What I do is not therapy. Which is why I can guarantee my results. When those results happen, clients are surprised. At first.
But then they come to expect the extraordinary. Even so, some results still blow clients away. Which is why, this week, a client gave me a $100 tip. The money isn’t important. What is, is the gesture shows how remarkable the Positively Focused practice is.
This client came to the session distraught. Her younger brother confided in her something scary: He was contemplating suicide.
Like any human who isn’t a Positively Focused client, my client worried about her brother taking his life. The problem with doing that, however, is two-fold. One, the emotion “worry” tells us we’re using our creative energy to create a reality we won’t like when it comes. That impending reality includes versions of people in our lives. Including siblings and other family members. Two, “worry” can align us with another person’s negative intentions, thereby making it more likely the person will go that negative direction.
We’re more powerful than we know
Most people struggle believing we create our reality. Fewer still believe we create the people we meet. And yet, that’s what’s happening. We actually have far more influence on others than we think. That’s why I tell clients to think the best thoughts about everyone they care about.
I did the same with this client. In thinking empowering thoughts about her sibling, she would offer strong influence on not only her brother’s thoughts, but his behavior too. She could actually change his trajectory, I told her, assuming he wanted that.
Indeed, many confiding in others about suicidal ideation do so as a cry for help. They want to take a different trajectory, in other words. So there was a great chance my client could benefit her brother.
It didn’t take long her to find more empowering thoughts within her. Feeling better, she could also come up with words she felt could positively influence her brother. I assured her those words would be influencing. But only if she could maintain seeing her brother in an empowered state. It’s not the words that would do it, I told her. How she’s being will speak more powerfully than anything coming out of her mouth. She got this.

The Charmed Life emerges from the practice
Of course, suicide isn’t as bad as we make it. For many really struggling with their created reality, it’s often the best way to get relief from intense awful experience.
We’re all powerful creators. But since most of us don’t know this, we tend to create realities of intense negativity. In such circumstances, suicide can be the logical best choice.
Once that choice happens, though, nothing bad comes to the person taking their life. They receive support in nonphysical, then they get to try life again. They get a do-over in other words.
So for the person taking their life, taking their life isn’t a big deal. It’s much bigger a deal for “survivors” though, which is another story.
Thinking empowering thoughts about her brother moved my client into a very positive place. From there she had a great conversation with her mother. Together they amplified each other’s positive thoughts about the relative in question.
My client then felt so good after this, she gifted me the tip. It was a total surprise. She said she went from feeling a dreadful powerlessness all the way to feeling empowered and not worried about her brother.

Of course, this is something every client experiences in their Positively Focused practice on one subject or another. It is, in fact the purpose of the practice. It’s about learning to improve our moods. Which equals improving our vibration.
When that happens, our lives improve too. So much so, they become the Charmed Life I write about in this blog.
Healing another: it’s no miracle
We constantly create versions of everyone we meet. Everything in physical reality reflects our inner state. People are no exception. It is how the Universe shows up: as a reflection of “god’s” inner state. And we all are gods.
Of course, the person we focus on is a god also. So they’re creating a version of themselves too. As a result, everyone exists as multiple versions of themselves. Those others elicit from us, and the one we create ourselves. The versions others create of us can influence our own self-creation. Especially when the image they are creating aligns with something essential about us. Or when we allow that other person to influence us.
This is how Jesus healed people. He saw everyone as their divine self only. That’s the essential aspect of us all. As a result of his powerful focus, dis-ease withered in his attention. His attention literally caused those people’s self concept to collapse into his high vibration version of those people.
Maybe you think this is crazy talk. If so, then I encourage you to create evidence that will convince you that you do create versions of people you interact with. We’re all doing it. Most of us just aren’t aware that we’re doing it.
Becoming aware that we’re god in human form isn’t hard. But most people benefit from a little help in the process. That’s why I’m here. The benefit of this awareness is literally boundless.
Perhaps you’re ready to live your boundless life. What I call the Charmed Life. Contact me. Let’s get started.