How People Help Make The World My World

Ben White World is my oyster FB
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The best result of being Positively Focused happens when people make the world the way I want it. Even complete strangers. When people show up in what seems like magical ways, I know I’m doing this whole “manifesting” business right.

The more it happens, the more I want to keep it up. I’m discovering a brand new kind of life. A life where everything I want happens with no effort.

I know. I write “effortlessly” and “no effort” a lot.

I wouldn’t use those words if they weren’t accurate.

What happened to me last week shows how through little effort people show up for me at the right time and the right place.

Last Monday, I went to a meeting at the local LGBTQIA community center. I’m getting closer to the community this way. This is the second or third meeting I’ve attended. This week, over half the people there were new. One of the people was a shy transgender woman just starting out in her transition.

When the meeting ended, she stood in the doorway as most people left. I stayed too. I was talking with another attendee and the meeting organizer. I got an impulse about this person in the doorway. It told me I would be speaking with her.

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I share a lot about how I follow my intuition. That’s because it is how my Broader Perspective tells me where to go what to do and who to talk with to get what I want.

Two things must happen to hear my intuition: first, I must learn to hear or feel the impulses. Second, I must learn to tell the difference between impulses and other voices in my head. Voices that aren’t intuition. Meditation helps a lot with that. So does practice or trial and error.

I think the main reason people don’t trust their intuition is because they haven’t practiced these two steps. So they think intuition is random at best. Or a trick of the mind at worst.

So here I was in this room. My impulse telling me to talk to this person. I wanted to talk with her. But I’m also engaged in another conversation. Not to worry, my intuition says, I’ll meet her again.

What happened next needs some context.

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I usually ride my bike to get places. Other times I ride the bus. Rarely do I go by car.

Riding the bus can be a place where perfect strangers help make the world my world. It’s all up to what I put my attention on. (Photo by the author)

There are 84 bus lines operating in the city where I live on any given day. Even if only two buses serve those lines each day, that’s almost two hundred buses moving around Portland. There’s also a street car and a light rail as well as many shuttles operating. Every day.

But there are more than two buses per line. Some lines have many more than four. There are literally hundreds of buses running around Portland at any given time.

Tri Met Bus line map
Portland’s more than 84 lines serving the greater metro area.

Ok, that’s the context. Back to my story…

I had finished a great day at my bridging job. I felt high and happy. I wasn’t trying to make anything happen. I wasn’t even thinking about this transgender woman.

I got on the first bus of my 2-bus trip from work. I was listening to a podcast I enjoy. And I was thinking about how cool it was that I got two more informal offers for promotion at that job. And I’d only been there two weeks.

So I got off the first bus. I waited a few minutes until the second bus came. While waiting, I suddently started thinking about being transamorous. I thought about the places I might meet transgender people. I thought this way for about 10 minutes. Then, the image of that transgender woman from the meeting came into my head. Then the bus came.


It stopped in front of me. The doors opened and…you guessed it: there she was.

She wasn’t just on the bus. She was driving the bus!

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Those of you unclear about how matter, events, circumstances and people become life experience might say “Perry, you’re crazy. That’s just coincidence.”

But it’s not coincidence.

This is how everything happens. Evidence is overwhelming. When I connect to my Broader Perspective, I can control what comes into my life.

“Sarah” and I had a great conversation the whole way to where I live. I’m sure I’ll see her again. I encouraged her to come back to the meeting next month. But the fact that she drives the bus line I ride home on pretty much assures me I’ll see her either way.

No matter what I’m doing or where I am, I know the universe responds to my focus. The more I put attention on positive things, the more positive things happen in my life. (Photo by the author).

This is happening all the time in my life.

For example, this week on several occasions, incredible synchronicities happened between me and complete strangers. Since I spend a lot of the day at work, that’s where most is happening.

I drove up to one customer’s house, for example. I called her to let her know I was arriving. Most doing this job say the customer hardly ever picks up the phone. This customer answered immediately. When she came outside, she told me “it’s so strange. I had my phone in my hands when you called. I was looking right at it.”

How’s that for perfect timing?

In another example, I needed to deliver three packages in a secured apartment building. But I couldn’t get in because there was no intercom. At just that moment, a resident showed up. She let me in. I’m sure she wasn’t supposed to do that. 😀

Walking down the hall, I delivered one package. The next package too. The last package needed to be delivered in person. But the person wasn’t there. I walked back towards the elevator and this woman was coming out. I had an intuition this was the customer. I asked her if she lived in that one apartment. She asked why and I told her. Turns out, she was the customer!

Then I drove up to this house with a gate. I didn’t have the gate code. I couldn’t leave the package outside the gate. Someone would steal it. Just then, (I swear!) a woman drove up. It was the homeowner. We completed the transaction and my trainee said “that was good timing”.

Exactly, I thought.

There are so many things like good timing happening in my life. It’s happening in your life too. The more you pay attention to these the more happen. The less you pay attention to negative things happening, the less they happen.

I know it’s really about focus. Everything is happening all the time. Both positive and negative. The question is, what set of happenings are you paying attention to?

I know I have the option. I can see all the negative, discouraging, bad things happening in life. There are a lot of those things. Or I can turn my attention to all the positive, empowering, uplifting things happening in life. There are a lot of those things too.

I know whichever I put focus on is what I see the most. So it makes sense to me to pay attention to what I’m wanting to see and experience. And put no attention at all on what I don’t want to see.

So my life “trues up” to that. It gets better and better. For someone who doesn’t know this, life just looks random and coincidental. Life is not random or coincidental. Everyone creates their reality.

Are you missing out on the greatest adventure ever that is your life?

I ❤️ What Happens When I’m Positively Focused

Positive vibes FB
Photo by the author

The Universe amazes me in small ways. These small ways are how I know that big things I want are coming. Because of that, I rest easy about life most of the time.

I’m getting better at making “resting easy” my full-time attitude. I know the better I get at that, the more I’ll see how much my personal trinity showers me with blessings.

Characteristic of my trinity is its recursivity. They’re like a fractal. Every part of my life, large or small, reflects that which makes up All That Is, the Universe and my Inner Being. As well as the processes used which make reality reality.

It’s why I know things always work out.

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Illustration by the author

Case in point: one Thursday not too long ago. It was an amazing day. Full of epiphanies and one of three peak days that week.  I’ll share the whole, fascinating story in a couple months. Things are still “unfolding” as they say.

Today I’ll tease you with one nugget.


When You Think, It Is.

Favorite ride fb
Photo by the author

A bicycle is my primary transportation mode. Portland is bike friendly. People ride bikes year round here, even though it rains most the year. In late spring though, it’s perfect riding weather. Not too cold or hot. Not as much rain. That brings out a lot of “fair weather riders”.

Like myself.

I mean, I do ride in the rain sometimes…

Anyway, Thursday I was riding home from a couple great appointments. Downtown Portland, where the meetings were, is about six miles from where I live. I love taking this route home. It’s just long enough to get a workout, but not so long it exhausts me.

I got my bike tuned up a couple seasons ago, making a fresh tune up past due.  As I rode up a hill on the way home, the gears shifted on their own, making a loud racket and causing a hitch in my bike get-along.

I thought “hmm. My bike needs a tune up.”

That’s all that happened. Something happened in physical reality. Then in my head a thought occurred.

I’ve noticed something while getting better at creating reality.  If I ever-so-briefly hold an idea of what I want, then let it go, that thing I want happens fast. Usually within the day.

If I stew about what I want, if I keep thinking about it, it usually takes much longer to happen. Strange, isn’t it?

I think that happens because, in the first case, I don’t put attention on the absence of what I want. I don’t have time to think about it. The thought comes. Then goes.

So it’s a pure request. Unhindered by negative thought. I’m told that if a request is pure, it is answered immediately. Resistance is inherent to physical reality. So I don’t expect instant manifestation. Same-day manifestation is pretty quick though.

Illustration by the author

Bigger things I want, such as a huge amount of money, are taking longer only because my old beliefs slow things down. But I’m getting better about letting those beliefs subside. I’m also getting better at replacing them with ones more consistent with what I want.

Old beliefs like “I have to work a job to get money” I’m replacing with “money naturally happens in my life”. Beliefs like “it’s impossible to just have money show up like magic” I’m replacing with “everything is possible”.

How do I know this process works? Because more things are happening like what I’m sharing.

So on Thursday, when I thought about needing a bike tune up, the thought came. I thought it. Then let it go. I didn’t think about how much tune ups cost. I didn’t think about the hassle of scheduling one. I didn’t think about being without my primary (and most enjoyable) transportation.

Three quarters of a mile down the road something happened. I’m among a group of riders. We’re all heading from downtown. It’s after five. Bicycle commuters are overflowing the bike lane. It’s a normal late Portland Spring day.

Except, it’s not normal.

Three quarters of a mile past that hill where my gears puttered, there’s a guy on the road’s shoulder. He has a bike stand – one of those things you clip a bike to that suspends bikes in the air so you can work on them. He’s in shorts, t-shirt and blue latex gloves. At his ankles is a sign. It reads something like “Get bike advice”.

I ride past him.

In the 12 + years I’ve taken this route home, never have I seen this guy. Yet, here he is. On this day. Passing him, I get an intuition to turn back. It’s a strong one.

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My Inner Being has written in this blog about “intuitions” and “impulses”. They say these are communications from them. Urgings which, if followed, lead me towards what I’m wanting. So many times over the years, following their urgings resulted in surprising and delightful encounters. Encounters with people. Encounters with circumstances and events which, like they promise, end with me getting what I want.

So when I rode past Dan (his real name), my intuition pinged. Hard. I couldn’t resist turning back.

Of course, I’m not always great at following my intuitive impulses. Sometimes I miss them. Sometimes I hear them, then don’t follow them. Lately, my Inner Being has been urging me about getting better at immediately following these impulses.

Given ambitions I have, I know they’re helping me get better at this. They know doing so will get me what I want even faster than it happens today. Which already is pretty fast. This story is a great example. In fact, the whole week overflowed with poignant results. Results you just can’t make up!

Dan on my bike
Photo by the author

About half a mile past Dan, I decided to turn back. When I returned, I asked Dan if he would be willing to tune my gears up. And if so, how much he’d charge me.

“Yes I can tune them,” he said. “I’ll also show you how to do it. And, I’m not wanting any money. I’m doing this to help riders. That’s all.”

That’s all? Wow, I thought. That’s AWESOME.

When he said that, I knew this was the Universe responding to my “request”. After the week I was having. After the day I was having, how could it not be?

Only after hearing Dan say this did I realize a couple things. One, I was willing to pay a bike shop like $100 to get my bike tuned up. Two, I also thought about looking on YouTube to learn how to do it myself. My Inner Being knew all this, and here they delivered an “in-person YouTube” lesson!

And you know what? Tuning up bike gears is easy!

Dan showed me how to do it. It took a minute or less. I shook my head. To think I was willing to pay someone almost $100 for a minute’s work when the Universe organized it at no cost!

My ride home after that felt like floating on a cloud. I was on a natural high.

· · ·

It’s these demonstrations which tell me I’m connected to my personal warehouse of blessings. That and how I feel on the daily. I’m feeling happier and happier the more I maintain positive focus. My Inner Being tells me there’s no upper limit how happy I can get. I think that’s so cool.

The more happy I get, the more my personal trinity, in small and large ways, shows me that life is easy. It shows me I can relax in my blessedness.

It’s these small events, happening more and more these days, which tell me my bigger desires are on their way too.

For me, manifestation is great. But manifestations are the spice which make the main event tasty. The main event, where I put most of my attention these days, is how great I feel. I feel great knowing the Universe not only has my back, it’s got my entire life in its hands.

So I can rest easy.

How to end up with the rest of the sheep

Photo: Robert Colins

Greater effort doesn’t mean faster (or better) results.

Higher-order refinement aka mastery, in any field, has more to do with what you don’t do than what you do.

Take martial arts for example. At the highest, most esoteric levels, ability comes through stripping away all effort, thereby allowing a soft, gentle…yes…childlike…approach.

In those rarefied skill levels, a perfectly placed step, outstretched hand or flexed knee are more devastating than a full-out punch or kick.

Such devastation isn’t possible unless you are trained not to resist the natural order of things. That training never involves hard work. It always involves play.

Devastating ability is not a product of what the budoka is doing, it is a product of what she is not doing (thinking, trying to make something happen, resisting, anticipating). For in the absence of all that doing she is present to higher-order intelligence, that which has already decided the battle and orchestrates events, including her moves, toward that end.

The same is the case with all things. Life is recursive. Meaning: in every instance, large or small, you will find the same life lessons repeated over and over.

You don’t need a 15th degree black belt to develop then apply this mastery in your life. What you do need is a willingness to go against the grain of “common” wisdom.

You can lead a sheep to wisdom, but you can’t make it think

You’ve likely heard all this before. In the same way you have heard how to get fit, succeed in life, break a habit or form a new one.

We all have knowledge.

But a lot of us are still overweight, still struggling to find success (however you define that), chewing our nails, addicted to masturbation or porn or both, or wanting to go to bed every night before 11 p.m. but still ending up awake at 1 a.m.

Knowledge is useless unless it is applied in a framework capable of producing mastery. Being caught up in the way everyone else is doing it rarely leads to mastery or success. Instead, you end up with the rest of the sheep.

This guy got it. And this guy, in the realm of finding a job.

Both followed their inspiration, not what everyone else was doing. Both got extraordinary results.

Both stories tell of events no one could orchestrate – seemingly random (it’s not random) single events, dovetailing with others leading to the outcome both desired.

You’re no different. What you want is already yours. What’s holding back the having of it?

Perhaps it’s the stories you’re telling yourself – more in your actions than in your words – which perpetuate the same results everyone else is getting.

Follow your internal guidance and the world becomes your oyster.

But first, you gotta figure out how to hear. Hint: It starts with play.

Hard work is common but unnecessary


We’ve been told to work hard. But the very successful don’t become successful through hard work. Even though they too fall into this mythical power of “working hard.”

Work-hard believers point to people like Michael Jordan, Ray Kroc, Thomas Edison and the like, as people who worked hard to get their rewards.

But all of these people, including other very successful people aren’t working very hard. What they are doing is doing the thing that lights their fire.

That’s what keeps a person willing to work all day and night. They aren’t doing that because they want the end goal. They are focused in the now, engaged in a seeming unlimited source of energy born of the connection with their passion and their focus.

In that, they find the delicious experience of flow.

Combat soldiers in the heat of battle get the same experience. They are so focused in the now, their reflexes, attention and abilities are heightened. And they can continue that way for long periods.

This connection is nothing more than the feeling one gets when the human being and its “larger self” are in direct communication. Whether you’re shooting hoops, planning and executing on a business strategy, exploring the limits of electricity, or trying to stay alive when others are trying to kill you, the connection and the indicator of that connection are the same: an intoxicating feeling of aliveness.

But you don’t have to go to Fallujah, create a massive company, or invent a new technology to have this experience. This experience is available to all. And no matter what happens when one’s alive, everyone gets it after death.

But you don’t have to wait to die to have it either.

The great thing is, tapping into it now, while you’re still alive, creates a life experience unparalleled by anything else.

And it’s guaranteed that if you can relax into it, and soothe your indoctrination that hard work is the key to success, you get all you want.

Hard work: unnecessary.

Work hard. Get paid. Get what you want.

(Photo: Ant Rozetsky)

That’s the hard way.

Here’s an easier one: know what you want. Focus on being happy while tuning into your intuition. Your life will take on a leisurely, joyful and ease-filled quality.

And in that state of grace, what you want comes not only easier, and more quickly, but also with greater satisfaction and delight.

All That Is is on your side. It wants you to have all you want. You don’t have to work to get it. And you definitely don’t have to work hard.

Hard Work Rarely Makes Life Better Or Fun

Photo: Matthew Schwartz

Life experience says: all you want comes through hard work. Or does it? Success at anything can be easy. All it takes is a Positively Focused orientation.

Life tells you all you want comes through hard work. It tells you that because that’s what you tell yourself.

When you read books from people who “worked hard”, you’re confirming what others told you. Believing you must work long hours because your colleagues, your “competitors” do, or your boss expects you to, only perpetuates what others told you.

Feel you have to work weekends because you’re “behind the 8 ball”?  That attitude reinforces your belief story; the one seemingly consistent with your life experience that says “success comes from hard work.”

It’s the other way around

But your story is NOT consistent with your life experience. Your life experience is consistent with your story.

Change your story and your life will shape itself to fit the new story you tell.

You’ll get immediate results. But unless you know what to look for, you will miss them.

And that’s why people think positive thinking, affirmations, Law of Attraction and things like that don’t work. Because they don’t know what to look for.

Should you be able to drive if you don’t know what road markings mean, or if you don’t understand driving “rules”? Should you be able to teach someone else to drive?

Our guess is you’ll say “Of course not.”

Then we think you’ll agree that not knowing how to see the signs that positive thinking, affirmations and such are working, kinda disqualifies you from being an authority on whether such things work or not.

Success can be inevitable

It’s better to just say “I don’t know.” Because if you don’t know how to see the signs, you don’t know.

Hard work can and often seems to lead to success. That’s only because so many people are working hard at being successful. Meanwhile, what’s actually creating the success they enjoy, has very little to do with the effort they employ.

Hard work is not the key to success. Success comes despite hard work offered. It can be inevitable.

So why are hard workers often successful and those who don’t work hard (seemingly) so often not?

Interesting paradox, isn’t it?

Be the exception not the rule

But if you look more closely, you’ll see FAR MORE hard workers are often not successful and sometimes those who don’t work at all hard are.

Most of us don’t seem to have the luxury of slowing down and exploring what they’re reading here. But overcome that story and test what we’re offering, you will find accuracy in all of this.

Then, you’ll become the exception.

You can be successful without all the struggle you think you have to offer to get it. Through this blog and our 1:1 session work, we show people how success comes easily and hard work becomes obsolete.