I experienced the most dramatic Out of Body Experience (OBE) in the last few weeks. It was extremely long and detailed. And when I came out of it, I felt thrilled with the experience, particularly because I remembered so much of it.
Previous such experiences were fleeting. They came in flashes I could barely remember. However, as I practiced, these flashes gradually increased in duration. Still, they weren’t long-lasting. But they did come in increasing numbers.
We all enjoy such experiences. But our physical senses distort what’s really happening. What’s really happening is we all exist in infinite dimensions. They all happen at the same time. Our awareness moves among all these, even though waking consciousness doesn’t experience that.
The only reason waking consciousness doesn’t is because we train it to focus here. We train it to focus only in this dimension. Meanwhile, other “parts” of us flow easily between all our multi-dimensional experience.
Consciously becoming aware of that flowing is an OBE.
Everyone does it
Since all consciousness flows this way, anyone can do what I’m doing. It just takes practice. A Positively Focused practice soothes rigid attention to this dimension. It softens our focus so we can experience more of what we are. As that happens, signs show us our progress. OBEs are one such sign.
Here are examples of fleeting OBEs I recently experienced. I keep meticulous notes on my process. As a result I can share my experiences with clients. In one sitting, on April 18 this year, I experienced seven separate projections out of my body in 30-minutes. Here’s a description of that sitting. I’ve redacted personal information.
Brief “flashes” of my consciousness projected outside my body.
Earlier projections were more brief than these; literally just flashes. But just five days later, I enjoyed a stable, long-form experience. An experience as real as this one wherein I’m typing these words.
Again, everyone experiences such moments beneath waking focused consciousness. We just block those experiences thinking they’re of no value. But they’re of immense value. That’s because these experiences represent something powerful. They represent us coming back into the fullness of all that we are. That I AM that is our true nature.
Living waking experience from that awareness, literally everything becomes possible. Now, everything already is possible. But rigid focus on physical reality limits us. That’s because infinite possibilities happen in nonphysical, that place where we all originate including events, circumstances and other people.
When we focus less in physical reality, we tune back into that broader awareness. Then we can leverage that. We can bring it back here, in physical reality. Then we can use it to do more. We can do more with far less effort. And far more joy.
Everything is possible
That’s why I’m eager to expand my self-awareness. I want to prove to myself everything is possible. The prospect of that thrills me. And it inspires greater desire to experience more of what’s possible. Which is everything.
As I said before, OBEs are evidence. They’re signs of progress. My latest experience is a great sign. The length and extreme detail I experienced tells me I’ve significantly soothed my rigid focus. I’m more able to focus in this reality and others at the same time.
So here’s the experience I had on April 23:
From my detailed journal: The longest OBE I’ve experienced so far.
If you’re inspired to have similar experiences, I promise, it’s worthy stoking that inspiration. I find my satisfaction in life has expanded tenfold. My confidence and joy is increasing too. As is my awareness of what’s really possible.
I encourage every person so inspired to not pass up the chance to learn more about yourself! It’s so worth it. If you don’t know where to start, I can help. Contact me.
It seems every week at least two significant spiritual things happen. These things prove I’m expanding as a spiritual being. This past week was no exception. What happens proves I’m uncovering my “supernatural powers”.
Of course such experiences are not “supernatural”. They’re things weall can do. Doing so just requires dedication. Dedication most people won’t put in. So it only seems such things are impossible. Or their possibility gets relegated to superheroes on the big screen. Many of us simply won’t prioritize such things.
Meanwhile, some people actively enjoy such abilities. Members of certain Buddhist Orders, for example, develop such capabilities. But even they may not go far. They see such abilities as distractions from their ultimate goal. Their ultimate goal being renunciation earthly desires, not developing occult powers.
I don’t consider such abilities distractions. I believe they serve vital purposes. They help people realize their godliness. Such experiences introduce people to their eternal natures. Experiencing them can even radically change individual life trajectories and society at large. They can change how we relate to each other. They can help eliminate human suffering by showing us how connected we all are. Connected not only to one another, but to all things.
They can even help us lose the fear of death.
Ending human suffering – one person at a time
That’s right, supernatural experiences relieve people of fear and insecurity. Fear and insecurity lie at the heart of many “bad” human behaviors. Mass shooters, aren’t born mass shooters, for example. Experience nurtures people into such states. Psychopaths aren’t born that way either. They become such people at the hands of other people.
All that can change if everyone directly experienced their immortality. If people knew they were integral parts of God, they’d fear one another less. They’d experience more grace and love from within. No matter the external conditions, such people could change their lives into better lives. Better lives for themselves and for others.
Changes like that can’t come from “faith” though. Which explains why religion often falls short. Religion can mollify insecurity and fear. But religion also can foment fear and insecurity. Especially those based on sin and damnation.
But direct experience of one’s eternal essence teaches differently. Directly experiencing one’s consciousness as it exists beyond the physical offers compelling, visceral, undeniable evidence. No one, for example, can deny out of body experiences exist. Not after directly experiencing one.
Positively Focused’s goal then is empowering people in this way. The practice shows them they are gods in human form. Through direct experience, the practice reconnects people with their immortality. From there, people discover what they really are. In time they free themselves from fear, suffering and insecurity. They find instead empowerment, freedom and joy. Then life becomes the joyful adventure that is the Charmed Life.
What is our potential?
My personal practice has me questioning many things nearly everyone takes for granted as impossible. What if, for example, things “superheroes” do in movies actually represent real-life human potential? What if we can fly? Can we travel to other dimensions? Can we shape shift?
I don’t think coincidence explains people’s fascination with superhero movies. Perhaps the reason we’re so fascinated is deep down we know such abilities are possible. But since so many don’t believe them, such abilities remain latent.
Until now. I know, I sound crazy. But my experience says maybe I’m not so crazy…
Abraham making an assertion I’m beginning to believe is accurate.
I’m testing that “craziness” to see what’s behind it. What I’m finding shows that maybe we can do more than our logical minds allow. Maybe…our potential is more unlimited than we believe.
My latest experience
Shape shifting, for example, is something I’m systematically exploring. Recent experience indicates I’m making progress. Of course, actually shifting my shape requires rather intricate and significant control of certain realms. It also requires highly refined abilities. Abilities accessible only in nonphysical. It also demands that I soothe a LOT of resistance, primarily resistance manifesting as disbelief. But also manifesting as fear.
And yet, evidence I am producing shows promise. Take, for example, this recent experience:
Notes from my experiences during session 187 titled: Preparatory sessions for shape-shifting?
Descriptions in this note pale in comparison to the actual experience. It was EXTREMELY profound. So real was the experience that it left me giddy days afterwards. And the fact that it ended seconds before my timer went off told me a greater intelligence was at work within me. An intelligence possessing a sense of humor and an awareness of my time experience. I attribute that intelligence to my Broader Perspective.
What was that experience?
In case you don’t know what “murmuration” is, here’s a video of the phenomena:
This is what my body felt like
Watch the “meta” structure the birds’ flight paths create. Note how that shape changes, but the number of birds and their orientation, while changing, remains cohesive. My body felt exactly like this. Though I perceived it maintaining its overall “shape”, I also sensed that it couldchange shape. That it actually was preparing to change.
I’m not quite ready for the full capability shape shifting implies. Not yet. Just as I’m not fully ready for fully-conscious OBEs. Otherwise, I’d be shape shifting now. And traveling to other realms and dimensions while fully aware of the experience.
That I’m not doing that (yet) tells me I still have some resistance. Fear remains the biggest resistant element between me and these full-blown experiences. My ego hasn’t quite acclimated itself to a realm in which it’s not designed to function. But it’s getting there.
As it does, that fear is subsiding.
What the future holds
Shape shifting is my future. As are the other occult abilities. I strongly believe this. I already am projecting my consciousness outside my body and aware I’m doing so. Everyone does this. Nearly everyone disbelieves they do this however. So they don’t remember doing it. Or, they aren’t aware of doing it. Or both. I’m becoming more and more aware of my out of body experiences. I record them. And I retain the experience. More and more, I’m becoming aware while in them. Doing so, I’m gradually extending my time in them. Changing the emanation that is my body will be a nice complement to out-of-body travel.
This whole exploration began with manifesting desirable circumstances and events in waking consciousness. It actually started with wanting to be more positive. Now, it has expanded a great deal. I never thought I would want to manifest these supernatural abilities. Abilities that actually aren’t so supernatural. But now that I’m starting to experience them directly, I can see how they were my destiny.
Someone must show humanity what’s possible. Someone must show us the future that can be ours. Perhaps that person is me. Want to join me and my clients in this pursuit? Contact me. Let’s talk about it.
I recently had my first Out of Body Experience (OBE), also known as a “projection of consciousness”. In the weeks following that experience I have had many more. In a client session this week, I shared one recent travel. My client’s response was instructive.
“What is the utility of such experiences?” He asked. Meaning, what practical value do OBEs offer?
Well, it’s a good question. While such experiences provide fantastic subjective revelations, their practical value escapes most people. But that’s because most people don’t look very deeply into spiritual matters. And even some who do look miss the value.
Some may know of religious ascetics. These people renunciate the world to explore nonphysical. Such men and woman hole themselves up in monasteries or even caves sometimes. They practice rites and rituals known to trigger mystical experiences.
But the rest of us have lives.
We have careers. Our families put demands on us. Bills need paying. Hobbies and friends consume our time. Who wants to spend their life constantly meditating? Moreover, why?
Again, our lives suggest OBEs hold no practical value. Especially considering the time cultivating them takes. So is there no practical value at all in them?
I suggest the exact opposite. Tremendous practical value exists in such explorations.
The power of tapping in
For sure, experiencing an OBE takes some doing. That’s why I suggest my clients make their Positively Focused practice a full-time job. That doesn’t mean quit day-jobs and families. It does, however, mean they prioritize their practice.
For while the practice’s early stages bring satisfying rewards – increased calm, peace, and general physical, emotional and mental well being – the biggest rewards come at later levels. Yes, early stage practice delivers the Charmed Life a life where everything one wants, happens.
But the advance practice develops “occult powers”. Abilities people think are mystical, supernatural and magical. People think these things because such abilities are rare among humanity.
OBEs are hard to experience. Mainly, it’s because humans have too much resistance going on. Their doubt and disbelief are too great. Their belief constellations are too full of bogus beliefs about life and physical reality. And about themselves. Their thought processes aren’t inclined to ignite desiring such experiences. So tapping into this power, and there is power here, isn’t possible if one’s thoughts and beliefs run counter to the experience.
Achieving OBEs, therefore, is more about letting go of disbelief. Not practicing a new skill. Everyone already has the skill. It’s only masked by beliefs telling the believer such abilities aren’t theirs. Or don’t exist at all.
But those who dedicate themselves develop seemingly mystical power. The power of pure positive energy. The energy that creates universes.
Tapping in requires soothing old beliefs, not creating new skills.
The value: highly practical
My first OBE signifies an arrival. I’m at the point where I’ve significantly cleared away vibrational interference. Interference blocking natural “supernatural” abilities. I’ve turned the key that unlocks doorways. Doorways of multidimensional existence. Existence I can explore consciously.
Moreover, I can explore consciously those dimensions and retain the experience when returning to physical consciousness. That experience expands my understanding of what it means to Be. Because now I KNOW I am more than my body. I’m learning to KNOW death marks a transition, not the end.
For sure many people believe death isn’t real. Or they want to believe that. But few actually KNOW. Meanwhile, OBEs produce confidence one lives eternally by showing the traveller that they are more than their physical body.
The real, practical value of such experiences however, lies in one’s ability to accomplish one’s desires. And to up-level the realm of what’s possible.
Equipped with conscious deliberate connection to All That Is, one can leverage that in the real world. Such a person can accomplish what most think takes a lot of time. Or what nearly everyone thinks is impossible. She can cut out effort and “luck” people rely upon. Such a person can also bypass much of the nose-to-the-grindstone people think responsible for success. And they can do that in whatever field they choose.
Seth puts it plain:
“The responsibility of dealing with manipulation within the physical universe remains, but in some respects the nature of this manipulation changes. It becomes more direct: Physical properties are manipulated more and more on a mental level. Many actual physical intervening steps are cut out.”
The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material Jane Roberts
“Impossible” aspirations
So the practical value of this ability lies not in the ability. The ability is a sign post. The real value lies in leverage power existing in all the Universe in service of one’s desires. That way desires start fulfilling themselves.
That’s highly practical.
Armed with this power and leverage, a person begins questioning his or her limits. She realizes her limitlessness.
Then she starts testing herself. Her aspirations ascend beyond where most can imagine. That’s because most don’t believe OBEs are possible. Let alone what OBEs as signposts signify is possible.
From there the practitioner merges with her Broader Perspective’s perspective. It’s a conscious shift Seth describes:
“The ego becomes more similar to the inner ego than to its old self, comparatively speaking. This altered ego is aware of large portions of inner reality that were previously denied. Structurally it remains intact, and yet it has changed chemically, and electromagnetically. It is able to open up so that inner experience can be received. This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality development. It is only a first step, however. Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur.”
Excerpt From The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material Jane Roberts
Realizing past incarnations
From here, the practitioner can integrate “intimate knowledge of all incarnations”. This realization holds tremendous value. Psychology has us thinking our mental health springs from our present lives. But psychology and medicine in general, fails to account for influences from our experiences in other dimensions. Dimensions happening simultaneously with this one. However, awareness of past incarnations means we can harness that information for positive change now. In this life.
So the Positively Focused practitioner transcends what it means to be human. Then, they accomplish things humans think impossible. When people see this person doing what they think impossible, a new normal gets created. One in which what people thought impossible, now becomes possible.
And in that, they directly aid in human evolution. Human REVOLUTION. An expansion of what it means to be human.
Finally, this explains why achieving such levels appears extremely difficult or impossible, even though it’s not. It appears that way on purpose. Because getting there is impossible until one aligns their way of being with that of All That Is. They must eliminate as much interference as possible. Few will make a go at it. And of those, few will achieve it. Even though everyone can.
The value is more than just clearing away old beliefs clouding what we think is possible. It literally furthers humanity’s evolution.
The potential is vast
That’s a built in safeguard. All That Is can’t have a bunch of undisciplined, mostly negative spirits running around nonphysical. It would create mayhem across infinite dimensions. This development process happens in very slow motion here, on Earth. It is one of the reasons we come here. But that experience can greatly accelerate. And, it can happen in one lifetime.
Think about that. Would you be willing to dedicate a single life time so that in that life time you can achieve whatever you want, effortlessly, while having positive influence on humanity? And then influence all subsequent lifetimes from that same powerful perspective? I would.
I want to know my limitless power. These limitless powers are available for everyone. But accessing them only happens for the few. The few willing to see the world as it ultimately is: love, oneness, joyful and full of possibility. A willingness to see the world from a Positively Focused perspective, in other words.
Maybe you’re ready to develop your supernatural powers. If so, let’s talk.
This isn’t actually the second, but it is the most significant OBE since my first. What’s significant about it relates to my ego’s calibration to the experience. The whole experience confirms my progress. I’m realizing more my eternal nature.
Humans are more than human. We are aware-ized energy. We are that creative energy, creating more of ourselves. Then we expand ourselves into that more. We do that to explore ourselves. We do that to know who and what we are.
While they seem rare, everyone experiences OBEs. Usually, we don’t notice them. That’s because our ego blocks such experiences. But we leave our bodies constantly.
Most common OBEs happen during sleep. We call them “dreams”. But that word cheapens what really happens. There we explore the myriad creations we create. Meanwhile our bodies get left behind.
Each of us exist simultaneously in infinite dimensions. Dimensions outside time and space. Places we create as part of our voracious desire for self-awareness and expansion.
Even those who think they don’t dream do this. The only reason they don’t remember such experiences is because they don’t believe they have them. Advanced Positively Focused clients reacquaint themselves with these experiences. The more they recall, the more becomes possible. Including OBEs.
Being outside: amazing
My second experience happened the afternoon of January 25. My “spiritual body” gently rose out of my physical one. Then it happened. Here’s how I described it in my practice journal:
My “second” OBE as described in my journal
As you read, I’m new at this. My waking consciousness gets out of whack when I return to “reality”. The conscious part of me experiencing the OBE is not my waking consciousness. Yet, when I “return”, that part of me must integrate the experience. When that happens disorientation shows up. That means I’m just starting to get my “sea legs” about this OBE stuff.
In reality, I’m not learning to leave my body. That happens all the time. What I’m learning is how to be aware of my depatures. And, how to integrate them on return. Integrate them so I remember the experience.
Joyful expansion
I’ve had many other OBEs. Many of them happen in sleep. Because of what I know, I have extremely good recall and retention of these experiences. Keeping a record of these amplifies my retention. Today, my records contain well over 2,000 such experiences. But when these happen, my waking consciousness isn’t with me. I experience them as actual places, but when I wake, the experience doesn’t feel as real.
Eventually, I want to leave my body at will. Seth assures us such experiences are, indeed, in the realm of possibility for us. I’m finding his words accurate.
Sometime I’ll write about the ego and its function. Humanity doesn’t understand it very well. Regarding OBEs, the ego needs grace. It must adjust to an unusual experience from its perspective. Our egos aren’t ordinarily happy experiencing OBEs. That’s because such experiences take it outside its speciality, which is physical reality. This explains why most people don’t consciously know they’re having OBEs. Their ego focuses them exclusively on the illusion that is physical reality.
If you’re intrigued with my experience and want your own, you might consider becoming a client. All my clients attest the price is a bargain for benefits they receive.
I’m on the way to developing what some think are supernatural abilities. They’re not “supernatural”. But if we believe they are, then they occur that way. That also means they rarely happen.
But these abilities can be commonplace. They require cultivated focus and discipline though. Developing focus and discipline is simple. But that simplicity is not easy to master.
Paradoxes like that show up everywhere once we expand our consciousness beyond the Indoctrination of Normal. That’s because paradoxes are the stuff of which we all are created. Everything in the Universe depends on them. Dynamic instability inherent in such paradoxes literally gives rise to everything existing. Including our individual identities and experiences.
We are WAY more than we think we are. Abilities people call “supernatural” help us understand how powerful we are. More important, they familiarize us with abilities necessary to manage All That Is after death.
That’s right. Life after death exists. After we pass through the illusion of death, a vast amount of “data” confronts us. That data changes extremely fast, constantly. It’s so constant, the unprepared would call it “chaos”. The unprepared would quickly disintegrate amidst the torrent of reality in the nonphysical realm. Thankfully, beings stand ready to help once we pass through death.
Why develop such powers now?
But we can make the transition beyond earthly consciousness far easier. By developing and then practicing “supernatural” powers while still in a physical body, we familiarize ourselves with what will come.
Most people aren’t interested in that. So it’s not a good sales pitch. They’re too invested in “the one with the most toys wins” life. How’s this sales pitch instead: When we master supposedly “supernatural” abilities, creating life exactly as we want it while still in a body becomes a cinch.
That’s because, one can’t develop such abilities while also remaining resistant to life experience. In other words, mastering these abilities requires an attitude chronically consistent with what we are in nonphysical.
I always start new client intake sessions the same way. I ask them “how do you think a being who is all-seeing and all-knowing feels about reality as it sees what’s happening in your life?”
The answer, obviously, is it is constantly in a state of wonder, joy, freedom, empowerment, appreciation and love. Well, that’s the state our Broader Perspective constantly experiences. Meanwhile, here we are bumping around in resistant-ladened, negative emotional states. States like powerlessness, boredom, anxiety, fear etc.
People in such states cannot express their vast potential evidenced through “supernatural” abilities. Such abilities are reserved for those who are consistently in tune with their Broader Perspective. They also can’t live a Charmed Life either, because such a life requires being Positively Focused.
And when we’re Positively Focused, the Charmed Life becomes our life.
So there are many reasons to develop these capabilities. Everyone can, but not everyone will. Very, very few will, in fact. Which supports people’s belief that they’re impossible.
Meanwhile, some know they are eminently possible. My clients are on that path. Would you like to be?