Frustration sometimes happens when I think I’m not getting what I want. It’s frustrating only because I’m thinking a bogus belief: that I’m not getting what I want.
But that’s now how reality is created. I create reality by my attention, not by what I want. So to get what I want, I must put my attention on that.
Or, I can focus attention on what it feels like having what I want – even when I don’t have it – and by putting attention there, gradually tune my thoughts and beliefs to what I want. Doing that, I see what I want coming easily.
Proof tells me it’s working
Many things already happened proving this works. More clients showing up, publishing deals happening, money coming into my life without me having to do anything to get it, and, most important, I feel extremely happy.
A couple people ask: “well if this works so well, how come you’re not a millionaire?
The answer is: I’m not in a hurry. Fine tuning my life, my way of being and my beliefs so that money flows in that quantity is happening. But life isn’t magic. I can’t create around my own beliefs.
The only reason I’m not a millionaire yet is because I’m not quite a full-blown match to that. But I’m getting there.
How do I know? I see evidence everywhere. What evidence? I’m not as frustrated and impatient about that as I was in the past; as I said, money is flowing to me in awesome ways; I already received impulses (which I acted upon) that position me to have that reality and I see those becoming more and more valuable every week.
So I AM a multi-millionaire. One that is gradually coming into reality from my future. Good stuff! 😃
Moving through to love, joy fun
I love knowing that, because knowing that I can feel the (self) love, joy and fun of living in the now, while seeing evidence of my millions coming to me.
People suffer from frustration, impatience and sometimes even anger over not getting what they want all the time. The way out is recognizing what those emotions say, then doing something about it.
Do that, and (self) love, joy, fun, happiness – everything we’re wanting – comes easily. And when I’m a match to love, joy fun and happiness, then everything I want must come too.
That’s how life works.