One Great Thing People Miss That Makes The Best Lives

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

The best kept secrets lie right before us, ripe for the plucking, like a fat juicy sun-ripened peach. Not knowing these secrets leaves one with the pit. But for the Positively Focused, the juicy life is theirs for the living.

The best kept secret is we are god in human form, creating our lives through that which we tell ourselves. Our outsides spring from our insides in a constant stream of delightful feedback. Through that feedback we know ourselves, love ourselves, and our creation as ourselves because they literally are ourselves.

I like knowing I create my reality. No one else does. Seeing what I think, what I thought, what I believe become my experience gives me important insights.

Reality holds the clues

For one, it shows me how important my thoughts and beliefs are. For what I think, happens. The more intensive my thought, the more quickly that thought becomes a real thing. But I must distinguish “intensity” from “trying”. They aren’t the same. In fact they’re complete opposites.

Two, it shows me I’m responsible for my life. No one else. I prefer it that way. Knowing that creates in me massive amounts of empowerment. For if I’m the only one who creates my reality, then nothing I don’t want in my life can get in there. Refining my thoughts and beliefs proves this true: hardly any unwanted things happen now and everything I want fills my days and nights.

But when an errant unwanted thing does happen, I use it as a springboard. I find in it that which is wanted, focus on that and in doing so I, as the Buddhists say, “turn poison into medicine”.

I soothe unwanted beliefs creating the unwanted thing. And replace that with wanted beliefs. Then these new beliefs not only create realities consistent with them, as did old unwanted ones, they also feel great to think.

Three, it reminds me my best interest lies in careful consideration of what I allow into my belief constellation. For what goes in there becomes my “out here.” That’s great general wisdom. In other words, what I allow in my head eventually becomes what I experience.

Ancient wisdom embraced

The ancients nailed timeless wisdom comprising what I know. The ouroboros, a serpent eating its tail, illustrates this age-old knowing. I find my life proving this over and over.

The ouroboros telling us our reality springs from that which we are. Spot on.

The fun part of it is, the proof I create consists of all good things. For one, I eliminate things unwanted. Two, I replace them with wanted things. Three, doing that life gets better and better. I feel better too.

And as all that happens in reality, I also broaden my perception and experience of the place from which all reality comes: the eternal now that is nonphysical.

In this way, I get the best of all worlds. I love knowing what I know. I also love showing others how their lives can become Charmed Lives just by changing how one thinks, what one lets into their head.

The best kept secrets lie right in front of our faces. I love knowing our insides become out outsides. Because in knowing that, great power awaits. The power to create reality as gods.

Nothing’s more fun than that.

Make A Happy Life: Know Your Death Better

Everyone who dies, and that’s pretty much everyone, chooses their death, thereby making every death a suicide.

That might evoke knee-jerk denials, but such rebuttals don’t make it any less so.

Thoughts about death weigh people down so much, they prefer ignoring the inevitable. What one thinks about death shapes one’s life. Since nearly everyone tries ignoring it, it also regulates how much other people or circumstances restrict one’s free will. For death’s power, successfully manipulated, evokes unconscious behaviors from people. Even self-detructive behavior.

Such behaviors — especially triggered by fear of death, but all other experiences too — elevate or stamp out moment-by-moment joy life offers. Some reactions fill life with stress, anxiety, anger, taking sides and more. In such states one must defend one’s self or their beliefs. Others’ beliefs become enemies.

People then become “evil”, “wrong”, or simply “bad”. Ideas too. Push against these long enough and, well, life, as the saying goes, becomes “…a bitch, then you die.”

Joy is life, Life is joy.

Some reactions enhance life. Certain reactions after sex with a loved one (or by one’s self), after a meal, while watching a sunset or a great show like AppleTVs “Schmigadoon!” rouse feelings which, focused upon, remind us life and joy exist synonymously.

Seen this way, joy IS life. Have some Extreee! 😂

AppleTV’s Schmigadoon. Enjoy A Cord Puddin’ break.

Look around though. You’ll see belief-induced reactions, especially in societies where people need money, create myriad downward spirals. Spirals reminding us — as did Belinda Carlisle — that heaven is a place on earth. But so is Hell. Both exist and thrive in our beliefs.

Said spirals turn on forces which inevitably restore balance such forces maintain through their existence. Carbon emission triggered weather patterns typify said maintenance actions. Wilder weather wreaking havoc today doesn’t indicate impending doom. Nor does social havoc and upheaval. Both foretell restored balance.

Witness, for example, what happened in Cape Town, South Africa almost five years ago. In 2017, the city’s water supplies dwindled severely. Officials warned citizens municipal water facilities would shut down for good. A drought at the time exacerbated conditions. That meant potentially very long lines of people waiting for daily water rations. This marked the first time in the world a major municipality risked running completely out of water.

The people responded with extreme water conversation behaviors. Behaviors which cut water consumption by more than half! City leaders postponed their “Day Zero”, the day the city expected to declare itself out of water, by many months.

Balance: restored

As if nature monitored the situation, heavy rains followed. Reservoir levels returned to 95 percent full by 2018.

Of course, the story contains far more complexity. But the point is, humans respond to nature’s balancing signals. Yes, sometimes we take it to the very brink. So far though, humanity trends towards avoiding going over them.

Planet warming indications aren’t predicting doom and gloom. They’re predicting restored balance.

Yet, so many react to nature’s signals pessimistically, alarmingly, or defensively. That leaves many hopeless, helpless and in fear, which leads to fatalism, then to a resigned acceptance of The End. And reluctance towards behavior change.

After all, what’s the use in changing behavior when I believe we’re fucked?

Nature’s signals then grow stronger — what’s resisted indeed persists and interpreting good news climate change brings is to resist nature’s signal. But nature’s will for balance overcomes persistent negative focus and fear-induced paralysis. Then…¡Voila! Balanced restored.

All is of The Light. All of it.

Which is why I encourage BEING over reacting. In being, life gets eminently more fun. Life emerges from within my being, subject to my deliberate focus. That which I want to see, I’ll see when I bring sufficient, non-resistant desire (Positive Being or Positively Focused) to fore. Enemies or disagreements no longer define my identity, nor threaten me because they can’t find me. Nature’s signals, to me, look like harbingers of greatness, not downfall.

For everything, against nothing, I find joy constantly. In joy I AM The Light. And there, I possess more leverage than millions paralyzed in fatalism, hopelessness, fear and insecurity.

Witness, for example, Copiosis. Throughout eight years, a team assembled around me of enormously passionate, gifted people committed to what I created back in 2013. We’re poised to evolve humanity out of capitalism. Far from a better mousetrap, Copiosis changes the way we think about mice.

Copiosis creates a world where humanity lives free from government, domination, control and the disparity arising from all these things.

Copiosis came from The Light. As I do.

In The Light, others’ ideas sway me no longer. Especially doom and gloom messaging. Insecurity, fear, hopelessness and powerlessness become vapor in The Light that is my eternal identity, What I Be, allowed.

I am: The Light, Lightness, Open, Knowing, Sure, Certain. Especially about death and its gifts. One of which comes when one discovers one’s invincible immortality.

People make pawns of the insecure, helpless, hopeless, desperate and paralyzed. The insecure, helpless, hopeless and desperate willingly amplify propaganda, propaganda often designed to move their money into pockets of those who made them pawns. And so people who make pawns get rich and (for a time, somewhat) powerful.

Bully for them!

Prick or not to prick?

I got the Pfizer vaccine because my passions soon require international travel. My vaccination status allows maximum travel flexibility and travel flexibility facilitates my unfolding path. Especially around Copiosis. I know a vaccine doesn’t choose when I choose to move on from physical existence. Nor can it alter my physical constitution. Neither can viruses. I KNOW, am SURE, and CERTAIN I stand in The Light, which I AM.

There I alter my reality. Including the intimate creation my body represents. And I create all alterations though Being The Light.

Even though I don’t need it to protect me from anything, I got the vaccine. (Photo by Marisol Benitez on Unsplash)

When I shared my Vax status on social media, I did so as a message clarifying the gorgeous paradox life offers alongside its joy: I know the value and downsides governments offer. I already declared them no longer necessary. I made that declaration while standing invulnerable. While allowing through me Copiosis.

So when friends ask why I took the vaccine being who and what I am, I offer hope. Hope in the form of responses like these. You are eternal, I tell them. You are The Light.

For now, government exists and so it is right and good. All that exists is good. And, all that exists will soon give way to something better. It always does. Capitalism, communism, socialism and all other governments included.

So says The Light.

Where do you stand?

You are The Light when standing in beliefs which make you so. And The Light always calls forth more and better.

No one can exist outside their beliefs though. But one can create any belief about anything and that thing becomes true. Only for that person though.

Subscribe to another’s beliefs, they’ll become your own. Just as those who subscribe to your beliefs, make yours theirs. So many children go astray adopting bogus beliefs from parents…

We must therefore choose wisely as adults. Most important of all choices are those we make about what we put in our heads. What we put in our bodies, including medicines, matters comparatively little. Not at all, actually.

Few choose while unquestionably sure about death. But deliberate choosing allows rediscovering what many believe false, even though it is What Is So.

The immutable fact of our immortality. Stand in that and discover every death a suicide because every person, from their immortal vantage chooses circumstances of their birth as well as their death.

A wise one said: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Climate change, vaccines, pandemics, war…they all offer choice. Choice in thought.

So I ask you: what do you make so?

I make what The Light makes. Good. Only.

Nature Shows Me Love When I Better My Happy

This morning probably was the best result I received so far from my Positively Focused practice. It’s an extraordinary result showing how Universe delights the one who finds alignment with their better, happy place.

I woke this morning feeling joy so deep, I didn’t want to get out of bed. I felt at one with All That Is, and that feeling left me in peace, wherein all was right with everything. And in that, I felt struck in All That Is’ beauty, grace and love.

But when someone experiences such deep and profound spiritual experiences, Universe inspires movement because such movement leads to more and better experiences. Experiences confirming that blessed universal connection.

That’s exactly what happened next.

Joy and fun to come

I got an impulse to go for a walk. The impulse came with a sense of urgency, like I mustn’t ignore it. So I got up, did my morning routine and headed out the door.

A few weeks ago I wrote about an amazing experience had in a nearby park. It involved seeing a raptor in the trees with feathers dancing through the air like snow fall. Then a guy walked by who amplified that wonderful experience with a story of his own.

The park where this happened was where my inspiration directed me this morning. As I walked I had no idea what lie ahead. I only knew how good I felt and how wonderful the day unfolded up to now, even though it was only 7:30 in the morning.

The park was mine. No one else walked the walking paths, played in the grassy expanses, walked among the roses, or sat in the pavilion. My favorite music played in my headphones while the sun shone from my right, its warmth heating the day.

Halfway through the park, despite my headphones, I heard a sound I hadn’t heard before. It was a kind of screech. Even though my headphones muffled it, the sound caught my attention. So much so I made a bee-line straight to where I thought it originated.

The compulsion to follow that sound was so strong, I felt kind of odd, like I wasn’t in charge of my movements. It drew me to a spot in the park I rarely frequent.

That’s when it happened

I heard the sound again, then looked into the trees while turning off my music. The draw of this impulse felt extreme as it pulled me right underneath a medium-sized tree. That impulse drew my vision to the lower-most branch, which swung very low from the tree’s trunk.

There, perched on the branch, was an accipiter known as a Goshawk. I didn’t know the word “accipiter” in that moment. Nor did I know the Bird of Prey as a Goshawk. I thought is was a Sharp-Shinned Hawk or perhaps a falcon. Either way, the sight stunned me.

Little did I know, this was just the beginning.

My joyful adventure started with this sighting.

Accipiters are Birds of Prey specifically evolved for successful life in dense forests. These birds are slender with short, broad, rounded wings and a long tail which helps them maneuver in tight areas such as forests. Accipiters have long legs and long, sharp talons used to kill their prey, and a sharp, hooked bill used in feeding. They often ambush their prey, mainly small birds and mammals, capturing them after a short chase. They are commonly found in wooded or shrubby areas.

I’ve always adored Birds of Prey, specifically Red Tailed Hawks and Sparrowhawks. Since moving to Oregon, however, my love of raptors expanded. I also love seeing Bald Eagles and Osprey, which populate Oregon’s scenic waterways.

But I never expected to see such birds in Portland’s city parks. This was astounding!

Watching this bird on the branch, I felt awe. But what happened next left me in stunned.

It was good, but got better

While filming the video above, the hawk suddenly disappeared from view. I stopped shooting to find it, but saw it nowhere in trees around me. That’s when my instinct took over, turned my head left and downward.

The hawk landed on the ground just feet from my…feet! Here’s a video of me in rapturous joy as I caught the moment on video:

It lands right at my feet! Listen to my joy!

This is incredible, I thought! Understanding how amazing this moment was requires understanding a little about Northwestern Goshawks.

Of the three U.S. and Canadian hawks known as accipiters, the Goshawk is by far the most impressive. As far as accipiters are concerned, they are the largest and most aggressive. Goshawks are favored for falconry the world over. According to state write-ups, Oregon offers limited permits for taking Goshawks for falconry purposes. I met someone with such a permit once. His specimen is exquisite even though I don’t think it’s a Goshawk. I mean, must look at this photo I took!

A bird of prey “taken” for falconry by a local falconer. I took this photo last summer at a local school. The owner used the playground as a training camp.

What impressed me most about Goshawks, and my seeing one specifically, is this: It is an uncommon to fairly common bird in Oregon. But they’re usually found in wilderness areas ranging between 1,900 – 6,100 foot elevations along the Cascade, Blue, and Klamath mountains. Even so, here I was face-to-face….or foot-to-foot with one in a city park!

It gets better still!

Just as the bird flew off, I heard another screech, the distinctive sound a Goshawk makes, that now sounds familiar to my ears. This one came from behind me. I turned around and saw another Goshawk, only this one fed on a bird it must have caught earlier this morning.

A Goshawk manages its kill in on a nearby branch. Astounding!

That’s two separate birds in the same area!

Then I heard yet another screech, again, behind me. When I turned around, I stood literally astounded. For there in front of me were four hawks. Three of them stood on the ground, the fourth on a brach above the others. What were they doing? Playing with sticks!

They threw sticks, tossed seed pods and even stepped on each other’s tails! Never had I seen such playfulness in Birds of Prey. I felt absolutely blessed seeing this display, again, in a city park.

Watch as these Goshawks play. At the end, one even playfully steps on its companion’s tail! Hilarious!

It turned out I was amidst an entire family of hawks. They played and ate from the same kill. They even chased crow and squirrel in front of me. Two even played with each other on a nearby car rooftop.

Joyful nature communion

For the next two hours I watched as these hawks put themselves on display for me. Once, one hawk perched on a tree, looked at me. Then, with no notice, it flew straight at me, swooping over my head close enough for me to touch. I felt I had gone to hawk heaven!

After filming, I noticed bird and squirrel carcasses in this area, particularly under the tree where one of the hawks fed. Apparently, they had been here some time. But my Broader Perspective coordinated this moment, these two blissful hours, for me to commune with these natural, graceful predators.

Carcass from a previous meal.

I tell my clients all the time that when one develops a Positively Focused perspective such that they chronically live in a state of alignment to the beauty of life, nature becomes one’s deliberate partner. It reveals to the Positively Focused its “secrets”. Animals people rarely, if ever, see come out and play, putting themselves on display for one who takes time to tune themselves back to their natural knowing.

I’ve seen coyote families, with pups playing alongside city sloughs, minxes carrying their prey along bike paths, owls flying in broad daylight and at night, perched so close to me I could touch them if I wanted.

Forgotten desires fulfilled

I know when these experiences come, they come solely for my joyful consumption. They also validate my Positively Focused practice as well as indicate that I stand aligned, not only to nature, but to the unfolding, natural fulfillment of all my desires.

I also tell my clients about the nature of “desire” itself. I know many desires I have I don’t remember asking for. But my Broader Perspective remembers them all. When I tune to my Broader Perspective knowing, it begins leading me to all my desires. Not just ones I consciously want, but those I’ve forgotten.

That’s what makes living life so joyous when Positively Focused. I didn’t realize experiencing something like a family of uncommon Birds of Prey up close and personal was something I asked for. Yet here it was delivered in a way I could savor for two whole hours!

Imagine other desires I asked for, cued up by my Broader Perspective and ready when I am to experience. It truly is the Charmed Life I write about. The Charmed Life includes the fulfillment of ALL desires. Not just those a person knows they want, but ones they don’t remember asking for.

My experience today with these hawks filled me with such joy, I am working on a short film about the experience. It’s amazing I got so much video footage, enough for a film I can share. And in the sharing I’ll amplify my own joy, which also amplifies my connection to All That Is.

I write that I am amazed and I am. But I also know what happened is just what happens when I stand at the center of my happy place, where the Universe shows me how blessed I am. How blessed we all are.

How Positivity Makes A Happy Day Even Better

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Everything and everyone enjoys a oneness which, when Positively Focused, gets confirmed in delightful ways. Tuning ones self through a Positively Focused practice, more such delights reveal themselves.

I like when this happens. It confirms what I know. The more it happens, the more confirmation I get. This blog celebrates such confirmations. Sharing what I know amplifies my awareness. It heightens my sensitivity. So I see more such experiences. More such experiences creates the Charmed Life I write about.

The Charmed Life includes these things in abundance. It includes so many examples, I find life joyful and I find me deserving. In that deservedness, I relax into grace. In that grace, life gets really good.

Because in grace, in that relaxing perspective, I see my desires fulfill themselves. I walk in perpetual bliss, knowing all works out in my eternity. Standing in that, evidence of my blessedness reveals itself to me near constantly.

One way that happens involves examples of all encompassing oneness. They happen all the time. But often get called coincidence. They show up and people feel them. But they pass them off, ignore them, or see them, but disregard the message. That’s why so many don’t lead Charmed Lives.

Virtuous upward spiral of great good

All That Is shows itself in billions of little things. Little happenings people ignore in their busy, nose-to-the-grindstone lives. But when someone stops and focuses on such little things, they begin something wonderful. In giving attention to them, they exalt them for the joyful All That Is expression they represent. In that exaltation they open themselves to bigger things.

Before long, what they want starts showing up too. Fulfilled desires show themselves and their recipients understand their worthiness. That’s why recognizing these little things carries such weight.

In their acknowledgment sparks the virtuous spiral leading not only to self-fulfilling desires, but to Charmed Lives.

So every chance I get I exalt these little happenings for what they are: gracious, loving expressions created by All That Is just for me.

Two examples back to back

Two such happenings showed themselves in the same day recently. On Thursdays in summer, when the days fill with warm temperatures, clear, blue skies and most people confine themselves in temperature-controlled offices, I ride my bike to the beach.

There I set up a shelter, blanket and chair. I take my computer, phone, creature comforts such as water and food and a good read with me. Typically I spend nearly all day there, marveling at my leisure life and earth’s abundant beauty.

One Thursday I invited a friend. She owns no bike so we agreed she’d meet me there. Knowing we’d need more water, I asked if she’d swing by my place and grab an extra bottle I left on the porch just before I left. She said yes.

The ride to the beach I enjoy includes a 14 mile one-way trek. Sometimes I take potty breaks along the way. Especially if I’ve had a lot of water. So nothing unusual occurred to me when I pulled up to a port-a-potty in a park about a quarter of the way to the beach. I rested my bike on the port-a-potty’s back wall, went inside and did my business.

Me mugging for the camera in front of the port-a-potty I just used.

While exiting the John, I got an impulse. It said at that moment “text your housemates. Let them know why a bottle of water is on the porch.”

All That Is coordinates just for me

So I did so. I texted my housemates, told them about the bottle and got ready to continue my ride.

But one of my housemates texted back immediately. Here’s a screen shot of my text and what she wrote in reply. Then my acknowledgment of what happened.

A housemate and I communicating in synch with the Universe and me celebrating that oneness.

My housemate didn’t catch what I saw. Or maybe she ignored how significant the experience was. I didn’t ignore it, obviously. Instead, I reveled in it because I knew All That Is, my Inner Being and the Universe coordinated that exchange just for me.

I do love it when such things happen. Every time they do, I amplify the experience by acknowledging it, celebrating it and then replaying the experience over and over. That way, I prepare myself for future such experiences.

Which is exactly what happened later that day.

More blessedness evidence

I enjoyed my day with my friend at the beach. We talked about our spiritual practices and watched Osprey play in the sky. She got sunburned. I got to eat her fruit. She brought more than she could eat but we had plenty of water. 😊

My bike ride home left me happy and well-exercised. Summer days last well into the evening, so when I got home at around 9 p.m., the sun hung low in the sky. As it set and time to button up the house approached, I got the impulse to do something one of my housemates typically does.

Each evening we close up part of the house so we aren’t disturbed by people using that room. It requires closing the doors to that room.

My impulse said “go upstairs and close the doors.”

I typically, but not always, follow my impulses immediately and encourage my clients do the same as well. Doing that puts one in synch with the reason one gets an impulse. That way one rendezvous with manifestations coordinated on one’s behalf. The Universe blesses all of us all day, every day this way. That’s why tuning one’s self to hear impulses carries so much importance.

After all, if you can’t hear the impulse to act, how can you follow it?

A second awesome outcome

My room takes up half the basement space. I started walking through the other part of the basement and up the stairs when a message notification pinged on my phone. I checked the phone. Nick, another of my housemates sent a text. Here’s our exchange:

I didn’t text back my excitement at receiving Nick’s text. But I recognized the synchronicity. I received an impulse moments before he texted what he was unable to do. You can bet I was excited. Two times in the same day! Awesome!

If we let it in, we will see the universe constantly shows us how it loves us, has its gaze upon us and wants us to know that. It always communicates how blessed we are.

But if we don’t let it in, such evidence goes unnoticed. Or acknowledged as coincidence, something far less grand than what’s actually happening.

My Positively Focused practice tunes me in so I see these events as they are: beautiful evidence of my blessedness. More such events happen these days, showing me I’m riding that upward spiral to more and greater outcomes. Outcomes aligned with my fulfilling desire.

I’m excited for more evidence that I’m at one with All That Is.

When Great Good Results From A Bee’s Stinger

Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

A bee stung me this morning. It hurt. Then I got Positively Focused about it and in that moment onward, the bee sting showed a new perspective on my enlightenment.

I typically walk several miles each day. Lately here in Portland, summer temperatures peak at over 110 degrees. So rather than afternoon walks, I walk in the mornings now.

The day I’m writing this though, the mercury showed the day already hot: 80 degrees at 7:30 a.m. with the expected high well over 100. I thought a walk now beats walking on broiling sidewalks. So off I went.

The day shaping up hot with more scorching days ahead!

I walked several circles around one of my favorite parks, then headed 1.2 miles towards another park nearby. This walk nets nearly 4 miles. Good enough for a blistering summer day. I figured after that walk, I’d stay indoors. Like I did through the weekends triple-digit days.

How walks become dreams

When walking these days, especially in the morning, I focus on my Broader Perspective focus. I bring an awareness greater than my ordinary daily awareness to my walks. Doing that, I enter dream state while awake.

It’s an advanced practice I do more of these days. I do it because I know bliss I feel while dreaming represents maximum connection with my broader perspective. After all, as my body sleeps, I know I’m not in my body.

Instead, I’m out of my body experiencing my state of origin. That feeling state matches exactly what my Broader Perspective feels. That’s why it feels so good.

I also know when I practice that feeling while awake, I tune me to that Broader Perspective awareness, which determines how swiftly and easily fulfilled desires show themselves to me.

So practicing bliss while awake makes visible manifestations I otherwise would not see.

Halfway to that next park, I felt a burning sensation on my right leg. It grew in intensity even while I practiced blissful focus. When I looked down, I saw a yellow jacket stuck to my inside calf. It hung there off my calf by its stinger, which was impaled in my leg.

Had I been more present, I’d have snapped a picture. Instead, I smacked the insect off my leg, bent down and searched for the stinger. Thankfully it fell off with the yellow jacket. But the stinging sensation remained.

What happened next amazed me

Instead of wincing in pain, I continued practicing my focus. It didn’t occur to me that I should feel pain, limp or rub the spot where the insect injected its venom. I just naturally thought the sting offered greater focus opportunity. 🤔

Hard to see. I shot this a few moments after getting stung. Maybe you can see the redness (inside the yellow circle).

“I wonder if I could focus myself out of the pain of this sting,” I thought.

So that’s what I did. I heightened my focus on bliss. As I did that, something cool happened.

I didn’t feel the sting!

But the very next microsecond I felt the pain again. So I focused more intently again…and the pain disappeared. But half a second later it came back!

What happened here?

Two things I noticed. One, my focus constantly creates my reality. I mean every millisecond, I either focus where I want, or my focus runs on autopilot. When I focus, say, on bliss and Broader Perspective as per my exercise, I create a reality where pain factors not.

But because focus is literally millisecond by millisecond, I go in and out of that blissful focus.

A natural result of my focus

Months ago I knew I wanted a focus so intent and so aligned with Broader Perspective that I would ongoingly experience as my waking consciousness, what my Broader Perspective knows. Holding that intent, I knew, created a future probable reality experience-able by me. But only if I lined up with that.

This bee sting prompted awareness intensity needed to make my intent my reality. I practiced that intense awareness for a good hour, tuning focus so pain disappeared, then noticing it come rushing back when my focus waned.

I couldn’t hold that intense bliss-focus long. But my desire for that focus level welled up from me like a baby spurting out a vagina: undeniable.

I wanted more focus intensity and I knew this experience, because it birthed this desire, also created a reality wherein I have that focus intensity where pain factors not.

So now, my intent involves “being” that focus intensity, feeling how it feels were I there all the time. Doing that consistently enough will, in time, cause a rendezvous between me and that future wherein I have that focus intensity all the time. That’s just how being Positively Focused works!

In other words, that future I created is a done deal, standing by as my future now experience the moment I tune to it.

I love how a freaking yellow jacket sting created more desire in me for greater focus, as well as a new knowing of the extent to which I can create reality.

Now it’s time to line up with that future I created. That’s the wonder of the Charmed Life: creating what I consider an idealized life, then gradually finding myself living more and more of that.

Great Good Happens When A Person Finds Positive Focus

Finding positive focus creates lives people think impossible…until they live it. It’s the great good created from the Charmed Life clients get when Positively Focused.

Result come immediately. Then, in a short while, clients slip into rhythms where they want more. They want more because it feels good feeling good. It also feels great seeing life get better and better, usually with little effort.

My own Charmed Life amplifies too when when showing clients they know all answers needed to create and live their Charmed Life versions. That’s why, I love working with clients. Because after each session I’m energized and thrilled, like my clients. Sometimes more so.

New clients sometimes try comparing what we do to counseling. But learning the Positively Focused approach owes nothing to counseling. It’s different, with totally different origins and objectives.

Here, Lisa shares her experiences since starting her journey six months ago. Nearly all clients express similar experiences. Don’t miss the love fest at the end. 😊

Creating the charmed life

Charmed lives come naturally when clients first discover forgotten things, then bring forgotten things forward in their lives.

Before long, they see great progress. From there, everything they want happens. 

That’s why I guarantee results produced. Once one gets their footing, the “work” becomes fun, and the more fun people enjoy, the more fun comes.

Everyone doing the work gets results. That’s because everyone on the planet, without exception, came knowing a Charmed Life experience awaits them.

The challenge comes when they get here. That’s because certain ground rules require, among other things, forgetting temporarily one’s true nature. So young people must learn through parents, who also forgot and learned from their parents. Wondering why so much strife goes on here? Forgetting our true nature. That’s why.

So people assume their predecessors’ bogus beliefs, and, for a while, get knocked off their natural trajectory. Good news: recovering one’s trajectory happens quick when Positively Focused.

For Lisa, that started with heeding voices speaking to her while she did dishes. From there, curiosity led her to her Charmed Life Path. Then Lisa found her authenticity.

It’s not remarkable. It always happens when people get Positively Focused. The Charmed Life, great good and self-fulfilling desires all surface. Gradually knowing one’s self as God in Human Form then happens. Nothing beats that.

How Living Happy Makes A Charmed Life Even Better

Photo by corina ardeleanu on Unsplash

After deep meditation one day this week, I got up and Broader Perspective suggested I take a walk. I knew that meant a surprise awaited.

Whenever Broader Perspective suggests action, that means delightful surprises lurk. Therefore, when I get an impulse, I try acting on it immediately. I don’t always.

I did this time though. So I expected something cool, but didn’t know what.

I took one of my usual routes, to a park called Farragut, about two miles away.

While rounding the park, I came across a father talking on his phone while his two young children, a girl and a boy, played on swings. The moment I saw them, my Broader Perspective said “that little girl is going to give you a flower.”

I didn’t give it any more thought other than noticing a little collection of flowers on the ground near the swing set. As I passed the playground, the message from my Broader Perspective faded.

That’s when I heard behind me a little voice. “Excuse me,” She said.

I turned around and there was a little girl. In her hand she held a flower.

“Would you like a flower?“ She said.

“I would.“ I responded. And she gave me this flower.

The little flower a young girl blessed me with.

Expansion is boundless

One of many advanced abilities being positively focused uncovers, is what people ordinarily call “extrasensory perception”, or “gifts“. It’s none of those things. Rather, such abilities reflect broadened perceptions inherent in everyone.

Many children display such experiences and abilities until they get blocked by resistance, bogus beliefs, and misaligned focus children adopt from parents, society and other misaligned sources.

The more positively focused one becomes, the more one realigns one’s self with that which they truly are. Such abilities surface once again as the person “reconnects” with all they are.

There are no upper limits with regard to such abilities. Humans are unlimited. So are their abilities. The only limits are those humans impose.

Life gets increasingly better

I know my authentic self, my Broader Perspective communicates constantly. The more I focus positively, the more I “tune in” to that communication. Doing that, I perceive that which others don’t.

More things like this delightful encounter, and the premonition of it, happen in my life these days. They’re happening more often too. Not only do they indicate progress. They are fucking AMAZING when they happen.

And, by acknowledging and amplifying such experiences, I make room for more such experiences.

I say this often: these things happening indicate bigger desires are too. Knowing this, appreciation, joy and anticipation fills me. From there I see such desires fulfilling themselves.

Cultivating a positive focus is not magic. It simply is returning to one’s natural state. In that natural state, life occurs as though it’s magic. But when you know what’s really happening, you understand. And in that understanding, you allow everything you want into your Charmed Life.

What is it you’re wanting?

How To Joyfully Get What You Want

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

The reason it takes so long for what we want to become what we have, is because we want what we want. That sounds crazy, I know. But when a person becomes positively focused, they realize wanting what they want becomes the biggest impediment to getting it.

That’s because wanting what one wants focuses a person on the desire to have the thing. I know that sounds like the most obvious thing to do. The problem is, wanting something puts attention on the fact that it’s not there.

That is why one wants something after all – or at least one reason – one doesn’t have it, right? But one wants it.

But when a person thinks they are wanting what they want, what they’re actually doing is putting attention on the fact that they don’t have it.

An important thing to consider when doing this “you create your reality” business is, one doesn’t get what one wants, one gets what one focuses on, or puts their attention on. So it’s really important knowing where one puts one’s attention.

Yearning burning desire sucks.

Most of us think when we feel strong desire, that desire tells us we want what we desire. Often, desire feels like “yearning“. Sometimes people will say “I want X so bad!”

The problem with wanting something so bad, or yearning for it, is that strong desire or yearning tells the person their attention is in the wrong place.

And when one’s attention is in the wrong place, they can’t get what they want.

This is why people work hard to get what they want. They have split energy. They want what they want, but they don’t get “wanting” works against them.

Another reason people must work hard is resistance. But we can throw “wanting” into the “resistance“ bucket. It acts just like resistance.

How it can work

Getting what one wants requires focusing on what it feels like to get what one wants. That sounds super crazy, doesn’t it? Isn’t focusing on what one wants focusing on what one wants? If not, what does it feel like to want what one wants?

It feels like having what one wants. Creating the reality where one has what they want, requires creating the incipient reality from which the wanted emerges.

Do that and evidence of what is wanted reveals itself.

In the following video I give a detailed description of how this all works. It is one of the core elements of the “magic“ of deliberate creation.

Only it’s not magic. It’s just how life works when one is positively focused.

20 minutes of wisdom…

Life can be fun. It can be easy. Life can be full of experiences where one witnesses their desires fulfilling themselves. That’s how life is supposed to be. For in the self fulfillment of desires one realizes one’s worthiness. That worthiness feels like self-appreciation, self-love, deservedness.

It feels like the universe has you at the center of it and it’s showering you with everything you desire.

And, of course, that’s exactly what’s going on.

When one discovers the Charmed Life of living positively focused, life becomes joyful, easy and fun.

That’s how everyone on the planet today knew life would be like before they came here.

The question is: is yours?

The Little Things Lead To Great Big Things

Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

I know my big desires are on their way because, more and more, I see little, surprising things happen which tell my being Positively Focused works.

For example, I lounged languidly on my couch this evening while enjoying a book and listening to classical music via my Bluetooth headphones. Engrossed in the book and enjoying the music felt wonderful, peaceful and rewarding.

A desire to shower earlier than usual came to me. It was an impulse, something I talk about all the time with my clients. When a person gets an impulse, the best thing to do is follow it immediately. Learning to do this takes a while, but once one understands why, and does it, the benefits are huge.

I felt this impulse grow over about five minutes. Its growing intensity indicated something special ready for me, a delight formed by my Personal Trinity, flowing, ready for my discovery.

I texted my housemates. Usually I shower around 9:30 in the evening. Showering earlier might disrupt my housemates’ plans. I didn’t want to do that. They both gave the all clear. One of them planned a bath later. She thanked me for letting her know.

Positively Focused makes the blind see

Note the synchronicity – the little indication of perfect timing – in me, wanting to shower early, my housemate wanting to bathe later.

But then came the next little sign.

As I prepared, my headphones’ low battery indicator chimed. They had 10 percent of their charge remaining. That was the second sign. Following my impulse had me take a shower just as my headphones needed charging, which meant, my headphones could charge fully while I showered.

My Personal Trinity leads me through my impulses to manifestations happening all the time. Seeing the small ones allows bigger ones to be visible by me.

I know this sounds inconsequential, but I also know it’s highly consequential. Little things like this happen all day, every day. People think “thoughts create reality” is bunk because they don’t know how to see the little things happening all day, every day proving that thoughts do indeed, create reality.

They can’t see these little things because believing “thoughts don’t create reality” blinds the believer. They can’t see such signs because they don’t believe they exist.

Some people who stand with one foot in “thoughts create reality” and the other in “thoughts don’t create reality” can see signs, but they write them off as coincidence, or chance or “confirmation bias”. I wrote about this phenomena – called split energy – in detail here.

Either way, both groups miss out.

Miss out on what?

I know paying attention to impulses, immediately acknowledging them, recognizing the co-incidence of the impulse and the result, and celebrating that, primes my awareness to seeing other signs. What signs?

Signs indicating my bigger desires are also being real-ized by me. The more I appreciate these little things, by writing and sharing blog posts about them, the more quickly those bigger things flow into my life.

Your bigger desires are fulfilling themselves. The question is, are you tuned to seeing them doing that? If you’re Positively Focused you are. Photo by Skyler King on Unsplash

It’s hard focusing one’s big desires into reality, especially if the desire-er wants something they don’t believe is possible. It’s easier starting with seeing little indicators and celebrating them. Over time, confidence grows.

Then, before one knows it, evidence of ALL their desires show themselves, turning a person’s ordinary life into a Charmed Life.

Not celebrating the little things, the person misses out not only on those, but also the joyous, fun, easy unfolding of the big things they want.

I’m not that kind of person though. That’s why I’m Positively Focused.

The Love Life Shows Me Every Day

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

I love being on my freedom adventure

I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.

I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.

Life affirms me and my desires

I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.

But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.

That’s affirming.

My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.

My life: eternally more

And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.

There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.

And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.

And so am I.