How Everything We Want Thrills Us With Perfect Timing

TL;DR: The author recounts a week of experiences, highlighting the importance of alignment with one’s Broader Perspective. Despite initial plans falling through, the author’s willingness to go with the flow led to a solo trip to the Oregon coast, filled with unexpected joys and breathtaking beauty. This experience serves as a reminder that the Universe delivers what we want, often in unexpected and more satisfying ways.

Yesterday, Thursday, something remarkable happened. Although I’m not that surprised because my alignment to All That Is is producing so many remarkable experiences I find myself barely able to keep up with it all.

What happened Thursday is worth sharing though because it offers so many learning opportunities. Especially for those just beginning, following Law of Attraction, working with the Seth material or other similar practices. What happened also shows how everything we want results from us being aligned. And, that “result” comes as a result of being able to hear; hearing and then immediately following our Broader Perspective guidance.

Let’s dive in.

Soothing destabilization

I’m writing this on Friday, the day after what happened. But the story begins almost exactly one week ago. Last week, I wanted to go to the Oregon coast. I thought it would be a great time to go with a friend of mine. I’ll call her Grace. Grace is pretty spiritually aware. A big aspect of her spiritual orientation is dream work. Her spiritual orientation allows her and I to enjoy our time together.

But Grace also has a past. Like many of us, myself included, she lived her life in contrast: “negative” experiences offering clarity. Clarity she would only realize after the fact. For example, she was part a Christian cult for many years. She met and married her “wasband” in that cult. She also worked many years in a private company I won’t mention that subjected her to a lot of experiences not aligned with who she now knows herself to be.

All that contrast she’s still working through today. From time-to-time a past belief will pop up and destabilize her. Most times, her response to them is admirable. She catches it, soothes herself, then goes on. Sometimes it takes only moments. But sometimes it’s days or weeks.

In the latter instances I won’t hear from her, but I can feel her energy calibrating…

It’s never wrong

So on Tuesday last week I called Grace. I suggested we head to the coast Thursday. She was all in and told me to expect her at my apartment at 10 am Thursday morning.

Thursday morning at 9:30 she texted me. She’d be 20 minutes late, she said. No biggie, I thought, although her being late seems to be developing into a pattern. She arrived 10 minutes earlier than she expected, still 11 minutes late.

When I met her at her car, I could tell something was up. I asked what was happening and tears started flowing down her face. Grace explained that she had a tough morning that involved struggling with technology then wrestling with thoughts and beliefs about always being late, being hard on herself and more. She even worried that I would be mad at her if she arrived late.

I wasn’t mad in that moment. I was more curious. But I did feel some annoyance that she was late.

“Who cares if I get mad?” I asked. “It doesn’t really matter.”

Of course it doesn’t matter. When a person is feeling any emotion, especially negative ones, that emotion has nothing to do with anything happening outside that person. A Positively Focused practice makes this obvious.

But people often take other peoples’ emotional state as indicating they did something wrong. That’s never the case, but we’re all taught at an early age that we can make people feel different things. Again, this is not accurate.

Communication from angels

Eventually it was clear Grace was in no shape to head to the coast. I suggested she head back home and relax instead. I told her I would be totally ok with that. Soothed a bit more, Grace agreed. I got out of her car and she drove off.

I would have enjoyed heading to the coast, but obviously today wasn’t the day. Relaxing myself, I then went back up to my apartment and focused on getting some things done and enjoying my day off. Friday and the weekend came and went.

Tuesday the following week, I wanted to go on a run. The weather wasn’t cooperating though. It started raining although the forecast showed it wouldn’t rain until five hours later. I felt frustrated about that. In that moment I saw 1313 on my phone. I keep my phone on military time, so “1313” is the same as 1:13 p.m. The military time version however is what’s called an “Angel Number” in New Age Circles.

According to experts, 1313 often appears during moments of change, challenge, or shifting emotions, offering reassurance and guidance to help us navigate these experiences with grace. So I knew this Angel Number signified my frustration and an opportunity to navigate that feeling into a better-feeling one. I did so, and shortly after, received the number 1331 on my phone which also is an Angel Number.

1331 is the mirror of 1313. 1331 emphasizes growth through challenges and creatively navigating disruptions. It encourages forward momentum and trust in the process. It also reflects harmony between the inner self and outer circumstances. Seeing 1331 after seeing 1313 indicates a shift into alignment.

I did feel better. But what happened later in the week I know happened because of this inner shift I made.

Going with the flow

Every morning I typically meditate at least once for an hour. Usually I meditate twice, once in the very early morning and again after waking up for the day. On Thursday, none of that happened. I slept through the night Wednesday night. When I woke Thursday, my Broader Perspective spoke to me as clear as someone right next to me.

They said “Go to the Oregon coast today.”

Of course when my Broader Perspective tells me to do something, I usually snap to it. This was no different. It would require renting a car because I don’t have one. I checked the weather and…holy smokes…it was going to be perfect all day. Sunny skies and 55 degrees, both in the city and out on the Oregon coast!

I Googled “rental cars” and got a booking website. The first offering for the date and time I selected was for a Fiat sports car for only $36 a day! What a deal! I checked the details and booked the car. Arriving at the rental center, a friendly counter agent greeted me. I asked if I would get that Fiat and he said no, those cars are reserved at the airport only.

I was slightly disappointed, but remembered the message inherent in 1313. This was an adventure and I was going to go with the flow of it!

Instead of a Fiat, I got a Chevy Malibu, which was actually a comfortable car. What I liked most about it was Apple CarPlay which allowed me to play my music through the car’s excellent speakers.

But the best part was the cost: less than $100 for a 2-day car rental! Insurance included!

A spectacular adventure

My drive to the coast was nothing short of spectacular. Having no responsibility and no job, I took my time, stopping at places and stretching, admiring the views, basically enjoying the whole trip. It was nice traveling the speed limit rather than trying to rush to the destination. I had no destination after all. It was a pure, joyful, solitary adventure.

I planned to head to Cannon Beach or Manzanita, two of my favorite Oregon coast spots. But my Broader Perspective had other plans. After heading through Astoria and admiring that coastal city, my Broader Perspective encouraged me to explore someplace I hadn’t before: a small hamlet called Gearhart.


Gearhart featured a near-deserted beach stretching at least 10 miles! It was totally flat, the tide was out, and the only others out there besides me were clam hunters. What’s more, the temperature was near 60 degrees! That’s unheard of in December. Usually also in winter the winds pick up on the beach. Not today. The winds barely blew. So I was toasty as I walked up and down the beach for about four hours.

As the sun began setting I got ready to head back to the Malibu. But again, my Broader Perspective had other plans. It encouraged me to wait and enjoy the sunset. There was still an hour before the sun would go down so I grabbed a spot on a really beautiful weatherworn bench and read from my reading device. Then, as the sun set, the sky included a dappling of clouds that arrived in perfect timing.

The glorious sunset at Gearhart, Oregon.

Delivering what we want

As the sun went down it played with earth’s atmosphere to create what I swear was an oil painting in the sky. It was absolutely gorgeous. And, as the sun set I felt warm, magical and blessed as I marveled at how, just a week ago I wanted to visit the beach. And here I was, me and my Broader Perspective, witnessing and appreciating and reveling in an age-old pursuit: enjoying the sun setting.

What great guidance! It was one of the best sunsets I’ve ever seen. After the sun went down, I walked back to the Malibu, then enjoyed a peaceful, easy drive back to my apartment. Of course, I got perfect parking, then reveled in my home.

I reveled in how I held no resistance to not being able to go to the beach last week. In doing so, I lined up with my Broader Perspective which must have known that going on my own would be much more thrilling, much more satisfying.

It sure was! And the weather was perfect, which was not the case last week. Last week was grey and cold.

And this is the thing with All That Is. It delivers what we want. Every time. But sometimes, it delivers things in ways we can’t expect. And if we’re open to it, that unexpected way can be more satisfying than the way we want it to happen.

Often the way we want it to happen includes it happening on the schedule we expect. But if we are willing to go with the flow instead, give up thinking we know the best time for something to happen, or the best way it’s supposed to happen, we’ll be more than pleasantly surprised.

We’ll be thrilled.

Speaking of going with the flow, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

No, Negative Experiences Aren’t Just “Part Of Life”

Positively Focused Q-A

Question: When we tell ourselves a story that people who attract [negative] experiences bring it upon themselves through their [negative] vibration, are we also falling into the vibration of blame? Do we not all attract [negative] experiences no matter what?

Think about Jesus getting crucified, MLK getting shot, or maybe even any [negative] experience you or me have attracted in recent memory. It seems like the [negative] experiences happen no matter what. Couldn’t the same or similar circumstances still happen to a person with [highly positive] dominant momentum?

Answer: In short, no. A [negative] experience similar to those in dominant [negative] momentum energy cannot happen to someone who is consistently [highly positive].

Jesus isn’t a good example because he wasn’t a real person. Instead, he acted as an archetype in the imaginations of humankind at the time. So there’s that. MLK foresaw, accepted and allowed that experience into his life. IOW, he created it as part of his path. There are lots of enlightened beings, however, who transitioned in much peaceful ways, including the iconic Buddha.

Saying someone brings a [negative] experience onto themselves is not blaming…unless that’s the vibration in which you’re hearing it from. When I say this, I’m appreciative of the vast empowerment such a statement points to. I talk about this all the time in my blogs.

“Contrast” happens. But that contrast lessens as we are more chronically [highly positive]. So while a person with chronic [negative] vibration will have their purse stolen, for example, a chronic [highly positive] person may drop a glass they were washing. Or they may experience a really hot day. Or they may want to buy something and that thing isn’t on sale anymore. They experience much less contrast or negative experiences than those with dominant negative energy.

And, since a person who is REALLY highly positive recognizes that all [negative] experience is actually positive, they amplify such experiences…to the point that even these lighter versions do not happen. They happen, but they’re not experienced as contrasting experiences.

So no, I’M not “falling into blame” by saying another who experiences [negative] experiences brings it on themselves. Everyone creates their own reality. That’s a statement of empowerment. Unless YOU are still in negative energy and are interpreting that statement like many hearing it for the first time do: from their chronically [negative] state. Then such people think the speaker is blaming them.

But the speaker is not. The listener is hearing what the speaker DIDN’T say because the listener doesn’t realize they are projecting their blame state onto the words the speaker spoke and thus didn’t hear what that speaker actually said. Instead, they got a reflection of their own [negative] state.

When Universal Results Show Me How Fun Life Is

Photo by Caroline LM on Unsplash

So this experience fills me with joy. It’s doing that because of all the really astounding things the Universe delivered, all in just one experience. As a result, I’m reveling in how real all this “you create your reality” business is. And, my clients’ experiences mirror my own. Meaning, I’m getting confirmation of my own practice through seeing my clients produce their own, similar results.

There’s so much to tell in just this one story. I want to jump right in. But first I want to caveat this story by writing this: everyone can create these kinds of experiences. In fact, they already happen in all our lives.

But if we’re not tuned into them, they don’t look like they’re happening. They are though. I want everyone to consciously experience these things, because I’m getting so much joy from them happening, I want everyone to share in the fun. My clients already are, as you know, if you read this blog frequently.

Ok, let’s dive into this wonderful unfolding!

The Road of Bones

Early last year, I went to my dentist. They’ve been my go-to clinic for years now. Recently, however, key people there moved on, much to my disappointment. I really enjoyed them, including the Hygienist, with whom I enjoyed playful banter.

Staff turnover included a new dentist, I’ll call Robert. Now, I think Robert was on the spectrum. I think that because he didn’t show much empathy and warmth upon entering my exam room, after the new Hygenist cleaned my teeth. Speaking of the Hygenist, that person, who happened to be an Eastern European, cleaned my teeth like she was building the Road of Bones. She took no prisoners and harbored no sympathy for pain while cleaning my teeth. So much so that when I jerked at her torturous cleaning method, I expected to hear her call me a “baby.”

“Stop being baby,” I could hear her say in her thick slavic accent. She didn’t actually say that or have an accent. But the look she gave me…

I digress, however.

So when Robert came into the exam room, I already was not feeling very happy about things. And that told me something was in the works. If I wanted what I wanted – a pleasing dental experience – I would need to align to that. So that’s what I planned to do.

Robert laid down Dental Law. He demanded that I get fitted for a mouth guard and that I get one filling replaced. He and “Olga” (the Hygenist, not her real name) put that in my record. I didn’t feel like I had an option. Nor did I feel it was even my teeth! They just did what they did!

A stellar review….

When I got home, teeth cleaned and throbbing, I wasn’t happy. I didn’t like being treated like chopped liver while Olga and Robert decided for me what would happen with my teeth. So I called to make another appointment. I told Alma, the receptionist what happened and that I wanted to talk in-depth to Robert about his edicts. I also told Alma I didn’t want Olga and her instruments anywhere near my mouth. Alma scheduled my next appointment on Olga’s day off.

At the consult appointment, Robert explained in detail why he made his decisions. He didn’t apologize for his poor bedside manner, but his rationale made sense. But I wasn’t about to pay $400 plus for a mouth guard. The filling replacement was comparatively cheap. So I agreed to that.

In the meantime, I used my powers of creation to attract an alternative to that Rolls Royce mouth guard. Fascinatingly enough, weeks later, I came across an excellent alternative: Pro Teeth Guard. A California-based lab, Pro Teeth Guard is the same lab dentists send their patient’s measurements to have mouth guards made. Pro Teeth Guard has a process allowing patients to “go to the Source” and have guards made – get this – for a fraction of the cost dentists charge.

Obviously, that’s what I did. And I must say, that guard is great! So great I made a video testimonial for Pro Teeth Guard:

My testimonial for the guard I manifested, the one I saved a lot of money on!

A savant in my mouth…

Meanwhile, I went to my next appointment for that filling replacement. Robert may have bad bedside manner, but when it comes to technical aspects of being a dentist, may I just say, he’s a savant!

He and the Hygenist (not Olga) worked together like one mind. It was beautiful to watch and definitely a joy to experience. NO PAIN at all registered. And when Robert stuck me with the needle to slide nerve-deadening novocain into my gums, I didn’t feel a thing either!

The whole process was done in minutes. That shocked me. So did the painlessness of it all as well as how efficient the two were in their movements and timings moving in and out of my mouth. It was a work of Performance Art. Performance Art that had the side benefit of fixing my tooth! Wundebah!

I was so impressed with that experience, I wrote a stellar review about it. I want to include a link, but doing so would reveal the dentist’s real name, which I don’t want to do because…well, you’ll read why in a moment.

Suffice it to say I was extremely positive about Robert and his abilities. I could do with his shitty bedside manner if he’s going to be so adept at his profession.

Little did I know coming into non-resistance about his bedside manner would produce such an amazingly satisfying unfolding. That’s what happened next.

Thank goodness it wasn’t this serious! (Photo by Quang Tri NGUYEN on Unsplash)

A nice surprise

My next appointment was six months later. That’s standard. What unfolded was not though. A winter storm stormed through Portland which bursted water pipes a my dentist’s facility. Water flooded the whole place, which forced the business to move to a temporary spot.

That was the beginning of the unfolding: that spot was closer to where I live. Bonus!

I sat in the waiting room until a guy called my name. Turns out Ross, my new Hygenist, was a guy! He was the first male Hygenist I’ve ever had in my whole life. On the way to the exam room, I mentioned this. I expressed appreciation for experiencing diversity in this way. Ross mentioned once being a traveling Hygenist. He said he settled into this permanent position solely because of the dentist who worked here.

I thought he meant Robert, but I was in for a nice surprise.

Ross told me that the clinic owner let Robert go because many patients complained about his really bad bedside manner. “His technical skills were excellent,” Ross said. “I’ve looked at images of his work. He was skilled. But patients didn’t like how he treated them.”

Interesting. So through other people complaining about Robert, I didn’t have to complain. The Universe conspired to create this lovely surprise…on top of a surprise!

Ross and I have a lot in common. He’s exacting. He commutes by bicycle. And he enjoys the outdoors. And, unlike Olga, he’s super sensitive to patient needs. Ross understood my pain threshold, but, he urged me to “go along” with feeling a little pain because, he said, his job was to clean my teeth. That, he said, was the priority. Still, he assured me he would go easy on the pain.

A piece of cake! (Photo by Caroline LM on Unsplash)

An excellent visit gets better

Easy on the pain!? I didn’t feel a thing through most of the session! He masterfully moved around my molars and other teeth grinding away at the buildup. By the time he finished, I felt in good hands.

While cleaning my teeth, Ross extolled the virtues of Dr. Ramirez, the dentist who filled in behind Robert. By the time Ross finished his part of my visit, I was eager to meet the Doc.

When he arrived, I was once again delighted. I’m pretty sure the Doc is queer. Being queer myself, I have really good gaydar. I’d be shocked if he wasn’t. Whether he was or not, the three of us had a great time sharing on a variety of topics before the Doc gave me excellent guidance on how to keep my teeth healthy going forward.

It was such an excellent dentist visit. Certainly the best of my life. And, I thought the visit was going to be around $475. Instead, it was a little over a quarter of that cost. Bonus! I left the dentist office feeling better than I ever have leaving the dentist.

So what happened here? What happened was, I experienced what I didn’t want: an insensitive Hygenist, and a skilled dentist with poor bedside manner. Then I looked for things I could appreciate about the situation and lined up with those. I became Positively Focused in other words. Then the Universe took care to create a situation flowing over with an abundance of what I wanted.

A perfect manifestation!

Tune into delightful unfolding

Realizing I got everything I wanted, and some things I didn’t know I wanted, without having to do anything thrilled me. Writing about it now thrills me even more. It’s so cool seeing the Universe line up outcomes – manifestations that surprise and delight me. Incidents like these bolster my knowing that I am at the center of All That Is.

But I’m not the only one there. The paradox of All That Is is that all of us exist at the center of that. And when we align ourselves to that reality, we discover our lives unfold with ease. They unfold with ease while we continually discover all that we want happens with perfect timing, under perfect circumstances. This always happens. But if we’re not tuned into the happening, we don’t see it. It literally eludes us.

Want to get tuned in? Let’s talk. I love helping people discover how powerful they are as creators of their own reality!

The Great Tragedy Of Christianity Also Is A Blessing

Something awesome happened in the Positively Focused Advanced Group session this week. The topic: Christianity. When one participant got mildly triggered, she also triggered a wonderful exploration.

After a hundred hours or so of one-on-one session practice, I invite eligible clients into the Advanced Session Group sessions. The monthly sessions’ value lies in the group dynamic. Participants benefit from hearing others’ experiences. That’s because it’s easier seeing something going on in another’s life than our own sometimes.

One Advanced Group participant still believes in Christianity. So when Christianity came up “Jane”, which I’ll call the client, struggled a bit with what came next. It was Jane’s struggle that offered Positively Focused gold to everyone else. Including Jane! Let’s see what happened.

Cognitive dissonance begets a great conversation

Jane said she appreciates how Christianity aligns with what she’s learned from her Positively Focused practice. Of course, that’s accurate. What I share in Positively Focused sessions is exactly how the Universe works. This explains why clients’ lives dramatically improve as their proficiency with the Positively Focused Way improves. One’s life MUST improve.

That’s what happens when one stops resisting how life works.

It also makes sense Jane’s experience with the Positively Focused Way highlights similarities between it and Christianity. She shared some New Testament Bible quotes, which she believed say the same thing we talk about in our Positively Focused practice. Everyone listened quietly as she talked.

When one chronically views life through a Positively Focused lens, everything reveals its positive aspects to the viewer. That’s consistent with the way the Universe works too. Because All That Is sees everything happening in itself as good. Only humans see it differently, often to their detriment. So it made sense that Jane sees similarities between her Christian beliefs and the Positively Focused Way.

But she wasn’t taking her analysis far enough. Another practitioner did, however. Her analysis took us right up to the leading edge. Here’s how that happened.

When I said Christian teachings contain significant distortions, Jane got uncomfortable. She didn’t believe that. Her beliefs about Christianity wouldn’t allow it. I added that its distortions primarily explain why humanity experiences much difficulty today. This religion, and others, distort how the Universe works, I said. Accuracies exist in Christianity and other religions. But distortions in them overwhelm those accuracies.

Jane got a bit defensive about her beliefs. I believe others felt that from her too. That’s when another participant I’ll call “Maria” spoke up.

Introducing Christianity’s Major Distortions

“Maria” is an African American woman. She also happens to be transgender. She took to the Positively Focused Way quite quickly. I attribute that to her being trans. Her trans status forced her to look for alternate world views. Ones that told her she is perfect the way she is, not an abomination. Or confused, or mentally ill. As a result of this, Maria took very well to the Positively Focused Way, because it asserts her perfection as a god in human form. Her confidence and ability with the Way reflects that.

Anyway, Maria, gesturing for emphasis said “The main problem with Christian belief is it says God exists ‘out there’ outside us.”

Her statement hung in the air a moment. I let it be a bit before adding “and Original Sin, that we are born into sin, is a problem too. So is the idea that Jesus died for our sins.”

Jane was silent for some time. She couldn’t deny it. These three basic tenets of Christianity run counter to how the Universe works. They also run counter to who we each are as eternal beings, god in human form.

Think about it. Assume a god exists out there separate from us. He — invariably “he” — arbitrates who gets into heaven. So each person must be a particular way in life to “earn” a ticket in. If we don’t, we’re condemned to “hell”. There’s a lot to unpack there. But let’s just stick with this separate God. If a God exists as Christianity asserts, one we must satisfy or go to hell, then humans are perpetually wondering if their acts will earn them a ticket to heaven. Don’t you think that sets humanity up for perpetual, intense insecurity?

And doesn’t this Original Sin greatly amplify that insecurity? It’s like the moment we’re born we’re damned, beholden to the mercy of Christ.

Insecurity is positive, but not the way you think

That insecurity happens automatically. That insecure feeling is also good. It’s good because it tells us something we want to know. But if we don’t know what it’s telling us, that insecurity will inspire action amplifying the insecurity.

For example, it will make a person externalize their insecurity. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. I sure have. The purest form of this externalization shows up among kids. Christian kids will sometimes tell non-Christian kids they are going to hell. Adults do this too. Christian parents sometimes even say it to their own kids! Such acts are manifestations of trying to soothe inner insecurity born of distorted Christian teachings. But judging others, and emotions that follow such acts, only amplify that inner knowing. The knowing saying “something is off here.”

Something is off. We are gods becoming more. We come into this time-space reality in pursuit of that more. There is no one outside of us, judging what we’re doing. We needn’t please someone in order to get somewhere. And, as gods, when we live from our godliness, life evidence will show us our inherent worthiness.

Live from your Charmed Life and life will show you heaven on earth. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash)

Life gets better. Confidence replaces anxiety. Security replaces insecurity. Loving others replaces condemning them.

All this is possible. But only when we take “insecurity” for what it is telling us. Then do something about it.

Perpetuating distortion generation to generation

And do something we must. Because no one else can do it. Jesus can’t do anything for us. We don’t need saving because we were never lost. Instead, we are what Christians externalize. And when we live from that, life turns into the Charmed Life I write about.

If “Original Sin” does exist, it looks like this: the tendency in parents to pass on distortions to their kids. The “sin”, if there is one that we are born into, is being born to parents who don’t know they are god in human form. Parents who don’t know their children are too.

Abraham points to this in a recent email message:

Abraham explains the cycle of perpetuating distortion.

If we are born into a “sin” it is this. It is not realizing we are all god in human form.

For now, every person comes into the world through a woman. That process means being raised by those who came before us. Nearly every such event includes people who don’t realize they are god in human form.

It’s not just parents though. It’s teachers too. And neighbors, including other children who gave their clarity up to curry parental approval. It’s religious leaders. Leaders who refuse to believe distortion exists in their teachings. And it’s popular figures who gain fame, but don’t understand where their fame comes from. So they thank “God”.

So the Original Sin is denying our godliness. Then externalizing it in an external God and empowering that figment of our imagination to judge our worthiness.

The conversation between Jane and Maria left Jane and the rest of us deep in thought. It also left Maria feeling empowered, as it should. Her comments were spot on.

What to do about it

Look around. It’s not just Christians living distortions. Much of human civilization rests on them. But we don’t need to. We can live alongside ordinary people, while living extraordinary lives. In doing so, we turn distortions into blessings. Negative emotion we feel while in the vibration of distorted beliefs is meant to prompt us to take action.

Not physical action though. It’s meant to prompt introspection as action. It’s meant to inspire us to seek out our Broader Perspective. Do that and we discover whole new dimensions. Dimensions existing right alongside those based on distortion. It’s like being born again, but for real. Not symbolically.

Christianity’s great tragedies are many. Acts taken in this external “God’s” name are legion. The blessing contained in each one is this turning inward. An introspection that can dispel distortion. It doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why it’s taking humanity so long. Thank god we’re eternal.

But again, none of us need to wait for others to get it. Our Charmed Life awaits us the moment we tap into that Broader Perspective we all are. And when we do, we enter the kingdom of heaven.

No tickets required.

Find out more or better yet, get started on your journey along the Positively Focused Way Contact me.

The Magic Of Putting Belief Into Affirmations

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Affirmations work, but understanding how they work makes them work. Just repeating words and phrases doesn’t work. Especially if we don’t believe what we’re saying. Or worse: if our thoughts contradict what we’re saying.

Which is why I don’t start with affirming in my client work. That’s an advanced practice. Instead, I help clients first understand who and what they are. We talk about that a lot.

It’s only after a lot of that basic stuff that I introduce more complex ideas. Belief Constellations, for example. Meanwhile, life experience validates the basics. With enough evidence supporting the basics, I then introduce homework. The homework further confirms the basics. Only after all that do we talk about affirmations.

That’s because affirmations only work when we understand why they work. The why boosts belief. It also connects that belief to a powerful source. The source from which all affirmations draw their power.

The power of self-love

For many people, affirmations don’t work, even though they’ll say they believe they work. Why is that? Because few people know whether their belief is authentic. That’s a problem. Hope can feel like belief. But it’s not belief. Which is why beginning Positively Focused clients learn how to tell the two apart. If the affirmation feels inauthentic, that’s something we want to know. But we can’t know if we can’t discern how we feel.

One client, for example, described “feeling phony” when trying to affirm. That’s excellent awareness. Because if we feel phony while affirming, the affirmation won’t work.

And yet, some affirmations work because the subject affirmed upon has little resistance. It’s easy affirming and creating a parking spot, for example. It’s quite a different matter affirming ourselves into a loving relationship, great job, or financial windfall. The goal isn’t the matter. It’s whether we believe it’s possible.

For many humans, the hardest subject upon which to affirm is the most intimate. It also is where affirmations’ powers come from. That subject is affirming our worthiness. Knowing our worthiness is key. Living a Charmed Life necessitates loving ourselves. Self-love is knowing we are worthy.

We don’t need to fully love ourselves before the Charmed Life begins emerging, however. But a lack of self-love often acts as the main hindrance to our already-existing Charmed Life. The Charmed Life is there. But our disempowering lack of self-love blinds us to it.

Which is why, ultimately, a Positively Focused practice is about loving oneself unconditionally. For in that state, our Charmed Life reveals itself to us. And that super-charges our affirming.

Becoming open to Spirit

Self love is analogous to seeing ourselves as the spiritual beings we are. We are literally love. We’re flowing through, to and all around All That Is. Love, of course, is inherently positive and joyful. Living Positively Focused calibrates one to this joyous, love-full way of being. And in doing so, we find self-love. It’s a lovely upward spiral.

From there clients figure out what makes affirmations work. The universe loves us. It’s constantly showering us with what we want. Effective affirmation doesn’t create anything, therefore. It just matches us up with what the Universe already gives us.

All this means by the time I introduce affirming to clients, its foundation is in place.

Here’s an example of a self-love affirmation string. Used correctly, with the correct mindset and attitude, these statements, intentionally made, create an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life.

This affirmation string creates an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life. But if repeated with no belief behind it, they’re simply words.

We are amazing power, incarnate

With enough focus, one need only recite this string once. After that, the nuanced practice begins. That practice involves maintaining an open awareness allowing one to witness evidence of the affirmation working. In that maintained awareness the single recitation amplifies. In that amplification, life transforms right before one’s eyes.

Again, most people don’t know how to “maintain an open awareness”. It’s a nuance. So, usually, a practice is required. A practice that allows one to gradually develop that open awareness. An awareness recognizing unlimited potential of Spirit showing up everywhere as it always does. It’s the unlimited potential that is all of us…and All That Is. It’s subtle. Which is why a mentor, coach, someone like me, is helpful.

This lovely affirming string filled me one morning with profound spiritual awareness. I took it direct from my journal and turned it into this meme so you, dear readers, might feel what I felt when I used it to enter the love of All That Is.

Come join me in a Positively Focused practice to learn your truly amazing power through the nuance of positive focus. The nuanced power of creative energy flowing to you and through you is you. And me. Contact me, let’s enjoy this practice together.

My Longest Most Detailed Out Of Body Experience Yet!

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

I experienced the most dramatic Out of Body Experience (OBE) in the last few weeks. It was extremely long and detailed. And when I came out of it, I felt thrilled with the experience, particularly because I remembered so much of it.

Previous such experiences were fleeting. They came in flashes I could barely remember. However, as I practiced, these flashes gradually increased in duration. Still, they weren’t long-lasting. But they did come in increasing numbers.

We all enjoy such experiences. But our physical senses distort what’s really happening. What’s really happening is we all exist in infinite dimensions. They all happen at the same time. Our awareness moves among all these, even though waking consciousness doesn’t experience that.

The only reason waking consciousness doesn’t is because we train it to focus here. We train it to focus only in this dimension. Meanwhile, other “parts” of us flow easily between all our multi-dimensional experience.

Consciously becoming aware of that flowing is an OBE.

Everyone does it

Since all consciousness flows this way, anyone can do what I’m doing. It just takes practice. A Positively Focused practice soothes rigid attention to this dimension. It softens our focus so we can experience more of what we are. As that happens, signs show us our progress. OBEs are one such sign.

Here are examples of fleeting OBEs I recently experienced. I keep meticulous notes on my process. As a result I can share my experiences with clients. In one sitting, on April 18 this year, I experienced seven separate projections out of my body in 30-minutes. Here’s a description of that sitting. I’ve redacted personal information.

Brief “flashes” of my consciousness projected outside my body.

Earlier projections were more brief than these; literally just flashes. But just five days later, I enjoyed a stable, long-form experience. An experience as real as this one wherein I’m typing these words.

Again, everyone experiences such moments beneath waking focused consciousness. We just block those experiences thinking they’re of no value. But they’re of immense value. That’s because these experiences represent something powerful. They represent us coming back into the fullness of all that we are. That I AM that is our true nature.

Living waking experience from that awareness, literally everything becomes possible. Now, everything already is possible. But rigid focus on physical reality limits us. That’s because infinite possibilities happen in nonphysical, that place where we all originate including events, circumstances and other people.

When we focus less in physical reality, we tune back into that broader awareness. Then we can leverage that. We can bring it back here, in physical reality. Then we can use it to do more. We can do more with far less effort. And far more joy.

Everything is possible

That’s why I’m eager to expand my self-awareness. I want to prove to myself everything is possible. The prospect of that thrills me. And it inspires greater desire to experience more of what’s possible. Which is everything.

As I said before, OBEs are evidence. They’re signs of progress. My latest experience is a great sign. The length and extreme detail I experienced tells me I’ve significantly soothed my rigid focus. I’m more able to focus in this reality and others at the same time.

So here’s the experience I had on April 23:

From my detailed journal: The longest OBE I’ve experienced so far.

If you’re inspired to have similar experiences, I promise, it’s worthy stoking that inspiration. I find my satisfaction in life has expanded tenfold. My confidence and joy is increasing too. As is my awareness of what’s really possible.

I encourage every person so inspired to not pass up the chance to learn more about yourself! It’s so worth it. If you don’t know where to start, I can help. Contact me.

More Proof On The Way To Becoming Super Human

It seems every week at least two significant spiritual things happen. These things prove I’m expanding as a spiritual being. This past week was no exception. What happens proves I’m uncovering my “supernatural powers”.

Of course such experiences are not “supernatural”. They’re things we all can do. Doing so just requires dedication. Dedication most people won’t put in. So it only seems such things are impossible. Or their possibility gets relegated to superheroes on the big screen. Many of us simply won’t prioritize such things.

Meanwhile, some people actively enjoy such abilities. Members of certain Buddhist Orders, for example, develop such capabilities. But even they may not go far. They see such abilities as distractions from their ultimate goal. Their ultimate goal being renunciation earthly desires, not developing occult powers.

I don’t consider such abilities distractions. I believe they serve vital purposes. They help people realize their godliness. Such experiences introduce people to their eternal natures. Experiencing them can even radically change individual life trajectories and society at large. They can change how we relate to each other. They can help eliminate human suffering by showing us how connected we all are. Connected not only to one another, but to all things.

They can even help us lose the fear of death.

Ending human suffering – one person at a time

That’s right, supernatural experiences relieve people of fear and insecurity. Fear and insecurity lie at the heart of many “bad” human behaviors. Mass shooters, aren’t born mass shooters, for example. Experience nurtures people into such states. Psychopaths aren’t born that way either. They become such people at the hands of other people.

All that can change if everyone directly experienced their immortality. If people knew they were integral parts of God, they’d fear one another less. They’d experience more grace and love from within. No matter the external conditions, such people could change their lives into better lives. Better lives for themselves and for others.

Changes like that can’t come from “faith” though. Which explains why religion often falls short. Religion can mollify insecurity and fear. But religion also can foment fear and insecurity. Especially those based on sin and damnation.

But direct experience of one’s eternal essence teaches differently. Directly experiencing one’s consciousness as it exists beyond the physical offers compelling, visceral, undeniable evidence. No one, for example, can deny out of body experiences exist. Not after directly experiencing one.

Positively Focused’s goal then is empowering people in this way. The practice shows them they are gods in human form. Through direct experience, the practice reconnects people with their immortality. From there, people discover what they really are. In time they free themselves from fear, suffering and insecurity. They find instead empowerment, freedom and joy. Then life becomes the joyful adventure that is the Charmed Life.

What is our potential?

My personal practice has me questioning many things nearly everyone takes for granted as impossible. What if, for example, things “superheroes” do in movies actually represent real-life human potential? What if we can fly? Can we travel to other dimensions? Can we shape shift?

I don’t think coincidence explains people’s fascination with superhero movies. Perhaps the reason we’re so fascinated is deep down we know such abilities are possible. But since so many don’t believe them, such abilities remain latent.

Until now. I know, I sound crazy. But my experience says maybe I’m not so crazy…

Abraham making an assertion I’m beginning to believe is accurate.

I’m testing that “craziness” to see what’s behind it. What I’m finding shows that maybe we can do more than our logical minds allow. Maybe…our potential is more unlimited than we believe.

My latest experience

Shape shifting, for example, is something I’m systematically exploring. Recent experience indicates I’m making progress. Of course, actually shifting my shape requires rather intricate and significant control of certain realms. It also requires highly refined abilities. Abilities accessible only in nonphysical. It also demands that I soothe a LOT of resistance, primarily resistance manifesting as disbelief. But also manifesting as fear.

And yet, evidence I am producing shows promise. Take, for example, this recent experience:

Notes from my experiences during session 187 titled: Preparatory sessions for shape-shifting?

Descriptions in this note pale in comparison to the actual experience. It was EXTREMELY profound. So real was the experience that it left me giddy days afterwards. And the fact that it ended seconds before my timer went off told me a greater intelligence was at work within me. An intelligence possessing a sense of humor and an awareness of my time experience. I attribute that intelligence to my Broader Perspective.

What was that experience?

In case you don’t know what “murmuration” is, here’s a video of the phenomena:

This is what my body felt like

Watch the “meta” structure the birds’ flight paths create. Note how that shape changes, but the number of birds and their orientation, while changing, remains cohesive. My body felt exactly like this. Though I perceived it maintaining its overall “shape”, I also sensed that it could change shape. That it actually was preparing to change.

I’m not quite ready for the full capability shape shifting implies. Not yet. Just as I’m not fully ready for fully-conscious OBEs. Otherwise, I’d be shape shifting now. And traveling to other realms and dimensions while fully aware of the experience.

That I’m not doing that (yet) tells me I still have some resistance. Fear remains the biggest resistant element between me and these full-blown experiences. My ego hasn’t quite acclimated itself to a realm in which it’s not designed to function. But it’s getting there.

As it does, that fear is subsiding.

What the future holds

Shape shifting is my future. As are the other occult abilities. I strongly believe this. I already am projecting my consciousness outside my body and aware I’m doing so. Everyone does this. Nearly everyone disbelieves they do this however. So they don’t remember doing it. Or, they aren’t aware of doing it. Or both. I’m becoming more and more aware of my out of body experiences. I record them. And I retain the experience. More and more, I’m becoming aware while in them. Doing so, I’m gradually extending my time in them. Changing the emanation that is my body will be a nice complement to out-of-body travel.

This whole exploration began with manifesting desirable circumstances and events in waking consciousness. It actually started with wanting to be more positive. Now, it has expanded a great deal. I never thought I would want to manifest these supernatural abilities. Abilities that actually aren’t so supernatural. But now that I’m starting to experience them directly, I can see how they were my destiny.

Someone must show humanity what’s possible. Someone must show us the future that can be ours. Perhaps that person is me. Want to join me and my clients in this pursuit? Contact me. Let’s talk about it.

What Real Supernatural Gifts Look Like

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Coming on the heels of several remarkable supernatural developments in my personal practice, today I’ll share some interesting experiences I’ve had in my life. They show me everyone can develop superhuman abilities.

That’s right. I’ve enjoyed what people would call “supernatural abilities”. They emerged as part of my Positively Focused practice. It’s only now that even more impressive abilities are emerging. That’s because my belief in such things is increasing every day. And, as I assert here always, belief creates reality.

As I wrote before, everyone possesses these abilities. Expressing them, however, is another matter. Especially abilities such as astral travel, teleportation and perceiving past and future. But all these and more are possible for all of us. That’s because we are not human. We are more than human.

Seemingly superhuman capabilities mark the Mastery Level of the Positively Focused practice. They also come after a persistent expression of the Charmed Life I write about. None of my clients are at this level. But some are getting close.

So what kind of abilities have happened in my life?

Divine guidance on command

On an educational tour of China some time ago, I found myself in the middle of Shanghai, a massive Chinese city. In a park I met a gaggle of girls selling tea. They roped me in, then took me on a meandering path through the city by foot. The city was massive and DENSE with grey concrete buildings. Other than the park I saw, it was concrete, glass and steel, everywhere.

They eventually lead me through an equally massive shopping mall. It must have been three to seven levels. Shops were crammed in there as densely as buildings in the city. I had no idea where I was. Then we came to a tea shop. The owner greeted me. Long story short, I walked out with a bunch of tea. After rejoining my group, the group leader informed me I’d been scammed. Apparently this happens to a lot of people.

Shanghai, China. To my western eyes, every block looked identical (Photo by Rafael Banha on Unsplash)

Incensed, I wanted to confront the proprietor. But I had NO IDEA how to find that shop again. Then I calmed myself. I tapped into my Broader Perspective and said “lead me to that tea shop.” Then started walking. I turned whenever my intuition said so.

You can imagine the tea shop owner’s surprise when I showed up at his shop! We had words and I walked away whole. Afterward, I marveled at how I found that place. It was a needle in a massive number of concrete haystacks!

Jedi-like reflexes

While in the Marines a while ago, I carried my wallet in my hand. I preferred not having it in my pocket. One day, while walking down the street, I got the distinct impression that I needed to look behind me. I had my wallet in my left hand. To look behind me, I pivoted to the right. Just as I did so, I saw a guy running at me on my left. He was going after my wallet! I looked him right in the eye as I lifted my left hand over my head, making it impossible to grab my wallet. He kept running.

Another similar instance happened years later. As I walked to my office downtown, I passed a group of four homeless youths. One held a skateboard. As I passed around them, my senses picked up hostility coming from behind me. Then my Broader Perspective encouraged me to turn around.

Good thing I did. The guy with the skateboard had wound up with the board over his head to hit me. I possess a third degree black belt certification in nine different martial arts. So my sixth sense, cultivated from that training, took over. I moved in exact flow with his movements. I wasn’t moving. My Broader Perspective was moving me. I think it was clear to the guy and his fellows that he had bit off more than he could chew. He and his fellows turned a corner and ran the other way before things escalated.

Skateboarding and violence can get you hurt! (Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash)

Alternate dimensional perception

Then there are experiences I’m having today. In my Positively Focused Advanced Practice Meditations, I’m visiting alternate dimensions and bringing back such experiences with remarkable clarity. My consciousness literally leaves my body and I find myself in other “places”.

These began as brief flashes. But these days, they’re happening in much longer duration and detail. Like this one:

An example from my journal of a series of departures during one Advanced Practice session.

These experiences are just the beginning. As I wrote before, evidence of more powerful abilities are emerging from within me. These are happening as natural byproducts of aligning to All That Is consciousness.

Such abilities are available to us all. Some can realize them on their own. Others benefit from a guide. If you want to experience your superhuman capability, but don’t know where to start, I’m available.

The benefit of such practices isn’t the abilities themselves. It’s the discovery of our eternal nature. A nature that exists in many dimensions simultaneously. That awareness not only triggers or activates supernatural abilities. It also enables one to create whatever life they desire.

A life which includes ultimate states of unshakable happiness. To me, such a life is worth cultivating. If you think so too and want to know how to cultivate your charmed superhuman life contact me.

When Old Clients Get New Wonderful Results

The best part of this Positively Focused practice is the longevity of results one gets. It just keeps on delivering new and wonderful life experience.

That’s why I’m not surprised when past clients write sharing their continuing emerging Charmed Life. When they share, their evidence amplifies my own. I get charged reading their ongoing results as much as I enjoy getting results from my own Charmed Life.

A Positively Focused practice means seeing the world differently from most other people. One client, for example, shared how before her practice, her life mainly was composed of boredom, worry, and dissatisfaction. She felt some contentment every now and then. But she knew nothing like what she discovered through her Positively Focused practice. Today, she’s loving life. She’s finding herself consistently in wonder and amazement.

These days, her friends’ lives amaze her. They live so unhappily, she said. That confirms my experience. Most people just don’t know how great life is. The compromise and live mediocre lives while thinking that’s just how life is.

But a joyful life can show up for anyone. All it takes: a deliberate focus.

The virtuous upward spiral

I wrote before about the Positively Focused upward spiral. All Positively Focused clients experience this. Their lives just get better and better. And no limits exist to that. Meaning, life will continue getting better and better.

A Positively Focused practice creates an unending, increasingly joyful life.

So when a past client recently wrote me, I wasn’t surprised at how great his life keeps getting. Instead, I congratulated him. Remaining in the Positively Focused mindset takes some doing. After a while though, it’s just automatic. It’s automatic because that’s the way our Broader Perspective wants us living. And from there, all we desire becomes possible.

But a peculiar thing clients experience surprises them. It’s seeing how different other people experience life. Which is what this client shared:

It’s so great hearing from clients living their Charmed Life. Even past clients continue seeing their life improve. Hearing such stories is a fringe benefit I enjoy from helping others find their connection to their Broader Perspective.

Want a life as delightful as my client’s and I live? Tired of living a ho-hum, or moderately satisfying one? Let’s change all that. Contact me.

When My Old Beliefs Challenge The Happy Life

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

My life, like all things, exists as a paradox. The paradox is only now very clear to me. I’m working through healthcare issues, non-life threatening ones. But they do show how Belief Constellations create corresponding realities.

As confidence in my own practice grows, I’m focusing into reality manifestations nearly everyone believes are impossible. And yet, evidence grows proving Seth’s and Abraham’s contention that everything, no matter what, is possible.

But a period of years passed in which I sowed manifestations consistent with “sloppy creation” or unconscious creation. I harbored beliefs which generated a lot of momentum. That momentum created undesirable physical manifestations. But since I accepted beliefs as most of us do, I accepted those physical manifestations as a part of me. I didn’t need to do that.

For example, 22 years ago, I started a new job at Intel. It was a textbook manifestation. The new opportunity brought more money, more opportunity, more prestige. Furthermore, it was something I specifically asked for. And, how it unfolded was truly magical. But the experience created unwanted manifestations too. Here’s what happened.

The set up goes great

At the time I ran the media relations department of a large federal electric utility. I also was the agency’s media spokesperson. As such, I worked the media. One of those people was a journalist I’ll call Cooper. He covered energy for the local newspaper. Over time, we became great friends. While we became friends, I grew tired of the electric industry.

Meanwhile, high tech was making a lot of people rich. More high tech was coming to the Northwest. The jewell of the Northwest’s high tech sector at the time was Intel. It had built a number of large facilities recently. And so they were hiring a lot of new people.

I decided it would be wonderful working at Intel. So I went to work with my then manifestation process. I set my intention. Then added momentum behind it. Then I let it go.

I got my media job at the energy agency the same way. So I knew “you create your reality” was true. But I wasn’t as strong in it as I am today. Nor was I as deliberate or focused. Even while I produced stunning manifestations, I still harbored many disempowering beliefs in my constellations.

One of those was “I can’t hack it at a private company”. “It’s cut throat in the private sector” was another. “People stab you in the back,” I imagined. I figured my bosses would find out I couldn’t handle it and fire me. These thoughts commingled along with my desire to work at Intel.

Many folks enjoy the private sector. I had different beliefs. (Photo by Israel Andrade on Unsplash)

Textbook manifestation

I recognized those beliefs as true. I didn’t think about the fact that those beliefs create my reality too.

Beliefs often are more powerful than desire. That’s because beliefs have momentum behind them. Reality often proves them true as well. Or rather it works vice-versa. Belief momentum creates corresponding realities. We look at those realities as evidence. The evidence seems to prove the belief true, when really, the belief came first.

So when I focused on getting a job at Intel and let it go, I didn’t think about cleaning up my vibration on that subject. Meaning, I didn’t think about cleaning up these unflattering beliefs about working at Intel.

A textbook manifestation happened next.

Silicon wafer manufacturing is Oregon’s high tech jewell. I wanted in one of those companies. So I manifested an opportunity. (Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash)

Intel recruited Cooper out of the newspaper. He became Intel’s media spokesperson. Cooper was now a media relations colleague. I had no idea this happened until some time later.

When sometime later happened, I got a call from Cooper. He told me Intel had a community relations manager role for which I’d be perfect. I applied. Weeks later Intel made me an offer.

The whole process floored me. I watched it unfold the whole way astounded. I left the energy agency and began my new job as Intel’s community relations manager in 2000.

It didn’t go well

The job actually was great and I performed very well. The problem was my old beliefs. Remember those beliefs I described above about working in the private sector? Little did I know, those beliefs were manifesting too. As a result, my experience of this wonderful manifestation included a lot of anxiety. Self-doubt also plagued me. The team I managed picked up on that like a pack of alpha wolves. Some of them behaved in ways I feared.

All that manifested in me as physical symptoms too. I developed stress and anxiety. I started having stomach problems like heartburn. Long story short, stomach acid leaked into my esophagus over time. It scarred tissue linings there which caused a mild stricture.

One day, a year or two after starting at Intel, I had a medical emergency. I got food stuck in my esophagus right at the stricture, which needed emergency removal. At the emergency room, doctors told me I had a “tapering esophagus.” They stretched that part of my esophagus with a rod they pushed down my throat, which fixed the problem. But doctors told me I’d need the procedure again in about ten years.

A medical emergency clued me in to my momentum. (Photo by Yassine Khalfalli on Unsplash)

Which brings us back to today. It’s been way more than ten years, but I had started feeling food stick in my throat again. As a veteran, I get free medical care from my local VA. When I told them about my “condition”, they immediately set me up for a redux of the procedure had many years ago.

You can’t ignore past manifestation

And here’s where this story comes full circle. I left Intel because I wasn’t happy there. Leaving coincided directly with commitments I made to double down on all this “you create your reality” business. That commitment included wanting to know and experience everything in my reality as manifesting beliefs. Including conditions in my physical body.

The problem is, I have legacy manifestations. Manifestations which manifested as a result of old beliefs. Beliefs which created these manifestations in the first place. Manifestations including this gastro situation.

I can’t ignore my past manifestations while creating new ones. My gastro situation emerged as a direct manifestation of my beliefs. A new procedure on the body will work temporarily. But unless the underlying belief goes away, the problem will resurface.

Doctors want me on an acid reflux reducing prescription. They say that drug will prevent future recurrences. But I believe prescriptions are unnecessary. My old beliefs say medical intervention must happen to “cure” physical health problems. But these days, I want vibrational solutions.

Since leaving Intel, I eliminated from my body several things people call “illnesses”. I haven’t had a cold in years. I used to get at least two colds a year. One in the spring and another in the fall. Not anymore.

I know those changes result from vibrational focus. So when I think about getting on this prescription, it feels contrary to how I think and believe today. Yet, I still must recognize the prescription as a manifestation. A manifestation of old beliefs about “healthcare” and how to “cure” symptoms.

Creating deliberately

I believe I sufficiently soothed old beliefs around work. Money flows into my life with no relationship to “work”. My life no longer includes working in high pressure jobs. And my desires these days involve creating wealth through manifestation. Not working. In the same way, I needn’t take this prescription.

I recently told my VA primary care doctor I regard the mind as the best medicine. To my surprise, he and his team agreed with me. So I want to soothe beliefs perpetuating this “stricture”. I also want to soothe beliefs creating other physical conditions. Conditions not part of my original body blueprint.

I believe I can live free of all prescriptions. I know many Americans accumulate medicine dependencies as they age. I’m choosing a different path. So I expect improvement, not decrepitude, as I age. It’s like Abraham recently said in an email:

Esther’s intent mirrors mine.

I appreciate old beliefs. I also appreciate seeing connections now obvious between how I once believed and what my health looks like. And I’m eager to see both those beliefs and those conditions improve as I consistently construct my Charmed Life.

What experiences have you had where you’ve changed your physical condition through mind as medicine? What conditions are you still working on? Do conditions you currently experience challenge your belief that thoughts create your reality?

I’d love hearing your experiences.