I’ve this new series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Someone recently asked: How Can I Contact My Spirit Guides? I have such trouble clearing my mind and meditating.
Answer: What’s interesting about your question is, it is what is keeping you from contacting your spirit guides. You see, your guides are constantly communicating with you. At times you hear these messages, but most of the time you don’t, likely because of this question.
In other words, by asking the question, you’re saying in essence “I’m not hearing my spirit guide communicating with me”, when actually, you’re communicating with them all the time. You just don’t experience the communication because you think you’re not receiving it.
The way out is to stop asking the question. Instead, focus on evidence you know that convinces you you have spirit guides.
You do believe you have spirit guides, right? How do you know? Focus on what you know and you will come, in time, as you soothe your question-focus, naturally to the answer-focus, which will include hearing messages from your spirit guides.
It’s not that you need to clear your mind, although you do. But in “trying” to clear your mind, just like wanting to contact your guides, you’re focused on the “trouble”. Focus instead on how it will feel when your mind is clear…and you’ll discover yourself there.
Your personal relationship with God creates life experience and it’s all good. The question: are you interpreting life experience the way God is?
You are if you’re feeling great.
You are if people treat you great.
You are if nature puts itself on display for you
You are if desired events and circumstances fulfill themselves
And if you are, you know, like I know, that heaven is on earth. There’s no reward after death greater than receiving everything life experience inspires you to want while human in a human body.
Because after death, you get all of that and more at once. But there’s no need to wait until after death. I know we can have it all before death. I know I have it all now.
There’s truth to the saying “on earth as it is in heaven” for the one able to see life through the eyes and mind of God. That is seeing life through a Positively Focused perspective.
Turn your attention towards your life getting better and see how much better (and faster) your life getting better gets.
Positively Focused
We show people how to have amazing, fulfilling lives. We call that Charmed Living. Everyone, anyone can have it. It only requires focus on that which makes that happen. Find out more.
Why was I in a funk then? After all, yesterday I received the a great big manifestation, one I expected for years.
I know the answer: Manifestation satisfaction flashes like lightning. In its flash my Broader Perspective expands. Fail to keep up with that and my connection with Broader Perspective diminishes.
All manifestations mark the path of my eternal, expansionary life experience. They’re like mile markers. Staying too long reveling in the manifestation, I feel the gap grow between me and my expansion. Because I’m not keeping up with it. What does “feel the gap” feel like?
It feels like malaise, slump, stagnancy. Rather than continued eager expectation I feel when focusing forward along my expanding path, I feel diminishment.
All manifestations create this experience. That’s why I know manifestations mark paths, they don’t signify the end goal. The end goal comes when I feel delight along the path.
It’s simple math
I’m always on the way to another manifestation. When manifestations happen, they always create more desire, thus more potential, future manifestations. Manifestations birth more manifestations, in other words.
I must “travel” manifestation-to-manifestation, because I am eternal. Doing the math 😊, throughout my eternity, I am always on the way to more manifestations. I spend more life, therefore, “on the way to” and comparatively less life “experiencing” manifestations.
Slumps come when I forget this simple math.
I like knowing and feeling the difference between pre-manifestation expectation, which feels wonderful and unlimited, and post-manifestation euphoria expiration, which feels like a slump or a funk.
Even in a slump, though, I know my path draws to me more manifestations. My job now: catch up with that which I expanded into, meaning, progressing along the path.
Resistance doesn’t have to be part of the process, but usually is. I know my Broader Perspective leads me along my path of least resistance to desired manifestations. So when I feel a funk or a slump, I know, in this moment, cooling my jets, relaxing, slowing down, being more attentive to the now, keeps me on track.
That can be hard
What’s interesting about that guidance, as accurate as it is, is that everyday life experience of Common Mortals does not encourage such behavior.
But I know looking crazy, living outside social norms, living the way animals, plants, planets, the wind, water and everything else in the Universe lives, is the path to all I want. Even as most Common Mortals live life differently.
I know following my Broader Perspective brings everything that I want. “Trying”, “making things happen” feels comparatively hard because it is. I prefer looking like a crazy person, a lazy person, a person with their head in the sand, or in a cloud.
My life looks crazy, scary even, but if feels wonderful. And I know in this moment, the moment I’m writing this, as I sit in my slump, in this moment I appreciate my path because “wonderful” tells me my path is true.
Resisting the slump by trying to get out of it, trying to change it into something else, veers me off course.
Instead, I lay low and enjoy the slumpiness for what indicates: “on-the-path” and more desired manifestations.
And in doing that, the slump and its slumpiness disappear. I know because as I write this, “slumpiness” is transforming. It’s transforming into knowing, appreciation, and happiness.
I turn slumps into opportunity by doing what most Common Mortals will not. So I live the Charmed Life. Where life feels good. And that tells me my life is getting better.
The more I complain about the Present Moment while trying to change it, the more I energize what is, thereby keeping it in place. I give it more sticking power.
The same is true with trying to make something—presumably new and better than what is—happen. The harder I try, the more I energize the absence of the change I want to see. “The absence of the change I want to see” is the Present Moment, the “what is now” which doesn’t include what I want.
So the harder I try, the more the Present Moment recreates itself in my next now, and the next, and the next.
So profound is this secret, it is core to all master-level pursuits:
Auto racing: Indy car drivers are taught that if their car is out of control and they’re careening toward a wall, they should look in the direction they want to go, not the direction they’re going. From an edmunds.com article on advanced driving [Bracket statements added for clarity]:
“Avoiding accidents: Racing drivers know that if a car spins out in front of them [what is], it’s best to keep looking at where you want to go [what one wants], not at the car in front of you or even in the direction in which the car is already going [that’s momentum]. When you look in the right direction [look at what you want], the car goes in the right direction, a reminder of the way in which vision [desire] and car control [manifestation] are inextricably intertwined.”
Master-level martial arts: Every master-level martial artist knows resisting an attackers attack energizes the attack, making it more effective. The more you redirect attacker-energy in your favor, i.e. not resisting the attack, but flowing with it, the more powerful you become. Nearly all martial arts emphasize mastering this skill.
Personal survival: Riptides are dangerous. What makes them doubly so is if you try to fight your way out of it once you get caught in one. Swim against the force pulling you out and you’ll likely drown from exhaustion. I love this description from the website Art of Manliness:
Don’t try to swim against the rip. Deaths that result from riptides aren’t caused by the current pulling someone under; instead, the person typically panics, starts trying to swim against the rip to get back to shore, becomes exhausted, and drowns. An 8-feet-per-second riptide is so strong that not even Michael Phelps, even when he had that amazing mustache, could swim against it. Don’t kick against the pricks. Swim parallel to the shore. Instead of swimming against the rip current, you want to swim perpendicular to it, in either direction. Rip currents are typically only 20-100 feet wide. Once you leave the rip, swim at an angle away from it towards the shore. Go with the flow. If you don’t have the swimming skills or energy to swim out of the rip, float on your back and go with the current. Just imagine you’re taking a spin on the Lazy River at the water park you went to as a kid. Once the rip current dissipates, you can do the parallel swim thing or try to signal to the lifeguard or someone else that you’re in need of help.
See that part about “go with the flow”? Exactly.
So what does all this mean regarding creating my Charmed Life? Good question. And here’s where the secret waits patiently for discovery: Hold it lightly, my friends.
Here’s how I do it:
I pay no attention to the world around me if I feel resistance about it. What is, is what’s becoming. Focusing on what is only gives me more of that. Instead, I pay attention to the world I prefer seeing. When I do, I feel lighter, as I let go of stress I carry around being frustrated and angry about what I see on tv, read online or in print, or hear from well meaning friends.
I Create in my mind what I would prefer to have that would replace what is. I don’t worry about details. Instead I think about how that new world feels. Fun? Pleasurable? Interesting? Adventurous? Exciting? Then I hold this feeling as long as I can as often as I can throughout the week.
I hold lightly to those feelings, let them generate momentum. I’m light and easy about all this. I play around with the vision I created in the previous step. I let go of any thoughts of “making it happen” or “doing something in the world” that will lead to this vision. My holding onto this vision is more powerful than action because in the Moment of Becoming, what I want already has sufficient momentum to fulfill itself.
I’m open to inspiration. Successful with the above steps, I receive impulses that compel action. I follow that. See where it leads.
I do less, play more. I replace all that time I spend reading, talking, and thinking about what is with time spent having fun. I follow my passions, pursue a fun hobby, develop a new skill, meet new people, go out on walks—whatever is fun. These periods allow my mind and the Universe to collaborate, to create opportunities for me to discover pathways to the world I envisioned in step two.
These five steps contain the power of creation. In a little time I found not only pathways leading me to opportunities, people, events, and ideas that support creating the world I want to see, my life now is more fun, easier and lighter.
When all is said and done, what I want is that last part. I want my life to be fun, easy and light. Truth is, I can have that now, without anything changing in the world around me. But it is oh so much fun creating new realities, then seeing them come true.
I love what I know. I love how I feel. How I feel gets better with every breath. I love knowing the more I love how I feel, the more lovely feels become who I be.
And in that being, so must all my desires be. So they are. And the being I be expands my awareness so those fulfilled desires be in my beingness. In other words: life experience fills with fulfilled desires.
That’s good because it must be. And all that bes is good.
As I stand in my blessedness and worthiness I eagerly anticipate more evidence of my blessedness and worthiness. I know, I feel, I be. I be I do I have. And that includes my fulfilled desire.
Walking home this afternoon after collecting footage slated for an upcoming film, my own consciousness struck me. On the way home strolling through an old growth treed park, I realized…I’m free.
No job. No boss. No income I depend on. Instead, money comes through alignment. Soon, as my Inner Being alignment grows more consistent, and legacy resistance subsides, more money, more opportunity, more of everything will show up.
I know this as sure as I know the Earth spins consistently in her orbit.
Be, do, have. Hearing that the first time, I loved it. Learning about it, I thought “Gee, wouldn’t it be great were it true?” Now, evidence I produce tells me it is true. And so I know. I understand the meaning and function of “Be, Do Have”.
Be. Do. Have.
I think most think it’s “Do, Be, Have”. That’s the way I wrote it here first. That’s also the way I practiced it. I once did things someone who has what I want does. In time, goes the instruction, I would feel (be) the way that person feels. Then, eventually, the Universe would bring me those things I wanted, things that person has now.
I know now that can work. Problem is, most likely someone trying to “do” first, will struggle. In the struggle, they’ll entertain thoughts consistent with what they don’t want, not what they want.
For example, someone who wants to have a racing career might start out being a go cart racer. She might not be that good at first though. She might get negative feedback, then take that feedback to heart. She might believe it. Then she might think thoughts consistent with the feedback. “I’m not as good as I think.” Or, “I took that corner so badly.” Or, “I’m not as good as so-and-so.”
Such thoughts are self-perpetuating and reality-creating. Her driving behavior will increasingly reflect her beliefs. Her driving behavior is early-stage manifestation born of earlier-stage manifestation: her beliefs.
If “Do” comes first a pitfall accompanies it: If I haven’t first practiced thoughts consistent with what I want, then thoughts consistent with what I don’t want dominate, eventually creating realities consistent with them.
“Be” first means tuning into thoughts and cultivating beliefs consistent with what I want. I be first. Do comes naturally from that because when I tune to thoughts consistent with what I want, my Broader Perspective guides or suggests behavior to take and, when I act, since my thoughts and beliefs already point in the “right direction” (towards the reality I want), they don’t contradict my behavior. Instead they amplify it.
My behavior is keen too. More refined. I don’t focus on the result. Instead, I play (DO). I have fun. Results take care of themselves. Including results that look like films or experiences I want or sustainable money flows.
Being and doing
Next is have. But the having holds a secret: I first must soothe old beliefs I’ve cultivated which oppose what I want. If I believe my skin color makes me inferior in ANY way, which is a common socialization meme, then I feel “insecurity”; an emotion telling me that belief is bullshit.
But if I’ve believed that a long time, then that belief will stand between me and what I want to have. If my belief in what I want to have is strong enough (the DO), then that belief momentum can “break through” that resistance. That’s a bumpy way to create reality though. Very hard to sustain too.
I prefer soothing old beliefs by taking attention from them and putting it on thoughts I’m cultivating into beliefs, beliefs consistent with what I want. Putting my thoughts on what I want is what being is all about.
My primary job: being. My Broader Perspective handles everything else. I be and tune into it.Tuned in I receive its guidance. Only then do I DO. That doing, being more powerful by virtue of Be-momentum, lines me up with outcomes already existing in future probable realities. Those realities become my realities gradually.
Delighting in the process, time becomes irrelevant. Before I know it, I have what I want. Then the having expands.
And that’s the conscious awareness striking me as I write this. I want more than anything freedom as life experience. I have that. It’s significant because as I stand in “being free”, I know that’s the most powerful place. It’s consistent with where my Broader Perspective stands in nonphysical. THat means I’m in tune.
That means everything else I’m wanting is also flowing, just as freedom as life experience now is.
The other day I walked from the grocery back home on my way to a incredible manifestation I realized (I’ll share that later). On the way, I passed by an old car wash, long fallen into disrepair, with graffiti growing on it as much as brambles and weeds. A homeless person, grunting and grumbling under a tarp, shuffled among a sea of junk inside a wash bay converted into housing.
In that moment I received a thought. Remember, I was on my way to a fulfilling manifestation, a realization of something I delighted in receiving. “Delight” indicates a high-flying place consistent with my Broader Perspective, which means something really good this way comes. 😊
Ordinarily, in a lower vibrational place, dilapidated buildings look like eyesores, graffiti like societal mars. Overgrown weeds tell stories of decay and absentee slumlordism. Looking at this car wash I instead received a different and surprising interpretation: “this is what physical reality looks like as it turns from one manifestation into another.”
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I stood there a moment appreciating that thought’s profundity. In that moment I witnessed All That Is turning from one thing – an old, abandoned car wash – into something more. The ordinarily imperceptible changing laid itself bare before my Plain Sight. In this crumbling, new emerges. What looks like decay, heralds something more.
Through that Plain Sight I saw protests these days, the societal handwringing underway and our political divisiveness differently. That car wash metaphorically showed me in its microcosm, that the greater societal churn that is my macrocosm, my society, must be the way it is before the new emerges from it. Just as that crumbled car wash property will some day become something new: an apartment building, grocery, or office complex or KFC.
Seth says manifestations turning to new manifestations create the apparent phenomena humans call time. Instantaneous and constant change from one thing to another in nonphysical, appears in slow motion when experienced from perception immersed in physical reality.
Human perception channeled through bodily organs and limited beliefs slow everything happening in nonphysical down so humans can enjoy the turning-into; but also because if things changed as fast as they do in nonphysical in physical reality, the rate of change would bewilder the beholder and humans couldn’t function, let alone make heads or tails of what’s going on.
My human perception creates time and space so I may enjoy my creations moment-by-moment instead of all at once. I know that using a Positively Focused perception, I discern physical reality’s secret: that everything is on Earth as it is in heaven – constant and delightful manifestations constantly manifesting more delight through even more manifestations, all happening in the midst of great unfolding.
This is what life experience becomes for the deliberate creator: an ongoing series of epiphanies on the way to more and better continuously fulfilling ones, which makes life worth living. A Charmed Life, in other words.