The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.
That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.
That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.
But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.
An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.
Yearning burning desire sucks.
Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”
The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.
And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.
This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.
Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.
How it can work
Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?
It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.
Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.
In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.
Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.
20 minutes of wisdom…
Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.
It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.
And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.
When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.
That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.
The reason nearly everybody has such a hard time with life experience is they resist what they want. Instead of being Positively Focused about life, they focus on everything going wrong.
A client recently had an experience worth sharing. It not only shows how stories create reality, it also shows why people don’t see connections between their thoughts and realities their thoughts create.
Not seeing those connections is why many folks live lives of compromise, of professionally unsatisfying, or lonely or anxiety-ridden, depressing lives. People feel powerless about doing something about such lives. When they do try, they fail.
That’s why it’s important knowing beliefs create reality. It’s also important knowing how to read the signs telling you what beliefs are creating what reality.
So let’s now turn to our client’s story.
A woman creates while not knowing she’s creating
Selene, who happens to be transgender, came to her session in good spirits. She had a good winter holiday, spent at home with family. The farm where she lives sits on cold, frozen farmland, but inside her home, good cheer, good food and family filled the space and warmed Selene’s heart.
That good cheer extended to her father, mother and sister, all of whom laughed and ate and celebrated. It was a good holiday, which marked a big change in her life. Usually holidays in Selene’s family are not fun.
A couple days before her session, a customer entered the Starbucks where Selene works, ordered a drink, then took off his mask. He started drinking his beverage in the store. That violated Starbucks’ COVID-19 policy.
Thoughts create reality wherever you are, even in a coffee shop. (Photo by Vaishnav Chogale on Unsplash)
Selene saw the customer and politely explained to him that, one, he couldn’t remove his mask while in the store and, two, he could not drink his beverage inside.
The man looked Selene up and down, then said “Are you trying to control what I’m doing sir?” in an intentional misgender.
Selene has enough positive story momentum though, so being misgendered didn’t phase her. Then she heard her assistant manager behind her say “Sir, Selene is a woman, not a man. You must leave now.”
As the unruly customer turned to go, Selene added “It’s also illegal to retaliate against workers when they enforce statewide COVID policy.”
Not seeing the connections…until they’re seen
In her session a couple days after this experience, Selene wondered aloud why she experienced this. She thought such an experience wouldn’t happen since she’s been telling positive stories, evidenced by such a good holiday with her family.
Why did this unruly man enter her life? Why did she have such a confrontation, she asked.
I remained silent.
A moment later, Selene started talking about something else, thinking she changed the subject. Little did she know, she was about to answer her own question.
Selene said she read an article on the internet. It described a new law now in effect in her area. It protects workers from retaliation when they enforce COVID-19 policies at work.
I looked at Selene silently. She got my look and smiled. It didn’t need saying, but I said it anyway:
After reading the article, Selene said, she liked the new law. She told me she thought about how cool it would be to have an experience where she could use it.
I looked at Selene silently. She got my look and smiled. It didn’t need saying, but I said it anyway:
“There is no mystery about this experience,” I said. “You were in your positive momentum of the holidays, feeling good, in joy with your family. Then you read this article and felt confidence in the new information. Feeling confident, you declared wanting to use that law. So you created an experience consistent with your declaration: an opportunity to use it.”
It’s obvious once seen
Life always shows how thoughts create reality. Most miss the connections, because they don’t believe that’s what’s happening. So when something happens now, they forget past nows wherein a thought was entertained that creates what’s happening now.
Once you know how to see the clues, they’re obvious.
Here’s the formula using Selene’s example:
Selene felt wonderful from previous nows with her family. Those previous nows were born of work she’s been doing through her sessions.
In her wonderful feeling, she attracted a news story specifically about her work as a customer-facing employee. It’s likely Selene had an unexpressed desire to feel more protected at work around COVID and her gender. Thus her life experience revealed this news to her.
In the revealing, Selene felt better about her work as a customer-facing Starbucks employee. That confidence took it a step further: it had her express a desire for an experience matching that confidence, which would bolster said confidence.
Then she dropped the whole idea. She thought about it no further. She didn’t share the article. She forgot it until she brought it up in our session.
So, in only a few days, she got exactly the experience she wanted.
It always works this way…or it can
How thoughts create reality.
This is how beliefs always create reality. Knowing this, any reality imaginable can be created. The reason many people have a hard time getting anything they want, is because they resist what they want by focusing almost totally on what they don’t want.
They focus on sucky relationships they have or had. They focus on people on the other side of a political divide. They complain about things the government, their spouse, parents or children do. They complain about their boss or their job. The plain old complain. 😂
Such thoughts can’t create happy lives.
If instead people emphasized all the positive things in their lives, things they enjoy about their lives now, their parents now, their spouses now, their job, boss, and children now, their lives would gradually include more of those things.
Having anything is easy when you know how to do it and believe the how. But if you think thoughts aren’t creating reality, then it’s near impossible.
The easy way to have anything wanted: think thoughts that feel good.
I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.
The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.
The incredible becomes every day
This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.
It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.
Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.
So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.
My client sharing her wonderful awareness.
I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.
By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.
In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.
And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.
What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.
I’m getting ahead of myself 😄
Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:
My responses and her loving my response as I loved hers. Everything happening perfectly.
Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?
Then this happened
Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:
A Client raves to Holly about her experience with being my client 🤣
When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.
Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:
Holly considers my impulse.
Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:
Welcoming my newest client and the extraordinary response he made given my ongoing conversation with my current client. This allowed Holly to share Taylore’s comment with him in person before our free 1:1 session.
What was happening?
Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.
So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.
Scott’s request to reschedule enabled Holly to share Taylore’s experience with him.
And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.
Me doing the work, and my client doing the same.
And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.
The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.
What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:
This is all coincidental
This is confirmation bias happening
This is just luck
This doesn’t happen all the time
This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?
All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.
I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.
This is part three of a three part series on how I created a life where I no longer have to work a job. It began when my wife gave me an ultimatum. What came after that was a wonderful unfolding culminating in where I am today: no longer working a job, money coming in easily with little effort on my part and a life filled with joyful moments of clarity, peace, and joy.
In this post I’m going to describe what happened after starting work at the bridging job I created. I described how I created that job in part two.
A job let me live job-free
I went to work for this company. It was a wonderful time where I explored working for a very large successful Corporation again after working at Intel many years ago. This job was much more manual labor focused. I delivered packages around town in a truck.
I enjoyed this work. And I enjoyed working with people who typically take these kinds of jobs. I worked mostly in white-collar executive positions, wearing snazzy clothes in large offices. This opportunity opened my eyes to a different type of people. I had not had the opportunity to work alongside laborers, people who traded their labor for income. What I learned surprised me.
A picture of me at the wheel of my delivery vehicle while on my “bridging job.”
I wrote about many of these eye-opening experiences in this blog. Most fascinating is, when I look back on that job remembering how much fun I had, I also see how that job filled its purpose exactly as I designed it: as the bridging job that would take me from earning a living through a job, to having money flow easily into my life experience without working for it.
While working there, I changed old beliefs that had me tied to wanting jobs. Beliefs such as “a job says a lot about your self worth”, and, “working for a big company carries a lot of status”, and “making money says a lot about who you are”. Using the Positively Focused approach I soothed these old beliefs so the reality I wanted as my life became the life I have: one where none of these beliefs exist and I live job-free.
Happiness creates opportunity
So it was no surprise to me that shortly after the start of 2020, rumblings among the permanent staff indicated there might likely be layoffs coming. Our jobs were seasonal, but the permanent staff suggested here and there that our jobs might become permanent.
The rumors caused tremendous upset among my fellow drivers. For many, this job was all they had. Others hoped this delivery jobs were ground-floor opportunities to better, permanent jobs.
I was eager for whatever was going to happen. I knew what was going to happen would serve me best. I was not at the whim of this company: I was creating my reality. Not them.
So during my time delivering packages, I reveled in the experience. I immersed myself in the process. I figured out ways to improve and make more efficient the process. I gave that information to my manager who forwarded it to her manager. The management team was excited about what I had written. They gave me kudos for doing so.
I found myself really enjoying this work. I enjoyed the physicality of it. I enjoyed being out on my own. I enjoyed exploring parts of the city I hadn’t explored before. All in all, I enjoyed this job. I did not see it as a job, because it wasn’t for me. Instead it was a “bridging opportunity“ toward the reality I was creating.
Finally, just after the new year, rumors intensified that layoffs were coming. Instead of coming in the following week, I decided to take all the sick leave I accumulated. While on leave, I turned my attention toward my desires: to move through the rest of 2020 with money flowing into my life without me working a job.
The week I took off, the company terminated all seasonal driver positions. Everyone arrived at their shift and got their termination letter. My fellow drivers wrote me text messages upset about how they felt the company treated them.
They were really frustrated and annoyed and feeling disrespected that they showed up for work only to be dismissed.
Not me.
I was at home luxuriating in my bed, reveling in the future that was flowing into my life.
Me again in the delivery driver vehicle compound.
Then it happened
Several days later, I received a letter notifying me that I have been laid off. But that was no concern because I was enjoying my life.
That’s because, just before receiving the letter that I was laid off, A person who follows my passion project called Copiosis wrote me a message on WhatsApp. He said he wanted me to be able to put more time on that project, and was sending me cryptocurrency in an amount sufficient to pay for my living expenses for the rest of the year.
I was not expecting this specifically. The message floored me. I knew something like this would happen. I just didn’t know what the details of the happening would looked like.
You can imagine my delight upon receiving that message. But what really excited me was how much bitcoin he gave me. True to this person’s word, the money in cryptocurrency he sent me paid my rent and living expenses for the rest of the year.
In other words, the universe coordinated the cooperative components – leaving my wife, creating a job, an apartment (which I may write about), and this easy transition to a jobless life – consistent with my desires: living without a job, and, having money come in without me having to do anything for it.
What’s interesting is, the same person gave me another cryptocurrency gift at the end of 2020. That particular gift came just as Bitcoin took off on a months-long rally. Every month thereafter, the rally increased the value of the amount he gave me by 1/3. That was enough to generate enough cash to last me throughout 2021.
Meanwhile, more Positively Focused clients came, eager to learn how to create their reality. Today my basic living expenses are covered by the cryptocurrency gift combined with the amount of money my clients gift me in return for the transformed lives they get.
Wait a minute…
You may ask: aren’t you working when you serve these clients or when you do things for Copiosis? My answer: not at all.
Because when I’m giving time to my clients, I’m Positively Focused. Being Positively Focused, especially being Positively Focused with another person, doesn’t feel at all like “working”. It’s play, it’s joyful and it’s fun.
It is filled with laughter, with epiphanies, insights and realizations, all of which lead to more and better, not only for my clients, but for me too.
Copiosis is a fun, joyful adventure. It’s not a job. I see it as a playground where I get to practice what I preach in Positively Focused.
So by serving my clients I am creating a more and better life for myself. That’s not working. That’s enjoying the reality I am creating, realities I am co-creating alongside my clients. Copiosis is like that too.
Today, as I sit in bed dictating this blog post, all my expenses, including enough for entertainment and pleasure expenses, are covered without me having to do anything that looks and feels like a “job”. I created exactly the reality that I had intended as I was leaving my wife.
I should add, that anyone can have this life. Anyone can create any reality they want. This is what I show my clients how to do. This is how life is meant to be.
We all came into the world not to mimic what other people are doing. We’re here to make real worlds of our own design matching our wildest desires.
Nothing else feels as satisfying as that. The more I live my life consistent with my wildest desires, the better I feel and the better life gets.
There’s more to come. And I’m eager for all of it.
Yesterday I went on a bike ride while listening to inspirational words from my mentor. I rode up Lief Erickson Drive to the bike/hike trail, then ventured six miles in.
Delight and clarity about life experience filled me as my bike jostled and jiggered over rocks, ruts and mud along the trail. It was hard going, mostly uphill, but I didn’t experience “hard”. Instead, I felt appreciation, fun and good times. I sought this, so “hard” felt “fun”.
I literally laughed at some points when tire and trail disagreed, which sent me and my bike in random directions, but never off-trail.
The farther I ascended this rocky, shaky, bumpy trail, the more exhilaration, joy and clarity filled me, and the less I felt the trail itself. My body and bike merged with every rock, every rut, while my attention focused, softly taking in All That Is – trees, birds, water puddle, bike, legs pumping…
At mile three I took a break during which sensations along my arms and shoulders caught my attention. I thought something bit me, yet no evidence of bites presented themselves. I scratched and rubbed, but the sensations persisted. Seeing no signs of insect attack, I ignored the itching, remounted and rode on.
After mile six I turned around. Going in, it’s uphill mostly, so going down presented an added challenge: more speed. I swooshed down trail, twisting and turning my narrow-tired bike through puddles, slippery rocks and even slipperier mud.
An Awakening Moment Lay Ahead
Extraordinary moments happen all the time. The question is, do I see them? Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash
I came to a sun-drenched clearing just as the itching on my shoulders and arms got worse. I stopped to scratch but again, saw no evidence of irritation…no bites or bumps.
Suddenly, sunlight, colors in the trees, the sky, wind song, bird song…everything I perceived occurred at volume 10. Everything got brighter, clearer. My head got light, goose bumps covered my arms and neck. I understood then, the itching wasn’t skin-related. It was energy-related.
It indicated in-tune-ness with my Broader Perspective, my body releasing resistance yielded to pleasure and power born of pure positive focus. I straddled my bike, stunned in appreciation…
When I started riding again, I felt super-present, loving life and the world around me.
Far from the trail, in one of Portland’s remaining industrial areas, it struck me again! Beauty, oneness, harmony…the elegance of all that is filled me so much, I pulled my bike over, dismounted and sat on the sidewalk against the wall of a local brewery. I couldn’t ride any farther.
Everything I saw, humming birds flittering by, blue sky, white wisps of clouds, bright yellow sun, and yes, roads, buildings, litter along the road, homeless people sleeping in their cars… everything around me amplified themselves.
I saw it all connected. I saw it all beautiful.
Nearly every day since, I feel this way coming out of sleep, this oneness, this peace, this connected-to-All-That-Is-ness. I feel God’s happiness with creation filling me so completely, physical reality experience becomes an ecstatic experience. It’s the feeling I feel filled with the being of me: A God in human form.
Your personal relationship with God creates life experience and it’s all good. The question: are you interpreting life experience the way God is?
You are if you’re feeling great.
You are if people treat you great.
You are if nature puts itself on display for you
You are if desired events and circumstances fulfill themselves
And if you are, you know, like I know, that heaven is on earth. There’s no reward after death greater than receiving everything life experience inspires you to want while human in a human body.
Because after death, you get all of that and more at once. But there’s no need to wait until after death. I know we can have it all before death. I know I have it all now.
There’s truth to the saying “on earth as it is in heaven” for the one able to see life through the eyes and mind of God. That is seeing life through a Positively Focused perspective.
Turn your attention towards your life getting better and see how much better (and faster) your life getting better gets.
Positively Focused
We show people how to have amazing, fulfilling lives. We call that Charmed Living. Everyone, anyone can have it. It only requires focus on that which makes that happen. Find out more.
An editor working with me on an anthology essay I wrote wanted a better headline. The original didn’t pop, she said.
Knowing what I know, I set my intention so Universe would do the work. In some life areas though, old habits are just that: moments later, I scribbled several ideas on my note app, trying to coax Universe into giving me some ideas:
Essay Titles I created while “efforting”. Ugh they suck!
That’s the hard way. And it felt hard. So I wrote back to my editor. I told her I’d get back to her. Take some time, She wrote back.
Days later, I Pre-Paved a future probable reality wherein I’d receive what I asked for: a wonderful headline, one my editor would love. One that would pop.
A couple days after that, I re-read my essay. It’s so good. It’s a true story about an adventure a Transamorous Network client and I experienced. While reading it “Life IS Joy” popped out of the essay. I sent that to my editor, even though I didn’t like it all that much.
My feeble attempt. 😂
That not liking all that much was a clue…
My editor didn’t like it either. She suggested something catchier, something with a play on words:
Not so good response…
Nothing came up when I focused, so I just let go. I figured my Personal Trinity would bring me a perfect headline.
That’s what happened
Last night I watched a favorite James Bond movie for the umpteenth time. A Quantum of Solace it’s called. I enjoyed watching it. I enjoy the luxury Bond enjoys surrounding himself in. People in the movie are pleasant to watch too. 😊
Then I went to bed, blissful in positive focus.
The next morning (the day I’m writing this), the phrase “A Universal Solace” came to mind. My immediate reaction was: hey that’s kinda good. Then I poo-pooed it as too obvious a play on “Quantum of Solace”.
But then I thought “wait a minute! This is what I asked for!”
Tentatively, I looked up the word “Solace”. It perfectly fit what happens in the essay. My Personal Trinity scored a direct hit!
I sent it to my editor. Here’s what she said.
I created a future probable reality, then let my Personal Trinity handle the rest. I noticed how hard it was trying to do what I wanted through action alone. I trusted my feelings instead. Look what happened!
What happened next: even better
Weeks ago I got an impulse that my essay could become a full-length book and/or a movie. I wanted to send my editor a note about that, but held off.
After getting her email above, I sent her two more emails, one replying to her acknowledging the new headline:
and another offering to work together on more projects:
Here’s what she wrote back:
Universe stands ready to do the work for you.
I marvel at this because I love writing. I always have. I love telling stories through various ways; through illustrations, film/video, through speeches and presentations and of course through words.
My life as a story is worthy of being told. And here is my editor urging me in this direction, just as an angel of the Universe would.
This path unfolding before me, filled with so much of what I’m wanting, feels ecstatic. All of it is unfolding aligned with talents and passions I already have, not something I learned in school, but something inherently me.
It’s all coming from my inner knowing, tied to my authentic self. I tell my clients their authenticity is from where their prosperity and joy emerges. My life offers living proof. Universe loves me.
The more I complain about the Present Moment while trying to change it, the more I energize what is, thereby keeping it in place. I give it more sticking power.
The same is true with trying to make something—presumably new and better than what is—happen. The harder I try, the more I energize the absence of the change I want to see. “The absence of the change I want to see” is the Present Moment, the “what is now” which doesn’t include what I want.
So the harder I try, the more the Present Moment recreates itself in my next now, and the next, and the next.
So profound is this secret, it is core to all master-level pursuits:
Auto racing: Indy car drivers are taught that if their car is out of control and they’re careening toward a wall, they should look in the direction they want to go, not the direction they’re going. From an article on advanced driving [Bracket statements added for clarity]:
“Avoiding accidents: Racing drivers know that if a car spins out in front of them [what is], it’s best to keep looking at where you want to go [what one wants], not at the car in front of you or even in the direction in which the car is already going [that’s momentum]. When you look in the right direction [look at what you want], the car goes in the right direction, a reminder of the way in which vision [desire] and car control [manifestation] are inextricably intertwined.”
Master-level martial arts: Every master-level martial artist knows resisting an attackers attack energizes the attack, making it more effective. The more you redirect attacker-energy in your favor, i.e. not resisting the attack, but flowing with it, the more powerful you become. Nearly all martial arts emphasize mastering this skill.
Personal survival: Riptides are dangerous. What makes them doubly so is if you try to fight your way out of it once you get caught in one. Swim against the force pulling you out and you’ll likely drown from exhaustion. I love this description from the website Art of Manliness:
Don’t try to swim against the rip. Deaths that result from riptides aren’t caused by the current pulling someone under; instead, the person typically panics, starts trying to swim against the rip to get back to shore, becomes exhausted, and drowns. An 8-feet-per-second riptide is so strong that not even Michael Phelps, even when he had that amazing mustache, could swim against it. Don’t kick against the pricks. Swim parallel to the shore. Instead of swimming against the rip current, you want to swim perpendicular to it, in either direction. Rip currents are typically only 20-100 feet wide. Once you leave the rip, swim at an angle away from it towards the shore. Go with the flow. If you don’t have the swimming skills or energy to swim out of the rip, float on your back and go with the current. Just imagine you’re taking a spin on the Lazy River at the water park you went to as a kid. Once the rip current dissipates, you can do the parallel swim thing or try to signal to the lifeguard or someone else that you’re in need of help.
See that part about “go with the flow”? Exactly.
So what does all this mean regarding creating my Charmed Life? Good question. And here’s where the secret waits patiently for discovery: Hold it lightly, my friends.
Here’s how I do it:
I pay no attention to the world around me if I feel resistance about it. What is, is what’s becoming. Focusing on what is only gives me more of that. Instead, I pay attention to the world I prefer seeing. When I do, I feel lighter, as I let go of stress I carry around being frustrated and angry about what I see on tv, read online or in print, or hear from well meaning friends.
I Create in my mind what I would prefer to have that would replace what is. I don’t worry about details. Instead I think about how that new world feels. Fun? Pleasurable? Interesting? Adventurous? Exciting? Then I hold this feeling as long as I can as often as I can throughout the week.
I hold lightly to those feelings, let them generate momentum. I’m light and easy about all this. I play around with the vision I created in the previous step. I let go of any thoughts of “making it happen” or “doing something in the world” that will lead to this vision. My holding onto this vision is more powerful than action because in the Moment of Becoming, what I want already has sufficient momentum to fulfill itself.
I’m open to inspiration. Successful with the above steps, I receive impulses that compel action. I follow that. See where it leads.
I do less, play more. I replace all that time I spend reading, talking, and thinking about what is with time spent having fun. I follow my passions, pursue a fun hobby, develop a new skill, meet new people, go out on walks—whatever is fun. These periods allow my mind and the Universe to collaborate, to create opportunities for me to discover pathways to the world I envisioned in step two.
These five steps contain the power of creation. In a little time I found not only pathways leading me to opportunities, people, events, and ideas that support creating the world I want to see, my life now is more fun, easier and lighter.
When all is said and done, what I want is that last part. I want my life to be fun, easy and light. Truth is, I can have that now, without anything changing in the world around me. But it is oh so much fun creating new realities, then seeing them come true.
I stopped using alarm clocks….I can’t remember when. These days I lightly intend the next day, the day before. Rather than plan a to-do list, things I want to check off tomorrow, I tune my vibration, my feeling tone, my Moment of Becoming so that tomorrow feels fun and adventuresome.
All That Is then gets to work, setting my agenda for me, including dreams and their messages. Including what time I wake.
When I do wake, it’s effortless, easy and delightful. Impulses I receive inspire my action. By the end of the day, the day completes itself. Full of fun and creation, I end each day, these days, happy and ready for another dream state adventure and another wake state day after that. Life is a dream, adventuresome, joyful.
All That Is does my to-dos
This week I noticed my food stores running low. Over the last few days I compiled a list of things I’d enjoy eating. That list included ripening tomatoes and kale from my garden. All That Is, over this week, inspired other list items while also inspiring when where and how these items would fill my fridge. This morning I’m playful and eager, rather than head-down and determined, as I would be were I still in the 9-to-5 grind.
My Heirloom Tomatoes Ripening
My Mini Tomatoes doing the same.
So much life richness happens every moment since I chose living Positively Focused, which means living life’s dream, living on purpose, putting spirituality first and foremost. Describing that richness in words dries it out like turning juicy, mouthwatering beef into tough, dry jerky. Life’s beautiful, joyful experience wherein I play with myself (All That Is) in wonder-filled Co-creation defies description.
My diligent clients gradually get this. When their life gets this good, this fun and when love gets this constant and unwavering, none of them want to go back living and loving the way they once did.
I know the feeling.
The work-focused, American Dream lifestyle, lived on clock time with most of the day spent in jobs worked for money and vacuous sleep states where the sleeper sleeps oblivious to nonphysical’s grandeur, interests me not.
What I live now makes that life an absurdity, an abomination, a Christian’s hell right here on earthly heaven.
Here In Heaven
A housemate asked what I do for income. I gave an insincere, dishonest answer about about my projects. I don’t do my projects for money. I don’t do anything for money anymore. I create heaven; life fills in around that.
I live my life according to the great masters, finding glory in creating reality, glorifying All That Is as an integral component of creating life. It’s fun, living Positively Focused. There I find joy and satisfaction nearly moment-by-moment, heaven lived right here, where spiritual and material stand synonymous with one another. There, money comes as everything else: my creation, to the degree I’m ready, not because of something I do.
I “do” consistent with what I “be”. Then I “have” consistent with that. I be a spiritual being, sharing my love of living, of physical and nonphysical, with others so they may leave behind their alarm clocks.
I have life consistent with that. Being, doing then having. That’s the formula.
Most people live the other way around. They can’t be what they want until they have what they want. And they believe they can’t have what they want until they do something to get it.
I know better.
I could write it wasn’t easy getting here. But it was easy. My Positively Focused perspective transforms once hard moments into joyful adventures and fun times. As I change my present moment experiences through being Positively Focused, past and future change too. “Hard” becomes easy and fun, life gets easy.
Same with my relationship to money. I stopped pursuing it. It now pursues me, All That Is in a body on Earth, expressing freedom that is All That Is, for the fun, the expansion of that, and the joy inherent in it. I’m happy. Happy as a flower.