When A Great Actress Nails A Life Truth

Viola Davis is a diva. Her performances across a host of movies and television dramas make her one of the most under appreciated actresses of our time.

Which is why she surprised me on an Hot Ones episode I recently came across. Now, her appearance wasn’t surprising. What did surprise me was what she said at the end. Her final words were deep. Furthermore, they struck at the heart of our path as gods in human form.

In case you, like me, didn’t know, Hot Ones is a YouTube phenomena. The show features the typical celebrity interview format, but with a twist. Celebrities during the show feast on the spiciest chicken wings on the planet. Most celebrities can’t keep to their PR scripts when their lips and assholes are burning off. So Hot Ones interviews often are surprising, and because of that, enjoyable. I write “most” because Davis handled her wings like a champ.

While watching her devour those spicy nuggets, a common refrain showed itself in the comment section. A lot comments noted Davis’ words at show’s end. Rather than jump to the end, I watched the whole thing. It was inspiring, of course. Obviously, others thought so too:

Above: Commenters raving about what Davis said at the end.

Clarity begets success

What’s interesting is what she did share reflects the common to us all. She lays it out with such grace and power, making it hard to ignore. Perhaps that’s why her words touched so many.

And this is the thing. Davis’ success isn’t attributable to talent alone. Primarily, like all success, Davis enjoys her’s as a result of knowing who she really is. Then living from that place. Watching the interview, it’s clear she lives authentically. That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused practice: having people live joyfully from their authenticity as gods in human form.

So in a few sentences, Davis sums up the Positively Focused process. Therefore, dear reader, if you’re having trouble accepting what we talk about here, maybe take it from this diva. Here she is, speaking truth. We set the video up to start right where she begins sharing her wisdom.

Davis the diva laying down truth.

Clarity is a powerful thing. When a person understands what they really are, they can create anything they want in life. That includes fame as an actress. But first, one must release the penchant to compromise who we are in favor of others’ expectations. She calls that “becoming our ideal selves”.

Listen close to her words

We agree. And perhaps that’s why her closing statement impacted so many people in the comments. Everyone comes “…born into a world where we don’t fit in.” We then “…answer the call to adventure…” that is our daily life. Meanwhile, a “deep voice” within us tells us EXACTLY who we are. Living the Charmed Life happens when we “…have the courage to [be] that.”

I love the power and intensity with which she says all this. It’s definitely worth listening to many times. Some commenters agreed:

Everything Davis says I share with clients weekly, custom-tailored to their life specifics. I don’t use the word “courage” however. That implies risk and threat. But there is no risk or threat in living authentically. It’s all upside. Which my clients find out in a little while.

And guess what? As they do, they discover exactly what you just read. That’s because life IS all upside when lived authentically.

Maybe you’re ready to do that, but don’t know where to start. Of course, I can help. Contact me and let’s get started.

A Practical Guide On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Most people don’t believe shapeshifting is possible. For such people, shapeshifting is impossible. Others want to believe shapeshifting is possible. Or they believe it is possible, but they don’t believe they can do it.

Our reality reflects back to us what we believe is possible. So becoming a shapeshifter requires introducing that idea into our reality. Reality springs from beliefs. So introducing the idea begins first with introducing it in ourselves as a belief. We must believe it’s possible, in other words. That’s one thing. Believing we can do it? That’s another.

Anything we believe possible becomes so. Shapeshifting is no different. But becoming a shapeshifter isn’t easy. That’s mostly because such a feat depends on strong belief. It also requires unraveling many other beliefs. Beliefs seemingly tangential to the subject, but very much connected to it.

Becoming a shapeshifter then is possible. But for most, it’s not. Not because it’s impossible. But because people can’t get beyond beliefs making it appear impossible. For those willing to change their beliefs though…

What it takes

So first, we must cultivate belief. Belief it’s possible. Then we must believe we can do it. From there, we must unpack related beliefs. One of many such beliefs is the belief in death.

Most people fear death. Even some who claim they don’t, do. Take awakening experiences as an example. Such experiences scare the shit out of most people. Me included at one time. Awakening experiences feel exactly like death. That’s because our consciousness expands in such experiences. The same thing happens at death. Consciousness expands beyond ordinary awareness.

Brains can’t process such expansionary experiences. And since they are pre-wired for keeping us in this reality, they freak out when confronted with alternate ones. That “freak out” is what I mean by “fear of death”.

In other words, if we freak out in the face of an alternate reality, we automatically snap back into this one. That won’t work when shapeshifting. Because the very act requires expansion. Including a very real, physical expansion. As well as an expansion into a bigger picture of All That Is.

Successfully shapeshifting also depends on our identity. We must disentangle our identity with camouflage reality. Camouflage reality is the physical-ness of our surroundings, including our body. As humans, we mesmerize ourselves. We convince ourselves physical reality is “real”. We do the same with our bodies. Our bodies are us, we tell ourselves.

That’s a problem. Because if we believe that, shapeshifting feels like death. It feels so much like that, such an act becomes impossible. If our body were to begin “shifting” that experience would be too frightening to an identity strongly tied to what we currently look like. So we must disconnect our identity from our body. So that our body can reorganize itself along our intent.

It takes a while

Shapeshifting therefore, isn’t about learning to do it. It’s about undoing beliefs making it undoable. Very strong momentum and collective belief perpetuates our deepest fears. Same goes for our strongest beliefs. Some such beliefs are so strong, we don’t realize we have them. Shapeshifting requires discovering these, then unpacking them. That process happens gradually. One by one, we soothe them. Until they no longer impede our intent.

This takes a while. A shortcut doesn’t exist. Along the way though, we come into fantastic realizations and abilities. The Charmed Life becomes our life. More of what we desire becomes ours. So the path is one of riches.

Shapeshifting is possible. It must not be seen as a destination or goal, however. Instead, it’s just another step along the way. The way towards realizing more of what we really are. That path is unending. So shapeshifting is a great indicator of progress. We must have accomplished quite a lot to manifest such an outcome.

Such an outcome is well within our grasp, however. I feel myself getting there. I feel my body wanting to show me. The more I do what I’ve outlined, the more in tune I become.

Because of that, I’m eager. But I’m also patient. Because I see evidence of the unfolding.

I’ll share more as I progress.

Why We Want To Be Born As Human

We are literally aware-ized energy. We are everywhere always, all at once. Each of us flows endlessly forward, creating new realities as we go, then putting ourselves into them to explore them. All this action happens as a way of understanding all we are.

We never can do that though. We can’t ever know what we fully are. That’s because we constantly create more dimensions and realities. Every time we take an action, that action spawns new dimensional branches. Those branches are us. So we never fully understand what we are because we’re constantly creating more of ourselves.

Our ability to create is exactly the same power ascribed to god. That’s why I claim we all are god in human form. “Creation” happens through action, through our selves as aware-ized energy, aware-ized action. We can’t help but create. We do it unconsciously, automatically.

Where the fun comes in though, is when we do it on purpose.

Deliberate creation

The way we harness and use our creative energy purposefully is through our focus. Direction of attention channels that which we are, towards deliberate outcomes. Again, we create automatically. And we’re unconscious of that creation while in a body. So focusing our attention increases our awareness of what we are. After all, if I focus on creating something, then that thing happens, it confirms that I am everything I’ve described so far.

This is the wonderful value of deliberate creation. When a person realizes they create their reality, they get a lot more than that created outcome. They also support conscious expansion, that “knowing what we fully are”. Consciously becoming aware that we create reality is a divine act. It is aligned with the entire purpose of physical planes.

Not only does creating deliberately create conscious awareness of what we are, it also is a skill critical to existing in nonphysical. In that place, beyond time and space, our creations occur spontaneously. Anything we desire instantly appears. Without focus then, existence in nonphysical is highly chaotic. Things appear and disappear at incredible rates. Knowing how to focus changes all that.

We use physical reality, therefore, to practice focus. This explains why things sometimes take a while to manifest in physical reality. That’s on purpose. Physical reality is built on inherent resistance. Inherent resistance prevents instant manifestation. Time and space is a great place to practice therefore.

Learning then expanding

Earth appears as full of random events. But nothing happening here is coincidental or random. It all happens on purpose.

Human consciousness is vastly outnumbered here. That should be obvious. Birds, bees and plants are all conscious. So are rocks and soil. Bacteria and viruses too. They all have their own conscious intelligence. All these consciousnesses hold focus. They maintain “reality”. Doing so, they provide stable platforms for exploration. Here, human consciousness can become more. How? By learning to focus. Then learning to use that focus to create deliberately.

“Earth” is the gestalt consciousness. It is made up of all the consciousnesses “living” on it. “Human” is a gestalt consciousness too. It rides on top of billions of consciousnesses. Intelligence existing within the cells, organs, flesh and bones of our bodies contributes to human consciousness. The gestalt we all individually are.

We leave those consciousnesses behind when we’re done here. At death we return to where we came. But we’re more by then. We’ve expanded. We remember all we accomplished. And we revel in our individual awareness, now, as a part of All That Is. All That Is is the gestalt consciousness Christians call “God”.

Human consciousness is a beautiful unfolding. It is not the end state though. It is a process. A process of becoming. One that can be full of terror and fear. Or one filled with joy and amazement borne of becoming a deliberate creator. My clients are discovering the latter.

Perhaps you’re ready to discover it too?

Birth Sucks Worse Than Death. Here’s Why.

Photo by Yann Schaub on Unsplash

Imagine we’re existing in an eternal state. We’re everything, everywhere, all at once. Here, whatever we want happens, instantly. So we’re deliberate about our focus. Because our focus instantly creates that which we focus on.

We exist in bliss. Those around us do too. We experience a full sense of our immortality, our oneness, and yet maintain our individuality. Our past and our futures stretch out before us, available to us all at once. Infinite dimensions unfold from our consciousness too. We are gods becoming more.

Then, we decide we want to take this existence thing up a notch. We want to expand our consciousness. We want to become more than what we are. Looking for somewhere to do that, we notice beings of immense capability springing forth from this time-space reality, in a corner of All That Is, centered in a dimension known by its inhabitants as “Earth”. We decide then, that we want what those springing from that dimension have. So we focus ourselves to join them.

Being born is no laughing matter

Generally speaking, what I wrote above describes “life” prior to Earthly existence. Everyone on the planet starts as an infinite being of immense capability. A capability possessing tremendous capacity for more. Recognizing that, we choose earthy existence as a way of becoming more.

But getting here is not easy. Not only is it not easy, it’s highly traumatic.

Think about it. You start as an infinite being. You exist in an eternal state, totally aware and enlightened. Then you push yourself through your focus into fragments. Fragments capable of existing in a state of confinement unlike anything you knew before, aka human form.

It’s illusory, but you must convince yourself it is real. So in pushing yourself there, you forget everything you knew before you arrived. At first, your arrival is an approximation of your home. It’s comforting, warm, love-filled. But soon you’re thrust into three dimensional time and space through birth. Then, the first thing you immediately recognize is mortality.You’re instantly insecure. You’re tiny, with your existence dependent on these larger beings surrounding you. Strangers all, in a strange world. Beings who you perceive as an emotional mix. You pick up their hopes and fears, insecurities, worries, wonder and doubt. Often their behaviors don’t match their words…They claim to love, but often act unloving.

In nonphysical such obfuscation doesn’t exist. There, you’re instantly aware what others think and how they be. It’s pure transparency. But here, on Earth, your cognition is greatly diminished. It causes anxiety in you. Right alongside that fear born of insecurity. You’re mortal now. Human.

Welcome to life.

Is it any wonder we all cry when we take our first breath?

A common refrain

I remember many times as a child, looking to the night sky begging to return “home”. I sensed I didn’t belong here. The pain I felt was terrific. My certainty clear. I knew I came from somewhere far better than this earthly plane. And I wanted to go back.

Every one of my advance clients recalls similar childhood experiences. They recall emotional pain, depression, a yearning for where they came from, even though they couldn’t fully remember that place. Several remember thinking about killing themselves as a way of “going back.”

Those of us with a predisposition for spiritual realization retain faint memories of our origin. The forgetting doesn’t take. The memory of where we came from leaks through. And the bliss of that experience calls to us like a siren.

The good news of all this is those memories can be realized, in full, to the degree possible while in a body. Being fully aware of all we are AND being human is the best of both worlds.

Having such an experience is easier for some than others. The process of remembering not only returns us to that blissful awareness, it also makes clear why we chose to come here. It transforms earthly experience, in other words, into what we knew it could be when we chose to come here.

For we knew earthly existence would be joyful, highly immersive, expansion-inducing and full of opportunities to grow. With our awareness restored and expanded, we can then focus deliberately on realizing everything earthly existence offers. And we can do that with joy.

Death, a joyful return

Most people fear death because they don’t remember a time before their birth. For many, the “sacred forgetting” holds completely. So they believe death brings annihilation. Not liberation. They fear what they don’t remember. And that fear colors all their decisions while human.

Death actually brings a release of our earthly focus. We return to that eternal state, the state that is our original expanded consciousness. It’s why religions describe life after death as “heaven”. Of course we retain awareness of our earthly experience. But we’re renewed. We have expanded. We become more than we were before. So death is a gloriousexperience. A triumph, far less traumatic than birth.

Both processes can be joyful experiences. In absolute reality they are exactly that. They are book ends of a mystical experience. An experience cloaked in mortality, all the while being nothing more than a really, really vivid dream. One where we create all our experience with eagerness and joy.

As a child, I had only glimmerings of what I now remember. Back then, I forgot that I wanted to come. Now looking at the world with new eyes, I see how I knew this experience offered fantastic opportunity. My clients are beginning to see the same thing.

And in that awareness, I’m also seeing how my death, when it comes, will be the grand finale. The ultimate test of my growth. And my return to all that I am.

Death is nothing compared to the shock of birth. It needn’t be feared. It’s to be eagerly anticipated, while enjoying every moment of life until then.

The Family: Nothing More Than A Pathway Into Life

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

For as far as I can remember, I recognized my birth family as the path through which I came into the world. This awareness persisted, even while I got caught up in family drama and sibling dynamics. Most of my youth, however, I remember spending alone, in the woods, or with friends in the streets.

The older I got, the more I realized. My parents offered little in the way of forming family bonds. My father left after divorcing my mother when I was nine. After that, my mom focused on raising us. But also doing what she could to enjoy her life. That left me free to be with my Broader Perspective.

I bore no judgement for either parent’s behavior. I appreciate, even now, sacrifices my mom made for us. Or rather, actions she took out of her own sense of responsibility for bringing children into the world. Later, I understood massive conflicts pressuring my dad to divorce my mother…twice. But even before then, I knew my father’s choices had no bearing on my worth or my value.

The older I got, the less connected to my family I became. I remember one day, when in high school, my mother petitioned my Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Commanding Officer (JROTC-CO) to talk me. He tried roping me into expectations most adopt about their families. That they’re precious. That parents should be respected and obeyed.

I wasn’t recalcitrant, or disobedient. I just knew myself as an independent entity. A being separate from those in my “family.” And my mom didn’t like that so much. I think she thought something was wrong with me.

Brush your shoulders off

So beliefs defining “family” weren’t all that sticky. Not for me anyway. I understood what my JROTC-CO said. Those beliefs played out plain as day in my friends’ families. It also was clear, however, that I had a choice. Adopting those beliefs as my own wasn’t mandatory, I knew. I listened to my mom and the JROTC-CO. But then I brushed what they said off my mental shoulders.

I felt no longing when away from siblings. Most of the time, I thought little about my brothers. Instead, I felt most connected to All That Is, even though I didn’t know that phrase. Clearly, for the young boy I was at the time, this was the real essence from which I essentially spring. These days, I know All That Is is the real origin from which we all spring…

So I benefited from choosing parents so confused in their own Belief Constellations they were too busy to push their beliefs on me so strongly they’d stick. But I get others choose families as entry points with very strong stories. Very strong, determined parents too. Parents who believe they know best. Parents eager to shape and control their kids into images they believe best for them. Even though we all come into the world with our own ideals, intentions and expectations about life. Ideals, intentions and expectations often directly opposed to those parents hold. Ideals, intentions and expectations that, in time, can help parents soften their fear-based need for rigid control of their children…

That is, if we live authentically and refuse to bend to their expectations. But not every child is up for that.

Choosing to leave a family in favor to being authentic is a brave, world-changing choice. (Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash)

Serving from my unique perspective.

For those that are, ostracism or being disowned is a risk. But it’s only a risk to those who fear losing something.

But what is there to lose really?

Love? Where is the love in environments forcing you to be other than what we know we are? Love is unconditional. Parents willing to disown their child don’t display love. That’s coercion. Is belonging really worth giving up who we really are? I don’t think so, but many do. Many trade or bury their authenticity. Others don’t and pay what looks like a price. They get kicked out of home, beaten or shamed. But that price is not a price. It’s an investment that will pay hugely later.

Whether one chooses it on their own or it gets forced on them, there’s nothing like the liberation borne of being authentic. Even if it means “losing” one’s family. I’ve known this all along. My experience, admittedly, is rare. But I believe it was meant this way so I could offer this liberation message and others to those who need a hand up, out of the fear familial beliefs trigger.

I know the powerful, overwhelming love of my Broader Perspective, my Whole Self and my cadre. It’s from there that I offer all I do to those who read this. I do so expecting it will make a difference with my clients, specifically. But also positively effect all humanity.

I see that happening. And so I’m grateful.

Service through example

My satisfaction comes from realizing that enduring, eternal love springing from a conscious connection with my nonphysical family. It’s something I yearned for as a lad. Back then, I often cried to the night sky in my backyard, begging to return to the home from which I sprang. I knew it as a real place. A place I knew as pure joy and oneness, although those words pale as descriptors.

Now, however, I see I chose to come for specific objectives I’m now fulfilling. And the joy I feel growing ever-greater in me tells me my cadre is pleased. Pleased with who I am, what I am and what I am creating.

We come here, to this planet, this plane, on purpose. We come to offer more unto the Universe. My unique perspective is mine. So is yours. But the goal is the same. And that goal is born of our collective desire to joyfully know ourselves.

I do appreciate my parents for agreeing to be the conduit through which I pushed myself into physical reality. My appreciation for them is immense. But that appreciation can not match appreciation I feel for All That Is, my true mother, and my divine intelligence, my father. Both borne from within me and experienced by me, for me. My eternal satisfaction with this experience lies rooted in my eternal authenticity, expressed here and now, thereby creating more. The love I feel in return from those who support me from nonphysical is icing on the cake of eternal existence.

My Occult Experiences Are Getting Amazing And Cool!

I know I’ve been writing a lot recently about my “supernatural” experiences. But I must continue doing so for the time being. Everything I’ve read from others’ experiences my experiences confirm. My experiences also confirm everything Abraham and Seth told me. Whether in my private conversations with them, or in their written content, they’ve been spot on. My latest experiences are no exception.

Of course, these “paranormal” experiences are not “supernatural”, “paranormal” nor even “pseudoscientific”. They stand apart from science. That’s because science has no business in this realm since it doesn’t recognize nonphysical origins of all matter. As far as the other two adjectives, they don’t apply either. Phenomena I enjoy are as normal and natural as breathing.

But experiencing them requires releasing mainstream conditioning. It requires allowing our natural abilities to surface. Everyone enjoys what I’m finding. However, these experiences happen beneath waking consciousness. In sleep they’re even more active. When we wake the next morning, however, ego consciousness blocks them. Seth says that’s because ego consciousness sees little value in them. That is, until we tell our egos they are of value.

How to talk with the ego and have the ego listen makes up part of the Positively Focused practice. The practice also includes learning how to release mainstream conditioning. As with any natural ability, skillful employment comes gradually. Plenty evidence shows up along the way, however, making the journey delightful and surprising.

I’m still on that journey. It’s never ending. I know what I now experience is just the beginning.

We can create anything we want

Developing such abilities has practical value. Abraham and Seth say unequivocally: we create our realities. Abraham says “whatever you can conceive of as a thought, can be your reality.”

Think about that. Anything we can think of can be.

I used to be a working stiff. I didn’t think I could “make a living” doing something I loved. Oh, I loved what I used to do. But that “love” was mainstream conditioning. What I really wanted was to just live and enjoy life. I wanted to do nothing. I wanted to pursue my spiritual passions. Pursue my passion without working a job.

Well, it was gradual, but today that’s what I do. My client load is enough to cover my expenses. One client recently observed that my client work must not feel like work. She’s right. It doesn’t really. It’s just an amplification of my passion. And, working with clients is a bridge to eventually creating large amounts of money at will. Just as my bridging job was the bridge to what I’m doing now.

Ultimately I’m creating a reality where money becomes just another manifestation of my will. Given what I’m experiencing now, which, again, confirms all Abraham and Seth told me, I know money just becoming another manifestation is happening too.

What can be more practical than that? What can be more practical than creating lives for ourselves? Lives on our own terms, according to our dreams? Not “wildest dreams” because no dream is too wild as to not become realized. Not when one taps into their Broader Perspective.

More fabulous experiences lie ahead. I’m eager for them all. For now, let’s look at the latest two from this month.

A spiritual life can make anything we desire a reality. (Photo by Omid Armin)

Moving into alternate dimensions

As one soothes beliefs causing ego to focus solely in this physical reality, the ultimate reality reveals itself. The “ultimate reality” is nonphysical, where we exist as expanding gods taking on many forms. Yes, we are human. But we are far more than that. We are aware-ized energy creating infinite alternate dimensions. As we create them, we simultaneously expand ourselves into them. Alternate versions of us then populate and explore them, just as we, here, explore this one.

In this way, we are everywhere at once. But our human ego mesmerizes us exclusively into this reality. It will do that until we die, unless we choose a different path. That different path becomes available the moment one begins realizing they’re more than a human in a body. With proper guidance, one gradually begins expanding their consciousness. That expansion makes one aware of the ultimate reality.

What one perceives from there depends on the individual. My initial experiences are “flashes” of awareness in the many dimensions I’m creating. They started as single flashes, but now I have many in one sitting. Here’s an example. In it, I experienced more than 10 projections in one 30-minute session:

(above) Initial notes leading to detail recap of my projections (below)

Some however are full-on immersions. Immersions where I’m exploring a single dimension for some time. For now, it’s only a few moments, perhaps a minute or two. But it’s longer than “flashes”. Like this example below:

This is the Charmed Life

I know many more abilities lie ahead on my journey. Some things I’m heading towards would boggle ordinary people’s minds. But I know, given what’s happening these days, that those experiences are just as possible. Hell, just a few years ago, I thought visiting alternate dimensions was a pipe dream. Let alone visiting multiple alternate dimensions in a 30 minute period!

This is what I call the Charmed Life. It’s a life lived on my own terms. But more than that. It is a life where my dreams become real. As they should be, because we’re meant to turn our thoughts into things. I’m living my life, where my thoughts and dreams become my reality. And the more I get, the more bold I become.

I also want others to live their Charmed Life. That’s why I offer what I offer.

I’m heading toward an increasing extraordinary life. Along the way, my life is becoming even more delightful as dreams become self-fulfilling. Self-fulfilled dreams prompt wonder and joy, the Charmed Life that is my life. Everyone can enjoy their version of that, including you. You are a god in human form, after all. Why not create your own?

We Create Everyone We Meet. Let’s Create The Best Versions Of Them

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

It’s hard to believe until we experience it consciously, but every person we meet is a “ghost”. Each person is an in-the-moment creation of ours. As there is no objective reality, this should make total sense.

We each create versions of people we meet moment by moment. And each version we create reflects back to us what we think about that person. This explains why people we get to know very well remain consistently the same in our experience. We’re constantly recreating such people in the image of our dominant beliefs about them.

It also explains why sometimes we act one way in the company of one person, and totally another way around someone else. We “collapse” into expectations people have about us. That is unless our self image is strong enough to overcome their expectation.

Knowing this offers tremendous opportunity. If we’re creating versions of people we meet, through beliefs we hold about such people, that means we can create any versions of anyone we want.

Think about that.

Creating lovers

If we’re having difficulty with a partner, for example, it’s only because we’re focusing into our experience that version of them which aligns with what we’re dominantly expecting from them. If that is true, then we can change our expectations of that person and that person will change. Without us even needing to involve them in the process!

I’ve had clients dramatically change versions of ex wives and boyfriends through this process. It’s not magic. It’s how the Universe is set up. Still, becoming proficient at this takes practice. Not because it’s a new skill – we’re doing this all the time, of course – but because we’ve trained ourselves into believing we’re not doing what we’re doing. So we must first unlearn our self-imposed limitations. Only then can we experience power inherent in us. The power to ongoingly, deliberately create people we meet. Including lovers.

Of course, this ability we all possess includes creating total strangers. I know this works because in experience after experience I created versions of strangers reflecting my expectation of people. I do the same with clients. My most recent experiences offer great examples of what I’m describing here.

Typos aside, here I share with a client why client sessions always feel so good. I create the entire experience deliberately.

Jedi mind “tricks” are real

Both experiences involve purchases I made at two different stores. In the first example, I bought a product for my bike. Two days later, I wanted to return it. I had the receipt, but not the original packaging. I knew the store likely wouldn’t refund my money without that packaging. But I also knew I create my reality, including other people.

So I stilled my mind. Then I imagined the store refunding my money. I felt, in that moment, how it would feel after the clerk returned my money. Then I went to the store.

I explained to the clerk who greeted me that I wanted to return the product. The clerk was hesitant so he called someone else. It turned out this other person was the store owner. For a split second I lost my focus on my expectation, but quickly regained it. He asked why I wanted to return it. I told him calmly, then he explained that it would be hard for them to resell the item without its original packaging.

I said nothing. Instead, I held to my vision of the store refunding my money. I could tell he was spinning his wheels thinking what to do.

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The power of the Force is strong in all of us. Our entire reality springs from the “force” of our expectations.

Finally, he said he’d refund my money. It was an awesome demonstration and felt so easy!

The next day, the exact same thing happened with another item from a different store! I set my intention, then I went to the store. The cashier looked over the item. It had a little bit of wear on it and, even though he looked right at that, he agreed to take it back!

The impossible, possible

The same experience happens with my clients. Before when clients told me things that disappointed them about their lives, I used to focus on those specific disappointments. What I noticed over time was the more I focused on those things, clients would return the next session with even more trouble! But when I focused on seeing clients’ lives getting better, that’s just what I experienced: versions of clients whose lives got better!

Of course my clients have agency in their lives. It’s not like I’m overriding their intentions or their lives. What happens when we create better versions of people is we connect with such people’s Broader Perspective, which is always holding the best version of those people. In doing that, we kind of call forth that aspect from those people. Then those people, as cooperative components, are more susceptible to hearing impulses from that Broader Perspective guidance. Guidance which always leads them to their best lives.

I know this sounds impossible, incredible even. But as I wrote above, personal experience cannot be denied. Once you’ve had enough experiences like those I’ve enjoyed, you must agree something extraordinary, or extrasensory, is happening.

The thing is, something extrasensory IS happening. We all are gods in human form. We’re expanding our capabilities through earthly experience. Earth is not our home. It’s a sand box in which we learn how to expand our consciousnesses.

Most people don’t understand this for various reasons. That’s why most people think what I’m describing here is impossible. But it’s totally possible. Again, we do what I’m describing here all day every day. Not availing ourselves deliberate control of such abilities leaves us feeling out of control and alone.

Regaining who we are and our power

There, in loneliness and lack of control, it’s easy to blame others for what we see in the world. Long ago I experienced disconnection and lack of power. These days, though, I’ve regained what I once lost. That’s why I experience growing abilities like what I described above. It’s why I know the world I experience springs from beliefs I hold about it. About it and about the people in it. The more I do that, the more empowered I feel. Because I AM more empowered. Empowered as THE creator of my reality.

Developing abilities like these is part of regaining knowledge of who and what we really are. Extrasensory Perception or ESP, for example, is real. So is traveling outside of one’s body and creating people as we want them to be. All of these are every-moment, real experiences. Most of us aren’t aware we’re having such experiences though because we don’t believe they’re possible.

Nearly all religions allude to expanded consciousness as life’s purpose. That purpose becomes realized through stilling one’s mind. Then turning that stilled mind to focus on the life we’d prefer. Not the one our eyes show us. That process is the basis of a Positively Focused practice.

Most people haven’t tried stilling their minds. Not seriously. Nor have they done so under guidance from an expert. Many others start, but then give up. Only diligent, daily practice, usually under someone who’s gone before, yields expanded consciousness.

Once consciousness expands, extraordinary powers become available. But most people think stilling themselves isn’t worth their time. They’re too plugged into the Matrix. They complain about their lives and their world. Rather than doing the one thing that improves life: Becoming internally what they wish to see in the world.

There are exceptions though. Are you one?

Is Love Really All There is? Yup.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Why do so many want to be in love? Is it because it feels good? Is it because we’re taught to crave it from books and movies, our families and friends and today, social media? Or does something more compel us toward this powerful emotion?

And a powerful emotion it is. We kill for love, die for love, lie for love. We’ll trade everything for love. The emotion we call love literally creates art and beauty. Receiving another’s love, whether from a pet or a human feels so good. It’s no wonder some believe people can’t live without it.

But what is it exactly? Depending who we ask we’ll get different answers. Science has its theories. This one in particular is interesting. A client of mine loves to share how many different kinds of love there are. He quotes the Greeks and their love delineations: agape, philia, pragma and eros among others.

But another definition of love exists. Get this right, experience it and no other love compares.

Love…is what you are. It is what we all are. It is all there is.

The world reflects our inner state

Not only are each of us humans living expressions of love that we are, everything we experience is too. That’s because our physical world acts as a mirror. It reflects our own inner state. In other words, our inner state gets pushed out of us into the world we experience.

Many find this difficult to accept, but the world is completely subjective. An objective reality doesn’t exist. For each of us, the physical “world” we experience is a direct manifestation of what we are.

Given how divisive, anxiety-ridden and, in some places, war torn the world is, it’s hard to accept that the world reflects our inner state as love. And yet, even with such divisiveness, anxiety and conflict, many on the planet do not experiencing such things. The cool thing is, no one need experience them. Those who do experience them as a reflection of something happening “in” them.

The world exists as a reflection so we may each do something about our inner state. Physical reality then is a nice thing to experience. It is helpful. Like a speedometer that tells us how fast we go when we drive.

When one starts understanding how the world reflects their inner state, suddenly, that person regains tremendous power over their experience. They can literally transform an anxiety-ridden, war-torn disaster into paradise.

How? By getting really good at expressing the love we are, instead of expressing through distorted beliefs. That happens, in a phrase, through deliberate focus.

The enduring case for love

Since the world is a reflection of our inner state, and since we’re all love, then the world must also be love. That must therefore mean that nothing going on in the world is “wrong” or “bad”. Good and evil are human constructs. They’re also distortions. Look closely and you’ll find what we often call evil leads to very positive outcomes.

We don’t need such tragic situations though to enjoy the positive outcome. But most people don’t remember they are love. Instead they get caught up focusing on things they’d rather not experience. The problem is, by focusing there, they push more of what they focus on into their externally-projected inner state.

This is the argument for an enduring, chronic state of living from the love we all are. For when we do that, life gets really great. This was the message of Christ. Through forgiveness, acceptance and contemplation, we return to the enduring state of our authenticity that is love. From there, the only world we see is one reflecting that enduring state.

Abraham puts it plain:

Why love is so powerful and why it’s so good.

Love is good for us. It is what we are. Humans make love way too complicated. Love literally is all there is. The more a person uncovers their enduring, eternal state of the love they are, the more life matches that.

This explains why I call outcomes my clients experience the Charmed Life. I show clients how to affordably uncover their authentic selves and live from that consistently. When they do, their lives reflect that authenticity in all ways.

It’s the authentic, eternal, invincible state of All That Is expressed as the unique individuals my clients are.

Interested in knowing more? Let’s talk.

My Longest Most Detailed Out Of Body Experience Yet!

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

I experienced the most dramatic Out of Body Experience (OBE) in the last few weeks. It was extremely long and detailed. And when I came out of it, I felt thrilled with the experience, particularly because I remembered so much of it.

Previous such experiences were fleeting. They came in flashes I could barely remember. However, as I practiced, these flashes gradually increased in duration. Still, they weren’t long-lasting. But they did come in increasing numbers.

We all enjoy such experiences. But our physical senses distort what’s really happening. What’s really happening is we all exist in infinite dimensions. They all happen at the same time. Our awareness moves among all these, even though waking consciousness doesn’t experience that.

The only reason waking consciousness doesn’t is because we train it to focus here. We train it to focus only in this dimension. Meanwhile, other “parts” of us flow easily between all our multi-dimensional experience.

Consciously becoming aware of that flowing is an OBE.

Everyone does it

Since all consciousness flows this way, anyone can do what I’m doing. It just takes practice. A Positively Focused practice soothes rigid attention to this dimension. It softens our focus so we can experience more of what we are. As that happens, signs show us our progress. OBEs are one such sign.

Here are examples of fleeting OBEs I recently experienced. I keep meticulous notes on my process. As a result I can share my experiences with clients. In one sitting, on April 18 this year, I experienced seven separate projections out of my body in 30-minutes. Here’s a description of that sitting. I’ve redacted personal information.

Brief “flashes” of my consciousness projected outside my body.

Earlier projections were more brief than these; literally just flashes. But just five days later, I enjoyed a stable, long-form experience. An experience as real as this one wherein I’m typing these words.

Again, everyone experiences such moments beneath waking focused consciousness. We just block those experiences thinking they’re of no value. But they’re of immense value. That’s because these experiences represent something powerful. They represent us coming back into the fullness of all that we are. That I AM that is our true nature.

Living waking experience from that awareness, literally everything becomes possible. Now, everything already is possible. But rigid focus on physical reality limits us. That’s because infinite possibilities happen in nonphysical, that place where we all originate including events, circumstances and other people.

When we focus less in physical reality, we tune back into that broader awareness. Then we can leverage that. We can bring it back here, in physical reality. Then we can use it to do more. We can do more with far less effort. And far more joy.

Everything is possible

That’s why I’m eager to expand my self-awareness. I want to prove to myself everything is possible. The prospect of that thrills me. And it inspires greater desire to experience more of what’s possible. Which is everything.

As I said before, OBEs are evidence. They’re signs of progress. My latest experience is a great sign. The length and extreme detail I experienced tells me I’ve significantly soothed my rigid focus. I’m more able to focus in this reality and others at the same time.

So here’s the experience I had on April 23:

From my detailed journal: The longest OBE I’ve experienced so far.

If you’re inspired to have similar experiences, I promise, it’s worthy stoking that inspiration. I find my satisfaction in life has expanded tenfold. My confidence and joy is increasing too. As is my awareness of what’s really possible.

I encourage every person so inspired to not pass up the chance to learn more about yourself! It’s so worth it. If you don’t know where to start, I can help. Contact me.

Why People Create Tragedies For Themselves And Others

Photo by Peter Schulz on Unsplash

All beliefs create reality. It doesn’t matter if the belief is “true” or “false, “right” or “wrong”. In time, any belief will create reality consistent with it. Which explains the importance of positive focus.

So many examples prove this. It’s amazing so many continue thinking “you create your reality” is wishful thinking. When the world is awash in examples showing how people create their reality exactly this way. How? By focusing on a belief until the belief proves true.

One example sticks in my mind. It sticks for good reasons. One, because of the near-tragedy that could have ensued. And two, because the person involved, Edgar Maddison Welch, believed a preposterous story. A story which he believed so strongly, he acted as though it were true.

Because for him, it was true. Today, Welch regrets taking action on such preposterously false ideas. That didn’t help him though on December 4, 2016.

Pizza…and pedophiles

The idea involved politicians, pizza and a certain taboo. Someone concocted a now widely discredited conspiracy linking prominent democrats and restaurants with human trafficking and child sex. Just to reiterate: so many media outlets have discredited the story. Including Fox News.

Yet, the story quickly went viral. The owner of one restaurant falsely claimed to be involved said he and his employees were constantly threatened:

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault. I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized.”

Again, not one aspect of the conspiracy proved true. And yet, many, many people acted as though they were true. In other words, their beliefs, amplified by several negative emotions, including frustration, insecurity and fear, didn’t allow them to see obvious evidence disproving the conspiracy.

Even false beliefs will occur as true. If the people think the belief long enough, frequently enough, evidence will quickly begin accumulating. The evidence could occur as wildly off base to others. But people thinking the beliefs will discredit the disproving evidence in favor of the [false] evidence. In time, the beliefs will draw so much “proof” the people’s behaviors will align with the beliefs. Then the belief, for practical purposes is “true” to the believer. Then those who get caught up in the created reality suffer tragedies. The belief becomes true for them too in experiential terms.

This is how tragedies happen. And this is how the near-disaster related to Pizzagate happened too. Which brings us back to Welch.

A near mass shooting

For Welch, 24, these false conspiracies were true. So much so, he felt he must act. So he left his home in North Carolina. He headed north to a restaurant purported to be part of the conspiracy. He brought an assault rifle with him. Planning to “investigate the conspiracy,” Welch fired three shots into the restaurant. Luckily, the bullets hit no one.

Later, when police arrested him, Welch saw himself as, in his own words, “…the potential hero of the story—a rescuer of children”, as told to the Skeptical Inquirer. While no one was hurt, the outcome could have been different.

Welch’s experience and so many more illustrate how any belief can become true. Even flawed ones. This explains why it’s so important that people understand how “thoughts become things,” as Abraham puts it.

In fact, a recent email from them makes this very clear:

Abraham once again making it plain.

It can go either way

What’s really great about situations like this is, if flawed premises can create “truth”, what about premises based on the how the Universe actually works?

I mean, if all beliefs will eventually prove true, then it seems it behooves people to focus on beliefs consistent with what they want to experience, right? That’s the premise of the Positively Focused approach. The Charmed Life, the life I write about here constantly, is nothing other than a premise based on how the Universe actually works.

That means, so long as one believes in accordance with how the Universe works and how it’s oriented, they can create any “truth” they like. And that means the world can contain ANY belief. Any belief held long enough will prove true. So why not make your truth something you’d prefer? Rather than a truth you’d not prefer?

That’s what I show my clients every week. How to create “truths” they want to experience. When those truths become overwhelming, then they experience their own version of the Charmed Life. From there, life gets really fun.

Life can go either way. I say, why not make it go the way you want?