I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Is it really possible to manifest anything, like having very big success doing something not very mainstream, like playing classical music (this is just an example)?
Anything one can conceive of, the moment it’s conceived, not only is possible, it’s done. The only question, since everything is done, is, how long will it take the conceiver to harmonize and thus realize with their creation?
The questioner wants what they want, but they don’t believe it. The way they ask the question shows this. Their question communicates “I don’t believe it” or “I want to believe, but I doubt it”. Phrases such as “very big success” “doing something not very mainstream” typify doubt or disbelief.
Life does not limit desire
EVERYTHING is possible, not just little things and mainstream things. ANYTHING wanted not only can happen, it already happened.
But when a person stands in a question, the person is nowhere near what already happened.
Where is it?
Is it really possible?
Can I do it?
What about…?
Are there examples of others who…?
What if?
Such questions mask the “happened”. They express doubt or disbelief. People asking such questions want what they ask about, but they are 1. Paying too much attention to their desire’s absence, or 2. They don’t believe what they want is possible.
Leaving questions behind
And yet the great thing is, when someone learns they create all their experiences, clues telling them how well they create show up everywhere. Then that person sees every desire fulfilling itself. At that point life gets fun. Questions become unnecessary. Instead, one leans towards answers…and gets them.
Here’s a simple, accurate template to get what you want:
You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
You must find a way to harmonize with what you’ve created. When you do…
You’ll have it.
That’s it.
The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that, they create reality. But reality they create keeps looking like their present reality (not manifesting their desire) because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!
Everyone can enjoy Charmed Lives. Everyone knew that when they said “I’ll take on a body!” But created reality contains so much complexity, that complexity masks how simple creating reality is.
After deep meditation one day this week, I got up and Broader Perspective suggested I take a walk. I knew that meant a surprise awaited.
Whenever Broader Perspective suggests action, that means delightful surprises lurk. Therefore, when I get an impulse, I try acting on it immediately. I don’t always.
I did this time though. So I expected something cool, but didn’t know what.
I took one of my usual routes, to a park called Farragut, about two miles away.
While rounding the park, I came across a father talking on his phone while his two young children, a girl and a boy, played on swings. The moment I saw them, my Broader Perspective said “that little girl is going to give you a flower.”
I didn’t give it any more thought other than noticing a little collection of flowers on the ground near the swing set. As I passed the playground, the message from my Broader Perspective faded.
That’s when I heard behind me a little voice. “Excuse me,” She said.
I turned around and there was a little girl. In her hand she held a flower.
“Would you like a flower?“ She said.
“I would.“ I responded. And she gave me this flower.
Expansion is boundless
One of many advanced abilities being positively focused uncovers, is what people ordinarily call “extrasensory perception”, or “gifts“. It’s none of those things. Rather, such abilities reflect broadened perceptions inherent in everyone.
Many children display such experiences and abilities until they get blocked by resistance, bogus beliefs, and misaligned focus children adopt from parents, society and other misaligned sources.
The more positively focused one becomes, the more one realigns one’s self with that which they truly are. Such abilities surface once again as the person “reconnects” with all they are.
There are no upper limits with regard to such abilities. Humans are unlimited. So are their abilities. The only limits are those humans impose.
Life gets increasingly better
I know my authentic self, my Broader Perspective communicates constantly. The more I focus positively, the more I “tune in” to that communication. Doing that, I perceive that which others don’t.
More things like this delightful encounter, and the premonition of it, happen in my life these days. They’re happening more often too. Not only do they indicate progress. They are fucking AMAZING when they happen.
And, by acknowledging and amplifying such experiences, I make room for more such experiences.
I say this often: these things happening indicate bigger desires are too. Knowing this, appreciation, joy and anticipation fills me. From there I see such desires fulfilling themselves.
Cultivating a positive focus is not magic. It simply is returning to one’s natural state. In that natural state, life occurs as though it’s magic. But when you know what’s really happening, you understand. And in that understanding, you allow everything you want into your Charmed Life.
My clients love it when they create convincing results. I love it too because I also delight in the evidence. With many clients these days, all practicing being positively focused, my own evidence, my knowing, gets doubly confirmed with client evidence.
Seven months ago, K.J. said he missed performing piano before live audiences. He especially enjoyed performing in supper clubs. COVID-19 put the kibosh on that.
He also lost his blogging job and old beliefs told him he had to “earn a living“ at a “real job” instead of enjoying playing music. Those beliefs created fear, discomfort and insecurity as he used up his savings. So, like any non-Positively Focused person, he believed his doing – job hunting – took priority over enjoying life.
Getting fired leads to better life approaches.
Just starting out back then, K.J. owned many negative beliefs about most things, which kept many of his desires from him. I can’t go into more detail than that for privacy reasons, but K.J. was extremely frustrated about his life.
Still, when a person has desire, that desire fulfills itself whether the desire-er experiences its fulfillment or not. That meant in a probable future, K.J. already performs in front of a live audience at a supper club. He also enjoys steady income from many fulfilling avenues.
When the desire-er gets out of the way, then desire fulfillment shows itself as part of the desire-er’s reality. For K.J., experiencing a joyful life springing out of his unhappy one, meant him getting out of the way. That, of course, meant becoming Positively Focused.
For a while, K.J.‘s beliefs forced him into job hunting. The problem was as an over-fifty unemployed male, beliefs K.J. had made that road very rough. “Earning a living“ again and “getting a real job“ was going to be a long, tough row to hoe.
Fuel for that unsatisfying fire came as long-held held beliefs K.J.’s father drilled into his head. He told his son regularly “you’ll never make a living as a musician“ and “get a REAL job!”
As you likely know, dear reader, plenty of people make good livings as musicians, but K.J., steeped in his father’s beliefs, his own miserable life experiences and his seemingly unfulfilled desires, couldn’t see these numerous exceptions.
Family heirlooms of thought
Everybody at some point struggles with beliefs they unwittingly adopt while children. Those formative years create strong reality-creating ripples through life. As children, we naturally understand universal laws, but parents – sometimes – literally beat such understanding out of us.
So parents pass to children limiting beliefs like heirlooms passed from generation to generation. Such “thought heirlooms” keep fulfilled desires at bay until (ideally) we realign with them as adults. That’s usually what’s behind “mid-life crises”.
The easiest way alignment to fulfilled desires happens, happens through reducing resistance created by such heirloom beliefs. That’s what being Positively Focused is all about.
Steady improvement starts immediately
Over the next seven months K.J. and I exposed many beliefs no longer serving him. He saw how they create realities inconsistent with what he wants. At the same time we created new beliefs more aligned with what he wants.
I knew the work was working because K.J. showed up over those seven months increasingly happier, lighter and less worried about getting a job, income and things in his life he hated. He spoke more about what he wanted rather than what was. When he did talk about what was, he found more and more positive aspects in those things.
As he complained less about things, they improved. He realized he had enough saved, so money wasn’t as dire an issue as originally thought. The more he relaxed, the better he felt. Feeling better, he saw more improvement in his life. The more that happened, the more he turned to his passions. Such as playing piano and writing.
Feeling better is a sign
K.J. knew his life improved long before physical evidence showed itself. That’s because he felt better. He knew this meant physical improvement would follow. Patience was all that was needed.
Improvement evidence showed itself not long after as he indulged in writing projects and music. He spent more time doing these things instead of complaining and job hunting. Then he stopped looking for a job altogether, gave up worrying about money and focused nearly all his waking time on having fun. That relieved a lot of resistance about things he wanted.
One of the beliefs in the way was his creative work wasn’t worth sharing. He believed his creative expression had value only in its perfect form. We worked a lot on this. Over time, he started “busking”, performing for free on the waterfront for passersby at a local restaurant.
As K.J. performed, his comfort grew. With increasing comfort came greater ease and confidence at the keys. His music improved and people began filling his tip jar. He took more and more money home each weekend. People would stop and tell them how much they appreciated him being there.
That confidence spilled over to his writing. He started sharing excerpts of his novels online. As he did, gradually more and more people expressed appreciation for his sharing.
Manifestation came from around a blind corner
Recently, he turned to doing Facebook live stream musical performances. The first couple of times no one joined him. The third time one or two people showed up. K. J. kept at it, intending that, no matter how many or how few showed, he’d find enjoyment in sharing.
No one showed up for the next live stream. But the time after that, several people attended and commented copiously about his performance.
A supper club owner was one of those people. The next morning, K.J. found a text message on his phone from the supper club owner. Here’s what it said:
K.J. shouted (to himself) in jubilance. He did not realize the connection between what he asked for seven months ago, what he created when he expressed a desire to perform in front of live audiences again, and the text message.
Once I reminded him, he got it. And when he did, we both amplified the recognition.
Charmed Lives await everyone
When one understands how reality springs from thoughts, it’s fun seeing desires fulfill themselves before one’s eyes. It needn’t take seven months, but good reasons explain why sometimes it takes a long time…or sometimes never happens.
If someone does not understand how reality creation happens, reality still plays out right before their eyes, but what they get instead of what they want is whatever they believe.
This is why being positively focused is important, if a person wants a Charmed Life. When a person is positively focused, understanding how reality is created, they gradually see all desires fulfilling themselves. Desires big and small.
What thrills me most about K.J.‘s manifestation is both the confirmation and his joy. In his joy I see my own, as my own manifestations reveal themselves to me in the same way his reveal themselves to him.
And isn’t this co-creation at its best? Sharing and reveling together with someone who knows what you know, thereby joyfully co-creating an experience where both parties get the joy and the fun?
It’s fun being a deliberate creator. Even more fun is when the deliberate creation happens in the company of another.
I’d say it doesn’t get any better than this. But I know life always gets better. That is, when one is positively focused.
The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.
That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.
That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.
But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.
An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.
Yearning burning desire sucks.
Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”
The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.
And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.
This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.
Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.
How it can work
Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?
It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.
Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.
In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.
Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.
Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.
It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.
And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.
When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.
That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.
This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.
From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021
I love being on my freedom adventure
I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.
I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.
Life affirms me and my desires
I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.
But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.
That’s affirming.
My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.
My life: eternally more
And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.
There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.
And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.
I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.
I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.
Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.
Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.
It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.
It doesn’t take long to turn sorrow, tears and anguish into joy, elation and happiness. A little time being Positively Focused will do it. For some, it happens in an instant. Especially with a little assistance.
But if a person doesn’t understand why they feel sadness – or any other unwanted emotion – changing moods is near impossible. That’s why so many are depressed, chronically anxious and using prescription medicines such as Prozac to mask their emotional states.
That’s too bad because emotional states say something worth knowing, if one knows what to do with such feelings. Such feelings lead to Charmed Lives when used for what they’re there for.
What are emotions for?
Ask yourself: what are emotions for? If you think they’re just there so you can know how you’re feeling, or how certain events or people are “making” you feel, then you’re way off.
There’s way more value to them than that.
We have emotions because they tell us moment-by-moment where we are relative to our greater knowing. When a person learns that, then practices using their emotions for that purpose, their life becomes a Charmed Life, guaranteed. Desires, even long-held ones, fulfill themselves.
Before they know it, a person finds happiness around every corner. That’s the promise at Positively Focused. What’s cool is, such happiness can happen instantly, even when a person is in misery.
Taylore, one of my newest clients shows how it’s done in this video. In just a few moments, while thinking about the exact same subject, she goes from feeling tear-filled, sad and miserable to being happy, free and empowered.
All emotions are positive because they tell us important things. But unwanted emotions, such as feeling powerless, don’t have to be in our lives. Still, it’s hard going from powerless to joy and love when powerlessness is one’s dominant emotional state. It’s easier getting to “worry” or “disappointment”, as Taylore does here…just before she leaps through to joy.
Anyone can do this
There’s nothing magical to enjoying magical lives. All that’s needed: perspectives which spawn magical lives right out of whatever life a person has. Only such lives aren’t magical. They are what life promises everyone.
So why doesn’t everyone have such experiences? Well, they are, only their negative beliefs stand between that glorious experience and the magical experience that is their natural life. Only it’s not magic.
A thrilling adventure is what everyone expected before they were born. Why on earth would anyone want to come to miserable lives for 80 years or more? No one, originally.
But many people suffer needlessly because they deny opportunities offered to them constantly that opens doors to thrilling adventure, freedom, happiness and joy.
All it takes is a person willing to be Positively Focused despite whatever is happening in their now. In time, they’ll see life shape to that positive focus. Then, before they know it, they are living proof of what I claim: that people are gods in human form, creating their lives moment by moment.
It started with a story
Taylore’s epiphany started with an experience with her son I didn’t let her share with me. I had no interest hearing her sob story because I’m Positively Focused. Instead, I spoke over her tears, following my Broader Perspective which focused on stories she told herself about what she looked at about her son.
Her stories were what were causing her emotion, not her son. I knew if she changed her stories, she’d experience an amazing lesson. And guess what?
That’s what happened.
Every person’s life reflects back to them stories they are telling themselves. Every story will become “true” if told often enough. So why not tell only positive stories?
Because people don’t know they create reality through their stories. So they tell stories about “what is” constantly, rather than what they want to see.
I’ll believe it when I see it
That’s a trap. If you wait for the world to show you your dreams, in order to believe your dreams are possible, you’re going wait for a long, long time. Instead, choose your dreams over reality. See them, and the world will show you they’re worth believing because the world will include them, fully fulfilled.
That can only happen when you’re Positively Focused.
I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my Positively Focused blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: How many days does it take to manifest something like a better life?
Short answer: it depends.
An objective reality doesn’t exist. So it’s not possible to answer such a question with a specific number of days and expect that to be “the average number of days“ or “ the least amount of days” that would be accurate for everybody.
The only reality that exists is the one perceivable by the perceiver. In other words, physical reality is a 100 percent subjective experience. The same is true when creating.
So the number of days it takes to manifest something like a better life depends on the person’s subjective experience, their constellation of beliefs, which includes how much they doubt or believe what it is they’re trying to create.
If a person has a lot of doubts or resistance about what they’re trying to create, it’s gonna take much longer than if they have pure focus on what it is they’re wanting and they believe what they’re wanting is possible.
Also, it depends on what it is one wants. If somebody wants to create something they believe is easy, which is the same thing as saying something they have no resistance about, it can manifest in a few hours. But most people don’t have such pure focus on topics they consider to be “serious“ or things they really, really want such as “a better life”.
So, the number of days it takes depends on the desire, and how much resistance someone is holding about the desire. It can take a few hours, or it can never happen.
The good news is, evidence it’s happening is immediate, if you know where to see it. And in seeing the evidence, one gets encouraged. Encouragement speeds up the process, so before you know it, your life IS better.
Sex is fun. Sex is more fun when you love yourself. Being Positively Focused creates self-love that knows no bounds. There, sex, even solo-sex, leaves knees weak, and libido highly satisfied.
My best sex ever happens when I’m by myself. Although I’m not by myself. My Broader Perspective is with me loving me as I love myself. When I have sex with myself, my entire Personal Trinity is there too. So it’s really an orgy 😂. An orgy of ecstasy.
The last time I had sex with myself, it left me weak for hours. The passion, the joy, the LOVE was so abundant…sex with others just can’t compare.
It seems weird that our society considers self-pleasure sinful or weird or even secondary to giving one’s self to another. Often times we give ourselves in casual situations, as if giving ourselves means little. I used to think sex wasn’t sex if it happened alone. That’s “masturbation”…a very unsexy word if you ask me. Where’s the romance in “masturbation”?
In my experience, joy of sex is off-the-charts when performed solo. That’s because through being Positively Focused, I’ve come to love my self.
My self-love knows no bounds. Why wouldn’t I be at the top of my list of people I want to have sex with? What’s more, knowing what I know, with weak-in-the-knees solo-sexual experiences part of my life now, why would I share myself with someone I hardly know, someone who likely is no where near as connected to themself as I am to me?
The tyranny of no connection
I get how desperation leads people to fucking almost anyone. So many people have no real connection with another. It’s rarer still that a person has a deep, real connection with themselves. Desperate to find connection, they look for it through the penis or vagina or other body parts of another, rather than finding the only source of unconditional, unbridled and ecstatic connection: with themselves.
It’s no surprise when sex amounts to “getting one’s rocks off”, or it gets stale after having sex with the same person over and over. Even someone you really (think you) love.
I’ve been there. I’ve done that.
And there I usually felt post-orgasm dissatisfaction. The more causal the experience, the more unsatisfying it was after the fact. It was fun during. But the aftermath…well, it was emotional aftermath.
Now I know better.
Fully accepting me and feeling good
Loving me means knowing me and accepting me. That means knowing and accepting what I like. I enjoy what I enjoy and the more I do it, and accept that I’m doing it and enjoying it, the more joy I get from it.
So many stories out there say what feels good is bad.
It’s the opposite people!
What’s good is good. What’s good leads you to more good. Follow that good-trail and before you know it, you’re in bliss…in bed, by yourself, yes, but also out in the world. Here’s the fringe bennie: when you’re chronically in bliss, you can’t help but meet blissful people. All those assholes? They can’t find you!
Why on earth do we have positive feelings for?
It’s deliciously mind-blowing
Accepting me happened over many years. Being Positively Focused helped a lot. I’m glad I’m here, loving myself in bed and while moving through my day. Nothing compares to that. No one else’s attention matters more to me than attention I pay to myself.
And in that selfishness, I discover doing things I want to do, having things I want to have and being happy…all come easily. Joyful ecstasy of the Charmed Life. It’s available to everyone. And it will make anyone weak in the knees.
This is part three of a three part series on how I created a life where I no longer have to work a job. It began when my wife gave me an ultimatum. What came after that was a wonderful unfolding culminating in where I am today: no longer working a job, money coming in easily with little effort on my part and a life filled with joyful moments of clarity, peace, and joy.
In this post I’m going to describe what happened after starting work at the bridging job I created. I described how I created that job in part two.
A job let me live job-free
I went to work for this company. It was a wonderful time where I explored working for a very large successful Corporation again after working at Intel many years ago. This job was much more manual labor focused. I delivered packages around town in a truck.
I enjoyed this work. And I enjoyed working with people who typically take these kinds of jobs. I worked mostly in white-collar executive positions, wearing snazzy clothes in large offices. This opportunity opened my eyes to a different type of people. I had not had the opportunity to work alongside laborers, people who traded their labor for income. What I learned surprised me.
I wrote about many of these eye-opening experiences in this blog. Most fascinating is, when I look back on that job remembering how much fun I had, I also see how that job filled its purpose exactly as I designed it: as the bridging job that would take me from earning a living through a job, to having money flow easily into my life experience without working for it.
While working there, I changed old beliefs that had me tied to wanting jobs. Beliefs such as “a job says a lot about your self worth”, and, “working for a big company carries a lot of status”, and “making money says a lot about who you are”. Using the Positively Focused approach I soothed these old beliefs so the reality I wanted as my life became the life I have: one where none of these beliefs exist and I live job-free.
Happiness creates opportunity
So it was no surprise to me that shortly after the start of 2020, rumblings among the permanent staff indicated there might likely be layoffs coming. Our jobs were seasonal, but the permanent staff suggested here and there that our jobs might become permanent.
The rumors caused tremendous upset among my fellow drivers. For many, this job was all they had. Others hoped this delivery jobs were ground-floor opportunities to better, permanent jobs.
I was eager for whatever was going to happen. I knew what was going to happen would serve me best. I was not at the whim of this company: I was creating my reality. Not them.
So during my time delivering packages, I reveled in the experience. I immersed myself in the process. I figured out ways to improve and make more efficient the process. I gave that information to my manager who forwarded it to her manager. The management team was excited about what I had written. They gave me kudos for doing so.
I found myself really enjoying this work. I enjoyed the physicality of it. I enjoyed being out on my own. I enjoyed exploring parts of the city I hadn’t explored before. All in all, I enjoyed this job. I did not see it as a job, because it wasn’t for me. Instead it was a “bridging opportunity“ toward the reality I was creating.
Finally, just after the new year, rumors intensified that layoffs were coming. Instead of coming in the following week, I decided to take all the sick leave I accumulated. While on leave, I turned my attention toward my desires: to move through the rest of 2020 with money flowing into my life without me working a job.
The week I took off, the company terminated all seasonal driver positions. Everyone arrived at their shift and got their termination letter. My fellow drivers wrote me text messages upset about how they felt the company treated them.
They were really frustrated and annoyed and feeling disrespected that they showed up for work only to be dismissed.
Not me.
I was at home luxuriating in my bed, reveling in the future that was flowing into my life.
Then it happened
Several days later, I received a letter notifying me that I have been laid off. But that was no concern because I was enjoying my life.
That’s because, just before receiving the letter that I was laid off, A person who follows my passion project called Copiosis wrote me a message on WhatsApp. He said he wanted me to be able to put more time on that project, and was sending me cryptocurrency in an amount sufficient to pay for my living expenses for the rest of the year.
I was not expecting this specifically. The message floored me. I knew something like this would happen. I just didn’t know what the details of the happening would looked like.
You can imagine my delight upon receiving that message. But what really excited me was how much bitcoin he gave me. True to this person’s word, the money in cryptocurrency he sent me paid my rent and living expenses for the rest of the year.
In other words, the universe coordinated the cooperative components – leaving my wife, creating a job, an apartment (which I may write about), and this easy transition to a jobless life – consistent with my desires: living without a job, and, having money come in without me having to do anything for it.
What’s interesting is, the same person gave me another cryptocurrency gift at the end of 2020. That particular gift came just as Bitcoin took off on a months-long rally. Every month thereafter, the rally increased the value of the amount he gave me by 1/3. That was enough to generate enough cash to last me throughout 2021.
Meanwhile, more Positively Focused clients came, eager to learn how to create their reality. Today my basic living expenses are covered by the cryptocurrency gift combined with the amount of money my clients gift me in return for the transformed lives they get.
Wait a minute…
You may ask: aren’t you working when you serve these clients or when you do things for Copiosis? My answer: not at all.
Because when I’m giving time to my clients, I’m Positively Focused. Being Positively Focused, especially being Positively Focused with another person, doesn’t feel at all like “working”. It’s play, it’s joyful and it’s fun.
It is filled with laughter, with epiphanies, insights and realizations, all of which lead to more and better, not only for my clients, but for me too.
Copiosis is a fun, joyful adventure. It’s not a job. I see it as a playground where I get to practice what I preach in Positively Focused.
So by serving my clients I am creating a more and better life for myself. That’s not working. That’s enjoying the reality I am creating, realities I am co-creating alongside my clients. Copiosis is like that too.
Today, as I sit in bed dictating this blog post, all my expenses, including enough for entertainment and pleasure expenses, are covered without me having to do anything that looks and feels like a “job”. I created exactly the reality that I had intended as I was leaving my wife.
I should add, that anyone can have this life. Anyone can create any reality they want. This is what I show my clients how to do. This is how life is meant to be.
We all came into the world not to mimic what other people are doing. We’re here to make real worlds of our own design matching our wildest desires.
Nothing else feels as satisfying as that. The more I live my life consistent with my wildest desires, the better I feel and the better life gets.
There’s more to come. And I’m eager for all of it.