Joyful Results That Know No Better

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Clients inevitably arrive at points in their Positively Focused practice where they must confront realities springing from disempowering beliefs.

Such was the case more than 12 weeks ago when a client triggered negative beliefs manifesting as physical ailments she believed had origins in neurological damage.

Of course, nothing like that happened. Yet, her beliefs made it appear so.

After visits to several specialists, all of whom diagnosed her as having an anxiety issue – not something with physical origins – my client continued entertaining a neurological basis for her physical symptoms. She wouldn’t accept spiritual origins for her symptoms. In fact, her symptoms were so strong she felt she must find an external (i.e. physical) cause. I think she thought her life literally depended on it.

It wasn’t until several specialists recommended she go on medicines she would have to take for the rest of her life that she said “fuck that” and tried a different approach.

Eventually her symptoms began subsiding. In their wake came a cautious joy, a renewed hopefulness. A pleasant result came not long after.

Everything is spiritual

Physical symptoms aren’t what they appear. All such symptoms share an identical origin no matter what the medical and mental health communities say.

I assert they come from the same place everything else manifestED comes from: manifestING reality. ManifestING reality begins as vibration shaped first by beliefs.

In other words, all physical symptoms represent fully manifestED realities. Such realities spring forth consistent with earlier manifestations which look and feel like beliefs, thoughts and ideas. We attract these based on who we believe ourselves into being.

Human bodies, for example, represent both manifestED and manifestING reality. Bodies communicate or reflect aspects of who and what we are as eternal beings. Eternal beingness projects itself into physical reality through such manifestations to interact with physical reality. So bodies represent our most intimate creations.

Our bodies constantly renew themselves based on our beliefs about them. This includes what ailments show up in and on them.

Such ailments also represent communication, projection and reflection. They reflect back to the reflector (the eternal being) dominant beliefs. Those dominant beliefs show up as ailments so the manifester can do something about them, before they go too far.

Seeking outside one’s self

The problem with physical symptoms shows up when people reach into the world of physical reality for symptomatic relief. Such relief “works” because we all (myself included up until recently) believe symptomatic relief comes from external “things”: injections, pills and surgical or other invasive procedures.

This approach isn’t bad. And, when beliefs in external solutions combine with persistent physical symptoms, usually no other route offers effective relief as a pill or procedure. So it’s best people do exactly what they do to cure ailments.

But all physical symptoms we seek relief from we can enjoy relief from…before such symptoms become physical. A Positively Focused practice offers such early onset relief.

Since most people aren’t Positively Focused though, we see many pandemics running rampant over the planet. I’m sure you can name some.

That’s because nearly everyone believes solutions to their problems remain outside themselves. Few really believe in reality’s spiritual origins. And fewer still knows this through personal experience. So they don’t reach for early onset relief, because they don’t know it exists. And since they don’t know such relief exists, they also don’t know how to reach for it.

Meanwhile, a lot of money gets made in people believing relief is externally derived.

The placebo effect is real

Yet, proof of internal-sourced relief abounds. In medical trials, for example, researchers often use placebos alongside expected effective treatments as part of outcome control. Such controls often include situations where trial subjects experience effective results expected from the proposed treatment. Only these subjects didn’t get the treatment. They only thought they did.

What’s happening here?

Placebo as a phenomena shows how belief creates reality. Some people remember who and what they are better than others. In that belief momentum they don’t harbor much resistance. So when offered a slot in a trial, they bring not only their bodily symptoms, they also bring an eagerness and positive expectation the treatment will work for them.

Even though they get the “sugar pill” (the placebo), they manifest results consistent with those who get actual trial treatments. Science calls this the placebo effect.

From a Positively Focused perspective, such results show the power of mind over matter. In other words, people’s expectation – their belief – creates their experience.

Little do people realize our bodies maintain their integrity due to beliefs we hold at the core of who and what they are. These beliefs perpetuate all bodily functions keeping the body in a state of well being. All that well being happens automatically as a result.

But when a person entertains beliefs inconsistent with that core belief system, they introduce resistance. Such resistance disrupts natural flows. Such disruptions turn that well being into dis-ease. Dis-ease first feels like negative thought. Then negative emotion. If left unchecked, a physical reality consistent with said thoughts must show up.

That’s what medical symptoms are.

Back to the client

That’s why my client experienced what she experienced.

Her persistent chronic negative belief momentum, combined with other unwanted, yet present, persistent beliefs created her symptoms. Those other beliefs said “what’s happening in my body must be something grave. Something only something outside of me can fix.”

Her Positively Focused practice contributed too. As she increased her joy, her body projection began adjusting to new beliefs. It also began re-energizing internal connections perhaps neglected through decades.

I encouraged a continued Positively Focused approach, which she took under advisement. But most of her early action involved seeking an external solution. Until, as I said, doctors wanted her on medicine for the rest of her life.

And while she still pursues an external solution, as predicted, her symptoms are subsiding. I know it to be because she’s allowing more of her natural well being to re-emerge. While simultaneously soothing negative beliefs she’s held literally for decades.

Finding that relief prompted a text message in which the client expressed appreciation as her more normal states of being returned:

Holding the space for others

I don’t see clients in order to receive such praise. I see clients for the joy I feel in my own amplification of my positive focus. A nice byproduct comes from how my clients’ lives shape to their version of my experience.

Joy stemming from positive focus knows no peer. That’s because the origin of all physical matter knows no other Source than Source, that state of All That Is, that Peerless Pure Positive Life Energy. And since we all emerge from that origin, we each can express all that All That Is in our lives. That’s the Charmed Life.

I love holding space for clients as they work through beliefs inconsistent with who they are. My own version of soothing inconsistent beliefs offers hope for others. I continue soothing my inconsistent beliefs even today. In doing that, I know what the path looks like. So I hold the space in a stable knowing most don’t have. Another client recently spoke to this:

Standing in that stability, recognizing we create all we experience, I remain certain while facing things clients fear. That certainty is what clients feel when they meet with me.

All of us come into the world knowing a peerless opportunity of joyful expansion awaits. That’s why we decided to come. But that opportunity only becomes a foregone conclusion when one stands in positive focus. The same focus which animates All That Is.

It’s that focus that creates results which know nothing better.

What Happens After People Discover Their Greatness

Some people scoff at the idea that beliefs create life experience. Positively Focused clients don’t scoff though. Because in a very short time, sometimes immediately, clients discover what they think about, happens.

Once they see evidence, clients want results consistent with what they want. They start small usually. While going after little things – feeling better about where they are in life, for example – other things happen too. These other things surprise and delight the client. Then they get hopeful.

Maybe, just maybe, they think, life is on their side. Maybe life can be fun, easy and filled with self-fulfilling desires. The more they see things happening consistent with what they want, hope and optimism return.

Remember those? Those feelings children live in and feel about life? Well, in that hopefulness and optimism, clients ease into lives they once knew were possible. Lives filled with joy and optimism, hopefulness and eager anticipation. And lives filled with everything they want too.

They also realize they deserve that life. And the Universe helps them get it. That and a lot more.

In time – and the length is different for each client – clients come to sessions to revel in hopefulness and optimism, not fix problems. From there, sessions get really fun. Because problems fix themselves. Like this client describes:

It’s not counseling or therapy

Since no upper limit exists about what someone can get or how good they feel, sessions always contain moments where greater fine tuning happens. But most sessions involve sharing stories – real life examples – where desires fulfill themselves. Clients marvel, surprised that life gets better and better and better all on its own, no matter how good it already is.

It’s no wonder clients keep coming back. Why wouldn’t they?

Where else in life can one find unconditional acceptance and encouragement for everything they want? Does anyplace else exist where a person comes in feeling good, anticipating a wonderful hour, then leaves consistently feeling even better, having amplified their feeling good?

Where else in life can a person learn how to see their life giving them everything they want? Then return to their life and see more of that with their own two eyes?

Don’t bother. The answer is very few other places.

Some ask “is what you do therapy?”

No. This isn’t therapy. It isn’t counseling. We don’t teach people to say things like “You know, when you do this, it makes me feel X and I would like you to do it differently because I don’t feel good when you do that.”

That’s total disempowerment.

We don’t take clients back into their childhoods, try to unpack “traumas” or fix things “broken” about them. That’s unnecessary and mostly irrelevant.

Clients also don’t heal anything or deal with “trauma”. Because nothing needs healing and traumas are all made up (if that triggers you, you might want to go see a therapist).

We don’t deal in “traumas” at Positively Focused. In session, clients deal with creating reality. We show clients how to create a reality where traumas don’t exist. Even if they once existed!

Life is spiritual made physical

The biggest difference between what we do and counseling or therapy is, we come from a knowing the medical and mental health spaces rarely acknowledge, let alone know exists. That knowing says, people are eternal beings here to create the world of their choosing. They enjoy access to the entire power of the Universe, because that’s what they are. Accessing that power they resume control of their lives, which feels, eventually, like ongoing ecstasy. That’s the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog every week.

We show them how that power works, then how to leverage it to create dreams into reality. Dreams are as real as physical matter. We show clients how to make dreams physical. Just a few simple fundamentals makes it work. From there life is fun. Just like the client above described.

What we do works for anyone. But some won’t find it fits their world view. It doesn’t fit because their world view makes it that way. We know a lot of people live life from such world views.

That’s why those people struggle on mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medication. Guilt and shame are realities for them. They worry about what others think about them. They feel insecure at work.

But none of these need be part of life.

Great results pop out of thoughts aligned with what one wants. A few basic fundamentals makes that so. It’s so consistent, clients wonder why they didn’t know them to start.

But they did know them. They just forgot them. Maybe you did too.

Don’t you think it’s time you remember?

Life’s Secrets Revealed In Our Inspiring Short Film

Consciousness shapes itself into a multitude of physical expressions representing All That Is across all probabilities past, present and future. Each expression lives and flows with life force. As such, it is intelligent, aware and interacts with the is-ness of All That Is thereby creating more of that.

This 7-minute Positively Focused short film shares secrets of the Universe as told through the consciousness of a dilapidated car wash. We expect you’ll find joy and inspiration in this story.

Find out more about how you are God in human form by contacting us. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get notified of our future films.

And of course, enjoy this one.

One Great Thing People Miss That Makes The Best Lives

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

The best kept secrets lie right before us, ripe for the plucking, like a fat juicy sun-ripened peach. Not knowing these secrets leaves one with the pit. But for the Positively Focused, the juicy life is theirs for the living.

The best kept secret is we are god in human form, creating our lives through that which we tell ourselves. Our outsides spring from our insides in a constant stream of delightful feedback. Through that feedback we know ourselves, love ourselves, and our creation as ourselves because they literally are ourselves.

I like knowing I create my reality. No one else does. Seeing what I think, what I thought, what I believe become my experience gives me important insights.

Reality holds the clues

For one, it shows me how important my thoughts and beliefs are. For what I think, happens. The more intensive my thought, the more quickly that thought becomes a real thing. But I must distinguish “intensity” from “trying”. They aren’t the same. In fact they’re complete opposites.

Two, it shows me I’m responsible for my life. No one else. I prefer it that way. Knowing that creates in me massive amounts of empowerment. For if I’m the only one who creates my reality, then nothing I don’t want in my life can get in there. Refining my thoughts and beliefs proves this true: hardly any unwanted things happen now and everything I want fills my days and nights.

But when an errant unwanted thing does happen, I use it as a springboard. I find in it that which is wanted, focus on that and in doing so I, as the Buddhists say, “turn poison into medicine”.

I soothe unwanted beliefs creating the unwanted thing. And replace that with wanted beliefs. Then these new beliefs not only create realities consistent with them, as did old unwanted ones, they also feel great to think.

Three, it reminds me my best interest lies in careful consideration of what I allow into my belief constellation. For what goes in there becomes my “out here.” That’s great general wisdom. In other words, what I allow in my head eventually becomes what I experience.

Ancient wisdom embraced

The ancients nailed timeless wisdom comprising what I know. The ouroboros, a serpent eating its tail, illustrates this age-old knowing. I find my life proving this over and over.

The ouroboros telling us our reality springs from that which we are. Spot on.

The fun part of it is, the proof I create consists of all good things. For one, I eliminate things unwanted. Two, I replace them with wanted things. Three, doing that life gets better and better. I feel better too.

And as all that happens in reality, I also broaden my perception and experience of the place from which all reality comes: the eternal now that is nonphysical.

In this way, I get the best of all worlds. I love knowing what I know. I also love showing others how their lives can become Charmed Lives just by changing how one thinks, what one lets into their head.

The best kept secrets lie right in front of our faces. I love knowing our insides become out outsides. Because in knowing that, great power awaits. The power to create reality as gods.

Nothing’s more fun than that.

A Full Positively Focused Session: What Happy Looks Like

I’m overjoyed sharing this video and appreciate deeply my client’s willingness to share it with you too.

It’s deeply touching watching what happens in this full, lightly edited session. I knew when we had it, it offered extraordinary insight into how becoming Positively Focused works.

As my client gets near the end of the session, you can see how deeply the work transformed his perspective.

A session anatomy

The client came after spending the week perpetually in negative beliefs. As such, he characterized the week as negative, sharing only those experiences he had access to – those vibrating at his lower level – as “proof” substantiating his feeling experience.

Of course, life works the other way around. One’s feeling experience creates life experience. It’s something few know.

Showing up the way he did, the client offered himself a wonderful opportunity. By practicing shifting his perspective towards better-feeling beliefs, he discovered renewed freedom.

Then, positive experiences he had during the same week, ones he didn’t mention, returned to his memory. That happened because he resonated with those through his improved, active beliefs, instead of the lower vibrational experiences with which he originally resonated. In doing so his mood changed completely.

This session illustrates so many powerful insights, the most important being: Reality springs from perception. Changing perception produces instant results. In time, those results turn into perceivable reality.

The beliefs I have create the world I see. Not the other way around.

What reality resonates?

The reality one experiences is the one with which they resonate. Life’s harmonics will draw to a person, experiences from the infinite, matching that person’s vibration. He can access no other realities, even though they’re just as real. One’s experience therefore rests completely with how one vibrates.

Every reality exists simultaneously. By shifting one’s vibration upwards, through simple declarative statements, one finds oneself transported to totally different versions of the exact same reality they experience. Only details change because the higher vibration draws details matching the observer.

I love this work. I love showing people how raising their vibration puts them on track to everything they want.

But most fulfilling is the jubilance feel when I see significant positive shifts in people’s vibration – this happens at 00:35:39 in the video – then they feel that shift. That’s the payoff of the work for both me and the client. That and the client realizing their Charmed Life, of course.

We’re all eternal. Manifestations are a dime a dozen. They’re sign posts along a never ending path of personal fulfillment and joy. Life’s purpose therefore doesn’t rest in manifestations.

Life’s purpose fulfills itself in wonderful, delicious, rambunctious feelings birthed from knowing you’re at the center of the Universe. You’re eternal, God in human form. Nothing beats that, as my client here shows.


How Perfect Manifestation Makes For Great Results

Photo by Stefan Mächler on Unsplash

It’s fun watching how my desires fulfill themselves. Even desires I want at one time, but then expand out of. These too still become my reality, whether I want them or not. When this happens, it’s a great Positively Focused lesson. Through them I learn how to refine my manifesting practice. What happened recently offers a perfect example.

A couple years ago after my marriage ended in divorce, I needed a job. I manifested the perfect job immediately, with no effort, in perfect timing. That job set me up to never work a job again.

While working at that company though, I briefly aspired to management. At the time I saw pretty great potential in moving up the ranks, potentially rising quickly as that company grew.

But those thoughts came from old patterns and belief constellations. Beliefs most people hold about what “success” looks like. In that constellation, belief looks like “career success”, “corporate success”, rising through the ranks and a big salary.

That kind of success though tends to cost a lot. One’s life balance, freedom, passions and authentic self-expression usually get squelched in such opportunities. I should know. I enjoyed just such success at a major utility and a high tech company spanning over 20 years. Both careers took their toll.

I’m glad I’m past that.

Be careful what you ask for…you might get it

Still, while at that big company, I got caught up in old beliefs. Other beliefs in that constellation had me doubt what I now no longer doubt. Those other beliefs told me pursuing my passions was scary, hard and hardly anyone succeeded doing that.

So one day, while doing my job, I thought about how cool it would be to transition into management at this company. I created a future reality where the company invited me to apply for a position that opened doors to future operational leadership.

Then I forgot all about it. I didn’t “try” to “make it happen”. In fact until what happened next happened, I forgot all about that future reality.

That’s because during the ensuing short months at that company, several other desires fulfilled themselves. Those opened doors to where I am now, not working and instead pursuing my passions and allowing my Charmed Life.

Here’s what happened.

If it’s not a “hell yes!”

Yesterday I got an email. It came from a recruiter working at the company where I worked. The email offered me an operational leadership position. The position offered exactly what I wanted: open doors to greater leadership.

The email offering…

The email specifically said “this role is a stepping stone into operational leadership”! At first, the email sounded interesting. But the more I thought about it, the less intriguing the opportunity felt.

“Why?” You may ask. “You manifested exactly what you wanted!”

True, I wanted that…a few years ago. Now, life and my desires changed. The opportunity sounded interesting. But interesting isn’t enough. I know if an opportunity doesn’t feel like a “Hell Yes”, it’s a “Hell no!”, no matter how good it sounds.

The real opportunity…

Given where I am, I wrote the sender telling him I wasn’t interested for several reasons. Then I thought about this experience and saw the gold in it.

I thought about the mechanics of this manifestation, what I did, or more important, what I didn’t do, and how it unfolded. Here’s what I saw:

  1. I created the desire our of my then, now
  2. The desire felt exciting at the time and I had sincere interest in it.
  3. Then, I totally forgot about it. I didn’t stew on it, I didn’t do any processes to amplify the desire or the fulfillment, I used no affirmations. I let it go.
  4. This is important: Fulfillment took a while. During that time I felt no impatience about getting anywhere, which allowed me to relax and let things unfold.
  5. As a result of all the above, the manifestation happened, with me not doing anything to “make it happen”.

This result typifies what I’d call perfect manifestation technique. No focus on “when” or “how”. No trying to make it happen. Total surrender and…fulfillment…with no effort on my part.

This manifestation also lets me know just because a manifestation fulfills itself doesn’t mean I need to step into it. Manifestations represent sign posts along my unfolding path to expansion, which has no end.

That means I face continual streams of unfolding desires, some I’ll embrace, others I’ll pass by.

Today far more interesting unfolding desires keep me excited about my now and the future. I enjoy watching all desires unfold though, whether I embrace them or not, knowing they all come with teachings which make me a better, deliberate creator.

When Great Good Results From A Bee’s Stinger

Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

A bee stung me this morning. It hurt. Then I got Positively Focused about it and in that moment onward, the bee sting showed a new perspective on my enlightenment.

I typically walk several miles each day. Lately here in Portland, summer temperatures peak at over 110 degrees. So rather than afternoon walks, I walk in the mornings now.

The day I’m writing this though, the mercury showed the day already hot: 80 degrees at 7:30 a.m. with the expected high well over 100. I thought a walk now beats walking on broiling sidewalks. So off I went.

The day shaping up hot with more scorching days ahead!

I walked several circles around one of my favorite parks, then headed 1.2 miles towards another park nearby. This walk nets nearly 4 miles. Good enough for a blistering summer day. I figured after that walk, I’d stay indoors. Like I did through the weekends triple-digit days.

How walks become dreams

When walking these days, especially in the morning, I focus on my Broader Perspective focus. I bring an awareness greater than my ordinary daily awareness to my walks. Doing that, I enter dream state while awake.

It’s an advanced practice I do more of these days. I do it because I know bliss I feel while dreaming represents maximum connection with my broader perspective. After all, as my body sleeps, I know I’m not in my body.

Instead, I’m out of my body experiencing my state of origin. That feeling state matches exactly what my Broader Perspective feels. That’s why it feels so good.

I also know when I practice that feeling while awake, I tune me to that Broader Perspective awareness, which determines how swiftly and easily fulfilled desires show themselves to me.

So practicing bliss while awake makes visible manifestations I otherwise would not see.

Halfway to that next park, I felt a burning sensation on my right leg. It grew in intensity even while I practiced blissful focus. When I looked down, I saw a yellow jacket stuck to my inside calf. It hung there off my calf by its stinger, which was impaled in my leg.

Had I been more present, I’d have snapped a picture. Instead, I smacked the insect off my leg, bent down and searched for the stinger. Thankfully it fell off with the yellow jacket. But the stinging sensation remained.

What happened next amazed me

Instead of wincing in pain, I continued practicing my focus. It didn’t occur to me that I should feel pain, limp or rub the spot where the insect injected its venom. I just naturally thought the sting offered greater focus opportunity. 🤔

Hard to see. I shot this a few moments after getting stung. Maybe you can see the redness (inside the yellow circle).

“I wonder if I could focus myself out of the pain of this sting,” I thought.

So that’s what I did. I heightened my focus on bliss. As I did that, something cool happened.

I didn’t feel the sting!

But the very next microsecond I felt the pain again. So I focused more intently again…and the pain disappeared. But half a second later it came back!

What happened here?

Two things I noticed. One, my focus constantly creates my reality. I mean every millisecond, I either focus where I want, or my focus runs on autopilot. When I focus, say, on bliss and Broader Perspective as per my exercise, I create a reality where pain factors not.

But because focus is literally millisecond by millisecond, I go in and out of that blissful focus.

A natural result of my focus

Months ago I knew I wanted a focus so intent and so aligned with Broader Perspective that I would ongoingly experience as my waking consciousness, what my Broader Perspective knows. Holding that intent, I knew, created a future probable reality experience-able by me. But only if I lined up with that.

This bee sting prompted awareness intensity needed to make my intent my reality. I practiced that intense awareness for a good hour, tuning focus so pain disappeared, then noticing it come rushing back when my focus waned.

I couldn’t hold that intense bliss-focus long. But my desire for that focus level welled up from me like a baby spurting out a vagina: undeniable.

I wanted more focus intensity and I knew this experience, because it birthed this desire, also created a reality wherein I have that focus intensity where pain factors not.

So now, my intent involves “being” that focus intensity, feeling how it feels were I there all the time. Doing that consistently enough will, in time, cause a rendezvous between me and that future wherein I have that focus intensity all the time. That’s just how being Positively Focused works!

In other words, that future I created is a done deal, standing by as my future now experience the moment I tune to it.

I love how a freaking yellow jacket sting created more desire in me for greater focus, as well as a new knowing of the extent to which I can create reality.

Now it’s time to line up with that future I created. That’s the wonder of the Charmed Life: creating what I consider an idealized life, then gradually finding myself living more and more of that.

How Loving God’s Voice Creates A Happy New Life

Photo by Farshad Rezvanian on Unsplash

I created an awesome blessing last night (at the time of writing this). I had an out loud conversation with God, with my Broader Perspective. It was the most clear conversation my Positively Focused practice created yet.

What does God’s voice sound like? It depends on the listener.

Am I on the right wavelength to hear it? That question carries more weight than the former.

A client answered that question excellently during his Client session recently:

“In New Mexico, where I’m from,” he began. “We have massive hot air balloon festivals. Huge balloons of all shapes and sizes and colors fill the sky.”

Apparently these brightly colored rubber sacks come shaped like stage coaches, animals, houses and more. These festivals draw such balloons from miles around.

“When these balloons start out they stand where they are, in New Mexico,” my client said. “As they rise, they go straight up into the air, still in New Mexico.”

The stream carries them to their dream

But then they hit the air stream high above the ground, he said. The stream carries each balloon on journeys fulfilling their purpose. My client made the connection:

“I see when I raise my perspective through being Positively Focused, I feel better about where I am. My spirit rises, I connect with my Inner Being stream and my Inner Being stream carries me to the next wonderful place. Just like balloons get carried by the airstream.”

“I don’t know what that journey looks like,” He added. “But the view will be beautiful, the journey joyful and when I land, I won’t be in New Mexico anymore.”

I loved this beautiful analogy comparing tuning into Inner Being awarensss to hot air balloons merging with Earth’s invisible airstreams. Those airstreams represent God’s voice. Rising to their level is like tuning in.

Tuning in requires elevating awareness to God’s. God does his job. He’s constantly communicating to me. My job: tuning in.

For my clients and I, tuning in means creating a positive focus.

These days, tuning takes priority over income, jobs and relationships. No kidding. My marriage ended because I prioritized my relationship with God over my wife, for example.

Most won’t do that. Which is why I’m having the life I’m having. Most don’t get everything they want comes through one relationship only: the one between bodily existence and one’s eternal, nonphysical existence. Human relationships give relatively little in comparison.

Anyway, these days, I’m so tuned in I hear God’s voice nearly constantly. Notice I’m not saying God speaks to me. That’s because nearly always God’s “voice” doesn’t feel like hearing a voice. It feels like pressure, like an impulse. A knowing what to do next.

Just because I know what to do next though, doesn’t mean I’ll do that… 🤷🏽‍♂️

Which is what prompted this post

Last night (at the time of writing this) I finished engaging in my wonderful daytime passions – creating content and leading my team at Copiosis, creating video content for The Transamorous Network, and creating films and illustrations for Positively Focused. It was a glorious day I intended ending by watching something on Netflix.

Catching God’s voice means tuning into God’s stream of consciousness. Just like balloons rising to Earth’s air streams. (Photo by Aditya Vyas on Unsplash)

But I had a feeling something more wanted my focus, something more thrilling, more satisfying.

So there I sat on my couch scrolling through Netflix, when I felt pressure to look over at my desk. My desk sits configured for content creation.

I’m also working on a Positively Focused short film called Life is More Than Meets The Eye. Earlier in the week, through another impulse, I figured out how to turn my voice into the female voice I wanted narrating this short film. Other impulses diverted me, but now, I felt compelled to resume post production.

But I also wanted to watch something on Netflix!

I felt pressure in both directions. Both led to something good I knew. I even sat there a good ten minutes feeling out both options. Heck, I even said out loud “I have mixed energy. I want to watch Netflix, but I also want to work on my short film.”

Now God, my Inner Being, my Broader Perspective, whatever I want to call it, doesn’t tell me what to do. I am a free, eternal being after all. But it does clarify which path offers the most fulfillment. Any path leads to fulfillment eventually, so choosing is never a problem.

But some choices offer more fulfillment than others. I got that last night!

A Netflix fail leads to better

I decided I’d watch Netflix. I started a movie featuring Michael Peña called “Extinction”. It started ok, but the longer into it, the worse I felt. I still felt the “pull” of my film work. The impulse told me something more stood available over at my desk!

My desk, configured for content creation.

But determination to finish this movie compelled me while at the same time the film’s poor story line left me increasingly unsatisfied. Then one twist that caught my attention. From there, slight interest surfaced, but God’s voice kept urging me to my desk.

Finally, the movie ended. I surrendered, headed over to my desk and opened my editing software. The moment I engaged with my short film project, I felt something remarkable.

A HUGE energy surge welled up within me. I got totally immersed in my project. So much so I worked, and worked and worked! It was crazy!

The movie was 90 minutes long. Two hours after first sitting at my desk, I still wanted to continue. Only now, my Inner Being was sending different pressure: GO TO BED the feeling said. 😂 That message grew in intensity as 11:30 pm rolled around.

I name to moments like this. When I don’t heed the call of my Inner Being, but then go after a while, I call that going “kicking and screaming” toward where God wants me to go. I want to go, but for whatever reason – stubbornness, inertia, or just laziness – I don’t.

Then, eventually I do.

In both instances that evening, finally surrendering showed me how profoundly satisfying following God’s voice is: When I woke the next morning, dreams and the ecstasy I felt from being in dream scape convinced me following God’s voice is always a good idea.

When doing it wrong creates right

I know now following that impulse ASAP is important. In many cases, when I get an impulse, acting immediately is crucial. That’s because, in those times, I’m the last of many “cooperative components” converging on a coordinate in time and space. Take too long and I arrive late to the rendezvous and miss the delightful surprise.

Tonight responding quick wasn’t so crucial. My film wasn’t going anywhere. My bed wasn’t either. But both proved excellent clarifying experiences. Through them I understood, with unmistakeable clarity, several lessons:

  1. I can’t get it wrong. Fulfillment is available whatever I do, but some of what I choose contains more fulfillment than others.
  2. God’s got my back. My Inner Being always leads me to what I want. I need to make sure though that I’m tuned into it and not something else, such as a belief that’s contrary to what my Inner Being knows.
  3. The more I’m tuned in, the easier it is to hear God next time. Knowing what tuned in feels like opens doors to more of that feeling.
  4. My passions, in this case expressing my art and my fascination with dreams, offer more satisfaction and joy than any other pursuit. Passions always contain delight. Other activities – maybe, maybe not. Certainly not as potent as my passions.

There’s still joy in watching Netflix. Apple TV too. Streaming services offer so much compelling entertainment. I know I can choose either path and find fun.

But it’s guaranteed fun will show up when I follow God’s guidance. So I make sure I do that more these days. And sooner than later.

Great Good Happens When A Person Finds Positive Focus

Finding positive focus creates lives people think impossible…until they live it. It’s the great good created from the Charmed Life clients get when Positively Focused.

Result come immediately. Then, in a short while, clients slip into rhythms where they want more. They want more because it feels good feeling good. It also feels great seeing life get better and better, usually with little effort.

My own Charmed Life amplifies too when when showing clients they know all answers needed to create and live their Charmed Life versions. That’s why, I love working with clients. Because after each session I’m energized and thrilled, like my clients. Sometimes more so.

New clients sometimes try comparing what we do to counseling. But learning the Positively Focused approach owes nothing to counseling. It’s different, with totally different origins and objectives.

Here, Lisa shares her experiences since starting her journey six months ago. Nearly all clients express similar experiences. Don’t miss the love fest at the end. 😊

Creating the charmed life

Charmed lives come naturally when clients first discover forgotten things, then bring forgotten things forward in their lives.

Before long, they see great progress. From there, everything they want happens. 

That’s why I guarantee results produced. Once one gets their footing, the “work” becomes fun, and the more fun people enjoy, the more fun comes.

Everyone doing the work gets results. That’s because everyone on the planet, without exception, came knowing a Charmed Life experience awaits them.

The challenge comes when they get here. That’s because certain ground rules require, among other things, forgetting temporarily one’s true nature. So young people must learn through parents, who also forgot and learned from their parents. Wondering why so much strife goes on here? Forgetting our true nature. That’s why.

So people assume their predecessors’ bogus beliefs, and, for a while, get knocked off their natural trajectory. Good news: recovering one’s trajectory happens quick when Positively Focused.

For Lisa, that started with heeding voices speaking to her while she did dishes. From there, curiosity led her to her Charmed Life Path. Then Lisa found her authenticity.

It’s not remarkable. It always happens when people get Positively Focused. The Charmed Life, great good and self-fulfilling desires all surface. Gradually knowing one’s self as God in Human Form then happens. Nothing beats that.