Complaining Gives More To Complain About
Many people I work alongside complain about life. They complain about work. They complain about what’s happening after work. And before work.
Maybe you work with people like that.
When they’re at work, though, most of their complaints are about work.
Most times I avoid such comments. Or I ignore them. Coworkers I’m friendly with know I make no time for their complaints. So one’s I’m friendly with don’t complain around me.
Since my promotion, I’ve gained credibility in my coworkers’ eyes. Both those I’m friendly with and those I’m not.
Today I approached one coworker I’m not so friendly with. The other day, he talked about a pair of winter work gloves he’s thinking about buying. I’m looking for some too. So I asked him about what he was looking at.
But the conversation jumped from gloves to his recent delivery route experience. He told me about how difficult his route had been. How many apartments he had. How much of a struggle it was delivering in apartments.
I said “You know, if you didn’t talk so much about things going wrong on your route, your route would get easier.”
He gave me a blank look.
I added “I know you don’t understand what I’m saying. That’s because you don’t believe thoughts create reality. You believe reality is independent of your thoughts and beliefs.”
He said, “Ok, tell me how exactly it would happen that if I change my thoughts my routes would get easier.”
I said “I can answer that in complete detail. But because you believe reality is independent of your thoughts and beliefs, the words I would share with you would have no meaning to you.”
“Well you certainly have me pegged correctly,” he sad. “I don’t believe my thoughts can change my reality.”
At that point, I asked him what I have in previous, similar conversations: “Have you tested your beliefs to see if you’re right?”
He said he hadn’t.
Of course he hadn’t. Few have.
Then the conversation got interesting.
“I can tell you one thing that’s probably creating my delivery route experience,” he said with confidence.
“Ok,” I said, smiling. “Tell me.”
“That algorithm,” he said. Our company uses an in-house software that tells drivers where to deliver. We’ve been told that software observes how a driver delivers one day. The next day the software alters that person’s route based on its observances.
The driver continued. “The algorithm is designed to give us the same route we deliver successfully so that we get even more efficient on that route.”
I said my route is always easy, in an easy area, the load is easy to deliver and customers on my route are super-friendly. I also told him I never bring back packages when I’m done and usually get my route done early.
He said “that’s because the algorithm keeps giving you that route because you’re successful at it.”
What the driver didn’t know was there was a flaw in this logic. I pointed it out to him.
“So if the software designs your route based on your successful route the previous delivery cycle,” I asked, “then why do you keep getting sucky routes?”
He paused in thought.
Then said, “because we’re told the software works that way. But I don’t think it really does.”
But that logic didn’t make sense either. “If that’s true,” I said, “then why does the software keep giving me the same route, in the same area with great customers and easy delivery days?”
The point I was making…
something has greater influence over all factors involved in delivering these packages. The algorithm plays a part. But there are the people who pick the packages, label them, and organize them according to other software directions. These people can introduce all kinds of variances changing route characteristics.
Dispatchers sometimes rearrange routes. This rearrangement often changes decisions the algorithm makes.
And yet, with all these variables, I still get the same route. With all the wonderful features I laid out above. There must be something else influencing deliveries.
That creates different delivery experiences for different people. Differences that can’t be attributed to the algorithm.
I know that greater influence is my broader perspective. It responds to my focus. Being positively focused, I draw from All That Is only realities consistent with that.
So my routes are always wonderful, my customers fun and happy and my delivery days easy and fun.
Meanwhile, those complaining about their delivery experiences, get more of that. Complaining gives more to complain about.
Unbeknownst to my colleague the Universe laid bare its secrets. But he couldn’t see them. They were as clear as the words coming out of his mouth. But he couldn’t hear the logical flaws in his beliefs and thoughts. Flaws pointing right at the secret: You create reality by tuning yourself to specific probable futures matching your thoughts and beliefs. This happens all day every day, in every moment.
• • •
If you complain, you get more to complain about. If you’re happy and care free, life reflects that.
I prefer the latter. So that’s what I pay attention to. And that’s what I get.
The driver talking with me believes his thoughts and beliefs don’t shape his reality. So he gets realities that seem random and chaotic. Randomness and chaos come from beliefs in randomness and chaos.
But such beliefs mask the 100 percent correlation. Correlation that really is causation.
I love how clear reality presents to me Universal Secrets. Sometimes it’s through direct observation, manifestation of a desire I have or a conversation. Each time I’m reminded how awesome life is.
And it’s getting better and better. I love sharing my insights. I know when I do, I move humanity, the world and the universe forward.
It’s what I’m here to do. I’m glad I have such an awesome role to play in the context of All That Is.
An addendum: The next day, this same driver came to me. He said “I’m not saying our conversation had anything to do with it, but my day went very smooth yesterday.”
As I have said, results are immediate. Which is why I give my Positively Focused clients a 100 percent money back guarantee.
I never have to return their money though. Because the results always happen. That’s because what I share with my clients and through this blog is 100 percent accurate.
They are the secrets of the Universe. Sharing them fulfills me.
Addendum #2 (Dec 3. 2019) last week, I got dispatched to help a fellow driver with her delivery route. It was a chaotic mess. Something went very wrong in how the route got assembled. That’s why this driver was having such a hard time delivering her packages.
When I returned to the station, I asked, out of curiosity, how a route could get so badly organized. His answer reflected exactly what I’m saying in this post. He told me why and how it could happen. Then, at the end, he said “It’s just a matter of bad luck. That this happens to some drivers.”
I don’t consider it a matter of “luck”. Luck is what people who don’t understand what’s happening behind the scenes use to describe what’s going on. But it’s interesting, right? With all the details organizing routes, in the end, “luck” plays a big part. The question is then, how do you get luck on your side?
How I Create Lots Of Money
The best way to make lots of money flowing into my life is by not thinking about it.
I’m not a master at this yet. But I’m getting better as I gain confidence in what I’m doing. Or, rather, how I’m being…
I know my beliefs about money and finances are getting better too. I can tell by what’s showing up more often in my reality.
I’m sharing this life example because of its pertinence. It shows how by not thinking about money, money flows into my life in unexpected and surprising ways.
• • •
Making lots of money flow can be as effortless as anything else. It just takes practice. Being Positively Focused is key. Not thinking about money at all helps too.
I’ll explain why at the end. For now, here’s the story. It’s really cool!
When Money Doubles Without Me Lifting A Finger
This story happened last month.
I have a project called Copiosis (the main website is undergoing a redesign. Link goes to the Facebook page). It’s a world-changing economic system I know would be fun to live in. Someone once called Copiosis “the world Jesus would create were he to return”.
Be that as it may, I know I can create a world better than the one I live in now. Copiosis is my expression of that knowing.
A lot of people follow what’s happening with Copiosis. They want to live in that kind of world too.
And who wouldn’t want to?
Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where all your basic food, shelter, education, healthcare and basic clothing were provided at not cost to anyone, where you’re debt-free and can never get in debt, where you own your home (if you want) and follow your passions, get rich without that costing you anything?
I think nearly anyone would.
Some people are so excited about Copiosis, they throw money at it. Over the six years I’ve been sharing it, people have sent me “gifts”. They range from a few dollars up to $100,000 and everything in between. Some have supported Copiosis ongoingly via a monthly patron plan. Others contribute their time and expertise.
I use money people send me to grow the organization and further share the idea online. I know one day Copiosis will evolve out of capitalism to become the dominant socioeconomic model on the planet. I’m excited to be its spokesperson.
One person following Copiosis is really passionate about it. Let’s call him Joe. Like many, Joe has advocated for it online. But he’s also made presentations about Copiosis at events in Europe.
Joe believes he’s meant to help make Copiosis a reality. Many people come to Copiosis feeling that. But Joe’s a bit different. He has a lot of Bitcoin (BTC).
In late October, Joe was talking about wanting to donate some of his Bitcoin somewhere.
Not thinking about money, I suggested he give whatever organization he wants to give it to the actual bitcoin. Not cash.
That way, when the bitcoin appreciates, they’ll have more money than his original donation.
I really did think he would give the money to another organization. Not Copiosis. That didn’t bother me one bit because there’s plenty of money coming to all the things I’m doing.
That conversation I described above happened on October 8.
Then, on October 13, Joe asked me for my Bitcoin wallet address.
I gave it to him, not thinking at all that he was sending me bitcoin. This is where the story gets real interesting…
Joe then goes away for nine days.
On October 24, he sends me a message. He’s sent me .3 BTC and wants me to check that I got it. A third of one bitcoin doesn’t sound like much. Unless you know about Bitcoins…
Since I don’t think much about money, I hadn’t checked my BTC wallet for a long time. In fact, I hadn’t looked at my wallet for over 18 months!
If you know about bitcoin wallets, they have to synch all the blockchain transactions over time. So it’s best, if you want to be up on things, to keep your wallet up to date.
But I don’t think about money, so I hadn’t keep it up to date. 😳
So when I open my wallet, it’s not up to date. It’s syncing transactions from July 2016! It’s going to take two or three days for my wallet to synch.
I’m not worried about this. I don’t really care. I know the bitcoin process is pretty bulletproof. And besides, my Inner Being’s got this.
Joe’s not too sure though. He’s worried the money went to someone else’s account. He’s worried it got lost.
Joe doesn’t know what I know.
Joe doesn’t know worrying is using one’s thoughts to create a reality one doesn’t want.
But that’s ok in this case. My thought momentum dominates our relationship. He can’t create the reality he’s worrying about with enough momentum to effect my reality because my positive focus won’t allow that.
I try to soothe Joe, but he’s not having it. He want’s me to reach out to my wallet’s support desk. I tell him there’s no need.
The next couple days I don’t hear from him. I’m not worried. I’m not even enthusiastic about the money. I’m not thinking about it at all.
That’s When Things Get Really Interesting
Here’s the cool thing. When he sent the .3 BTC, in US Dollars at the time, he sent about $2,700. That’s a nice one-time gift.
My wallet was synching for two or three days after he sent it.
While it was synching, I couldn’t do anything with it. I couldn’t check the transactions. I couldn’t transfer BTC or cash in or out.
That’s ok though because I wasn’t thinking at all bout this money. 😂
I was thinking about someone else’s money, interesting enough.
I was thinking about the wallet I found in the street on my route. I wanted that person to not worry about her money and other valuables. I was busy hunting her down so I could return her wallet. I wrote a couple posts about this recently. You can read them here and here.
In the meantime, BTC took a nice surprising uptick. By the time my wallet finished synching, that $2700 had more than doubled!
I received $5500!
Joe was astonished.
But I wasn’t.
This is how things work when I’m aligned with my Inner Being though a positive focus. I connect with my Inner Being’s stream of insight and awareness. Through that I get impulses, urges to act…or not act. Acting on those impulses creates in nonphysical reality connections that, when allowed, turn into real-life experiences.
Experiences matching my desires.
• • •
My Broader Perspective also knows all probable futures. Isn’t it interesting that Joe sent his bitcoin to me just before this uptick happened? Just in time for the uptick to double his gift? Don’t you think it’s also interesting that my wallet had to synch, and that process happened over the exact time period the uptick happened?
So long as I don’t resist this natural flow, this connection I enjoy through positive focus, I real-ize all kinds of wonderful life experiences. Life experiences consistent with what I want.
That’s because when I identify something I want, my Inner Being grabs hold of that and makes it reality for it in nonphysical, which then must become my reality.
And so long as I don’t resist that flow, it will become my reality. It must. That’s how the Universe works.
It doesn’t matter if it’s wonderful weather, relationships, nice little surprises people think are “coincidences”, or a pile of money that doubles in size over two days!
Everything is possible when I connect with my Inner Being.
Money Is Not Freedom Unless You Believe It Is
I know humans equate money to freedom. I used to too.
Money does make possible a lot.
The problem with that association is, if you don’t have money (or as much as you’d like) and you believe money is associated with freedom, then you’re stuck kinda.
Because if you believe money is associated with freedom and you don’t have it then it’s easy to feel not free.
I know feeling not free is contrary to what my broader perspective knows about me. In nonphysical, money is not associated with freedom. Freedom is our natural state. That’s also true in physical reality.
But conflating freedom and money in our beliefs creates realities consistent with that.
- If you don’t have money, you don’t feel free.
- And if you don’t feel free, you create a reality consistent with the beliefs generating that feeling.
- And since your beliefs associate freedom with money, you can’t allow money into your life experience because you don’t feel free.
If you associate money with freedom, like I used to in the past, first you must conjure the feeling of freedom. Which is what I’ve been doing for a while.
But really, the easiest way is not thinking about money at all. Which is what I’ve been doing recently.
Here’s why I do that instead of trying to conjure the feeling of freedom in order to get money.
My Inner Being Already Knows I Want It
I know my Inner Being knows everything I’m wanting, where it is and how to lead me to it. This includes all kinds of money. Since it already knows the what, where and how, I don’t have to think about it. I only have to be Positively Focused.
When I’m Positively Focused, I’m best aligned with my Inner Being’s perspective. And so I receive impulses upon which I act. When I act upon them, I draw into my reality, from an infinite variety of probable and alternative realities, experiences consistent with what I want.
I write about this all the time in this blog.
The thing is, I’m more tuned into my Inner Being’s signals on some subjects than I am tuned in on other subjects. I know subjects I’m not so in tuned into my Inner Being with are improving.
Money is one of those latter subjects.
But, I know I’m getting better at soothing old beliefs and tuning into my Inner Being’s signals about money because of life experiences just like the one above. Money is flowing more easily these days.
I also know I’m getting better because of how I feel, how my days are going, the kind of people I meet and what happens in life. I’m getting more positive things happening having nothing to do with money.
And since the Universe is holistic, I know as these other things improve, so are my beliefs about money. Therefore I don’t need to think about money.
In fact, the less I think about it, the less likely I’m likely to energize my old ideas about money.
I know what I’m doing is working. I don’t think very much about money because I know money is flowing to me. This story was a nice indication of that. It feels great receiving it. And that great feeling I feel is what I focus on.
Not money.
I know doing that is bringing more of everything I’m wanting in to my life experience. Including a great big pile of money!
So why do I need to think about it, when I can just be happy and get it?
How Everything Happens Through My Inner Being
There’s No Better Life Than A Positively Focused Life
Holy Smokes!
My life has become a constant flow of delight. My Inner Being said this would happen.
Sometimes I miss the delight until after the fact. Sometimes I get it before, in the midst of, and after the fact.
Reviewing my journal today, I got the former, the latter and the in between! LOL
The more Positively Focused I am, the more this kind of thing happens. I’ve said before, I could spend all day writing about things happening. Wonderful, thrilling things are happen all around me these days.
The question always is: is my awareness up to speed enough to real-ize them?
Apparently so! Because I’m see them more and more.
When journaling is more than therapeutic
Keep a journal. I strongly encourage everyone do this. This morning I am reviewing last week’s entries. Keeping a journal is great. Journaling’s super power happens when I review past entries regularly.
Today, I’m reviewing last week. Last week I posted this illustrated post about how people reflect back to me my life experience.
I create these illustrations over several weeks. Here’s how I do it.
I create the text first. Then do the drawings. I polish both, review them, then schedule them to share with you all.
I scheduled that post, somewhere around October 8. Then forgot about it.
Then, according to my journal, on October 26, I found the purse I wrote about in this post.
I shared this story with my Tumblr followers. I didn’t share it here on my blog. Sometimes I have time-scarcity about where to share the good great news. 🙃 🙄 So I only posted it where most of my followers are.
Anyway. I wrote about finding the wallet in my journal too.
Two days later, on October 28, I received the crazily complimentary voicemail from the young woman’s father.
I wrote about this in my Journal too.
Then, this morning, reviewing my week, I got how all these events played together.
Follow the timeline with me…
- Early October, I created the illustration.
- Mid October I found the purse.
- Then I got the father’s voicemail telling me how great I am 😌
- Then I’m reviewing my journal and see!
See what?
How past, present and future mixed perfectly proving what illustration post’s assertion!
My illustration, which I created well before I found the purse, and before I got the father’s voicemail, described how people reflect back to me my connection with my Broader Consciousness.
Then I found the purse. Then got the father’s voicemail. In it, he describes my Broader Consciousness as a perfect mirror!
It’s like past and future were living things, working in my now to delight me and present examples demonstrating to me (and you, dear reader) what I know!
• • •
I know my Broader Perspective, which is what I am in nonphysical, plays across time and space in a non-linear way. It weaves past and future into my present. Events from all three reflect back to me my divinity.
That process organized the events:
- I saw finding the purse in my probable futures. Knowing my past included an accurate assertion (my relationship with me is demonstrated through others)
- I organized my delivery route so that I would, again, in the future, rendezvous with that lost purse.
- That created the me in that probable future described by the father in his voicemail in another future.
- I found the woman the purse belonged to. Delighted, she told her parents, which created my connection with her father in another future.
- Her family believes the world is filled with dishonest, uncaring people, which caused her father extraordinary appreciation for me.
- That compelled him to reflect back to me (via his voicemail) what I know and my Inner Being knows about me!
- Which then proved in real life what my illustration (in the past) was describing!
Life becomes a delightful joy ride the more I make being Positively Focused a consistent way of being. It’s a journey of constantly unfolding pleasures.
Is there any other better way to live?
I say: no way!
11/9 UPDATE: This week the family also sent this wonderful card in the mail, plus a $10 reward. Very cool.
A Job You Love Isn’t Necessary To Love Your Job
Loving the job you have blurs the lines between that and doing a job you love. I know humans create their reality. So when a person hates the job they have, they can’t get to the job they’d love. They’re focusing on the job they don’t like and have. So they’re creating more of that.
It’s only by finding aspects of the job they have that they can love that they begin tuning their reality to include having doing a job they love.
The same is true for money. The same is true for relationships. The same is true for everything. This I know.
It all begins with being positive, happy and celebrating what is in my now, now. Then, I watch. Because then I see tiny clues that my reality is changing into that which I want.
It’s gradual at first (like everything in physical reality). But like everything in physical reality that becomes more (plants growing bigger, children turning to adults, clouds dissipating into clear blue skies), in time, evidence becomes overwhelming.
Then I find myself in a new reality. The one I created.
But I know I can’t get to that new reality while focused on a reality I don’t like.
Good news: Every reality, no matter how bad it is, also contains elements worthy of joyful attention. I find those. That’s how I change all circumstances into that which I’m wanting.
What am I wanting? A joyful life adventure.
And that’s exactly what I have.
[VIDEO] How Life Looks As It Gets Better
My life is a template for my Broader Awareness. When it matches what I am in nonphysical reality, it becomes a wonderland. I know a Positive Focus helps tunes me to the best part of me. That part of me that knows all my desires, knows the best way to make them my reality, and always sends me signals which lead me there. Tuning myself to those signals creates my best life. My “Personal Utopia”. It also feels fucking great. When I feel so great, I want to share it with others. That’s why I created Positively Focused.
Life Is Best When I’m Following The Inner Knowing Of My Broader Consciousness
Powerful Nows Come From Positive Focused Stillness
“Meditation”, the word, distracts attention, sending people in all kinds of directions. It’s really “stilling the mind” so that I can hear my Broader Consciousness guiding me to life experiences it/I knows/know will thrill and delight.
Meanwhile, those experiences benefit not only me. They also benefit all who experience them. “All” means both physical and nonphysical beings of all kinds. And as they benefit, so does the Universe. So does All That Is.
It’s the basis of All That Is. Expanded conscious awareness on all levels and all dimensions. That’s how important earthly life experience is.
Mind stillness is the prerequisite to knowing how accurate what I’m writing is. Through mental stillness, I have gradually gained awareness of the Inner Reality from which all that is physical emerges. I’m also learning how that “emergence” happens. Through mind stillness I have tuned into my “inner senses” — corollaries to my physical senses of sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. So I now see the nonphysical world as clearly as I do the physical one.
I delight in what I’ve discovered. I delight in what I am discovering. I know there is more to discover. As there is no end to expansion. No end to All That Is, and thus no end to my personal life experience, which is a constant experience of new discoveries.
How To Create Your Perfect Relationship In No Time, Part 2
Welcome back.
Last time I wrote about Joe (not his real name) a client who met his ideal match in a transgender woman. Joe was excited about this. He felt the Universe designed this gathering.
It did.
But the “why” wasn’t what Joe thought.
This post details what happened after Joe’s initial excitement and enthusiasm. It also sheds more light on our framework. Why it is so powerful. And why we guarantee our results.
Let’s get started.
• • •
By his ninth session, Joe’s enthusiasm disappeared. He was low-energy. Not the excited person from our cancelled seventh session.
Turns out Cassandra (not her real name either), the transgender woman he met, hadn’t spoken to him in a while. Despondent, Joe had all kinds of negative explanations about why. Explanations about the experience. Explanations about himself. Negative explanations about the Positively Focused approach.
Joe’s grumpiness matched all these beliefs. He thought something went wrong with the framework.
Nothing went wrong.
Instead, Joe’s life experience showed him what he must change if he wants his ideal partner. The key to Joe finding his perfect relationship is, he must become a match to that relationship.
Joe is not yet a match to what he wants. So he drew to himself someone who matches where he is now. The gift of this perfect relationship connection is, it showed this to him.
The framework works. That doesn’t mean Joe liked what he saw.
Had he been able to, he would have benefitted even more from the experience.
Life is eternal. You always get more chances so nothing is lost. Nothing goes wrong. Ever.
The relationship with Cassandra didn’t show up as the relationship Joe wanted. But it did show Joe many of his disempowering beliefs.
And it showed him how his relationship behavior matches those beliefs.
For example, Joe moved too fast. His beliefs about relationship scarcity had him cling to this relationship. As if there weren’t going to be any others.
Out of his desperation to have a relationship, he asked Cassandra if she was seeing anyone else, implying energetically, of course, that he’d prefer he be the only one she was seeing.
After all, he wasn’t seeing anyone else. But the reason he wasn’t seeing anyone else wasn’t because he had other opportunities. It’s because he is grasping desperately for THE relationship. Instead of enjoying life. He’s also focused on the absence of relationships.
So he doesn’t have any.
When Cassandra said she was seeing others, Joe played it off. But it was obvious in our call that answer was not the right one. It did match Joe’s beliefs though. 😃
• • •
Beliefs create reality. Belief momentum can’t be avoided. That’s not how life works.
To slow old belief momentum, a person must create new beliefs. New beliefs which, over time, will build enough momentum in their own right. Meanwhile, old belief momentum deactivates. They have less effect on reality. Including one’s behaviors.
Joe didn’t focus on new beliefs after that exchange. That focus takes effort, which is why we offer our framework. Joe is only starting. So he doesn’t realize yet how to check in with his emotions early enough to halt old belief momentum.
It’s a rare skill among people. Hardly anyone has the discipline and rigor to do such work on their own. Hardly anyone understands why we have emotions in the first place. We offer our framework for that reason.
So rather than focusing on new beliefs he is working on in our sessions, Joe allowed his old ones to continue creating his reality.
Disappointment he felt isn’t about how the relationship turned out (it ended). Although that’s what Joe thinks is the reason he’s disappointed.
He feels disappointment (and frustration and sadness and impatience) because he’s focusing on his reality. The reality his old beliefs are creating. Realities not matching what he wants.
Again, Joe is just starting. So he doesn’t get how important it is to understand the purpose of emotions. So instead of using his emotions the way they’re intended, he tries to behave in spite of them.
Meanwhile, his behavior faithfully creates outcomes matching his old beliefs.
For example, one night frustrated in not hearing from Cassandra, Joe drunk-dialed her.
That didn’t go well.
Drunk-dialing is a classic knee-jerk reaction to strong negative emotions triggered by negative beliefs about relationships playing out in physical reality. Thinking that behavior brings relief, people drink to numb the emotion.
But alcohol amplifies negative emotion. It adds momentum to beliefs. That momentum draws to it beliefs like it. Beliefs are living things. Not just words. Beliefs like company. They draw to themselves beliefs like themselves. That’s how Belief Constellations happen.
That’s also why drinking to numb pain usually begins a downward spiral. When it comes to a “failed” relationship, that spiral often includes drunk-dialing.
Remember, in the last post I cautioned Joe about what was happening. I said Cassandra was a perfect match to Joe’s beliefs. That she is a perfect match is an excellent indicator.
What do I mean by that?
I mean, Joe got to see exactly how his beliefs create his reality. A reality which includes transgender women not all that interested in Joe for Joe.
To Joe, she seemed interested. At first. But later she wasn’t.
• • •
By our ninth session, Joe was not in a good place at all. He couldn’t see the extraordinary benefit of a relationship like the one he got.
One day, Cassandra contacted him after a long absence. He said she asked him to pay for something for her. Joe didn’t have the money. He hasn’t heard from her since telling her so.
Of course, Joe’s old beliefs showed up again. “That’s all she wanted me for”, He told me during our session.
That belief can be extended more broadly about all his relationships with transgender women, women who usually are sex workers.
Joe left session nine pretty negative.
If Joe continues the work, this could be a turning point for him. His beliefs are screaming out loud. Now that he has some grounding in how beliefs create reality, he is getting first hand experience in his own living laboratory how beliefs do that.
He’s not happy about that.
But this is the process. It’s how it works.
I reminded Joe his unhappiness is an emotion telling him something important. It’s telling him his beliefs about this situation aren’t consistent with what’s really happening.
Again, of course, Joe didn’t want to hear this. He defended his beliefs as “true”, which they are. But he refused to understand that they are only true because his beliefs have created a reality consistent with them. They are no more true than any other belief he might tell often enough to create momentum and a new reality consistent with that.
And that is the work. Using one’s life experience as a living laboratory, our framework shows clients how to tell new stories. New stories told frequent enough so they become beliefs. When that happens, one’s reality changes to match the new stories.
Then they have a new truth. A life experience that contains everything they want.
Including their ideal partner.
Joe is continuing the work. We’ll see whether his relationship with Cassandra was the last one he’ll let his old stories dictate.