How “Wishful Thinking” Actually Creates Results People Love

(Photo by Dayne Topkin and Mohamed B. on Unsplash)

TL;DR: The author offers another example of a client proving to himself that “wishful thinking” actually works.

I recently started a short series of stories – testimonials really – of how clients used “wishful thinking” to create magnificent manifestations. I’m using the term “wishful thinking” because that’s how people describe this “you create your reality business” when they have no clue about it; how it works, why it works or why EVERYTHING in physical reality happens through that seemingly simple phrase.

Those who know that this “business” is the basis of the Universe call it something other than “wishful thinking”. Abraham calls it “Law of Attraction”. Seth says “you create your reality”. Neville Campbell says “reality springs from your wonderful imagination”.

How ever those who know describe it, it’s inevitable, meaning, there’s no way to avoid the accuracy of these statements. That’s because it IS how the Universe works. And those who tap into that awareness become powerful creators; while the rest of us bump around creating reality unconsciously. That explains why so much suffering and tragedy exists in the world today.

In the last post I talked about “Kevin”, a comedian now living his dream. This time, let’s look at a client “Jake”, and his example.

It’s not magic

Now Jake’s story will be different from Kevin’s because Jake’s experience shows an important aspect of this “you create your reality” business. It shows that even when one creates their reality deliberately, it’s not magic.

In other words, things don’t just instantly pop into reality as though reality manifests on a blank slate. No, we all instantly begin creating the moment we’re born – well before that actually – and as we do that, our reality springs into our awareness. When that happens, we all tend to focus on that physical manifestation, which then amplifies and makes it more “real”. Momentum ensues and soon, to us, it seems reality comes first, then we say that reality is “how it is”. And that reinforces realities we see, thus creating more of what we’re observing.

It’s no wonder then why we begin thinking or believing what we see is “true”. But it’s not “true”. It’s just what’s been created. When we want to create something new, however, we must first sooth away the prior momentum that’s creating our “how it is”. Because of this, it can take some time before our new reality emerges from our “how it is” — our past creations — which we interpret as present reality.

So we must be patient with our new manifestations. Or, we can look for evidence of their emergence where evidence first exists. That’s right, evidence our new manifestations are happening shows up immediately. But we must know where to look to see that evidence.

Most don’t know where to look so they don’t see it. Then they conclude this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. But it does work. Every time.

“Wishful thinking” works. But only if you know how it works (Photo by Dayne Topkin)

Our beliefs create our world

Like Kevin, Jake is an artist. Jake is multi-disciplinary though. He writes novels and short stories. He composes music and also performs on piano too.

But Jake, like Kevin, also harbored extreme negative beliefs about his life, mostly stemming from his childhood. I cannot over state how negative his beliefs were. Those early-stage beliefs, again, reflected back to him in a unique-to-Jake way: Jake could never get people to take his artistic expression seriously. Every time he would put out something – music or words – he’d get crickets in return.

He also struggled to keep a job and therefore a steady income. And his relationship with women was poor…at best.

In time, his frustration about all this and more tumbled into blame. He blamed everything, not only about his life, but about the world itself, primarily on capitalism and how, in his words, it forces people to earn a living thereby giving no one a chance to express their authentic, artistic selves. Nevermind that there are literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people doing that worldwide, with many of those people earning quite good incomes! Especially in capitalism.

But that’s the thing about being human. We can’t experience a world outside our beliefs, beliefs that create the world we experience. Our beliefs literally blind us to experiences not fitting our beliefs. So Jake couldn’t see evidence proving his beliefs as not-necessarily-true.

Frustration turns to bitterness

So when Jake first came to me almost five years ago, he was in a strong, bitter, blaming state. His marriage was ending. He was having an affair and he was broke.

None of those are impediments to the Universe giving us what we want, however. In a short time, after lining up with our Broader Perspective, we can turn even the most dire circumstances around. That’s what Jake did.

Again, it took him a while. That’s because Jake, like many people, for a long time used “doing” and trying to “make it happen” to get “success”. He believed “doing” was what would bring him what he wants. That doesn’t work though, when our beliefs run counter to what we want. In other words, doing isn’t powerful enough to overcome beliefs drawing to us what we believe. And if we believe we aren’t worthy enough to deserve what we want, no amount of doing will give that to us.

That’s why so many people, especially many artists, don’t succeed. It’s not because their art isn’t good or that there are a lot of other artists or that they don’t have the right connections.

They don’t succeed because they don’t believe they deserve success. In other words they feel unworthy, like many, many people. The right connections and the people who will appreciate one’s art come easily when we line up with the success that already is ours. We “line up” by seeing our lives the way our Broader Perspectives do. That’s what Jake learned over those five years.

Now, mind you, Jake is over 63. So he’d been practicing disempowering beliefs around his art for five plus decades. Compartively, five years is no time at all. And it took that little time for him to create what happened next.

The turnaround begins

After giving up doing and instead focusing on being aligned with his Broader Perspective, Jake gradually let go of trying to “make it happen”. He stopped trying to make people or demand that people appreciate his artistic expression. Jake gave up trying to find a publisher for his books too, as well as trying to find someone who would play his compositions.

In giving all that up, Jake allowed the Universe to do all that work. He relaxed into enjoying his creative expression for the sake of the expression rather than seeing it as the path to financial fortune. As he did that, his creative juices flowed and his output increased dramatically.

Doing that also got Jake out of the way. That’s when he started seeing signs the Universe was on his side, which it always was.

One day, the local newspaper called Jake. The reporter wanted to do an article on a composition he was going to perform at a concert in town. To Jake this came “out of the blue”. But this small form of notoriety resulted from Jake soothing his negative momentum.

But wait, there’s more!

Instead of just reporting on the concert, the reporter did a complete story about Jake…and all the creative things he’s up to including his books. Jake had never had that kind of publicity.

But then it got even better.

About a month later, a music teacher at the local college reached out to tell Jake he was teaching one of Jake’s scores in his class. Jake doesn’t remember how the teacher got the music piece. He called me one day in his car outside the college. Jake was taking a break from hearing the practice. Weeks later, the class performed the piece in concert:

“Jake’s” piece performed.

Tides turning?

The orchestra also played several pieces from other local composers, but members of the audience told Jake they liked his best. Of course, Jake was over the moon. But this is just what happens when people relax and line up with their Broader Perspective. More and more of what they want comes, in effortless, delightful and surprising ways. Then even more stuff starts happening.

And that’s exactly what happened with Jake. That’s when the really big thing happened. Or at least it seemed that way.

Jake has paid hundreds of dollars in trying to get his writing published. Many unscrupulous purveyors of publishing scams have taken his money as a result. That’s just what happens when our beliefs tell us the world is unfair: we create those experiences as reflections of our thoughts.

These things happen so we can see what we’re creating, then use those as vibrational, navigational aids to chart a better-feeling course. By this time, Jake had given up on trying to make his writing successful. Months passed without him mentioning trying to get publicity for his work, which I presumed meant he wasn’t doing anything about his writing other than enjoying writing.

Then, again, seemingly out of the blue, Jake got an email.

The email was from a literary agency. It begins with “[We] would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on receiving a commendation for your book [title of one of Jake’s books] from our Book Scouts.” It goes on to explain how the agency works and inviting Jake to a conversation about the agency representing his literary work. Best of all, the email explains the agency is a commission-based firm.

It is law

For Jake’s that was big. That’s because in all his attempts at doing or trying to make it happen, he believed he always had to pay people to represent him. I knew this is not the standard way agents work. Real agents take a commission on jobs they land for those they represent. But Jake’s beliefs didn’t allow him to rendezvous with such agents. Why? Because he didn’t believe he deserved such representation. He has a LOT of momentum behind that belief.

Jake expressing shock that it’s really happening with no effort on his part.

Notice he didn’t have to “work” at “deserving representation”, nor do ANY of us need to work at deserving what we desire. The moment we desire something IT’S OURS.


What we do have to do, however, is line up with the receiving of our desire. How? By relaxing, enjoying life the best we can and appreciating what is. Then, in time, we must receive that which we desire. As Abraham says: “It’s Law”.

The agent email came early last week [at the time of writing this]. Later in the week something happened that shows an important element of this “you create your reality business.” Let’s take a look at that because it causes many people to miss out on the full-blown manifestation of their desire.

A temporary “SNAFU”

The agent set a phone appointment that same week. As the day approached, Jake was excited. I didn’t hear from him until after the day of the call. Here’s what he wrote:

Notice a couple things about this message. The phone service going down on this exact day was no coincidence. His dominant existing momentum of beliefs and his still strong sense of unworthiness about his creative expression caused the phone service to go down. This was a crucial moment. A moment for Jake to double-down on the joy of rendezvousing with an agent. It was not the time to get all poopy about this seeming communication mishap. That’s because it’s not a communication mishap. It’s an opportunity to double-down on what he wants!

Notice also the doubt he expresses about this being real or not. This also is his dominant belief, stemming from so many times where he got scammed. It’s also key to what happened next. So this is how I replied. It’s a gentle admonishment that landed as I intended:

Thankfully, Jake trusts what I offer, which he should after five years! Here’s his response, wherein he comes up with better-feeling explanations for the disconnect:

As you read, they’ve rescheduled.

Due diligence uncovers something important.

In the next week, more happened showing Jake exactly where he is relative to his desires and his creations. The agent and Jake talked live via phone call. But something bothered Jake. Something, he said, wasn’t right.

So he started doing, in his words, “my due diligence”. He looked into details of the company, the website and the agency location. What he found wasn’t encouraging. Many of the links on the website went nowhere. The company wasn’t listed (by that name) on any New York registries.

Then, in a follow-up conversation, the agent stipulated that Jake would need to pay a large sum of money as a retainer to move forward. By then Jake had a strong sense this wasn’t what it appeared to be.

But his response was excellent. He recognized that his beliefs, expressed in the text above, that this wasn’t real, pointed to something he wanted to know. Not that this was not a real deal, but that his dominant beliefs remain on “I’m not worthy of getting what I want”.

When Jake realized this, he wasn’t disappointed. In fact, he was proud of how positive he was about all this. “In the past something like this would have sent me into a rage,” he said. “But I’m feeling pretty good that I did my due diligence.”

Indeed, all successful people have, as a part of their professional tool box, the ability to do their due diligence. This wasn’t a set back. It was an opportunity for Jake to develop important skills, so when the real offer comes, he’ll be able to appreciate it.

But most important, Jake is continuing to soothe his disbelief. And in the wake of that soothing, he’s discovering a gradual, steady stream of manifestations, manifestations he’s been wanting for a while.

It comes gradually

Jake’s story is not an isolated incident. All my clients are discovering they are blessed, that the Universe showers them with reflections of what they emanate, and that getting what they want is easy. All they need to do is align their “emanation” – their vibration – with what they’re wanting instead of what they’re not.

When they do that, gradually, life tunes to that new emanation. Then their experience of life gradually includes everything they want. It doesn’t come all at once. That would be overwhelming. Instead, it happens in a wonderful cadence, one in which we can revel, savor and enjoy the unfolding.

I wrote before about Kevin’s wonderful coming into his comedic dream. Jake’s trajectory is no different. Both are long-term clients who started with really strong, super-negative belief momentum. And in a relatively short time, they both are now living their creative dreams.

I still have two more stories to tell. But they must wait for the next installment!

“Truth” Enslaves All People, But Slavery Can Feel Like Joy

Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that “truths” people limit human potential. Then the author offers a way out of those limitations: by seeing “truth” in a whole new way.

“Truth enslaves people…” That’s a provocative headline. It’s not click bait though. Instead, it is a representation of what underlies human experience. That representation explains why churn often characterizes human civilization, especially in the realm of politics and culture. “Truth” creates many of our problems, in other words.

For example, it’s “true” that what other people think of us matters. That statement is true for nearly every human. So is the “truth” that “other people’s opinion matters because we must all get along”.

But both statements, while true, also cause a lot of suffering. Especially for people who come into the world expressly intending to march to the beat of their own drum. Like transgender people, for example. And here’s the thing: every human comes for that purpose.

But if we believe other people’s opinion of us matters, and we’re not expressing ourselves in ways others accept, then we’re in trouble. We feel bad about ourselves. We second guess who we are. Worry becomes our go-to emotion, then anxiety and insecurity. Before we know it, we’re bound by truths we cannot seem to escape and our lives become severely limited.

Today, let’s look at “truth”, unpack it, understand it and therefore find libration, joy and freedom from it instead of enslavement, anxiety and insecurity. Every person reading this has the ability to free themselves from all negative emotion and unhappy experiences. But to do so they must first find liberation from “truth”.

Let’s dive in.

How I know this is for real

For those people new to my writings, I’m queer and trans-attracted and a person of color. Over the last ten years or more I’ve found the liberation I described above. I’ve helped a lot of people find that too, including people like me. So I know what I’m talking about and I have the results to prove it.

The most powerful results, however, are those we create for ourselves. No amount of words can convince as powerfully as evidence we create for ourselves proving that this “you create your reality” business is real. A new client’s experience shows this.

This client is a Chief Technology Officer of a major multinational manufacturer. As you can imagine, he’s serious, realistic, believes in science and, therefore, is not at all into “woo”. He reminds me of some decrying what I offer as “circular logic” and “new age mumbo jumbo”. Like them, he was ignorant about what I offer.

His wife, however, is into “woo” and became a client almost a year ago. Since then, changes in her way of being were so profound, the husband/CTO thought she had joined a cult. So he went to the source – me – to get some answers.

What he learned in that one call was enough for him to become a client. Once I answered his questions, which showed beyond doubt that what I offer is not a cult, he had to acknowledge evidence his wife is producing was impressive. So much so he wanted his version of her results.

A startling, life-changing experience

Thirty weeks after that call, the CTO had what he called a “startling” experience. Someone poking him on the shoulder one night roused him from sleep. But when he woke, no one was there. He looked around the darkened room and saw no one (he and his wife sleep in separate rooms). So he went back to sleep.

Before drifting off, however, he heard, in his words, “as clear as if someone were right beside [him]” a woman say “Jason, wake up!”. He sat bolt upright in his bed, turned on the lights and walked the entire second floor of his home. He knew it wasn’t his wife calling because, he said, the voice was not hers.

Eventually he did return to sleep. But the whole experience unnerved him. He had never had such an experience before. Yet it was so real. Of course, it absolutely was a real “occult” experience.

Today, this client is as committed to this practice as his wife. In part because of this “occult” experience, but also because, in the 30 weeks since he started, he’s produced a tremendous amount of more prosaic, practical evidence proving this “you create your reality” business works.

So if you say this is “new age mumbo jumbo”, and you haven’t tested it yourself, under the tutelage of someone who knows what they’re doing, then you literally have NO IDEA what you’re talking about.

Which brings me right back to the point of this story.

I’m literally writing this post at a local park…at 9:38 am on a Thursday. I can do this because I know this “You create your reality” business works. It has enabled me to create income without a job. Where’s your evidence proving it doesn’t work? Oh, right. You don’t have any.

Truth: it’s enslavement, not freedom

The “truth” will not set you free, as the saying claims. Instead, if you align to a “truth” that doesn’t serve you, then “truth” will enslave you.

That’s right. There are many truths, not just one. There are as many truths as there are points of consciousness, making “truth” as diverse as the rest of All That Is.

For example, every Far Right Christian Nationalist who believes the world is against them experiences the enslavement I described above. So do all liberals who think Far Right Christian Nationalists are trying to turn their country into a dictatorship. Every Republican who believes the world is going wrong is equally enslaved. All these groups are enslaved to nearly the same truth, generalized by the statement “What other people think is important” and “they must think like I do.”

Like actual enslavement, getting out of truth’s enslavement isn’t easy. But it’s so worth doing! In doing so one literally can choose ANY truth. After all, ALL TRUTHS ENSLAVE. So it makes sense to pick ones whose enslavement serves us.

To better understand this, let’s look closely at what “truth” actually is. We’ll do that in the next section.

So what is truth?

It starts with vibration

Let’s use physics to figure that out. We’re not going to use science’s version of physics though. That will tell us nothing. Instead, let’s use the physics of spirituality.

I know, some readers will balk at this. But the problem is, science is based on the “truth” that an objective physical reality exists separate from us and is thus objectively observable by us, which is why science itself is enslaved, like many humans, in the bogus truth limiting all science seeks to understand. So let’s instead use the unlimited nature of spiritual physics, which is based on how the Universe actually works.

All “truth” begins as an idea. An idea is a thought. All thought is vibration. This should be obvious to everyone, so I won’t spend a lot of words trying to flesh that out. If you want to flesh it out, let’s do so in the comments.

What differentiates a thought that is “true” from one that is something other than that is the amount of attention points of consciousness give to the thought. Points of consciousness, of course, include more than human consciousness, but let’s just focus on the human type for now.

Human consciousness is purposefully very powerful. It’s also the source of nearly all our truths. Including many, many limiting ones.

The more attention we give to any thought, the more “true” it will become. That’s because giving attention to a thought adds manifesting momentum to that thought. That thought, plus the momentum, evolves that thought into further forward manifestation, until that manifestation becomes observably physical. When that happens, humans call that thought “true”.

So that’s how “truths” become so. And when truths become so, they impose limits on what’s possible. But only for those believing the truth.

A 4-minute mile? Impossible!

For example. Prior to 1954 very few humans thought it possible to run a mile in less than four minutes, even though many had done it “unofficially”. By “unofficially”, I mean the cis-white-het hegemony wouldn’t acknowledge those who had done it before, including a Pawnee called Big Hawk Chief who did so as early as 1876.

Indeed, one bastion of the cis-het world, The Harvard Business Review, tells the story of the 4-minute-mile “barrier” as a daunting limit…until it was surpassed, “for the first time” by white guy Roger Bannister in 1954. Indeed, the author describes how “experts” thought they knew the “truth”. Their collective opinions — their attention on the “truth” that the 4-minute mile threshold was indeed insurmountable — said that truth could only be breached under the right circumstances (another truth), circumstances prescribed by the very same experts:

“The experts believed they knew the precise conditions under which the mark would fall. It would have to be in perfect weather — 68 degrees and no wind. On a particular kind of track — hard, dry clay — and in front of a huge, boisterous crowd urging the runner on to his best-ever performance.”

Never mind that Big Hawk Chief had none of that. Nor did several others claimed to have ran faster miles before. Even Bannister’s accomplishment happened in conditions other than those experts prescribed.

The point is, “truth” is literally in the eye of the consciousness thinking the thought. And the more attention brought to that thought, the more true…and limiting…that truth will be.

“Truths” establish limits within which we live.

So pick truths that serve

And once that “truth” becomes true or observably physical, it’s exceedingly hard for those believing it to accept another idea. You can test this by trying to convince any MAGA enthusiast that “MAGA” is bullshit. For such people “MAGA” is true.

The North Carolinian who took an assault rifle to a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. was convinced the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory was true. So true, he saw himself as a hero attempting to save children suffering under a criminal pedophilia ring. That “truth”, that thought became his reality. It enslaved him. So much so, he took action. Action that could have resulted in many deaths.

Every school shooter is enslaved by truth. So is every freedom fighter. We’re all enslaved by truths. The question then, is, what truth are we allowing to enslave us?

Which brings me to you, dear reader. What truth we allow to enslave us will either feel like bondage or liberation. It will make us feel fear and insecurity, or joyful freedom. We therefore must choose our truths with discernment.

We can’t be free of truth. That’s the paradox. We can only choose truths that make us free. Truths that serve us in other words.

Abraham laying it out plain.

Feeling bad is a sign

That sounds like circular logic, but many statements in the realm of spiritual physics sound that way because that’s how All That Is is. All That Is is self-referential!

You are a point of consciousness, here to express your unique perspective and in doing so create more of All That Is. You do that through creating truths: you attract vibrations resonant with what you are. Those vibrations become thoughts to you, which, when you put your attention/focus on them, you cause those thoughts to evolve into things, i.e. physical reality.

But if/when we accept other people’s opinions, which are their truths, not ours, then we become enslaved in those truths. We know when that happens because when it does we always feel bad.

That’s because we’re not here to enslave ourselves to others’ opinions, we’re here to create our own reality, one aligned with our truths. And in doing that, paradoxically, we give room for others to do the same. And when they take that room, the world and All That Is expands.

So suffering and struggle and worry and such are purposeful. They show us where we’re doing something we shouldn’t be doing. Something that doesn’t serve us. What we should do when that suffering happens, is look at what truth we’ve aligned with and give it up…in favor of our own.

How we do that is a subject I write about every week.

We not different

Now, I get how hard this can be. After all, we’re all needing money. We need housing, medical care. We all live in a nation of laws. Most of us believe money comes from jobs and to get one of those, we must please other people. But, believe it or not, all of that meta stuff is subject to our truths!

I’m queer and trans-attracted and a POC. I live in a nation of laws. Like you I require certain things. But all those things come to me with ease. I don’t have a job anymore and yet money comes to me in a fun, life-expanding way. I’m no different from you. IOW, you can create for yourself your version of what I enjoy. It’s not easy, at first, but you CAN do it.

If you ask me, it’s a way better life. And it’s a life that is in your best interest. Because when you create it, all your interests will be served with no effort on your part. My clients are discovering this. Including that CTO.

All That Is wants you to live your truths. That’s why when you live others’ truths you suffer. Suffering doesn’t have to feel like physical pain. It can feel like anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity and even anger or rage. None of those emotions feel good, which is why people use alcohol, weed, tobacco and other methods to soothe those feelings.

But appreciation, empowerment, hopefulness, joy and happiness do feel good. Very good. And when a person realizes and aligns with their truths, not others’, especially other people’s truths about money, religion and culture, then their life reflects all those positive emotions and then some. Their life also includes everything that person wants.

If you ask me, there’s no better life than that.

This Is How “Wishful Thinking” Really Works

Photo by Michel Grolet on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that the concept of “wishful thinking” is the basis of how the Universe works. They give an example of a client’s experience, someone who once considered killing themselves, but now is living a life they love. The author then suggests readers reconsider what they think “wishful thinking” is.

A lot of people call what I teach “wishful thinking”. They’re not being complimentary when they call it that.

I take it as a compliment though. I know “wishful thinking” works. When people use that phrase, they don’t really know what they’re talking about. Usually that’s because such people have never tried out this “You create your reality” business. Or, they have, but sabotaged the test. So they think this “business” doesn’t work.

But it does work 100 percent of the time. That’s why I’m stoked this week. I’m stoked because my clients are stoked. So many produced amazing (to them) manifestations showing them they create their realities. As a result all are amazed their “wishful thinking” produced exactly what they wished for.

Of course, I’m not amazed. This is just how the Universe works for each and every one of us.

But to see it working that way, we must believe that’s what’s happening. Otherwise we get what we see. That’s why “I believe it when I see it” cuts so many people off from a wonderful life. Being realistic, being serious, growing up and being an adult creates sucky lives. It’s better to “see it because I believe it”, like a child does. Then, we open the door and all we wish for flows into our lives.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful things clients produced this week and why I’m so stoked with their results. In this first of several posts, I’ll share Kevin’s story and how he went from wanting to kill himself to living his dreams.

Curmudgeon creates suck

Interestingly, all but one of these clients are long-timers. Two are going on their fourth year as clients. The third is on her second year. What’s also interesting is, the long-timers both started with extremely negative world-views. As a result, they had extremely negative lives.

And that’s just how it works. We can’t enjoy happy lives while being a curmudgeon about life. Negative beliefs about life create corresponding life experiences. The negativity needn’t be that strong either. Pessimism about life in general or a vague sense of annoyance about life or things in it – people, our political leaders, the climate – will give us lives that suck.

Of course, for most people that sucky life will just feel normal. That’s because such people grow accustomed to such a life. They don’t realize life is supposed to be fun and joyful, with everything we’re wanting happening in our lives all the time. Instead, they come to expect that things going wrong sometimes, is just normal. It’s not.

And, the longer we hold to that idea, the more momentum that focus gains. It’s no wonder then that many in old age face debilitating diseases and chronic pains. These aren’t the result of old age. They are the result of a long time suffering negative world views. I’m preparing a whole separate blog about the connection between thoughts and physical illnesses, a connection which science is [finally] acknowledging exists. Illness doesn’t come from no where. Our thoughts create them. Just like they create everything else we experience.

It’s not magic

Changing those negative world views and their corresponding momentum requires persistence and commitment. Creating our reality isn’t magic. We don’t go from unsatisfying life to joyful life in an instant. We first must soothe that negative momentum created from years of persistent negative thinking and believing. The good news is, soothing that old momentum doesn’t take as long as it took to create it. Forty or fifty years of chronic negative thinking can turn around quickly. But it doesn’t happen overnight. As I said, this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic.

That’s what these advanced clients are finding. And though it’s not magic, results they’re getting sure seem magical. It seems that way because none of these clients did ANYTHING in the world of action to create what you’re about to read. Instead, the Universe did it all for them. It did that as an expression of how worthy each of these clients are.

You are just as worthy. And since the Universe has unlimited creative capacity, you can enjoy any life you want. All that’s required is you lining up with it. Just like these clients did.

Now let’s take a look at the first client’s experience.

From suicide to stage

The first client I’m going to call Kevin. Kevin’s been a client more than four years. About three years in, he let his ego get the best of him and quit the practice in anger. He thought he could do the practice better without a guide. And while some can, most people cannot. Which explains why so many who try to prove to themselves this practice doesn’t work, get that result. Guidance from someone who knows how the practice works is essential.

(Above) “Kevin” realizing having guidance is essential. (Below) Kevin reacting to a session we had shortly after his return. This practice is powerful. It puts us in the driver’s seat of our lives better than anything I know.

When he first came to me, he struggled with suicidal ideation. That came from interpreting his childhood experiences in really negative ways, ways that had him hating himself. That caused all kinds of follow-on life experiences which reflected back to him his self-loathing. So much so, Kevin wanted to end it all.

But Kevin also came into the world to express leading edge human experience. His particular expression is on-stage performance. As an early-stage emerging comedian, he feels alive and invigorated. But his disempowering beliefs about his past and his doubling-down on negative interpretations of the follow-on life experiences had him instead indulging in drinking, whoring, pornography and angrily confronting and blaming friends and family until he found himself pretty much alone.

All the while he never developed a comedy routine.

Kevin’s destiny is being on stage. But first he had to create a better life-experience, which means thinking better-feeling thoughts. (Photo by Felix Mooneeram on Unsplash)

Transformed right before my eyes

All that started changing in the first part of our time to gather. But in the second half, Kevin was really ready. Changes came quite quick. Before long, my Broader Perspective told me he was ready to get on stage as a comedian for the first time. A little encouragement from me had him start preparing a five minute routine.

Some false starts ensued as his old negative momentum asserted itself. That happening is just part of the path. Old momentum asserting itself can act as booster rockets propelling us toward our desire. Most people don’t understand this though, so when old momentum asserts itself, most people will double-down on that, thus creating futures consistent with that old momentum.

For example, Kevin worried what people would think about his comedy. He worried about his mother’s criticism of him being a comedian. She told him he should stop dreaming and get a real job. These worries had Kevin doubt his path and believe his mother, which made him feel like shit, because he’s not meant to work a “real job”. With some help, Kevin figured this out.

So instead of collapsing into his old momentum and giving up on his dream, Kevin leaned in to his dream. By our next session, he read me a two minute version and….OMG…it was spectacular! It was funny, insightful, and relevant. Most of all it was hilarious. But what was really remarkable was how Kevin’s demeanor shifted as he read the routine. He became a totally different person! He was invigorated, excited, animated. His confidence poured out of him. After reading the routine, he couldn’t stand still. He paced around his apartment full of himself.

This is exactly what it feels like being in tune with our Broader Perspective. We are literally so full of ourselves, sitting still is impossible. We want to move, express, revel and bask. That’s what Kevin did the rest of our session.

Everything is possible for everyone

In the days that followed, Kevin sent me texts about how high-flying he was. It was a remarkable shift between how he expressed himself before. Instead of spending hours at the bar or watching porn as he used to, Kevin literally poured himself into his comedy routine, extending it to five minutes. The more he worked on it, the more confident he got. Here are some texts offering progress reports:

Kevin raving about his routine.

Kevin is for sure on the path to his deepest desire. And his artistic expression shows it. But even more evident is how he’s feeling. There’s nothing better than the feeling of joy and empowerment. They are the pinnacle of what’s possible for humans. From there, everything is possible.

I’m stoked at what Kevin has done. He’s literally gone from wanting to kill himself, to now being eager to get on stage and deliver his routine. I know he’s going to knock them dead…figuratively speaking of course!

Remember, none of this is special. Kevin’s experience can be anyone’s. It is everyone’s experience, even for those wanting to kill themselves. That’s because the Universe is ALWAYS reflecting back to us what we’re creating. And it’s “wishful thinking” that gets that ball rolling.

“Wishful thinking” is justice

A reader of my stories once said this “you create your reality” business is totally unjust. They couldn’t understand how people could experience such pain and struggle she sees around her as their created reality. I told her nothing is more just than getting exactly what you’re emanating. And when one tunes their emanations such that they match their desires, they get lives full of that — their desires. Nothing can be more just than that.

People just need to realize they’re at the center of their lives, creating it as they go along, either by default or deliberately. Most are doing it by default. But everyone can do it deliberately.

Next week, we’ll look at another awesome story of another client, this one also an artist, who used “wishful thinking” in a way that the Universe delighted them.

In the meantime consider rethinking what “wishful thinking” is for you. Doing so could create a life for you that you once thought impossible.

Because everything is possible for every one of us. Including you.

The Election Is Almost Here. What Results Do People Want?

TL;DR: The author suggests people can get everything they want, including their desired US president, but only if they’re positive in their thoughts and beliefs. They assert that one person can change the shape of history when that person aligns with positive energy. They then urge people to align themselves with their positive desires at this important time in US history.

We’re coming to an important moment in the United States. Some say it’s a battle between good and evil. It’s not that, but it is important to know what’s happening. And it’s important to know how to get what we want.

As our election looms before us, empowerment and joy are critical. That’s because those two emotions tell us we’re lined up with what we’re wanting. Empowerment and joy, consistently held, will allow us to experience only that which we’re wanting and none of what we don’t.

Which explains why those not in empowerment and joy experience more of what they’re NOT wanting. This is the case on both sides of the political aisle. Republicans aren’t the only ones focusing mostly on what they don’t want. Some democrats are doing it too.

But the change happening is happening, not because of those who focus on what they don’t want. It’s happening because of those small numbers focused on what they do want.

Let’s look more at what I mean.

Retribution is off track

The numbers of those focused on what they do want are small. That doesn’t matter though, because it only takes one. But when more are aligned, nothing can stop their influence.

That explains why republicans must resort to all kinds of negative attacks and dirty tricks. There’s no power in negativity because there’s no Source of that. Just as there’s no Source of evil. Evil and negativity come from squeezing off the flow of pure positivity we all are. When a person turns away from their pure positivity, they first feel negative emotion. That’s what emotions are for: to help us navigate vibrational reality.

If they don’t get the emotional clue though, People will manifest evidence showing them where they’re going. They’ll experience events in reality consistent with their negative thought, belief and emotion. When they focus long on those thoughts, beliefs and emotions, thereby doubling down on them, they amplify their focus. So they experience even more evidence consistent with their focus.

It only takes one person tuned in to the power of All That Is to shape the course of history. But more than one all aligned are unstoppable.

That includes drawing to them people reflecting back to them who they’re being vibrationally. Which explains why so many people are rallying around Trump. It’s not that Trump and his legion are evil. It’s that they all resonate with one another. They resonate in a strong stream of disconnection. And almost all of them feel anger, fear, insecurity and disempowerment. No wonder they revel in the idea of retribution. Retribution is a sign one is really off track from their positive Source.

Stay out of that

Again, democrats are doing it too. But not to the degree republicans are. That’s partly why the shift that happened earlier this summer happened. It helps that people like me focused that shift into our experience.

Which brings me to the point of this story. We can all have everything we want. Including our choice for who sits in the White House. But to have that, we must line up with the Source from which such events unfold. If we’re wanting our presidential hopeful in the White House, but we’re predominantly focused on the “evil” of the other side, and the other side is aligning with what they want, and have a powerful, positive representation of that, we’re not going to get what we want.

So this election cycle, it’s important to push everyone else out of our equation. Let people have their opinions and ideas. Let them attack others. And let’s stay out of that.

By tuning other people out of your experience and letting them have theirs everything you want happens seemingly effortlessly. Including getting the president you want.

These days, I’m pruning my social media feeds. I once thought it important to have a balanced representation of ideas in my social media. But now I get how important my focus is. And I get how important my vibration is. My vibration literally is the source of my reality-experience. I want that experience to reflect the best of what I desire. So that means focusing even more purely. Especially in the times we’re in.

Are you a match?

The real question is: what is it you want and what are you vibrating from? Do those two things match? I’m discovering that as good as my focus has been, it can get better. So I’m focusing even more on what I’m wanting, so that what I’m vibrating from and what I want are a match.

So far, I think I’m doing great. The specifics of my life, which are late-stage indicators of my vibrational focus, are constantly improving. Life is getting better and better. And my dream experiences too are vastly improving.

But most important, I feel that joy and empowerment; the early-stage indicators that I’m on track to everything I want.

Life is getting better for us all. Can you see it? Are your desires and what you’re vibrating from a match? I can say, without a doubt; hell yes!

Why Positivity Matters So Much In Today’s World

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author submits this petition asking that readers purposefully choose the future they’re creating rather than creating the future by default. They explain how this can happen, then encourage all readers to join them in creating the optimal outcome for all of humanity.

It’s important at this time in society’s unfolding, to hold a gentle, nonchalant even, intention about what we, as individuals, want — what we want in a society, what we want in our countries, what we want from leaders.

Maybe you’ve noticed a rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism worldwide. A certain timing is happening in which we are subjecting ourselves to greater levels of “contrast”. People not tuned into the Positively Focused Way would call this contrast “a lot of bad shit happening”. 

And yet, all this contrast is good. It prompts us to create futures in the probable future reality-scape containing all that we want and none of what we don’t.

For such futures to become our now, however, we must line up with them. Otherwise, those ideal futures remain in the future probable reality-scape, awaiting points of consciousness that will allow it into their reality. This explains why “improvement” generally takes so long.

Why positive change takes so long

Most people can identify what they want. But they’re more practiced at knowing what they don’t want. In knowing what they don’t want, they’ll also identify what they do want, even if they’re not aware of it.

But most people will keep their attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they draw more of that — what they don’t want –– into their experience. Then they look at the newest iteration, and amplify more that they don’t want it, which then creates even more unwanted.

In other words, by keeping their attention on what they don’t want, they align with and allow or create more of that in the probable future reality-scape, which then, because they’re aligned with that through their attention, becomes more of their current reality.

Nearly everyone does this. 

Meanwhile, a lot of “good” or “wanted” remains in nonphysical waiting for us. Usually all that “good” shows up. But often that’s long after those who put it those things in nonphysical pass away.

Deja Vu all over again. It happened in 2020…it’s happening again this year. (Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash)

One person can change the tide

Take today’s politics for example. A lot of people are focusing on what they don’t want. They don’t want senile, old Joe running, for example. Or people don’t want Trump, or any republican, as president.

The problem with focusing on those unwanted things is exactly as I said above: doing so creates probable future realities wherein those things do happen. Again, keeping attention on the unwanted outcome, those doing that put more of that in the probably future reality-scape. Continued attention increases the probability that those unwanted outcomes will become their reality. They become our reality too. Especially if we’re not purposeful in our own focus.

But it only takes one person doing it differently to change the tide. Which is why I’m offering this petition. I’m one of those people. I’m focused on allowing my desire, purposefully. I invite everyone reading this to do the same.

One of my clients who is learning what you’re reading asked what happens if two people want opposite things. Abraham answered this before. Here’s what they said:

How the universe delivers on all desires. Even those seemingly in conflict.

Everyone gets what they want…eventually

I reflected the same wisdom. Here’s what I said in that text conversation. It’s a long series so bear with that:

In essence, everyone gets what they want. But the one with the strongest positive momentum prevails in the details. And the more one aligns with that strong, fast moving energy, the more powerfully such a person becomes.

We’ve seen authoritarian forces held at bay across the world. They’re making some strides, but they cannot prevail against the positive energy at our disposal. One person is all it takes. And two, lined up together, are unstoppable. Abraham has also spoken about this:

As we enter national elections in the US, I invite my fellow Americans to align with an outcome best serving us all. That doesn’t mean Biden keeping the White House. Just because we’re presented with only two options, that doesn’t limit what’s possible. What we believe sets the limits. 

So what do you believe?

I believe anything is possible. I KNOW this. And so I intend a positive outcome in this years’ elections. One in which progressives keep the seat.


Hours after writing the first draft of this post, Joe Biden, while infected with COVID, dropped out of the race. He’s endorsed Kamala Harris. The Universe acts in ways mysterious only to those who don’t understand how it works. I know how it works, so it’s not mysterious at all.

Amazing: I Made The Market Do What I Want –– Again!

TLDR: The author asserts they caused the market price of a financial asset to increase solely through their thoughts about the asset. This being the second time they’ve done such a thing, the author says this validates his trust in a positive mindset. Especially when it comes to manifesting money. They compare their experience to F1 race winners explaining that while manifesting money may seem coincidental, it’s not.

It’s so fun watching my abilities improve as a deliberate creator. Abraham assures us all that anything we can imagine, we can experience as a reality. I’m living proof of that. My clients are too, but my results are astonishing. I’m even able to move markets apparently.

That’s right. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I focused my intention so that a financial market would do what I want. Well, a week or so after I did that, I did it again! That’s what this story is about. It’s a followup offering even more proof that we can create any reality we want. We only need focus ourselves into a world of positive thinking.

The Positively Focused Way creates that kind of focus. In time, anyone can realize they create their reality. Once enough evidence piles up, they not only get that it’s true they create their reality, but they get more bold about creating the reality they want.

Then they can do literally anything. Including move financial markets.

Let’s dive in and see how I did it myself…again.

Some background

In that previous experience, I wanted a deeper position on a financial asset I owned. But the current price didn’t allow me to take the position for the price I wanted. So I set an intention that the price would drop to the point where I could take the position for the amount I wanted to spend.

That’s what happened, of course. I wouldn’t be writing this post or the previous one if it didn’t happen! As soon as I took my deeper position, the price when right back up. It was uncanny!

The last time I moved the market. The arrow points to the massive drop I created so I could deepen my position. Then the rebound happened right after I did so.

After that happened, I wanted a couple more things. One, I wanted to see if I could do it again. I also wanted an even deeper position, one just a little deeper than where I was. So that’s what started all this amazingness.

The preparation

The only thing with this even deeper position was, I didn’t want to put ANY money into the deal. Now, many of my clients, when they first start out with the Positively Focused Practice, they’re stuck in figuring out how what they want to happen will happen. That’s a problem.

It’s a problem because the “how” is not our job! Our job in the universe, as a leading edge instance of All That Is, is to set our intention, then align with that intention’s results. In between those to vibrational acts, the universe goes to work. It marshals the cooperative components necessary to actualize the intention.

As we line up with all that nonphysical assembly, we get impulses to act. We also can receive impulses that sound like messages. That’s what happened to me.

One day after thinking about rounding my position out, I received a message. It wasn’t a voice or a burning bush or anything like that. It was instead a subtle “nudge” that then I interpreted as a thought. The thought was “You already have [a small position on] another asset. Intend that asset will go up, then use the gain to swap into the asset you want.”

When I got that message I perked up. I tell all my clients that such messages come in as though we didn’t think the thought. It seems like it comes out of the blue. That’s not what’s happening, but it does feel that way.

When it happens, I tell my clients, pay attention. Pay attention and take action! That’s what I did.

It happens!

The moment I got that impulse/message, I took action. Now, if you were near me at that time, you wouldn’t have thought I took action. That’s because I didn’t move an arm nor a leg. The action I took was purely vibrational. I causally, very lightly, thought about how nice it would be if the price of that other asset went up.

Then I opened my phone and set an alert on my app. A couple days later I went out on a bike ride. While enjoying the ride, I got an alert on my phone. The price went exactly where I wanted it!

My app alert clueing me in.

I stopped riding, opened my trading app. Holy moly! It went up a LOT!

The market moves according to my desire.

Then I went to my trading platform and planned out the swap. The price had gone so high there was plenty of room to make the swap and still have enough of the asset to go forward. I was stoked!

Of course I swapped the assets!

Knowing what I don’t know

Now, here’s something interesting. During all of this, something was happening with the asset I didn’t know about. I found out about it after this whole affair wound up. What happened was federal regulators were considering creating a framework around this asset that would make it easier for everyday people to trade it. Asset proponents knew if the government approved the framework that would be very good for the asset. So people with large positions on it were betting the feds would approve the framework.

That’s what they did. And that’s probably why, experts will say, the asset’s value went up.

I was totally unaware of this though. Obviously, however, in my Broader Perspective, I was aware, which explains why my Broader Perspective suggested what it did.

Now, some may say this federal decision was happening anyway and the price was bound to go up. But no, the federal decision was not a done deal. Furthermore, I knew nothing about the pending ruling.

Still, I thought about the coincidental nature of the impulse and the fed’s timing. But then another thought came up. It was about Formula One.

It’s a win regardless

I love the Netflix series Formula One: Drive To Survive. It gives a thrilling character-driven tale about how F1 happens every season. In addition to it being plain fun to watch, it’s also a great look behind the scenes.

One thing I noticed season after season is, sometimes the race winner wins because of situations not in their control. Other drivers crash, they pit at the wrong time or their team may choose to not put on fresh tires at the right time. Another thing that happens sometimes is the rules governing the race can create situations inadvertently favoring certain drivers over others.

But in all these cases, when the race ends, there’s always a winner. Does it matter how the win happened?

That’s the conclusion I came to about the fed decision and my lack of awareness of it. Yes, the fed decision was happening. But I didn’t know that when I got the message from my Broader Perspective, nor when I set the intention and the alert. I didn’t even look at the asset before I did all that.

So while some may scream “that’s just a fucking coincidence! You didn’t move the market!” I say, yeah, and the F1 winner won not because he’s a great driver, but because that other guy chose to crash at the perfect time!

The fact is: he still won. And I still got what I wanted: a deeper position without spending ANY OF MY OWN MONEY TO GET IT! LOL

Making markets do what I want

I love seeing these things happen. It’s so fun realizing my desires. But it’s even more fun participating in divine timing coming from an awareness of all that’s happening, so that when that awareness communicates to me, I can take action then enjoy the world I want.

That’s so fun. And it’s so empowering. I mean, think about it: I am now nurturing the ability to create money! That’s freaking amazing.

But why is it amazing? Money is no different than any other form of energy. And energy is subject to focus and attraction. Since I’m a focusing being of pure energy, I should be able to focus any amount of money into my experience I want.

And that’s what I’m seeing happen. It doesn’t happen overnight because I, like most people, once held very strong negative stories about many subjects. Stories which create a limited reality on the subject of money.

Money is something we all think we need. So human consciousness contains many disempowering beliefs about money. That I’ve overcome those beliefs is what’s amazing.

Those beliefs, and therefore reality, are yielding to my new beliefs and reality. I love seeing that. And that new reality includes making markets do what I want.

More Kids Are Remembering Their Past Lives

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

TL:DR The author says that the phenomenon of more children remembering their past lives indicates human expansion. Children, they say, are helping humanity evolve beyond limiting beliefs and in so doing, they help usher in a new reality for all humans. One where humans are more than human.

Kids remembering their past lives isn’t a surprise to my clients or to me. We are, after all, eternal beings with tremendous potential. We even enjoy the potential to recall our past lives as easily as we recall dreams.

But when a client recently shared an example of a young boy remembering being here before, it had me write this post. That’s because the more such stories we hear, the more likely we might try tapping into our own power to perceive what we really are.

There’s a reason more young people are coming in clearer. It’s the same reason so many kids are coming into the world as transgender. We’re going to look at this alongside why it is so many of us don’t remember our past lives. Not remembering our past lives should be the rarity. Not kids remembering being here before.

So why is the opposite true? Why is it so rare for people to remember their past lives? And what’s causing more kids to remember being here before?

Let’s take a look.

Giving up our deeper awareness

The reason nearly all of us don’t remember our past lives is because it’s just not that important to us. Or so we think.

Past life memories, like dreams, can provide a LOT of value. They can, for example, explain why certain things seem to happen over and over in this life. Past life memories can also help us understand why we must work through certain things we are working through in this life.

Of course, such memories, again, like dreams, can help us realize we’re eternal; that there’s more to life than this one life. And finally, past life memories can help free us from the fear of death.

Freeing ourselves from the fear of death is HUGE.

Nearly all of us, however, are talked out of the awareness of such an expanded consciousness early on. That’s right, we all have such an expanded consciousness when we first get here. As children, we’re deeply connected to the place from where we came.

But in short order, the intensity of life experience — physical reality — is so intense it demands our full attention. Physical reality can be all-encompassing and drive our focus away from our connections to nonphysical, the Source of us all, and the experience making physical life possible.

Parents, peers and teachers also talk us out of our connections. We’re told to wise up, grow up, be realistic and stop day dreaming. Such admonitions cause us to trade that broader awareness for a more focused one. One focused on this time-space reality. And so we give up our deeper awareness.

The ego gets in on it too

The ego is another factor allowing either awareness of our past life experiences…or the lack thereof.

Many new age gurus claim subduing or killing off the ego is key to awakening. But the ego is an extremely important function. That’s right, it IS a FUNCTION, a process going on in our consciousness. The ego is not us. It is, again, a function or process. This function’s function is to create the illusion of duality. It helps us distinguish ourselves from our surroundings and other people. Otherwise, we would only experience the non-duality behind the illusion of objective reality.

If this sounds preposterous, I recommend watching the Netflix documentary “How to Change Your Mind”. In it a noted journalist goes on an adventure. He decides to try all kinds of psychedelic substances, beginning with tobacco, but also LSD, Shrooms and MDA among others. The documentary also features people participating in trials hoping these substances have lasting and profound therapeutic benefits (they do).

Each test subject, when recounting their experience with the psychedelic they take, tells of extreme states of bliss they experience inside this oneness state I described above. This non-dual state is real. Psychedelics temporarily allow perception beyond the ego, which allows one to experience this oneness directly. It’s a profoundly blissful experience. But we’re not here to experience it so directly. Thus the ego’s function.

The feeling of deep connection

That ego function is “softer” in early childhood, which explains why children have “imaginary” friends, dream more, play more and are so much more care free. Such friends may be imaginary to adults. Adults may not appreciate their child playing and being care free. But those experiences are supposed to be there. They can be maintained too, throughout life. And maintaining such experiences makes life joyful and care free.

But, as I said, we’re often talked out of this state. That’s too bad. Because life lived from there can be so fun! Not to worry though, we eventually return to that state after we transition. And for many, that happens before they transition.

Many elderly people, as they approach the time of their transition, often talk about seeing family members and other beings comforting them in their transition process. A recent New York Times article tells of hundreds of such people seeing into nonphysical. Some research shows that some 80 percent of people experience such states.

So this state of being isn’t unusual. Most of us lose conscious connection with this state early on. And that’s why so few of us in our adult years enjoy the joy youngsters’ enjoy. Which brings me to the example my client shared.

Children remembering

The example comes from a Reddit thread. The thread features a tweet from a woman talking about something extraordinary about her child, who is six:

The first person mentioning a conversation had with their child.

As you can see it got a lot of engagement. But in the Reddit thread someone posted her own experience with her son, who is four. This young person talks about how he was here before as a father. Then he finds himself back here again, seemingly that being something he didn’t want:

The reply adding another anecdote to the conversation.

The thing is, we all experience similar things early on. But, again, we give them up as our ego kicks in, in full. With practice though, a person can, in their adult years, redevelop the ability to perceive things such as past lives and other experiences in nonphysical such as dreams.

Later in the Positively Focused Way, dreamwork and meditation, two potent ways to consciously reconnect with our origins, are included in the practice. Both are simple processes, but putting them into practice isn’t easy. Which is why I work with clients weekly.

In time, though, rediscovering the wonder of past lives and nonphysical experiences surfaces. And those experiences can greatly influence our physical, waking lives.

Why are they remembering now?

So why are kids coming into the world remembering past lives? Is there something afoot here? Something that wasn’t happening before?

I think there is. I believe the human experience is expanding through a great leap. We’ve had such leaps before. This one is prompting us to cast away our old limiting beliefs. And as we wrestle with the expansion in the physical, some beings incarnate with their connections in tact, then use those connections to inspire others.

That’s what’s happening with these two kids. It’s the same thing happening with transgender kids. All this is the divine unfolding of humanity moving forward and it’s a great thing. Our kids are not here for us to teach them. They’re here to teach us, to help us remember what we are.

I’m eager for more of these kinds of things happening. They foretell an exciting future. One where our past life recollections may be as easy to recall as our last meal or our last date with a loved one. And when more people can remember their past lives, I won’t be surprised when our entire civilization suddenly changes because of it.

Or maybe I will be.

Why Client Results Are So Powerful And Life Changing

TLDR: The author explains why every client gets the same life-changing results by practicing positivity; through the power of their improved thoughts, they prompt All That Is to reflect back to them improved lives. Then the evidently-improved lives convince them to practice more, triggering a “virtuous spiral” of life-changing improvement. The author argues every person inherently possesses the ability to create the life they desire.

A powerful reason explains why every client eventually gets near identical, consistent results through the Positively Focused practice. It’s because the practice is based on how the Universe actually works.

It’s based on how the Universe actually works and how humans interpret being in it. Essentially what the practice does is lessen influence coming from beliefs contrary to how the Universe works. When that happens, the results promised show up automatically.

That’s because they’re already there, happening automatically. But contrary beliefs will conceal them. Or they cause the automatic function to create experience confirming those beliefs. When that happens, people get confused about what’s happening.

And when that happens, people become hopelessly inured to believing the physical world is separate from them.

Interpreting through he best narratives possible

They’ll think the Universe is separate from them and a random collection of events. Some will believe this life is all we have. Still others may believe they can’t have what they want because the world is random and beyond their control. The’ll see only evil people getting what they want; often at the expense of others. So they’ll conclude life is not fair.

Underlying all those inaccurate beliefs operates a highly consistent system comprising All That Is. That system is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. And it will deliver anything a point of consciousness focuses on because of that. Even if that consciousness— a human for example — consistently focuses on what it doesn’t want, that’s what the All That Is will deliver.

Which argues for interpreting this reality in the most positive narratives possible.

In the Positively Focused practice we show people how to do that, among other things. As they master this, they uncover their divinity: their powerful ability to create reality then comes under their conscious control. Then they realize that, no, reality is NOT separate from them, nor is it random.

From there everything is possible.

Questions holding people back

This process can be diagrammed. In graphic form it appears very simple. At mastery levels, it sure looks simple. But in practice, that simplicity only comes with consistent, determined practice. It’s not “hard work”. But it does take applying one’s in self every moment.

The diagram below shows the trajectory common to all clients. It starts with accepting that one has many vibrational frequencies serving to dampen one’s natural high speed vibration. Along or associated with this dampening effect are thoughts common to nearly all beginners.

They come out as questions and objections, usually about topics beginners aren’t ready to fully understand. They ask, for example, how is it that a human would choose to be born with a life-shortening disease. Or, why would someone choose to be born in war-torn countries. Clients usually also hold disempowering thoughts about money, thoughts that bind them to the working world; because they believe money only comes from jobs, and that they must trade their time or intelligence in a job to get money.

These questions and disempowering beliefs nearly everyone holds. But beginning Positively Focused clients, when they start looking at life through the practice, begin questioning those assumptions. When they do, interesting things start happening.

(1) Clients start in a status quo life. This life contains some of what they want and some of what they don’t want. But their dreams, those things they really want, remain elusive. (2) Then they start the Positively Focused practice. From there, (3) evidence is almost immediate. That evidence triggers improved moods, which trigger more evidence of improved lives (4). Along this point (5) life begins dramatically improving, and that improvement is never ending, nor does it have an upper limit. Here also is where clients begin soothing their fear of death (6). Evidence is overwhelming that they are eternal. Life gets better and better, and dreams they had once given up on become realized. Gradually, clients’ lives take on the magical quality I call the Charmed Life (9).

The fear of death

The biggest challenge is people’s fear of death. That fear expresses itself in many forms. Someone who believes time is running out for them fears death. A woman who at 42 believes she’s getting too old to find a partner fears time running out. Another who believes he’s too old to follow his dreams also fears running out of time, or, dying before he can “make it”.

But death is not real. Death is a moment in the endless eternity we all are. It’s no different than walking from inside a home, out into the bright light of the day. But philosophers, religions our friends and families and civilization at large convince us death is something worth fearing. All the while, we don’t realize that fear tells us something that, if we knew that thing, we wouldn’t fear that death at all.

Almost immediately, once attention is brought to these thought distortions, the client manifests for themselves highly convincing evidence proving these distortions as distortions. Since it happens in their daily life, the evidence can’t be denied. Maybe one or two experiences can be explained away as coincidence.

But when these experiences come in plentiful numbers, the client must then start examining what they really believe. Even a small shift in one’s vibration will trigger this experience. That’s because All That Is wants us knowing what we really are. It wants us knowing what this reality is really made of (thoughts turned into things).

So that evidence begins cracking the shell of disbelief. Disbelief that once created “truths” consistent with it. The more that happens, the higher frequency the client starts vibing to. Soon they get to a point where their life gets so good, they begin (emphasis on “begin”) to relax. This state of relaxation is crucial.

Who wouldn’t want a better life?

But when they reach that crucial stage, life reflects more and more their improved vibration. In time, their life gets WAY better than before. Friends and family members start noticing. They may even want to become clients.

And as life reflects more and more their improved vibration, clients then want even more. So they practice more. That’s the virtuous cycle inherent in the practice. It’s the same virtuous cycle that is inherent in All That Is, which is why All That Is is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. The more of that that happens, the more of that happens.

By the time clients see evidence all around them that this is how the Universe is, they have made their reality consistent with their improved beliefs. What really happened is the same thing that was happening before starting the practice, only it was happening in-deliberately back then: They formed beliefs, then held those beliefs long enough for reality to prove the beliefs “true”.

If you understood that last sentence, then you can see that every person is capable of creating any reality they want. It starts with their thoughts. From there, life starts “life-ing”; all that is begins moving in the direction of the trajectory initiated with those thoughts. The more that person holds those thoughts, the more energy flows, until those thoughts must turn to things.

That’s a powerful outcome. It’s an outcome that changes lives. It’s an outcome that can literally change people we interact with. And that’s why clients’ results are so powerful and life changing. They literally change lives for the better.

And who wouldn’t want a better life?

An Ode To The Awesome Joy Clients Experience

TLDR: The author tells the story of two new Positively Focused Clients who vividly express their joy about their lives after having begun their Positively Focused practice. The two became clients after witnessing dramatic changes in a relative. The author further asserts that this is a natural result when a person taps into their Broader Perspective. It’s also part of the joyful journey underlying all life experience.

Two recently new clients and their reactions to the Positively Focused Way are leaving me in awesome appreciation. They both show how effective the practice is.

Of course, my own experience shows this too, as does other client experiences. But these two are so emotionally expressive, I just loved hearing from them. Even when they were struggling.

That’s right. Every client starts with struggle. That’s because all new clients start the practice by first realizing that their beliefs prevent a tremendous amount of joy that’s otherwise available. But in short order, they start figuring out how to soothe those beliefs. And when that happens, joy shows up in abundance.

Which is exactly what happened with these two clients. What happened after that was really satisfying. Satisfying for them, and for me. It’s also a testimonial about how powerful we all are as gods in human form.

Let’s check out what happened. But first some background.

Ripples run deep

The two new clients are married. The husband is the brother of a more seasoned client. Both new clients became clients after seeing shifts in the sister. Those same shifts caused the sister’s husband to become a client too.

This happens often. And, it’s a testament to the power of people when they tap into their Broader Perspective. Positive change — what I call expansion — shows up so powerfully, others in the clients’ lives can’t help but notice. Especially family members. Then those people want what the client is getting.

Ripples of expansion…I love that result!

It’s one thing to evangelize or proselytize. But that can only go so far and ultimately doesn’t work that well. The real test of a life way is how people respond to changes they see in the person. And people respond very well to changes in Positively Focused clients. Which explains why so many clients’ family members become clients too. They become clients because their relatives produce astounding results. So clients don’t need to say anything. They need only be.

And that’s the thing; being speaks more powerfully than words. So when clients change, it’s no wonder their husbands, wives, siblings and friends become clients too.

Ripples from the Positively Focused Way run deep. Rather than reaching a lot of people in society — going wide, in other words — it affects society at the smallest level: individuals. But then it goes deep. It penetrates entire families too. And families are the Source from which society emerges. It makes sense then that the Positively Focused Way transforms society by transforming individuals who then transform their family.

Which brings us back to the couple in question.

The power of positive vibration

The husband, who I’ll unimaginatively call Jon, started practicing after he contemplated suicide. Jon becoming a client was a direct manifestation of his sister (the seasoned client) creating her reality.

That’s right, clients not only learn how they create their reality, but they also learn how they create people in their reality too. The sister dreaded Jon taking his life. Rather than trying to do something to stop that, I suggested she “be” different about it. As a result, Jon came to his senses, then became a client.

The details of how that happened require knowing how the Universe works. But in shorthand, as I describe it to clients, Jon collapsed into his sister’s powerful vibrational focus in exactly the same way as photons do in the famous physics experiment where photons collapse into waves or particles depending on how an observer focuses their attention.

The Universe is consistent from top to bottom. Every part of it follows basic principles. “Every part of it” includes relationships between people. In every exchange with another, we’re either collapsing into the other’s vibrational momentum, or they’re collapsing into ours. Which outcome shows up depends on whose focus has the most momentum. And whose focus is more aligned with fast moving vibration. The fastest-moving vibration is always positive. And positive vibration enjoys inherently more powerful momentum.

Positive vibration so powerful, it can change another human being. This is what Jesus did when he cured the sick. His powerful focus only saw well versions of those people. And his focus was so dominant, the unwell person’s vibration had no choice but to collapse into Jesus’ more powerful focus of well being.

This is exactly what happened between Jon and his sister.

Jesus “curing” a leper. He cured the sick by causing a collapse of vibration. (By Unknown author – photo taken by Sibeaster, Public Domain)

Abundance is a given

Jon dramatically changed after becoming a client. So much so, his wife became a client too. Now these two people are extremely powerful. Together, when aligned, they are unstoppable. But when they focus that power on disempowering stores about themselves or each other, that power turns their lives into hell.

That’s what happened recently when I got a text from the wife, who I’ll more imaginatively call Alley.

In her text Alley complained bitterly about wanting to bail from society. She felt overworked, tired and tired of hearing everyone’s complaints. Little did she realize this is how someone feels when they don’t keep up with their abundance.

Abundance is the order of the Universe. Everything in it expresses itself along those lines. And since humans are powerful creators, no matter what they’re doing, in a little while what they’re doing will generate abundance.

“Doing” includes working a job. So when people complain about having too much to do at work, I often respond by asking “how does it feel being unable to keep up with your abundance?” For that’s what’s happening; the person focused so much on work, they’ve created abundance that looks like being overworked.

Rather than appreciating that, however, the vast majority of people are conditioned to complain about it. When they do that, they create even more abundance that looks like being overworked.

Then they need a vacation!

Holy Shit!

After a quick check-in via text message, Alley found her alignment. I don’t know what happened next. Presumably her husband found his alignment too. I presume that because in rapid succession I received a text from Alley, then one from Jon:

My response to Alley in that first exchange is important. In a little while, clients discover how “dark moments” signify an impending shift. They signify a moment just before a vibrational leap forward happens. Once a number of these happen, clients learn to appreciate rather than dread them, or feel they’re a struggle while in them.

That’s an important shift. Because when that happens, clients discover those special moments are HUGELY POSITIVE. They tell the client that they are on track, that all is going well, that their expansion is happening.

Most people, however, won’t interpret these moments this way. So they don’t make the connection between such experiences and experiences they’re wanting.

We don’t need long, intense negative experiences to enjoy hugely positive ones though. We can enjoy the latter from just a niggle of the former. That takes practice though. But the time put into practicing it is worth it, obviously.

Joy borne of eternity

Both Jon and Alley experienced what it’s like for every client who assiduously practices the Positively Focused Way. It doesn’t take long. Jon’s only got 11 weeks under his belt. Alley’s been at it for nine.

So it doesn’t take long before clients produce evidence the practice works. That’s why I offer a guarantee. Nearly every client gets results after the first session. The more they practice, the more profound and more abundant the evidence gets. Before long, clients start challenging long-held-limiting beliefs. Beliefs that had them to give up on their dreams and instead become “realistic”.

Then clients want to actualize their rediscovered dreams. That doesn’t happen over night though. But that’s no problem either because we’re all eternal. We have all the time in the world. And besides, fulfilled dreams aren’t the goal, although that’s what happens.

What is the goal is the joyful journey on the way to the fulfilled dreams. There will always be more dreams to fulfill than dreams that get fulfilled. We are eternal after all. And since our very existence gives birth to new desires/dreams, we’ll never ever get all those dreams fulfilled. That’s why the journey, the joyful journey, is the goal.

I like knowing that. So do my clients when they get it. It’s the awesome joy that burst forth from Jon and Alley. And I’m appreciating being a witness to their joyful expression.

How To Make Financial Markets Do What You Want

TLDR: The author creates an outcome supporting their contention that one’s beliefs create their reality…even their financial reality. They continue with the assertion that results like these explain why so many people have become Positively Focused clients, particularly people of the same family, giving credence to the power of the practice.

When what you’re about to read happened, I wasn’t excited about it. I wasn’t excited about it because it felt like it was meant to be. Abraham describes that feeling as “an of course”; Manifestations of this kind just feel like the next natural step of one’s life. That is, when one becomes a master of the Five Steps of Deliberate Creation.

That’s how I felt about what you’re about to read, although, TBH, it is really incredible. Which is another reason why I’m sharing this: because Abraham also says once someone begins having this kind of effect on their reality, they’ve accomplished something significant.

I agree.

Let’s take a look at this remarkable, but expected manifestation.

A desire for greater financial abundance

I took a pretty large position on a financial asset years ago. My Broader Perspective encouraged the act. The asset developers promised remarkable changes to the internet once they launched their technology. The financial asset backed their development expenses.

I liked what they planned. It perfectly dovetailed with a project I’m developing. So when I read about their plans, I got excited. I also knew my excitement told me something important. That’s why I took the position on the asset I did.

Fast forward to last month. The project I backed progressed so well, I wanted to support it more. Plus, I feel a knowing that this project will create a LOT of momentum, thus increasing the asset’s value. So I wanted to increase my position by around 30 percent.

However, at the current market price, that 30 percent increase would cost around $2500. I didn’t want to spend $2500. I wanted to spend under $2000.

Talking with a spiritual peer of mine, I just casually thought how cool it would be to see the asset’s price drop to where the new position I’d take would cost me something less than $2000.

Thoughts make markets

The Universe is a hologram. We’ve all heard this analogy. Holograms, if you examine a small part of them, always reflect the whole. In the same way, the Universe, from top to bottom, reflects itself. Whether we’re looking at the whole thing, or a super-tiny portion of it, principles by which the Universe functions hold steady. Rather than alluding to holograms, I prefer the term recursive. It’s a much better and easier-to-understand illustration of how the Universe is.

Since the Universe and its principles are recursive, I knew that financial markets and money must work the same way everything else in the Universe works. In other words, money and markets are subject to the same energetic forces making everything else work. We could assert then that money and markets are subject to our focus, our creative focus. That’s because our creative focus forms all the other parts of our reality.

What we believe about money and markets, therefore, is what makes money and markets work. This shouldn’t shock anyone. It’s easy to see, superficially, that this is what happens. When investors think optimistically, they tend to act in ways that push markets up. Their pessimistic thoughts do the opposite. Their beliefs, in other words, drive prices.

But can an individual make an entire market swing?

That brings me back to my intention.

I know what I’m doing

After talking with my friend, I very lightly focused on the idea of the asset price dropping; to the point where I could increase my position for less than two grand. I then set a notification in my app. I wanted it to alert me when that happened. Doing that, I avoided needing to check that app all the time. It also allowed me to take my attention off the subject.

That’s a key element of creating reality or manifesting. Focusing too much on a desired manifestation can unintentionally cause us to focus on the opposite of what we’re wanting. When that happens, we amplify the absence of our desire, thus causing its absence to prolong. This explains why many people believe this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. They don’t realize that in their attempts to make it work, they use the process to create evidence that it doesn’t work.

It’s important that we know what it is upon which we put our focus.

They don’t know what they’re doing in other words. But I know what I’m doing.

So after setting that alert, I took my mind totally off what I wanted. Instead, I thought about other pleasing things, things that thrill me, like going on bike rides, swimming laps in the community center pool, working out and reading good books.

What happened next surprised no one involved.

Moving the market through thought

Five days later, my alert triggered. Because I wasn’t thinking about it, the alert surprised me. My phone rested on the arm of a chair in which I sat watching a Netflix series. I saw my phone screen brighten through my peripheral vision.

The alert that came. It shows two days ago because I took the screen shot two days after, when I started writing this post.

I picked up my phone, opened the app and, sure enough, the price dropped…a lot. By Sunday, the price was exactly where I wanted it. Of course, I took the bigger position securing a 30 percent increase in my asset stake for less than $2000.

Arrow A. Looking at the market on this day with my spiritual peer, I intended a price drop so I could take deeper position on the asset. B. On this day, the prices started looking like they were trending in the right direction, but it wasn’t necessarily indicating a drop like I wanted. So I set the alert described above. C. By the time I looked at the alert, which I set for .00219, the price had dropped to around .00215, the perfect target to take my position.

Reality is subject to our focus

A lot is going on in the world. Intention, energetic focus and momentum drives all that. This is the basis of how the Universe works. Anyone who knows this and can tap into it, then leverage it becomes extremely powerful. Everything becomes possible for such a person.

My clients are discovering this as I continue expanding my own abilities while sharing what I’m learning with them. As a result, they are finding what I find: that their reality is subject to their focus. Whatever they focus on, they therefore can achieve.

No wonder their family members are becoming clients too. That’s right. Client’s husbands, sisters, friends, in laws and more are becoming clients because of what they see in their client relative. In other words this practice works. Nothing is off limits because everything in the Universe is subject to the same principles. They very principles we all control. And yet so many people don’t know they enjoy such power.

So they get lives that are at best, ok.

I want a thrilling life. One where I realize the Universe is at my command. The entire Universe. Including financial markets. It’s so cool seeing that become my reality.


One thing I’m speculating as I witness this unfolding: it seems being able to affect such results depends on one’s passions being aligned with the desired outcome. If one doesn’t feel passion for the subject area, I’m not sure they have the power to affect an outcome. I’m still working on whether this speculation is accurate. But it certainly seems so as I observe what I’m able to do and what my clients produce.

More on this as I progress.