My First Full Out Of Body Experience

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

There are some things people believe are impossible. And yet, as I’ve said, and many others before me, including William Shakespeare: beliefs make it so.

What we believe, is what’s possible for us. Meanwhile many people are out there enjoying experiences most think are impossible. Tonight (Dec 3, 2022), I became one of those people.

I found myself in an extraordinary life-experience. It represents the culmination of a long-running cultivation of my Charmed Life. It also answers a desire I’ve been asking for, for some time.

That is, I achieved my first out of body (OBE) experience. One in which I was conscious of the experience.

Castles and buttons

This blog contains literally hundreds of posts about experiences I’ve had over the years. One client complained these posts only talked about “little things” happening in my life. He wondered, where are the big things?

Meanwhile, I’ve been focusing on little things because little things lead to the big things. By focusing on little things, I soothe resistance standing between me and big things I want to happen.

Big things like traveling out of my body.

I distinguish little things and big things in the same way Abraham does. Little things I consider “buttons”. Big things, I call “castles”. Whether it’s a castle or a button, the same approach applies. But creating castles requires sufficient alignment to All That Is. And most people are nowhere near that level of alignment.

Abraham talking about castles and buttons and the little distinction between the two.

So with most clients, I focus on little things. Meanwhile, with advanced clients, I prepare them for big things. The castles.

I consider traveling out of the body as a castle. And since I’m not a hypocrite, I prefer to speak from experience. Therefore, my own practice led me to this point. I knew it would come. It was only a matter of time, focus and discipline.

Now I’m receiving exactly what Seth and Abraham assure us is possible.

Here’s what happened

Here’s my journal entry describing my experience. I took some of the personal stuff out of it.

I did it! I just allowed into my experience, the experience of…how should I describe it…existing in my spirit body. It started with the flowing sensation I felt in [a previous session leading up to this one]…Then there were moments again where that external body shifting feeling came upon me. There were several of these that came and went. 

Then, I blanked out for…I don’t know how long. When I “came to”, I had the distinct feeling of being in two positions simultaneously. In one, I was sitting up in my bed. In my hands I held a small electronic device similar to today’s cell phones. I was typing something into it. And in the other, I felt myself laying prone on my back in bed! It was a little disorienting experiencing both positions simultaneously. I felt my “thumbs” moving across the device screen, yet, I knew too that my actual thumbs were attached to my hands, which were laying to either side of my body! I remained in that dual position for I don’t know how long. 

Then, I distinctly heard or rather got an impression that this was happening gradually as an introduction so as not to frighten me as before. I would begin, [the impression said] slowly experiencing the spirit body without being able to move around until I had the ability to hold the focus without it frightening me. I just knew that’s what was going on.

Then, I found myself back in my body, but it felt as light as a feather! I was in it, but could barely feel it! I consciously, deliberately then, basked in that feeling, appreciating All That Is for allowing this and me for allowing it too. Then, of my own volition, I decided to end the session. I slowly brought myself back to waking consciousness while celebrating my success! 

Supernatural is natural

I’ll write more about this and future experiences. I know this is not the first time I traveled outside my body. But it IS the first time I experienced the travel consciously.

True to Seth’s instruction, many, many extremely vivid and memorable dream experiences preceded this. Such dream experiences are prerequisite to out of body experiences. In other words, there’s a gradual increase in capability, leading to more and more capabilities ordinary people would describe as “supernatural”.

Experiences such as flying without the need of an airplane, levitation and more are not “supernatural”. Unless you think they are. (Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash)

But here’s the thing. Such capabilities are not “supernatural”. They are as natural as breathing. But for people who don’t believe them possible, they are not only supernatural, they are impossible.

I’m super thrilled with what happened. And I’m eager for more expansion of these abilities moving forward. Seth says once someone achieves a certain level where they realize they create reality, that person becomes more bold about what they believe is possible. At that point, Seth says, one’s potential becomes unlimited.

I’m now at that point. I can only imagine what’s coming next. I’ll write more about this experience, subsequent ones and what led up to all this, in future posts. Be sure to subscribe to this blog!

Making Peace with “What Is” Results In Better Futures

Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

A fundamental I encourage Positively Focused clients develop is accepting “what is”. Accepting what is makes all the difference. If we want our desires to manifest, we must stop resisting them.

But one way we resist has nothing to do with our desires. This resistance happens subtly. Not realizing we’re doing it can cause great delays in creating lives we love.

Meanwhile, Law of Attraction, the process by which thoughts become things, still happens.

Ever wonder why life comes at us with a mix of good and bad? It’s usually because our thoughts contain a jumble of “good” and “bad”. We can enjoy lives full of nothing but goodness. Most don’t believe lives containing only good stuff are possible. But as Yoda says, we fail because we don’t believe. 

Yoda telling it like it is.

Seth says such lives happen rarely because they require great levels of focus and discipline. Most people aren’t willing to put in what’s required. That said, the Charmed Life requires no great amount of focus and discipline. It does require some. But those levels exist well within the reach of most people.

Pernicious non-acceptance

What most people have standing between themselves and their Charmed Life, where everything happens in line with their desires, is that subtle resistance I alluded to above, among other beliefs.

That resistance will slow down every manifesting desire. That resistance looks like any time we do not accept what is happening right in front of us. That’s right, whatever our currently reality is, must be accepted. That is, if we want something different to show up.

Here’s an example of this resistance’s subtlety. If we want something else to show up instead of what IS showing up, and because of that desire, we feel impatience or even a desire for something different, we’re resisting what is. That resistance retards change.

Because, as Abraham has said over and over, when we say “I don’t like this”, the Universe hears “give me more of this.” In other words, whatever we put our attention on is what we get more of.

Abraham once again delivering the gold.

So cultivating a state of being that accepts what is, is crucial. Then we must go beyond that and find a joyful acceptance not only of what is, but also of what is becoming, but hasn’t fully blown out into our physical life experience…yet.

That state feels like something. It’s something crucial to allowing that which we want to flow effortlessly into our lives.

Here’s a clue to what that state feels like. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about things I really enjoy that I already have?”That’s an inquiry worth making. It can open doors to tremendous possibility.

How I Live Happy With Better Manifestation Results

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

The essence of this manifestation business is focus. The better the focus, the better the manifestations. I get better manifestations when I remember this, then put my attention, or focus, on that which I’m wanting.

“What I’m wanting” is so important. We often think we’re focused on what we want when we stand metaphorically in the desire of something. But that’s like asking a question over and over and not being willing to hear the answer.

What we really want is the answer, not the question. But in the manifestation business, we often think we fail at manifestation when we don’t get what we want. Or when it takes so long to get what we want that we give up.

But Law of Attraction is always responding to what we focus on and delivering that. So when it seems like things just keep turning out the same, instead of improving, that’s what’s happening. Law of Attraction is working. It’s just giving us what we’re focused on.

Getting what I want

We can’t keep focusing on the question and receive the answer. We also can’t focus on the desire for something and get what we desire. That’s because the desire, often feels like asking the question over and over.

Think about it. If we focus on wanting something, we still don’t possess what we want. That’s why we want what we want: we don’t have it yet. But in putting attention there, we perpetuate that state of not-having. That’s why for many, getting what they want takes very long or doesn’t happen at all.

Now some things do take a while to happen. That’s because of a couple things. One is resistance. Usually on things we want really badly, that “really badly” indicates strong desire. But it also indicates a lot of resistance in the way.

So getting that kind of manifestation requires soothing that resistance. That resistance must soothe before what we want can come in.

The other reason it may take a while is, what we’re asking for requires a lot of coordination of events in physical reality. This Law of Attraction business isn’t magic. It’s reality. And physical reality happens gradually. So we must cultivate patience.

But if we’re focused in the right place, we don’t need patience. Focused in the right place feels joyful. So much so, even the time it takes for something to happen doesn’t feel like a long time.

Which brings us back to our focus.

Abraham putting it plain.

Getting it right

What does it feel like to have the thing we want?

That’s an important question. It’s important because it highlights where we must focus to enjoy the manifestation we desire. Again, standing in the desire is fraught with shaky vibration. Standing there it’s too easy to activate the absence of what one wants. Then Law of Attraction will keep manifesting that.

But if we can feel what it feels like to already enjoy that thing we want, well then, we’re in a totally different vibration.

Feeling thrilled, or excited or happy about a full-fledged manifestation is a start. But in the absence of having what we want, it can again, be tricky staying in that feeling place. There’s a better way that’s easier.

Think about any manifestation you now enjoy. One that happened a while ago. Maybe it’s a job, or a car. Or maybe it’s better health. Are you still, now over-the-moon excited about that past manifestation? Or are you calm easy and not really thinking about it much and generally happy?

It’s likely you’re in the latter feeling place. And that’s the place you want to be in about future manifestation. Feeling as if you have it already feels like that. Calm, easy fun.

It’s a pro tip

No resistance exists in a place where we just accept what is and feel open and empowered and generally happy about life. That’s the sweet spot for allowing in future manifestation. In that place we don’t think about what’s coming. Or maybe we touch on it, but we don’t stay there long enough to trigger doubt or shaky faith. We touch on it, then go right back to accepting what we have. Acknowledging what’s come is a good way to stay in this powerful place.

I practice that often. Whenever I sense a dip in my disposition, I run through all the wonderful manifestations that have come. In short order I’m right back to feeling good. Rarely do I feel dips because I keep a running journal of everything happening in the day. I highlight dreams I experience as well as experiences I enjoy while in meditation.

In this way I perpetuate feelings consistent with vibrations aligned with my Broader Perspective. My Broader Perspective stands constantly looking forward to what’s coming, knowing Law of Attraction has it all handled. I want to stand there as much as possible too.

It’s not a bouncing-off-the-walls feeling. It’s a calm, empowered, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly in my Charmed Life.

What Happens When Clients Share Their Amazing Lives

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the Charmed Life I promise. Some clients, however, want more. That’s why I created an Advanced Practice level. That practice takes one’s joy to places which amplify the Charmed Life beyond people’s wildest dreams.

I like working with Advanced Practice clients. Because with them, I can share things other clients aren’t ready to believe. Then we can together practice making those unbelievable things happen in our lives.

It’s taking “you are God in human form” and making that a real life experience.

An advance practitioner recently suggested I convene a group session of people who, like her, enjoy advanced practices so much, they want to share their experiences. So I started a monthly group session practice two months ago.

The results so far are astounding.

Limitless possibilities

Participants are starting to see how no limits restrict how wonderful life can get. The Charmed Life I promise clients represents an unlimited upward spiral of delightful life experiences. These experiences get better and better, causing one to wonder “what else can I do, be or have?”

I think that’s why the client suggested starting a group session. She figured she could amplify her own Charmed Life through listening to others’ stories. Of course, she was right.

Lisa exclaiming about how great the recent advanced practice Positively Focused monthly session went.

Notice what Lisa said above?

Sometimes people hear about Positively Focused and ask whether it’s like counseling. But Lisa’s right. The Positively Focused practice is not at all like counseling. First, it’s based on deep, accurate knowledge of how the Universe works. This spiritual knowledge when put into action, creates results so convincing and so powerful, one can’t help but feel the way Lisa described herself here. Second, we’re not trying to fix something wrong or broken. And third, I don’t know of any counseling theory based on the premise that we all are God in human form.

Positively Focused is not counseling. Instead, it’s a confirmation of what everyone is: God in human form, here to express and create as such.

More than the price of admission

But that’s the nature of all reality. We’re all creating our own experiential Universe. And when we get a handle on that, we can powerfully create anything we want. The only limit: What we believe.

The more a person does that, the stronger, happier and more empowered one feels. That’s worth the price of admission! And all my advanced clients agree.

Some Advanced Praticioners raving…

Getting together with people, all whom are discovering they’re God in human form, takes this “you create your reality” business to a whole other level. When a person experiences another’s experience through that other person’s new Positively Focused perspective, entire new realities open up.

What’s more, this practice changes people. They exude something special others pick up. It’s a calmness, a certainty, a clarity that’s unmistakable. That unmistakeable reality of presence is attractive. Clients who experience it want more.

The upward spiral

Clients experiencing the group session feel their presence reflected back to them by other advanced participants. It’s here that clients really get the power of the practice. When they see it in others, they can feel it more in themselves. When that happens, when they see it happening in others’ lives, they want it more in their lives.

That’s the upward spiral I write about often. It happens in every practitioner’s life. But when an advanced practitioner sees it happening in another’s life, it’s just more confirmation the practice works.

And that’s the wonderful gift Lisa offered to other advance practitioners in suggesting we meet monthly. So far, it turns out she was onto something.

I’m glad I listened to her suggestion.

Why Do My Manifestations Not Happen?

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I’ve been trying to manifest, but it’s not happening. So how do I make my manifestations into reality?

Answer: “Manifestation” is reality.

Whether we perceive the manifestation or not makes all the difference. Some “manifestations”, aka, reality, slip by people’s awareness. For example, most people will not celebrate the thought “I want to win the lottery”. They’re too focused on getting to the “winning”.

But that thought couldn’t be perceived had it not manifested as “real”. Furthermore, the “winning” depends on first seeing the desire to win as the most important manifestation. Not getting the money.

Knowing that thoughts are reality opens one up to more possibility. Ignoring them can kill off any future manifestation. For example, most people overly focus on the ultimate outcome of the “manifestation stream” — the money in one’s bank account. Focus on that and a person likely misses many prior manifestations that block that ultimate outcome.

Almost everyone adds a ton of resistance to their desires. Ignorant of that, most people can’t get to the “money in your bank” part. So they claim manifesting doesn’t work. But it always works.

Thoughts are reality manifested

Think about it: when we focus on winning a lottery, for example, all kinds of beliefs come up. Here are some:

  • “Winning the lottery is impossible”
  • “Winning the lottery is like gambling”
  • “Only suckers play those games”
  • “Lotteries manipulate and prey on desperation”
  • “I’m not lucky”
  • “I’m want to win, but don’t believe I will”
  • “I don’t deserve something like this”

That last one runs deep and is most powerful. Most people don’t realize they hold such beliefs. But most do.

Here’s the rub: all these beliefs are manifestations, just like thoughts. Thoughts are early manifestations. Beliefs are further evolved manifestations. They enjoy more momentum than a thought.

Beliefs and thoughts both create realities consistent with them. So if any of the above beliefs are strongly believed, winning the lottery isn’t likely.

Such beliefs conjure feelings like doubt, uncertainty and pessimism, which tell the person (even though she doesn’t realize this) “you’re not going to win the lottery!” When they play, they won’t win. Not winning is the ultimate manifestation of their persistent thoughts about the manifested reality called “winning the lottery.”  So their desire “manifested”.

And that’s an important outcome. Not winning the lottery tells the player they hold beliefs contrary to their desire. Not winning therefore, isn’t failure. It’s information the player wants to know.

So thoughts are reality. Most people won’t agree. They think “reality” must be something they can touch, see, feel or interact with. But don’t we do that with our thoughts? We feel them, interact with them, we imagine them into our mind’s eye, so we can see them. Then they shape our experiences.

How to not get your manifestation

Back to the lottery: If we’re waiting for the ultimate manifestation, it’s easy to slip into impatience too. That emotion tells us “you’re not going to win the lottery” as well. Any negative emotion about a subject tells us we’re going away from or blocking our desired manifestation in that subject area. 

This is all why it’s important to understand ALL manifestations are reality. Including thoughts. It’s also important knowing what “manifestations” look like. If we don’t know a thought is a manifestation, for example, we won’t know what next appropriate step to take after receiving the thought or receiving its downstream manifestation.

Not knowing that, we’ll kibosh the next evolving version of that manifested reality. Which is why so many people give up on dreams (such as winning the lottery), then, in their cynicism tell others to “get real” or, “this manifestation business doesn’t work.” 

It doesn’t work. For them. Because they’ve manifested a reality in which it appears to not work. But it’s working.

If we want to manifest effectively, we must realize manifestations start at the incipient stage – first as thoughts – then know what to do from there. Knowing that, it’s easy turning reality into a Charmed Life.

How My Selfishness Creates Better Lives For Other People

Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

The more selfish I am, the more joy I bring to other people. It’s uncanny, unbelievable perhaps, but true. That’s because the more selfish I am in living my life, the more I empower others to be that way too. And the more selfish people are, the better their lives get.

Everyone creates their reality. There are no exceptions to this. It’s why I assert with my clients that “reality” is 100 percent subjective. If it weren’t, none of what I offer my clients would hold as accurate. And life experience would be perilous indeed.

No one can create for us. No one can come into our experience and do something we don’t invite. Such statements present precarious situations for some. People in “victim mode” will argue for their self-imposed limitations, saying such statements are irresponsible. Similar people feeling equally insecure, but from a different perspective, claim such statements “blame victims”.

But there are no victims. Well, there are victims. But perpetrators and victims are one in the same. That’s because everyone creates their experiences. That is the one rule for which no exceptions exist.

We stand alone in our created realities

While some stridently disagree, others will (rightly) find tremendous freedom and empowerment in such statements. For if every person creates their reality, then each person can enjoy any kind of reality they want. The only limitations on such enjoyment are those each person creates for themselves.

Think of it. No one stands between where we are and what we want. Our experiences stream from our awareness just as automatically as our legs move when we decide we want to walk from one place to another. The mechanism of walking is exactly the same as reality creation. So it makes sense then to understand how “walking” happens, what’s involved and how to leverage that process more deliberately.

Once that happens, one discovers the fantastic nature of reality: that we each stand in our separate, but overlapping, created realities. We’re sovereign in our existence. And in our sovereignty, great joy awaits.

Great joy: that’s what I offer my clients.

Abraham asserting that which I know is the case for all reality.

Little by little, life improves

Now, the great thing about physical reality is, nothing happens instantly. What we have happened gradually. It came into existence as an unending stream of manifestations. So too will that which we want. To get what we want, we must know it won’t happen at once. Like our life as it is, the new life will come gradually.

The uninitiated don’t understand this. So they wobble in their focus. Then they get wobbly results. Or more of the life they already have. But the initiated learn to hold fast on what they desire. They don’t wobble in their focus. As a result, their life gradually resembles or reflects, everything they want.

Getting there should happen effortlessly. But because most of us forget this life way, we’ve cultivated habits running counter to that effortless life; that Charmed Life I write about constantly. Showing clients how to soothe such habits forms the primary steps of my client work.

The power of selfish living

But no one needs me to discover joyful living. All one need do is adopt new habits and hold them over time. New habits aligned with outcomes people want. Abraham recently offered guidance on this in an email:

It sounds easy. But for many, it’s not. That’s why people like me exist. I offer support for folks. Through a client relationship, I see things about people they can’t see. I use that insight in service, gradually pointing out, then offering alternatives to disempowering ways of being.

In time, everyone gets that for which they came. Some get more than expected, to their great delight and wonder. I especially enjoy working with those clients. That’s because their delight and wonder amplifies my version of those feelings.

And that’s why I do what I do. My purpose is selfish. In serving others in this way, I serve myself. I amplify my own focus and practice, further cultivating beneficial habits. Habits which get reflected back to me in my own created reality.

As a result, I enjoy the Charmed Life. So in sharing my Charmed Life experience, I get more of that. While also helping others develop their version of what I enjoy.

Is there really a better life than that? I don’t think so.

Join us if you feel so inclined.

The Best Case For The Easy Life

Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash

Western culture worships a false idol. It’s called hard work. Look around. So many people on average spend upwards of half or more of their time awake working. Some dedicate far more of their waking hours to working hard.

Americans in particular are known for their workaholism. A client of mine on vacation in Spain talked with someone, a Spaniard, who described her opulent and leisure lifestyle. In doing so, she said “Americans live to work. We Spaniards work to live.“

There’s no honor in Americans venerating working hard. If we knew more about how life works, our work life preoccupation would dramatically decrease, with no corresponding decrease in production, believe it or not.

Indeed, the easy life carries far more productivity potential. That’s because when one takes it easy, following both intuition and passion instead of doing what others expect of them, remarkable things happen. And they happen because them happening expresses nature’s grace for all living things.

Runaway success is natural

Take a look at the paradox described by “working hard“. Many people work very hard in their lives and barely get anywhere. The working poor are a great example. But so are many of the middle class. Many people in the middle class struggle mightily working hard and just barely cover their means. Or they get far enough to amass material pleasures. But since many middle class people finance such things, they end up working even harder to pay off credit cards, big mortgages and car loan debt.

Others enjoy a smattering of success evidenced by promotions, vanity titles or a real supervisory role. But those “successes“ usually lead to more work as well.

And when it comes to runaway success, an even greater paradox exists. Some of the most successful put in hardly any work at all and find success near immediately, while others work very hard in the same field and get comparatively nowhere.

Take the case of Sir Lewis Hamilton, the first brown-skinned Formula One driver. He is described as a “prodigy“ race car driver. From a very early age, his parents saw his instinctual attraction to racing. Everyone saw it. So everyone supported him as he rose far beyond others. Others working equally hard, and some working even harder.

Racing prodigy Sir Lewis Hamilton owes his racing prowess to something more than hard work. Indeed, people marvel at his avant-garde approach, which includes forays into music, fashion and enjoying life instead of working hard like others in the sport. (Photo By Morio)

Hamilton could easily do behind the steering wheel what others rarely or never could do. Indeed, his “hard work“ was more about further developing his natural gifts, his passions, not struggling to achieve “success “ or accomplish anything.

Something else must be happening

I was just about to write “not to diminish the effort Hamilton put into becoming a skillful driver”. But my desire to write that evidences my own indoctrination into our collective distortion; the distortion that “hard work” is the key to success. If it were the key to success, if it were instrumental in things going the way we want, why are so many working so hard not successful?

Which leads me to the following. Something else must be happening that allows some people to succeed with little effort and others, despite lots of hard work, hardly ever get anywhere. This is the case for something larger having more influence on one’s success than how much effort or action one dedicates toward that goal.

Why is it some people who work so hard achieve comparatively little?

I assert the answer has nothing to do with their hard work. Instead, it has far more to do with their attitude.

But even that is too superficial. It’s less about “attitude“ and more about resonance, or lack thereof, one feels for whatever it is one decides is “success“. One’s image of oneself, what one believes is possible, and what one chooses to do from those perspectives shapes everything.

Action of any kind means comparatively little.

The easy life for all

That resonance giving rise to inevitable success feels a certain way. And that feeling indicates a gradually emerging life that, initially, feels better than what it feels like when working 40 or more hours a week. It feels like freedom, adventure, positive expectation and empowerment on a consistent basis.

Most people experience such feelings infrequently or not at all. Such experiences explain why so many struggle or live mediocre lives or lives of compromise. Such people haven’t cultivated a resonance atmosphere within which success comes easy. They’re too busy trying to get there by copying what others do: trying to get there through action and hard work. They won’t slow down and get in touch with that which will make their life easy. They think the easy life is being lazy. So the Charmed Life I describe eludes them.

We all enjoy free will. All That Is wants us focusing our time and action living the easy life. That’s because doing so adds to or fulfills that which we each as individuals came to fulfill. And in that fulfillment, All That Is becomes more.

People who struggle contribute to more too. But how many of those people – were they in their right mind instead of the mind that has them indoctrinated into hard work – how many of those people would trade what they have for the easy life? I would argue that, in their right mind, everyone would make that trade.

The easy life creates a path filled with joy ease and fun. It’s a life wherein you can leave hard work behind. (My artwork)

That’s because everyone knew that’s the life they would live before coming into the world. That easy life. The life Jesus proclaimed in his sermon on the mount. I wrote about this two posts ago.

Nature wants you happy

Instead, so many of us choose lives of struggle. We all have free will, as I’ve said. We are all also eternal. So eventually, each of us, as individuals, learn to give up the hard life for the easy one. For many, that takes several lifetimes.

But for a select few, it can happen in this lifetime. By “select few“ I don’t mean to imply that someone else, like some god, blesses the lucky ones. The select few select themselves. They are those who connect with paths such as the one offered here at Positively Focused.

And when those people plug-in, their life becomes the easy life. In time, they leave hard work behind.

Many of the struggles we see in the world stem from people working hard and in doing so becoming discouraged and bitter. They’re disconnected from who they knew themselves to be. I suggest we give up all of that. And when we do so, we will realize a global society based on the Charmed Life I advocate.

When that happens we can give up worshipping the false idol that is hard work. Then get on with living lives we came to live.

The Great Future Coming Through Our Anger And Fear

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

There’s a great future just beyond our perception. And it’s coming through humanity’s anger, fear and insecurity. In fact, the more angry and insecure people get, the more power and impetus they add to the future coming.

But realizing that future requires some human beings turning their attention away from what’s making us angry and fearful. It doesn’t matter who and it really doesn’t matter if it’s a small group of people or just one. The more who do turn away from what angers or fears us, the more impetus grows.

Jesus talked about turning the other cheek. “Turn the other cheek” means literally turning our attention from what we don’t want, to what we want. Instead of looking at that thing we prefer not having and complaining about it, the phrase urges we stop looking at that and turn our attention to what we want.

Do that and in time we will have what we want instead of what we have now. It works for individuals and it works for civilizations.

Anger and fear keep us in place

Certainly the phrase “what you resist, persists” sounds familiar. Instead of turning the other cheek a lot of us keep what we don’t have by resisting it. And that’s why so much anger, fear and insecurity crowd public sentiment. In other words, a lot of people keep their cheeks turned towards things making them angry, afraid and insecure. So their future and our collective future, keeps turning into more of what we have: more that angers us and makes us afraid.

Someone amplifying and already amplified message. We can’t eliminate hunger until enough turn our cheek from hunger. In other words, people will discover a world without hunger when they look for that world, instead of focusing on the world where hunger exists.

While we all know what we’d prefer, we also, mostly, keep looking at what we don’t prefer. That’s why Republicans are so angry, so much so some revert to violence thinking that will solve their angst. It’s why many progressives stand in despair as conservatives gain greater control over the nation’s political levers.

But so long as both sides keep looking at and amplifying what they revile, they’ll keep getting more of that.

The way out is through

Meanwhile, the world containing more of what we want, exists. The road to that world, the way out, is not one we walk. We can’t drive it. Nor can we see it. The way out comes through mental action. The mental action is turning the other cheek.

“What resists, persists” works both ways. That means if we look at aspects in today’s world that we appreciate, in time, we’ll see more of that. And, in not too long, that world will emerge full-blown, right from the world in which we live.

That’s right. That world we want, the new world, doesn’t lie in the future. It lies right here in our current world. It’s the Charmed Life amplified across massive numbers of people. And it starts with just one who decides the Positively Focused life is preferable to the status quo.

The microcosm reflects the macrocosm

This explains why I write this blog. The more who adopt the Positively Focused Charmed Life, the closer we get to allowing that great future into our life experience. Again, it doesn’t take many. And the few who take it on receive ample rewards. After all, the Charmed Life includes getting everything one wants with little effort. My own life convinces me of this and so do my clients’ lives.

Readers may know the Universe is a fractal phenomena. Every aspect of the Universe is contained faithfully in every particle of the Universe. So when one person experiences consistently the Charmed Life, that experience must eventually become everyone’s experience.

But only those who want it.

That’s why no matter how great the future gets, there may be those who don’t experience it. We all benefit from absolute freedom after all. That includes freedom to choose lives of pain, anger and insecurity.

I want to experience Charmed Live experiences as often as possible. I want as many who want to experience that to experience it as well. Introducing people to the potential inspires this blog.

So will you create your own Charmed Life and in doing so help create the future we want? My experience says not better life exists. So I encourage you to do it. Then watch your world become a small version of the great future coming.

I Found Something Great Happens When Following This Advice

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

When I’m looking at something that displeases me, I don’t feel good. When I don’t feel good that is telling me something I want to know. It tells me I’m not aligned with what’s true for me, what I want to be.

When I realign with what I want, I feel better. And doing that brings enormous power. That’s because I came here to show myself that I alone create my experience. It’s a powerful thing knowing that. Because when I stand in that, the world looks different. That difference is empowering.

Empowerment is the pinnacle of emotions because there, I see and experience an agency not available when I’m not there. I see things unfolding according to what I want. Seeing that, I feel even more empowered, more confident. Confidence amplifies empowerment which increases momentum of unseen forces. Those unseen forces are what some people call “luck” or “good fortune”.

Our birthright is our truth

But such words water down those forces because those words convey a lack of control. Luck comes randomly and good fortune is something seen as bestowed to a few.

But everyone enjoys benefits bestowed by unseen forces. Indeed they are our birthright. And when I line up with them, what I want unfolds naturally. So I stand in my truth, that knowing I came equipped with at birth.

Everyone comes into the world equipped with their truth. Trading that true truth in favor of other truths happens so often though, staying true to one’s truth is rare. That’s why people living their truth stand out. They look crazy or foolish. Or focused on childish things.

Until they accomplish something that stands out as much as they did. I like a recent message contained in an email from Abraham. It sums it up nicely:

Abraham’s wise words

Law of Attraction let’s everything be. If humans took this to heart, especially some Christians, the world could be less contentious than it is. They’d also enjoy the Charmed Life I talk about all the time on this blog.

Since I can’t choose for another what their truth is, it’s better for me to stand happily in my truths. That feels good to me. And when I feel good, I tend to let others be. That’s an interesting contrast to what we’re seeing in America today. Isn’t it?

Wonderful Manifestations Happen Best By Living Happy

Photo by OPPO Find X5 Pro on Unsplash

It’s amazing how fast things will manifest in resistance’s absence. And on manifestations where very little resistance exists, things wanted happen in a matter of days. Like this cool manifestation I created this past spring.

Manifestations can happen in an instant. For most of us though, manifesting something we want hardly ever happens. And for things we really, really want, manifestation never happens. That’s why so few believe “manifesting” things is “a thing”.

The reason manifesting hardly ever happens or never happens for most people is because of resistance. Resistance can look like many things. Usually, resistance gets created when a person thinks they’re thinking about what they’re wanting to manifest. But instead, they’re thinking about the absence of that. So when what they want doesn’t happen, they think manifestation isn’t working.

It’s working, though. In this case, the person is manifesting what they’re focusing on, which is the absence of what they want. So they get what they focus on, not what they want: the absence of the wanted thing.

That’s why so many think manifesting things doesn’t work. They don’t know what they’re doing.

But with a few months practice, anyone can create the Charmed Life, the life wherein everything someone wants, happens in such obvious ways, “you create your reality” becomes more than a New Age saying. It literally becomes daily life.

Personal experience abounds

My own life reveals how accurate this is. Yes, things I really want I see more evidence of. I write every week about how things I want manifest. One day a reader said “you always write about little things happening” implying that the little things aren’t that big of a deal.

But they are a big deal. Manifesting little things is really important. Through those little things, I’ve gained confidence. I see tons of wonderful manifestations happening. Because of that, my awareness has expanded to allow me to be able to see evidence of those bigger things most people want – money, relationships, etc. – happening too.

Not only am I feeling more confident they’re happening, others express seeing evidence of them unfolding too in my life and theirs as a result of being my client. So all this evidence soothes disbelief I have about bigger things bing possible.

In the meantime, I use little things that happen near instantly, or in a few days, to build my appreciation of my own Charmed Life. When I do that, I feel lighter and more in love about life.

This all means those little things aren’t little anymore. They represent big indicators of the bigger things coming and they prepare me for them too. For that reason, I celebrate when little things happen. Which is exactly what I did as winter turned to spring earlier this year.

Something lost means something bigger coming

One day in late May I rode my bike to my local Safeway. May where I live brings cool mornings and more temperate afternoons. It’s shirt sleeve riding weather after say 3 p.m. But before that, at least for me, it’s jacket, gloves and a winter cap riding conditions.

On this day I wore all three. At Safeway, I locked my bike, got my groceries, then headed back to my bike. By the time I finished shopping, the weather turned warm. So instead of putting on my winter riding gloves, which are windproof, waterproof and warm, I put on my summer gloves which decidedly are not.

Little did I realize I left my winter riding gloves in the shopping cart. With gloves on my hands, I didn’t think to check the cart. I got on my bike and pedaled away.

It wasn’t until days later that I discovered what happened. They were my favorite riding gloves. I had them for three years. They cost me $50.  Though disappointed, I didn’t let my carelessness totally bum me out. Instead, I knew the fact that I left them behind meant someone else needed them more than me. I also realized Universe was bringing me a replacement.

That’s exactly what happened

As May turned to June, the weather dramatically improved. Indeed, on the week in question, the weather promised its first above 80 degree day. On sunny days I love riding to the beach to bask on hot sands while writing a blog or reading. This was going to be my first day to do that this year. So that was my plan.

I loaded my bike with all my gear and headed out for the beach. Not four blocks from where I live, on the way to my lovely spot, an amazing thing happened.

Once I crossed a main street, a postal truck stopped in my path. I slowed behind and waited, then it turned left down a side road. When it turned I saw these two black things in the road. As I got closer to them, they came into view. It was these bad boys just lying in the middle of the road.

Showers Pass is a top-of-the line winter and rain biking brand. I already own a riding jacket made by the same brand and I love it. Imagine seeing these in the middle of the road. I picked them up and tried them on. Of course, they fit perfectly!

As I said, I paid $50 for those gloves I lost. These cost a bit more and feel way better on my hands.

The rest of my ride to the spot I rode on my own little cloud nine. Rather than riding all the way to the beach, I stopped at a little lake filled with ducks, turtle and nutria. It was the perfect, private quiet spot for me to revel in this wonderful replacement.

A perfect recipe

I knew rendezvousing with these gloves was the response to my Positively Focused attitude about giving up my older ones. The minute I recognized them as gloves, I just knew what was happening. That’s why I felt so amazing when it happened.

How this happened matched perfectly the recipe for manifesting something one wants. First, I didn’t stew on the fact that I lost something. Instead, I knew that somehow, some way, something better would replace what left my life. I also appreciated that whoever now had my old gloves would enjoy them and, needed them more than me.

Then I pretty much forgot that I left them behind altogether. That allowed my Broader Perspective to go to work coordinating something better to flow in to my life. Because I wasn’t stewing, I had no resistance around having “lost” my old gloves. In other words, instead of focusing on what I don’t want (losing my gloves), I focused on what I wanted (knowing something better was coming).

And that’s what happened.

This seems like a small thing, not really worth talking about. But it’s important to know these little experiences, recognize them and amplify them. That’s because these little things will build within me trust and belief that if these little things can happen, the bigger, more wonderful manifestations are happening too, which is true.

They’re only taking longer because I harbor more resistance (disbelief, for example) about those than about these smaller things. But with each smaller thing that manifests, I gain more belief in the bigger things. And at some point, each increment of more belief, must add up to enough belief to overcome the disbelief. Then the bigger thing I want, will pop into my life experience.

It must, because that’s how this “manifesting business” works!