The “Q/A” series answers questions I get through the internets. I share those answers in this blog as they may inspire people into greater connection with the God they are.
Question: Can I manifest something 10 years before I want it to happen?
The short answer is yes. You may not perceive it as having happened though on that time scale for various reasons I’ll offer below.
Manifestation takes a while
The way “thoughts become things” is, the moment someone desires something, all the cooperative components needed to actualize that desire, assemble. But this all happens in “nonphysical”, the place from which all “things” spring. The desire-er or the manifest-er, usually shows up as the last component. Every desire that manifests only becomes “manifest” when an observer realizes it.
Resistance doesn’t exist in nonphysical to any significant degree. That’s why when something gets expressed, such as a desire, that expression “becomes” immediately there.
But because of resistance in physical reality, it takes a while for that immediate manifestation to emerge. All the cooperative components are on it. But coordinating through to physical reality creates an apparent interval between “desire” and “manifestation”. We humans call that interval “time”. All manifestation is immediate, but time offers an apparent delay. That delay is on purpose. Why it’s on purpose goes beyond the scope of this question.
It doesn’t matter if someone wants something to happen now or ten years from now. The moment one expresses it, it happens. Then, many routes open all leading to the full-blown manifestation.
The manifest-er plays a role
Another couple reasons explain why manifest-ers don’t experience immediate manifestation, in addition to apparent time. One is the manifest-er’s inherent resistance to what’s wanted. The other is the time it takes for the manifest-er to line up with it.
The manifest-er’s resistance plays a major role. Most people don’t believe, let alone understand, what you’re reading, nor do they know how to implement what you’re reading. So it usually takes quite a while before desires manifest in the eyes of the manifest-er.
It’s also why some desires seem to never manifest. People think Law of Attraction doesn’t work because of this. Most people offer so much resistance, they rarely, if ever, happen (for them). Or, when they do, paltry versions of the full-blown desire happen.
“How”, “when”: not your job
Lining up with the desire can take a while too. Part of that has to do with resistance. But even if resistance is relatively low, one still must become a match to the desire to experience it. That may be why the questioner thinks they want something 10 years from now.
The problem with thinking they know the best timing in which something should happen is, Universe knows better. The Divine Timing Of The Unfolding Of One’s Desire is given. In that sense, the question is unusual. Most people err on the impatient side of timing. They think their desire should manifest sooner than it actually will (in divine timing). Look at life. It almost always works this way. Usually, what a person wants unfolds out of synch with when they thought it should happen. The same will be true with the expectation that “it” (whatever it is) should happen in 10 years.
So thinking about the “when” is not productive. Thinking about “how” isn’t a good idea either. It’s going to unfold in divine timing. And it will unfold in a way that surprises and delights all involved.