Right? An endless stream of connections, activities, thoughts, and interactions stretching back through time and space, involving many, many people are responsible for your birth.

Your parents and their parents and their parents, etc., all had to be conceived, born, grow up, meet, date, develop affection, grow intimate, have sex…

You get the point? That’s a no-brainer, right?

All these events were coordinated. They seemingly occurred well before your birth. Let’s go with that.

Because of this, you can trace an unending stream of activity in the physical world making your birth possible.

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You came here from somewhere. (Photo: Barbara Alcada)

At some point, however, you had to choose.

You had to choose to take that defining moment to “insert” your personality essence into this endless activity stream. (We’re making a separation of events here that actually doesn’t exist, but must be manufactured for clarity.)

In the context of the process culminating in you getting here, in your body through birth, the decision to focus who you are at your essence into physical reality is analogous to the moment of becoming.

That event, your focusing of yourself into the process of your birth, happened “before” you were born. And you made the decision.

You made the decision because you knew the experience you would have here would be a delightful, rambunctious, risk free, unlimited experience representing a wondrous adventure.

And so now, you’re here, having that adventure.

“Some adventure,” you may say.

With Trump and the alt-right, Rachel Maddow and the alt-left, environmental destruction or any other experience you interpret as “bad” “dangerous” or “too painful to bear”…you might find it difficult to see life experience as “risk free” or an “adventure”.

But when you mistake a rope coiled in the corner to be a snake, the rope is still a rope.

Nil castelivi rope blog
A rope is a rope…until you mistake it for a snake. But isn’t it still a rope? (Photo: Nil Castelivi)

So here’s the explanation again: The moment of becoming is the decision point which stands outside of time and space, where you as an enduring personality essence, choose events that comprise your ongoing life experience.

It is a decision point.

It is outside of time and space.

In it you choose what you want to experience in your life experience.

And you ongoingly have access to it.

Now, because the moment of becoming literally catalyzes the existence of matter along the lines of what you’re wanting to experience, it is very powerful.

This is why it is the seat of life mastery.

A person who chronically focuses her attention there has the ability to shape matter and events here, in the physical world.

Life mastery results when a person deliberately and predominantly focuses attention in the moment of becoming rather than IN-deliberately and predominantly focusing attention in physical reality.

Now, your physical sense organs compel a chronic focus on physical reality. “Why” is irrelevant for the purpose of this writing. But the compelling nature of your senses is not absolute.

When you learn to shift your attention consistently enough, your life experience will astound you as it demonstrates that you want to experience to the exclusion of that you don’t.

This is why the moment of becoming is so vital. Life mastery is awareness of the moment of becoming and knowingly using it to create your life experience.

If you can create your life experience, and you can, then aren’t you invincible?

Making A Case For Ignoring “Reality”

Photo: Maite Wingen

If you’re like most people, you’re paying way too much attention to the world around you.

Seems like an asinine statement, right? Like, where else should I pay attention?

To the moment of becoming if you want life mastery

A life master once said “The only difference between a common mortal and a Buddha is that one knows he is a Buddha, the other does not.”

Those are the words of “the original Buddha” written by his hand in a treatise about enlightenment. He wrote those words to inspire human beings to aspire to life mastery aka Buddhahood, aka enlightenment.

We’ve quoted this sentence a lot because it reveals a lot.

Life mastery is nothing other than being able to create a life which exceeds one’s deepest desires.

And more.

Looking around the world of what is, you see most humans in one of three states:

  • Trying to realize a few rather humble dreams because the person has been shown (by the world) that their big dreams are impossible (they’re not). Or…
  • Living a minuscule fraction of their potential because they’re no longer able to dream big because dreaming is either uncomfortable (it brings up feelings of unworthiness, lack of efficacy or both) or seen as a waste of time, which is a different dimension of feeling unworthy.
  • Living some really big dreams (such as immense wealth) while simultaneously experiencing impoverishment in other parts of their lives

Life mastery is about getting all you want. And more.

In every sense.

Mastery doesn’t only include the intangibles such as spiritual fulfillment, happiness, or emotional stability at or near constant joy/love. It also is getting all you want materially.


But if you’re ignoring that one place where everything you want comes from, you’re not only not likely to get what you want, you also won’t believe getting what you want is even possible.

Or, you believe getting what you want is somehow wrong, immoral, unjust or must come at the expense of others or personal sacrifice.

Getting all you want and more is the success indicator of life mastery.

NOT getting what you want is a symptom. It indicates a condition where a person is spending too much time looking at the world around them.

“Looking at” also means “listening to.”

Chronically looking at the world around you will cause you to shrink. It will cause your dreams to shrink. It will train you into unworthiness.

Until it doesn’t.

It doesn’t when you pay more attention to your seat of power, the only place you have total control of your life experience. That power place is the moment of becoming.


Just Because You Don’t Know how To Be Happy Doesn’t Mean Happiness Is Not Worth Pursuing

Pierre Chatel Innocenti Happy blog

The purpose of life is happiness.

Your life is supposed to be an ongoing series of happy experiences that get better and better. Then you return to where you came, where most of you still is now, reveling in an indescribable bliss. This kind of life is possible when you’re chronically happy.

We call it living “happily ever after.” You are meant to live that.

So, why is it so many don’t? It’s simple really.

They have forgotten how. As a result, they’re literally “doing” it wrong.

Maybe you are too.

Let’s fix that.

Happy isn’t a result. It’s a state of being. This is important.

How to be happy

Happiness is not the result of doing. It is a result of being.

In other words, it’s a “being state”.

You become happy by being happy.

“That sounds like a circular argument Perry. What do you mean?”

First, let’s clear up some misconceptions.

Pursing happiness through consumption or acts, is bound to disappoint because the result you’re looking for from the act your taking isn’t meant to be permanent. It’s meant to make you want more.

Which it does.

That’s why the good-feeling from doing is fleeting.

When you figure out how to be happy as a being state, not through doing things, then actions you take from that being state are the way you express your happiness, not how you achieve happiness.

In other words, your doing is an expression of your happy state, not a means to the end of being happy.

To create happiness you first have to understand what happiness is.

Happiness is an emotion. Yeah, you know that.

But, what is the role of an emotion? Have you thought about that? In all the conversations we have about this, no one (so far) has thought thoroughly about what emotions are for. Or come to the right answer.

They just accept their existence.

Armed with emotions’ purpose, you can then distinguish being happy from not being happy. This is the calibration step. You calibrate your awareness to recognize when you’re happy.

Next, you train yourself to experience happiness using your calibration as a guide.

Then and only then can you tell when you’re not happy and thus return to the state of happiness at will. Once you’ve practiced that distinction, you’re now ready for the next, and most important, step.

Here is where 99.9 percent of people fail:

You have to stay in a happy state consistently enough that you create “happiness momentum”. As we’ve described above, this happiness results from nothing other than your say-so.

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Perpetual happiness begins with you being happy for no other reason other than because you say so.

Here’s why this is important.

Once you have created our own happiness momentum, then you’ve got it all. Because a consistent, perpetually happy state is the open door through which all you want comes to you with very little effort.

There’s a host of other things you have to know in order to get this state to the point of perpetual momentum. For one, you must learn to recognize the signs indicating it’s working.

What do we mean by that?

how you create reality blog
It’s simple science!

The world around you is your subjective life experience. Your life experience is composed of a series of accretion events – seemingly random compositions of people, circumstances and objects coming together in a certain timing.

These accretion events are a process guided by your attention. Your emotions play a significant role in this attention-guidance.

In the happy state, you are deliberately guiding your life experience as it emerges around you. You direct the assembly of events and people and elements and circumstances in a timing that is delightful.

When you’re not happy, you’re doing the opposite of that.

It’s that simple.

Nearly everyone on the planet can’t recognize this is how life works. They have been conditioned out of that ability, including the ability to use emotions like happiness the way they are supposed to be used.

And that’s why people try to “make” happiness happen through doing: buying things, going on trips, being with others, etc.

The pursuit of happiness doesn’t work because the pursuer is blind to the fact that she carries her happiness with her.

Happiness is not found in the physical world. That’s not what the physical world is for.

We know this seems preposterous pseudoscience. But a little test on your part can prove that it works 100% of the time. Like many things requiring mastery though, you need someone who can remind you how to use the process and see the signs of it working.

Make your life purpose happiness and you will live happily every after. We guarantee it.


A Beginner’s Mind Makes Everything Possible

Johnny Sanchez invincible
Photo: Johnny Sanchez


Ever notice when you first do something, you’re really good at it? Whether it’s playing a game or trying a new skill, that first time often is our best.

It happens so often we call it “beginner’s luck.”

But it’s not really “luck” at all. It’s innocence.

Such a mind state is so powerful, it can even upset the seasoned players’ balance. The beginner has no stories/beliefs standing between her and virtuoso performance. No contrary thoughts, no fears, no expectations.

She’s innocent.

She doesn’t know any better. And that’s a good thing.

In a short time, however, her performance settles into the mean. She becomes a common mortal. Which is what she expects, of course. As do those around her.

(This is not a Christian writing, but we’re going to pluck a few stories from The Bible. You’ve been forewarned. 🙂 )

There’s a reason Jesus suggested¹ that in order for people to experience virtuoso performance in all they do and to have all they desire (e.g. enter the kingdom of heaven) they have to adopt a beginner’s mind (be like a child).

A mind dominated by positive expectations, to the exclusion of all else creates realities consistent with that: positive outcomes, to the exclusion of all else. A mind in a state of bliss is even better: it is open to all potentials consistent with All That Is, which leans or has a predisposition for “value fulfillment”.

You are All That Is. So cultivating a beginner’s mind brings you in concert with your essence, thus enabling you to achieve that which your stories may say is impossible.

Of course, cultivating a beginner’s mind is harder than “a camel passing through a needle” as Jesus² would say, because a “rich man’s” mind ( i.e. a worldly person, steeped in modern society’s stories of what’s possible, and more specifically what’s not) tends towards pessimism, frustration, “can’t be done”, cynicism, negativity and a whole host of other disempowering stories.

But even a common mortal faced with significant urgency can accomplish “the impossible”. A common mortal also can break through “truth” born of dominantly held societal beliefs and become, even if only for an instant, invincible.

All it takes is for one common mortal to unwaveringly believe and the entire world will bend to her bidding. Then she becomes a Buddha. Then anything is possible. For she has become a child.

The master knows after the 10,000th time, she is still a beginner.

Do you?


¹The actual verse: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (
²Again, the actual verse: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (