I’m feeling resonant with my desires. I know my reality already changed. It matched my desire. Here I am at the park, being, enjoying being, feeling free, having no thoughts or active beliefs most people do about their health, about job insecurity, about lost love or insecure love, about finances…
None of this enters my awareness (other than the brief moment while I wrote the above) instead, I focus on the breeze at my back, indicating I move swiftly along my unfolding path. I focus on the beautiful day, indicating I’m creating reality consistent with desire. I focus on the song I’m listening to, the peaceful stillness in this park, the joy I felt working with a client 90 minutes ago, the smile in that woman’s face, the ease with which I just walked over four miles….
The nursery rhyme nails it:
Row row row your boat Gently with the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream.
Life is a dream and becoming more so. I love my positive focus.
While on a walk the other day, I gathered and ate fruit offering itself along my walking path. Every bite tantalized my tastebuds. Halfway through, it hit me: Earth’s abundance abounds. Everywhere I look, something shows how reality showers us with everything.
I decided I’d share my epiphany in a Facebook photo album I created while on the walk. The next day, two, then three rashes appeared on my body. One under my left arm, another on my abdomen and a third on my lower left flank.
The rash on my belly…
Hard to see it, but there’s a rash on my flank…
A big rash under my arm…
This happened before, years ago, while walking. I plucked and ate plums from a tree in my neighborhood, then, hours later developed rashes under my left arm and lower left flank.
Back then I attributed the rash to a plum allergy.
Now I know better…
I haven’t had health insurance in three years. I stopped seeing doctors and paying healthcare premiums because I knew by then my well being wasn’t up to “modern medicine”.
If I create my reality though my beliefs, I concluded, “reality” must include the most intimate of my reality – my body – as well, since it, like everything around me, is physical.
Proving to myself “thoughts create reality” requires an “all in” mentality. I can’t believe I create my reality and still buy health insurance. That would mean I don’t really believe I create my reality. 😊
When I got clear in my head that doctors and diagnoses weren’t necessary, that a positive focus and beliefs consistent with that would be all the “healthcare” I needed, I stopped buying healthcare.
Since then I’ve never been sick. No colds, no injuries…not even a sniffle.
When these rashes happened, I figured their origin wasn’t in the fruit. It had to be in my thoughts and beliefs. I thought about what I thought about on my walk. It took a while, using the process through which I recall dreams: rather than trying to find the thoughts, which is near impossible, I opened my mind and tuned myself such that those previous thoughts came back to me like a radio signal.
What I found was surprising…
I wasn’t very positive on my walk! I realized while enjoying these luscious bountiful, juicy fruits, I also was thinking about what people thought as they saw me doing that. Here’s what I thought:
People are watching me and disapproving
People are going to think I’m homeless, that I eat fruit off these trees because I can’t afford do get food from the store
People are going to think I live on the street in a tent somewehre
Eating this free food is wrong. I should be buying food from a grocery store (!)
Food isn’t free (!)
This is not food (!)
Can you believe that? Forget the fact that, while I walked over seven miles I didn’t see a single person looking at me. Thinking food nature gives freely is somehow not food, and that eating directly from nature means you’re homeless is just plain ridiculous!
For a moment I thought “where the fuck did I get these kinds of thoughts/beliefs?” The answer came when I went down a long old road, into my youth…until I realized I didn’t need any explanation. All I needed: new beliefs.
Later that day, I remembered a post I recently wrote about everything one experiences being positive. I knew this belief discovery and these rashes indicated something good. So I looked anew at my old beliefs and my new rashes.
Maybe the rashes meant something else, thought. Maybe they pointed to these old beliefs on purpose. Maybe too they mean something more, something when uncovered, would cause greater expansion…an increased self awareness that creates greater Inner Being connection.
Here’s what happened next
A few hours later, these rashes really started itching. Just before bedtime I started scratching and scratching…like a dog with fleas…until I fell asleep.
Waking the next morning, as I usually do, I recalled my dreams using my dream recall and analysis process. That’s when it struck me: I wasn’t scratching. I wasn’t even itching. In fact, I couldn’t even feel the rashes.
Then, the moment I thought those thoughts, my rashes started itching.
My real discovery started then. It’s hard to put this in words because what happened happened at a level beyond words. I’ll try to explain…
I found a way to tune my awareness to a vibration where I perceived my reality in a certain way, such that, the rashes disappeared. When I tune there, even now, I don’t sense the rashes. It’s like I’m in an alternate reality where they don’t exist.
I’m still learning, so I go in and out. Some hours I have no rash. Then, for a few moments I’m scratching. This morning I woke to the same experience. It’s been a few days, almost a week, and I’m better at this tuning…and I notice when I tune there, not only do the rashes disappear in my awareness, I also find my awareness “broaden” so that I can feel potential…
Potential what?
Potential inherent in my desires…things I want I know are coming when I focus there, but for now they remain invisible to the eye. When I tune there, I feel joyful, peaceful, a sense of freedom and a clear knowing that everything I want is not only on the way, I can see evidence of it as it unfolds..
This is the positive aspect of this whole rash situation: it clarified negative beliefs I had lurking around just beneath my awareness. But more important, these rashes were a communication from my Inner Being, a path of least resistance to me getting that a new frequency exists allowing perception of my now and my emerging nows, those future moments containing some of my biggest desires.
As you can imagine, I’m practicing this tuning even more. I’m also excited to share this practice with my clients. But I’m going to refine my ability with it before I share so when I do, I can share the entire story.
It’s going to be good. I know that because it already is!
The entire experience reminded me how irrelevant others’ opinions are. When I include them in my awareness they activate old beliefs that no longer serve me. Doing that brings dis-ease. But manifested dis-ease is beneficial. Looking underneath superficial manifestations reveals rich information. Such insights will lead to wondrous new perspectives, if I’m willing to take the plunge.
It’s natural. Everything becomes more — plants, species, systems, knowledge, cities, families — everything strives towards more, especially human desire.
Knowing that, I praise human greed, judgement and selfishness because those mechanisms mirror universal mechanics: All That Is is greedy and selfish and lovingly judging — choosing — loving itself so deep it craves to know more about itself. That orientation, towards itself, wanting joyfully, freely, to know, propels all else.
What better way then to know itself than to make more of itself, and have each microcosmic representation of itself also want more too! In loving desire to know, to feel, and eventually realize each self as the whole, as it is, itself? Not a “part” of the whole, but the entire “whole” itself?
I know the more my awareness includes recognizing my magnificent blessedness, my invincibility, the more of that flows into my awareness. Awareness is all there is. Outside of it nothing exists. So blessedness is what it feels like as my awareness expands, revealing more of what is, which springs forth from my selfish desire to know more, which propels greater awareness and therefore more to know. And what better avenue to know the more that is there to know, than an insatiable flow of desires, each desire birthing by virtue of its existence, it’s fulfillment?
This is why I know everything I want, as I judge them, then choose them, standing in selfish, loving, desire for what I’ve chosen, must become realized by me. For I want it and so it is not only good, it is done.
That’s the magnificent blessedness. That expands exponentially. The more I focus my desire on desiring more of it, the more of it I real-ize.
Sharing this entry from my journal as it may benefit others.
^^Bent knees discover great shots.
I’m on a walk. I was listening to a podcast when dreams I had this morning again flowed into my awareness as they do in sleep state, only I’m awake and walking.
^^the path along my walk
My brain is not a filing cabinet. It does not house “memories” in tidy, organized compartments within and among its folds. Rather, it is a frequency transmitter/receiver (as are other organs) sending and receiving signals controlled and emitted by nonphysical sense organs. Sense organs correspond to physical senses. Everyone uses these chaotically in dreams. Most are unaware of them during wake state.
These nonphysical senses are imperceptible when I focus exclusively on physical existence, yet I can deliberately, more and more control these in sleep state and wake state as I practice being Positively Focused. All this I know, not theoretically, but empirically.
As an emerging master
I know then these delicious, ecstatic and lucid images and sounds and feelings, returning to my awareness while waking and walking, mean that on my walk I tapped into frequencies matching dream state frequencies.
Their arrival also means my Positively Focused practice pays off: I dream even while walking, meaning, my awareness simultaneously perceives in wake state and dreamscape. No small feat indeed.
The first images returning feature a tumultuous sea restrained and yet cooperating with a sea wall. As I focus here, now on these images, by virtue of my practice, many other dream scenes now flow/return to my awareness. Waves of magnificent and infinite amplitude and power crash against these walls. Yet, despite the appearance of conflicting purposes — the sea’s desire to vanquish and thus overflow the wall, the wall’s desire to hold back the sea — the feeling tone of their combined energies is harmony of purpose, joyful energy sharing and mutual acknowledgement of one another’s role in the collective representation of that which my Inner Being is using to communicate with me, the wake state version of my Inner Being awareness.
That’s worth reading a second time. 😌
But wait…there’s more…
Recognizing this, waves of appreciation and joy sweep over me…not unlike these dream waves…overcoming resistance that once was my total exclusive focus in physical reality. For there once was a time when I didn’t know for certain, as I do now, nonphysical’s existence, nor was I, back then, aware I dreamt.
With that certainty now flows what’s known as “the secrets of the Universe”, known as that only because so few take time to find them.
Through these secrets I draw to me dream interpretation clarity:
The tumultuous sea represents massive changes underway in the broader context.
The massiveness of the waves and their power represent the intensity of my focus and my intention that Great Good result from all this (which is what’s happening).
The wall represents humanity’s resistance to the change.
The cooperative nature of both represent cocreation of a future bringing tectonic shifts in some humans, and my own awareness, which must equal identical shifts in my reality and collective reality.
Indeed, my perspective in this dream is not that of standing on the sea wall, nor on the tumultuous sea. Rather it is above both. A “God’s eye” view. That positioning too coordinates and cooperates with both wall and sea, meaning, I am both and more.
^^Trees and grass, roots and soil
Writing that sends shivers down my spine right now, indicating at the same time the accuracy of my interpretation and my Inner Being’s exaltation in my extraordinary clarity.
Oh how I stand in the now, focused on trees and grass, roots and soil, leaves and sky, eager and joyful knowing, not by faith, but by the clarity of my life experience, that everything is working out, that I am blessed, as all are, and that I am the center of the Universe, God in human form.
^^…leaves and sky…
And that is why I encourage and practice being positively deranged through a Positively Focused practice. It feels so good. And feeling good brings delight, insight as well as real life experiences matching that.
Mornings are joyous moments when I’m living in between two states that actually are one: dream life and walking life. I enjoy feeling wonderful and pleasure about both. I enjoy seeing how each informs the other. It’s beautiful feeling pleasure in both: coming out of dream state in ecstasy, moving into wake state in eager anticipation, knowing both contribute unique aspect that taken together form thrilling, joyous awareness of All That Is’ perfection as it constantly expands into more.
I give myself slack when experiencing something I don’t prefer, knowing it will pass eventually. That includes thoughts and beliefs I prefer giving up, thoughts and beliefs inconsistent with the reality I want to create.
Everything gets better, even thoughts and beliefs, when I give myself slack. Giving myself slack I see that getting better happening.
How do I give myself slack? I find the positive in everything. I pick things to look at and think about that feel good. By doing that frequently, I head off negative experiences or beliefs before they can throw off my focus. That’s how I keep from having negative thoughts or experiencing negative experiences: I choose positivity frequently.
Sometimes I miss. Sometimes negative interpretation slips by me or is so strong it overwhelms. In the midst of negativity I’ll realize I’m telling negative stories about what I’m experiencing. That’s the only reason for negative emotion. Realizing this I decide to chill and let is pass rather than try to force myself to be positive again. Awareness alone sufficiently changes the present. Even though sometimes, it looks like nothing changes, it is changing.
That’s why every negative situation or negative belief isn’t negative at all: without them I wouldn’t know what positive situations or positive beliefs are. What’s more, when I experience negative situations or entertain negative thoughts, they remind me to regain my positive focus.
So negative experiences are actually positive in the end because without them, I couldn’t know what being positive feels like, and I couldn’t choose a positive focus when I’m not choosing that.
Negative experiences are positive because they help reinforce my Positively Focused practice. And the stronger and more consistent that gets, the more I perceive the world as God does, as my Broader Perspective does: perfectly unfolding. And when that happens, my personal life must match that, meaning, it gradually, yet increasingly, includes fulfilled desires, i.e., more things that I want, and fewer things I don’t. 👍🏾
Beauty in nature will persist no matter how obscure human eyes become. Sometimes though, human eyes get clear. The Great Pause IS good. Can you see it? In the future humanity will look back at this time as a great opportunity. Why not see it that way now? Some people do, like those who took time to share their experiences and their memories.
It’s fun putting God to the test and watching God exceed my test expectations. That’s what happened this morning on my walk.
I know I am God in a human body. Don’t freak out reading that. Everyone is God in human bodies.
Sometimes it’s nice testing my godhood. It’s fun, and it assures me my desires are flowing easily into my life experience. Evidence abounds in that regard, but, every so often creating an event immediately tells me, yup! I’m doing it, I’m creating my reality.
The challenge with creating reality and the reason so many try this “manifestation business” and fail, is because specificity and focus are important. People who fail at creation don’t realize their “failure” actually is success. Here’s why.
If I want something really bad, that’s great, so long as I’m focused on what it is I want. It’s easy, though, in my focus on what I want, to instead focus on the opposite of what I want, which is the absence of what I want, or what I already have.
For example, say I want a new relationship and I’m in a relationship I don’t like. If I focus on all the things I don’t like about the relationship I have, and focusing there, I ask for a new relationship, I’m not going to manifest a new relationship. Instead, I’m going to manifest more of what I have: the relationship I’ve got.
I know I must turn my focus to what I want, not what I’ve got. I know I’ve done that by using my emotions as my guide. I know I’m getting what I want when I feel great in the now, the Moment of Becoming.
The Universe will deliver the essence of everything I ask for. Testing this assertion helps calibrate my focus so I know when I’m focusing on what I want instead of what I don’t. It’s a fun way of refining that important skill.
So that’s what I did this morning. I like testing God (that’s me) by using subjects I don’t have lots of desire about. It’s easier focusing when there isn’t a lot of momentum behind the desire itself. Here’s what I did:
I said I wanted to see a rabbit on my walk somewhere. I live in an urban neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. Houses and apartments and paved streets and alleys define my neighborhood. There aren’t a lot of wooded areas, so seeing a wild rabbit would be amazing. But I knew I can manifest anything I want if my desire is strong enough and, most importantly, my resistance to the desire is weak or non existent.
I focused on how it would feel seeing a rabbit. I held that image for a little over a minute, to get the creative momentum moving. In my imagination I saw the rabbit’s brown fur, its black eyes….I thought about petting the rabbit and how soft it would feel so long as it didn’t bite me 😂. That made me feel happy, a crucial indicator.
I’m clear All That Is delivers the essence of what ask. I know that often means delights beyond my specific ask. So it’s better asking generally rather than specifically because what comes can be missed if I’m too specific about what I want. So while I asked for a rabbit, what I focused on was the fur, the eyes and how it would feel to see something like that in my city.
Then I dropped it. I paid no attention to my request. I enjoyed my walk, the city, the morning air, the flowers and other people out walking.
It was a nearly four mile walk. Returning to the house where I live, I turned a corner one block from home and…not 20 feet in front of me….was a coyote. It looked at me with black eyes…and it had brown fur.
A Coyote a few steps right in front of me! In the middle of town!
Before I could snap a picture with my phone, it ran off around the corner, but as I got to the end of the block, it came running back around the corner. That’s when I got a video of her!
God passed! What a demonstration!
I know I am God in a physical body. I know I create reality through my interaction with it. My thoughts and emotions tell me what creations I’m creating. I share my experiences through this blog because the sharing is fun, but also to encourage others into their full creative potential so they can have as much fun as I’m having.
It really is fun creating reality. I love putting God to the test and then seeing how I exceed my own expectations.
In the last two months, my client roster doubled. That doubling signals universal response to my desires. I relish the future where a full calendar greets me each day, where clients and I joyfully share our Positive Focus and from that celebrate together desires fulfilling themselves.
Everything I want already happened. My job: line up with those future probable and alternate realities so they, like the sun rising and clouds forming in the sky, flow into my day-to-day.
I love seeing some Christians get this too. In their newfound awareness, they interpret the Bible different these days. The picture above, shared by a friend, is a snap from “The Mirror Study Bible” by Francois Du Toit. Du Toit is someone who believes in God and gets that God is more than once believed.
There’s nothing like hell. There is only heaven…on Earth as it is in nonphysical. When Positively Focused, I get heaven. Positively Focused is the heaven to which Jesus alludes.
That’s why, like this passage, I search for the good in everything. It’s so small a price to pay for what I get that it really isn’t a price at all.