What Is The Most Enduring Love Of All?

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Where do we experience love? Is it in the arms of a lover? Is it in the presence of our mother as she takes care of us? How about in the depths of our favorite pet’s eyes?

I would say, in any instance where someone experiences love through what they perceive as another person or external circumstance, the real experience of the feeling of love happens within.

Love, according to science, is a series of chemicals and hormonal secretions which wash through the brain, causing the popular emotion. But the Positively Focused approach asserts a different origin of the emotion called love. The origin comes well before and triggers the chemical suffusion. In fact, the chemicals are a manifestation of an earlier, incipient act. An act taking place in nonphysical.

The great thing about the origin, the actual origin of the feeling “love“ is that it doesn’t depend on an external stimulus. In fact, the most powerful love, the most enduring love, the love we refer to when we describe it as “love”, results from that nonphysical origin. That origin represents a profound connection. A connection we share with the larger part of us. That part that does not inhabit physical reality.

That means the best love we can possibly imagine can be ours regardless of external circumstance. It’s always there. It’s ready for anyone. Anyone willing to open themselves to a consciousness allowing them access to this eternal power, love.

Is it my cat Max who loves me? Or do I experience his love in another, more enduring place? A place where we are one?

How do I know this?

I know this because I experience it every day. The experience is so deep and rich, it infuses everything I do in my waking hours. It literally makes me giddy sometimes! Indeed, the love is so profound, and so powerful, I have no interest seeking love in the arms of a lover. Or in a relationship or other external circumstance. Love derived from those experiences pale in comparison. It’s that deep and powerful.

Once again, this love, everyone possesses. They can access it any time. The only thing standing between them and it is their own beliefs. Beliefs which run counter to the love constantly flowing to them from nonphysical.

But with a little attention and discipline a person can gradually soothe those beliefs. In the soothing process they can enjoy increasingly rich, satisfying, powerful, enduring love they once thought impossible. Or thought they can only get from another. And there’s no upper limit to how good this love feels.

The oneness is love

Frankly, none of my clients are at this point yet. But I am. And I know my clients are getting there too. It just takes a while to get there.

In the meantime, I am encouraged by experiences I’m having. More and more I’m discovering not just love from a single being, like a god, but love emanating from a cadre, a massive number beings in nonphysical, who, every waking moment, every sleeping moment, remain focused on me. They cooperate with me. Together we collaborate, creating realities I desire as waking life experiences. 

And they and me do all this in an extremely profound and enduring state of “oneness“ or “love”. That oneness I feel most directly while conscious in my dream state. But each morning I wake, I feel that profound state as intently as when sleeping. These days, I’m able to extend that feeling well into the day. I describe that feeling in this journal entry:

Journal entry from March 2 describing the rich state of awareness existing behind the “love” humans want to feel.

The power of love and its potential

I assert once again this love is so powerful it will cause someone to give up trying to find love in the capricious, always fading, always insecure romantic love of another. No matter how perfect love from another may be, compared to love that comes from within, that love will always fall short.

But, in the presence of the love I’m talking about, the love never ends. It is ever-faithful. And it always intensifies. It doesn’t chew up your slippers or need to be walked. It gets richer and deeper and more expansive the more a person exposes themselves to it.

Of course these are just words. Experience “speaks” so much better than words ever can. Even the word “love” cannot capture what I experience when the body sleeps and moments in my early morning. But I know my experience is real. And it’s becoming more vivid every night. Meditation amplifies those experiences with bodily sensations that manifest when I feel directly connected.

As I said above, everyone can experience this, the most enduring love of all. How does one do that? By becoming a match to it. How does that happen? By becoming Positively Focused. That’s because the love I’m referring to sees only love everywhere. It’s maximally positively focused. Which is why one must become a match to it before one can experience it.

What does it look like to become a match to it? Contact me. Let’s talk about it.

More Evidence My Advice Changes Lives

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

It’s wonderful watching clients get the Charmed Life I write about. It doesn’t happen all at once. But every client eventually gets it. I find joy watching clients create such experiences for themselves.

When such clients write me offering me high praise for how I helped them, it just adds more joy to my experience. After all, this kind of impact is why I do this. I know the more people living their charmed life, the better the world gets.

So when people write telling me I significantly influenced their life experience, it tells me I’m creating the better world I intended when I came here. At the beginning of the year, A client I hadn’t seen in six months wrote to tell me how much his life changed since adopting a Positively Focused perspective. Take a look:

Everyone can enjoy the life promised through being Positively Focused. Such a life is what we all knew we’d enjoy before we chose to become human. It’s the Charmed Life. In it, everything we want, happens.

The “shock and awe”

But it’s easy to get off track. That’s because life experience, from the moment we’re born, is the embodiment of “shock and awe”. The feeling of being limited in a fleshy body is so diametrically opposed to freedom we all knew in nonphysical, we kind of all just freak out.

Insecurity and fear immediately force us into the state of “human”. The vast majority of us forget what we really are. From there, that almost always creates a divergence from the path we intended.

But even that divergence represents the path. For in our disappointments and fears and actions we take from there, we create more of what we want. That waits for us until we eventually regain our eternal awareness.

Becoming Positively Focused, clients regain their eternal awareness. When that happens, they regain their empowerment. Empowerment to follow whatever dream they prefer.

All lives can be a charmed life. If yours doesn’t, and you want it to, contact me. I can help.

The Best Advice To A Life Worth Loving

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

The Universe can be a harsh taskmaster. Or it can be our genie in a bottle. It all depends on what we believe. And, what we do with that.

A lot of people uninitiated in the Positively Focused practice get angry when I say everyone creates their experiences. Some even go so far as to claim I advocate “toxic positivity”. Others say I’m victim blaming.

But my assertion is undeniable. Even people with chronic illnesses create such experiences. However, chronic illnesses sometimes originate in past lives. Positively Focused Mastery Level clients learn about past life phenomena. Then they learn how past lives effect present life experience.

The fact that past life action can impact present life offers something important. It shows why being Positively Focused brings tremendous benefit. Not only do we create our current reality, our past-created realities still influence our now. That means not only can we create a Charmed Life in this life. But a Charmed Life created today, benefits us immensely in the future too.

And, get this: while it’s hard to believe, creating a Charmed Life in this life, also changes the past. How that happens is beyond the scope of this post though.

There is nothing a person experiences that isn’t that person’s creation.

Available to everyone

The premise upon which “you create your reality” wouldn’t hold up if people who experience things like rape, sexual abuse or chronic illness didn’t create those experiences. But the premise does hold up. Evidence abounds in the lives of my clients proving the premise valid. Evidence abounds in my own life too. This blog is full of said evidence.

Some people ask, so why can’t people cure their chronic illnesses? The can’t because they don’t believe it possible. I had a long conversation with someone on Medium who comes from that perspective.

Belief is everything. If a person doesn’t believe something possible, then, for that person, it’s not.

Abraham putting it plain. Much of what we don’t think can happen doesn’t happen simply because we don’t believe it can happen.

However, when a person begins believing, all things become possible. Instead of feeling blamed for their life situation, they discover their empowerment in “you create your reality”. After all, if a person can create a shitty situation, they can create a dreamlike one too.

That’s the beginning of the Charmed Life I write about. Belief gets it all going.

A Charmed Life awaits anyone. Anyone ready and willing to see life through the mind and eyes of God. Since we’re all aspects of God in human form, we all can see that way. The question is are we ready? And will we?

If you think you’re ready and willing, I can help.

Magic Happens When People Follow Divine Advice

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

The perfect unfolding is the unfolding that keeps unfolding. Manifestations never stop manifesting. Everything is becoming more. On the way to that “more-ness” a human being can experience extreme delight. That delight needn’t be a one-time thing.

I tell all my clients, and anyone else who will listen, that people can have everything they want. But they can’t have something others have a say in if others don’t want that. For example, someone I spoke with recently strongly argued for “Civil Rights”. She is a minority and has many experiences with discrimination. So her strident call for “Civil Rights” comes stained with painful interpretations of her past experience.

That’s why, when she clamors for “Civil Rights” extreme duress accompanies her clamor. Her painful experiences are so present, they create a reality opposite what she wants. While her words argue for Civil Rights, in other words, her much more powerful vibrational emanation argues for oppression.

In that alignment, she aligns with those who find satisfaction in oppression. And, she, perpetuates what she doesn’t want.

The good life

Meanwhile my clients who align themselves with their desires experience something different. They practice telling better stories about their past. And doing that, they find liberation from painful experiences in the past. Indeed, they actually change the past. They turn it from something painful to something that served them. Then they learn to follow their impulses. That’s when they step into the Charmed Life I write about. Like this client:

A client changes his past…right before his eyes…Then finds delight in the present moment unfolding.

Life is magical. Those not experiencing that will dispute that assertion. But that’s because, for them, life ISN’T magical. And that’s because they put too much attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they create more of what they don’t want.

But life is still magical for those people too. Their lives, like my clients, reflect back to them what they put their attention on. If only they’d put their attention on what they want, then they’d get more of that. Then they’d see the magic. The good life.

Impulses always lead to magic

But when someone focuses on what they don’t want, their impulses will run them. They’ll take action and that action will rendezvous them with more unwanted. Just like magic. Meanwhile, those who take charge of the process experience something different. The process is exactly the same. They still act on impulses. They still have the rendezvous.

The difference is, because they focus positively, they rendezvous with magical wanted experiences. Experiences that don’t bring oppression, but joy. Like the client above.

It’s no wonder so many life ho-hum lives. They don’t know what they’re doing. Not consciously anyway. Meanwhile, those who make the process conscious, then master it, discover how good life can get.

Are you ready for the good life?

What Practical Value Exists In Out Of Body Experiences?

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I recently had my first Out of Body Experience (OBE), also known as a “projection of consciousness”. In the weeks following that experience I have had many more. In a client session this week, I shared one recent travel. My client’s response was instructive.

“What is the utility of such experiences?” He asked. Meaning, what practical value do OBEs offer?

Well, it’s a good question. While such experiences provide fantastic subjective revelations, their practical value escapes most people. But that’s because most people don’t look very deeply into spiritual matters. And even some who do look miss the value.

Some may know of religious ascetics. These people renunciate the world to explore nonphysical. Such men and woman hole themselves up in monasteries or even caves sometimes. They practice rites and rituals known to trigger mystical experiences.

But the rest of us have lives.

We have careers. Our families put demands on us. Bills need paying. Hobbies and friends consume our time. Who wants to spend their life constantly meditating? Moreover, why?

Again, our lives suggest OBEs hold no practical value. Especially considering the time cultivating them takes. So is there no practical value at all in them?

I suggest the exact opposite. Tremendous practical value exists in such explorations.

The power of tapping in

For sure, experiencing an OBE takes some doing. That’s why I suggest my clients make their Positively Focused practice a full-time job. That doesn’t mean quit day-jobs and families. It does, however, mean they prioritize their practice.

For while the practice’s early stages bring satisfying rewards – increased calm, peace, and general physical, emotional and mental well being – the biggest rewards come at later levels. Yes, early stage practice delivers the Charmed Life a life where everything one wants, happens.

But the advance practice develops “occult powers”. Abilities people think are mystical, supernatural and magical. People think these things because such abilities are rare among humanity.

OBEs are hard to experience. Mainly, it’s because humans have too much resistance going on. Their doubt and disbelief are too great. Their belief constellations are too full of bogus beliefs about life and physical reality. And about themselves. Their thought processes aren’t inclined to ignite desiring such experiences. So tapping into this power, and there is power here, isn’t possible if one’s thoughts and beliefs run counter to the experience.

Achieving OBEs, therefore, is more about letting go of disbelief. Not practicing a new skill. Everyone already has the skill. It’s only masked by beliefs telling the believer such abilities aren’t theirs. Or don’t exist at all.

But those who dedicate themselves develop seemingly mystical power. The power of pure positive energy. The energy that creates universes.

Tapping in requires soothing old beliefs, not creating new skills.

The value: highly practical

My first OBE signifies an arrival. I’m at the point where I’ve significantly cleared away vibrational interference. Interference blocking natural “supernatural” abilities. I’ve turned the key that unlocks doorways. Doorways of multidimensional existence. Existence I can explore consciously.

Moreover, I can explore consciously those dimensions and retain the experience when returning to physical consciousness. That experience expands my understanding of what it means to Be. Because now I KNOW I am more than my body. I’m learning to KNOW death marks a transition, not the end.

For sure many people believe death isn’t real. Or they want to believe that. But few actually KNOW. Meanwhile, OBEs produce confidence one lives eternally by showing the traveller that they are more than their physical body.

The real, practical value of such experiences however, lies in one’s ability to accomplish one’s desires. And to up-level the realm of what’s possible.

Equipped with conscious deliberate connection to All That Is, one can leverage that in the real world. Such a person can accomplish what most think takes a lot of time. Or what nearly everyone thinks is impossible. She can cut out effort and “luck” people rely upon. Such a person can also bypass much of the nose-to-the-grindstone people think responsible for success. And they can do that in whatever field they choose.

Seth puts it plain:

“The responsibility of dealing with manipulation within the physical universe remains, but in some respects the nature of this manipulation changes. It becomes more direct: Physical properties are manipulated more and more on a mental level. Many actual physical intervening steps are cut out.”

The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

“Impossible” aspirations

So the practical value of this ability lies not in the ability. The ability is a sign post. The real value lies in leverage power existing in all the Universe in service of one’s desires. That way desires start fulfilling themselves.

That’s highly practical.

Armed with this power and leverage, a person begins questioning his or her limits. She realizes her limitlessness.

Then she starts testing herself. Her aspirations ascend beyond where most can imagine. That’s because most don’t believe OBEs are possible. Let alone what OBEs as signposts signify is possible.

From there the practitioner merges with her Broader Perspective’s perspective. It’s a conscious shift Seth describes:

“The ego becomes more similar to the inner ego than to its old self, comparatively speaking. This altered ego is aware of large portions of inner reality that were previously denied. Structurally it remains intact, and yet it has changed chemically, and electromagnetically. It is able to open up so that inner experience can be received. This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality development. It is only a first step, however. Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur.”

Excerpt From
The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

Realizing past incarnations

From here, the practitioner can integrate “intimate knowledge of all incarnations”. This realization holds tremendous value. Psychology has us thinking our mental health springs from our present lives. But psychology and medicine in general, fails to account for influences from our experiences in other dimensions. Dimensions happening simultaneously with this one. However, awareness of past incarnations means we can harness that information for positive change now. In this life.

So the Positively Focused practitioner transcends what it means to be human. Then, they accomplish things humans think impossible. When people see this person doing what they think impossible, a new normal gets created. One in which what people thought impossible, now becomes possible.

And in that, they directly aid in human evolution. Human REVOLUTION. An expansion of what it means to be human.

Finally, this explains why achieving such levels appears extremely difficult or impossible, even though it’s not. It appears that way on purpose. Because getting there is impossible until one aligns their way of being with that of All That Is. They must eliminate as much interference as possible. Few will make a go at it. And of those, few will achieve it. Even though everyone can.

The value is more than just clearing away old beliefs clouding what we think is possible. It literally furthers humanity’s evolution.

The potential is vast

That’s a built in safeguard. All That Is can’t have a bunch of undisciplined, mostly negative spirits running around nonphysical. It would create mayhem across infinite dimensions. This development process happens in very slow motion here, on Earth. It is one of the reasons we come here. But that experience can greatly accelerate. And, it can happen in one lifetime.

Think about that. Would you be willing to dedicate a single life time so that in that life time you can achieve whatever you want, effortlessly, while having positive influence on humanity? And then influence all subsequent lifetimes from that same powerful perspective? I would.

I want to know my limitless power. These limitless powers are available for everyone. But accessing them only happens for the few. The few willing to see the world as it ultimately is: love, oneness, joyful and full of possibility. A willingness to see the world from a Positively Focused perspective, in other words.

Maybe you’re ready to develop your supernatural powers. If so, let’s talk.

My Second Great Out Of Body Experience

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

This isn’t actually the second, but it is the most significant OBE since my first. What’s significant about it relates to my ego’s calibration to the experience. The whole experience confirms my progress. I’m realizing more my eternal nature.

Humans are more than human. We are aware-ized energy. We are that creative energy, creating more of ourselves. Then we expand ourselves into that more. We do that to explore ourselves. We do that to know who and what we are.

While they seem rare, everyone experiences OBEs. Usually, we don’t notice them. That’s because our ego blocks such experiences. But we leave our bodies constantly.

Most common OBEs happen during sleep. We call them “dreams”. But that word cheapens what really happens. There we explore the myriad creations we create. Meanwhile our bodies get left behind.

Each of us exist simultaneously in infinite dimensions. Dimensions outside time and space. Places we create as part of our voracious desire for self-awareness and expansion.

Even those who think they don’t dream do this. The only reason they don’t remember such experiences is because they don’t believe they have them. Advanced Positively Focused clients reacquaint themselves with these experiences. The more they recall, the more becomes possible. Including OBEs.

Being outside: amazing

My second experience happened the afternoon of January 25. My “spiritual body” gently rose out of my physical one. Then it happened. Here’s how I described it in my practice journal:

My “second” OBE as described in my journal

As you read, I’m new at this. My waking consciousness gets out of whack when I return to “reality”. The conscious part of me experiencing the OBE is not my waking consciousness. Yet, when I “return”, that part of me must integrate the experience. When that happens disorientation shows up. That means I’m just starting to get my “sea legs” about this OBE stuff.

In reality, I’m not learning to leave my body. That happens all the time. What I’m learning is how to be aware of my depatures. And, how to integrate them on return. Integrate them so I remember the experience.

Joyful expansion

I’ve had many other OBEs. Many of them happen in sleep. Because of what I know, I have extremely good recall and retention of these experiences. Keeping a record of these amplifies my retention. Today, my records contain well over 2,000 such experiences. But when these happen, my waking consciousness isn’t with me. I experience them as actual places, but when I wake, the experience doesn’t feel as real.

Eventually, I want to leave my body at will. Seth assures us such experiences are, indeed, in the realm of possibility for us. I’m finding his words accurate.

Sometime I’ll write about the ego and its function. Humanity doesn’t understand it very well. Regarding OBEs, the ego needs grace. It must adjust to an unusual experience from its perspective. Our egos aren’t ordinarily happy experiencing OBEs. That’s because such experiences take it outside its speciality, which is physical reality. This explains why most people don’t consciously know they’re having OBEs. Their ego focuses them exclusively on the illusion that is physical reality.

If you’re intrigued with my experience and want your own, you might consider becoming a client. All my clients attest the price is a bargain for benefits they receive.

Indeed, the Charmed Life is priceless. Ready for yours?

What Real Supernatural Gifts Look Like

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Coming on the heels of several remarkable supernatural developments in my personal practice, today I’ll share some interesting experiences I’ve had in my life. They show me everyone can develop superhuman abilities.

That’s right. I’ve enjoyed what people would call “supernatural abilities”. They emerged as part of my Positively Focused practice. It’s only now that even more impressive abilities are emerging. That’s because my belief in such things is increasing every day. And, as I assert here always, belief creates reality.

As I wrote before, everyone possesses these abilities. Expressing them, however, is another matter. Especially abilities such as astral travel, teleportation and perceiving past and future. But all these and more are possible for all of us. That’s because we are not human. We are more than human.

Seemingly superhuman capabilities mark the Mastery Level of the Positively Focused practice. They also come after a persistent expression of the Charmed Life I write about. None of my clients are at this level. But some are getting close.

So what kind of abilities have happened in my life?

Divine guidance on command

On an educational tour of China some time ago, I found myself in the middle of Shanghai, a massive Chinese city. In a park I met a gaggle of girls selling tea. They roped me in, then took me on a meandering path through the city by foot. The city was massive and DENSE with grey concrete buildings. Other than the park I saw, it was concrete, glass and steel, everywhere.

They eventually lead me through an equally massive shopping mall. It must have been three to seven levels. Shops were crammed in there as densely as buildings in the city. I had no idea where I was. Then we came to a tea shop. The owner greeted me. Long story short, I walked out with a bunch of tea. After rejoining my group, the group leader informed me I’d been scammed. Apparently this happens to a lot of people.

Shanghai, China. To my western eyes, every block looked identical (Photo by Rafael Banha on Unsplash)

Incensed, I wanted to confront the proprietor. But I had NO IDEA how to find that shop again. Then I calmed myself. I tapped into my Broader Perspective and said “lead me to that tea shop.” Then started walking. I turned whenever my intuition said so.

You can imagine the tea shop owner’s surprise when I showed up at his shop! We had words and I walked away whole. Afterward, I marveled at how I found that place. It was a needle in a massive number of concrete haystacks!

Jedi-like reflexes

While in the Marines a while ago, I carried my wallet in my hand. I preferred not having it in my pocket. One day, while walking down the street, I got the distinct impression that I needed to look behind me. I had my wallet in my left hand. To look behind me, I pivoted to the right. Just as I did so, I saw a guy running at me on my left. He was going after my wallet! I looked him right in the eye as I lifted my left hand over my head, making it impossible to grab my wallet. He kept running.

Another similar instance happened years later. As I walked to my office downtown, I passed a group of four homeless youths. One held a skateboard. As I passed around them, my senses picked up hostility coming from behind me. Then my Broader Perspective encouraged me to turn around.

Good thing I did. The guy with the skateboard had wound up with the board over his head to hit me. I possess a third degree black belt certification in nine different martial arts. So my sixth sense, cultivated from that training, took over. I moved in exact flow with his movements. I wasn’t moving. My Broader Perspective was moving me. I think it was clear to the guy and his fellows that he had bit off more than he could chew. He and his fellows turned a corner and ran the other way before things escalated.

Skateboarding and violence can get you hurt! (Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash)

Alternate dimensional perception

Then there are experiences I’m having today. In my Positively Focused Advanced Practice Meditations, I’m visiting alternate dimensions and bringing back such experiences with remarkable clarity. My consciousness literally leaves my body and I find myself in other “places”.

These began as brief flashes. But these days, they’re happening in much longer duration and detail. Like this one:

An example from my journal of a series of departures during one Advanced Practice session.

These experiences are just the beginning. As I wrote before, evidence of more powerful abilities are emerging from within me. These are happening as natural byproducts of aligning to All That Is consciousness.

Such abilities are available to us all. Some can realize them on their own. Others benefit from a guide. If you want to experience your superhuman capability, but don’t know where to start, I’m available.

The benefit of such practices isn’t the abilities themselves. It’s the discovery of our eternal nature. A nature that exists in many dimensions simultaneously. That awareness not only triggers or activates supernatural abilities. It also enables one to create whatever life they desire.

A life which includes ultimate states of unshakable happiness. To me, such a life is worth cultivating. If you think so too and want to know how to cultivate your charmed superhuman life contact me.

My First Full Out Of Body Experience

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

There are some things people believe are impossible. And yet, as I’ve said, and many others before me, including William Shakespeare: beliefs make it so.

What we believe, is what’s possible for us. Meanwhile many people are out there enjoying experiences most think are impossible. Tonight (Dec 3, 2022), I became one of those people.

I found myself in an extraordinary life-experience. It represents the culmination of a long-running cultivation of my Charmed Life. It also answers a desire I’ve been asking for, for some time.

That is, I achieved my first out of body (OBE) experience. One in which I was conscious of the experience.

Castles and buttons

This blog contains literally hundreds of posts about experiences I’ve had over the years. One client complained these posts only talked about “little things” happening in my life. He wondered, where are the big things?

Meanwhile, I’ve been focusing on little things because little things lead to the big things. By focusing on little things, I soothe resistance standing between me and big things I want to happen.

Big things like traveling out of my body.

I distinguish little things and big things in the same way Abraham does. Little things I consider “buttons”. Big things, I call “castles”. Whether it’s a castle or a button, the same approach applies. But creating castles requires sufficient alignment to All That Is. And most people are nowhere near that level of alignment.

Abraham talking about castles and buttons and the little distinction between the two.

So with most clients, I focus on little things. Meanwhile, with advanced clients, I prepare them for big things. The castles.

I consider traveling out of the body as a castle. And since I’m not a hypocrite, I prefer to speak from experience. Therefore, my own practice led me to this point. I knew it would come. It was only a matter of time, focus and discipline.

Now I’m receiving exactly what Seth and Abraham assure us is possible.

Here’s what happened

Here’s my journal entry describing my experience. I took some of the personal stuff out of it.

I did it! I just allowed into my experience, the experience of…how should I describe it…existing in my spirit body. It started with the flowing sensation I felt in [a previous session leading up to this one]…Then there were moments again where that external body shifting feeling came upon me. There were several of these that came and went. 

Then, I blanked out for…I don’t know how long. When I “came to”, I had the distinct feeling of being in two positions simultaneously. In one, I was sitting up in my bed. In my hands I held a small electronic device similar to today’s cell phones. I was typing something into it. And in the other, I felt myself laying prone on my back in bed! It was a little disorienting experiencing both positions simultaneously. I felt my “thumbs” moving across the device screen, yet, I knew too that my actual thumbs were attached to my hands, which were laying to either side of my body! I remained in that dual position for I don’t know how long. 

Then, I distinctly heard or rather got an impression that this was happening gradually as an introduction so as not to frighten me as before. I would begin, [the impression said] slowly experiencing the spirit body without being able to move around until I had the ability to hold the focus without it frightening me. I just knew that’s what was going on.

Then, I found myself back in my body, but it felt as light as a feather! I was in it, but could barely feel it! I consciously, deliberately then, basked in that feeling, appreciating All That Is for allowing this and me for allowing it too. Then, of my own volition, I decided to end the session. I slowly brought myself back to waking consciousness while celebrating my success! 

Supernatural is natural

I’ll write more about this and future experiences. I know this is not the first time I traveled outside my body. But it IS the first time I experienced the travel consciously.

True to Seth’s instruction, many, many extremely vivid and memorable dream experiences preceded this. Such dream experiences are prerequisite to out of body experiences. In other words, there’s a gradual increase in capability, leading to more and more capabilities ordinary people would describe as “supernatural”.

Experiences such as flying without the need of an airplane, levitation and more are not “supernatural”. Unless you think they are. (Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash)

But here’s the thing. Such capabilities are not “supernatural”. They are as natural as breathing. But for people who don’t believe them possible, they are not only supernatural, they are impossible.

I’m super thrilled with what happened. And I’m eager for more expansion of these abilities moving forward. Seth says once someone achieves a certain level where they realize they create reality, that person becomes more bold about what they believe is possible. At that point, Seth says, one’s potential becomes unlimited.

I’m now at that point. I can only imagine what’s coming next. I’ll write more about this experience, subsequent ones and what led up to all this, in future posts. Be sure to subscribe to this blog!

Making Peace with “What Is” Results In Better Futures

Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

A fundamental I encourage Positively Focused clients develop is accepting “what is”. Accepting what is makes all the difference. If we want our desires to manifest, we must stop resisting them.

But one way we resist has nothing to do with our desires. This resistance happens subtly. Not realizing we’re doing it can cause great delays in creating lives we love.

Meanwhile, Law of Attraction, the process by which thoughts become things, still happens.

Ever wonder why life comes at us with a mix of good and bad? It’s usually because our thoughts contain a jumble of “good” and “bad”. We can enjoy lives full of nothing but goodness. Most don’t believe lives containing only good stuff are possible. But as Yoda says, we fail because we don’t believe. 

Yoda telling it like it is.

Seth says such lives happen rarely because they require great levels of focus and discipline. Most people aren’t willing to put in what’s required. That said, the Charmed Life requires no great amount of focus and discipline. It does require some. But those levels exist well within the reach of most people.

Pernicious non-acceptance

What most people have standing between themselves and their Charmed Life, where everything happens in line with their desires, is that subtle resistance I alluded to above, among other beliefs.

That resistance will slow down every manifesting desire. That resistance looks like any time we do not accept what is happening right in front of us. That’s right, whatever our currently reality is, must be accepted. That is, if we want something different to show up.

Here’s an example of this resistance’s subtlety. If we want something else to show up instead of what IS showing up, and because of that desire, we feel impatience or even a desire for something different, we’re resisting what is. That resistance retards change.

Because, as Abraham has said over and over, when we say “I don’t like this”, the Universe hears “give me more of this.” In other words, whatever we put our attention on is what we get more of.

Abraham once again delivering the gold.

So cultivating a state of being that accepts what is, is crucial. Then we must go beyond that and find a joyful acceptance not only of what is, but also of what is becoming, but hasn’t fully blown out into our physical life experience…yet.

That state feels like something. It’s something crucial to allowing that which we want to flow effortlessly into our lives.

Here’s a clue to what that state feels like. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about things I really enjoy that I already have?”That’s an inquiry worth making. It can open doors to tremendous possibility.

How I Turned A Poor Diagnosis Into A Better One

Today I got a post-procedure diagnosis. It was exactly what I expected.

Expectation is everything. It can literally change our health. That’s because belief creates reality. A lot of people think that’s hogwash. But that’s because they haven’t tried it for themselves. Or, they’ve tried it and thought they failed when they didn’t. Or they didn’t know “the how” crucial to seeing their success.Meanwhile, I’m sitting here with living proof it works. I changed an aspect of my body through my beliefs about my body.

This story starts with this post. In that post I talked about a bodily condition that sprung from unconscious beliefs. Beliefs which created a gastroesophageal stricture in my esophagus. Right where my esophagus meets my stomach.

As a result, I frequently had trouble swallowing. Especially when eating meat. That’s why I became vegetarian. The emergency room doc 20 years ago told me I’d need a repeat procedure to open my esophagus again in seven years. That’s why I set an appointment at the Veteran’s Administration (VA) where I get my medical care.

That appointment was on September 21. The VA scheduled a follow up procedure for part two eight weeks after that on November 15. During those eight weeks between one and two, they prescribed a drug that reduces digestives my stomach produces. As I said in the previous post, the doctor said I’d need to be on this drug indefinitely.

I wasn’t having that.

I did it my way!

After the first procedure, the doctor countered what the emergency doc said a couple decades ago. Instead of a “tapering esophagus” the VA doctor said a stricture resulting from GERD developed. Stomach acids irritated the esophagus at the stomach junction, producing a mound of scar tissue. That scar tissue projected into the esophagus thereby making it harder to get food down.

So the first procedure stretched my esophagus at that point. But the doctors did nothing about treating or removing the scar tissue. They scheduled the second procedure to see how the first stretch went. If it went well, they said, the followup would be exploratory only. Or, they’d repeat the stretching.

I had other plans though. During the intervening weeks between procedure #1 and #2, I committed to create a new reality around my esophagus. Using my powerful focus and intention, I repeated a process every day wherein I imagined my esophagus returning to its original state.

The procedure results describing the stricture.
The scope’s view of the stricture found in my esophagus.

I arrived at the VA in November fully expecting doctors to tell me everything was normal in my esophagus. The procedure took less than 15 minutes. But it required sedation. So I wouldn’t know the outcome until the next day.

The next day I looked at the results in the report they gave my friend who accompanied me to the procedure. The result: “The GE junction appeared normal.”

¡Voila! I got my way.

The followup procedure report
And my fresh new esophagus.

What happened?

While many people consider this “you create your reality” business hogwash or wishful thinking, others, like me, consider it the basis of life itself. Meanwhile, the entire Universe agrees with people like me. So do all other creatures. The only ones living contrary to the fact that we all ongoingly create our reality are humans.

Actually, though, even those who believe it to be hogwash live according to the fact “everyone creates their reality”. Those people too create their reality. It’s just that the reality they create gives them evidence that they’re not creating their reality. Because everyone creates through their beliefs.

And that’s how powerful we are as God in Human form. We can create any reality we want, including ones disproving that we’re God in human form creating our reality. Meanwhile, All That Is, every expression continues doing what some consider hogwash. Inasmuch as we realize and then consciously create our reality, or not, we get life experience consistent with our awareness.

Our bodies are our most intimate creations. We create them and recreate them constantly. So frequently, the frequency would boggle most people’s minds if they really took a look at what’s happening.

But those who do look at it, and stick with looking into that inquiry, discover amazing realizations. Like me and my clients, and as Abraham and Seth assert, people like us begin feeling the power that creates all reality moving through them.

Abraham sharing what I know

A life of value and influence

The more that happens, the bolder a person’s creative intent gets. This explains why I’m up to things many believe impossible. Big things such as evolving our global economy into a better, future economy. And comparatively little things, such as soothing old beliefs creating things in my body like esophageal strictures.

We all enjoy the power of creation. We’re doing it all day every day, 24/7. Doesn’t it make sense to take control of that power and create deliberately what we want? I do.

And it’s even more fund doing it with others. Which is why I started Positively Focused. I love showing clients what I know. For as they become emboldened as Gods in human form, they become as I do: examples for all humanity.

And isn’t that what we all came for? To be of value, of influence. To make a difference.

There’s nothing we can’t do, be or have. Both Abraham and Seth make this clear. My clients and I increasingly live this reality. Maybe you’d like to. If so, I can help.