When Great Proof Begets Great Results

I love working with clients committed enough to earnestly pursue their Positive Focus. When they do, freedom and joy show up. In a recent, fabulous session, Lisa shares her experience thus far, confirming the work’s effectiveness.

We all exist as God in human form. What’s cool about that shows up in abundance when disbelief, but a desire to believe, turns into belief.

But when belief turns to knowing, knowing borne of experience, then things really get interesting.

For when that happens, then the God in the human form, starts shining. From there, it only gets better and better. More joy, more fun, more desires accomplished with no effort. But mostly: more joy.

After all, we all chose this experience knowing it offered wondrous opportunity. Expansion, freedom, joy and focus. We came here for that. Manifestations just happen as natural byproducts of expansion, freedom joy and focus.

Life gets great when one gets Positively Focused as Lisa attests here.

Meaningful life happens when one chooses their life as meaningful. Every life represents meaningfulness, but when negative beliefs, resistance, anger and frustration dominate, finding one’s meaning can’t happen.


All That Is wants us all filled with ecstasy, joy and appreciation for life, for us. Negative experiences pile on the one who sees life negatively because All That Is uses such experiences. Such experiences show the negative person they can choose a better way. One consistent with what their Broader Perspective knows.

Life can be fun

Every Broader Perspective knows life can be fun. But that fun exists as an option. People come with free will built in. Everyone stands in freedom so profound, each person can choose shackles inherent in disbelief, anger, fear, insecurity and “traumas”.

In time, everyone releases such shackles. For many, that happens at the death moment. Sleep does it too. Most don’t realize it, but waking from sleep feels so great because a person experienced hours in sleep’s nonresistant state.

Death does the same thing.

But one needn’t die then experience joy, freedom and appreciation Broader Perspective knows life offers. Life features those things in abundance for those willing to put a little focus into seeing life as their Broader Perspective sees it.

From there, life’s automatic processes take over. Before long, one finds themselves in perpetual bliss. Just like they knew they would, when deciding living in a body would be a wonderful experience.

Proof waits for your discovery. You discover it first through thoughts you think. Then it shows itself to you constantly, as Lisa here confirms.

You’re ready. Life stands ready. Your Broader Perspective already enjoys it. Might it be time for you to enjoy it as well?

How Perfect Manifestation Makes For Great Results

Photo by Stefan Mächler on Unsplash

It’s fun watching how my desires fulfill themselves. Even desires I want at one time, but then expand out of. These too still become my reality, whether I want them or not. When this happens, it’s a great Positively Focused lesson. Through them I learn how to refine my manifesting practice. What happened recently offers a perfect example.

A couple years ago after my marriage ended in divorce, I needed a job. I manifested the perfect job immediately, with no effort, in perfect timing. That job set me up to never work a job again.

While working at that company though, I briefly aspired to management. At the time I saw pretty great potential in moving up the ranks, potentially rising quickly as that company grew.

But those thoughts came from old patterns and belief constellations. Beliefs most people hold about what “success” looks like. In that constellation, belief looks like “career success”, “corporate success”, rising through the ranks and a big salary.

That kind of success though tends to cost a lot. One’s life balance, freedom, passions and authentic self-expression usually get squelched in such opportunities. I should know. I enjoyed just such success at a major utility and a high tech company spanning over 20 years. Both careers took their toll.

I’m glad I’m past that.

Be careful what you ask for…you might get it

Still, while at that big company, I got caught up in old beliefs. Other beliefs in that constellation had me doubt what I now no longer doubt. Those other beliefs told me pursuing my passions was scary, hard and hardly anyone succeeded doing that.

So one day, while doing my job, I thought about how cool it would be to transition into management at this company. I created a future reality where the company invited me to apply for a position that opened doors to future operational leadership.

Then I forgot all about it. I didn’t “try” to “make it happen”. In fact until what happened next happened, I forgot all about that future reality.

That’s because during the ensuing short months at that company, several other desires fulfilled themselves. Those opened doors to where I am now, not working and instead pursuing my passions and allowing my Charmed Life.

Here’s what happened.

If it’s not a “hell yes!”

Yesterday I got an email. It came from a recruiter working at the company where I worked. The email offered me an operational leadership position. The position offered exactly what I wanted: open doors to greater leadership.

The email offering…

The email specifically said “this role is a stepping stone into operational leadership”! At first, the email sounded interesting. But the more I thought about it, the less intriguing the opportunity felt.

“Why?” You may ask. “You manifested exactly what you wanted!”

True, I wanted that…a few years ago. Now, life and my desires changed. The opportunity sounded interesting. But interesting isn’t enough. I know if an opportunity doesn’t feel like a “Hell Yes”, it’s a “Hell no!”, no matter how good it sounds.

The real opportunity…

Given where I am, I wrote the sender telling him I wasn’t interested for several reasons. Then I thought about this experience and saw the gold in it.

I thought about the mechanics of this manifestation, what I did, or more important, what I didn’t do, and how it unfolded. Here’s what I saw:

  1. I created the desire our of my then, now
  2. The desire felt exciting at the time and I had sincere interest in it.
  3. Then, I totally forgot about it. I didn’t stew on it, I didn’t do any processes to amplify the desire or the fulfillment, I used no affirmations. I let it go.
  4. This is important: Fulfillment took a while. During that time I felt no impatience about getting anywhere, which allowed me to relax and let things unfold.
  5. As a result of all the above, the manifestation happened, with me not doing anything to “make it happen”.

This result typifies what I’d call perfect manifestation technique. No focus on “when” or “how”. No trying to make it happen. Total surrender and…fulfillment…with no effort on my part.

This manifestation also lets me know just because a manifestation fulfills itself doesn’t mean I need to step into it. Manifestations represent sign posts along my unfolding path to expansion, which has no end.

That means I face continual streams of unfolding desires, some I’ll embrace, others I’ll pass by.

Today far more interesting unfolding desires keep me excited about my now and the future. I enjoy watching all desires unfold though, whether I embrace them or not, knowing they all come with teachings which make me a better, deliberate creator.

The Best, Most Powerful Affirmations

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: What are the most powerful affirmations?

The most powerful affirmations are ones that work. That seems obvious, but reconsidering this obvious answer reveals an important point: the power isn’t in the affirmation. It’s in the person.

Any affirmation will work whenever the person using it aligns their creative energy with what they want. In other words, desires, those things which inspire affirmation use, fulfill themselves. They do that when the only thing blocking them gets out of the way. What is that thing? The affirmation user himself.

When affirmations work, they work for this reason. They allow one to soothe themselves out of the way. Standing there the fulfilled desires shows itself to the desire-er. Every time.

The most powerful affirmations? Prepare to be surprised. (Photo by Omkar Jadhav)

Affirmations have no power

All that work doesn’t happen because the affirmation is powerful. It happens because the user talks himself out of unhelpful disbelief. Then he feels himself into, belief, knowing and then gradually into the reality in which his desire already happened.

In short, there are no powerful affirmations. There are only powerful people. Expressions of God in human form, who align themselves through their thoughts to their fulfilled desires. One needn’t an affirmation for that. But affirmations can, and often do, focus one’s real power – life force focus.

Those knowing this don’t attribute their power to words. They own it themselves, because they are the power. When this happens, affirmations fall by the wayside. In their place emerges what had the power all along: eternal, nonphysical conscious energy embodied in human form.

That’s what every instance of physical reality is, including humans. So a human affirming it’s inherent power is the most powerful affirmation when it affirms it’s eternal reality then leverages that affirmation in service of its desires.

What Happened When Nature Approved Of My Positive Focus

Photo by Jonathan Larson on Unsplash

I love when nature shows me my Positively Focused practice works. It’s even more fun when humans get in on the act.

Nature putting itself on display typifies an intermediate-level indicator confirming effective Positively Focused practice. When a coyote crosses my path at times and locations proving that appearance special, I recognize that as a sign.

When Raptors put their wares on display mere feet in front of me, I revel in the indicator. Reveling amplifies my connection. Celebrating such indicators leverages Law of Attraction which brings me more such experiences.

But when humans become indicators, that takes intermediate level results to whole new levels.

That’s what happened today

Lately my Positively Focused practice includes advanced level processes. In such processes, I tune my awareness into a kind of trance. There, random thoughts leave my mind, the same thought jumble people take for granted as normal. That thought jumble gets replaced by calm, peace and serenity.

There, I feel Broader Perspective inspiration. It feels peaceful and serene. In that feeling, I also hear more clearly my Broader Perspective’s impulses. My connection with nature strengthens too. No surprise there, everyone’s Broader Perspective flows hand-in-hand with all natural phenomena. My Broader Perspective proved this statement as accurate.

This morning I walked through a park near my house. It’s called Peninsula Park. The 16-acre park includes a stand of fabulous, tall and majestic pine trees. Many regard Peninsula Park as one of Portland’s most beautiful parks. But what happened to me took this park’s beauty to a whole different level.

Portland’s Peninsula Park…

Focusing myself into alignment with larger, spiritual perspective, I felt awareness expand to the point where, as I said, random thoughts ceased. In their place, I walked in stately peace, flowing along with nature and natural impulses.

Such impulses come to my awareness feeling less like thoughts…well they are thoughts. But thoughts drawn by alignment to Broader Perspective. So these thoughts represent fine-tuned, soft and clear suggestions. Following them, I discover delightful surprises. Taken in totality such surprises create the Charmed Life I constantly write about.

This focus and its accompanying thoughts feel way better than normal consciousness and its thought jumble. I want to feel this way all the time.

Ongoing nows flowing from past desire

So the question is, do I want to experience “normal” conscious awareness? Or do I want as my ordinary waking consciousness this more diffused focus where I am allowing good-feeling clarity as my moment-by-moment experience? Obviously, I prefer creating this “abnormal” state as my new normal.

I recognize past desire for this new focus. I remember many times past when I sought this clarity-focus. Favorite films often reveal this to me. Particularly the Star Wars Franchise and its Jedi Knight lore. My Bujinkan training pointed towards similar clues. I even experienced such states while practicing with training partners.

So I know an awareness above ordinary consciousness exists. All can access it and benefit from its delights. I wanted that. I wanted it a long time. Now it emerges as easily as all manifestations: flowing from past desire into awareness to the degree I allow it. How do I allow it?

By soothing resistance against it. Then it emerges along with stronger desire for it. A simultaneous cause and affect result, amplified by focus and Law of Attraction.

Amplifying Law of Attraction’s effects characterizes the epitome of a Positively Focused approach.

The reward: delightful manifestations

I walked in this state through tall pines, their shadows blanketing my path with cool air on that summer day, their smells delighting my senses. I listened as Broader Perspective’s impulses softly spoke to me in place of random thoughts. Halfway through these pines, I heard behind me an animal sound I hadn’t heard before.

My impulse came right then: it said, come back. Look at me.

I turned around, backtracked a few paces. I looked around, but saw nothing. Then feathers began floating down all around me, like snow flakes softly descending from moisture-ladened clouds.

I looked up, and there, in a branch not far above me, perched a raptor. It grasped a bird carcass in its talons. In powerful thrusts of its sharp beak the raptor ripped one feather after another from the carcass. The morning breeze carried them to the ground.

I stood there filming as a runner approached. He saw me filming and stopped to see what I saw. Together we watched in rapt silence. Then he told me an amazing story.

One day, he said, he walked a nature trail in another Portland Park. While walking he felt his hat taken off his head. Startled, he looked around. He saw no one. Then he felt something touch his scalp again. He looked up, he said, and saw an owl land onto a branch just feet before him.

He and the owl stared at one another for a long time. “It occured to me,” the guy said. “The owl must be nesting nearby.”

Were we strangers?

The runner said the owl then unfolded its massive wings, which tripled its size. “It was like it was saying ‘you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.'” joked the runner.

He and I had shared that moment together, no longer strangers, for a little while.

My interpretation tells me following my Broader Perspective impulse led me to this park, to this moment in time where I converged with perfect timing, upon a nature documentary quality moment punctuated with an additional awesome story brought by another person tuned to my vibration. The raptor, my Inner Being and this runner converging in perfect timing so I may enjoy the synchronicity.

Nothing accidental. No coincidences. Everything unfolds in perfect timing showing me my blessedness. When I’m Positively Focused, nature puts herself on display and, sometimes, when really tuned in, humans too show me how blessed I am.

I love it when nature approves of my Positively Focused practice. My Charmed Life just gets better and better!

When Great Good Results From A Bee’s Stinger

Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

A bee stung me this morning. It hurt. Then I got Positively Focused about it and in that moment onward, the bee sting showed a new perspective on my enlightenment.

I typically walk several miles each day. Lately here in Portland, summer temperatures peak at over 110 degrees. So rather than afternoon walks, I walk in the mornings now.

The day I’m writing this though, the mercury showed the day already hot: 80 degrees at 7:30 a.m. with the expected high well over 100. I thought a walk now beats walking on broiling sidewalks. So off I went.

The day shaping up hot with more scorching days ahead!

I walked several circles around one of my favorite parks, then headed 1.2 miles towards another park nearby. This walk nets nearly 4 miles. Good enough for a blistering summer day. I figured after that walk, I’d stay indoors. Like I did through the weekends triple-digit days.

How walks become dreams

When walking these days, especially in the morning, I focus on my Broader Perspective focus. I bring an awareness greater than my ordinary daily awareness to my walks. Doing that, I enter dream state while awake.

It’s an advanced practice I do more of these days. I do it because I know bliss I feel while dreaming represents maximum connection with my broader perspective. After all, as my body sleeps, I know I’m not in my body.

Instead, I’m out of my body experiencing my state of origin. That feeling state matches exactly what my Broader Perspective feels. That’s why it feels so good.

I also know when I practice that feeling while awake, I tune me to that Broader Perspective awareness, which determines how swiftly and easily fulfilled desires show themselves to me.

So practicing bliss while awake makes visible manifestations I otherwise would not see.

Halfway to that next park, I felt a burning sensation on my right leg. It grew in intensity even while I practiced blissful focus. When I looked down, I saw a yellow jacket stuck to my inside calf. It hung there off my calf by its stinger, which was impaled in my leg.

Had I been more present, I’d have snapped a picture. Instead, I smacked the insect off my leg, bent down and searched for the stinger. Thankfully it fell off with the yellow jacket. But the stinging sensation remained.

What happened next amazed me

Instead of wincing in pain, I continued practicing my focus. It didn’t occur to me that I should feel pain, limp or rub the spot where the insect injected its venom. I just naturally thought the sting offered greater focus opportunity. 🤔

Hard to see. I shot this a few moments after getting stung. Maybe you can see the redness (inside the yellow circle).

“I wonder if I could focus myself out of the pain of this sting,” I thought.

So that’s what I did. I heightened my focus on bliss. As I did that, something cool happened.

I didn’t feel the sting!

But the very next microsecond I felt the pain again. So I focused more intently again…and the pain disappeared. But half a second later it came back!

What happened here?

Two things I noticed. One, my focus constantly creates my reality. I mean every millisecond, I either focus where I want, or my focus runs on autopilot. When I focus, say, on bliss and Broader Perspective as per my exercise, I create a reality where pain factors not.

But because focus is literally millisecond by millisecond, I go in and out of that blissful focus.

A natural result of my focus

Months ago I knew I wanted a focus so intent and so aligned with Broader Perspective that I would ongoingly experience as my waking consciousness, what my Broader Perspective knows. Holding that intent, I knew, created a future probable reality experience-able by me. But only if I lined up with that.

This bee sting prompted awareness intensity needed to make my intent my reality. I practiced that intense awareness for a good hour, tuning focus so pain disappeared, then noticing it come rushing back when my focus waned.

I couldn’t hold that intense bliss-focus long. But my desire for that focus level welled up from me like a baby spurting out a vagina: undeniable.

I wanted more focus intensity and I knew this experience, because it birthed this desire, also created a reality wherein I have that focus intensity where pain factors not.

So now, my intent involves “being” that focus intensity, feeling how it feels were I there all the time. Doing that consistently enough will, in time, cause a rendezvous between me and that future wherein I have that focus intensity all the time. That’s just how being Positively Focused works!

In other words, that future I created is a done deal, standing by as my future now experience the moment I tune to it.

I love how a freaking yellow jacket sting created more desire in me for greater focus, as well as a new knowing of the extent to which I can create reality.

Now it’s time to line up with that future I created. That’s the wonder of the Charmed Life: creating what I consider an idealized life, then gradually finding myself living more and more of that.

How “Soul” Makes An Outstanding Life Suck Balls 😂

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Question: What does it mean to have a soul?

I personally don’t use the word “soul”, but what it attempts to mean is the non-physical counterpart that is a part of the wholeness that is “we”, the oneness of all things.

What “soul” points to comprises a boundary-less component of all of us. It is that “oneness” new-agers casually reference. I prefer “Broader Perspective” in describing the place from which we all emerge from and return to.

Even “emerge from and return to” distorts what really happens. No separation exists between us here in physical reality and that broader part of us remaining in non-physical reality. So we don’t emerge or return. Instead, we shift perspectives from one to the other. And that shift happens constantly.

Distortions abound…oh my!

Besides, when some people use “soul”, it automatically conjures a “belief constellation”. And that constellation of beliefs includes other words, values, meanings, judgements and conclusions. All of these distort one’s understanding.

Here are other words conveying distorted understanding:

  • God
  • The devil
  • Heaven
  • Hell
  • Salvation
  • Damnation
  • Sin
  • Forgiveness
  • Separation
  • Subservience
  • Less than (God)
  • Deservedness
  • Undeservedness
  • The need to earn love/acceptance
  • The failure to ean love/acceptance
  • Worthiness
  • Unworthiness
  • Right
  • Wrong
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Evil
  • Holy
  • Possession
  • Ownership
  • Losing the soul
  • Selling the soul

All these concepts offer distortions. And all these distortions start with the world “soul”.

That’s why I don’t use the word “Soul”.

Don’t distort what is

Most words listed represent distorted human beliefs layered over All That Is’ purity. They don’t belong in conversations about All That Is because they give wrong impressions about All That Is.

That’s why I say “soul” usually muddies the conversation. Two people rarely hold similar frames of reference. Especially regarding “soul”. Because of that, “soul” frustrates understanding more than it illuminates.

I also know people use words like these as expedients. After all, many find difficult talking about nonphysical. Probably because verbal descriptions fall short in describing All That Is magnificence.

And maybe that’s a clue. Maybe, instead of talking about it, we could just experience it in silence and let it be within us all.

Great Good Happens When A Person Finds Positive Focus

Finding positive focus creates lives people think impossible…until they live it. It’s the great good created from the Charmed Life clients get when Positively Focused.

Result come immediately. Then, in a short while, clients slip into rhythms where they want more. They want more because it feels good feeling good. It also feels great seeing life get better and better, usually with little effort.

My own Charmed Life amplifies too when when showing clients they know all answers needed to create and live their Charmed Life versions. That’s why, I love working with clients. Because after each session I’m energized and thrilled, like my clients. Sometimes more so.

New clients sometimes try comparing what we do to counseling. But learning the Positively Focused approach owes nothing to counseling. It’s different, with totally different origins and objectives.

Here, Lisa shares her experiences since starting her journey six months ago. Nearly all clients express similar experiences. Don’t miss the love fest at the end. 😊

Creating the charmed life

Charmed lives come naturally when clients first discover forgotten things, then bring forgotten things forward in their lives.

Before long, they see great progress. From there, everything they want happens. 

That’s why I guarantee results produced. Once one gets their footing, the “work” becomes fun, and the more fun people enjoy, the more fun comes.

Everyone doing the work gets results. That’s because everyone on the planet, without exception, came knowing a Charmed Life experience awaits them.

The challenge comes when they get here. That’s because certain ground rules require, among other things, forgetting temporarily one’s true nature. So young people must learn through parents, who also forgot and learned from their parents. Wondering why so much strife goes on here? Forgetting our true nature. That’s why.

So people assume their predecessors’ bogus beliefs, and, for a while, get knocked off their natural trajectory. Good news: recovering one’s trajectory happens quick when Positively Focused.

For Lisa, that started with heeding voices speaking to her while she did dishes. From there, curiosity led her to her Charmed Life Path. Then Lisa found her authenticity.

It’s not remarkable. It always happens when people get Positively Focused. The Charmed Life, great good and self-fulfilling desires all surface. Gradually knowing one’s self as God in Human Form then happens. Nothing beats that.

Happy Results Happen Easy If You Know The How

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Is it really possible to manifest anything, like having very big success doing something not very mainstream, like playing classical music (this is just an example)?

Anything one can conceive of, the moment it’s conceived, not only is possible, it’s done. The only question, since everything is done, is, how long will it take the conceiver to harmonize and thus realize with their creation? 

The questioner wants what they want, but they don’t believe it. The way they ask the question shows this. Their question communicates “I don’t believe it” or “I want to believe, but I doubt it”. Phrases such as “very big success” “doing something not very mainstream” typify doubt or disbelief.

Life does not limit desire

EVERYTHING is possible, not just little things and mainstream things. ANYTHING wanted not only can happen, it already happened. 

But when a person stands in a question, the person is nowhere near what already happened.

  • Where is it?
  • Is it really possible?
  • Can do it?
  • What about…?
  • Are there examples of others who…?
  • What if?

Such questions mask the “happened”. They express doubt or disbelief. People asking such questions want what they ask about, but they are 1. Paying too much attention to their desire’s absence, or 2. They don’t believe what they want is possible.

Leaving questions behind

And yet the great thing is, when someone learns they create all their experiences, clues telling them how well they create show up everywhere. Then that person sees every desire fulfilling itself. At that point life gets fun. Questions become unnecessary. Instead, one leans towards answers…and gets them.

Here’s a simple, accurate template to get what you want:

  1. You decide what you want by realizing what you don’t want. This happens automatically
  2. Immediately after step one, what you want becomes a reality.
  3. You must find a way to harmonize with what you’ve created. When you do…
  4. You’ll have it.

That’s it.

The problem is, most people spend all their time in step one, trying to make it happen. While doing that, they create reality. But reality they create keeps looking like their present reality (not manifesting their desire) because they don’t move on to the rest of the steps!

Everyone can enjoy Charmed Lives. Everyone knew that when they said “I’ll take on a body!” But created reality contains so much complexity, that complexity masks how simple creating reality is.

I help reveal the simplicity.

How Living Happy Makes A Charmed Life Even Better

Photo by corina ardeleanu on Unsplash

After deep meditation one day this week, I got up and Broader Perspective suggested I take a walk. I knew that meant a surprise awaited.

Whenever Broader Perspective suggests action, that means delightful surprises lurk. Therefore, when I get an impulse, I try acting on it immediately. I don’t always.

I did this time though. So I expected something cool, but didn’t know what.

I took one of my usual routes, to a park called Farragut, about two miles away.

While rounding the park, I came across a father talking on his phone while his two young children, a girl and a boy, played on swings. The moment I saw them, my Broader Perspective said “that little girl is going to give you a flower.”

I didn’t give it any more thought other than noticing a little collection of flowers on the ground near the swing set. As I passed the playground, the message from my Broader Perspective faded.

That’s when I heard behind me a little voice. “Excuse me,” She said.

I turned around and there was a little girl. In her hand she held a flower.

“Would you like a flower?“ She said.

“I would.“ I responded. And she gave me this flower.

The little flower a young girl blessed me with.

Expansion is boundless

One of many advanced abilities being positively focused uncovers, is what people ordinarily call “extrasensory perception”, or “gifts“. It’s none of those things. Rather, such abilities reflect broadened perceptions inherent in everyone.

Many children display such experiences and abilities until they get blocked by resistance, bogus beliefs, and misaligned focus children adopt from parents, society and other misaligned sources.

The more positively focused one becomes, the more one realigns one’s self with that which they truly are. Such abilities surface once again as the person “reconnects” with all they are.

There are no upper limits with regard to such abilities. Humans are unlimited. So are their abilities. The only limits are those humans impose.

Life gets increasingly better

I know my authentic self, my Broader Perspective communicates constantly. The more I focus positively, the more I “tune in” to that communication. Doing that, I perceive that which others don’t.

More things like this delightful encounter, and the premonition of it, happen in my life these days. They’re happening more often too. Not only do they indicate progress. They are fucking AMAZING when they happen.

And, by acknowledging and amplifying such experiences, I make room for more such experiences.

I say this often: these things happening indicate bigger desires are too. Knowing this, appreciation, joy and anticipation fills me. From there I see such desires fulfilling themselves.

Cultivating a positive focus is not magic. It simply is returning to one’s natural state. In that natural state, life occurs as though it’s magic. But when you know what’s really happening, you understand. And in that understanding, you allow everything you want into your Charmed Life.

What is it you’re wanting?