Yet Even More Great Shape-Shifting Results!

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

TLDR: The writer’s recent meditation experiences, including heightened brain activity in the Pineal Gland, hint at unlocking spiritual abilities and a deeper connection with the Absolute, potentially leading to profound changes in reality perception and matter manipulation.

Evidence is coming fast and steady now. Each one gives me greater confidence that shape shifting is a thing. It’s something I can actually experience in this life.

Meditation sessions this past week brought even more confindence-bolstering evidence. Whereas previous recent evidence brought new awareness, this time, evidence confirmed something I already knew.

Check out what happened.

My lineage speaks on the matter

In recent meditations, both the body and brain became more active as I focused on shape shifting and other “supernatural” manifestations. This all started with my body. I calmed my mind. Then I felt “thrills” moving through it, much like Robert Butts described his and his wife, Jane Roberts’, experiences. Jane and Robert are well known celebrities. They’re renown as mediums for Seth.

And while Seth confirms shape shifting and teleportation are things that can happen, he doesn’t mince words. These aren’t easy feats, he says. Accomplishing them means the adept has become…well…adept.

Abraham says the same thing about other manifestations, particularly about manifesting large amounts of money. Interestingly, Seth was almost completely uninterested in such things. So much so he discouraged listeners from pursuing them. Abraham, on the other hand, offers hearty encouragement for anything someone might want. Indeed, any desire expands the Universe. So every desire is worthy. Worthy of our attention. And worthy of enjoying.

I think this dichotomy of interest represents something many don’t understand about spirituality. Spiritual teachings, like everything else in the Universe, expands. They grow. They mature. As generations evolve, teachings evolve too.

Which is why, for example, I’m surprised people still quote Buddhist Hinayana teachings, or the Christian Old Testament. Newer versions of that wisdom exist in both religions. Yet people still adhere to the old.


The body getting involved more

After the “thrills”, my body then manifested other effects. It often became inexplicably rigid while in meditation. Then it began “roiling”; waves of energy flowed along its longitudinal axis. This flowing felt wonderful. And my research suggested it’s probably my Kundalini energies waking up. That’s cool.

Most recently my brain got involved too. Or, rather, parts of my brain. I wrote about this previously. In that post, I wrote about medical research into brain functions and surprising correlations I found between that research and my experiences. It was quite a find!

Last week’s experience took it a step further. More brain functions got in on the act. Functions I’ll describe shortly.

Bodily sensations indicate progress…(Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash)

An interesting point to note: from the Positively Focused perspective, the brain is a manifestation. It, along with the body, are not real, per se. The brain’s main function is as a transceiver. It translates vibration into physical reality. Physical senses assist with that. The brain also transmits vibration from thought back into pure vibration. But its main function is to receive and translate vibration into “reality”.

There are parts of the brain, however, that exist for other reasobs. And it’s those parts that are starting to “waken” in me. An awakening that may indicate progress.

Enter the “Pinecone”

In the last post I wrote about the cerebellum. I detailed how it became active during meditation. So much so, it created pressure against parts of my head. I also speculated about correlations between medical speculations of the cerebellum’s function with my experience relative to my desire to shape shift, teleport and travel outside my body among other things.

This last week another part of my brain got in on the act. It’s a part familiar to many in the psychedelic and supernatural space. It’s called the Pineal Gland.

So I’m next going to give some background on this part of the brain. Then I’ll describe my experience in mediation last week.

Medical science says this gland is part of our endocrine system. Its primary purpose, according to science, is regulating sleep through melatonin production. The name derives from the gland’s pinecone shape.

This gland generated substantial speculation through history. But it also has been subject of extreme focus in spiritual circles. Those circles say this gland plays a central role in spiritual experiences. Adepts saw it as the “third eye”. It was the seat of spiritual insight. To them it was the doorway between the physical and spiritual.

It’s interesting to note the following. Draw a straight line down the body. Draw it along the chakra meridians. Next, draw a line from the “third eye” center, between and slightly above the eyebrows, back out the back of the skull. Where these two lines intersect, say some spiritualists, rests the Pineal Gland.

It’s not an exact intersection. The gland actually rests slightly below that point. Still, it’s interesting to read about spiritualists’ intense focus on this part of the brain.

The Pineal Gland (in red) (By Life Science Databases (LSDB).)

The active ingredient?

Some say the Pineal Gland also produces the psychoactive N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Many reports contest this claim, however. This one, for example. DMT is found throughout the body. But that production appears insufficient to create spiritual experiences.

Indeed, I used to brew my own Ayahuasca. The recipe required about 25 mg of DMT from one source plant. I then combined that with another plant containing another chemical. That chemical prevents the body from breaking down the DMT. My brew was powerful. One dose took me through over four hours of transcendence.

The Pineal Gland is super small. It weighs less than .2 grams. That’s about 0.000440925 pounds! So it’s unlikely to produce 25mg of DMT. What’s more, we also need that other chemical, because the body rapidly breaks down DMT. This gland, therefore, if it did produce DMT, likely couldn’t produce enough for transcendence. 

My belief is, something else is happening. Something is happening with the Pineal region. This seems in line with my cerebellum experience. So I’m going to now (finally!) get to the experience which prompted this post. Then I’ll explain what I think is happening.

This Neuroscientist buzz kills the link between the Pineal Gland and spirituality…maybe.

What happened…and why?

So there I was….laying on my back. Typically these days, the moment I lay down for meditation, instantly, freaky things commence. This was no exception. Only this time, I felt a funnel shape form in my head. The funnel “pointed” down, into my body. The funnel’s large opening was – you guessed it – right underneath where I knew my Pineal Gland is.

Instantly after laying down, I felt that portion of my brain being “pulled” into that funnel. Oddly, I wasn’t scared. It actually felt good! So I focused on the sensation. Doing so, the “feeling” grew more intense. I turned all my focus on that region of my body and passively observed as it got more and more intense.

Then I felt “me” being “drawn” into the funnel! At the same time, I felt something “activate” in that region. Was it the Pineal Gland? What else could it have been!? That’s where the feeling localized. So that was my conclusion.

Now, I know it took a long time in this post to get to this experience. But that was necessary. It was necessary to set up what you’re going to read next. That is, what I think is really going on with the Pineal Gland and, for that matter, the cerebellum.

Seeing what’s really there: The Absolute

I wrote above that the brain is like all matter. It’s not a real thing. Sure, we can take one out of an animal and examine it. We can take it apart. We can examine and label its subparts. But all of that is happening in a physical reality that is 100 percent vibration.

Since you’ve read this far, I’m sure you’re familiar with the facts about physical reality. That is, that everything physical is mostly space. It’s not solid at all. And, that “material” comprising “matter” is mostly vibrational, probable states of energy. That’s what atomic matter is: energy in vibrational probability states. And everything is composed of atomic matter. In other words, matter represents energy probabilities popping “in” and “out” of existence in this plane.

All that is is mostly space. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash)

The brain is a gestalt of those vibrational probabilities. So is the cerebellum. And so is the Pineal Gland.

Now, science doesn’t accept that a nonphysical reality exists. Its whole existence is based on a commonly-observed, objective, physical reality. One that is separate from subjective observers. This is a distortion.

Here’s what I believe is happening in my meditations. I’m tuning myself more and more into a certain frequency. A probable frequency vibration whose probability is 1. That means it’s always there. In other words, it is The Absolute. It is what some call “god”.

As I tune myself to that, I perceive that Absolute state as “me”. When that happens, the “true nature of my being” – including that underlying my physical-ness – comes to the forefront. The illusion of physical reality begins to break away. Then I am able to see All That Is as it really is.

Building a scaffold

I believe I’m building myself a foundation in The Absolute. When I’m able to stand there in confidence, I speculate I will be able to deliberately alter matter existing in physical states. I’ll be able to consciously direct what state matter takes from among its probabilities. And that’s what Shape Shifting is all about.

It’s not just about changing one’s body into something else. It’s way more sophisticated than that. First off, it requires a stable “location” or scaffold. A place where one can “stand” so as to direct the shift without being caught up in it and becoming frightened. This location soothes the ego and allows it to exist in the midst of changes. Changes that otherwise would threaten its role. A role the ego performs with grace, a grace that allows us to exist in physical reality as though it is a stable, objective reality that appears separate from us.

The cerebellum and the Pineal Glad both are physical analogues to the ego. They aren’t the function through which spiritual or esoteric abilities originate. Instead, they are physical analogues. They represent vibrational probabilities of one’s ability to exhibit such abilities.

Feet, for example, represent probability of motion. Balance does too. Many other physical features do too. When a baby learns to crawl, movement probability goes to 1. Until then, it’s somewhere less than that.

I believe I’m somewhere between learning to crawl and run. The more I practice, the better I get. The better I get, the more is revealed to me. I can’t say when, but soon, I’ll be running. By running, I mean being able to do things people think are impossible. Like shape shifting, for example.

There’s more coming…

I’m convinced it’s a done deal. Evidence in other areas of my life support this. My financial condition has vastly improved as a result of this practice. Nearly all my clients have come from previous clients’ lives improving so much, their example inspires those around them to become clients. This is Law of Attraction at work.

My other spiritual experiences prove this too. I write about all these in this blog. Continue reading and following along. It’s proving to be an amazing, awesome, fulfilling ride.

Or maybe you want to go further than read my experience. Maybe my experiences cause you to want to create your own. If you’re ready, I can help. Become a client today!

More Practical Advice On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

I’m learning to follow inner impulses more and more. So when I woke this morning, eager to do a blog on shapeshifting, that’s what I did. This post is the result of that impulse.

My last post on shapeshifting gave a great overview. It detailed what’s needed, in a general sense, to accomplish the feat. That post described current beliefs most people possess. Beliefs which make even thinking about shapeshifting as a practical reality pretty much impossible. However, nearly everything we want IS possible. Including becoming a shapeshifter. We’ll talk more about the possibility in a bit.

The previous post also covered identity. We humans believe we are these bodies. That belief prompts other limiting beliefs. Beliefs also making shapeshifting impossible.

For example, a belief in medical science gets in the way. That’s because it implies the impossibility of certain things. It implies, for example, that the body can’t spontaneously regrow limbs. Or that germs and viruses are what makes us sick.

Germs and viruses are cooperative components to illness. But there’s a lot more to how bodies manifest dis-ease that medical science doesn’t account for. Let alone believe in. That’s another blog post, however. So instead of going there, let’s get back to the topic at hand.

The last post looked generally at beliefs. Let’s look more at beliefs as we consider what’s required to become a shapeshifter.

Fear, it is the mind killer

Frank Herbert, creator of the Dune franchise, was spot on. Our emotions point to what’s possible. A Positively Focused practice examines emotions in great detail. That’s because they’re crucial for being able to expand beyond human confines.

Humans enjoy great potential. We can experience freedom like no other being. We can experience freedom with no limits at all. But our beliefs limit that freedom. This morning, for example, I woke with a clear understanding of this. I realized, for me, the very act of working a job limits my freedom. I’ll write a blog about that another day. But this realization showed me something important. It showed me how our daily lives reveal how deeply we disbelieve how free we are. How we live as a society constantly reinforces our self-imposed limits.

Emotions like fear help us understand those limits. But if we don’t know what they tell us, we don’t get the understanding. Fear tells us something really important. Essentially, it’s saying, the “mind” (intelligence, your infinite potential, our Broader Perspective) is being limited by whatever belief currently is active in us and triggering fear. Fear literally tells us we’re limiting mind-potential.

Fear, therefore, doesn’t kill the mind. It tells us WE’RE “killing” it. Making it dead. Putting it in a box. Putting it in bondage. Bondage created by whatever thought(s) we have active in the moment we feel fear. This is a crucial thing. Understanding emotions and using them for their intended purpose makes being free a lot easier.

Our freedom has no limits. Anything is possible. Even shapeshifting.

Anything happening in dreams is possible in the physical

When we understand we enjoy unlimited freedom, we forget about being free. Instead, we focus on adventure inherent in freedom.

Imagine freedom as a newly-discovered planet. A planet with no boundaries. The more we explore it, the more there is to discover. That’s how freedom is.

And so when we accept that is freedom’s nature, a boundless playground, then it’s easier enjoying the adventure freedom inherently possesses. When we arrive at that orientation, where we focus near-exclusively on the adventure of life, then we’re ready to consider a wider scope of what’s possible.

This is why the Positively Focused Way focuses so much on emotions and, later, in advanced levels, on dream work. Dreams aren’t what people think they are. What they really are are journeys we take each night. The experience we call dreams are experiences our unbounded Broader Perspective constantly enjoys. Yes, even as we in our earthly bodies have whatever limited experience we have.

In dreams we’re unlimited. We can do nearly everything.

In a Positively Focused practice we reconnect with what’s happening in dreams to bring that awareness and possibility to consciousness. Dreams are the unlimited adventure I described above. Everyone enjoys them. Even those thinking they don’t dream.

The real fun starts when we bring that unlimited adventure to our waking lives.

Conscious awareness of freedom and adventure

Becoming aware of what’s happening in dreams, then bringing that awareness forward into waking reality is key to shapeshifting. Can you see how?

That awareness, the feeling of unboundedness, is key. It’s what’s needed to even begin believing in shapeshifting as a possibility. If we don’t believe it is possible, it can’t happen. So belief is key too.

Both freedom and adventure are hallmarks of worlds we experience while “dreaming”. Only we’re not “dreaming”. That word cheapens what we’re really doing while the body sleeps. While the body sleeps, what we’re really doing is living the full potential of all we are.

Making that conscious in our awareness while awake, we can then realize anything we experience in the dream state is possible in “reality”. After all, what is “reality” other than a really vivid dream?

That’s another key element to allowing shapeshifting into our experience. Freedom and adventure are hallmarks of life and the dream world. We are completely free. The adventure comes in when we accept our freedom as a given. Then focus on boldly exploring how free we are.

When we settle in that consciously and aware, only then can we allow into our experience what the majority believes impossible. And when we do, we become the example, which sets others free. You see how that happens, right?

That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused Way. We become examples others can follow. And in doing so, we become deliberate agents of expansion. There’s nothing better to live one’s life for.

Contact me if you’re ready to deliberately play your part in this wondrous, joyful path. Let’s get you started.

My Out Of Body Experiences Now Come Easily

Photo by Andrew Spencer on Unsplash

I’m experiencing multiple Of Body Experiences (OBE) regularly. The more I experience, the more intense their vividness and the longer their duration.

OBEs represent practical experiences of our eternal, multi-dimensional natures. Humans are meant to experience these experiences as they move through life. The experiences come when one merges their Broader Perspective with their waking consciousness. That merging marks significant advancement of a Positively Focused practice.

A recent experience shows how inspiring OBEs can be. After all, it’s impossible to dispute OBEs happen when you experience one yourself! And I’ve experienced many since my first one not long ago. In addition to this, other occult experiences are beginning to happen. Those experiences take me to the furthest edge of what people believe possible…and beyond.

Broader Perspective is me too

My Broader Perspective, or Whole Self, is that larger consciousness I enjoy in nonphysical. It isn’t a god or entity separate from me. Nor does it lord itself over me. Or judge me. Broader Perspective consciousness extends my being into multiple dimensions. Dimensions I inhabit simultaneously while also being in this one.

Everyone enjoys such complex constructions as part of who they are. My clients and I explore this conscious construction as part of our 1:1 session work. In time, clients can replicate what I experience. Not all do, of course. Even though everyone experiences these occult abilities, most won’t put in the focus needed. So they won’t enjoy such experiences. Or it will take them a long time before they do.

Our Broader Perspective wants us to enjoy these experiences though. That’s because with practice a person can leverage this broader awareness to their advantage in this life. They can literally create their life. They can create a life consistent with their biggest desires. Doing so represents the Charmed Life. The Charmed Life unfolds naturally as one progresses in their Positively Focused practice.


I keep a journal of my spiritual expansion progress. In it, I make regular notes on my personal sitting sessions. I also record my dreams. My dream recall and retention has improved immeasurably since creating the Positively Focused approach. Indeed, Abraham told me years ago this would happen. And here it is happening.

Anyway, in my journal I note whenever I project my consciousness outside my body. It isn’t something that happens deliberately. Right now they happen spontaneously. That represents where I am in my own practice. I am moving toward where I can project myself willfully. But right now, they come when they come.

When they do, I relish them. And that’s why I’m enjoying more of them. One hallmark of life experience is momentum. The more I put attention on something, that something will get bigger. The same goes with spiritual practice. The more I focus on my results, the more and better results I’ll get.

So remembering my OBEs makes it more likely to have more. Reveling in them after the fact does too. Writing them down increases momentum even more. And then reviewing my journal entries does it more. This explains why OBEs are happening more often. I’m amplifying my results through focus. Focus, attention, awareness are all the same thing. It’s a direction of aware-ized energy. Aware-ized energy is what we all are.

Here’s what happened in the OBE I enjoyed:

My OBE as detailed in my Journal on March 12.

The best life

I strongly believe the best life is possible for all of us. The best life is one where I am focused in the physical world. But I’m also focused in nonphysical. I’m aware of all I’m doing there, tapped directly into and merged with my Broader Perspective. I’m enjoying the best of all worlds. And that brings leverage. Leverage of the entire Universe, the energy that creates worlds. I can use that energy to create in this life whatever I want. Just as I do in nonphysical.

I work with clients because experiences I’m having are just too good to not share. Too good not to show others how to have them too. In this way, I came into the world as an example. I expect my life will ultimately show what is possible. And a lot is possible.

In fact, everything is possible. The only thing limiting what is possible is what we believe. The Charmed Life stands ready to embrace us all. It’s so delicious living it, I encourage everyone to tap in.

Including you.

A postscript:

It’s 1141 on March 17. About 40 minutes ago, I finished drafting this post. I then went into my mid-day sitting session. As if to punctuate everything I just wrote here, I experienced two more OBEs. While having them, I knew what I was doing. Once my 30-minute session completed, I made my documentation. Here’s what happened:

As if to double down, my Broader Perspective took me on two more OBEs after writing this!

More Proof On The Way To Becoming Super Human

It seems every week at least two significant spiritual things happen. These things prove I’m expanding as a spiritual being. This past week was no exception. What happens proves I’m uncovering my “supernatural powers”.

Of course such experiences are not “supernatural”. They’re things we all can do. Doing so just requires dedication. Dedication most people won’t put in. So it only seems such things are impossible. Or their possibility gets relegated to superheroes on the big screen. Many of us simply won’t prioritize such things.

Meanwhile, some people actively enjoy such abilities. Members of certain Buddhist Orders, for example, develop such capabilities. But even they may not go far. They see such abilities as distractions from their ultimate goal. Their ultimate goal being renunciation earthly desires, not developing occult powers.

I don’t consider such abilities distractions. I believe they serve vital purposes. They help people realize their godliness. Such experiences introduce people to their eternal natures. Experiencing them can even radically change individual life trajectories and society at large. They can change how we relate to each other. They can help eliminate human suffering by showing us how connected we all are. Connected not only to one another, but to all things.

They can even help us lose the fear of death.

Ending human suffering – one person at a time

That’s right, supernatural experiences relieve people of fear and insecurity. Fear and insecurity lie at the heart of many “bad” human behaviors. Mass shooters, aren’t born mass shooters, for example. Experience nurtures people into such states. Psychopaths aren’t born that way either. They become such people at the hands of other people.

All that can change if everyone directly experienced their immortality. If people knew they were integral parts of God, they’d fear one another less. They’d experience more grace and love from within. No matter the external conditions, such people could change their lives into better lives. Better lives for themselves and for others.

Changes like that can’t come from “faith” though. Which explains why religion often falls short. Religion can mollify insecurity and fear. But religion also can foment fear and insecurity. Especially those based on sin and damnation.

But direct experience of one’s eternal essence teaches differently. Directly experiencing one’s consciousness as it exists beyond the physical offers compelling, visceral, undeniable evidence. No one, for example, can deny out of body experiences exist. Not after directly experiencing one.

Positively Focused’s goal then is empowering people in this way. The practice shows them they are gods in human form. Through direct experience, the practice reconnects people with their immortality. From there, people discover what they really are. In time they free themselves from fear, suffering and insecurity. They find instead empowerment, freedom and joy. Then life becomes the joyful adventure that is the Charmed Life.

What is our potential?

My personal practice has me questioning many things nearly everyone takes for granted as impossible. What if, for example, things “superheroes” do in movies actually represent real-life human potential? What if we can fly? Can we travel to other dimensions? Can we shape shift?

I don’t think coincidence explains people’s fascination with superhero movies. Perhaps the reason we’re so fascinated is deep down we know such abilities are possible. But since so many don’t believe them, such abilities remain latent.

Until now. I know, I sound crazy. But my experience says maybe I’m not so crazy…

Abraham making an assertion I’m beginning to believe is accurate.

I’m testing that “craziness” to see what’s behind it. What I’m finding shows that maybe we can do more than our logical minds allow. Maybe…our potential is more unlimited than we believe.

My latest experience

Shape shifting, for example, is something I’m systematically exploring. Recent experience indicates I’m making progress. Of course, actually shifting my shape requires rather intricate and significant control of certain realms. It also requires highly refined abilities. Abilities accessible only in nonphysical. It also demands that I soothe a LOT of resistance, primarily resistance manifesting as disbelief. But also manifesting as fear.

And yet, evidence I am producing shows promise. Take, for example, this recent experience:

Notes from my experiences during session 187 titled: Preparatory sessions for shape-shifting?

Descriptions in this note pale in comparison to the actual experience. It was EXTREMELY profound. So real was the experience that it left me giddy days afterwards. And the fact that it ended seconds before my timer went off told me a greater intelligence was at work within me. An intelligence possessing a sense of humor and an awareness of my time experience. I attribute that intelligence to my Broader Perspective.

What was that experience?

In case you don’t know what “murmuration” is, here’s a video of the phenomena:

This is what my body felt like

Watch the “meta” structure the birds’ flight paths create. Note how that shape changes, but the number of birds and their orientation, while changing, remains cohesive. My body felt exactly like this. Though I perceived it maintaining its overall “shape”, I also sensed that it could change shape. That it actually was preparing to change.

I’m not quite ready for the full capability shape shifting implies. Not yet. Just as I’m not fully ready for fully-conscious OBEs. Otherwise, I’d be shape shifting now. And traveling to other realms and dimensions while fully aware of the experience.

That I’m not doing that (yet) tells me I still have some resistance. Fear remains the biggest resistant element between me and these full-blown experiences. My ego hasn’t quite acclimated itself to a realm in which it’s not designed to function. But it’s getting there.

As it does, that fear is subsiding.

What the future holds

Shape shifting is my future. As are the other occult abilities. I strongly believe this. I already am projecting my consciousness outside my body and aware I’m doing so. Everyone does this. Nearly everyone disbelieves they do this however. So they don’t remember doing it. Or, they aren’t aware of doing it. Or both. I’m becoming more and more aware of my out of body experiences. I record them. And I retain the experience. More and more, I’m becoming aware while in them. Doing so, I’m gradually extending my time in them. Changing the emanation that is my body will be a nice complement to out-of-body travel.

This whole exploration began with manifesting desirable circumstances and events in waking consciousness. It actually started with wanting to be more positive. Now, it has expanded a great deal. I never thought I would want to manifest these supernatural abilities. Abilities that actually aren’t so supernatural. But now that I’m starting to experience them directly, I can see how they were my destiny.

Someone must show humanity what’s possible. Someone must show us the future that can be ours. Perhaps that person is me. Want to join me and my clients in this pursuit? Contact me. Let’s talk about it.

I’m Getting Better Traveling Out Of My Body

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

The more proficient I get with my Advanced Positively Focused practice, the better control I’m having in my Out of Body Experiences (OBE). I like seeing that progress. Exhibiting more control over such experiences indicates significant progress towards becoming ordinary among super humans.

That’s a paraphrase from a book I read. Dan Millman’s Way Of The Peaceful Warrior transformed my life trajectory. In his book, Dan quotes a main character:

“You have tried to be superior in an ordinary realm. Now you must learn to be ordinary in a superior realm.”

Way of the peaceful warrior

I love the juxtaposition of that quote. Many want to be super human among ordinary people. They want to set themselves apart. I once did, that’s for sure. But some time ago, I opted for the better alternative. I opted to become ordinary among a community of super humans.

Now that I’m exhibiting early super human powers and sharing how to do that with others, I’m fulfilling my long-held desire.

It takes practice and persistence

In that last two weeks, I’ve enjoyed a steady series of extraordinary events. My dreaming experience radically transformed. These days, dreams are long, rich and vivid in their detail. My dream retention proves my increasing ability to merge with a greater part of me. The part that travels freely through alternate realities.

The word “dream” is a misnomer. That term disparages what’s really happening when the body sleeps. What happens when the body sleeps represents sacred connection to All That Is. We return to our Broader Perspective awareness. There we travel through infinity. The cool thing is we can do it consciously aware of what we’re doing.

When my body sleeps, I’m not in it. Instead, I’m exploring, creating and interacting with the power and love of other literal super humans. Beings who no longer exist in the physical realm.

I share with clients what I know these nightly experiences actually are: the closest, easiest-to-reach alternate dimension available to us all. Every point of consciousness experiences this dimension while our bodies sleep. Even objects thought inanimate experience them. But consciously experiencing this realm then recalling and retaining the experience, represents an advanced capability.

Anyone can do it. It just takes a teacher who knows what they’re doing, practice and persistence. Exploration of other dimensions is a “given” as eternal beings. But human consciousness blocks those experiences for ordinary people.

Super humans though travel these realms consciously. And benefits of doing so are clear.

Projections of consciousness

OBEs indicate even further advancement. These days, in nearly every meditative session, I experience an OBE. Sometimes, I experience so many I can’t remember them all. But I know practice and persistence will remedy that. After all, my ego needs practice too. It must get used to being in a foreign dimension.

I also must get used to the experience. Right now, my control isn’t the best. OBEs I’m enjoying come as spontaneous events. Not something I directly control. I can’t deliberately visit some place I want to for example. Not yet. Instead, they involve random visits to alternate dimensions. Or experiences in locations familiar to me, like the following:

I saw myself I found myself walking down the street that felt like Mississippi [a street in my neighborhood]. A woman was coming from the other direction. The scenery was extremely vivid as was this woman. She had long brown hair that flowed in the wind. Her face was narrow and stern, but the energy she emanated wasn’t stern. As we converged, she looked at me strangely, as though I did not belong there. And of course I did not, for I was projecting! (Massive Source Confirmation).

This one happened this morning (Feb 21). What’s cool about visits like this is OBE pioneers document identical early-stage experiences. Robert Butts and Jane Roberts‘ early experiences were exactly like this. Robert and Jane are famed as the conduit through which Seth spoke. Oliver Fox is another OBE pioneer. He lived in the early 19th century. Fox documented his experiences in a book called Astral Projection. Yet another pioneer, Robert Monroe created a technology-enabled process for astral projection. His book, Journeys Out Of The Body chronicles his journeys. Each of these pioneers enjoyed the same early-stage experiences I am enjoying.

More powers on the horizon

These people’s experience confirms my own. I’m just beginning with this highly-advanced ability. And I know my experience reflects improved capability. For example, in the projection above, I recognized the woman recognized me. She knew I didn’t belong in her dimension. And I retained that experience when I returned from visiting there. As I wrote above, in past experiences I forgot what happened upon returning. But now I’m retaining more of the experience.

I also notice my forgetfulness happens in highly advanced trips. When I visit multiple dimensions, my ego gets overwhelmed. One recent sitting demonstrates this. The moment I lay down, I experienced an enormous variety of dimensions all simultaneously. It was almost totally overwhelming. I couldn’t remember specific details. But I remember the collection of various dimensions as a single unit. Here’s what I wrote about that event:

A description from my journal of a massive number of dimensions experienced simultaneously along with other OBE projections experienced in session 181 on Saturday, Feb. 18.

I know my capacity for these experiences is improving. I know this because I recognize progress I’ve already made. And I know more such progress lies on the horizon. As do more abilities. Abilities known only in what Dan Millman calls “the superior realm”. The realm that is quickly becoming my new home.

Wanna join me?