I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: What are the most powerful affirmations?
The most powerful affirmations are ones that work. That seems obvious, but reconsidering this obvious answer reveals an important point: the power isn’t in the affirmation. It’s in the person.
Any affirmation will work whenever the person using it aligns their creative energy with what they want. In other words, desires, those things which inspire affirmation use, fulfill themselves. They do that when the only thing blocking them gets out of the way. What is that thing? The affirmation user himself.
When affirmations work, they work for this reason. They allow one to soothe themselves out of the way. Standing there the fulfilled desires shows itself to the desire-er. Every time.
The most powerful affirmations? Prepare to be surprised. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav)
Affirmations have no power
All that work doesn’t happen because the affirmation is powerful. It happens because the user talks himself out of unhelpful disbelief. Then he feels himself into, belief, knowing and then gradually into the reality in which his desire already happened.
In short, there are no powerful affirmations. There are only powerful people. Expressions of God in human form, who align themselves through their thoughts to their fulfilled desires. One needn’t an affirmation for that. But affirmations can, and often do, focus one’s real power – life force focus.
Those knowing this don’t attribute their power to words. They own it themselves, because they are the power. When this happens, affirmations fall by the wayside. In their place emerges what had the power all along: eternal, nonphysical conscious energy embodied in human form.
That’s what every instance of physical reality is, including humans. So a human affirming it’s inherent power is the most powerful affirmation when it affirms it’s eternal reality then leverages that affirmation in service of its desires.
I love when nature shows me my Positively Focused practice works. It’s even more fun when humans get in on the act.
Nature putting itself on display typifies an intermediate-level indicator confirming effective Positively Focused practice. When a coyote crosses my path at times and locations proving that appearance special, I recognize that as a sign.
When Raptors put their wares on display mere feet in front of me, I revel in the indicator. Reveling amplifies my connection. Celebrating such indicators leverages Law of Attraction which brings me more such experiences.
But when humans become indicators, that takes intermediate level results to whole new levels.
That’s what happened today
Lately my Positively Focused practice includes advanced level processes. In such processes, I tune my awareness into a kind of trance. There, random thoughts leave my mind, the same thought jumble people take for granted as normal. That thought jumble gets replaced by calm, peace and serenity.
There, I feel Broader Perspective inspiration. It feels peaceful and serene. In that feeling, I also hear more clearly my Broader Perspective’s impulses. My connection with nature strengthens too. No surprise there, everyone’s Broader Perspective flows hand-in-hand with all natural phenomena. My Broader Perspective proved this statement as accurate.
This morning I walked through a park near my house. It’s called Peninsula Park. The 16-acre park includes a stand of fabulous, tall and majestic pine trees. Many regard Peninsula Park as one of Portland’s most beautiful parks. But what happened to me took this park’s beauty to a whole different level.
Portland’s Peninsula Park…
Focusing myself into alignment with larger, spiritual perspective, I felt awareness expand to the point where, as I said, random thoughts ceased. In their place, I walked in stately peace, flowing along with nature and natural impulses.
Such impulses come to my awareness feeling less like thoughts…well they are thoughts. But thoughts drawn by alignment to Broader Perspective. So these thoughts represent fine-tuned, soft and clear suggestions. Following them, I discover delightful surprises. Taken in totality such surprises create the Charmed Life I constantly write about.
This focus and its accompanying thoughts feel way better than normal consciousness and its thought jumble. I want to feel this way all the time.
Ongoing nows flowing from past desire
So the question is, do I want to experience “normal” conscious awareness? Or do I want as my ordinary waking consciousness this more diffused focus where I am allowing good-feeling clarity as my moment-by-moment experience? Obviously, I prefer creating this “abnormal” state as my new normal.
I recognize past desire for this new focus. I remember many times past when I sought this clarity-focus. Favorite films often reveal this to me. Particularly the Star Wars Franchise and its Jedi Knight lore. My Bujinkan training pointed towards similar clues. I even experienced such states while practicing with training partners.
So I know an awareness above ordinary consciousness exists. All can access it and benefit from its delights. I wanted that. I wanted it a long time. Now it emerges as easily as all manifestations: flowing from past desire into awareness to the degree I allow it. How do I allow it?
By soothing resistance against it. Then it emerges along with stronger desire for it. A simultaneous cause and affect result, amplified by focus and Law of Attraction.
Amplifying Law of Attraction’s effects characterizes the epitome of a Positively Focused approach.
The reward: delightful manifestations
I walked in this state through tall pines, their shadows blanketing my path with cool air on that summer day, their smells delighting my senses. I listened as Broader Perspective’s impulses softly spoke to me in place of random thoughts. Halfway through these pines, I heard behind me an animal sound I hadn’t heard before.
My impulse came right then: it said, come back. Look at me.
I turned around, backtracked a few paces. I looked around, but saw nothing. Then feathers began floating down all around me, like snow flakes softly descending from moisture-ladened clouds.
I looked up, and there, in a branch not far above me, perched a raptor. It grasped a bird carcass in its talons. In powerful thrusts of its sharp beak the raptor ripped one feather after another from the carcass. The morning breeze carried them to the ground.
I stood there filming as a runner approached. He saw me filming and stopped to see what I saw. Together we watched in rapt silence. Then he told me an amazing story.
One day, he said, he walked a nature trail in another Portland Park. While walking he felt his hat taken off his head. Startled, he looked around. He saw no one. Then he felt something touch his scalp again. He looked up, he said, and saw an owl land onto a branch just feet before him.
He and the owl stared at one another for a long time. “It occured to me,” the guy said. “The owl must be nesting nearby.”
Were we strangers?
The runner said the owl then unfolded its massive wings, which tripled its size. “It was like it was saying ‘you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.'” joked the runner.
He and I had shared that moment together, no longer strangers, for a little while.
My interpretation tells me following my Broader Perspective impulse led me to this park, to this moment in time where I converged with perfect timing, upon a nature documentary quality moment punctuated with an additional awesome story brought by another person tuned to my vibration. The raptor, my Inner Being and this runner converging in perfect timing so I may enjoy the synchronicity.
Nothing accidental. No coincidences. Everything unfolds in perfect timing showing me my blessedness. When I’m Positively Focused, nature puts herself on display and, sometimes, when really tuned in, humans too show me how blessed I am.
I love it when nature approves of my Positively Focused practice. My Charmed Life just gets better and better!
Being Positively Focused recognizes Universe’s inherent goodness, its desire to give everyone everything they want. That focus, well-practiced, creates the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog.
What does the Positively Focused philosophy involve? My friend Gheric described it in 30 excellent questions I’ll share shortly.
Life is fun when yes is the default
The Positively Focused philosophy emphatically says “yes” in response to every question. So if a person answers “no” to any question, then a gap exists between what that person wants and what they’re getting.
A simple agreement is not enough. Self-fulfilling desires happen only when someone knows the answers are all “yes”, not just agrees with the answers.
That’s because knowing, believing and thinking are distinct states. Everyone thinks. That’s the default. Think long enough about something and reality serves evidence of what one thinks about. The thinker sees this evidence, then gradually understands this evidence as proving their thought “true”.
Then the person believes what they think. Why wouldn’t they? Reality “proved” what they think. Therefore that person’s thoughts become their beliefs.
Given enough time beliefs recede as evidence replaces “belief” and the “belief” becomes “true”. At that point, the person no longer believes. They know.
So knowing “yes” as the answer requires seeing evidence everywhere.
Life’s road is easier when the answers to these 30 questions is “yes”.
The 30 questions
These questions challenge many people’s beliefs. They also challenge many people’s realities. Both get challenged because one (reality) springs from the other (beliefs). A person who doesn’t know this finds answering “yes” to every question very difficult if not impossible.
The joy inherent in knowing the answer is “yes” is what life is all about. Living lives where everything comes easily depends on it. Therefore, these questions and their answer are important prerequisite to a Charmed Life.
And now, the questions:
Does abundance in all things exist?
Does well-being flow through all things?
Is evil an illusion?
Is scarcity an illusion?
Is control an illusion?
Do all circumstances work out for good?
Are negative beliefs a catalyst for positive growth?
Does everyone want a better reality?
Do we create our own reality?
Is everyone free?
Is progress an inevitability?
Can everyone have what they want?
Are all paradoxes resolvable?
Are the specific values of the individual aligned with the general values of the collective?
Are all conflicts illusory?
Is every perspective valid?
Is every perspective valuable?
Are humans inherently good?
Can humans be trusted?
Do humans want to be free from control/manipulation?
Do humans want well-being for themselves and for others?
Is humanity currently headed in a positive direction?
Do people want to live by their intrinsic motivations?
Do intrinsic motivations always lead to good things?
Is it okay to give up on something?
Does everyone have good intentions?
Can efficient and effective organizing structures emerge organically?
Does everything evolve?
Can “bad ideas” turn into “good ideas”?
Is it inevitable that every “bad idea” evolves into a “good idea” given enough allowance for intuitive inspiration?
Finding this a challenge?
If you’re having trouble, you’re not alone. But you can discover bliss in human being-ness by learning to see, then living from, what’s possible when you know every answer is “yes”.
That’s what my clients find. And when they do, they become Positively Focused. Then life gets fun.
After all, who wouldn’t want a life full of desires fulfilling themselves? That’s what everyone in a physical body knew life could be like before they came here.
But many get stuck once they get here. That’s because they don’t remember what they forgot, the forgetting of which is a prerequisite to arrival. No need stay in forgetting mode though.
You can remember. Everyone can. If you aren’t, I can help.
I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.
The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.
The incredible becomes every day
This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.
It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.
Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.
So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.
My client sharing her wonderful awareness.
I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.
By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.
In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.
And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.
What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.
I’m getting ahead of myself 😄
Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:
My responses and her loving my response as I loved hers. Everything happening perfectly.
Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?
Then this happened
Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:
A Client raves to Holly about her experience with being my client 🤣
When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.
Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:
Holly considers my impulse.
Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:
Welcoming my newest client and the extraordinary response he made given my ongoing conversation with my current client. This allowed Holly to share Taylore’s comment with him in person before our free 1:1 session.
What was happening?
Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.
So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.
Scott’s request to reschedule enabled Holly to share Taylore’s experience with him.
And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.
Me doing the work, and my client doing the same.
And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.
The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.
What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:
This is all coincidental
This is confirmation bias happening
This is just luck
This doesn’t happen all the time
This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?
All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.
I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.
It doesn’t take long to turn sorrow, tears and anguish into joy, elation and happiness. A little time being Positively Focused will do it. For some, it happens in an instant. Especially with a little assistance.
But if a person doesn’t understand why they feel sadness – or any other unwanted emotion – changing moods is near impossible. That’s why so many are depressed, chronically anxious and using prescription medicines such as Prozac to mask their emotional states.
That’s too bad because emotional states say something worth knowing, if one knows what to do with such feelings. Such feelings lead to Charmed Lives when used for what they’re there for.
What are emotions for?
Ask yourself: what are emotions for? If you think they’re just there so you can know how you’re feeling, or how certain events or people are “making” you feel, then you’re way off.
There’s way more value to them than that.
We have emotions because they tell us moment-by-moment where we are relative to our greater knowing. When a person learns that, then practices using their emotions for that purpose, their life becomes a Charmed Life, guaranteed. Desires, even long-held ones, fulfill themselves.
Before they know it, a person finds happiness around every corner. That’s the promise at Positively Focused. What’s cool is, such happiness can happen instantly, even when a person is in misery.
Taylore, one of my newest clients shows how it’s done in this video. In just a few moments, while thinking about the exact same subject, she goes from feeling tear-filled, sad and miserable to being happy, free and empowered.
All emotions are positive because they tell us important things. But unwanted emotions, such as feeling powerless, don’t have to be in our lives. Still, it’s hard going from powerless to joy and love when powerlessness is one’s dominant emotional state. It’s easier getting to “worry” or “disappointment”, as Taylore does here…just before she leaps through to joy.
Anyone can do this
There’s nothing magical to enjoying magical lives. All that’s needed: perspectives which spawn magical lives right out of whatever life a person has. Only such lives aren’t magical. They are what life promises everyone.
So why doesn’t everyone have such experiences? Well, they are, only their negative beliefs stand between that glorious experience and the magical experience that is their natural life. Only it’s not magic.
A thrilling adventure is what everyone expected before they were born. Why on earth would anyone want to come to miserable lives for 80 years or more? No one, originally.
But many people suffer needlessly because they deny opportunities offered to them constantly that opens doors to thrilling adventure, freedom, happiness and joy.
All it takes is a person willing to be Positively Focused despite whatever is happening in their now. In time, they’ll see life shape to that positive focus. Then, before they know it, they are living proof of what I claim: that people are gods in human form, creating their lives moment by moment.
Turning your life into a Charmed Life is easy…(Drawing by the author)
It started with a story
Taylore’s epiphany started with an experience with her son I didn’t let her share with me. I had no interest hearing her sob story because I’m Positively Focused. Instead, I spoke over her tears, following my Broader Perspective which focused on stories she told herself about what she looked at about her son.
Her stories were what were causing her emotion, not her son. I knew if she changed her stories, she’d experience an amazing lesson. And guess what?
That’s what happened.
Every person’s life reflects back to them stories they are telling themselves. Every story will become “true” if told often enough. So why not tell only positive stories?
Because people don’t know they create reality through their stories. So they tell stories about “what is” constantly, rather than what they want to see.
I’ll believe it when I see it
That’s a trap. If you wait for the world to show you your dreams, in order to believe your dreams are possible, you’re going wait for a long, long time. Instead, choose your dreams over reality. See them, and the world will show you they’re worth believing because the world will include them, fully fulfilled.
That can only happen when you’re Positively Focused.
I like turning already good days, into better days. I do that, not by trying to “make” my days better, but by removing resistance I create about how great my days already are. When I do that, being positively focused, my days get even better.
What do I mean by “removing resistance I create”?
Every day, these days, I simultaneously feel pulled in many potentially enjoyable directions. For example, this morning, a new client sent a wonderful text, detailing an experience she had after our session two days ago. I’m inspired to respond with additional insights. The idea of doing that so feels so good!
Another inspiration has me sharing information contained within this blog post with the men and women working with me on Copiosis.
This blog post began as an Instant Message I was writing to my team. I was answering a question they had about how I find so much joy in day-to-day living.
Sharing this blog post, in its original form as an IM felt equally as good as responding to my client. Both opportunities vied for my attention. But that’s not all…
Another impulse encouraged making video social media thumbnails for videos about Copiosis my team has sitting in our cue. I love doing that creative work. It’s fun and satisfying seeing the results. Results like this:
An example of a video thumbnail. Curious about how and why babies should be paid the moment they’re born? Watch the 2 minute video.
Yet other impulses encourage hopping on Twitter and promoting Copiosis, working on the volunteer strategic project my team and I are creating or working on a Positively Focused illustration panel.
Then there’s the joy I feel in the idea “go upstairs and make something to eat”, and “check in with your client, see how he’s doing”. There’s even an impulse to watch something on Netflix!
There’s probably 20 or so impulses, all feeling wonderful, that I COULD do RIGHT NOW.
An example of one of my artistic panels I’m enjoying making.
Finding ease in the abundance
It’s easy to get into a seemingly positive loop of “what to do?”… that leads to feeling “overwhelm”, which stems from thinking “I don’t have enough time to do all these things”.
Overwhelm can lead to other thoughts and feelings, thoughts of lack or time scarcity, feeling impatience, even feeling dissatisfaction with what I’m doing NOW, which was, at the time, writing the IM I eventually shared with my team.
Here’s the thing though:
The many things available back then, which still exist now as opportunities as I edit this blog version of the IM, represented a form of abundance. I call it “opportunity abundance.”
But this abundance doesn’t feel like abundance when I think thoughts like “I don’t have time to do all these things.” Instead, this abundance feels like lack, like too many things to do…this abundance, rather than feeling like abundance can cause me to feel self-pity…if I let it go that far.
That can spiral into a lack of appreciation of the abundance. And that lack of appreciation can effect other areas I really want to experience abundance in, such as the area of finances.
After all, I know the best path to realizing financial abundance that already exists in my reality is appreciating all other forms of abundance that aren’t financial abundance.
Having a ton of things I COULD do, all of which thrill me to think about, IS ABUNDANCE. So rather than going down the path of negative thinking…
I get Positively Focused
I monitor my thoughts, right now, and practice accepting where I am, NOW and enjoying what I’m doing, NOW. I do this while realizing those other things I also want to do aren’t going anywhere.
And if I’m successful, which I usually am, I find myself in JOY, NOW. I don’t find myself in a Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) belief about these other things I could be doing and therefore resenting or feeling impatient about, what I am doing now.
Does make sense?
Finding the Positively Focused space, not only do I realize plenty of time to enjoy all these things, I realize too a state of lightness, a lighter way of being. Standing there, life gets really good.
Because not only am I enjoying my now, in this day, the rest of this day and future days, get better too as there are more things to do than I can possibly do in a today. Which means, there are plenty of fulfilling, fun things to do tomorrow and the next day and the next.
That’s life mastery. It’s also how I make my days even better, happier days.
This is the series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.
From my journal – Sunday, Nov. 22, 2020
Had a very late night of engagement. It kept me up past 0200. I wrote this morning needing thought management which I successfully did. Then I did a little blog stuff before attending TC’s Sunday session. That session I enjoyed. It unfolded perfectly. I shared why a Positively Focused Perspective is important. That flowed so easily TC thanked me because he wanted to talk about that but didn’t know how to cue it up.
Before the session I spoke with a client who really wants to soothe his current reality, but is having such a hard time at it. It’s so interesting how much he struggles unnecessarily. He gets the material yet doesn’t feel worthy enough to be the way that will solve all his issues. So cool seeing how what I share gets proven over an over in my life experience and the life of my clients.
After the call I needed me time. So I prepared food — my peanut soup — and popcorn, watched a little Netflix, then took a nap promptly at 1330.
A couple small things I enjoyed this afternoon:
Listening to Obama’s interview with Terry Gross
Realizing I could refreeze that steak so I could have an entire fridge (and belly) available this week free for Turkey day
Receiving and enjoying two client contacts and receiving a new client this week
Returning to my ordinary weight with NO EFFORT after a brief period of overeating
Relishing the team working with me on Copiosis. They are so capable.
I know appreciating little things, things ordinary consciousness takes for granted, leads to real-izing bigger things I desire.
1616: What wonderful feelings flowing through me right now. Just woke from a nap of three hours. I feel alive rejuvenated and in the peak of life experience. Of course, wonderful dreams accompanied my slumber. Bringing them into wake scape feels equally wonderful.
I love how great I’m feeling. It feels so good. I received inspiration too. A walk feels nice rain or shine. So that’s what I’ll do next. After basking here until I’m satisfied with that 😌.
Yesterday I went on a bike ride while listening to inspirational words from my mentor. I rode up Lief Erickson Drive to the bike/hike trail, then ventured six miles in.
Delight and clarity about life experience filled me as my bike jostled and jiggered over rocks, ruts and mud along the trail. It was hard going, mostly uphill, but I didn’t experience “hard”. Instead, I felt appreciation, fun and good times. I sought this, so “hard” felt “fun”.
I literally laughed at some points when tire and trail disagreed, which sent me and my bike in random directions, but never off-trail.
The farther I ascended this rocky, shaky, bumpy trail, the more exhilaration, joy and clarity filled me, and the less I felt the trail itself. My body and bike merged with every rock, every rut, while my attention focused, softly taking in All That Is – trees, birds, water puddle, bike, legs pumping…
At mile three I took a break during which sensations along my arms and shoulders caught my attention. I thought something bit me, yet no evidence of bites presented themselves. I scratched and rubbed, but the sensations persisted. Seeing no signs of insect attack, I ignored the itching, remounted and rode on.
After mile six I turned around. Going in, it’s uphill mostly, so going down presented an added challenge: more speed. I swooshed down trail, twisting and turning my narrow-tired bike through puddles, slippery rocks and even slipperier mud.
An Awakening Moment Lay Ahead
Extraordinary moments happen all the time. The question is, do I see them? Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash
I came to a sun-drenched clearing just as the itching on my shoulders and arms got worse. I stopped to scratch but again, saw no evidence of irritation…no bites or bumps.
Suddenly, sunlight, colors in the trees, the sky, wind song, bird song…everything I perceived occurred at volume 10. Everything got brighter, clearer. My head got light, goose bumps covered my arms and neck. I understood then, the itching wasn’t skin-related. It was energy-related.
It indicated in-tune-ness with my Broader Perspective, my body releasing resistance yielded to pleasure and power born of pure positive focus. I straddled my bike, stunned in appreciation…
When I started riding again, I felt super-present, loving life and the world around me.
Far from the trail, in one of Portland’s remaining industrial areas, it struck me again! Beauty, oneness, harmony…the elegance of all that is filled me so much, I pulled my bike over, dismounted and sat on the sidewalk against the wall of a local brewery. I couldn’t ride any farther.
Everything I saw, humming birds flittering by, blue sky, white wisps of clouds, bright yellow sun, and yes, roads, buildings, litter along the road, homeless people sleeping in their cars… everything around me amplified themselves.
I saw it all connected. I saw it all beautiful.
Nearly every day since, I feel this way coming out of sleep, this oneness, this peace, this connected-to-All-That-Is-ness. I feel God’s happiness with creation filling me so completely, physical reality experience becomes an ecstatic experience. It’s the feeling I feel filled with the being of me: A God in human form.
I love feeling how Abraham said I’d feel, eager, creating reality from the comfort of my own bed, feeling the having off all my desire, happy and at ease.
It’s glorious feeling this way, open and free, integrating nonphysical, physical and my desires in the now, and feeling thought tones consistent with fulfilled desires while not pushing against them. Then, following impulses received from that feeling place, taking action, then feeling satisfaction as desire fulfill themselves. I love this life way. I love how easy life is. I love feeling my way to fulfilled desires.
It feels like fun
It feels easy
It feels like clarity
It feels like knowing
It feels like of course
It feels like joy
It feels like confidence
It feels like I feel in the dream state: invincible