The Spectacular Nature Of Our Dream Reality

Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

What is happening when we dream? Some think dreams are the mind making sense of immediate past experience. There are a lot of other theories about dreaming too, but none of that is what’s happening.

Dreams are alternate dimensional experiences. When we dream, we leave our body. While the body refreshes itself, we move through a series of alternate realities among other various activities. These realities we create ongoingly as the aware-ized energy that we are. The realities are as real as this one. And we experience them through dreams.

Lots of people enjoy lucid dreams. Some even come awake in their dreams. Doing so, they travel fantastic landscapes. Landscapes in what seems like the past, or worlds that appear from the future. Of course, these are not “past” or “future”. Outside of this reality’s time and space conventions, everything happens everywhere all at once.

But our brains want to overlay their linear-time framework over these experiences. So certain dreams feel as happening in a “past” or “future” after we wake.

Everyone can enjoy what lucid dreamers enjoy during these very real experiences we call dreams. But most folks won’t take time to develop such enjoyments. That’s because our society places little importance on them, even though, historically, dreams once played prominent roles in life. They still do in some cultures and societies.

And even in ours, dreams still have tremendous influence. While science doesn’t officially understand our dreams’ purpose, and many people, including some influential folks, claim dreams are something we don’t need to pay attention to, dreams are crucial for life.

Meanwhile, for those who do pay attention to them, dreams become an enormously valuable experience. They literally open us up to all that we are. They help us see ourselves as god in human form.

Developing the skill: So worth it

Like any skill, experiencing conscious dreaming takes practice. And, just as we all potentially can exhibit “supernatural” abilities, we all dream. Even those who claim they don’t dream. So it’s not a matter of “developing” conscious dreaming ability. Instead, we learn to uncover what we’re already doing so that we can consciously experience and remember doing it.

I’ve been doing that for some time now. As a result, I regularly enjoy quite detailed, highly vivid, thrilling and emotionally fulfilling experiences while my body sleeps. In fact, a dream I had this morning prompted this post. It was so satisfying, the details so splendid, I felt compelled to share it.

I’ll share the dream itself, then offer an explanation for why I dreamed it. It should be added here that dreams are beyond our human understanding. We can only grok portions of them. Here’s why.

Conscious dream awareness can be developed, like any other skill.

Dreams take place in nonphysical. In nonphysical, everything happens all at once. That includes various incarnations of ourselves interacting with ourselves. Our various incarnations share information and knowledge from their realities, as we share ours with them. Each one also immerses themselves in each others’ experiences.

Our Broader Perspective also gets in on the act. It coordinates activities each of our incarnations experience. It also moves with other aspects of All That Is. In doing so, it arranges the fulfillment each of our incarnation’s desires. Fulfillment which expands the incarnations’ experience and All That Is as a whole.

In other words, a lot is happening in “dreams”. Much more than our brains can register. While in a human body, therefore, it’s impossible to know fully the dream reality.

But it’s a great place to begin. That’s because our dreams represent the closest nonphysical, alternate dimensional reality to this physical reality. We can therefore use dream reality to discover more about ourselves. Ourselves and the realm I call nonphysical.

Each dreamer dreams alone

I should add one other thing. Each dreamer creates their dream reality. No two dreamers dream alike. Books on dream symbols and interpretation exist in the marketplace. A lot of websites claim to help people understand their dreams. But it’s very difficult to match your dreams to such guides in any accurate way. Instead, people wanting to discover more about their dreams are better off learning to trust their Broader Perspective to guide them.

Again, dream reality is highly complex. In every dream, what actually happens and what we remember often diverge greatly. Again, the brain isn’t equipped to process dream activity. It does its best though. What we bring back to conscious awareness, therefore, is not what actually happened. Instead, the brain translates the experience using familiar imagery from daily life. At best then, what we remember is an approximation. Not what really happened.

Some think dreams are tricks of the brain. But they’re far more than that. And each dreamer’s experience is unique. (Photo by David Matos on Unsplash)

That’s why a book or website can’t really help a person understand their dreams. But our intuition can help. Through our intuition, we can develop a native ability to consciously know our dreams. However, it’s important to know that even if we don’t consciously understand them, we do receive the communication at more subtle levels of our consciousness. And we often take action in daily life because of them.

Meanwhile, like the act of recalling dreams, we can uncover that natural skill of conscious comprehension. It’s there, right under waking consciousness. It awaits our discovery. A Positively Focused approach naturally brings that consciousness to the surface. But other approaches work too.

The dream world offers a ton of value. On the surface they seem full of superfluous nonsense. If only people knew…

Let’s now look at my latest dream.

A fulfilling example

Again, I’m sharing the dream as I experienced it. In the next section, I’ll offer my intuition’s interpretation. Here we go!

I’m riding a BMX bike, but it’s an adult size. I’m riding among huge boulders. My skills are apparent. I’m super good. I easily negotiate twists and turns, jumps and slides among these boulders. My focus is on reveling in my skill and I’m shredding this experience. I feel unparalleled competence and I’m enjoying feeling that.

Evening time comes then and I want to ride the same trail again. But I’m stunned by the Golden Hour beauty, sunlight hitting the boulders just so, casting shadows and painting their surfaces in artistic splendor. I look at the really large ones, medium ones and small ones, and I’m struck with wonder at it all.

Deciding I’ll ride the trail again, I begin to do so. But then, after passing one curve, I realize evening time is when animals, predators especially, are most active. This brings up a thought of mountain lions, which is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately in waking hours. I stop riding then and think about whether I want to continue riding.

Meanwhile, cars drive by me on a nearby road which also winds through the boulders. One more passes. I look back along the twisted trail from where I came. That’s when I see, nestled in a crag between two large rocks, a mountain lion, its eyes fixed upon me.

I’m surprised, but not scared at all. Instead, fascination wells up as the lion struggles to its feet. Even in struggle, it’s graceful and powerful looking. Her beauty in my mind is unparalleled. I marvel that I’m seeing this because most people never get a chance to see this. She moves across the boulders dragging her back right leg. At times, as she walks away from me, she grabs what is obviously now an injured paw with her front paws. She licks that rear paw, then looks over to me. Then she moves off the large boulder onto the bike path.

Fascinated, I follow her. As she walks, the path turns into steep ramp. This ramp leads into what feels like a corridor of a concourse. The concourse is super futuristic, with really smooth walls and floors which seamlessly transform into one another. The mountain lion lays down in the middle of the corridor.

There are barely any people in the corridor. I walk up the ramp with a feeling I belong in this place. I approach the lion to get a closer look at her injury. Intense love for her and her for me wells up within me. It is that intense love that draws me to her. As I approach, she begins slowly changing into a human. I see her pelt transform into human skin, a rich, beautiful golden color that reminds me of the actress Zendaya from Dune and Euphoria.

I’m right up to her now as she lays on the floor holding her right leg. Looking at the leg, I notice a huge gum print. It’s embossed in the skin of the paw’s underside. There also are four puncture marks on either side of the ankle. That’s when the lion/girl talks to me. She says a bear attacked her some days ago. It bit her on the foot, but she was able to escape. I ask if I can take her to the clinic. I point down the corridor to my left. She turns her head and we both see doctors doing something in the clinic’s open entrance. But she turns back and emphatically says no.

I look to the right down the corridor. The atmosphere in the corridor is very calm, its surfaces colored a bluish grey. At the end I see a sign indicating a bathroom. I suggest we go there and perhaps I can help her with what is now her foot. She agrees.

At that moment, a man about my age approaches. He sees us and offers help, but doesn’t do anything. Instead, he asks if I’m a journalist. Yes, I say, then help the lion/girl to the bathroom. I believe the man follows us.

Once inside I find first aid supplies. I examine her foot. As clear as day I see the imprint of the inside gums of a mouth. I think about how hard that bear must have chomped down on that foot to create that impression, such that that impression is still there. I examine the rest of her body for other injuries. Doing so I notice a large tattoo of circles tied together along a straight line on the side of her rib cage.

Right at that moment, a woman appears in the room with us. She wears a stethoscope. I recognize her as a healthcare worker of some kind and telepathically request her help. The lion/girl doesn’t resist, so the woman begins administering aid.

I wake from this dream feeling intense emotions and extremely clear recall of everything that happened, including the ride, my skillful maneuvers, the fun I had riding, my concern about encountering a mountain lion, and this rendezvous, which transformed my concern into love for the creatures….

The interpretation…perhaps not what you think

All my dreams these days are this vivid, detailed and lengthly. Most of the time I wake from these with extreme fascination and revelry. This dream was no exception.

So what does all this mean? As I wrote above, it’s impossible for the brain to get all the messaging happening. However, here are general interpretations based on what my intuition told me after reading the dream over a few times:

  • My skill at life: The bike portion, including reveling among the open countryside, especially during the Golden Hour, is me recognizing my eagerness and resonance about exploring physical reality. It’s a resonance I’ve enjoyed since childhood. And it’s something I’ve reveled in all my life. It also reassures me of my competence with reality/life. This portion reminds me how deft I am at being physical. It’s encouragement.
  • Processing fears into love: While awake in this reality, I think sometimes about taking walks in the wild alone. While doing so I worry sometimes about encountering apex predators. Such encounters I’ve had before. Once with a cougar. Once with a black bear. In both cases nothing remarkable or scary happened. This dream is me in nonphysical reminding myself of my connection to All That Is which includes apex predators. And because I’m so connected I have nothing to fear.
  • Encountering the mountain lion: This is a complex set of experiences. This segment amplifies everything above. It also reminds me of the oneness I share with all living beings, as the lion transforms into a woman. Me fascinated with the lion indicates my love and interest in perpetuating All That Is through my physical experience. Me assisting with the lion’s paw is an expression of my all-pervasive intention to be of service to All That Is. This is super-evident these days as I am always offering help to passersby, including this morning when I helped a woman change a flat on her car. The lion’s transformation is also a nod to my intent at manifesting shape-shifting abilities in my life, one of several “supernatural” abilities I’m exploring.
  • Zendaya connection: I have a crush on what Zendaya represents to me. That the lion transforms into a female with Zendaya characteristics further amplifies my love and connection with All That Is, recognizes my unfolding desires and affirms my nature as constantly expanding.
  • The futuristic facility/corridor: This segment represents again, my desire to be of service, but also my passion for expansion, the future and becoming more. The guy asking about my journalism is a nod to my vocation/passion for words. And, in this life I was a journalist for a city newspaper. Before that I was a Marine journalist. Journalism, the capturing of news and information for dissemination, is something I still am passionate about. This blog represents a spin-off of that passion.
  • The female doctor and tattoo: The doctor is my resonance with highly intelligent people, particularly females. She may also represent an interplay between “me” (the dreamer) and another incarnation of me, who is female and practicing medicine in that reality. Families of consciousness are organized around intentions or foci. It’s likely I experienced that incarnation of me as my intentions creating this dream attracted that incarnation of me as we share the same intentions. The tattoo may have had something to do with the future experience where I watched C-Span coverage of the UFO/UAP Congressional hearing. I’m not too certain about that.

Summing it up

Dream experiences are multidimensional, highly complex and can sometimes be mind boggling. Particularly for those lacking a knack for recalling them. Actual interpretations of such experiences have value. As you can see, this dream was an encouraging experience which amplified things I was processing in waking awareness. It also offered connections with broader portions of my being.

For me though, the far more valuable aspect of this dream, and others I have, is the emotional content, the vividness of the experience, and the clarity of awareness I have upon waking. These all show me I am developing in ways I’m wanting to. I’m gaining clearer awareness of my nonphysical existence through these experiences.

It’s happening gradually and seems to be taking forever. But that’s the nature of expansion. We choose to put ourselves into a limited earthly experience, in these relatively fragile bodies, to viscerally participate in that expansion. Doing so, we forget we are eternal, eternally joyful and eternally free. So it taking forever isn’t a problem. We’re eternal after all.

Directly experiencing our eternal natures is part of the dreamwork included in the Positively Focused practice. That work can be a thrilling experience and contributes to the Charmed Life I write about.

Re-discover your eternal nature through dreams and more. Let’s talk.

Why We Are Here: A Great Hidden Gift

Why are we here?

Many people ask this question at some point in their life. But the correct answer lies beyond most people’s understanding. For most people, as Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, “… can’t handle the truth!” 🤣 It’s just too beyond most people’s understanding.

We come into physical reality as humans as a great gift to All That Is. And to ourselves. Even if we don’t understand the reason why, we still get the magnificent gift.

No, it’s not heaven.

We come here, because the very act of coming is literally Universal expansion. It literally is All That Is focusing itself into becoming more of all that is. I know I’m using the word “literally” often in this paragraph. But it literally cannot be stated anymore clearly: our individual human experience is the process by which All That Is becomes more.

Universal expansion, therefore, occurs through the billions of consciousnesses here on Earth. Earth and elsewhere. So not only do humans contribute to it, but every instance of existence does too, whether humans believe that existence is sentient or not. That’s rocks. That’s water. Even air. It’s bacteria. It’s everything.

The best experience of this process happens when an instance of conscious adds to expansion while being consciously aware of its doing that. For in that sacred, glorious act, life becomes delicious. Which explains why animals don’t struggle or toil. They live in Joy.

And so can we.

It’s the Charmed Life

Even the word “delicious“ cannot adequately convey how satisfying that awareness is. But the Positively Focused practice creates this awareness. This awareness, produces the Charmed Life I write about. It starts with satisfying people’s desires. Satisfied desires form the basis of the Charmed Life.

But eventually, focus expands to include bolder initiatives. Initiatives leading to the bliss expressed above. Bliss born of an awareness that one is god in human form.

The Charmed Life is us living as All That Is. Meanwhile, our nonphysical cadre animates all we experience. It maintains our physical bodies, and, one by one, fulfills our desires. Desires which flow easily into our awareness. All in perfect timing.

The Charmed Life becomes ours when we’re aware of our purpose and living from there.

Even those words above don’t capture life’s fullness and delight. But as we continue being Positively Focused, our experience shows us what these words cannot describe.

That experience encourages bolder exploration. We want to see how far we can take this. There are no limits. That’s what makes the Universe unlimited too.

The impossible made possible

So physical life experience is All That Is expanding. Each of us are instances of All That Is participating in its expansion. The complete fullness can’t happen though. That’s because we are all eternal. We’re constantly becoming more. And there’s always more to become. We live, therefore, in perpetual incompletion. That too is a gift.

I can attest to gratification expanding awareness offers. It is this satisfaction that emboldens me. That’s why I pursue things people believe impossible. Only they are not impossible. They only seen that way from limited perspective. From broader awareness, however, everything is possible.

Sound amazing? I think so too! But knowing so is even more amazing!

Realizing that amazingness is part of Universal expansion. So extending one’s ambitions into the realm of the “impossible” represents understanding life’s great hidden gift. It also adds new into the Universe. Something All That Is constantly reaches for.

Because the new usually feels impossible. Until it is done.

The wonder of conscious participation

Our participation is a given. The only option is this: are we participating consciously? My clients are on their way to conscious participation.

I’d love to include you among us.

We come into this world for divine purposes. Universal expansion is the reason we’re here. Our participation is the nature of the Universe. Conscious realization of that has no peer. Extreme satisfaction, delight, and joy results from that. It is the Charmed Life I write about.

Experience it yourself. Contact me. Let’s get started.

Why Negative Manifestations Offer The Best Gift

Last week I wrote about a Positively Focused advanced client. I shared her experience with a negative thought, one she worried would turn into a negative manifestation.

Because she’s an advanced practitioner, however, she understood something important. She understood her dominant positive focus would overwhelm any negative thoughts passing through her awareness.

That’s a really good place to be. A very empowering place too. From there, it’s easy to see the practical value of “negative” thoughts. They can amplify one’s positive momentum. If used correctly.

They also offer another important value. Those that turn into manifestations, give us information we really want. They tell us what is dominantly vibrating within us. I explained this in the previous post. That makes all “negative” manifestations actually positive ones.

And that means anything happening in our lives is positive. Either we’re getting what we want (positive manifestation) or we’re getting feedback on how to get what we want (“negative” manifestation). It’s an important distinction. Something every advanced client learns.

Using “negative” manifestation

Instead of “negative”, Abraham often calls these manifestations “unwanted”. But even that word lays negative value on such experiences. It’s instead important to see such manifestations as “wanted”. Without them, how do we know what’s going on in our vibration?

One way is to become sensitive enough to feel vibration. That takes practice. Developing that sensitivity is a hallmark of a Positively Focused practice. Two other ways help us understand what our vibration is too. One is how we feel. The other is what shows up, or doesn’t yet, in our lives.

Once we take the “negative” value judgement off of these manifestations, we can start playing with them. We can use them to see how consistent the Universe really is. Realizing that consistency can bolster our confidence and belief in the Universe. It can prove that we are blessed. That the Universe has our back and is literally at our command.

I enjoyed an experience recently proving this. It reminded me exactly what I wrote above: that the Universe responds to my thoughts. And the more consistently I think them, the more likely I will experience the content of them.

The experience involved a game I played. I did it kind of unconsciously. I knew what I was doing, but didn’t feel the need to really do anything about it. Wanting to see how it would play out, I let the experience unfold. Right up to the “unwanted/wanted” manifestation.

Here’s what happened:

You get what you think about wanted or not

I take long walks every day pretty much. Over the last several months, I had the thought of hitting my watch against a railing as I walked. I saw myself in my mind grazing my watch on an overpass guard rail, the safety rail along the Steel Bridge walkway, or posts along the waterfront. The thought, when it first came, wasn’t accompanied by any worry. In fact I just let the thought happen.

Then, however, that thought kept coming into my awareness. It wasn’t accompanied by any worry or concern, nor any strong interest in it happening. But there was a “wondering” if the crystal on my watch (it’s an Apple Watch) would scratch if I did graze it.

Well, one day, after about three months of entertaining this thought again and again, I was walking across an overpass and, sure enough, I got really close to the guard rail. When I did, I scraped my watch against the galvanized stanchion. Right on the edge of the watch face.

The second it happened I said “I did that!” because I HAD as a manifestation! I remembered how, over and over, I thought that thought about scraping my watch. And sure enough, it happened! Here’s a picture of the damage:

The blemish on my Apple Watch.

The Universe DOES respond to my thoughts

What’s really interesting is the mark I made was mostly cosmetic. I was able to get most of it off with a buff board. There’s still a blemish, but it doesn’t feel like a scratch when I rub my fingernail against it. It’s barely noticeable. But it does catch my attention. Why? Because I built up a lot of momentum over this manifestation over the past three months. How? By thinking I was going to create this.

Recently, I’ve been getting an impulse to go to the Apple Store. I think that’s because they may be able to get this blemish out. But the blemish is kind of cool. It reminds me that I do create my reality with my thoughts. Everything in my experience shows up because of what’s happening inside me. So I see this blemish as a cool reminder that the Universe does, indeed, respond to my thoughts.

The moral of this story is: a passing negative thought isn’t something to worry about. Especially if we already enjoy consistent positive momentum. “Worrying” about the thought manifesting will amplify it. As does thinking the thought repeatedly. But it will take some weeks or even months of focus (deliberate or otherwise) before the subject becomes reality. So we always have lots of time to adjust our thoughts.

If such a manifestation does happen though, it’s a nice reminder showing us where our reality comes from: The deep recesses of our being. Vibration, in other words.

Want to know more or are interested in the Positively Focused practice? Contact me.

The Hidden Value Of Negative Manifestations

Many people practicing Law of Attraction worry about “negative manifestations”. They think a negative thought, then immediately try to cancel it. That’s because they fear that thought will turn into a negative experience.

Of course, every experience is positive. Even “negative” ones. Negative ones tell us something important. So when they happen, it’s important to see them as that: positive.

But will every negative thought manifest? Do we need to worry about negative thoughts we think for fear that they might show up for real?

Let’s take a look.

Castles or buttons, it doesn’t matter

A client texted me about this very thing. She’s an advanced group practitioner. Yes, even advanced folks experience fears. In fact, a Positively Focused practice remains consistent no matter how advanced one gets. We still work on the same things, including soothing resistance.

As one advances, however, we become bolder in our desires. They get bigger, in other words. It’s that change that indicates progress. Bigger desires bring more disbelief though and disbelief is resistance.

That makes sense, right? Say a person believes they can get a choice parking spot downtown. Manifesting that spot, therefore, introduces little resistance. But say that person wants to win the lottery and she doesn’t believe that’s possible. Or she believes lotteries are taxes on the poor. In this case, her resistance about winning the lottery is a lot stronger than manifesting a parking lot. So there’s more resistance to soothe on the subject of lotteries for this person, than manifesting parking spots.

But whether it’s a parking spot or the lottery, the manifestation process is the same. She doesn’t need more “effort” to real-ize the lottery win compared to the parking space. It seems so only because she has more resistant belief in the former than the latter.

Abraham refers to these two —lottery wins and parking spaces — as “castles” and “buttons” respectively. Big things — castles — are just as easy to create as little ones — buttons — they say:

Abraham making it plain.

The same holds true for what we don’t want. We typically call such experiences “negative”. Negative experience manifests the same way “positive” ones do. If we understand how that “way” happens, there’s no need to freak out about entertaining a “negative” thought.

My advanced client realized this.

Back to my client

She sent me a text expressing her clarity, which I loved. It shows how she’s really getting the practice. That’s no surprise to me. She’s really good at creating her Charmed Life. And she’s seeing evidence of it everywhere.

Lisa getting it.

Indeed. Lisa has enjoyed a long string of positive manifestations. They include better relationships with her children, a literal deluge of men wanting to get with her and big shifts in more personal matters.

And she’s right. We needn’t fear negative manifestations. If we’re maintaining very high vibrations, passing negative thoughts will not overcome that positive high momentum. Remember too that when/if “negative” manifestations do happen, they’re not negative. “Negative” manifestations are positive. They help us know what our dominant vibrational focus is.

Dominant vibrations are those creating our experiences. Often, we don’t clearly know what our dominant vibration is. That’s because “vibrations” are subtle. With practice, it’s easy to feel them. But most folks don’t enjoy such ability. So isn’t it nice that physical reality reflects back to us what our dominant vibration is?

That makes “negative” manifestations something we want to experience, right? They tell us what we’re doing vibrationally. This explains why all life experiences are positive. No matter what label we put on them, they always show us where we are vibrationally so we can do something about it..

Of course, we don’t need negative manifestations to do that. Not when we cultivate sensitivity refined enough to feel vibrations. Such sensitivity, as I wrote above, comes with practice. It’s one of the many benefits of being Positively Focused.

Wanting to know more about creating your own Charmed Life, feeling vibration, or getting results my client Lisa is getting? Contact me. Let’s get you underway.

When A Great Actress Nails A Life Truth

Viola Davis is a diva. Her performances across a host of movies and television dramas make her one of the most under appreciated actresses of our time.

Which is why she surprised me on an Hot Ones episode I recently came across. Now, her appearance wasn’t surprising. What did surprise me was what she said at the end. Her final words were deep. Furthermore, they struck at the heart of our path as gods in human form.

In case you, like me, didn’t know, Hot Ones is a YouTube phenomena. The show features the typical celebrity interview format, but with a twist. Celebrities during the show feast on the spiciest chicken wings on the planet. Most celebrities can’t keep to their PR scripts when their lips and assholes are burning off. So Hot Ones interviews often are surprising, and because of that, enjoyable. I write “most” because Davis handled her wings like a champ.

While watching her devour those spicy nuggets, a common refrain showed itself in the comment section. A lot comments noted Davis’ words at show’s end. Rather than jump to the end, I watched the whole thing. It was inspiring, of course. Obviously, others thought so too:

Above: Commenters raving about what Davis said at the end.

Clarity begets success

What’s interesting is what she did share reflects the common to us all. She lays it out with such grace and power, making it hard to ignore. Perhaps that’s why her words touched so many.

And this is the thing. Davis’ success isn’t attributable to talent alone. Primarily, like all success, Davis enjoys her’s as a result of knowing who she really is. Then living from that place. Watching the interview, it’s clear she lives authentically. That’s the purpose of the Positively Focused practice: having people live joyfully from their authenticity as gods in human form.

So in a few sentences, Davis sums up the Positively Focused process. Therefore, dear reader, if you’re having trouble accepting what we talk about here, maybe take it from this diva. Here she is, speaking truth. We set the video up to start right where she begins sharing her wisdom.

Davis the diva laying down truth.

Clarity is a powerful thing. When a person understands what they really are, they can create anything they want in life. That includes fame as an actress. But first, one must release the penchant to compromise who we are in favor of others’ expectations. She calls that “becoming our ideal selves”.

Listen close to her words

We agree. And perhaps that’s why her closing statement impacted so many people in the comments. Everyone comes “…born into a world where we don’t fit in.” We then “…answer the call to adventure…” that is our daily life. Meanwhile, a “deep voice” within us tells us EXACTLY who we are. Living the Charmed Life happens when we “…have the courage to [be] that.”

I love the power and intensity with which she says all this. It’s definitely worth listening to many times. Some commenters agreed:

Everything Davis says I share with clients weekly, custom-tailored to their life specifics. I don’t use the word “courage” however. That implies risk and threat. But there is no risk or threat in living authentically. It’s all upside. Which my clients find out in a little while.

And guess what? As they do, they discover exactly what you just read. That’s because life IS all upside when lived authentically.

Maybe you’re ready to do that, but don’t know where to start. Of course, I can help. Contact me and let’s get started.

A Practical Guide On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Most people don’t believe shapeshifting is possible. For such people, shapeshifting is impossible. Others want to believe shapeshifting is possible. Or they believe it is possible, but they don’t believe they can do it.

Our reality reflects back to us what we believe is possible. So becoming a shapeshifter requires introducing that idea into our reality. Reality springs from beliefs. So introducing the idea begins first with introducing it in ourselves as a belief. We must believe it’s possible, in other words. That’s one thing. Believing we can do it? That’s another.

Anything we believe possible becomes so. Shapeshifting is no different. But becoming a shapeshifter isn’t easy. That’s mostly because such a feat depends on strong belief. It also requires unraveling many other beliefs. Beliefs seemingly tangential to the subject, but very much connected to it.

Becoming a shapeshifter then is possible. But for most, it’s not. Not because it’s impossible. But because people can’t get beyond beliefs making it appear impossible. For those willing to change their beliefs though…

What it takes

So first, we must cultivate belief. Belief it’s possible. Then we must believe we can do it. From there, we must unpack related beliefs. One of many such beliefs is the belief in death.

Most people fear death. Even some who claim they don’t, do. Take awakening experiences as an example. Such experiences scare the shit out of most people. Me included at one time. Awakening experiences feel exactly like death. That’s because our consciousness expands in such experiences. The same thing happens at death. Consciousness expands beyond ordinary awareness.

Brains can’t process such expansionary experiences. And since they are pre-wired for keeping us in this reality, they freak out when confronted with alternate ones. That “freak out” is what I mean by “fear of death”.

In other words, if we freak out in the face of an alternate reality, we automatically snap back into this one. That won’t work when shapeshifting. Because the very act requires expansion. Including a very real, physical expansion. As well as an expansion into a bigger picture of All That Is.

Successfully shapeshifting also depends on our identity. We must disentangle our identity with camouflage reality. Camouflage reality is the physical-ness of our surroundings, including our body. As humans, we mesmerize ourselves. We convince ourselves physical reality is “real”. We do the same with our bodies. Our bodies are us, we tell ourselves.

That’s a problem. Because if we believe that, shapeshifting feels like death. It feels so much like that, such an act becomes impossible. If our body were to begin “shifting” that experience would be too frightening to an identity strongly tied to what we currently look like. So we must disconnect our identity from our body. So that our body can reorganize itself along our intent.

It takes a while

Shapeshifting therefore, isn’t about learning to do it. It’s about undoing beliefs making it undoable. Very strong momentum and collective belief perpetuates our deepest fears. Same goes for our strongest beliefs. Some such beliefs are so strong, we don’t realize we have them. Shapeshifting requires discovering these, then unpacking them. That process happens gradually. One by one, we soothe them. Until they no longer impede our intent.

This takes a while. A shortcut doesn’t exist. Along the way though, we come into fantastic realizations and abilities. The Charmed Life becomes our life. More of what we desire becomes ours. So the path is one of riches.

Shapeshifting is possible. It must not be seen as a destination or goal, however. Instead, it’s just another step along the way. The way towards realizing more of what we really are. That path is unending. So shapeshifting is a great indicator of progress. We must have accomplished quite a lot to manifest such an outcome.

Such an outcome is well within our grasp, however. I feel myself getting there. I feel my body wanting to show me. The more I do what I’ve outlined, the more in tune I become.

Because of that, I’m eager. But I’m also patient. Because I see evidence of the unfolding.

I’ll share more as I progress.

PS: Something else is happening that many people think is impossible: Some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harris. The future, in other words, is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

Why We Want To Be Born As Human

We are literally aware-ized energy. We are everywhere always, all at once. Each of us flows endlessly forward, creating new realities as we go, then putting ourselves into them to explore them. All this action happens as a way of understanding all we are.

We never can do that though. We can’t ever know what we fully are. That’s because we constantly create more dimensions and realities. Every time we take an action, that action spawns new dimensional branches. Those branches are us. So we never fully understand what we are because we’re constantly creating more of ourselves.

Our ability to create is exactly the same power ascribed to god. That’s why I claim we all are god in human form. “Creation” happens through action, through our selves as aware-ized energy, aware-ized action. We can’t help but create. We do it unconsciously, automatically.

Where the fun comes in though, is when we do it on purpose.

Deliberate creation

The way we harness and use our creative energy purposefully is through our focus. Direction of attention channels that which we are, towards deliberate outcomes. Again, we create automatically. And we’re unconscious of that creation while in a body. So focusing our attention increases our awareness of what we are. After all, if I focus on creating something, then that thing happens, it confirms that I am everything I’ve described so far.

This is the wonderful value of deliberate creation. When a person realizes they create their reality, they get a lot more than that created outcome. They also support conscious expansion, that “knowing what we fully are”. Consciously becoming aware that we create reality is a divine act. It is aligned with the entire purpose of physical planes.

Not only does creating deliberately create conscious awareness of what we are, it also is a skill critical to existing in nonphysical. In that place, beyond time and space, our creations occur spontaneously. Anything we desire instantly appears. Without focus then, existence in nonphysical is highly chaotic. Things appear and disappear at incredible rates. Knowing how to focus changes all that.

We use physical reality, therefore, to practice focus. This explains why things sometimes take a while to manifest in physical reality. That’s on purpose. Physical reality is built on inherent resistance. Inherent resistance prevents instant manifestation. Time and space is a great place to practice therefore.

Learning then expanding

Earth appears as full of random events. But nothing happening here is coincidental or random. It all happens on purpose.

Human consciousness is vastly outnumbered here. That should be obvious. Birds, bees and plants are all conscious. So are rocks and soil. Bacteria and viruses too. They all have their own conscious intelligence. All these consciousnesses hold focus. They maintain “reality”. Doing so, they provide stable platforms for exploration. Here, human consciousness can become more. How? By learning to focus. Then learning to use that focus to create deliberately.

“Earth” is the gestalt consciousness. It is made up of all the consciousnesses “living” on it. “Human” is a gestalt consciousness too. It rides on top of billions of consciousnesses. Intelligence existing within the cells, organs, flesh and bones of our bodies contributes to human consciousness. The gestalt we all individually are.

We leave those consciousnesses behind when we’re done here. At death we return to where we came. But we’re more by then. We’ve expanded. We remember all we accomplished. And we revel in our individual awareness, now, as a part of All That Is. All That Is is the gestalt consciousness Christians call “God”.

Human consciousness is a beautiful unfolding. It is not the end state though. It is a process. A process of becoming. One that can be full of terror and fear. Or one filled with joy and amazement borne of becoming a deliberate creator. My clients are discovering the latter.

Perhaps you’re ready to discover it too?

Birth Sucks Worse Than Death. Here’s Why.

Photo by Yann Schaub on Unsplash

Imagine we’re existing in an eternal state. We’re everything, everywhere, all at once. Here, whatever we want happens, instantly. So we’re deliberate about our focus. Because our focus instantly creates that which we focus on.

We exist in bliss. Those around us do too. We experience a full sense of our immortality, our oneness, and yet maintain our individuality. Our past and our futures stretch out before us, available to us all at once. Infinite dimensions unfold from our consciousness too. We are gods becoming more.

Then, we decide we want to take this existence thing up a notch. We want to expand our consciousness. We want to become more than what we are. Looking for somewhere to do that, we notice beings of immense capability springing forth from this time-space reality, in a corner of All That Is, centered in a dimension known by its inhabitants as “Earth”. We decide then, that we want what those springing from that dimension have. So we focus ourselves to join them.

Being born is no laughing matter

Generally speaking, what I wrote above describes “life” prior to Earthly existence. Everyone on the planet starts as an infinite being of immense capability. A capability possessing tremendous capacity for more. Recognizing that, we choose earthy existence as a way of becoming more.

But getting here is not easy. Not only is it not easy, it’s highly traumatic.

Think about it. You start as an infinite being. You exist in an eternal state, totally aware and enlightened. Then you push yourself through your focus into fragments. Fragments capable of existing in a state of confinement unlike anything you knew before, aka human form.

It’s illusory, but you must convince yourself it is real. So in pushing yourself there, you forget everything you knew before you arrived. At first, your arrival is an approximation of your home. It’s comforting, warm, love-filled. But soon you’re thrust into three dimensional time and space through birth. Then, the first thing you immediately recognize is mortality.You’re instantly insecure. You’re tiny, with your existence dependent on these larger beings surrounding you. Strangers all, in a strange world. Beings who you perceive as an emotional mix. You pick up their hopes and fears, insecurities, worries, wonder and doubt. Often their behaviors don’t match their words…They claim to love, but often act unloving.

In nonphysical such obfuscation doesn’t exist. There, you’re instantly aware what others think and how they be. It’s pure transparency. But here, on Earth, your cognition is greatly diminished. It causes anxiety in you. Right alongside that fear born of insecurity. You’re mortal now. Human.

Welcome to life.

Is it any wonder we all cry when we take our first breath?

A common refrain

I remember many times as a child, looking to the night sky begging to return “home”. I sensed I didn’t belong here. The pain I felt was terrific. My certainty clear. I knew I came from somewhere far better than this earthly plane. And I wanted to go back.

Every one of my advance clients recalls similar childhood experiences. They recall emotional pain, depression, a yearning for where they came from, even though they couldn’t fully remember that place. Several remember thinking about killing themselves as a way of “going back.”

Those of us with a predisposition for spiritual realization retain faint memories of our origin. The forgetting doesn’t take. The memory of where we came from leaks through. And the bliss of that experience calls to us like a siren.

The good news of all this is those memories can be realized, in full, to the degree possible while in a body. Being fully aware of all we are AND being human is the best of both worlds.

Having such an experience is easier for some than others. The process of remembering not only returns us to that blissful awareness, it also makes clear why we chose to come here. It transforms earthly experience, in other words, into what we knew it could be when we chose to come here.

For we knew earthly existence would be joyful, highly immersive, expansion-inducing and full of opportunities to grow. With our awareness restored and expanded, we can then focus deliberately on realizing everything earthly existence offers. And we can do that with joy.

Death, a joyful return

Most people fear death because they don’t remember a time before their birth. For many, the “sacred forgetting” holds completely. So they believe death brings annihilation. Not liberation. They fear what they don’t remember. And that fear colors all their decisions while human.

Death actually brings a release of our earthly focus. We return to that eternal state, the state that is our original expanded consciousness. It’s why religions describe life after death as “heaven”. Of course we retain awareness of our earthly experience. But we’re renewed. We have expanded. We become more than we were before. So death is a gloriousexperience. A triumph, far less traumatic than birth.

Both processes can be joyful experiences. In absolute reality they are exactly that. They are book ends of a mystical experience. An experience cloaked in mortality, all the while being nothing more than a really, really vivid dream. One where we create all our experience with eagerness and joy.

As a child, I had only glimmerings of what I now remember. Back then, I forgot that I wanted to come. Now looking at the world with new eyes, I see how I knew this experience offered fantastic opportunity. My clients are beginning to see the same thing.

And in that awareness, I’m also seeing how my death, when it comes, will be the grand finale. The ultimate test of my growth. And my return to all that I am.

Death is nothing compared to the shock of birth. It needn’t be feared. It’s to be eagerly anticipated, while enjoying every moment of life until then.

Forgive. Most People Don’t Know What They’re Doing

I read a couple articles recently. They talked about cities in general and San Francisco specifically. Progressives once heralded the Bay Area as an example of liberal success. But lately, conservatives point to cities like San Francisco and Portland as heralding progressive failure. Some progressive San Franscicans do too, apparently.

Indeed, there’s a lot of seeming evidence pointing towards failure. Both Portland, the liberal bastion where I live, and San Francisco, currently seem overrun by drug addicts, and homeless people overcrowding sidewalks and parks. Graffiti covers nearly every public surface. Commercial offices in Portland are only at 67 percent occupancy. In San Francisco it’s not that much better. Both numbers resulted from the pandemic. Meanwhile, residents of both cities have had enough. Crime is going up. People don’t feel safe.

At the same time, both city governments appear devoid of solutions to these problems.

But are conservatives right? Are these cities really failing? Or is something else important happening?

Bellwether cities attesting to something important

Everything is always working out on planet Earth. So something else must be happening. Despite conservative criticisms, these two cities must be helping in some way. What might that be?

I suggest a radical notion. Perhaps these two cities are helping people see something important. Perhaps people in these cities, those living on the streets and the drug-addicted, are too. The Graffiti could be sending an important message. All these eyesores could suggest that our civilization needs an overhaul.

It’s true. Portland and San Francisco are extreme cases. Los Angeles may be close, but few cities face as much of what these two cities face. Maybe the progressive approach is better at showing how much better we can do to support our fellow humans. So rather than failures, these two cities may be bellwether cities. Cities showing clearly how our approach fails so many individual humans.

Here in Portland, graffiti is everywhere.

There but for the grace of…

A person on social media said something important about this. I mentioned dreadful economic conditions which spur someone to turn to drugs:

And the guy replied with a valid point:

Many people face economic hardship. Hardship they keep facing without drugs. Although if we include alcohol, tobacco and weed, we’d have a different picture. In fact, almost half of us are one paycheck away from losing our homes. And many of us cope with LEGAL alternatives: food, sex, streaming and gaming. So many are blessed by the grace of God that they never turn to meth. Or lost their home. But they’re not scot free from the stress of living in today’s reality.

Remember, we’re all God in human form. That fact doesn’t prevent someone making debilitating choices. That’s because we also have free will. Including the freedom to choose bondage, as Abraham says.

They know not what they do

Which brings me back to my conversation. I experienced pretty harrowing economic conditions myself once. I didn’t turn to drugs either. It’s a common refrain. “I didn’t do it. These people don’t need to either.”

But every person’s experience is unique. So comparing them to us is kinda irrelevant. Instead, we could look at “why” they chose what they chose. Then we ask why again. And keep asking until we discover something we haven’t before.

This is certain: were we in the shoes of the graffiti tagger, the person living on the street, that dopesick dude suffering on the sidewalk with his ass hanging out, we would make the same decisions. Not if “we” were in their situation. But if “we” were “THEM“, facing THEIR experiences. Experiences that had them make such choices. We would make the EXACT same choices. Blaming individuals, therefore, is largely irrelevant.

Jesus said of his tormentors “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Applied to our civilization, we can bring a big dose of forgiveness in every direction. Towards our politicians, our political “enemies”, and towards those seemingly making our cities unsafe.

IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT. The circumstances under which they live evoke that from them as they interpret such situations in the worst possible way. That tendency to negatively interpret is the fault. That’s the learned behavior. Behavior most of us fall into at one time or another. Behavior conservatives fall into when claiming progressive cities as failures.

Portland’s woes may be changing, a recent poll shows. Visitor impressions are improving, yet residents still express reservations. San Francisco’s future remains unclear.

Meanwhile a more permanent change can happen. It must start with individuals, willing to look beyond knee-jerk explanations. People with capacity to forgive rather than judge.

Maybe you’re ready?

The Family: Nothing More Than A Pathway Into Life

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

For as far as I can remember, I recognized my birth family as the path through which I came into the world. This awareness persisted, even while I got caught up in family drama and sibling dynamics. Most of my youth, however, I remember spending alone, in the woods, or with friends in the streets.

The older I got, the more I realized. My parents offered little in the way of forming family bonds. My father left after divorcing my mother when I was nine. After that, my mom focused on raising us. But also doing what she could to enjoy her life. That left me free to be with my Broader Perspective.

I bore no judgement for either parent’s behavior. I appreciate, even now, sacrifices my mom made for us. Or rather, actions she took out of her own sense of responsibility for bringing children into the world. Later, I understood massive conflicts pressuring my dad to divorce my mother…twice. But even before then, I knew my father’s choices had no bearing on my worth or my value.

The older I got, the less connected to my family I became. I remember one day, when in high school, my mother petitioned my Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Commanding Officer (JROTC-CO) to talk me. He tried roping me into expectations most adopt about their families. That they’re precious. That parents should be respected and obeyed.

I wasn’t recalcitrant, or disobedient. I just knew myself as an independent entity. A being separate from those in my “family.” And my mom didn’t like that so much. I think she thought something was wrong with me.

Brush your shoulders off

So beliefs defining “family” weren’t all that sticky. Not for me anyway. I understood what my JROTC-CO said. Those beliefs played out plain as day in my friends’ families. It also was clear, however, that I had a choice. Adopting those beliefs as my own wasn’t mandatory, I knew. I listened to my mom and the JROTC-CO. But then I brushed what they said off my mental shoulders.

I felt no longing when away from siblings. Most of the time, I thought little about my brothers. Instead, I felt most connected to All That Is, even though I didn’t know that phrase. Clearly, for the young boy I was at the time, this was the real essence from which I essentially spring. These days, I know All That Is is the real origin from which we all spring…

So I benefited from choosing parents so confused in their own Belief Constellations they were too busy to push their beliefs on me so strongly they’d stick. But I get others choose families as entry points with very strong stories. Very strong, determined parents too. Parents who believe they know best. Parents eager to shape and control their kids into images they believe best for them. Even though we all come into the world with our own ideals, intentions and expectations about life. Ideals, intentions and expectations often directly opposed to those parents hold. Ideals, intentions and expectations that, in time, can help parents soften their fear-based need for rigid control of their children…

That is, if we live authentically and refuse to bend to their expectations. But not every child is up for that.

Choosing to leave a family in favor to being authentic is a brave, world-changing choice. (Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash)

Serving from my unique perspective.

For those that are, ostracism or being disowned is a risk. But it’s only a risk to those who fear losing something.

But what is there to lose really?

Love? Where is the love in environments forcing you to be other than what we know we are? Love is unconditional. Parents willing to disown their child don’t display love. That’s coercion. Is belonging really worth giving up who we really are? I don’t think so, but many do. Many trade or bury their authenticity. Others don’t and pay what looks like a price. They get kicked out of home, beaten or shamed. But that price is not a price. It’s an investment that will pay hugely later.

Whether one chooses it on their own or it gets forced on them, there’s nothing like the liberation borne of being authentic. Even if it means “losing” one’s family. I’ve known this all along. My experience, admittedly, is rare. But I believe it was meant this way so I could offer this liberation message and others to those who need a hand up, out of the fear familial beliefs trigger.

I know the powerful, overwhelming love of my Broader Perspective, my Whole Self and my cadre. It’s from there that I offer all I do to those who read this. I do so expecting it will make a difference with my clients, specifically. But also positively effect all humanity.

I see that happening. And so I’m grateful.

Service through example

My satisfaction comes from realizing that enduring, eternal love springing from a conscious connection with my nonphysical family. It’s something I yearned for as a lad. Back then, I often cried to the night sky in my backyard, begging to return to the home from which I sprang. I knew it as a real place. A place I knew as pure joy and oneness, although those words pale as descriptors.

Now, however, I see I chose to come for specific objectives I’m now fulfilling. And the joy I feel growing ever-greater in me tells me my cadre is pleased. Pleased with who I am, what I am and what I am creating.

We come here, to this planet, this plane, on purpose. We come to offer more unto the Universe. My unique perspective is mine. So is yours. But the goal is the same. And that goal is born of our collective desire to joyfully know ourselves.

I do appreciate my parents for agreeing to be the conduit through which I pushed myself into physical reality. My appreciation for them is immense. But that appreciation can not match appreciation I feel for All That Is, my true mother, and my divine intelligence, my father. Both borne from within me and experienced by me, for me. My eternal satisfaction with this experience lies rooted in my eternal authenticity, expressed here and now, thereby creating more. The love I feel in return from those who support me from nonphysical is icing on the cake of eternal existence.