Spiritual Fleeing: Is It Ever In Our Best Interest?

Photo by Justin Merced on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author uses a client example to show how this reality offers the best of what there is to experience. In doing so, they explain how fleeing a situation without first lining up with what’s wanted usually leads to disappointing results. But in the end, they write, everything always works out.

A prospective client this week decided to go with another spiritual provider. Her decision came after only two weeks as a Positively Focused practitioner.

When she first reached out to me, I felt strong vibrations from her. Present were dissatisfaction, unhappiness, especially about herself, a feeling of foreboding about the US and more. This all sprang from her as she told me why she wanted my services.

The next week, she came with a ton of questions. Questions typically someone with so little experience with the practice wouldn’t ask. Indeed they were very advanced questions, ones I didn’t want to answer because I knew she didn’t have enough background to understand the answers. Yet, she insisted, so we talked about them.

Her questions came from visiting YouTube. There she discovered another provider. This person, a “Law of Attraction Coach”, appears to focus on “impossible” achievements, some of the same things I focus on in my personal practice, but don’t work with clients on until they have at least several years experience. That’s because accomplishing what most believe is impossible requires an extraordinary level of alignment to All That Is. And most aren’t ready for such pursuits off-the-bat.

What happened next was…interesting. It showed me how some people want to escape from their lives. They want to go somewhere where they think life is better.

In this post, let’s look at why that’s not in anyone’s best interest. And what is available to us instead.

Not everyone is in the same place

This new client came to me after reading my post on Dark Matter. In that post, I lauded the show’s relatively accurate portrayal of alternate dimensional travel. My own experiences aligned well with what they portrayed. How they portrayed alternate dimensional travel was not so accurate, however. Still, I felt the show deserved praise.

I thought it odd that that post would inspire someone to want to be a Positively Focused client. That’s because, early-stage clients typically have no idea alternate realities are accessible to all of us. Visiting them requires a lot of focus, but that focus is well within all of our grasps. So when we first talked, I encouraged her to focus instead on the basic practice, what I offer all beginning clients.

From her questions in the second session, however, I knew she wasn’t going to be satisfied with my approach. Especially after visiting this other provider’s channel.

Now, I have no trouble with new clients going somewhere else. A lot of people out there offer similar services I do. And not everyone is in the same place; one provider can’t reach everyone. So it’s good lots of people exist offering similar services. But something was up with this person’s eagerness to go to this provider. Something I realized in the session we had just before she switched.

Freedom and empowerment: the ultimate desire

She came to that session super stoked about the potential of moving permanently into another dimension. I asked her what about that was so intriguing. The first thing she brought up was climate change. She wanted to be in a world where climate change didn’t exist, she said. The client also had strong negative beliefs about the United States’ future given the Trump election victory.

Both reasons were red flags. Not that they’re problems relative to what I offer. Rather they indicate the client is in the midst of really strong negative momentum. Momentum she must soothe in order to get what she wants.

And what is it that she wants? While she thinks it’s living in a different reality, where none of the things she thinks are problems exist, what she really reaches for in these desires is freedom and empowerment.

She wants to see the world around her matching her desires.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you can see the problem, the red flag in that. For in wanting to see the world around her matching what’s inside her, she doesn’t get that the world already matches what is inside her. In other words, the world around us is a reflection. An extremely accurate one.

At this point, I think it’s important to delineate the difference between spiritual fleeing or escaping and the ordinary kind of fleeing or escape humans sometimes get inspired to do. The difference is important.

It’s not about action

No wrong choices exist. Every choice a person makes either lines that person up with what they want, or it gives feedback on how to better line up. Every choice, therefore, acts as a stepping stone on an eternal path. So, to use an extreme example, a war-torn, despotic environment might inspire a person to flee that place.

In fleeing, they can end up in a better-feeling place: a location where life is more peaceful. Perhaps the government is more stable there. The contrast of their what-is prompts action, and through their action, they find themselves in better-feeling locals.

Most of the time, when people make those kinds of choices, they first may focus on fleeing their what-is. But as soon as the what is is behind them, they feel eagerness for where they’re going. That shift typically feels like relief. Then relief turns to even more powerful, positive emotions. Like positive expectation or optimism, for example.

And as they dwell in those positive emotions, the world around them reflects that positivity back to them: in the form of more positive environs. Meanwhile –– and this is important –– the war-torn situation played a crucial role in that unfolding.

Had they not experienced the war and destruction, leaving that area might never had occurred to them. But more important, their improved mood made them a match to where they ended up. Not their actions.

What we’re exploring offers a ton of complexity that I’m simplifying for brevity’s sake.

Look at how life turns out

So fleeing an environment where immanent physical danger exists makes complete sense. Pretty much everyone would do that. But here’s the thing, and this is extremely difficult for clients to accept: A match exists between situations we would call negative and people experiencing those situations. In other words, those situations reflect the inner states of those people. It must be that way because that’s how the Universe works. It’s not random.

So when that person chooses flight or escape, they literally take with them that which had them matching the war-torn situation in the first place. And so, when they get to the new place, that new place, somehow, will reflect back to them more of the same of what’s inside them if the person didn’t do anything about their inner state. It may look different, but essentially it’s identical.

Unless we can read the vibration of another, and that’s a tall task for nearly all of us, we can’t really know what’s going on inside another. But if we accept what you just read, we don’t have to read another’s vibration. All we need to do is look at how their life turns out.

I haven’t forgotten about the client I began this post with. I’ll get back to her. But this background you’re getting fleshes out the problem with spiritual fleeing or escape. By now you can see the difference between fleeing a physical situation and spiritual fleeing or escape. If you can’t, the next section will make it plain.

What spiritual fleeing looks like

We take with us that which creates our reality. This is what I mean when I tell clients they are the common denominator to all the problems they see in their lives. Said differently, we create our reality. So if we want a different reality, we must do something about what we’re creating. Fleeing won’t work.

Spiritual fleeing works even less. Spiritual fleeing isn’t very common because nearly every human disbelieves this “you create your own reality business” (YCYORB). And yet, it is a thing. Spiritual fleeing is a distortion. Someone practicing or wanting to practice spiritual fleeing is saying “I don’t like what I’m creating, so I’m going to escape my creation.”

So they leave their city. They leave their country. Or they leave a relationship. Maybe they leave their job. The problem with that is, they’re taking themselves with them! They can’t leave themselves behind, so wherever they go, they will create a new version of the problems they try to flee.

We cannot escape the reality that springs from within us. (Photo by Justin Merced on Unsplash)

Two advanced client examples show this. One has tried nearly every process, including extremely radical surgeries, to lose weight. One radical surgery left her with something like one-third of the stomach she originally had. And yet, she’s still overweight, much to her dissatisfaction. The other client last year, I think, had a surgery on his face. The doctor said the process would solve his sleep apnea. A year later, he’s contemplating another procedure because the apnea has not gone away.

Who’s the creator?

The first client had her procedures done before she came to me. So we haven’t talked about the vibration persisting her weight. But we are talking about a similar vibrational momentum that has her attract men who aren’t in her best interest. She struggles mightily in hearing that she’s creating these men. She wants to blame the men. It can’t be possible that she’s the center of what’s happening, she thinks. Yet she is. She’s the common denominator. She is the creator.

The same is true for the other client. He can’t yet accept that he’s creating the sleep problem. Although he intellectually understands that from the Positively Focused perspective, he’s still trying to solve it through action, so he doesn’t KNOW yet what he only understands.

The point is, spiritual fleeing is when a person either denies or doesn’t know at all that they are the creator of their reality. As a result, they try fixing their troubles through action. And an advanced version of that is wanting to go to a different physical dimension because the one we’re in is unsatisfying.

Spiritual fleeing doesn’t work

Where do you think Americans thinking about leaving the country are on the subject of ordinary fleeing and spiritual fleeing? With Donald Trump coming into office, many of them are somewhere in between. Every American contributed to the reality we’re moving into where Trump will be the most powerful person in the free world….again.

Trying to flee the country isn’t going to work because wherever those Americans go, they will be there. In other words, they’re just going to create a reality there that still reflects what’s going on inside them. And if they were a match to a second Trump presidency, and they were, then something’s afoot in that matching.

I know that “something” is really, really good. And that’s the trouble with interpreting our what-is as negative. Usually what we’re interpreting as “bad” actually is very, very good. Or what’s going to follow is very, very good…but only if we don’t resist the “bad”.

Resist it, like a lot of Americans did after the first Trump presidency, and we just get more “bad”. Meanwhile, a lot of good gets created and stored in our collective “moment of becoming”. But that collective goodness only shows itself to those who don’t resist. In the meantime, resisters just keep getting more “bad”. Even if they flee.

So this prospective client, the one who wants to flee this dimension for a “better” one doesn’t understand that she’s taking herself with her. More likely, she will NOT be able to move to that alternate dimension. Why? Because she has way too much resistance in her. Resistance that makes her not a match to that dimension she wants, but does make her a match to the one she doesn’t.

So what’s her option?

The Source of new and improved

Her option is the same thing I offer all my clients: transform her perspective in a way that lines her up with everything she wants in this reality. What she wants is here. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t have chosen to come into this dimension.

What she wants isn’t some place where everything is nice and clean and trouble free. Trouble/contrast is part of every place. It literally is the stuff from which new, improved emerges. And so, this reality, this dimension, is one of the best ones to come into. Because here, in this place, we offer ourselves TREMENDOUS contrast…or “trouble” if you want to see it that way.

The great thing about all that trouble is, when we use it as the launch pad that it is, our individual realities IMPROVE.

But it’s not magic. It can’t happen instantly. Physical reality contains inherent resistance as does our physical selves. So it typically takes a while for that improvement to show up…for very good other reasons too complex to detail here.

The client I began this post about is on a trajectory. Maybe she’ll come back after exhausting herself trying to get someplace she’s not a match to. Or maybe she’ll become a match to it. The paradox of the latter is, to become a match to it, she must release all resistance to THIS dimension, this reality. And if/when she does….will she travel to that other dimension?

My guess is no. Because she unwittingly will have transformed THIS dimension into the dimension she thinks she wants to travel to.

Isn’t that beautiful?

This is where it’s at

Usually, when one wants to choose, one’s first choice is the Broader-Perspective-inspired one. This client came to the Positively Focused Way first. I’d say that was a Broader-Perspective-inspired decision. Had she continued, soothing her dissatisfaction about this reality would go a long way towards allowing her to visit other realities. The key word there is “visit”. But such visits also would show her that THIS reality is where she really wants to be. This is where it’s at.

After all, if she wanted to be in the other one, she would have gone there first at birth. Instead, she came here.

In that sense, she may come back. Perhaps her Broader Perspective will lead her back here. No matter what she does, everything is working out for her, for me and for everyone else. That includes all Americans, all my clients and the planet and its climate.

Nothing ever goes wrong. Even when someone flees. Spiritual fleeing or escape isn’t wrong either. After all, eventually the person fleeing discovers the ultimate reality: that they are a creator. And their creation is good as a reflection of something that is always in their best interest. Something that is inside them waiting for that person to make real.

How To Bend The Government To Your Will

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash

TLDR: The author uses their personal experience using the power of deliberate creation to influence their government to suggest that everyone can do the same. The example shows how individuals hold the ultimate power. Not governments.

The power of government, like the power of everything, lies within you. You can shape the government to your desires. Doing so, however, requires high-level alignment to All That Is. That is, you cannot push against the tide of All That Is. And All That Is is progressive.

All That Is is constantly expanding into more. It voraciously moves in the direction of the undiscovered. All That Is seeks that which is new, that which has never been done before. So if you’re trying to thwart something you think is unfair, immoral or “against nature” or even “against god”, then you push against the tide of All That Is.

Humans have a way of thinking they understand what All That Is is about. They’ve written books about their thinking and called those books “the will of god”. But the god they think is god isn’t that. Sure, there’s wisdom in those books. After all, humans are god in human form.

But because of the nature of “human” a lot of distortion lies in those books too. The trick of getting at the wisdom is knowing the difference between the wisdom and the distortion.

This story details an unfolding thrilling me these last few days. It’s evident of everything you just read. You are the creator of your reality. All of it. That means your government too. Here’s an example of how you can shape it to your will.

Let’s dive in.

Shaping your government flows from your focus

First we must realize the government we experience is uniquely ours. It’s not the same government others experience.

That’s because every point of consciousness exists in its own reality. And that reality emerges from and reflects back to it, the consciousness experiencing it.

This explains again why trying to force others to accept your version of what you want brings difficulty and resistance. People inherently know they create their own reality. So they’ll naturally resist something that isn’t their creation.

And yet, those who don’t know what you just read are willing stooges. Others can easily dupe them into following a “leader” because those people live mainly in a subtle, yet pervasive sense of insecurity. An insecurity that has them reaching for relief from that insecurity through a source external to them. This is what we see with both major political parties and politicians in general. Politicians are happy to be that external source. But politicians also are insecure, which explains why so much churn exists in politics.

But you don’t need involve yourself in any of that to enjoy a government that supports what you desire. You only need to focus on what you want. Focus on what you want purely and with a delicate form of nonchalance, and the government will bend to your desire. It won’t happen instantly, but it must happen if you hold your focus.

That’s what happened with me over the last three years.

Many think god will line up against their enemies. They claim that being is on their side. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Deliberate creation springs from one’s emotions

Back in 2021 then president-elect Biden ran on a platform which included forgiving student loan debt. He wasn’t the only one. Several other progressives at the time argued for doing the same. Existing provisions in federal law offered paths to student loan debt forgiveness. But Biden wanted to expand that.

As a holder of student debt myself, I was all for it. The moment candidates began talking about this, I was on board. Indeed, I had a strong sense my student debt would be forgiven. So I held lightly the idea and doing so pleased me. So did the idea. This is a positive sign.

Nearly every new client, when asked the purpose of emotions, gets the answer wrong. Which tells me people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. But this is a crucial bit of information! Without it, humans literally are adrift on a sea of emotions, bobbing around on waves with no control, no rudder, no way to steer a course. Without course selection ability, they remain buffeted by the waves. Waves coming in the form of the latest “breaking” news, or the latest “leader” trying to get their attention, their vote, their money or all of the above.

But those who understand emotions’ purpose enjoy tremendous influence. Not influence over others, although that happens, but influence over their reality. They can literally shape their reality to their desires, thereby becoming deliberate creators.

That’s what I was doing by noticing how pleased I felt while entertaining the idea of the government forgiving my student loan debt.

Biden expressing his intents on student loan forgiveness back in 2020.

The soft focus creates manifestation

Now, emotions don’t create reality. Reality emerges as vibration energy assembles about itself along frequencies matching the core vibration. All that happening doesn’t feel like much at first.

Not long after momentum ensues, however, vibration becomes thought. And our brains are designed to interpret evolved or expanded vibration that is thought into thought form. That’s what happens in the process humans call “thinking”.

Our job as humans is to hold that focus on that evolved or expanded vibration. Doing that, we add our own momentum to the unfolding. In time, that focus must move that vibrational expansion into a manifestation; a manifestation our senses interpret as “physical reality”.

So as I felt pleasure thinking this idea of the government forgiving my debt, I focused on the pleasure and the idea. Not with a rigid death grip on the idea, but a soft focus similar to what martial artists practice at advanced levels. Doing that, I could feel momentum increase. What happened next was part of the unfolding.

The following year I had a dream. In the dream I stood in line with others who all were getting their student loan debt forgiven. Here’s my journal entry recording the experience.

A dream where I am fulfilling my desire!

Dreams are an important aspect of deliberate creation. Knowing their role adds confidence to the whole process. So the fact I had a dream about having my student loan paid off helped bolster my belief in what was happening.

Nothing can resist momentum

Of course, most republicans were not OK with democrats proposing what they were proposing. In fact, many right wingers even now oppose the idea. Those who claim people should “pull their own weight” and “pay their debts” have no idea what’s happening in All That Is. They’re literally clueless.

I wonder, what did conservatives who think people should “earn their living and pay their debts” do to “earn” their place in reality? How did they earn their being born into the world? How are they earning the air they breathe, or the energy of the sun that warms them and the planet for their benefit? I often wonder how they earned the results of all those who came before them; who dedicated their lives and energy to creating the future; the things and ideas that these people today enjoy?

If conservatives really looked at what’s happening in physical reality, they would see they earn none of what matters most in their lives. Indeed, these things flow to everyone equally in a state of massive abundance. An abundance that is constantly becoming more.

So when republicans started trying to put the kibosh on Biden’s plans to forgive student loan debt, even when their efforts got to the Supreme Court, and those nitwits ruled Biden’s first attempt unconstitutional, I held my focus. I knew this was evidence of “what is” pushing back against what is becoming. And so I stood my vibrational ground, knowing all would unfold as I desired.

Nothing can withstand new momentum once it gets underway. Including momentum of what is. Indeed, because of this, the deliberate creator can experience the “push back” inherent in “what is” not as resistance, but as a sign of things going their way.

How physical matter works

What is, the state of reality in physical, is vibrational momentum at a state actualized into reality. Humans think this state — what is — is the now, the present. But it’s not the present. What is, is the past. It has manifestED. What’s manifestINGis the present moment, the now. And that always trumps “what is” eventually because All That Is ALWAYS wants more.

But what is, the energy inherent in it, enjoys its own momentum. So it kind of pushes back on that which is becoming. That’s a natural part of how physical matter works: it will resist somewhat that which emerges from it. That’s right, what’s becoming ALWAYS emerges from what is. This state of emergence is the contrast Abraham refers to so often.

The problem with human perception is we amplify what is by focusing on it. We also amplify it by reacting to it. Amplification causes what is to persist.

The key to having anything improve is not focusing on physical reality therefore. When we instead focus on what we desire as an emerging reality, we add momentum to and amplify that. Then that happens faster and easier.

That’s what I did when the SCOTUS ruled against Biden’s plans. I knew even the “highest court in the land” can’t stand against that which I create.

The SCOTUS ruling was just last year. More than two years had gone by. I was determined in my focus. I know how reality happens. So I didn’t allow myself to feel daunted by the SCOTUS ruling. Instead, I felt even more committed that my debt would be forgiven.

What happened next convinced me even more.

It’s always about the journey

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden took a different tack. He found a way around the ruling, thus forgiving some $48B in student debt the same year the court struck down his earlier attempt.

I knew this was a positive sign. Momentum ensued further and by February this year the administration had forgiven over $138B in student loan debt. By this time, I knew the government would forgive my own debt soon.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The best indicator showing that your desired reality is flowing into your experience is that you aren’t thinking about it hardly at all. And when it happens, it just feels like an “of course”. This is especially true for those big manifestations we’re wanting.

That’s because by the time momentum has built to the point of manifestation, you just know it’s happening. After all, this manifesting business isn’t about the manifestations. It’s really about the journey to the manifestation.

Manifestations’ value lie in their unfolding. When we hold a desire, we summon life force through us. That feeling of life force flowing is what puts the eternal in eternity. So the more desires we have, the more we contribute to All That Is. This explains why people have so many desires!

The problem for many people is they don’t know what you’re reading. So they don’t know how to line up and receive what they’re creating. And that explains why things often take a long time to improve: people aren’t lining up with their desire. So they die without real-izing their desires. Meanwhile, future generations get to experience them. So it’s all good!

Feeling great feels great

All the while, as the administration forgave people’s loans, they said eligible people would get an email from the Department of Education. So on Friday, when I received my email, I wasn’t surprised at all. Instead, I just felt really, really pleased. Pleased and confident that “I did this.”

My email from the Department of Education.

It was an “of course” when I saw it in my inbox. But it also indicated something else. With the doubling of my clients, and the increase in the rate I’m charging clients, I’m doing very, very well in manifesting money in my life. Indeed, I’m on track to enjoying a six-figure income from my client practice.

In addition to that, I have other manifestations in the works regarding money. Really big, exciting manifestations. And I know this student loan forgiveness manifestation is a stepping stone along that path to financial abundance.

With this forgiveness I’m officially debt-free. That feels great. My plans for my financial future are HUGE. And thinking about them, like I thought about this student loan forgiveness manifestation, means they, too, are unfolding…all in perfect timing.

But what really feels great is the feeing of feeling great. It is the epitome of life experience. The Charmed Life I write about is the feeling I’m describing here. Sure, the manifestations are fantastic. But what really feels great is the ongoing feeling of improved mood. A feeling of joy, of confidence, of clarity.

Clarity that I am a deliberate creator. One who creates their reality deliberately. There’s nothing better than that.

How Small, Happy Manifestations Lead to Big, Better Ones

TLDR: The post discusses “castles and buttons,” terms for big and small manifestations, suggesting that acknowledging small ones (buttons) prepares us for larger ones (castles). The author shares a personal experience with medication as a “button” manifestation, reinforcing their ability to create desired reality and anticipate more significant successes.

Sometimes my creations are delightful. Sometimes they’re surprising. And sometimes they come in ways that just confirm that I’m a creator.

Most of my creations are “buttons”. “Castles and buttons” is a categorization of manifestation Abraham coined long ago. “Castles” are “big manifestations”; things people really desire. “Buttons” on the other hand, are smaller manifestations, things that happen, usually without people noticing them.

The manifestation I’m writing about in this post is a button. But that doesn’t make it any less special. Indeed, it’s quite noteworthy. That’s because noticing it having happened primes my sensitivity to real-izing other, significant manifestations. In other words, when I regularly recognize buttons happening, I’m preparing my reality to allow in my castles.

Let’s take a look at what happened. But first, let’s talk just a bit more about castles and buttons.

Mastering creation

Abraham’s statement rings true: “It’s as easy to create a castle as it is a button.” The trouble for most people is, “castles” come ladened with a lot of resistance. In other words, people want them so bad, their focus on wanting them, focuses them on “not having” them. So castles SEEM to take a long time to manifest. They also seem harder to manifest.

They seem to be harder because people must weed through their resistant focus and thoughts. We can’t create around existing beliefs. Both Seth and Abraham affirm this. And if people don’t know what they’re doing as a creator, existing beliefs often represent what most delays castles from manifesting.

Buttons, on the other hand, aren’t so ladened. They happen easier because we tend not to think about them much. Just like real life buttons – on our shirts and blouses and other things – buttons are more numerous too. There are more buttons on the planet than castles, in other words. That makes sense, right?

That buttons are so numerous makes them powerful manifestational tools. Armed with the knowledge expressed in what you’re reading, a person can use buttons to make manifesting castles feel easier.

We can practice on them. We can become better creators using them. And, since there are so many, we have a lot of opportunity to practice. In that practice, while we learn our skills, that practice also has the effect of soothing resistance. Resistance holding our castles at bay. It also firms up our belief in this whole “you create your reality” business.

So there are a lot of good reason to appreciate “little things” we manifest. They may be little, but they offer impressive opportunities to master creation.

Abraham has said this over and over…

An opportunity shows in medicine

The button I’m writing about today involves care I get from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). I take a pill each day. It contains a drug that turns off some of the acid pumps in my stomach. Apparently my stomach produces too much. So I get acid moving into my esophagus, which scars that part of my body. That makes it hard to swallow sometimes.

Since taking this medicine, however, I don’t experience that trouble. Now it’s not escaping me that perhaps I could use my practice to alter that physical condition. I am doing so. But I recognize physical symptoms like these, once they become physical, have a lot of momentum behind them. So soothing them into non-existence takes some effort.

Yes, we could call “curing” medical conditions “castles”. I won’t go into this deeply, but there is a LOT of momentum behind manifested medical conditions. The entire medical world is in on their creation. So is science. So is our education. As is our collective agreement that such things exist and are scary. Being able to sooth a medical condition back into non-existence, therefore, is quite a feat. Not impossible, but it does take focus.

I’m practicing doing that. In the meantime, I’m using this mediation for relief.

Late last year my prescription was getting low. I got a refill in the mail, but the pills looked different than the ones I originally had. They were larger as this photo shows:

The smaller, old pill on the right. The new one, on the left.

Button manifestation!

I wrote my doctor to ensure it was the same dose. He assured me it was. He said the new pill was within tolerances stipulated by government bid.

So I gave it no other thought. I mixed my old, smaller pills with the new ones. But the moment I took one of the newer, larger pills, I realized something else was up. They had an acrid taste. The capsule material wasn’t the same as the previous pills. At first I thought about writing my doctor again and complaining. Then I had another idea: this was a “button” opportunity. One where I could practice manifesting something other than these bad-tasting pills.

By the end of the year I noted that my prescription had expired. In the ensuing two months or so, I took the new pills. I did my best to ignore their acrid taste. Instead, I focused on how much I appreciated the smaller, normal tasting pills more. Since I take the medicine every day, I had a daily opportunity to practice. So that’s what I did.

In January, I was getting low on pills. So I wrote my doctor and asked if he would write me a new prescription, which he did. I didn’t give any thought at all about whether the new pills would be the larger, new ones, or the smaller old ones.

Two weeks or so later, the new pills arrived. And…you guessed it: the bottle contained the smaller pills!

A nice little addendum

What’s interesting about all this is when I got the new pills and noticed they were the ones I wanted, I immediately poured the old ones into the garbage. But then I realized this was a manifestation I could write a story about, so I went back to dig the pills out of the garbage.

Well, my Broader Perspective must have known I’d decide to write a blog, because the garbage was arranged in the pail in such a way that when I poured the pills into the pail they all fell into this plastic lid I threw in there days ago! So I didn’t need to fish them out one-by-one! I could get them all out just by pulling out that lid. How cool is that?

The pills right where I poured them.

The Universe is always on it. It is always delivering experiences that delight us. Experiences large and small. And experiences on top of experiences. Just like this. I’m positive the same thing happens to you all day, every day. It’s always happening for everyone. The question is: do we notice?

I’m glad I do. Because through noticing them, I amplify my ability to see them more often, which turns my life into the Charmed Life I write about here.

Getting better at getting better

This was a wonderful example of creating my reality. A reality representing a new dimension where I’m aligned with pills I wanted rather than those I didn’t want. And it was so easy!

We are literally surrounded by alternate dimensions. An infinite number of dimensions are constantly created by us from within the Moment of Becoming. Which one becomes our actual reality depends solely on our vibration. And our vibration is what we are. So we can adjust our vibration (who we’re being) and in that moment, align with a new dimension.

That’s how we create reality. It’s not like these dimensions don’t already exist. They do. We just align ourselves with ones reflecting back to us the state we emanate.

I like knowing that. I also like knowing the “castles and buttons” concept. I’ve gotten really good at manifesting buttons. I write about these all the time in this blog. I write about my castles too. Which is why my life is increasingly improving, including my financial abundance and work-life balance. I’m also feeling better and better as days go by. What a wonderful life!

As a result, I look forward to my other castles coming into my experience as well. They really are foregone conclusions. The fact that I see all this manifestation happening in my life tells me that. So I rest in a steady knowing they are happening, instead of a hoping, wishing or even believing they are happening.

I love knowing they are happening. It’s a state I’m helping my clients realize in their lives as well. You can get there too. You don’t need my help. But if you’d like it, I’m around.

When A Client Criticizes My Life, Life Gets Better

Sometimes client’s don’t understand what I’m doing with my life. So they’ll interpret what I’m doing with my life through their own Belief Constellations. That will sound like a criticism. But it’s actually a huge blessing.

What they don’t know is their critique says a lot more about their life than it does mine. And, when they do criticize my life, my life gets better. That’s because I know what criticisms are. And so I use them to amplify my own positive focus. Then my life must reflect that amplified perception back to me.

That’s what happened during a recent client session. It was a wonderful opportunity for me. It was wonderful because the client’s critique revealed something I wanted to know. And knowing that changed my life at a vibrational level. At a practical level too!

Let’s take a look at what I’m talking about.

Missing the point?

The client happens to be one of my advanced practitioners. She’s been at it a while and has made remarkable progress. So it was surprising that she said what she said durning the session. Then again, it wasn’t surprising. Because it was perfect. Perfect for me to gain more understanding of my own Belief Constellation.

Sharing a cool manifestation I recently had triggered my client’s beliefs. The experience for me was spectacular, however. That’s because it showed me I had high calibration about money, which is a subject I’m wanting significant, leading edge manifestations about.

After I shared what happened, the client said, “I’m amazed that so little money made such a difference for you. You must be poor.”

Now, this client has a couple million dollars in the bank. She’s retired. Her house is paid for. I don’t think she has any debt. I, on the other hand, chose a different course. One that challenges status quo beliefs, especially around money. I’ve written extensively about this on this blog.

So when she said this, it surprised me. The point of the story wasn’t my financial situation. Instead, it was about how the manifestation happened.

Is it? Or isn’t it?

Still, her comment lingered with me a few days. I don’t consider myself poor. In fact, I consider my life reflecting an immense state of wealth.

My life is rich with all kinds of abundance. When considering wealth or abundance, there are more kinds of that than the monetary variety. And, the key to experiencing great monetary wealth, is appreciating all the other kinds of wealth we enjoy.

For example, I enjoy an immense amount of abundance. My “work week” is about 8 hours. The rest of the week I’m free to enjoy my life. And enjoy it I do! I enjoy an abundance of creator content from Netflix, Disney+, AppleTV+ and the PBS app. In fact, there’s more content among all these channels than I can consume! How’s that for abundance! And only one of those services, AppleTV+, I pay for. The others I get at no cost to me.

I also enjoy a plethora of literature, which I access at no cost. Through my library, for example, I’m enjoying reading every Hugo Award-winning Science Fiction Novel. Many of those award-winners comprise multiple volumes. Books like Dune, the Murder Bot Diaries and The Broken Earth contain at least three books each! My library also has digital collections of popular magazines. So I enjoy access to literally hundreds of popular magazines. More than I can read each month!

Because I don’t “work” I enjoy ample time for meditation, contemplation, walks, bike rides and writing. Meanwhile, client work income covers all my needs. There’s a roof over my head that’s warm in winter, cool in summer. My fridge is full. Because I’m a vet, I enjoy healthcare at no cost to me through the Veteran’s Administration.

So am I really poor?

The app I used to access thousands of titles free.

Living richly in the now

Thinking about all this abundance I enjoy, I realized something crucial. I realized my client helped me amplify even further wealth I’ve already created. Actual monetary wealth, I mean.

In the Positively Focused Way we talk about the Moment of Becoming (MOB). Understanding what the MOB is makes all the difference in living a Charmed Life.

The MOB is the eternal now. Many New Age teachers talk about living in the now. When they do, they’re referring to the temporal now. They’re now is that moment that currently exists in the physical.

But the temporal now, from a vibrational standpoint is not now. That “now” is the past. It represents manifestED reality. Everything already happened in that “now”. Focusing there, we have no power, because everything already is. The real now is the MOB. There, everything is becoming or manifestING. The MOB is the eternal, true now, ever rich with swirling potential. Potential being orchestrated by cooperative elements. Elements taking their direction from focused beings. Beings like you and me.

We live in the MOB, but we temporarily focus in the manifestED reality. In the latter focus, we identify what we want from what we don’t want. That’s the purpose of manifestED reality. But the MOB is the true seat of power. When we communicate our desires from the MOB our Broader Perspective and All That Is takes our communication and orchestrates all the cooperative components so our desires fulfill themselves.

In THAT now, the real now, the MOB, I know my financial abundance is being orchestrated. I often feel it happening. So my state of being, my experience of life NOW, is that I’m rich beyond measure! Meanwhile, I get to enjoy manifestED reality, which includes a lot of abundance already. So much it can kinda get overwhelming…

Realizing the benefit

So why would I have attracted an experience where a client called me “poor”? I came to the answer a day after the session. The answer is really cool.

Everyone in our lives are reflections of our thoughts and beliefs. Every “thing” is too. But people particularly offer accurate reflections of what we have going on in our Belief Constellations. So when a person acts mean to us, that person reflects something active in our Belief Constellation that attracted that reflection. It’s something we want to look at and do something about.

Other people, therefore, constantly offer us compelling gifts: opportunities to clean up vibrations we may not know we have going on. So my client calling me “poor” was a blessing. A blessing I received fully.

In the last few years I’ve been soothing beliefs impacting my ability to manifest monetary abundance. I’ve produced excellent evidence that soothing is working. My client calling me “poor” then, indicated a wobble still in my vibration. One I want to smooth out. I had been doing so well manifesting money in moderate levels I hadn’t realized this vibration still existed in me.

Realizing this, I became excited. I reveled in the realization. That’s why I realized the benefit my client gave me was immense.

The rest of the week I buzzed around like a happy bee. I thought over and over about our exchange, appreciating the insight my “reflector” gave me.

The next session I shared with her my experience. I did that to further amplify my own appreciation. This post is part of that amplification. It was a wonderful unfolding.

A wonderful reminder of what I already get.

The journey is the gift

What’s really interesting is, when I didn’t resist her calling me poor in the session, she also shared that see sees me as a millionaire hundreds of times over. Even a billionaire, she said.

That wasn’t coincidence. For I’m focusing into my reality me being a centi-millionaire, even a billionaire. And realizing that outrageous fortune by doing nothing other than focusing my vibration. The fact that she went from calling me “poor” to sharing that she saw me as a billionaire was an accurate reflection, therefore. One that included the combination of my vibrational intent and beliefs I still have that aren’t so compatible with that.

The entire experience was stellar. And this is the thing: every experience humans have are like this one. In every moment, we’re in the bright light of unfolding desire. And, every desire is guaranteed to be realized by us. As soon as we line up with frequencies which are vibrational versions of the manifestation we desire.

Our entire life as gods in human form is about exactly this. It’s about enjoying every delicious moment of expansion. The more we find joy in the journey, the more joyful the journey gets. The better life gets.

I appreciate my client so much for the complete reflection she offered to me. Such a confirmation it was! A confirmation of all that I’m enjoying on this journey into my greater expansion!

Men Are Losing Their Minds. That’s A Good Thing

Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

I love how All That Is is taking men in the direction of their evolution. It’s great seeing them struggle with identities that, frankly, could have been cast away long ago.

But since we’re all eternal, men, like the rest of us, have all the time in the Universe. Some men are kicking and screaming while the Universe drags them into a better future. A future better for the rest of us, and for the men too.

This is not to say all men have been problems. Many men, the early adopters, already evolved. Today we’re seeing bell curve men evolve. That big bulge of men in the middle of the Normal Distribution are getting a clue. Women know who these men are. So do people of color. And it’s not just white men getting clued in.

That’s another thing I love about All That Is. It happens simultaneously in the the Moment of Becoming, creating more of that which I want to see. There, every person, every living thing, gets exactly what it needs. Every moment serves our collective evolution. It’s odd though that humans resist that evolution, while everything else merrily goes along with it.

Two stories I read recently illustrate men’s progress. One describes how lonely men are. The other talked about men’s changing role in society, especially now that women enjoy greater workplace prominence, larger incomes and responsibility. Such advances, the article says, are upending male role expectations.

Today’s societies and workplaces no longer depend on male brawn to accomplish things, says one article. Income opportunities over time have shifted from blue collar, labor intensive work, to Health, Education, Administrative and Literacy (HEAL) and STEM jobs. Jobs which women can do as well as, if not better than, men.

Finding their place

As a result, more women fill workplace positions than ever before, especially in STEM and HEAL positions. Their numbers triggered better pay for women too, often making them breadwinners of their families. Something men once believed was their main purpose in life.

Not any more.

All this challenges male self-image, this idea that somehow men should rule because they are better breadwinners. That idea was always an illusion. All That Is has always been about cooperation among ALL THINGS. Not only between men and women, but also between humans and animals. The ancient ritual of providing food proves this.

Ancient man knew animals played a key part in their hunting success. It was less about men’s hunting prowess, taking their kill from nature, and much more about the ceremonial and actual cooperation between human and animal. Ancient hunters knew when, for example, a buffalo offered itself to become food for humans, that that buffalo’s act played as important a role as the hunter’s skill.

Men have had it wrong for centuries and in many ways continue getting it wrong about their place. That’s caused many problems for men, women, children and society at large. Some of those problems are dire today. Thankfully men are finally getting the message. That’s a great thing.

Thankfully too, we still have plenty of time to right civilization and distortions many humans still hold about reality as accurate that actually aren’t accurate at all. Remember, we’re all eternal. Time is not running out.

Many men already understand their role in life isn’t about being some overlord over others, especially women. But there still are a lot of men who pine for that fictional status.

Thankfully, All That Is is patient in its instruction. That patience is finally paying off.

The Best Way To Live: Focus In The Unfolding

Photo by Photo Boards on Unsplash

Everyone lives in the past. That seems like nonsense, but bear with me as I describe why that is. With just a little Positively Focused practice under your belt, clients realize how accurate that statement is. But if you don’t see life through Positively Focused eyes, “everyone lives in the past” sounds like nonsense.

But it’s not.

The reason everyone lives in the past is because they, through science and traditional education, learn a screwy perspective. We’re all taught “the present” is where we live. Things that happened “before” – that’s they past, we’re told. Things that haven’t happened – that’s the future. So people strive to live in the “present”, while sometimes referring to this commonly accepted past and future.

The best, and most satisfying way to live lines up with breaking free of traditional, common knowledge. Stepping out of traditional, commonly accepted knowledge, turns hum-drum, ordinary, uninspiring lives into the Charmed Life I write about.

Why change perspectives?

It seems we live in the “present”, in the “now”, our current experience. Birds fly about. Dogs bark. Cars whoosh by. Winds blow through trees. Yep, that looks like the present.

From a universal perspective though, this is not the present. This is the past. It represents ideas – thoughts and beliefs – that have manifestED. From a universal perspective, which is the same perspective your Broader Perspective has, humanity’s commonly believed “present” is not the present or the now. It is the past. It’s manifested.

Why is this so important? How does one benefit by changing perspective?

It’s important because every human is a creator. They create by observing, then drawing conclusions about what they observe. Conclusions, thoughts, desires, preferences…they all represent the same thing. That same thing represents cosmic focus, which channeled, moves all of creation toward fulfillment of that conclusion, thought, desire or preference.

That means, when a person looks at what people commonly agree is the present, which is past manifestation, and they conclude randomly about that, they create more of what’s manifested.

All kinds of things happen in the manifestED version of life, which is the past. But it’s the manifestING version of life everyone knew they wanted to live when they decided to become human. (Photo by Aditya Vyas)

“No” means “yes”

So if a person or a group doesn’t like what they see, and they rail against that, they create more of that. Pushing against anything in the manifestED means giving attention to and focus on that. Again, attention begins the process of creation. It doesn’t matter if “attention” one gives sounds like “I don’t like this”. The person giving attention will get what they don’t like.

The Universe doesn’t understand English (or any other language). It only understands vibration. Attention is vibration. It doesn’t matter if you look at something and say “I don’t want this”. Your vibration of attention, whether you like what you attend to or not, tells the Universe “give me more of this”.

This is why things like racism, wars, political division and such continue long after people want something better or different. Everyone’s looking at what’s happening, then concluding in ways that create more of what they’re looking at.

In other words, they live in the manifested past.

Such things take so long to change because humans also stand opposed to what they want, even when they think they are standing in alignment with what they want. Those wanted things are coming and will manifest, which is why, often, future generations benefit from what previous generations wanted. While those previous generations die off in a state of not getting what they want.

Then what’s a better way?

People creating their lives consciously know the commonly known present moment is actually the past. They spend little to no attention there. Instead, they stand in the Unfolding Present, the Moment of Becoming, as Seth calls it.

What is the Unfolding Present?

The Unfolding Present is the no-space space from where the new, the manifestING emerges. It is the instantaneous now, each now moment, fresh and full of creative vitality. And it’s a place one can experience with practice, just like they now experience the commonly-believed present moment, which is the past.

Now all moments contain creative vitality. But the Unfolding Present holds incipient creative vitality. It is the fountain from which creation springs. The Unfoldling Present exists someplace other than physical reality. Which is why a Positively Focused practice is necessary. Ordinary people cannot perceive this “now.”

Figuring it out

This “space” that is the Unfolding Present is a state of being. It’s the state in which children dwell before they’re indoctrinated into “growing up”. Some call it the “flow state”, others call it imagination.

How I prefer describing it is that place in which one knows one’s desires are done, and from that knowing, one relaxes into the IS-ness of being. That being-state feels WONDERFUL.

Figuring out how to be in that state is hard to grasp, I know. Now you can see why a Positively Focused is required. A person must figure out how to get there. It isn’t easy.

But getting there is inevitable, because that’s the basis of everyone’s Broader Perspective state. And everyone’s Broader Perspective wants them experiencing the real present moment, the Unfolding Present or the Moment of Becoming. Most don’t get there until they make their after-death transition. That needn’t be your fate though.

This illustrated guide offers a complete description of the Moment of Becoming, the actual present moment, and its relationship to All That Is. View the complete guide here.

The Charmed Life

The reason your Broader Perspective wants you there is because it is from there that all you want unfolds. Whether conscious of it or not, the Moment of Becoming or the Unfolding Present shoots out of you, turning the ManifestED into something else.

For most people “something else” looks like exactly what they’re looking at or focused on. Which is why the commonly accepted “present” looks stable. It’s also, as I wrote above, why social change happens slowly.

If one remains unconscious of this state, the Charmed Life remains concealed behind random creations, those manifestations springing from the Moment of Becoming that look a lot like everyone’s commonly accepted present or even the commonly accepted past. That’s why car makers, for example, often “renew” models they created for the first time decades ago.

Become conscious of this state though, and your foot comes off the brakes. A new momentum reveals itself, as well as a new way of perceiving. Then your Charmed Life reveals itself to you. From there, you discover, or rather rediscover, childhood wonder.

The world looks fresh, new, constantly. And, you also perceive your desires unfolding. As you focus more there, you give attention to that. As I wrote above, attention begins the creation process. So attention on what you want, instead of what you don’t, creates what you want, instead of more of what you have.

When you perceive that always happening, you live the Charmed Life while standing in its Unfolding. Nothing beats that.

The Charmed Life flows from those who practice a Positively Focused life. There, one discovers the Universe as a wish-granting jewel.

A personal advanced example 

This morning as I’m writing this, I’m thrilled with an experience I enjoyed coming from nonphysical. I came to at about 4 a.m.

Laying in bed, I perceived dreams wherein I taught myself an advanced version of what you’re reading about. In the dream, I felt deep satisfaction while standing in the “now” that contains all my current desires. Some of my desires are extraordinary. Some others represent experiences I know will thrill me as they manifest more.

But what I got in the dream state, then amplified while awake in bed, was standing in the fulfillment of those desires is the Moment of Becoming. And when I “stand” there, I don’t feel excitement, or thrill. Instead, I feel a calm, stable knowing. A knowing born from seeing my desires surrounding me, fully manifested.

This state of awareness makes me a match to my FULFILLED desires. Thinking about them as though I want them, as though I don’t have them, has me standing in the manifestED space. There, I can’t have fulfilled desire because if I still want them, I’m focused on the fact that they aren’t there/here.

As mentioned, it takes practice being in a body while focused on and living in the Unfolding. But I assure you, the feeling that comes with being there, fully-tuned to one’s Broader Perspective and living witness to one’s Charmed Life is, unmatched.

My experience with it lead me to offer what I’ve experienced to others. Now that a stable of clients produce their version of my results, their results confirm and amplify my own. Nothing matches this life, where my spirituality not only is my income, it also generates profound wonder of All That Is. 

You can have this too

Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral
The upward spiral of the Charmed Life. Every Positively Focused client eventually ends up here, guaranteed. (Illustration: My own work)

Two of my clients have begun the intermediate practice. They are blown away by experiences they had with earlier stages. Those stages and results they produced acted like positive feedback loops. I wrote about this upward spiral before.

When a person discovers this practice, then practices it, early results are instant. But they’re not so convincing because humans get trained out of understanding what’s introduced. Nevertheless everyone gets them, which is why I offer my money-back guarantee.

But those results kick off a process that’s one-way and inevitable. In a short while for some, a while longer for others, those initial results turn into more obvious results.

Taught how to see these, the client gets excited. Then they want more results, so they do the practice more. More practice amplifies their results, which means more and more convincing results happen.

Before long, clients stand convinced the Charmed Life is real. And the more they reach for it, the more it reveals itself. In time, the client is ready for more advanced practice.

Everyone comes into the world knowing the Charmed Life awaits them. But few get there because they accept indoctrination from others who are oblivious to what’s going on.

That’s ok. It’s usually not fatal. But that does lead to mediocre lives.

You don’t want one of those, do you?

PS – this post flew from my fingers after using the bathroom. I had felt the impulse come while in the bathroom and, because I practice following such impulses, I experienced delight watching this post flow. Thanks for reading it. I know you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed is manifested unfolding.

The Happiest Part Of The New Year Is Now

Happy new now from Positively Focused
Happy New Now from Positively Focused

Happy New NOW! As you’re reading this, I wish you the most positive, abundant, expansive now possible, born of a Positively Focused perspective.

I know the world is extraordinarily beautiful. In my Moment of Becoming, my life mirrors my internal reality, the one I’ve successfully tuned to my Broader Perspective, which is identical to God. I wish you your version of this experience. It feels so good.

From there, everything happening all over the planet reflects what I know. The world is in a chronic state of improvement and expansion. Everything is getting better. That’s wonderful knowing.

The universe provides us opportunity to see whatever reality we want to as they all spring from our Moment Of Becoming.

And while it’s wonderful knowing, it’s even better seeing evidence of the knowing. There’s nothing more convincing than life evidence proving a Positively Focused life creates a Positively Focused reality, a reality where all desires fulfill themselves.

What I love about 2020 is how my Charmed Life increased the pace in which delightful events flow. The more I adore my Charmed Life, the more my Charmed Life fills with fulfilling desires. 2020 was no exception as I’ve shared in this blog.

I know, of course, those fulfilling desires, including those in the future, already are fulfilled. The only thing keeping me, in this now, from seeing them and experiencing them as fulfilled, are my old beliefs, beliefs which conceal that fulfillment.

That’s temporary though

The good news is, the more I’m Positively Focused the more I reveal to myself more evidence of my already fulfilled desires. This is the process making me eternal. I can’t help creating new desires, birthing new things that become part of All That Is. All those things are as real as the nose on my face. This is how life becomes my a continuous upward, joyful spiral.

Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral
Positively Focused creates an upward joyful spiral I call the Charmed Life.

It’s my work to walk pathways to my personal, intimate experience of those fulfilled desires though. And that “work” is the process of living eternally. I so like knowing that.

Joyfully positively focused

But what I like more than that knowing, is the feeling. The feeling is the purpose of life experience: feeling joy, feeling myself expand, and experiencing more and more of my divine invincibility.

What I love most about this work is, more people are joining me in the work as clients. As they do, they produce their own results, results which confirm that what I’m doing produces promised results: invincibility, a Charmed Life, a fun life, a happy life.

Positively Focused focuses good stuff into reality
Reality gets created through people interacting with nonphysical. I show people how that happens, and how to use that process to live a Charmed Life.

This new year offers more opportunity. I wish for you to allow opportunity into your life. I’m eager for my life because it’s just the beginning. This now, as I write these words, epitomizes what the rest of 2021 will be for me: a continuous series of now-moments where I strive to do my best to be maximally Positively Focused. I wish that for you too.

Standing in one now-moment after the next, then the next, then the next, I know I’ll discover more of what I already know: that I’m god in human form and that all I want is supposed to be mine.

That’s what the Universe is here for.

Happy New Year!

How To Stop Ruining The Holidays

Photo by David Everett Strickler on Unsplash

The holidays used to suck. My emotional pain so grated on me that I forswore holiday celebrations of all kinds once on my own.

That was before attaining enlightenment.

Now, I recognize I create my reality. Since the past is just another reality, I also re-create my past. That’s what happened this holiday season.

I’m sharing this for the many people who, like me, struggle with holidays. I know now “struggle” is optional. No matter how bad I used to feel, this year, I’m having the best Thanksgiving ever, in large part thanks to my house mate, who I’ll call Kimberly.

I’m going to relate how I transformed my holiday experience while interspersing some theory. If you want to know how all this works as a cohesive living approach I call Positively Focused, please visit my website. There you can schedule a free 30-minute 1:1 in which I’ll answer any questions at no cost to you.

How I transformed the Thanksgiving holiday in less than 15 minutes.

My house mate Kimberly is a manifestation I created after a wonderful ordeal involving previous house mates. In January I’ll tell that story.

Kimberly’s arrival fulfilled many desires. I know though that all fulfilled desires contain within them seeds for more consciousness expansion. That usually looks like “negative” experiences, although they aren’t that. Indeed, what happened Thanksgiving morning was perfect.

My potato au gratin. Yum!

Excitement filled our little home the night before. We bought an enormous turkey, planned several decadent side dishes and even went in together on a new projector to watch Killing Eve and Uncle Frank, Amazon’s new feel-good holiday movie.

Settled in for the night, we anticipated a wonderful morning cooking food, listening to music and generally enjoying time together.

That’s not what happened, at first

I’m an early riser. Kimberly usually wakes later. I got up eager for our culinary adventure. But as I got things ready, I noticed she had made a bag of popcorn late last night. That meant, I realized, that she might not get up early enough.

Little did I know she had planned on joining me. She even set an alarm. But something went wrong. Little did I know how “going wrong” presents enormous gifts.

For hours I relished the morning, preparing our dishes. As turkey dressing time neared though, Kimberly’s absence loomed large. Where was she?

My veggie medley and the au gratin all ready to eat. Ignore the sponge on the range 😂

It was a passing thought at first. Then it turned into worry. Then it turned into resentment. Kimberly wasn’t meeting my expectations, expectations I thought we shared.

That’s not her purpose though

Kimberly need not meet my expectations. No one lives to meet my expectations. When I got that a while ago, I mostly stopped resenting people when they did their own thing.

Everyone comes into reality pursuing their fulfillment, whatever that looks like. The paradox is, when a person shows up in my reality, pursuing their fulfillment, I know now they aren’t real, objective people. Instead, they reflect back to me beliefs I hold in my Belief Constellation even while they pursue individual self-fulfillment.

Other people (as well as everything else in my reality) are physicalized versions of beliefs active in me. I tested this over several years. Improving my beliefs always changed people’s behavior, especially the way they treated me.

Today, people in my life are angels. They show me active beliefs in my Moment of Becoming on their way to becoming my tangible reality. Realities I want I welcome. Realities I don’t want I know I can do something about.

Our turkey cooking its patutti off. LOL

Here’s what that looks like

I knew from years of Positively Focused practice that resentment and worry had nothing to do with Kimberly. Instead they indicated beliefs active that drew into my now, an experience I preferred not having.

Realizing that I did something about it. First, I looked inside to see what thoughts/beliefs I activated. After all, I had enjoyed, up to that moment, being in the kitchen by myself, making all this food my way, without having to compromise anything about what I was doing. It was fun!

My exploration showed old beliefs I created as a kid active in my now. They were about my parents, my family and holidays with them. That’s when Kimberly offered an amazing opportunity. I could clean up those old beliefs and, simultaneously, clean up how I experienced my now, create better future experiences and transform the past too!

Once I got that I stopped preparing meals. I went to my room, set a 15 minute timer, then went into deliberate focus. In that focus I realized/remembered the following:

  • Kimberly is a manifestation. She is not real.
  • Kimberly is a manifestation of my entire Belief Constellation embodied in an apparition in my evolving now consciousness.
  • As such, constructively using realizations represents allows stronger connections with my Personal Trinity. Reacting any other way creates unwanted futures.
  • Kimberly’s choices are hers and those acts aren’t about me. But make them about me when I interpret them as such!

Such a wonderful gift.

Circumstances in life do this all day every day. People, objects, experiences all are physical representations of my ongoing beliefs.

For better or worse, most people don’t know this, so they interact with their reality as though it is separate, an objective reality apart from who they are, what they are and what they’re believing.

Even among those who know physical reality is a mirror of one’s internal reality, few know what to do with that information.

Those who don’t know struggle with all kinds of mental and emotional traumas, with few remedies other than iffy mental health therapies which often stretch over years and produce scant lasting results.

Rather than taking these wonderful gifts evidenced in people, places, objects and events, for granted, humans can use them for personal transformation. Done diligently, such transformation also transforms ordinary life into the Charmed Life I share with my clients.

Seeing Kimberly as a transformational opportunity also let’s her off the hook. She can be how she’s being and in the absence of me making her wrong, she becomes the angel she is, but only when I see her from my Inner Being perspective, my Broader Perspective which sees everything in reality as blessed, perfectly unfolding and beneficial to all the Universe.

Creating awesome from ordinary

The moment I tuned into my Inner Being, the discomfort, angst and resentment lifted. It was crazy how fast and complete it was! One moment it was there, the next POOF! Totally abscent.

What flowed in its place were thoughts about how wonderful this experience turned out to be, how good realizing that felt, and how remarkable I was as a deliberate creator creating this experience. I felt compelled to voice these thoughts:

  • Wow, I feel much better.
  • This is so much better than how I felt before.
  • Those old beliefs soothed in my awareness placed on more empowering thoughts.
  • I am having a good time creating a new reality with just my awareness.
  • I get that my reality is my creation, including other people in my reality.

Then I started thinking about the meal I’m preparing:

  • This meal is going to be really good!
  • The au gratin smells delicious!
  • So do the roasted veggies!
  • The stuffing is going to be good too!

Then came the extraordinary convergence of reality matching my new perspective: At that exact point in time, Kimberly came bounding down the stairs. I heard her walk into the kitchen from inside my basement space. Then she sent me a text:

Trippy! The very moment I tuned into these better-feeling thoughts, my experience of Kimberly shifted. A new reality showed up including a different Kimberly!

Nevertheless I wanted to amplify how good I felt. It felt so good. These thoughts flowed next…

  • That’s so cool what just happened.
  • I shifted my reality!
  • And my apparitions shifted too.
  • What I’m discovering is so accurate.
  • I love my Inner Being relationship!

I felt waaaay better by now.

In that moment I returned to my original bliss. I realized too my old beliefs transformed as well: I see them now as having created experiences long ago that, I was destined to shift, in my now, my current Thanksgiving; and in doing so transforming my past holiday experiences, my present one and all future ones.

I have wonderful new memories about the holidays. Memories made more powerful because they sprung from enlightened consciousness. I know thoughts born from enlightened consciousness are far more powerful than those born out of it.

I also now know that I’ve transformed past, present and future in one fell swoop. I know it because I feel it.

What does it feel like? It feels like Joyful invincibility.

How to find what’s lost, easily

Yesterday, while preparing for a walk, I thought about my fleece gloves. I have a lot of gloves, hats, scarves…I like bundling up when nature cools its jets come autumn time.

What I thought while pulling on still-damp, waterproof gloves I wore in the rain the day before was “The weather’s cooling, my fleece gloves would be perfect for a day like today.”

I had no idea where they were though. I knew they weren’t in the basket in which I keep my gloves. I reorganized my basket last month and didn’t see them.

The basket where I keep my winter bundling things.

After my walk I helped my landlord remove cushioning from under my bedroom’s jute floor covering. Removing the cushioning required lifting the bed and its under-bed slider drawer.

I carried the drawer to the living room by maneuvering around April, the landlord’s dog, who found her perfect seating spot…in the way.

Avoiding April required shifting the drawer in my hands so I could pass through the doorway and keep my eye on her. As I shifted, my fleece gloves spilled out. Fulfilled desire!

I know little manifestations indicate larger ones on the way

Creation happens easily and fast so long as I create the right way and do it resistance-free. Whether it’s a little manifestation, like discovering my gloves, or a big one, such as manifesting financial abundance, creation needn’t take a long time. But it does when my ask includes resistance or if I ask sloppily.

Thoughts like “I’ve lost my gloves”, or “I want my fleece gloves…but I don’t know where they are,” or “Where are my gloves?” say “I want to have an experience where I can’t find my gloves.” That’s sloppy asking.

Asking such questions creates lost-glove realities.

This happened with my house key recently. It’s funny because my Inner Being perceived a probable reality near me featuring my “lost” key. So it told me after my walk one day: “put your key back where you always put it”.

I’m practicing immediately following my impulses. This time I didn’t do that tho. 😂🙄🙁

Days later, I needed my key. I looked in its usual spot: nothing. “Where is my key?” That was my knee-jerk reaction, but it also instantly created its “real” counterpart.

I felt my Inner Being urge more deliberate thoughts, but too late: the probable future reality arrived, featuring my absent key.

I looked high and low. I checked every pants pocket, including the pants I wore the other day. I looked in the dirty clothes hamper, under the couch, in my drawers…I tried remembering when I had it last. Still…no key.

My next thought: “I can’t find my key!” clinched the creation. My key was lost. More accurate: I created a reality consistent with my persistent thoughts.

Funny thing is, I felt that momentum build, I “saw” the belief “I can’t find my key” in my Moment of Becoming drawing circumstances consistent with it. I even remembered my Inner Being telling me to put my key were I usually do.

It was trippy seeing that creation creating itself right out of my thoughts. I lost my house key because I declared it so. My landlord made a replacement.

Notice the difference in thinking

“The weather’s cooling, my fleece gloves would be perfect for a day like today” carries different energies than “Where is my key?”

The first feels like an affirmation. It leads to an outcome, a reality, wherein I wear my gloves. The question leads to an outcome where I’m looking for my key.

In less than 24 hours I had my gloves without trying to find them. In other words, with no effort. I still don’t have my (original) key. 🤷🏽‍♂️

My fleece gloves manifested in response to my gentle asking.

Creation feels both ways. Both illustrate how it works. The glove example and the key example show how effortless it is. So effortless, if feels like I’m not doing it. But I am!

Losing my key, in the context of receiving my gloves, offered fantastic lessons in fine-tuned, deliberate creation. I enjoy creating deliberately. I don’t like creating sloppily.

This is why I say there are no negative experiences in living a Charmed Life. Living Positively Focused, I see life through the eyes and mind of God. From there, all experiences are positive because they all create greater awareness.

I believe thinking and speaking in this subtle, refined way creates outstanding opportunity. It allows everything into my life through easy, flowing rhythms, it creates favorable circumstances where little things and big things both find their way to me.

I want more experiences like this, where I get what I want easily, not through effort, but because I speak it that way.

This Mindset Changes Worlds

I Hold it lightly.

The more I complain about the Present Moment while trying to change it, the more I energize what is, thereby keeping it in place. I give it more sticking power.

The same is true with trying to make something—presumably new and better than what is—happen.  The harder I try, the more I energize the absence of the change I want to see. “The absence of the change I want to see” is the Present Moment, the “what is now” which doesn’t include what I want.

So the harder I try, the more the Present Moment recreates itself in my next now, and the next, and the next.

So profound is this secret, it is core to all master-level pursuits:

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Auto racing: Indy car drivers are taught that if their car is out of control and they’re careening toward a wall, they should look in the direction they want to go, not the direction they’re going.  From an edmunds.com article on advanced driving [Bracket statements added for clarity]:

“Avoiding accidents: Racing drivers know that if a car spins out in front of them [what is], it’s best to keep looking at where you want to go [what one wants], not at the car in front of you or even in the direction in which the car is already going [that’s momentum]. When you look in the right direction [look at what you want], the car goes in the right direction, a reminder of the way in which vision [desire] and car control [manifestation] are inextricably intertwined.”

Master-level martial arts: Every master-level martial artist knows resisting an attackers attack energizes the attack, making it more effective. The more you redirect attacker-energy in your favor, i.e. not resisting the attack, but flowing with it, the more powerful you become. Nearly all martial arts emphasize mastering this skill.

Personal survival: Riptides are dangerous. What makes them doubly so is if you try to fight your way out of it once you get caught in one. Swim against the force pulling you out and you’ll likely drown from exhaustion. I love this description from the website Art of Manliness:

Don’t try to swim against the rip. Deaths that result from riptides aren’t caused by the current pulling someone under; instead, the person typically panics, starts trying to swim against the rip to get back to shore, becomes exhausted, and drowns. An 8-feet-per-second riptide is so strong that not even Michael Phelps, even when he had that amazing mustache, could swim against it. Don’t kick against the pricks. Swim parallel to the shore. Instead of swimming against the rip current, you want to swim perpendicular to it, in either direction. Rip currents are typically only 20-100 feet wide. Once you leave the rip, swim at an angle away from it towards the shore. Go with the flow. If you don’t have the swimming skills or energy to swim out of the rip, float on your back and go with the current. Just imagine you’re taking a spin on the Lazy River at the water park you went to as a kid. Once the rip current dissipates, you can do the parallel swim thing or try to signal to the lifeguard or someone else that you’re in need of help.

See that part about “go with the flow”?  Exactly.

So what does all this mean regarding creating my Charmed Life?  Good question.  And here’s where the secret waits patiently for discovery:  Hold it lightly, my friends.

Here’s how I do it:

  1. I pay no attention to the world around me if I feel resistance about it.  What is, is what’s becoming.  Focusing on what is only gives me more of that.  Instead, I pay attention to the world I prefer seeing.  When I do, I feel lighter, as I let go of stress I carry around being frustrated and angry about what I see on tv, read online or in print, or hear from well meaning friends.
  2. I Create in my mind what I would prefer to have that would replace what is. I don’t worry about details.  Instead I think about how that new world feels. Fun?  Pleasurable?  Interesting?  Adventurous?  Exciting?  Then I hold this feeling as long as I can as often as I can throughout the week.
  3. I hold lightly to those feelings, let them generate momentum.  I’m light and easy about all this.  I play around with the vision I created in the previous step.  I let go of any thoughts of “making it happen” or “doing something in the world” that will lead to this vision.  My holding onto this vision is more powerful than action because in the Moment of Becoming, what I want already has sufficient momentum to fulfill itself.
  4. I’m open to inspiration.  Successful with the above steps, I receive impulses that compel action.  I follow that.  See where it leads.
  5. I do less, play more.  I replace all that time I spend reading, talking, and thinking about what is with time spent having fun.  I follow my passions, pursue a fun hobby, develop a new skill, meet new people, go out on walks—whatever is fun.  These periods allow my mind and the Universe to collaborate, to create opportunities for me to discover pathways to the world I envisioned in step two.

These five steps contain the power of creation.  In a little time I found not only pathways leading me to opportunities, people, events, and ideas that support creating the world I want to see, my life now is more fun, easier and lighter.

When all is said and done, what I want is that last part. I want my life to be fun, easy and light.  Truth is, I can have that now, without anything changing in the world around me.  But it is oh so much fun creating new realities, then seeing them come true.