TL;DR: The author describes how their spiritual client practice ripples through families, thereby creating stronger family bonds as it also creates empowered individuals. They credit Law of Attraction for creating a life where they and their clients find their true power. The same power, the author asserts, that is inherent in All That Is.
Something continuing to fascinate me as I serve clients each week is where new ones come from. Hardly any new clients come from this blog or my other social media activity. Instead, they come in a way which confirms how effective the Positively Focused Way is.
As a result of the unique way in which they come, I’m inspired; as are existing clients. That’s because evidence existing clients create for themselves are so life-changing. And when my clients’ lives change, new clients inevitably result from that.
Let’s look deeper at what I mean.
Whole families moving the same way: uncommon
Over 80 percent of my new clients are coming as a result of seeing positive changes in their family members. Family members who were clients before them. I think this is rather unusual, because family members often are those with stubborn opinions of each other. And usually those opinions aren’t always favorable.
So when one family member chooses a different path, other family members typically see such choices cynically. Family members think the choice is a fad. Or they may even think the family member is getting involved in a cult.
That’s understandable. Many such choices often fall by the wayside. Or they’re replaced by the next new, shiny path. Some family members DO join cults. So I get that family members, seeing their sibling or partner make a radical, life-altering choice, sometimes roll their eyes.
Especially if a family member latches on the laters fad or “movement”.
Now, of course, for some who make life-altering choices, many such choices stick. And for those choosing, that can be a very good thing. I don’t think it’s common, however, that other family members will see what their relative did then choose the same path. They usually stick with family tradition. Or what they’ve been told to follow by some other authority.
One person is all it takes
And this explains my fascination. Because nearly all my new clients come to me as siblings or partners of my existingclients.
For example, one client, a self-acknowledged “matriarch” of her family, started her practice with me several years ago. Changes she realized by becoming more Positively Focused were profound. I knew it and she knew it.
But what’s interesting is, her daughter saw it too. Their relationship was pretty good. But it was tinted with past baggage both carried. Baggage which flared from time to time, reigniting animosity between the two.
I won’t go into details. Suffice it to say, the daughter blamed her mother for much of what she went through, and what she’s going through today.
Changes her mother made, however, were so profound, it caused the daughter to release a lot of the blame she put at her mother’s feet. Then she wanted to know what it was her mother was doing. So she became a client.
That was a year ago. The daughter is a client. And, as a result of changes she made in her life since then, her brother and his wife both became clients. Then the daughter’s husband became a client!
The matriarch in a recent session marveled at all this. She told me what she wanted more than anything was to see her children happy. Through the practice, she’s manifested that. And, indeed, her children are much happier. That happiness is growing more and more each week.
It only takes one person to change the world. When that person becomes the change they want to see, then their world changes. That’s what happened with the matriarch. Now, those most important to her are getting what she’s getting.
Even the realistic find something
This isn’t the only example. Here’s another one: one of my clients is an entrepreneur, but was letting her limiting beliefs keep her from starting her dream business. After she became a client, that all changed. What’s more, she became happier and more thrilled about her life. Then she had a car accident that totaled her car. Then she got laid off from work.
Through these experiences her husband watched as his wife saw these things not as tragic, but perfect manifestations leading to a more powerful life for her. She became so positive, her husband thought she joined a cult. So he scheduled a free 1:1 with me. He wanted to understand what his wife got herself into.
The husband is the CTO of a major medical company. So he’s very rational and “realistic”. Successful too. Nevertheless, after that first session he decided to become a client too. That was six months ago. Today, he’s made the Positively Focused Way his own. He finds what he’s learning gives him much more empowerment around his work life, his interaction with peers and subordinates and around decisions made in the organization he thinks aren’t the best.
What’s interesting is, this guy who thought his wife joined a cult, last week told me in his 22d session that he suggested one of his long-time friends and direct reports consider becoming a client! Meanwhile, his wife’s transformation was so profound, one of her best friends also became a client. That person is now exploring the power of the dream world as well as how to leverage the power of the Universe to create a life where she’s living a major dream of hers.

A life of play
So one person’s life becoming the Charmed Life I promise all my clients sparked the transformation of her husband and a friend. I believe we’ll see more transformation from that person, the entrepreneur. That’s because the company she’s creating will employ a lot of people and serve even more. And while she grows the company, she wants to plug in what she’s learning through Positively Focused into the company culture. Yes, lots more people are going to discover the power of being Positively Focused.
These kinds of ripples have all happened in the last two years. As a result, my client roster is full. I’m no longer accepting new clients. It’s wonderful working with families, spouses, friends and siblings and see their lives and relationships dramatically improve.
All this happened without me spending a dime on advertising or marketing. I relied instead on the power of the Law of Attraction. I’ve sent out a desire to enjoy a life where money comes into it without me having to “work”. And believe me, what I do with clients isn’t work. It’s more like play. Play around a subject I love talking about: my spiritual practice, which amplifies my awareness that life is a spiritual act. A spiritual act at the heart of All That Is and its desire to know itself more.
I love knowing I’m a part of that expansion. And I love that I’ve attracted people who resonate with this practice and, as a result, are creating their joyful versions of what I’ve created for me.
Nothing compares to finding one’s true power. Except maybe when your family members do too.