I Found Something Great Happens When Following This Advice

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

When I’m looking at something that displeases me, I don’t feel good. When I don’t feel good that is telling me something I want to know. It tells me I’m not aligned with what’s true for me, what I want to be.

When I realign with what I want, I feel better. And doing that brings enormous power. That’s because I came here to show myself that I alone create my experience. It’s a powerful thing knowing that. Because when I stand in that, the world looks different. That difference is empowering.

Empowerment is the pinnacle of emotions because there, I see and experience an agency not available when I’m not there. I see things unfolding according to what I want. Seeing that, I feel even more empowered, more confident. Confidence amplifies empowerment which increases momentum of unseen forces. Those unseen forces are what some people call “luck” or “good fortune”.

Our birthright is our truth

But such words water down those forces because those words convey a lack of control. Luck comes randomly and good fortune is something seen as bestowed to a few.

But everyone enjoys benefits bestowed by unseen forces. Indeed they are our birthright. And when I line up with them, what I want unfolds naturally. So I stand in my truth, that knowing I came equipped with at birth.

Everyone comes into the world equipped with their truth. Trading that true truth in favor of other truths happens so often though, staying true to one’s truth is rare. That’s why people living their truth stand out. They look crazy or foolish. Or focused on childish things.

Until they accomplish something that stands out as much as they did. I like a recent message contained in an email from Abraham. It sums it up nicely:

Abraham’s wise words

Law of Attraction let’s everything be. If humans took this to heart, especially some Christians, the world could be less contentious than it is. They’d also enjoy the Charmed Life I talk about all the time on this blog.

Since I can’t choose for another what their truth is, it’s better for me to stand happily in my truths. That feels good to me. And when I feel good, I tend to let others be. That’s an interesting contrast to what we’re seeing in America today. Isn’t it?

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