How Everything We Want Thrills Us With Perfect Timing

TL;DR: The author recounts a week of experiences, highlighting the importance of alignment with one’s Broader Perspective. Despite initial plans falling through, the author’s willingness to go with the flow led to a solo trip to the Oregon coast, filled with unexpected joys and breathtaking beauty. This experience serves as a reminder that the Universe delivers what we want, often in unexpected and more satisfying ways.

Yesterday, Thursday, something remarkable happened. Although I’m not that surprised because my alignment to All That Is is producing so many remarkable experiences I find myself barely able to keep up with it all.

What happened Thursday is worth sharing though because it offers so many learning opportunities. Especially for those just beginning, following Law of Attraction, working with the Seth material or other similar practices. What happened also shows how everything we want results from us being aligned. And, that “result” comes as a result of being able to hear; hearing and then immediately following our Broader Perspective guidance.

Let’s dive in.

Soothing destabilization

I’m writing this on Friday, the day after what happened. But the story begins almost exactly one week ago. Last week, I wanted to go to the Oregon coast. I thought it would be a great time to go with a friend of mine. I’ll call her Grace. Grace is pretty spiritually aware. A big aspect of her spiritual orientation is dream work. Her spiritual orientation allows her and I to enjoy our time together.

But Grace also has a past. Like many of us, myself included, she lived her life in contrast: “negative” experiences offering clarity. Clarity she would only realize after the fact. For example, she was part a Christian cult for many years. She met and married her “wasband” in that cult. She also worked many years in a private company I won’t mention that subjected her to a lot of experiences not aligned with who she now knows herself to be.

All that contrast she’s still working through today. From time-to-time a past belief will pop up and destabilize her. Most times, her response to them is admirable. She catches it, soothes herself, then goes on. Sometimes it takes only moments. But sometimes it’s days or weeks.

In the latter instances I won’t hear from her, but I can feel her energy calibrating…

It’s never wrong

So on Tuesday last week I called Grace. I suggested we head to the coast Thursday. She was all in and told me to expect her at my apartment at 10 am Thursday morning.

Thursday morning at 9:30 she texted me. She’d be 20 minutes late, she said. No biggie, I thought, although her being late seems to be developing into a pattern. She arrived 10 minutes earlier than she expected, still 11 minutes late.

When I met her at her car, I could tell something was up. I asked what was happening and tears started flowing down her face. Grace explained that she had a tough morning that involved struggling with technology then wrestling with thoughts and beliefs about always being late, being hard on herself and more. She even worried that I would be mad at her if she arrived late.

I wasn’t mad in that moment. I was more curious. But I did feel some annoyance that she was late.

“Who cares if I get mad?” I asked. “It doesn’t really matter.”

Of course it doesn’t matter. When a person is feeling any emotion, especially negative ones, that emotion has nothing to do with anything happening outside that person. A Positively Focused practice makes this obvious.

But people often take other peoples’ emotional state as indicating they did something wrong. That’s never the case, but we’re all taught at an early age that we can make people feel different things. Again, this is not accurate.

Communication from angels

Eventually it was clear Grace was in no shape to head to the coast. I suggested she head back home and relax instead. I told her I would be totally ok with that. Soothed a bit more, Grace agreed. I got out of her car and she drove off.

I would have enjoyed heading to the coast, but obviously today wasn’t the day. Relaxing myself, I then went back up to my apartment and focused on getting some things done and enjoying my day off. Friday and the weekend came and went.

Tuesday the following week, I wanted to go on a run. The weather wasn’t cooperating though. It started raining although the forecast showed it wouldn’t rain until five hours later. I felt frustrated about that. In that moment I saw 1313 on my phone. I keep my phone on military time, so “1313” is the same as 1:13 p.m. The military time version however is what’s called an “Angel Number” in New Age Circles.

According to experts, 1313 often appears during moments of change, challenge, or shifting emotions, offering reassurance and guidance to help us navigate these experiences with grace. So I knew this Angel Number signified my frustration and an opportunity to navigate that feeling into a better-feeling one. I did so, and shortly after, received the number 1331 on my phone which also is an Angel Number.

1331 is the mirror of 1313. 1331 emphasizes growth through challenges and creatively navigating disruptions. It encourages forward momentum and trust in the process. It also reflects harmony between the inner self and outer circumstances. Seeing 1331 after seeing 1313 indicates a shift into alignment.

I did feel better. But what happened later in the week I know happened because of this inner shift I made.

Going with the flow

Every morning I typically meditate at least once for an hour. Usually I meditate twice, once in the very early morning and again after waking up for the day. On Thursday, none of that happened. I slept through the night Wednesday night. When I woke Thursday, my Broader Perspective spoke to me as clear as someone right next to me.

They said “Go to the Oregon coast today.”

Of course when my Broader Perspective tells me to do something, I usually snap to it. This was no different. It would require renting a car because I don’t have one. I checked the weather and…holy smokes…it was going to be perfect all day. Sunny skies and 55 degrees, both in the city and out on the Oregon coast!

I Googled “rental cars” and got a booking website. The first offering for the date and time I selected was for a Fiat sports car for only $36 a day! What a deal! I checked the details and booked the car. Arriving at the rental center, a friendly counter agent greeted me. I asked if I would get that Fiat and he said no, those cars are reserved at the airport only.

I was slightly disappointed, but remembered the message inherent in 1313. This was an adventure and I was going to go with the flow of it!

Instead of a Fiat, I got a Chevy Malibu, which was actually a comfortable car. What I liked most about it was Apple CarPlay which allowed me to play my music through the car’s excellent speakers.

But the best part was the cost: less than $100 for a 2-day car rental! Insurance included!

A spectacular adventure

My drive to the coast was nothing short of spectacular. Having no responsibility and no job, I took my time, stopping at places and stretching, admiring the views, basically enjoying the whole trip. It was nice traveling the speed limit rather than trying to rush to the destination. I had no destination after all. It was a pure, joyful, solitary adventure.

I planned to head to Cannon Beach or Manzanita, two of my favorite Oregon coast spots. But my Broader Perspective had other plans. After heading through Astoria and admiring that coastal city, my Broader Perspective encouraged me to explore someplace I hadn’t before: a small hamlet called Gearhart.


Gearhart featured a near-deserted beach stretching at least 10 miles! It was totally flat, the tide was out, and the only others out there besides me were clam hunters. What’s more, the temperature was near 60 degrees! That’s unheard of in December. Usually also in winter the winds pick up on the beach. Not today. The winds barely blew. So I was toasty as I walked up and down the beach for about four hours.

As the sun began setting I got ready to head back to the Malibu. But again, my Broader Perspective had other plans. It encouraged me to wait and enjoy the sunset. There was still an hour before the sun would go down so I grabbed a spot on a really beautiful weatherworn bench and read from my reading device. Then, as the sun set, the sky included a dappling of clouds that arrived in perfect timing.

The glorious sunset at Gearhart, Oregon.

Delivering what we want

As the sun went down it played with earth’s atmosphere to create what I swear was an oil painting in the sky. It was absolutely gorgeous. And, as the sun set I felt warm, magical and blessed as I marveled at how, just a week ago I wanted to visit the beach. And here I was, me and my Broader Perspective, witnessing and appreciating and reveling in an age-old pursuit: enjoying the sun setting.

What great guidance! It was one of the best sunsets I’ve ever seen. After the sun went down, I walked back to the Malibu, then enjoyed a peaceful, easy drive back to my apartment. Of course, I got perfect parking, then reveled in my home.

I reveled in how I held no resistance to not being able to go to the beach last week. In doing so, I lined up with my Broader Perspective which must have known that going on my own would be much more thrilling, much more satisfying.

It sure was! And the weather was perfect, which was not the case last week. Last week was grey and cold.

And this is the thing with All That Is. It delivers what we want. Every time. But sometimes, it delivers things in ways we can’t expect. And if we’re open to it, that unexpected way can be more satisfying than the way we want it to happen.

Often the way we want it to happen includes it happening on the schedule we expect. But if we are willing to go with the flow instead, give up thinking we know the best time for something to happen, or the best way it’s supposed to happen, we’ll be more than pleasantly surprised.

We’ll be thrilled.

Speaking of going with the flow, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

How One Client Turned Misery Into A Joyous Mystery

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author uses a client’s surprising example to show how astonishing life can be, they say, when one realizes thoughts and beliefs create reality and puts that realization into action.

I shouldn’t be astonished when clients produce mysterious-seeming joy in their lives. But every time it happens, I am astonished. That’s because how it happens is aways astonishing. It confirms how resourceful the Universe is in giving us what we want.

A client this week experienced something truly astonishing. He proved to himself how he creates his reality with help from a vast array of nonphysical beings. Beings focused on making his life a joyful journey.

What happened left him speechless. It also left him feeling deep wonder. What happened engaged nearly every aspect of the Positively Focused Way. He created which reflected back to him extremely disempowering beliefs about an important subject. In response to that, he then created an astonishing manifestation in a grocery store. Then, a series of dreams he had brought home an extremely powerful message; one the client couldn’t miss. In getting the message, the client soared to new, until-now unattained heights of fascination.

How this all happened reflects the power inherent in all of us. We are all gods in human form, folks. We’re here experiencing a human experience for the joy of it. The joy and satisfaction inherent in expanding All That Is is our birthright. There’s infinite power, pleasure and possibility in that. That power, pleasure and possibility also is within us. And when we choose expressing those three things deliberately, like this client did, then our lives reflect the miraculous inherent in the entire Universe.

Let’s look more at what happened.

Getting unstuck

This client once struggled with strong suicidal thoughts. Those thoughts came from extremely disempowering interpretations of his early life experiences. None of those past experiences were bad. Experience never is. Instead, they clued him in on aspects of himself he hadn’t known before. Aspects that would later bring him into alignment with the joyful life he knew was his.

Back then, though, the client, who I’ll call John, didn’t interpret those experiences this way. Instead he interpreted them as extremely negative. Over time, those negative interpretations built momentum within him. John made all those negative interpretations about himself. As a result, he hated himself. In time, those interpretations became beliefs about himself, which is why he wanted to kill himself.

Wanting to kill one’s self is a natural thing. It happens when someone builds up negative momentum born of negative interpretations that eventually become negative beliefs. Those beliefs then create real world experiences proving them “true”. When that happens, those experiences become more and more one’s reality. This process happens on any subject.

When a person finds themselves stuck in extremely strong, negative beliefs, especially about themselves, wanting to end it all often is the best outcome. Especially if the person can’t find a way out of that torment. And many can’t.

Even so, everyone can get unstuck. They came into human form for a reason. That reason didn’t include checking out early, even though some do. John was someone who found his way out. He happened to do so through the Positively Focused Way.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

Projection is common

Like many people stuck in self-hatred, John projected his self-hatred out into the world. Projection happens a lot in humanity. It makes sense if you think about it. Very few people realize where their external reality comes from. They don’t know the external reality they see comes from their inner state of being. It makes sense then that if a person doesn’t know their external reality springs from their inner state – thoughts and beliefs – then rather than doing something about their thoughts and beliefs, they’ll blame their external reality for their troubles.

That often includes blaming other people. But people, like everything else in our lives, are reflections too. Versions of people we meet reflect back to us what’s going on in us. So if we meet a lot of angry people, for example, we must have anger in us. Meet a lot of loving, cuddly dogs? There’s love in us. Yes, it’s that simple.

The target of John’s projection was obvious: women. He blamed a lot of what he didn’t like on the fact that women wouldn’t give him attention. John didn’t realize women spurning him was happening because he spurned himself. So he blamed women. He projected his self-hatred on women, in other words.

It’s vibration, momentum and attraction…not effort

While projecting his hatred onto women, John also wanted women. More directly, he wanted sex. But his approach to women reflected the mixture of his beliefs and desires. He wanted sex. And he believed the kind of sex he wanted came from women. But he hated women as a projection of hating himself. So every time he tried to woo women’s attention, they would, in his words, reject him.

No wonder! The women were reflecting all of John’s self-rejection back to him. It’s also no wonder that John started paying (a lot) for coaching on the subject of “the art of seduction”. A particularly popular offerer of that content caught his attention. Before long, John was thousands of dollars into this approach.

But it never worked for him. Women kept spurning him.

I tell clients many things over and over. So much so I sound like a broken record, I know. But as one client said recently “Perry, sometimes it takes time for what you tell us to move from our heads to our hearts.” I totally get that because I was once in my clients’ shoes. So when you read what you’re about to read, I get that it won’t likely sink in. Ready? Here it comes:

Taking action doesn’t make ANYTHING happen. Everything happening is a result of vibration, momentum and attraction.

This explains why John’s indulgence in “seduction coaching” wasn’t working. All the action in the world, all the money in the world, can’t overcome negative momentum. Abraham puts it plainly:

Misogyny: projected self hatred

It’s no wonder John’s inability to get what he wanted through “seduction coaching” deepened his self-hatred. It seemed the more he tried, the worse he got rejected. At his wits end, he discovered Positively Focused.

It took a while, but John discovered several things about himself. One thing he realized was he had turned into a misogynist. He doesn’t like admitting this, but it’s accurate. In fact, I’d argue most misogynists have some self hatred going on. They’re projecting that hatred onto women and that makes them hate women.

But that’s another story.

One day, John expressed wanting to go out with a woman. This was after a long period of focusing on other priorities through the Positively Focused Way. I suggested he do so as a way of seeing how he was doing soothing his old beliefs. I told him the woman he would meet would be a perfect match to where he was now in soothing his self hatred. He’d learn a lot too, I told him.

He did learn a lot

The woman he met, let’s call her Meg, was quite a bit older than John. They decided to go on a hike. John was super clear with Meg about his disinterest in dating or even a relationship. He was, he said, exploring and really looking for a casual hook-up. Meg told him she was open to that, but she wasn’t ready just yet.

The hike went well. At the end of the day though, Meg hadn’t contacted John. When John reached out, Meg said in a text that she liked her time with him but didn’t think they were a match.

As you can imagine, this sent John into a tail spin. It triggered all his past beliefs about himself and, through projection, about women. Over four days, John doubled down on these old beliefs making himself more and more miserable in the process. As far as John was concerned, Meg was, in his words, a crazy bitch, a cunt and liar and more. All the while John felt more and more unwanted, rejected and miserable.

What John had trouble understanding over those days was the following. John wasn’t miserable because of what Meg did or didn’t do. John was miserable and angry, for sure. But those emotions told John something he really wanted to know. They told him beliefs he held about himself and women are not the same beliefs his Broader Perspective knows about those subjects.

This is an important bit of information and I’ll dive a bit deeper next because it’s important to understand. Knowing this information also helps us appreciate what happened next.

The valuable message of our emotions

Physical reality is, as I wrote above, a reflection. But a lot of people don’t know this. They also don’t know they come equipped with a hugely beneficial tool to help them move through this reflection towards a reflection full of everything they want. That tool is their emotions.

Every human is, of course, more than human. We are all eternal beings. We’re also much more than can fit into a single human body. So when we become human, we put a portion of us into the human body. Meanwhile the vast majority of what we are remains in nonphysical; the place from which we come.

When we sort of split ourselves up like that, that part of us remaining outside our bodies enjoys a birds eye view of our lives. That part of us can see all the choices we might, will and will not make. It sees the alternate probable future realities flowing from all those choices. Yes, even the ones we will not make. All of these futures fulfill our main purpose for being, which is expanding All That Is and ourselves in the process. So our Broader Perspective is keenly, always, seeing what’s happening as uber positive.

It also delights in wherever we are in the moment because it can see how where we are is the perfect place for us at that moment. So it always sees our present moment in the most positive light. When we don’t see our present moment that way, we feel negative emotion.

So emotions help us integrate the part of us in our bodies with the part of us that remains where we come from. I’ll share why that integration is important next.

It’s all about inspired action

Because our Broader Perspective enjoys that birds eye view, and because it knows what we want at all times, it constantly sends us messages – clues or gut feelings – which will lead us to what we want. But to receive those messages, we must open ourselves to perceiving them. We do that by integrating ourselves, matching our perspective of life in our physical bodies to the perspective of our life our Broader Perspective has. Do that and we can “hear” the messages.

Follow the messages and our life unfolds in a seeming magical way. Everything we want comes easily, often with no effort. Remember what you read above about action? Action doesn’t make things happen. What action does do is, when we take it, that action positions us in the reality coordinates of time and space where the final unfolding of what we want appears.

Inspired action is action taken as a result of hearing our Broader Perspective’s messages. When we get a message and we follow it immediately, we rendezvous with a delightful unfolding. But All That Is is always in motion. So if we delay, if we hesitate when we get a message, then we miss the rendezvous. Taking inspired action immediately then, is key.

So emotions, are guides. They help us know, at any given moment, how aligned we are with our Broader Perspective. That tells us whether we can hear messages we send ourselves. And, when we hear the message and take the inspired action, we rendezvous with the ongoing Charmed Life I write about here. The life where everything happens with very little effort.

Let’s turn back to John’s story now.

A huge gift given to himself

It took a long time for John to understand what I was telling him when I told him, in response to his vitriol, that Meg was actually an angel he created for himself to see how his beliefs are making himself miserable. And that his misery, which is an emotion, was also a huge gift he was sending himself.

Can you see how it was a huge gift?

And for sure, Meg was an angel. Another way of putting it is, Meg was a reality John created for himself as a reflection, so that he can do something about his beliefs. She was, what we call a cooperative component to John getting what he wants. For he can’t get what he wants if he’s not integrated with his Broader Perspective. And “misery” tells him he’s not integrated!

So his experience with Meg was a huge gift.

As I told him before, Meg was also a perfect match to John. She was unsure of what she wanted as much as he was. She reflected his self-rejection back to him by expressing no future interest in him. Again, it wasn’t something John wanted to hear. I’m so glad therefore that the Universe stepped in and offered John an experience that brought that message home. What happened next was astonishing.

An astonishing unfolding

John felt a bit better after our talk. It took a while, but we’re all eternal, so how long it takes doesn’t matter. One day he got the inspired action to go to Whole Foods. He didn’t realize this was inspired action though. He just thought he was running an errand. That perspective was about to completely change.

While shopping, a little girl came up to John and, as he describes it, started a delightful conversation with him. John described her as “sweet” in a text he sent me just after the encounter.

But what really surprised me was what John texted next. Mind you, he was feeling much better after venting his vitriol at someone (me) who could channel that energy to his benefit rather than amplify it. Here’s his interpretation of that Whole Foods rendezvous:

Isn’t that an astonishing interpretation? Of course, when John shared that he couldn’t help but feel extremely positive emotion about himself, about the girl and about the experience. That’s because this interpretation was spot on. It also was exactly why the Universe brought him and the child together: so that he could further soothe his bogus beliefs. Beliefs about women and about himself.

John said he didn’t have words to express how delightful that experience was. He felt a shift happen in him, something that he hadn’t felt before. And he couldn’t believe it happened the way it did; through an experience with a child.

What happened next surprised John even more.

Dreams are critical

Over the next several nights, John had a series of dreams. These dreams took him to new heights of wonder and amazement.

Dream work is a big part of the Positively Focused Practice. That’s because dreams are a big part of life. Ninety-five percent of what’s necessary for us to have what we want happens in nonphysical. “Dream state” is another way of describing nonphysical. When we dream, we leave our bodies in bed. We join all the cooperative components in nonphysical. There we witness and interact with those components as they assemble everything needed – people, events, resources – so our desires unfold.

The reason I include dream work in the Positively Focused Practice is because conscious awareness of what’s happening when we sleep builds confidence and trust that all we want is happening on our behalf. Conscious awareness of dream activity is also extremely satisfying.

Another reason dream work is important is because it makes us aware that we are far more than our physical bodies. We become acquainted with all the other dimensions, the alternate and probable realities, in which we are active, just as we are active here in this reality.

Acquainting ourselves with our broader activities also lessens our fear of death and increases our belief that we are eternal. So dream work is a critical part of the practice.

John’s crucible

I ask clients that they record their dreams so we can interpret them together. This helps clients become more familiar with the dream world. It also softens their resistance to perceiving dreams.

Everyone dreams, but for important reasons, most people don’t know they dream. Many who do often forget them the moment they wake.

John fits in this category. Even so, he realized over several dreams in the ensuing days that he was sending himself an important message as evidenced in his text:

In our next session John and I marveled over these dreams. They were cluing him in on the process he’s going through, which very much feels to him like a crucible. Interestingly, John had never heard of the word before this. A crucible is something, usually a process something or someone goes through, that includes a severe trial. And through that trial a purification process happens.

So John realized these dreams were about soothing himself around the idea that he’s doing the work. Doing the work and benefitting from the work he’s doing. John was stunned in how applicable his dreams were. And he marveled the whole session about how well he was doing.

The unfolding in totality

I would love to end this story here, but that would be disingenuous. For as much as this experience moved John, he’s still struggling with reality as created by him, according to his still dominant negative belief momentum.

To understand what happened next, we have to recap what happened over the week I’m sharing about. John took my advice to test out his current vibrational state on the subject of his self-hatred and projecting that self-hatred onto women, by going out with one. That experience matched him with a person perfectly matching his vibration, Meg, who reflected perfectly back to John where he currently is.

John struggled over the next few days, but was able to finally soothe some of his negative momentum on the subject of himself and women. Soothing himself, he came into alignment with his Broader Perspective, which nudged him into Whole Foods where he rendezvoused with a fabulous amplification of the ongoing learning, which came in the form of a child.

Meanwhile, John further soothed himself in dreams in which he realized he was moving through a crucible.

But the Universe and his Broader Perspective weren’t done. In the marvelous, astonishing experience with that child, John integrated even more with his Broader Perspective. And so, the Universe brought him another gift.

A sick thrill

As we expand, the Universe will deliver more opportunity to expand even further. This is the never-ending process of expansion for ourselves and All That Is. It can’t be stated strongly enough: this is a NEVER-ENDING PROCESS. It’s that process of never-ending expansion that gives birth to our eternity.

John was in a strong post-expansion state of awareness in his realization of how profound his Whole Foods rendezvous was. So, John, the Universe and his Broader Perspective served up another opportunity for expansion. What that looked like was a surfacing of a series of old beliefs John has which also must be soothed for continued expansion.

These beliefs involved two subjects John has a lot of negative momentum around. One has to do with friends who, in John’s telling “rejected”, “disrespected” and “marginalized” him during what he would say was a time of need in his life. The other has to do with how he felt, again, disrespected, used and marginalized, by a transgender woman for whom he has extremely strong positive feelings.

But John didn’t see the surfacing of these beliefs, and their associated negative emotion, as an expansion opportunity. Instead, he let these beliefs trigger even more powerful, negative emotions. Until he found himself in the depths of powerlessness, grief and, again, self-hatred:

John sent the text above two days our session in which we talked about his dreams and after doing exactly what his text described over those two days.

It’s good we’re eternal

Many clients struggle with this. This “you create your reality” business is serious. It can be fun too, thrilling even, when you see everything you want happening with no effort on your part.

But until one builds evidence of that happening, it can be a real slog.

We can’t create a new reality without soothing the reality we’ve created. And if that created reality is extremely negative, then it’s going to take a while to soothe it. And, that reality will keep asserting itself, not as punishment, but because of momentum. Which is why it’s a good idea to see it reasserting itself as a positive thing.

This is another reason why it’s a good thing we’re eternal. There’s no rush to John soothing his hold momentum, wherein he’s numbing himself and feeling suicidal. He has all of eternity to do it. And he is doing it.

The empowering news is, he’s the only one who can do it. No one else will or can stand in his way and prevent the work from happening. No one but him. For just as he’s the only one who can do it, he’s also the only one who can keep himself from doing it. That applies to every client. It also applies to every person.

No one prevents any of us from having what we want. We all do that to ourselves. That’s why it’s so important to get that our reality springs from our thoughts and beliefs. Armed with that knowledge, we can create any reality we want. We can literally turn misery into a joyous mystery.

How To Make Financial Markets Do What You Want

TLDR: The author creates an outcome supporting their contention that one’s beliefs create their reality…even their financial reality. They continue with the assertion that results like these explain why so many people have become Positively Focused clients, particularly people of the same family, giving credence to the power of the practice.

When what you’re about to read happened, I wasn’t excited about it. I wasn’t excited about it because it felt like it was meant to be. Abraham describes that feeling as “an of course”; Manifestations of this kind just feel like the next natural step of one’s life. That is, when one becomes a master of the Five Steps of Deliberate Creation.

That’s how I felt about what you’re about to read, although, TBH, it is really incredible. Which is another reason why I’m sharing this: because Abraham also says once someone begins having this kind of effect on their reality, they’ve accomplished something significant.

I agree.

Let’s take a look at this remarkable, but expected manifestation.

A desire for greater financial abundance

I took a pretty large position on a financial asset years ago. My Broader Perspective encouraged the act. The asset developers promised remarkable changes to the internet once they launched their technology. The financial asset backed their development expenses.

I liked what they planned. It perfectly dovetailed with a project I’m developing. So when I read about their plans, I got excited. I also knew my excitement told me something important. That’s why I took the position on the asset I did.

Fast forward to last month. The project I backed progressed so well, I wanted to support it more. Plus, I feel a knowing that this project will create a LOT of momentum, thus increasing the asset’s value. So I wanted to increase my position by around 30 percent.

However, at the current market price, that 30 percent increase would cost around $2500. I didn’t want to spend $2500. I wanted to spend under $2000.

Talking with a spiritual peer of mine, I just casually thought how cool it would be to see the asset’s price drop to where the new position I’d take would cost me something less than $2000.

Thoughts make markets

The Universe is a hologram. We’ve all heard this analogy. Holograms, if you examine a small part of them, always reflect the whole. In the same way, the Universe, from top to bottom, reflects itself. Whether we’re looking at the whole thing, or a super-tiny portion of it, principles by which the Universe functions hold steady. Rather than alluding to holograms, I prefer the term recursive. It’s a much better and easier-to-understand illustration of how the Universe is.

Since the Universe and its principles are recursive, I knew that financial markets and money must work the same way everything else in the Universe works. In other words, money and markets are subject to the same energetic forces making everything else work. We could assert then that money and markets are subject to our focus, our creative focus. That’s because our creative focus forms all the other parts of our reality.

What we believe about money and markets, therefore, is what makes money and markets work. This shouldn’t shock anyone. It’s easy to see, superficially, that this is what happens. When investors think optimistically, they tend to act in ways that push markets up. Their pessimistic thoughts do the opposite. Their beliefs, in other words, drive prices.

But can an individual make an entire market swing?

That brings me back to my intention.

I know what I’m doing

After talking with my friend, I very lightly focused on the idea of the asset price dropping; to the point where I could increase my position for less than two grand. I then set a notification in my app. I wanted it to alert me when that happened. Doing that, I avoided needing to check that app all the time. It also allowed me to take my attention off the subject.

That’s a key element of creating reality or manifesting. Focusing too much on a desired manifestation can unintentionally cause us to focus on the opposite of what we’re wanting. When that happens, we amplify the absence of our desire, thus causing its absence to prolong. This explains why many people believe this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. They don’t realize that in their attempts to make it work, they use the process to create evidence that it doesn’t work.

It’s important that we know what it is upon which we put our focus.

They don’t know what they’re doing in other words. But I know what I’m doing.

So after setting that alert, I took my mind totally off what I wanted. Instead, I thought about other pleasing things, things that thrill me, like going on bike rides, swimming laps in the community center pool, working out and reading good books.

What happened next surprised no one involved.

Moving the market through thought

Five days later, my alert triggered. Because I wasn’t thinking about it, the alert surprised me. My phone rested on the arm of a chair in which I sat watching a Netflix series. I saw my phone screen brighten through my peripheral vision.

The alert that came. It shows two days ago because I took the screen shot two days after, when I started writing this post.

I picked up my phone, opened the app and, sure enough, the price dropped…a lot. By Sunday, the price was exactly where I wanted it. Of course, I took the bigger position securing a 30 percent increase in my asset stake for less than $2000.

Arrow A. Looking at the market on this day with my spiritual peer, I intended a price drop so I could take deeper position on the asset. B. On this day, the prices started looking like they were trending in the right direction, but it wasn’t necessarily indicating a drop like I wanted. So I set the alert described above. C. By the time I looked at the alert, which I set for .00219, the price had dropped to around .00215, the perfect target to take my position.

Reality is subject to our focus

A lot is going on in the world. Intention, energetic focus and momentum drives all that. This is the basis of how the Universe works. Anyone who knows this and can tap into it, then leverage it becomes extremely powerful. Everything becomes possible for such a person.

My clients are discovering this as I continue expanding my own abilities while sharing what I’m learning with them. As a result, they are finding what I find: that their reality is subject to their focus. Whatever they focus on, they therefore can achieve.

No wonder their family members are becoming clients too. That’s right. Client’s husbands, sisters, friends, in laws and more are becoming clients because of what they see in their client relative. In other words this practice works. Nothing is off limits because everything in the Universe is subject to the same principles. They very principles we all control. And yet so many people don’t know they enjoy such power.

So they get lives that are at best, ok.

I want a thrilling life. One where I realize the Universe is at my command. The entire Universe. Including financial markets. It’s so cool seeing that become my reality.


One thing I’m speculating as I witness this unfolding: it seems being able to affect such results depends on one’s passions being aligned with the desired outcome. If one doesn’t feel passion for the subject area, I’m not sure they have the power to affect an outcome. I’m still working on whether this speculation is accurate. But it certainly seems so as I observe what I’m able to do and what my clients produce.

More on this as I progress.

How To Bend The Government To Your Will

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash

TLDR: The author uses their personal experience using the power of deliberate creation to influence their government to suggest that everyone can do the same. The example shows how individuals hold the ultimate power. Not governments.

The power of government, like the power of everything, lies within you. You can shape the government to your desires. Doing so, however, requires high-level alignment to All That Is. That is, you cannot push against the tide of All That Is. And All That Is is progressive.

All That Is is constantly expanding into more. It voraciously moves in the direction of the undiscovered. All That Is seeks that which is new, that which has never been done before. So if you’re trying to thwart something you think is unfair, immoral or “against nature” or even “against god”, then you push against the tide of All That Is.

Humans have a way of thinking they understand what All That Is is about. They’ve written books about their thinking and called those books “the will of god”. But the god they think is god isn’t that. Sure, there’s wisdom in those books. After all, humans are god in human form.

But because of the nature of “human” a lot of distortion lies in those books too. The trick of getting at the wisdom is knowing the difference between the wisdom and the distortion.

This story details an unfolding thrilling me these last few days. It’s evident of everything you just read. You are the creator of your reality. All of it. That means your government too. Here’s an example of how you can shape it to your will.

Let’s dive in.

Shaping your government flows from your focus

First we must realize the government we experience is uniquely ours. It’s not the same government others experience.

That’s because every point of consciousness exists in its own reality. And that reality emerges from and reflects back to it, the consciousness experiencing it.

This explains again why trying to force others to accept your version of what you want brings difficulty and resistance. People inherently know they create their own reality. So they’ll naturally resist something that isn’t their creation.

And yet, those who don’t know what you just read are willing stooges. Others can easily dupe them into following a “leader” because those people live mainly in a subtle, yet pervasive sense of insecurity. An insecurity that has them reaching for relief from that insecurity through a source external to them. This is what we see with both major political parties and politicians in general. Politicians are happy to be that external source. But politicians also are insecure, which explains why so much churn exists in politics.

But you don’t need involve yourself in any of that to enjoy a government that supports what you desire. You only need to focus on what you want. Focus on what you want purely and with a delicate form of nonchalance, and the government will bend to your desire. It won’t happen instantly, but it must happen if you hold your focus.

That’s what happened with me over the last three years.

Many think god will line up against their enemies. They claim that being is on their side. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Deliberate creation springs from one’s emotions

Back in 2021 then president-elect Biden ran on a platform which included forgiving student loan debt. He wasn’t the only one. Several other progressives at the time argued for doing the same. Existing provisions in federal law offered paths to student loan debt forgiveness. But Biden wanted to expand that.

As a holder of student debt myself, I was all for it. The moment candidates began talking about this, I was on board. Indeed, I had a strong sense my student debt would be forgiven. So I held lightly the idea and doing so pleased me. So did the idea. This is a positive sign.

Nearly every new client, when asked the purpose of emotions, gets the answer wrong. Which tells me people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. But this is a crucial bit of information! Without it, humans literally are adrift on a sea of emotions, bobbing around on waves with no control, no rudder, no way to steer a course. Without course selection ability, they remain buffeted by the waves. Waves coming in the form of the latest “breaking” news, or the latest “leader” trying to get their attention, their vote, their money or all of the above.

But those who understand emotions’ purpose enjoy tremendous influence. Not influence over others, although that happens, but influence over their reality. They can literally shape their reality to their desires, thereby becoming deliberate creators.

That’s what I was doing by noticing how pleased I felt while entertaining the idea of the government forgiving my student loan debt.

Biden expressing his intents on student loan forgiveness back in 2020.

The soft focus creates manifestation

Now, emotions don’t create reality. Reality emerges as vibration energy assembles about itself along frequencies matching the core vibration. All that happening doesn’t feel like much at first.

Not long after momentum ensues, however, vibration becomes thought. And our brains are designed to interpret evolved or expanded vibration that is thought into thought form. That’s what happens in the process humans call “thinking”.

Our job as humans is to hold that focus on that evolved or expanded vibration. Doing that, we add our own momentum to the unfolding. In time, that focus must move that vibrational expansion into a manifestation; a manifestation our senses interpret as “physical reality”.

So as I felt pleasure thinking this idea of the government forgiving my debt, I focused on the pleasure and the idea. Not with a rigid death grip on the idea, but a soft focus similar to what martial artists practice at advanced levels. Doing that, I could feel momentum increase. What happened next was part of the unfolding.

The following year I had a dream. In the dream I stood in line with others who all were getting their student loan debt forgiven. Here’s my journal entry recording the experience.

A dream where I am fulfilling my desire!

Dreams are an important aspect of deliberate creation. Knowing their role adds confidence to the whole process. So the fact I had a dream about having my student loan paid off helped bolster my belief in what was happening.

Nothing can resist momentum

Of course, most republicans were not OK with democrats proposing what they were proposing. In fact, many right wingers even now oppose the idea. Those who claim people should “pull their own weight” and “pay their debts” have no idea what’s happening in All That Is. They’re literally clueless.

I wonder, what did conservatives who think people should “earn their living and pay their debts” do to “earn” their place in reality? How did they earn their being born into the world? How are they earning the air they breathe, or the energy of the sun that warms them and the planet for their benefit? I often wonder how they earned the results of all those who came before them; who dedicated their lives and energy to creating the future; the things and ideas that these people today enjoy?

If conservatives really looked at what’s happening in physical reality, they would see they earn none of what matters most in their lives. Indeed, these things flow to everyone equally in a state of massive abundance. An abundance that is constantly becoming more.

So when republicans started trying to put the kibosh on Biden’s plans to forgive student loan debt, even when their efforts got to the Supreme Court, and those nitwits ruled Biden’s first attempt unconstitutional, I held my focus. I knew this was evidence of “what is” pushing back against what is becoming. And so I stood my vibrational ground, knowing all would unfold as I desired.

Nothing can withstand new momentum once it gets underway. Including momentum of what is. Indeed, because of this, the deliberate creator can experience the “push back” inherent in “what is” not as resistance, but as a sign of things going their way.

How physical matter works

What is, the state of reality in physical, is vibrational momentum at a state actualized into reality. Humans think this state — what is — is the now, the present. But it’s not the present. What is, is the past. It has manifestED. What’s manifestINGis the present moment, the now. And that always trumps “what is” eventually because All That Is ALWAYS wants more.

But what is, the energy inherent in it, enjoys its own momentum. So it kind of pushes back on that which is becoming. That’s a natural part of how physical matter works: it will resist somewhat that which emerges from it. That’s right, what’s becoming ALWAYS emerges from what is. This state of emergence is the contrast Abraham refers to so often.

The problem with human perception is we amplify what is by focusing on it. We also amplify it by reacting to it. Amplification causes what is to persist.

The key to having anything improve is not focusing on physical reality therefore. When we instead focus on what we desire as an emerging reality, we add momentum to and amplify that. Then that happens faster and easier.

That’s what I did when the SCOTUS ruled against Biden’s plans. I knew even the “highest court in the land” can’t stand against that which I create.

The SCOTUS ruling was just last year. More than two years had gone by. I was determined in my focus. I know how reality happens. So I didn’t allow myself to feel daunted by the SCOTUS ruling. Instead, I felt even more committed that my debt would be forgiven.

What happened next convinced me even more.

It’s always about the journey

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden took a different tack. He found a way around the ruling, thus forgiving some $48B in student debt the same year the court struck down his earlier attempt.

I knew this was a positive sign. Momentum ensued further and by February this year the administration had forgiven over $138B in student loan debt. By this time, I knew the government would forgive my own debt soon.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The best indicator showing that your desired reality is flowing into your experience is that you aren’t thinking about it hardly at all. And when it happens, it just feels like an “of course”. This is especially true for those big manifestations we’re wanting.

That’s because by the time momentum has built to the point of manifestation, you just know it’s happening. After all, this manifesting business isn’t about the manifestations. It’s really about the journey to the manifestation.

Manifestations’ value lie in their unfolding. When we hold a desire, we summon life force through us. That feeling of life force flowing is what puts the eternal in eternity. So the more desires we have, the more we contribute to All That Is. This explains why people have so many desires!

The problem for many people is they don’t know what you’re reading. So they don’t know how to line up and receive what they’re creating. And that explains why things often take a long time to improve: people aren’t lining up with their desire. So they die without real-izing their desires. Meanwhile, future generations get to experience them. So it’s all good!

Feeling great feels great

All the while, as the administration forgave people’s loans, they said eligible people would get an email from the Department of Education. So on Friday, when I received my email, I wasn’t surprised at all. Instead, I just felt really, really pleased. Pleased and confident that “I did this.”

My email from the Department of Education.

It was an “of course” when I saw it in my inbox. But it also indicated something else. With the doubling of my clients, and the increase in the rate I’m charging clients, I’m doing very, very well in manifesting money in my life. Indeed, I’m on track to enjoying a six-figure income from my client practice.

In addition to that, I have other manifestations in the works regarding money. Really big, exciting manifestations. And I know this student loan forgiveness manifestation is a stepping stone along that path to financial abundance.

With this forgiveness I’m officially debt-free. That feels great. My plans for my financial future are HUGE. And thinking about them, like I thought about this student loan forgiveness manifestation, means they, too, are unfolding…all in perfect timing.

But what really feels great is the feeing of feeling great. It is the epitome of life experience. The Charmed Life I write about is the feeling I’m describing here. Sure, the manifestations are fantastic. But what really feels great is the ongoing feeling of improved mood. A feeling of joy, of confidence, of clarity.

Clarity that I am a deliberate creator. One who creates their reality deliberately. There’s nothing better than that.

I Focused On Abundance. Then This Happened!

I’ve said in many past posts the best way to manifest abundance is by appreciating abundance surrounding us already. I practice what I preach. So when this incredible demonstration of abundance happened, I wasn’t surprised.

But I was surprised by the message I got from the experience.

A few clients wonder why I talk about so many little things manifesting in my life. When they do, I tell them I talk about them because they are gateways. Talking about them opens the door to big manifestations. There’s literally no difference in manifestation technique for manifesting something big as manifesting something small.

That’s why I encourage clients build their manifestation skills by starting with small things. Things they don’t have a lot of resistance about. Doing that they get practice. Practice begets proof. Proof that manifesting works. That proof also boosts confidence. It also soothes resistance we have on the bigger things we want.

So manifesting little things helps a lot. The little things develop confidence. They create a lot of proof. That allows clients to trust their Broader Perspective.

The abundance demonstration I manifested proved something more to me. Something became clear in that message. I’ll share that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what happened.

Abundance amplified

I already live bathed in abundance. While I enjoy a life full of leisure, I also enjoy ample time to practice my spirituality. My client work is an expansion of that. So my “work” isn’t really work. It’s an extension of my practice.

That work is really fun. I love seeing clients develop their Charmed Life. Their unfolding Charmed Life amplifies my own Charmed Life. And, the time I work with clients represents a fraction of the hours in a week. I therefore enjoy an abundance of leisure and fun.

I also experience abundance of other things. An abundance of streaming content exists for me to enjoy. I’ve written about this before. I also enjoy an abundance of literature and magazines to read. Plenty of options exist for me to get exercise. Whether on foot or on my bike, I enjoy an abundance of outdoor paths to take. I’m a great cook. As a result of that, I have a fridge full of wonderful foods, baked goods I’ve made and other delectables I love eating.

Even when I’m sleeping I enjoy abundance. Every night I dream no less than 10 dreams. Some nights I dream well over 15! Most of the time these dreams are super enjoyable. I’ve written about these too.

Of course I also enjoy a seeming unlimited abundance of things to write about. That includes all three of the blogs I write for. That’s another state of abundance I enjoy.

All these instances of abundance I’ve expressed appreciation about nearly every day. As a result, what happened recently was a natural extension of my recognizing how abundant my life is.

The waft of incense sparks a wonderful abundance demonstration

One day, as I appreciated all the states of abundance in my life, I received an impulse. Little did I know that impulse would create the experience that happened. The impulse was to take out my incense burner and enjoy the aroma of my favorite incense, “Nag Champa”.

I hadn’t burned any incense in a while. That’s because I lived with room mates. One of those guys was allergic to incense.

After creating enough financial abundance to live on my own however, I could now enjoy a stick of the Champa. So I took out my burner….

My burner with a stick of Champa in it.

But I realized I didn’t have a lighter or matches! At first I thought to borrow a lighter or match from my neighbor. Then I thought about buying a lighter at the convenience store. But then a better idea came to me: how about manifesting a lighter. That would be cool!

So that’s what I did. I relaxed. Then I imagined enjoying a stick of Champa in my burner. I visualized lighting it with a lighter. Then I tuned my vibration — deeper than thought — to how it would feel to create the experience of manifesting a lighter. I dropped the whole idea then, I left my incense burner in its place and went about my day.

The Champa. My favorite incense.

Amplifying manifestation

Days passed and each one that did I thought about my burner. Some days my eyes would light onto it sitting in its place. Other days my mind would light on my intention to manifest the lighter. In both instances, I would re-create in my vibration the feeling of how it would be to manifest the lighter.

Then one day I went on a walk. I walked along Portland’s Willamette River. Like many waterfronts, Portland’s waterfront is home to many luxury apartment buildings and condos. But all these buildings incorporate a walking path so Portlanders can enjoy walking along the river.

At one point I came to a part of the path bordered by a low-lying retaining wall opposite the riverside. The path curved to the right, then left. I curved right with the path. Then, when I curved left, my eyes involuntarily looked to the right. There, atop the retaining wall rested a white lighter!

The lighter I manifested.

What’s really interesting is, I wasn’t surprised at all it was there. rendezvousing with the lighter just felt like the natural next step of the manifestation process. So when I saw it, I just picked it up, as though it were mine. Which it was!

Little did I know more was coming.

Abundance reveals itself

That night I enjoyed some Champa on my burner. It was a great celebration. But the Universe was just getting started.

I told this story to Avin, a friend of mine. Like me, he takes his connection to All That Is seriously. So he was the perfect person to share the story and amplify my connection to abundance and manifestation. Sharing the story with him felt really great. I felt the amplification taking place.

It was no surprise then that just a week later, I came across yet another lighter. This one was bright green. I rode my bike to an island in the middle of the upper Willamette. It was a beautiful location. I took a meal and my iPad so I could read in the autumn sun. After enjoying all that, I started walking back to my bike.

But I got the impulse to walk to the water’s edge. It was down a path that wound between some rocks. The shore was strewn with large boulders. I sat on one and when I did I looked to the left. There, among the moss, sat the lighter. Since I already manifested one, I had the presence of mind to take a photo:

The second lighter.

I reached down to pick it up. When I did, I got a download from my Broader Perspective. It said “when you focus something into manifestation, the Universe will create an abundance of that which you are manifesting.” As I received that message I also felt shivers on my scalp and spine. I knew this was a divine message! And, it wasn’t just about lighters. It really was about my desire for manifesting financial abundance.

Amplifying the message.

That same week I shared what happened with the second lighter with Avin. I also told him about the message I got. When I did, he got really excited. That’s because he knew what I was talking about.

“There’s no difference in manifesting a small thing and manifesting something big,” He said excitedly. “Whether it’s a lighter or a lottery jackpot, the process is the same!”

We both did a virtual high five because we knew this was exactly what we both were wanting: Evidence that we create our reality. But the Universe wasn’t done with the demonstration!

Over the next two weeks two more lighters manifested in my path, including a black one this very day!

The lighter lineup including the black one that showed up today.

Now, some might say “there are lighters lying around all over the place. People throw them away all the time. Or they lose them.”

That’s true. But I can say for sure during all my walks before setting this intention, I’ve never seen a lighter on my path. They may have been there, but I didn’t see them.

Appreciating existing abundance creates abundant futures

More importantly, what this shows is how much we’re all surrounded by abundance. And when we acknowledge that, we can leverage that abundance to create other forms of abundance.

But if we ignore the natural abundance surrounding us, and instead focus on lack in our lives, then we amplify that. My clients don’t realize how important this demonstration is. They think “they’re just lighters!”

But Avin gets it. So does my Broader Perspective. So does All That Is. This simple demonstration shows me that I am everything I tell my clients they are. We are gods in human form. We’re here to master our inherent creative power. And we’re here to enjoy that path of mastery.

Maybe this story inspires you to achieve your own mastery. If so, I’d be honored to assist in that. Contact me. Let’s see what wonders you manifest.

Why Negative Manifestations Offer The Best Gift

Last week I wrote about a Positively Focused advanced client. I shared her experience with a negative thought, one she worried would turn into a negative manifestation.

Because she’s an advanced practitioner, however, she understood something important. She understood her dominant positive focus would overwhelm any negative thoughts passing through her awareness.

That’s a really good place to be. A very empowering place too. From there, it’s easy to see the practical value of “negative” thoughts. They can amplify one’s positive momentum. If used correctly.

They also offer another important value. Those that turn into manifestations, give us information we really want. They tell us what is dominantly vibrating within us. I explained this in the previous post. That makes all “negative” manifestations actually positive ones.

And that means anything happening in our lives is positive. Either we’re getting what we want (positive manifestation) or we’re getting feedback on how to get what we want (“negative” manifestation). It’s an important distinction. Something every advanced client learns.

Using “negative” manifestation

Instead of “negative”, Abraham often calls these manifestations “unwanted”. But even that word lays negative value on such experiences. It’s instead important to see such manifestations as “wanted”. Without them, how do we know what’s going on in our vibration?

One way is to become sensitive enough to feel vibration. That takes practice. Developing that sensitivity is a hallmark of a Positively Focused practice. Two other ways help us understand what our vibration is too. One is how we feel. The other is what shows up, or doesn’t yet, in our lives.

Once we take the “negative” value judgement off of these manifestations, we can start playing with them. We can use them to see how consistent the Universe really is. Realizing that consistency can bolster our confidence and belief in the Universe. It can prove that we are blessed. That the Universe has our back and is literally at our command.

I enjoyed an experience recently proving this. It reminded me exactly what I wrote above: that the Universe responds to my thoughts. And the more consistently I think them, the more likely I will experience the content of them.

The experience involved a game I played. I did it kind of unconsciously. I knew what I was doing, but didn’t feel the need to really do anything about it. Wanting to see how it would play out, I let the experience unfold. Right up to the “unwanted/wanted” manifestation.

Here’s what happened:

You get what you think about wanted or not

I take long walks every day pretty much. Over the last several months, I had the thought of hitting my watch against a railing as I walked. I saw myself in my mind grazing my watch on an overpass guard rail, the safety rail along the Steel Bridge walkway, or posts along the waterfront. The thought, when it first came, wasn’t accompanied by any worry. In fact I just let the thought happen.

Then, however, that thought kept coming into my awareness. It wasn’t accompanied by any worry or concern, nor any strong interest in it happening. But there was a “wondering” if the crystal on my watch (it’s an Apple Watch) would scratch if I did graze it.

Well, one day, after about three months of entertaining this thought again and again, I was walking across an overpass and, sure enough, I got really close to the guard rail. When I did, I scraped my watch against the galvanized stanchion. Right on the edge of the watch face.

The second it happened I said “I did that!” because I HAD as a manifestation! I remembered how, over and over, I thought that thought about scraping my watch. And sure enough, it happened! Here’s a picture of the damage:

The blemish on my Apple Watch.

The Universe DOES respond to my thoughts

What’s really interesting is the mark I made was mostly cosmetic. I was able to get most of it off with a buff board. There’s still a blemish, but it doesn’t feel like a scratch when I rub my fingernail against it. It’s barely noticeable. But it does catch my attention. Why? Because I built up a lot of momentum over this manifestation over the past three months. How? By thinking I was going to create this.

Recently, I’ve been getting an impulse to go to the Apple Store. I think that’s because they may be able to get this blemish out. But the blemish is kind of cool. It reminds me that I do create my reality with my thoughts. Everything in my experience shows up because of what’s happening inside me. So I see this blemish as a cool reminder that the Universe does, indeed, respond to my thoughts.

The moral of this story is: a passing negative thought isn’t something to worry about. Especially if we already enjoy consistent positive momentum. “Worrying” about the thought manifesting will amplify it. As does thinking the thought repeatedly. But it will take some weeks or even months of focus (deliberate or otherwise) before the subject becomes reality. So we always have lots of time to adjust our thoughts.

If such a manifestation does happen though, it’s a nice reminder showing us where our reality comes from: The deep recesses of our being. Vibration, in other words.

Want to know more or are interested in the Positively Focused practice? Contact me.

The Hidden Value Of Negative Manifestations

Many people practicing Law of Attraction worry about “negative manifestations”. They think a negative thought, then immediately try to cancel it. That’s because they fear that thought will turn into a negative experience.

Of course, every experience is positive. Even “negative” ones. Negative ones tell us something important. So when they happen, it’s important to see them as that: positive.

But will every negative thought manifest? Do we need to worry about negative thoughts we think for fear that they might show up for real?

Let’s take a look.

Castles or buttons, it doesn’t matter

A client texted me about this very thing. She’s an advanced group practitioner. Yes, even advanced folks experience fears. In fact, a Positively Focused practice remains consistent no matter how advanced one gets. We still work on the same things, including soothing resistance.

As one advances, however, we become bolder in our desires. They get bigger, in other words. It’s that change that indicates progress. Bigger desires bring more disbelief though and disbelief is resistance.

That makes sense, right? Say a person believes they can get a choice parking spot downtown. Manifesting that spot, therefore, introduces little resistance. But say that person wants to win the lottery and she doesn’t believe that’s possible. Or she believes lotteries are taxes on the poor. In this case, her resistance about winning the lottery is a lot stronger than manifesting a parking lot. So there’s more resistance to soothe on the subject of lotteries for this person, than manifesting parking spots.

But whether it’s a parking spot or the lottery, the manifestation process is the same. She doesn’t need more “effort” to real-ize the lottery win compared to the parking space. It seems so only because she has more resistant belief in the former than the latter.

Abraham refers to these two —lottery wins and parking spaces — as “castles” and “buttons” respectively. Big things — castles — are just as easy to create as little ones — buttons — they say:

Abraham making it plain.

The same holds true for what we don’t want. We typically call such experiences “negative”. Negative experience manifests the same way “positive” ones do. If we understand how that “way” happens, there’s no need to freak out about entertaining a “negative” thought.

My advanced client realized this.

Back to my client

She sent me a text expressing her clarity, which I loved. It shows how she’s really getting the practice. That’s no surprise to me. She’s really good at creating her Charmed Life. And she’s seeing evidence of it everywhere.

Lisa getting it.

Indeed. Lisa has enjoyed a long string of positive manifestations. They include better relationships with her children, a literal deluge of men wanting to get with her and big shifts in more personal matters.

And she’s right. We needn’t fear negative manifestations. If we’re maintaining very high vibrations, passing negative thoughts will not overcome that positive high momentum. Remember too that when/if “negative” manifestations do happen, they’re not negative. “Negative” manifestations are positive. They help us know what our dominant vibrational focus is.

Dominant vibrations are those creating our experiences. Often, we don’t clearly know what our dominant vibration is. That’s because “vibrations” are subtle. With practice, it’s easy to feel them. But most folks don’t enjoy such ability. So isn’t it nice that physical reality reflects back to us what our dominant vibration is?

That makes “negative” manifestations something we want to experience, right? They tell us what we’re doing vibrationally. This explains why all life experiences are positive. No matter what label we put on them, they always show us where we are vibrationally so we can do something about it..

Of course, we don’t need negative manifestations to do that. Not when we cultivate sensitivity refined enough to feel vibrations. Such sensitivity, as I wrote above, comes with practice. It’s one of the many benefits of being Positively Focused.

Wanting to know more about creating your own Charmed Life, feeling vibration, or getting results my client Lisa is getting? Contact me. Let’s get you underway.

Why We Want To Be Born As Human

We are literally aware-ized energy. We are everywhere always, all at once. Each of us flows endlessly forward, creating new realities as we go, then putting ourselves into them to explore them. All this action happens as a way of understanding all we are.

We never can do that though. We can’t ever know what we fully are. That’s because we constantly create more dimensions and realities. Every time we take an action, that action spawns new dimensional branches. Those branches are us. So we never fully understand what we are because we’re constantly creating more of ourselves.

Our ability to create is exactly the same power ascribed to god. That’s why I claim we all are god in human form. “Creation” happens through action, through our selves as aware-ized energy, aware-ized action. We can’t help but create. We do it unconsciously, automatically.

Where the fun comes in though, is when we do it on purpose.

Deliberate creation

The way we harness and use our creative energy purposefully is through our focus. Direction of attention channels that which we are, towards deliberate outcomes. Again, we create automatically. And we’re unconscious of that creation while in a body. So focusing our attention increases our awareness of what we are. After all, if I focus on creating something, then that thing happens, it confirms that I am everything I’ve described so far.

This is the wonderful value of deliberate creation. When a person realizes they create their reality, they get a lot more than that created outcome. They also support conscious expansion, that “knowing what we fully are”. Consciously becoming aware that we create reality is a divine act. It is aligned with the entire purpose of physical planes.

Not only does creating deliberately create conscious awareness of what we are, it also is a skill critical to existing in nonphysical. In that place, beyond time and space, our creations occur spontaneously. Anything we desire instantly appears. Without focus then, existence in nonphysical is highly chaotic. Things appear and disappear at incredible rates. Knowing how to focus changes all that.

We use physical reality, therefore, to practice focus. This explains why things sometimes take a while to manifest in physical reality. That’s on purpose. Physical reality is built on inherent resistance. Inherent resistance prevents instant manifestation. Time and space is a great place to practice therefore.

Learning then expanding

Earth appears as full of random events. But nothing happening here is coincidental or random. It all happens on purpose.

Human consciousness is vastly outnumbered here. That should be obvious. Birds, bees and plants are all conscious. So are rocks and soil. Bacteria and viruses too. They all have their own conscious intelligence. All these consciousnesses hold focus. They maintain “reality”. Doing so, they provide stable platforms for exploration. Here, human consciousness can become more. How? By learning to focus. Then learning to use that focus to create deliberately.

“Earth” is the gestalt consciousness. It is made up of all the consciousnesses “living” on it. “Human” is a gestalt consciousness too. It rides on top of billions of consciousnesses. Intelligence existing within the cells, organs, flesh and bones of our bodies contributes to human consciousness. The gestalt we all individually are.

We leave those consciousnesses behind when we’re done here. At death we return to where we came. But we’re more by then. We’ve expanded. We remember all we accomplished. And we revel in our individual awareness, now, as a part of All That Is. All That Is is the gestalt consciousness Christians call “God”.

Human consciousness is a beautiful unfolding. It is not the end state though. It is a process. A process of becoming. One that can be full of terror and fear. Or one filled with joy and amazement borne of becoming a deliberate creator. My clients are discovering the latter.

Perhaps you’re ready to discover it too?

My Occult Experiences Are Getting Amazing And Cool!

I know I’ve been writing a lot recently about my “supernatural” experiences. But I must continue doing so for the time being. Everything I’ve read from others’ experiences my experiences confirm. My experiences also confirm everything Abraham and Seth told me. Whether in my private conversations with them, or in their written content, they’ve been spot on. My latest experiences are no exception.

Of course, these “paranormal” experiences are not “supernatural”, “paranormal” nor even “pseudoscientific”. They stand apart from science. That’s because science has no business in this realm since it doesn’t recognize nonphysical origins of all matter. As far as the other two adjectives, they don’t apply either. Phenomena I enjoy are as normal and natural as breathing.

But experiencing them requires releasing mainstream conditioning. It requires allowing our natural abilities to surface. Everyone enjoys what I’m finding. However, these experiences happen beneath waking consciousness. In sleep they’re even more active. When we wake the next morning, however, ego consciousness blocks them. Seth says that’s because ego consciousness sees little value in them. That is, until we tell our egos they are of value.

How to talk with the ego and have the ego listen makes up part of the Positively Focused practice. The practice also includes learning how to release mainstream conditioning. As with any natural ability, skillful employment comes gradually. Plenty evidence shows up along the way, however, making the journey delightful and surprising.

I’m still on that journey. It’s never ending. I know what I now experience is just the beginning.

We can create anything we want

Developing such abilities has practical value. Abraham and Seth say unequivocally: we create our realities. Abraham says “whatever you can conceive of as a thought, can be your reality.”

Think about that. Anything we can think of can be.

I used to be a working stiff. I didn’t think I could “make a living” doing something I loved. Oh, I loved what I used to do. But that “love” was mainstream conditioning. What I really wanted was to just live and enjoy life. I wanted to do nothing. I wanted to pursue my spiritual passions. Pursue my passion without working a job.

Well, it was gradual, but today that’s what I do. My client load is enough to cover my expenses. One client recently observed that my client work must not feel like work. She’s right. It doesn’t really. It’s just an amplification of my passion. And, working with clients is a bridge to eventually creating large amounts of money at will. Just as my bridging job was the bridge to what I’m doing now.

Ultimately I’m creating a reality where money becomes just another manifestation of my will. Given what I’m experiencing now, which, again, confirms all Abraham and Seth told me, I know money just becoming another manifestation is happening too.

What can be more practical than that? What can be more practical than creating lives for ourselves? Lives on our own terms, according to our dreams? Not “wildest dreams” because no dream is too wild as to not become realized. Not when one taps into their Broader Perspective.

More fabulous experiences lie ahead. I’m eager for them all. For now, let’s look at the latest two from this month.

A spiritual life can make anything we desire a reality. (Photo by Omid Armin)

Moving into alternate dimensions

As one soothes beliefs causing ego to focus solely in this physical reality, the ultimate reality reveals itself. The “ultimate reality” is nonphysical, where we exist as expanding gods taking on many forms. Yes, we are human. But we are far more than that. We are aware-ized energy creating infinite alternate dimensions. As we create them, we simultaneously expand ourselves into them. Alternate versions of us then populate and explore them, just as we, here, explore this one.

In this way, we are everywhere at once. But our human ego mesmerizes us exclusively into this reality. It will do that until we die, unless we choose a different path. That different path becomes available the moment one begins realizing they’re more than a human in a body. With proper guidance, one gradually begins expanding their consciousness. That expansion makes one aware of the ultimate reality.

What one perceives from there depends on the individual. My initial experiences are “flashes” of awareness in the many dimensions I’m creating. They started as single flashes, but now I have many in one sitting. Here’s an example. In it, I experienced more than 10 projections in one 30-minute session:

(above) Initial notes leading to detail recap of my projections (below)

Some however are full-on immersions. Immersions where I’m exploring a single dimension for some time. For now, it’s only a few moments, perhaps a minute or two. But it’s longer than “flashes”. Like this example below:

This is the Charmed Life

I know many more abilities lie ahead on my journey. Some things I’m heading towards would boggle ordinary people’s minds. But I know, given what’s happening these days, that those experiences are just as possible. Hell, just a few years ago, I thought visiting alternate dimensions was a pipe dream. Let alone visiting multiple alternate dimensions in a 30 minute period!

This is what I call the Charmed Life. It’s a life lived on my own terms. But more than that. It is a life where my dreams become real. As they should be, because we’re meant to turn our thoughts into things. I’m living my life, where my thoughts and dreams become my reality. And the more I get, the more bold I become.

I also want others to live their Charmed Life. That’s why I offer what I offer.

I’m heading toward an increasing extraordinary life. Along the way, my life is becoming even more delightful as dreams become self-fulfilling. Self-fulfilled dreams prompt wonder and joy, the Charmed Life that is my life. Everyone can enjoy their version of that, including you. You are a god in human form, after all. Why not create your own?

The Best Of What Life Offers Is Ours To Enjoy. Here’s How

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Here’s another reason people think Law of Attraction doesn’t work: they use it to keep creating the same experiences over and over. So it looks like nothing’s changing.

But things are changing. They just keep changing into the same thing over and over. That’s why the Positively Focused practice examines belief constellations. For it is our constellations of beliefs that create our reality. Not what we want. Changing what’s in the constellations changes realities we create.

Abraham echoing what my clients discover. The discovery sparks mystery and joyful revelations too. Who doesn’t want that?

This belief constellation analysis is easier said than done. Which explains the benefit of someone who knows how to do the analysis. Often our most dominant thoughts, those with the most creative power, run under our conscious radar. So it can be hard to see what’s going on in our minds.

But uncovering what’s happening in our minds opens whole new worlds of possibilities, mysteries and joyful discoveries. It literally makes every dream available. And that makes the effort worth putting in.

That’s why Positively Focused clients feel so inspired. Once they see what they want showing up everywhere, inspiration takes over. After a while, they become more bold in their aspirations.

It’s waiting for us all

My own aspirations now lie far above what most believe possible. Yet, I already see evidence they are manifesting. Anything is possible. Only belief limits that.

And that’s why I really enjoy this practice. Practicing it with others amplifies my own joy. It’s the best of the best of worlds. Being a deliberate creator and helping others become one too. Then seeing the world improve, one person at a time.

The best of what life offers is ours. All we need do is believe it is. Then it becomes that. Then that becomes our life. The delicious Charmed Life I write about.

Ready for yours?