How to find what’s lost, easily

Yesterday, while preparing for a walk, I thought about my fleece gloves. I have a lot of gloves, hats, scarves…I like bundling up when nature cools its jets come autumn time.

What I thought while pulling on still-damp, waterproof gloves I wore in the rain the day before was “The weather’s cooling, my fleece gloves would be perfect for a day like today.”

I had no idea where they were though. I knew they weren’t in the basket in which I keep my gloves. I reorganized my basket last month and didn’t see them.

The basket where I keep my winter bundling things.

After my walk I helped my landlord remove cushioning from under my bedroom’s jute floor covering. Removing the cushioning required lifting the bed and its under-bed slider drawer.

I carried the drawer to the living room by maneuvering around April, the landlord’s dog, who found her perfect seating spot…in the way.

Avoiding April required shifting the drawer in my hands so I could pass through the doorway and keep my eye on her. As I shifted, my fleece gloves spilled out. Fulfilled desire!

I know little manifestations indicate larger ones on the way

Creation happens easily and fast so long as I create the right way and do it resistance-free. Whether it’s a little manifestation, like discovering my gloves, or a big one, such as manifesting financial abundance, creation needn’t take a long time. But it does when my ask includes resistance or if I ask sloppily.

Thoughts like “I’ve lost my gloves”, or “I want my fleece gloves…but I don’t know where they are,” or “Where are my gloves?” say “I want to have an experience where I can’t find my gloves.” That’s sloppy asking.

Asking such questions creates lost-glove realities.

This happened with my house key recently. It’s funny because my Inner Being perceived a probable reality near me featuring my “lost” key. So it told me after my walk one day: “put your key back where you always put it”.

I’m practicing immediately following my impulses. This time I didn’t do that tho. 😂🙄🙁

Days later, I needed my key. I looked in its usual spot: nothing. “Where is my key?” That was my knee-jerk reaction, but it also instantly created its “real” counterpart.

I felt my Inner Being urge more deliberate thoughts, but too late: the probable future reality arrived, featuring my absent key.

I looked high and low. I checked every pants pocket, including the pants I wore the other day. I looked in the dirty clothes hamper, under the couch, in my drawers…I tried remembering when I had it last. Still…no key.

My next thought: “I can’t find my key!” clinched the creation. My key was lost. More accurate: I created a reality consistent with my persistent thoughts.

Funny thing is, I felt that momentum build, I “saw” the belief “I can’t find my key” in my Moment of Becoming drawing circumstances consistent with it. I even remembered my Inner Being telling me to put my key were I usually do.

It was trippy seeing that creation creating itself right out of my thoughts. I lost my house key because I declared it so. My landlord made a replacement.

Notice the difference in thinking

“The weather’s cooling, my fleece gloves would be perfect for a day like today” carries different energies than “Where is my key?”

The first feels like an affirmation. It leads to an outcome, a reality, wherein I wear my gloves. The question leads to an outcome where I’m looking for my key.

In less than 24 hours I had my gloves without trying to find them. In other words, with no effort. I still don’t have my (original) key. 🤷🏽‍♂️

My fleece gloves manifested in response to my gentle asking.

Creation feels both ways. Both illustrate how it works. The glove example and the key example show how effortless it is. So effortless, if feels like I’m not doing it. But I am!

Losing my key, in the context of receiving my gloves, offered fantastic lessons in fine-tuned, deliberate creation. I enjoy creating deliberately. I don’t like creating sloppily.

This is why I say there are no negative experiences in living a Charmed Life. Living Positively Focused, I see life through the eyes and mind of God. From there, all experiences are positive because they all create greater awareness.

I believe thinking and speaking in this subtle, refined way creates outstanding opportunity. It allows everything into my life through easy, flowing rhythms, it creates favorable circumstances where little things and big things both find their way to me.

I want more experiences like this, where I get what I want easily, not through effort, but because I speak it that way.

How I Turn Slumps Into Opportunity

Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash

I woke this morning from dazzling dreams.

Why was I in a funk then? After all, yesterday I received the a great big manifestation, one I expected for years.

I know the answer: Manifestation satisfaction flashes like lightning. In its flash my Broader Perspective expands. Fail to keep up with that and my connection with Broader Perspective diminishes.

All manifestations mark the path of my eternal, expansionary life experience. They’re like mile markers. Staying too long reveling in the manifestation, I feel the gap grow between me and my expansion. Because I’m not keeping up with it. What does “feel the gap” feel like?

It feels like malaise, slump, stagnancy. Rather than continued eager expectation I feel when focusing forward along my expanding path, I feel diminishment.

All manifestations create this experience. That’s why I know manifestations mark paths, they don’t signify the end goal. The end goal comes when I feel delight along the path.

The road ahead that is your life is being designed by you. What reality are you going to create for you and the world? (Photo: Yoal Desurmont)

It’s simple math

I’m always on the way to another manifestation. When manifestations happen, they always create more desire, thus more potential, future manifestations. Manifestations birth more manifestations, in other words.

I must “travel” manifestation-to-manifestation, because I am eternal. Doing the math 😊, throughout my eternity, I am always on the way to more manifestations. I spend more life, therefore, “on the way to” and comparatively less life “experiencing” manifestations.

Slumps come when I forget this simple math.

I like knowing and feeling the difference between pre-manifestation expectation, which feels wonderful and unlimited, and post-manifestation euphoria expiration, which feels like a slump or a funk.

Even in a slump, though, I know my path draws to me more manifestations. My job now: catch up with that which I expanded into, meaning, progressing along the path.

Resistance doesn’t have to be part of the process, but usually is. I know my Broader Perspective leads me along my path of least resistance to desired manifestations. So when I feel a funk or a slump, I know, in this moment, cooling my jets, relaxing, slowing down, being more attentive to the now, keeps me on track.

That can be hard

What’s interesting about that guidance, as accurate as it is, is that everyday life experience of Common Mortals does not encourage such behavior.

But I know looking crazy, living outside social norms, living the way animals, plants, planets, the wind, water and everything else in the Universe lives, is the path to all I want. Even as most Common Mortals live life differently.

I know following my Broader Perspective brings everything that I want. “Trying”, “making things happen” feels comparatively hard because it is. I prefer looking like a crazy person, a lazy person, a person with their head in the sand, or in a cloud.

That’s not crazy, that’s enlightenment.

My life looks crazy, scary even, but if feels wonderful. And I know in this moment, the moment I’m writing this, as I sit in my slump, in this moment I appreciate my path because “wonderful” tells me my path is true.

Resisting the slump by trying to get out of it, trying to change it into something else, veers me off course.

Instead, I lay low and enjoy the slumpiness for what indicates: “on-the-path” and more desired manifestations.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash


And in doing that, the slump and its slumpiness disappear. I know because as I write this, “slumpiness” is transforming. It’s transforming into knowing, appreciation, and happiness.

I turn slumps into opportunity by doing what most Common Mortals will not. So I live the Charmed Life. Where life feels good. And that tells me my life is getting better.

How Knowing, Feeling, Being Creates Fulfilled Desires

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

I know, and so I feel and then I be.

This is the next, advanced step from my previous post. How I be gets shaped by what I know and how I feel.

But what do I know? How does what I know focus feeling? How does that inspire being? Here’s how:

  • I know All That Is loves me.
  • I also know I am All That Is.
  • I also know as All That Is I create reality.
  • I am creator.
  • I know how the creation process works.
  • I know because I showed myself how the creation process works.
  • And what I showed myself works.
  • So I know too that what I want must be because I am creator and I now how creation works.
  • I know how that “must be” (creation) happens.
  • I know feelings have a lot to do with how creation happens.
  • So I feel in a particular way.
  • I know when I feel that way I also “be” that way.
  • See how one leads to the other?
  • From here, it’s easy being, doing, then having.

I love what I know. I love how I feel. How I feel gets better with every breath. I love knowing the more I love how I feel, the more lovely feels become who I be.

And in that being, so must all my desires be. So they are. And the being I be expands my awareness so those fulfilled desires be in my beingness. In other words: life experience fills with fulfilled desires.

That’s good because it must be. And all that bes is good.

As I stand in my blessedness and worthiness I eagerly anticipate more evidence of my blessedness and worthiness. I know, I feel, I be. I be I do I have. And that includes my fulfilled desire.