Better Results Always Get Greater

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

I love knowing that life always gets better. I knew that when I decided to come into physical life, but, boy, seeing it, feeling when it happens…nothing beats that. It’s what makes the Positively Focused Charmed Life such a wonderful life.

There’s never a need for “the other shoe to drop”. Unless, of course, you expect that. What a person expects, happens. So when I respond to questions about why Law of Attraction isn’t working for someone, on Quora, for example, I always say Law of Attraction always works.

The reason why people think it doesn’t is because they don’t understand what’s happening when what they expect, doesn’t happen. Often a person will think they’re focusing on what they want. But actually, they’re doing the exact opposite. As one client recently described here on our sister YouTube Channel:

A client totally nails it…

So a person might think they’re expecting what they want, but aren’t. Then when what they want doesn’t happen, they’re oblivious as to why.

The power of momentum

Momentum creates everything. But one must understand which direction their momentum builds. Momentum can happen in the direction of what someone doesn’t want. But, when a person maintains chronic positive focus, that focus creates momentum which ensures future manifestations better than those preceding it. My housemate situation illustrated this perfectly.

For the last year, I’ve enjoyed two housemates matching perfectly my positive focus. A third moved in at the beginning of the year who started off looking like a match. But in short order they proved how unmatched they were.

So instead of focusing on those things not matching what I wanted, I instead did as I did before with previous mis-match housemate situations: I focused on what it would be like not having them there.

It was no wonder then this past summer this person announced they made other living arrangements. I knew that meant my housing situation would improve. So instead of thinking about how wonderful it was that this person soon would be gone, I focused on the next person and how great of a match – a better match – they would be.

My landlord reflects me perfectly

Since living here so long, I enjoy a great relationship with my landlords. We’ve seen renters come and go and we work well together screening potential applicants.

I can’t help infusing that process with my positive focus, which sometimes kind of gets on my landlord’s nerves, because it can look like I’m rather passive with screening applicants in a timely manner.

I know scarcity consciousness drives much behavior which looks like “responsiveness”. After all, if something offered to me is mine, it doesn’t matter how timely or not I respond. It’s mine. I bring this same approach to screening potential housemates: the right housemate in no way can be deterred from moving in. Law of Attraction and being Positively Focused drives what happens in my life. Not “responsiveness”.

But my landlord doesn’t know this. She believes “doing” makes all the difference. Including being responsive.

I love when my environment reflects back to me how I focus in the world. One day my landlord and I had an exchange over text that perfectly illustrated this. We differed on our approaches to filling the vacancy.

My landlord telling me how it is…and me, soothing her concerns.

Of course I didn’t want to further inflame differences between us, so while saying I’d defer to her approach, I kept up with my predominant focus on my focus rather than any action I take. 🤣

All beliefs proven “true”

When a person lives in the world of “doing”, that reality confirms their beliefs. For example, my landlord believes her attention to detail, prompt comms and quick scheduling of viewings makes all the difference. But I know all that action pales in comparison to holding true to the knowing that the Universe handles all this and my action means very little in my life unfolding.

But if a person (like my landlord) believes action makes all the difference, that person’s life will confirm such beliefs as “true”. And in that truth, one better take prompt action or else.

Any belief believed long enough will produce corresponding realities proving that belief true. The problem with belief in actions as being predominant factors for desires becoming things is, when it comes to desires where you feel powerless to act, such desires seem impossible.

If I want to be rich, for example, or I want a partner, and I don’t know what action to take to realize either, the powerlessness I might feel indicates I have belief preventing me from getting what I want. “Action makes all the difference” could be (and often is) one such belief.

Soothing such beliefs creates a life proving what my landlord says I know; that the Universe delivers. I trust in that because that’s what my beliefs have created a life full of. So I KNOW this to be.

My landlord doesn’t and that’s ok.

The uncanny proving itself

But then my landlord sent the following story which totally confirmed what she knew about me: the universe will orchestrate people out of the path who are not a match to what I want:

And yet….she does believe!

I know our views, my landlord and mine, are more similar that she thinks. But her upbringing has her kind of focusing more in the “doing space” than me. That’s ok. Because days and several bad fits later, she sent another text:

A perfect unfolding

Unstoppable coordination

It was a perfect unfolding. Joe first connected with my landlord for a room she had in her house, but the timing/match delayed that consummation so the unfolding would continue such that he became my housemate!

Right around the same time, one of my other housemates gave notice. She’s horny. 😂 And she needs privacy and room to…uh…entertain. So she’s finding a place where she can live alone.

Instead of being upset about that, I knew her moving out, as great a housemate as she was/is, means the next person is going to be even better. That has me feeling extremely positive about her moving out.

And that’s the key to everything. I could be disappointed and feeling loss at having a good fit moving out. I could also feel worried the next person won’t be as good.

But what good do such thoughts do? They only set up circumstances to coordinate such that I get what I think about. So doesn’t it make sense to think about what I want, not what I fear?

I think so.

Having done that consistently enough through the years shows me, not only does it make sense, it always turns great results in to greater results. Just like I prefer it. And by the way, Joe moved in last Wednesday. He’s great!

My Birthday Got Better After Starting Great

Last September I took the Amtrak Cascades train north through the beautiful coastal Pacific Northwest. It was my birthday and I treated myself to an awesome outing.

But what happened gave me more than I bargained for. It also showed precisely why I practice creating my Charmed Life through a Positively Focused practice.

Curious about what a “Charmed Life” looks like? Read on…

I booked my trip a week in advance. So when the travel day came, my birthday, I packed my bike then rode to downtown Portland’s Union Station. There I checked in then found a nice spot in the lobby.

Portland’s Union Station in all its glory.

That’s when….

The Fun Began…

I rested my bike beside me at the end of a long passenger bench. Moments later, a lanky gentleman walked by pushing an older bike.

Me and my Surly.

“Nice bike,” he said, looking at my Surly Straggler.

“Thanks,” I replied before noticing his bike, a Surly Long Haul Trucker. The same brand as mine, only a different model. I knew then a gift just walked by. So I pursued him then introduced myself.

“I’m Optimistic Chris,” he said with a smile. Then he regaled me with his story.

No wonder my Broader Perspective wanted me to followup with him. This “chance” meeting wasn’t chance at all.

Optimistic Chris and his partner “Lovely Laura” are known on Facebook and Instagram as “Soulmate Cyclists“.

While he told me their story, he radiated positivity and also a sense of someone who achieved something great.

Which he had. He just finished a 4,000-mile, 93-day solo ride on his Surly from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon by way of all the wonderful attractions one would imagine.

How fun.

Optimistic Chris and his Surly.
Soulmate Cyclist calling card.

“Couple” turns “solo”

Chris told me Lovely Laura’s companionship was part of the plan. But he left her behind. That’s because three years ago, a deer tick gave her Lyme disease, making such a ride potentially very uncomfortable. She told Chris to go without her (she really is lovely). So here Chris was, at Portland’s Union Station sharing his accomplishment with me instead of Laura.

Lovely Laura, the other half of “Soulmates” (Photo courtesy their Instagram).

Chris explained that Laura was waiting for him back in Madison, Wisconsin where he lives. He obviously enjoyed his trip and looked enlivened by it even though his soulmate couldn’t be there.

It was special meeting Chris, and I know my trip, like his, would be special too. Here I was, not even on the train yet and it already was!

Onboard salty conversations

Once onboard though, delightful surprises continued. I sat in a comfy seat in the passenger car. Above me were my saddle bags in the overhead, packed with camera gear and other equipment, my computer and iPad.

Several hundred feet behind me, in a separate car, hung my bike. It swayed on its cargo hook, as the train curved along the tracks that passed over Portland’s Willamette River.

Once in Southern Washington, I treated myself to a hot chocolate, one of my favorite beverages. I make a delicious hot chocolate at home. Torani sugar free vanilla flavored syrup, Trader Joe’s chocolate powder, marshmallows, and my secret ingredient: salt, all go into my cocoa concoction.

The brew I enjoy most in fall and winter. Hot cocoa made my way.

Because of this, I tempered my expectations as I figured none of those would be available on the train.

They weren’t. But, just like meeting Optimistic Chris, what was available delighted me still.

At the snack car, a young woman greeted me with a smile so wide and bright, it shone from behind her face cover. Tara introduced herself and asked what I wanted. When I told her I wanted a hot cocoa, I asked what kind she had. She told me and we agreed, it likely wouldn’t be as good as my concoction. I told her what my secret ingredient was.

She said she hadn’t tried that, but thought it would make ordinary, watery cocoa better, so she showed me where the salt packets hung out.

Train wide recognition

While Tara prepared my cocoa (sans marshmallows) we chatted a bit. We talked about her namesake (she was named after her father) and how she likes her cocoa rich too, like me. So she adds two packs instead of one when she makes cocoa at home. I didn’t miss the two now-empty Swiss Miss packages on her stainless steel prep station beside my paper cup. 🙏🏾🥰

Minutes later, Tara handed me the hot cup. What happened next surprised me.

“You get my favorite customer award,” Tara said. “Your cocoa is on the house.”

“That’s crazy!” I exclaimed. “Today’s my birthday!”

“I must have sensed it!” she said, her smile beaming again through her mask.

Tara the day maker for whom I made the day!

Settling back into my seat with cocoa in hand, I didn’t realize Tara’s wasn’t through with me. Her voice came over the intercom.

“We have a special passenger on board today. Happy birthday Perry!” She said.

My ride really begins…

The train arrived in Seattle late, but in one piece. So did my bike and I. I retrieved my Surly from an admiring cargo car attendant, attached my panniers and slowly rode down the platform, through the station and out onto Seattle’s streets.

End of the line at Seattle King Station.

The rest of the morning and early afternoon were wonderful, filled with Seattle’s sights and sounds, including portions of the Puget Sound I spied from bikeways on my way through downtown.

Seattle has a surprisingly good bike trail system. The trail catching my interest on my birthday was the Burke-Gillman Trail, one of the city’s premier riding trails.

My adventure primarily focused on this 27-mile, multi-use recreational trail, running from Ballard to Bothell, Washington.

First I took a detour to a bagel shop my housemate recommended. Their Lox sandwich didn’t disappoint, which I ate at Gas Works Park. There, right on the water, I took in beautiful weather, and the oddest looking water vessel I had ever seen:

It’s a boat…made out of a hot tub!
The best bagel I’ve ever had.

More fun and leisure

Other stops along my ride offered interesting scenery, views of things I hadn’t seen before, and parks along waterways at which I lounged during breaks.

Riding along a downtown waterside trail.
Parked beside a wonderful view.
The destination trail: Burke Gillman.
More Burke Gillman.
Gas Works Park
Seattle Skyline from Gas Works Park.
A submarine commemoration park along my ride.
Fins galore…I find out why…

The real adventure starts

While hanging out at that park where the fins were, I kept close eye on the clock. I wanted to catch my train and knew I needed about the same amount of time it took me to get to the park, to get back to the station.

About an hour later, it was near time to go back. I packed my things, then mounted my Surly. A third of the way towards the station, I received a text message from Amtrak:

My train was going to be an hour late departing. So instead of rushing back to the station I took my time.

When I arrived at 6:17pm, the security guard outside the station must have known what was up. He looked and me and shook his head then said “you’re here for the 507?”

“Yes,” I said.

“I’m sorry man,” he said. “It left already.”

I must have shown shock because before I could pull out my phone and show him the text, he said “I know. You’re not the only one. You get a text or an email?”

“Text” I said.

What happened?

He told me to go to the ticket counter. Five people ranging from frustrated to furious milled around. One irate woman shouted “Somebody better get fired for this!”

Meanwhile Brittany, the Amtrak agent, explained what happened. After that, her manager came out and apologized too.

“A miscommunication happened on our part,” He said. He offered refunds or reschedules for the next day. Everyone there lived in Seattle, so it was no big deal for them, most said.

But I had no change of clothes, no toothbrush, nothing. Rains were on the way and I didn’t want to sleep overnight in my 58 year old body on a Seattle King Station wooden bench.

That’s when Brittany caught my eye. When she pulled me aside, I explained my situation again. She apologized and took notes of my case.

The Lovely Brittany.

Brittany told me I should write to Amtrak customer relations. But she couldn’t guarantee anything would happen. Meanwhile I needed someplace to stay. I told Brittany, quite confidently, that Amtrak would reimburse me for a hotel and asked her to direct me to the nearest one.

She pointed to the Embassy Suites right next to the station. Then she offered storage space for my bike. I stored my bike then walked over to the hotel. Ben, the front desk attendant met me with a smile. I smiled back and happily told my story, then asked for the cheapest room in the place, adding that I was sure Amtrak would reimburse me.

Ben told me he’d hook me up for the night and not to worry. Handing me the key card and giving the overview spiel, he then said “let me know what you think about the room.”

Knocking my nickers off!

Ben had done a number on me. In a good way. He gave me a corner suite. It had a gargantuan bathroom, a kitchenette, living room and separate bedroom suite. A giant flat screen TV occupied the living room wall…and bedroom wall. Both sported a personalized greeting.

A quick tour of the room Ben gave me. It’s spacious.

Needless to say Ben earned my admiration. The entire staff, in fact, did. For the next morning, they treated me to the most scrumptious hotel breakfast I’ve ever had.

I enjoyed my evening. In fact, after touring the room and thanking Ben profusely for his generosity, I realized now I could go get that ice cream a friend recommended I experience. I figured hours ago I didn’t have time to visit, but not any more!

I only got the empty cup to show for it. Trust me, it was yummy!

Nom nom. Ae delicious treat I enjoyed to the last slurp.

Home, making my case

The next morning was uneventful, with the ride home a calm experience. From Seattle to Centralia I passed the time with a woman who, like me, had engaged in psychedelics. My preference: ayahuasca. Her’s: mushrooms, which she enjoyed the night before. We talked about our experiences, about art, mantras and perceiving life differently from most people.

When I got home I went into crafting my email to Amtrak. I called their Customer Relations department, got the correct email address and dashed off my perspective in a fun, positive story, just like what I’m sharing here. I included many of the same photos, including this one of me using a hair dryer to dry my only pair of underwear, which I washed in the bathroom sink.

My dirty drawers, now cleaned and drying under the hair dryer’s blast.

You can read my email here. It’s a pdf version saved to my cloud drive.

A month passed without hearing anything. So I called and spoke to a lovely Customer Relations person, who I told I was happy to meet her and that I was going to make her day by being her best telephone call. When she laughed I asked her name. Tonya, she said.

Meanwhile, I heard her fingers clicking across a keyboard. Moments later she said “Well, looks like someone reviewed your email [yesterday].”

“That’s great,” I said. “That means they haven’t rejected it.”

“You sure are positive,” she said.

“Yes, I am,” I said, smiling at her recognizing my super power.

A few minutes later, Tonya told me someone would get back to me in a few days. A few days later, someone did. Adam Bland from Amtrak Customer Relations wrote me a lovely email. Here’s what it said:

A happy ending

The Charmed Life looks like this trip. Where everything I do and everything I encounter fulfills me deeply. People I meet are friendly angels looking to amplify my already high-flying joy.

More of my life includes ongoing events just like what I experienced on this trip. That’s not surprising, for I now enjoy a Positively Focused momentum which perpetuates the Charmed Life I enjoy. I write about those experiences in this blog each week.

Experiences on this trip proved how being Positively Focused creates that life where everything works out for me. This hyper-condensed series of fantastic-seeming experiences can be anyone’s. I’m not special.

All that’s needed is desire then a commitment to seeing the best in everything and everyone. In other words finding the positive side of life.

My birthday started great, but it got far better because of my attitude. The rest of my life is shaping similarly. So can yours.

How Great Client Sessions Create Better Life Events For Me

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

I love it when my clients’ experiences highlight my own negative focus, thereby allowing me to do something about that, the doing of which amplifies my Positively Focused practice.

That sounds convoluted. But it rings true in light of what happened in a recent client session.

In the session, my client shared a wonderful unfolding manifestation she created. Weeks ago, she encountered a women’s group called Sisters On The Fly, which empowers women through outdoor adventures. They explore the world in recreational vehicles, on horses, in canoes and more. Through such experiences they create independent, capable women.

These explorations serve as backdrops for building community, camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Fly fishing, horse back riding, camping, hiking, biking and kayaking all are on the agenda.

My client camped, fished and hiked before. But a lot of what these women do, she’s never done, including riding a bike! So Sisters On The Fly offered something special to my client. An opportunity to expand friendships and experiences.

A good story turns great

While listening to my client, I saw that sparkle of passion blaze in her eyes. Little did I know, she was just getting started.

One day, my client said, she called her partner Dale at work. She asked how he was doing. Dale works as consignment manager at an RV dealership.

“Today,” Dale said. “I’m doing great because I’m the customer.”

Dale often jokes with his partner, my client. Some days his joking annoys her. Today was one of those days. But in her annoyance, my client missed clues Dale offered. Clues indicating he had a big surprise for her. A surprise that dovetailed perfectly with Sisters On The Fly. One that would cause my client to soar with joy.

That’s why Dale was the customer that day. He purchased a recreational vehicle as a surprise for his partner. The vehicle he bought? A 1989 Ford TransVan conversion.

Ford used to take ordinary Econoline cargo vans and convert them into recreational vehicles. With only 55,000 miles on it and costing only $3000, this TransVan was a deal Dale could refuse.

This isn’t my client’s but it is what it looks like. See the interior at “Aubernutter” on YouTube here.

Ugly duckling? Or Swan?

When Dale told my client what he was doing, initially, she was not happy about it. She imagined driving a van being unwieldy and uncomfortable. Scary even. A number of other concerns came to mind too. Its looks for example. 😂

But then she dropped those thoughts after realizing what really happened. With no expenditure of either money or effort on her part, she created for herself what she now sees as the perfect RV supporting her desire to play with Sisters On The Fly.

She told me about seeing the van for the first time. My client said she felt herself transform in front of it. It’s quirky exterior and even quirkier interior made her wince at first. Then she imagined wonderful adventures she could have driving this van – sleeping beside rushing rivers, and camping out with a bunch of women who looked fun and adventurous, and learning to ride a bike!

“I would have never considered such a vehicle,” My client said. “But when I saw it, I had to admit, it was really fun thinking about the fun I could have in it.”

Her excitement creates my extraordinary experience

That’s the point at which we had our session. My client bubbled over with joy about the unfolding, all of which happened with her doing hardly anything about it.

But what was really extraordinary for me, was how her story affected my own journey. When she told me about how she got this RV essentially for free from her partner, I experienced envy. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I endeavor to travel the rest of my life in an Airstream trailer towed by a Ford F-150 truck as I create inspiring stories like this one, and also move Copiosis forward.

So hearing her story offered something special beyond my client’s joy and excitement. I felt “envy” for that reason. Most people don’t realize how such emotions offer HUGE hidden value along with their apparent discomfort. People don’t get that because they don’t understand what emotions are for.

But I know. I know “envy“ tells me something important. And so while listening and reveling in my client’s experience, I also did something about envy I felt. And in doing that I furthered my own fulfilling desire.

Here’s what I did: I thought differently about what my client told me.

The Airstream I’m attracting…
…And the truck that will tow my Airstream.

Creating new thoughts

Resistance I felt which people call “envy” grew from thoughts I told myself. Thoughts like like these:

  • I want something like that to happen to me
  • Why can’t that happen in my life
  • Why is my own desire taking so long
  • I wish I had someone who’d do that for me

In other words, I wanted what my client was getting. Of course, I don’t want a 1989 TransVan. I want a brand new Airstream trailer pulled by a brand new Ford F-150 truck, customized to my desire.

But the fact that I felt envy about my client’s story told me I still had resistant thoughts such as those above. Thoughts not about what my client got, but about what I wanted. And those thoughts slow my desire fulfillment.

My client’s experience therefore offered insight into my own. Insights lighting up resistance I must soothe. My client’s experience was created for me as much as her. For it showed me my own version of what she got revealing itself to me through her.

That sentence is worth reading again.

From that epiphany, I could think better thoughts. Thoughts aligned with my version of what my client got. Those thoughts sounded like this:

  • I’m so glad I had this expeirence
  • It showed me exactly where I am relative to what I want
  • Now I can chart my way vibrationally more on course
  • I love knowing that
  • Seeing this new, more powerful perspective thrills me
  • I love recognizing gifts I’m getting from this story

And in recognizing these new, better feeling thoughts, I felt envy go away. In its place came joy, appreciation and adventure. Exactly those feelings I’ll feel when my own version of my client’s story fully blossoms.

Amplify, amplify, amplify!

I knew feeling joy, appreciation and adventure then, indicated alignment to that unfolding I desire, in which I’ll feel joy, appreciation and adventure in the receiving later. I knew also that that inner transformation meant I’m even closer to that full-blown fulfillment.

Catching all this, then doing something about it created more momentum in me. Pleasure I felt indicated that increased momentum. By cleaning up my thoughts, not only did I find more joy in hearing her story, I found more joy in my own transformational experience. Joy too in soothing resistance, thereby increasing manifestational momentum.

Next, I wrote a journal entry about the experience. That journal entry, the writing of it, further amplified my momentum. Within the entry I did a basic amplification process which amplified the momentum even further. Then I dictated this blog’s first draft.

My Journal.

What happened here?

What happened was my exterior reality, through my client, showed me another aspect of resistant thought slowing down my desire manifestation. My client’s experience also confirmed what is in my future reality. This experience with my client afforded me a chance to soothe resistance I didn’t know I had.

So this whole experience turned out to be a client session for me. A session where I moved forward my own manifestation.

I love seeing and experiencing experiences with clarity. There’s nothing better than clarity. That’s because in clarity I see with pinpoint accuracy where my resistance exists, then do something about it.

The universe cooperates with me giving me experiences which clarify opportunity to amplify momentum, by soothing resistance. In the soothing I move more quickly towards that which I’m wanting.

Put another way: I eliminate resistance standing between me and my manifestations thereby allowing my manifestations to show themselves to me faster. In this way, not only did my client and I enjoy a fabulous session, I benefited from the session as well, as I usually do.

I love client sessions because of this. What we do together creates realities which produce in-the-moment joy and satisfaction as well as eagerness and positive expectation for more such joy and satisfaction in the future. All evidenced by and embodied in manifestations I know are on the way and fulfilling themselves.

This is the Charmed Life. And it’s available for anyone willing to be Positively Focused.

How To Create An Ideal Partner

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

I want to manifest a partner, but I cannot visualize how I want her to be like, etc. What can I do by using the Law of Attraction?

What there is to do now is relax and enjoy the process of drawing this person to you. Not worrying about “visualizing how you want her to be like”. That work already is done.

You’ve already done what you need to do through living your life and having partners who showed you more clearly what you wanted, by being what you don’t want. Your Broader Perspective is now holding that new person “out there” for you.

Your job now is to line up with that person who is “out there”. How?

Now have fun

By enjoying your life, finding things to be interested in and appreciating and expanding into the person who eventually will become a match to this person. The only thing keeping that person “out there” instead of in your bed is, you’re not yet a match to her. Were you a match, she’d be there already.

So enjoy the process of becoming and watch how quickly she shows up.

Each partner you’ve had were stepping stones to this person you want now. Most people don’t like this answer, because they think that turns people you’ve been with into means to ends.

Your nows become better nows

But every now experience is a means to future, better nows. Same goes with people. Your life is a continuing process of becoming more and better in all cases that you don’t resist by thinking contrary thoughts to what you want.

But even contrary thoughts benefit because they will – like all thoughts – create realities matching them. So you can see what thoughts dominate your attention, which tells you want’s coming in your future. That’s how you can track towards futures you want.

Including future partners.

Most people don’t know this though. So they flounder, getting some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t. Including sucky love lives…

Don’t be one of those people.

Find your alignment with what you want. You know when you’re aligned when you find life a wonderful ride on the way to what you’re wanting.

Then you have what you want: A wonderful life. The girl then becomes icing on the cake.

Why I Find Joy In Great Little Things

I love staying in the now. Here, in the present moment, I find delight in nearly everything. Of course, everything is love because All That Is is exactly and only that.

But, as most people know, it’s hard seeing life that way when mired in thoughts inconsistent with love.

A recent client shared an experience illustrating what I mean. After her intake session, we talked about emotions and their function. Having not heard what we talked about, she shared what she learned with a friend.

She explained about the Positively Focused approach, how emotions mean a lot, and how people can live in perpetual happiness, but often don’t. Then she shared a list of emotions we talked about, which ranks them from most negative to most positive.

The charmed life awaits

“Wow,” her friend said, looking at the list. “I hardly ever experience these more positive emotions.”

Of course, most people live in that state, mostly feeling something between boredom or anxiety or worse. Rarely does someone feel love, appreciation, joy or positive expectation. So when they do come, people feel surprised, not knowing these states can exist as permanent life conditions.

Cultivating such life conditions comes from implementing a set of tools which produce what I call the Charmed Life. Such lives are available to all.

But enjoying such a life requires near constant positive focus. Some balk at that. They say “I don’t want to focus all the time.” But they don’t get that such diligence, practiced at the beginning, results in consistent experience going forward. In other words, it’s a very small price to pay for lasting happiness.

And, when one does put diligent focus into practice….they’re happy. Is that really a price being paid?

I don’t think so.

Part of my practice includes enjoying life’s little things. Doing that, I find joy everywhere. No wonder the bike ride I recently took brought so much satisfaction. So much so, I made a film about the journey. Check it out, especially the nature surprise in the middle.

I Love When I Love Then This Happens

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

Nothing better exists than joy felt when Positively Focused. Especially cool: when such joy comes easily through deliberate focus. After so much practice, such focus brings immediate high vibration. It’s a wonder, and yet not a wonder, if you know this delicious secret:

Your word becomes your world.

This morning, after wonderful dreams, I woke up feeling great. Feeling great upon waking happens every day these days. I’ve tuned myself into that place so it dominates my days.

This morning however, in my positive focus, I felt space for expansion into even greater greatness. Being clear as I am these days, gobbling up that extra expansionary increment sounded great.

So that’s what I did. Through deliberate focus I closed that gap, felt even greater, then shared my example with my clients. Here’s what I shared, direct from my journal:

Any wonder the following response came from one client?

When impulse and synchronicity conspire, it benefits all involved.

I create world changers

When one develops chronic positive focus, such synchronicities become everyday occurrences. I write about this here every week. I also love showing clients how to create such everyday occurrences themselves. When they get it, they say things like this:

A client discovers the joyful realization that they create their reality.

Doing that I change the world, one person at a time. I know the world must change as more people turn to positively focused perspectives. Doing so, they bring their godhood to Earth. When they do that, they change. That change means the world too must change.

I love knowing that.

There’s nothing better than in-the-moment love felt for no other reason but for the good feeling love brings. I love knowing love flows always, bringing greater knowing whenever I tap in to what I know about myself as All That Is.

I also love knowing there’s always a gap between where I stand and where I can stand. Closing that gap feels amazing. Then amazing things happen.

So, whenever I feel even the slightest slippage in my positive perspective, I know I can close the gap between me and me just by thinking positive thoughts.

It’s easy peasy. And there’s nothing like the feeling that comes when that gap closes.

Joyful Results That Know No Better

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Clients inevitably arrive at points in their Positively Focused practice where they must confront realities springing from disempowering beliefs.

Such was the case more than 12 weeks ago when a client triggered negative beliefs manifesting as physical ailments she believed had origins in neurological damage.

Of course, nothing like that happened. Yet, her beliefs made it appear so.

After visits to several specialists, all of whom diagnosed her as having an anxiety issue – not something with physical origins – my client continued entertaining a neurological basis for her physical symptoms. She wouldn’t accept spiritual origins for her symptoms. In fact, her symptoms were so strong she felt she must find an external (i.e. physical) cause. I think she thought her life literally depended on it.

It wasn’t until several specialists recommended she go on medicines she would have to take for the rest of her life that she said “fuck that” and tried a different approach.

Eventually her symptoms began subsiding. In their wake came a cautious joy, a renewed hopefulness. A pleasant result came not long after.

Everything is spiritual

Physical symptoms aren’t what they appear. All such symptoms share an identical origin no matter what the medical and mental health communities say.

I assert they come from the same place everything else manifestED comes from: manifestING reality. ManifestING reality begins as vibration shaped first by beliefs.

In other words, all physical symptoms represent fully manifestED realities. Such realities spring forth consistent with earlier manifestations which look and feel like beliefs, thoughts and ideas. We attract these based on who we believe ourselves into being.

Human bodies, for example, represent both manifestED and manifestING reality. Bodies communicate or reflect aspects of who and what we are as eternal beings. Eternal beingness projects itself into physical reality through such manifestations to interact with physical reality. So bodies represent our most intimate creations.

Our bodies constantly renew themselves based on our beliefs about them. This includes what ailments show up in and on them.

Such ailments also represent communication, projection and reflection. They reflect back to the reflector (the eternal being) dominant beliefs. Those dominant beliefs show up as ailments so the manifester can do something about them, before they go too far.

Seeking outside one’s self

The problem with physical symptoms shows up when people reach into the world of physical reality for symptomatic relief. Such relief “works” because we all (myself included up until recently) believe symptomatic relief comes from external “things”: injections, pills and surgical or other invasive procedures.

This approach isn’t bad. And, when beliefs in external solutions combine with persistent physical symptoms, usually no other route offers effective relief as a pill or procedure. So it’s best people do exactly what they do to cure ailments.

But all physical symptoms we seek relief from we can enjoy relief from…before such symptoms become physical. A Positively Focused practice offers such early onset relief.

Since most people aren’t Positively Focused though, we see many pandemics running rampant over the planet. I’m sure you can name some.

That’s because nearly everyone believes solutions to their problems remain outside themselves. Few really believe in reality’s spiritual origins. And fewer still knows this through personal experience. So they don’t reach for early onset relief, because they don’t know it exists. And since they don’t know such relief exists, they also don’t know how to reach for it.

Meanwhile, a lot of money gets made in people believing relief is externally derived.

The placebo effect is real

Yet, proof of internal-sourced relief abounds. In medical trials, for example, researchers often use placebos alongside expected effective treatments as part of outcome control. Such controls often include situations where trial subjects experience effective results expected from the proposed treatment. Only these subjects didn’t get the treatment. They only thought they did.

What’s happening here?

Placebo as a phenomena shows how belief creates reality. Some people remember who and what they are better than others. In that belief momentum they don’t harbor much resistance. So when offered a slot in a trial, they bring not only their bodily symptoms, they also bring an eagerness and positive expectation the treatment will work for them.

Even though they get the “sugar pill” (the placebo), they manifest results consistent with those who get actual trial treatments. Science calls this the placebo effect.

From a Positively Focused perspective, such results show the power of mind over matter. In other words, people’s expectation – their belief – creates their experience.

Little do people realize our bodies maintain their integrity due to beliefs we hold at the core of who and what they are. These beliefs perpetuate all bodily functions keeping the body in a state of well being. All that well being happens automatically as a result.

But when a person entertains beliefs inconsistent with that core belief system, they introduce resistance. Such resistance disrupts natural flows. Such disruptions turn that well being into dis-ease. Dis-ease first feels like negative thought. Then negative emotion. If left unchecked, a physical reality consistent with said thoughts must show up.

That’s what medical symptoms are.

Back to the client

That’s why my client experienced what she experienced.

Her persistent chronic negative belief momentum, combined with other unwanted, yet present, persistent beliefs created her symptoms. Those other beliefs said “what’s happening in my body must be something grave. Something only something outside of me can fix.”

Her Positively Focused practice contributed too. As she increased her joy, her body projection began adjusting to new beliefs. It also began re-energizing internal connections perhaps neglected through decades.

I encouraged a continued Positively Focused approach, which she took under advisement. But most of her early action involved seeking an external solution. Until, as I said, doctors wanted her on medicine for the rest of her life.

And while she still pursues an external solution, as predicted, her symptoms are subsiding. I know it to be because she’s allowing more of her natural well being to re-emerge. While simultaneously soothing negative beliefs she’s held literally for decades.

Finding that relief prompted a text message in which the client expressed appreciation as her more normal states of being returned:

Holding the space for others

I don’t see clients in order to receive such praise. I see clients for the joy I feel in my own amplification of my positive focus. A nice byproduct comes from how my clients’ lives shape to their version of my experience.

Joy stemming from positive focus knows no peer. That’s because the origin of all physical matter knows no other Source than Source, that state of All That Is, that Peerless Pure Positive Life Energy. And since we all emerge from that origin, we each can express all that All That Is in our lives. That’s the Charmed Life.

I love holding space for clients as they work through beliefs inconsistent with who they are. My own version of soothing inconsistent beliefs offers hope for others. I continue soothing my inconsistent beliefs even today. In doing that, I know what the path looks like. So I hold the space in a stable knowing most don’t have. Another client recently spoke to this:

Standing in that stability, recognizing we create all we experience, I remain certain while facing things clients fear. That certainty is what clients feel when they meet with me.

All of us come into the world knowing a peerless opportunity of joyful expansion awaits. That’s why we decided to come. But that opportunity only becomes a foregone conclusion when one stands in positive focus. The same focus which animates All That Is.

It’s that focus that creates results which know nothing better.

What Happens After People Discover Their Greatness

Some people scoff at the idea that beliefs create life experience. Positively Focused clients don’t scoff though. Because in a very short time, sometimes immediately, clients discover what they think about, happens.

Once they see evidence, clients want results consistent with what they want. They start small usually. While going after little things – feeling better about where they are in life, for example – other things happen too. These other things surprise and delight the client. Then they get hopeful.

Maybe, just maybe, they think, life is on their side. Maybe life can be fun, easy and filled with self-fulfilling desires. The more they see things happening consistent with what they want, hope and optimism return.

Remember those? Those feelings children live in and feel about life? Well, in that hopefulness and optimism, clients ease into lives they once knew were possible. Lives filled with joy and optimism, hopefulness and eager anticipation. And lives filled with everything they want too.

They also realize they deserve that life. And the Universe helps them get it. That and a lot more.

In time – and the length is different for each client – clients come to sessions to revel in hopefulness and optimism, not fix problems. From there, sessions get really fun. Because problems fix themselves. Like this client describes:

It’s not counseling or therapy

Since no upper limit exists about what someone can get or how good they feel, sessions always contain moments where greater fine tuning happens. But most sessions involve sharing stories – real life examples – where desires fulfill themselves. Clients marvel, surprised that life gets better and better and better all on its own, no matter how good it already is.

It’s no wonder clients keep coming back. Why wouldn’t they?

Where else in life can one find unconditional acceptance and encouragement for everything they want? Does anyplace else exist where a person comes in feeling good, anticipating a wonderful hour, then leaves consistently feeling even better, having amplified their feeling good?

Where else in life can a person learn how to see their life giving them everything they want? Then return to their life and see more of that with their own two eyes?

Don’t bother. The answer is very few other places.

Some ask “is what you do therapy?”

No. This isn’t therapy. It isn’t counseling. We don’t teach people to say things like “You know, when you do this, it makes me feel X and I would like you to do it differently because I don’t feel good when you do that.”

That’s total disempowerment.

We don’t take clients back into their childhoods, try to unpack “traumas” or fix things “broken” about them. That’s unnecessary and mostly irrelevant.

Clients also don’t heal anything or deal with “trauma”. Because nothing needs healing and traumas are all made up (if that triggers you, you might want to go see a therapist).

We don’t deal in “traumas” at Positively Focused. In session, clients deal with creating reality. We show clients how to create a reality where traumas don’t exist. Even if they once existed!

Life is spiritual made physical

The biggest difference between what we do and counseling or therapy is, we come from a knowing the medical and mental health spaces rarely acknowledge, let alone know exists. That knowing says, people are eternal beings here to create the world of their choosing. They enjoy access to the entire power of the Universe, because that’s what they are. Accessing that power they resume control of their lives, which feels, eventually, like ongoing ecstasy. That’s the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog every week.

We show them how that power works, then how to leverage it to create dreams into reality. Dreams are as real as physical matter. We show clients how to make dreams physical. Just a few simple fundamentals makes it work. From there life is fun. Just like the client above described.

What we do works for anyone. But some won’t find it fits their world view. It doesn’t fit because their world view makes it that way. We know a lot of people live life from such world views.

That’s why those people struggle on mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medication. Guilt and shame are realities for them. They worry about what others think about them. They feel insecure at work.

But none of these need be part of life.

Great results pop out of thoughts aligned with what one wants. A few basic fundamentals makes that so. It’s so consistent, clients wonder why they didn’t know them to start.

But they did know them. They just forgot them. Maybe you did too.

Don’t you think it’s time you remember?

Getting What You Want Easily: Have Fun

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: Alright well if you say hard work is not the key to success then what is? Growing up we’ve always heard that you can get anything you want, you just have to be willing to work hard for it. But if hard work really isn’t the key to success then what is? I really like your approach and any feedback on this would be much appreciated.

Good questions.

That you’re asking them shows your openness to their answers. That’s more than half of what it takes to get to the answer. So good for you for asking.

You’re right. So many parents teach us that working hard is the key. Heck, all society tells us that: our teachers, our politicians, TV and movies, music…virtually everything in the physical world echoes this sentiment. Who am I to contradict it?

I’m someone who knows better.

Many reasons explain why nearly all society enforces this idea. Before answering your question, it’s important knowing some of these reasons.

Most have no idea

One, the reason why so many in our society, including our parents, parrot this bad advice is because that’s what they’ve been told.

Think about it: nearly everyone who succeeds claims “hard work” as their key. What most don’t realize is, they think that because they’ve been told that. They fall back on that because, really, they can’t explain their success, feel guilty or insecure about it and use this ubiquitous answer. Not because it IS the answer, but because so many people believe it. And in parroting it they defend themselves when others claim they don’t deserve success they created.

Which is why so many, when they claim their success comes from their own hard work, they make that claim often stridently or angrily. Have you notice that?

But notice those who are really successful, extraordinarily successful. Those people won’t attribute success to “hard work”. The ones who own their success and aren’t ashamed or embarrassed by it, the ones who don’t listen to those who claim they don’t deserve their success, they attribute it to “luck” or “fortune”.

This gets closer to the truth. They have no idea how they did it. They know it wasn’t their “hard work”. After all, many of them will acknowledge they didn’t actually work very hard.

But they don’t know what the key was either. That’s why they give luck, God, or fortune credit. Not themselves.

Don’t believe what others tell you. Most of the time, they’re parroting what they’ve been told and haven’t given it much thought themselves. (Photo by ANT ROZETSKY)

The answer is play

The key is the same thing that had you enjoy your early youth. It’s a care-free-ness, it’s a playfulness, a joyfulness, a rambunctious self-knowing. This is borne of knowing you’re god in human form (as I put it) or, in other words, living in “grace” “deservedness” and “worthiness”.

As a very young child this is obvious. But as people “grow up”, they trade this knowing (often by necessity) in favor of parents’ bogus ideas of what it takes. I did this for many years.

Thankfully, I came to my senses. 😂

I’m not Christian, yet it must be acknowledged that Jesus was onto something when he said (something like) to enter Heaven’s Kingdom, you must become as a child. “Heaven’s kingdom” is a metaphor for “success” (however you define it).

So the answer to the question is, become like you were. Know your clarity, your self-love, your blessedness, your worthiness. The vast majority of humans don’t believe they’re worthy. Or they think they lost it. And they don’t know how to get it back.

Knowing your worthiness works because when you know your worthiness you discover the Universe constantly gives you whatever you focus on as a desire. You realize it’s not your job to make things happen. Rather it’s your job to bask in your blessedness…just like birds, bees and flowers…and allow the Universe to shower you with your deserved blessings as it does for birds, bees and flowers.

Doing that amplifies your knowing that you’re blessed. For how could you not believe you’re blessed when you witness everything you want coming easily to you?

You have one job

But since you’re not a bird, bee or flower, it’s a bit more complicated than that. You must also be open to hearing signals coming from your deeper knowing that guide you in action towards that which you want.

Follow those guides and, in time, you’ll gradually come into all you desire. That’s your one and only job.

For following these guides will ALWAYS feel like fun, excitement, passion, joy…and this is why that second group of people, the really successful, will acknowledge they didn’t work hard. Because it didn’t feel like “hard work”.

It was fun, a blast, a head trip, a big party, the time of their lives….in other words, they followed their inner knowing.

The challenge is, most people shut down the connection through which “inner knowing” can be “heard”. I show people how to reopen that connection.

Life is easy and success comes that way too when you have fun.

It’s extremely simple

So that’s the key: knowing you’re blessed. When you know that, you see reality differently. When you see it differently, you see everything you want happening on your behalf. Not “believing” that’s what’s happening, but actually seeing it happening.

Then hard work isn’t necessary. Just joyful being. That’s what everyone knew life would be like when they chose to be here.

I write every week about what opening that connection looks like, how to practically implement what I’ve described as the key: how to find the lock, insert the key, turn it and unlock the door leading to the effortless having of the Charmed Life.

It’s extremely simple. Far more simple than what our world tells us.

So you know what you want. You know now you can have it without hard work. I suggest you test it out and see what happens. I promise you, you’ll be amazed, delighted and, eventually, ecstatic at how great life gets. Just as I feel delight and amazement at how easily this response rolled through my fingers! What fun!

Extreme Good Happens When Positive Focus Rules

Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

A friend and I talked on Facebook about Portland, Oregon where I live. He wanted to know if Portland turned into the “hell-hole” his friends described. While it’s true Portland sees its share of mayhem these days, such episodes reveal seismic shifts underway in the energy field supporting humanity.

Such shifts show up all over the world now. Portland just represents one such center. We’re in the Great Awakening. Expect turbulence.

Knowing this, my response to my friend remains consistent with how I see life generally. I said “you can find whatever you’re looking for here in Portland. Especially these days. Just like any big city.”

I still believe that. My friends prove that so every day.

Getting in a gunfight

For example, another friend weighed into our Facebook conversation. She’s someone who consistently holds negative beliefs about many sociological conditions today. It was no wonder then that she described two instances supporting my other friend’s contention that Portland went to hell in a hand basket over the last two years.

Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

The first scenario, according to her, happened in a posh downtown Portland neighborhood called The Pearl District. There, according to her, two guys got in a yelling match, which escalated into a gunfight. Caught in the crossfire, my female friend described how she “literally dodged bullets” as she ran from the scene.

She next described another time where she “literally helped a woman pick her teeth up off the ground” after someone hit her with a pipe.

Other friends chimed in about how tragic such experiences were. And while they indeed are harrowing, it didn’t surprise me that my female friend experiences such situations and I don’t.

You get what you focus on

No matter what you think about, in time, life will coordinate realities consistent with your thoughts. This happens not as a punishment or reward, but so that you may see and experience that which you’re creating.

Everyone creates what they think about and no one gets around that dynamic. Reality springs from one’s thinking because that’s how reality happens. People who leverage this dynamic enjoy lives filled with glee. Even though they may, for a while, live in a hell hole.

My life shaped in a way so that I ended up in Portland just in this time as the world moves through the Great Awakening. I feel fortunate being in Portland because it feels like an epicenter of said Awakening. No doubt you’ve heard about conflicts and challenges Portlanders face today and in the past year or so. Portland may be an Antifa stronghold. In this Wikipedia entry describing the organization, “Portland” is mentioned 16 times!

It’s no wonder downtown Portland often hosts clashes between Antifa and Far right extremist organizations.

But along with that mayhem comes great opportunity. I believe I’m here as a balancing energy. I focus the light into this part of the world, refracting it through my passion projects including this blog and Copiosis.

Doing so, I receive from people all over indicators of a better world flowing into the one we have. The extreme good coming into the world shapes itself according to how I interpret the way the world is now.

Focusing on the good, even making the best of what seems like “bad” situations, adds momentum to the positive shaping. So while it seems crazy to put positive “spins” on what everyone (except me) might agree are negative events, doing so is how the Great Awakening happens.

In other words I am a conduit through which the Great Awakening happens. So are those like me.

Gold in a cave

A client sent me the following video. In it a guy talks about life living in a cave with no money. I don’t want to live in a cave and you probably don’t either. But this guy’s story inspires me. It does that because I see how his positive outlook on his life took him from the edge of suicide to today, where he lives in a Universe that showers him with all he needs and wants, despite using no money whatsoever.

Notice how free he feels. Notice how relaxed he is. He found release from society’s limited beliefs, born of fear, insecurity and so many other ideas running contrary to how life really unfolds.

Note the abundance he finds, even with no money to his name…in all, he’s living a version of what I know exists for everyone. Minus the cave, of course. Even his father, a devout Christian, accepts his son, who not only lives an admittedly avant-garde life, but also happens to be gay.

It only takes one

The world I know emerging from the one we have contains extreme amounts of good. I’m not expecting anyone to live in a cave…unless that’s what they want 😂. But I do expect more people will find life in the world coming far superior to what we now endure.

This video might inspire you. I think it should. This guy’s experience reflects humanity’s future experience once the world I envision becomes reality.

The abundance he finds, even with no money to his name, is real. It’s there for us all. Living free without money is our future reality. In it, all we desire becomes possible. Including a restored planet. I know people want it. They’re asking for it.

They just don’t know how it’s coming. But I know. And that’s enough to allow it into our collective reality. For it only takes one connected to the stream of All That Is. That person is more influential than millions who are not.

I consider myself that one. There are others. Through us, the extreme good in our future becomes our collective reality. That’s one reason why I’m so excited about the future.