How To Joyfully Get What You Want

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.

That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.

That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.

But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.

An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.

Yearning burning desire sucks.

Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”

The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.

And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.

This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.

Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.

How it can work

Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?

It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.

Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.

In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.

Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.

20 minutes of wisdom…

Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.

It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.

And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.

When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.

That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.

The question is: is yours?

The Little Things Lead To Great Big Things

Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

I know my big desires are on their way because, more and more, I see little, surprising things happen which tell my being Positively Focused works.

For example, I lounged languidly on my couch this evening while enjoying a book and listening to classical music via my Bluetooth headphones. Engrossed in the book and enjoying the music felt wonderful, peaceful and rewarding.

A desire to shower earlier than usual came to me. It was an impulse, something I talk about all the time with my clients. When a person gets an impulse, the best thing to do is follow it immediately. Learning to do this takes a while, but once one understands why, and does it, the benefits are huge.

I felt this impulse grow over about five minutes. Its growing intensity indicated something special ready for me, a delight formed by my Personal Trinity, flowing, ready for my discovery.

I texted my housemates. Usually I shower around 9:30 in the evening. Showering earlier might disrupt my housemates’ plans. I didn’t want to do that. They both gave the all clear. One of them planned a bath later. She thanked me for letting her know.

Positively Focused makes the blind see

Note the synchronicity – the little indication of perfect timing – in me, wanting to shower early, my housemate wanting to bathe later.

But then came the next little sign.

As I prepared, my headphones’ low battery indicator chimed. They had 10 percent of their charge remaining. That was the second sign. Following my impulse had me take a shower just as my headphones needed charging, which meant, my headphones could charge fully while I showered.

My Personal Trinity leads me through my impulses to manifestations happening all the time. Seeing the small ones allows bigger ones to be visible by me.

I know this sounds inconsequential, but I also know it’s highly consequential. Little things like this happen all day, every day. People think “thoughts create reality” is bunk because they don’t know how to see the little things happening all day, every day proving that thoughts do indeed, create reality.

They can’t see these little things because believing “thoughts don’t create reality” blinds the believer. They can’t see such signs because they don’t believe they exist.

Some people who stand with one foot in “thoughts create reality” and the other in “thoughts don’t create reality” can see signs, but they write them off as coincidence, or chance or “confirmation bias”. I wrote about this phenomena – called split energy – in detail here.

Either way, both groups miss out.

Miss out on what?

I know paying attention to impulses, immediately acknowledging them, recognizing the co-incidence of the impulse and the result, and celebrating that, primes my awareness to seeing other signs. What signs?

Signs indicating my bigger desires are also being real-ized by me. The more I appreciate these little things, by writing and sharing blog posts about them, the more quickly those bigger things flow into my life.

Your bigger desires are fulfilling themselves. The question is, are you tuned to seeing them doing that? If you’re Positively Focused you are. Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

It’s hard focusing one’s big desires into reality, especially if the desire-er wants something they don’t believe is possible. It’s easier starting with seeing little indicators and celebrating them. Over time, confidence grows.

Then, before one knows it, evidence of ALL their desires show themselves, turning a person’s ordinary life into a Charmed Life.

Not celebrating the little things, the person misses out not only on those, but also the joyous, fun, easy unfolding of the big things they want.

I’m not that kind of person though. That’s why I’m Positively Focused.

The Love Life Shows Me Every Day

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

I love being on my freedom adventure

I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.

I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.

Life affirms me and my desires

I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.

But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.

That’s affirming.

My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.

My life: eternally more

And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.

There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.

And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.

And so am I.

I Love Living With My Head In The Clouds

I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.

I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.

Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.

I love when nature bares her beauty to me.

Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.

It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.

I love knowing all of this.

Life Amazes When You’re Positively Focused In The Now

Photo by Jane Carmona on Unsplash

I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.

The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.

The incredible becomes every day

This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.

It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.

Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.

So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.

My client sharing her wonderful awareness.

I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.

By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.

In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.

And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.

The Charmed Life shows up in real time

What Holly shared with me was striking, wonderful and yet expected. After all, I guarantee results produced from Positively Focused sessions. So Holly’s result was no more surprising than any other client results. It’s just what happens.

What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.

I’m getting ahead of myself 😄

Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:

My responses and her loving my response as I loved hers. Everything happening perfectly.

Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?

Then this happened

Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:

A Client raves to Holly about her experience with being my client 🤣

When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.

Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:

Holly considers my impulse.

Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:

Welcoming my newest client and the extraordinary response he made given my ongoing conversation with my current client. This allowed Holly to share Taylore’s comment with him in person before our free 1:1 session.

What was happening?

Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.

So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.

Scott’s request to reschedule enabled Holly to share Taylore’s experience with him.

And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.

Me doing the work, and my client doing the same.

And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.

The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.

What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:

  • This is all coincidental
  • This is confirmation bias happening
  • This is just luck
  • This doesn’t happen all the time
  • This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?

All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.

I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.

Doing so we discover fabulous lives unfolding right before our eyes. Lives consistent with the Charmed Life I guarantee from being Positively Focused.

What It’s Like When God’s Happiness Fills Me

This experience happened on June 22, 2020

Yesterday I went on a bike ride while listening to inspirational words from my mentor. I rode up Lief Erickson Drive to the bike/hike trail, then ventured six miles in.

Delight and clarity about life experience filled me as my bike jostled and jiggered over rocks, ruts and mud along the trail. It was hard going, mostly uphill, but I didn’t experience “hard”. Instead, I felt appreciation, fun and good times. I sought this, so “hard” felt “fun”.

I literally laughed at some points when tire and trail disagreed, which sent me and my bike in random directions, but never off-trail. 

The farther I ascended this rocky, shaky, bumpy trail, the more exhilaration, joy and clarity filled me, and the less I felt the trail itself. My body and bike merged with every rock, every rut, while my attention focused, softly taking in All That Is – trees, birds, water puddle, bike, legs pumping…

At mile three I took a break during which sensations along my arms and shoulders caught my attention. I thought something bit me, yet no evidence of bites presented themselves. I scratched and rubbed, but the sensations persisted. Seeing no signs of insect attack, I ignored the itching, remounted and rode on.

After mile six I turned around. Going in, it’s uphill mostly, so going down presented an added challenge: more speed. I swooshed down trail, twisting and turning my narrow-tired bike through puddles, slippery rocks and even slipperier mud.

An Awakening Moment Lay Ahead 

Extraordinary moments happen all the time. The question is, do I see them? Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash

I came to a sun-drenched clearing just as the itching on my shoulders and arms got worse. I stopped to scratch but again, saw no evidence of irritation…no bites or bumps.

Suddenly, sunlight, colors in the trees, the sky, wind song, bird song…everything I perceived occurred at volume 10. Everything got brighter, clearer. My head got light, goose bumps covered my arms and neck. I understood then, the itching wasn’t skin-related. It was energy-related.

It indicated in-tune-ness with my Broader Perspective, my body releasing resistance yielded to pleasure and power born of pure positive focus. I straddled my bike, stunned in appreciation…

When I started riding again, I felt super-present, loving life and the world around me.

Far from the trail, in one of Portland’s remaining industrial areas, it struck me again! Beauty, oneness, harmony…the elegance of all that is filled me so much, I pulled my bike over, dismounted and sat on the sidewalk against the wall of a local brewery. I couldn’t ride any farther.

Everything I saw, humming birds flittering by, blue sky, white wisps of clouds, bright yellow sun, and yes, roads, buildings, litter along the road, homeless people sleeping in their cars… everything around me amplified themselves.

I saw it all connected. I saw it all beautiful.

Nearly every day since, I feel this way coming out of sleep, this oneness, this peace, this connected-to-All-That-Is-ness. I feel God’s happiness with creation filling me so completely, physical reality experience becomes an ecstatic experience. It’s the feeling I feel filled with the being of me: A God in human form.

My Primary Job: Being

Walking home this afternoon after collecting footage slated for an upcoming film, my own consciousness struck me. On the way home strolling through an old growth treed park, I realized…I’m free.

No job. No boss. No income I depend on. Instead, money comes through alignment. Soon, as my Inner Being alignment grows more consistent, and legacy resistance subsides, more money, more opportunity, more of everything will show up.

I know this as sure as I know the Earth spins consistently in her orbit.

Be, do, have. Hearing that the first time, I loved it. Learning about it, I thought “Gee, wouldn’t it be great were it true?” Now, evidence I produce tells me it is true. And so I know. I understand the meaning and function of “Be, Do Have”.

Be. Do. Have.

I think most think it’s “Do, Be, Have”. That’s the way I wrote it here first. That’s also the way I practiced it. I once did things someone who has what I want does. In time, goes the instruction, I would feel (be) the way that person feels. Then, eventually, the Universe would bring me those things I wanted, things that person has now.

I know now that can work. Problem is, most likely someone trying to “do” first, will struggle. In the struggle, they’ll entertain thoughts consistent with what they don’t want, not what they want.

For example, someone who wants to have a racing career might start out being a go cart racer. She might not be that good at first though. She might get negative feedback, then take that feedback to heart. She might believe it. Then she might think thoughts consistent with the feedback. “I’m not as good as I think.” Or, “I took that corner so badly.” Or, “I’m not as good as so-and-so.”

Such thoughts are self-perpetuating and reality-creating. Her driving behavior will increasingly reflect her beliefs. Her driving behavior is early-stage manifestation born of earlier-stage manifestation: her beliefs.

If “Do” comes first a pitfall accompanies it: If I haven’t first practiced thoughts consistent with what I want, then thoughts consistent with what I don’t want dominate, eventually creating realities consistent with them.

“Be” first means tuning into thoughts and cultivating beliefs consistent with what I want. I be first. Do comes naturally from that because when I tune to thoughts consistent with what I want, my Broader Perspective guides or suggests behavior to take and, when I act, since my thoughts and beliefs already point in the “right direction” (towards the reality I want), they don’t contradict my behavior. Instead they amplify it.

My behavior is keen too. More refined. I don’t focus on the result. Instead, I play (DO). I have fun. Results take care of themselves. Including results that look like films or experiences I want or sustainable money flows.

Being and doing

Next is have. But the having holds a secret: I first must soothe old beliefs I’ve cultivated which oppose what I want. If I believe my skin color makes me inferior in ANY way, which is a common socialization meme, then I feel “insecurity”; an emotion telling me that belief is bullshit.

But if I’ve believed that a long time, then that belief will stand between me and what I want to have. If my belief in what I want to have is strong enough (the DO), then that belief momentum can “break through” that resistance. That’s a bumpy way to create reality though. Very hard to sustain too.

I prefer soothing old beliefs by taking attention from them and putting it on thoughts I’m cultivating into beliefs, beliefs consistent with what I want. Putting my thoughts on what I want is what being is all about.

My primary job: being. My Broader Perspective handles everything else. I be and tune into it.Tuned in I receive its guidance. Only then do I DO. That doing, being more powerful by virtue of Be-momentum, lines me up with outcomes already existing in future probable realities. Those realities become my realities gradually.

Delighting in the process, time becomes irrelevant. Before I know it, I have what I want. Then the having expands.

And that’s the conscious awareness striking me as I write this. I want more than anything freedom as life experience. I have that. It’s significant because as I stand in “being free”, I know that’s the most powerful place. It’s consistent with where my Broader Perspective stands in nonphysical. THat means I’m in tune. 

That means everything else I’m wanting is also flowing, just as freedom as life experience now is.

My Perception Creates Time And Space


The other day I walked from the grocery back home on my way to a incredible manifestation I realized (I’ll share that later). On the way, I passed by an old car wash, long fallen into disrepair, with graffiti growing on it as much as brambles and weeds. A homeless person, grunting and grumbling under a tarp, shuffled among a sea of junk inside a wash bay converted into housing.

In that moment I received a thought. Remember, I was on my way to a fulfilling manifestation, a realization of something I delighted in receiving. “Delight” indicates a high-flying place consistent with my Broader Perspective, which means something really good this way comes. 😊

Ordinarily, in a lower vibrational place, dilapidated buildings look like eyesores, graffiti like societal mars. Overgrown weeds tell stories of decay and absentee slumlordism. Looking at this car wash I instead received a different and surprising interpretation: “this is what physical reality looks like as it turns from one manifestation into another.”

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I stood there a moment appreciating that thought’s profundity. In that moment I witnessed All That Is turning from one thing – an old, abandoned car wash – into something more. The ordinarily imperceptible changing laid itself bare before my Plain Sight. In this crumbling, new emerges. What looks like decay, heralds something more. 

Through that Plain Sight I saw protests these days, the societal handwringing underway and our political divisiveness differently. That car wash metaphorically showed me in its microcosm, that the greater societal churn that is my macrocosm, my society, must be the way it is before the new emerges from it. Just as that crumbled car wash property will some day become something new: an apartment building, grocery, or office complex or KFC.

Seth says manifestations turning to new manifestations create the apparent phenomena humans call time. Instantaneous and constant change from one thing to another in nonphysical, appears in slow motion when experienced from perception immersed in physical reality.

Human perception channeled through bodily organs and limited beliefs slow everything happening in nonphysical down so humans can enjoy the turning-into; but also because if things changed as fast as they do in nonphysical in physical reality, the rate of change would bewilder the beholder and humans couldn’t function, let alone make heads or tails of what’s going on.

My human perception creates time and space so I may enjoy my creations moment-by-moment instead of all at once. I know that using a Positively Focused perception, I discern physical reality’s secret: that everything is on Earth as it is in heaven – constant and delightful manifestations constantly manifesting more delight through even more manifestations, all happening in the midst of great unfolding. 

This is what life experience becomes for the deliberate creator: an ongoing series of epiphanies on the way to more and better continuously fulfilling ones, which makes life worth living. A Charmed Life, in other words.

How Wonderful Now Feels


Nows feel best felt when appreciated. Nows happen asleep as they happen awake. Feelings taken to bed are lenses through which dreams happen. More appreciation brought to sleep state, little-by-little, shows dream state’s wonder.

Indeliberate feelings make dream state chaotic, frightening; invisible too. Apathy, feeling nothing about joyous replenishment that happens while dreaming, creates an empty dream reality: an experience of no dreams, when, actually, everyone dreams.

Appreciation reveals dream state as it is: a wonder, pure joy made manifest, creative bliss.

I enjoy bringing that appreciation focus to conscious wakefulness too. The moment physical reality captures my focus, after a nightly sojourn through creation in nonphysical, after relishing that no-space and no-time in which I experience pure bliss, I turn my appreciation to my dreams’ physical counterparts: the dreams I so far have allowed into my time space reality experience. Knowing physical reality is dream made real, I relish the feels-goodness of it, as every morsel that is life merits my appreciation.

Brought to the fore of consciousness, appreciating my physical nows in early morning moments prepares my daily sojourn just as I prepare my nightly ones.

That is deliberate creation: knowing in every moment asleep or awake I ongoingly make All That Is more. Doing that on purpose feels good. Feeling that on purpose makes life happiness fulfilled.