How My Awesome Occult Powers Thwarted A Scammer!

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

This week I experienced the protection inherent in Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP). When it happened, I marveled in the experience. That Sixth Sense made it impossible for a scammer to steal something from me, because I knew his intentions without him knowing I knew.

This proves I don’t need sophisticated technical solutions to protect me. All that’s needed is a clear connection with my Broader Perspective. Just like the Force, it will tell me when something’s amiss. Which is what happened recently.

Regular readers of this blog know cultivating such abilities represents my calling. Every other life pursuit pales in comparison. Because of that, I focus my entire life these days on becoming super human. Meanwhile, evidence continues piling up telling me what I’m doing is working. That evidence proves my investment worthwhile.

What happened at the hands of this thief convinces me even further.

What is ESP?

I find it hilarious that science doesn’t recognize ESP. Our civilization sometimes talks about it strangely, as though it doesn’t exist. Take this Wikipedia entry, for example:

The word “claimed” and that last sentence is important. I understand what the term “pseudoscience” means. It just means people like me claim a scientific basis for something science has no business trying to validate. It has no business trying to validate it because the method science uses isn’t equipped to validate it.

Besides, my experience doesn’t need third-party validation. What happened happened. I’m positive it happened because I experienced it. Same with other experiences happening in my life right now.

I’ll be the first to say what I’m doing looks crazy. I’d call myself insane, but so much evidence has collected about me, I can’t do that. I can’t call me insane. Instead, I see myself as a pioneer. I’m not the only one.

Many people are experiencing things like what I’m about to describe. The cool thing about all these experiences is their subjective nature. Science wants to objectify life experience. The problem with that approach is it can’t discern what’s really happening with life using that approach. That’s because life, defined, is subjective. Any attempt to objectify it distorts it.

But those who embrace the subjectivity can actualize freaking amazing possibilities. Possibilities like knowing something beyond the senses’ ability to comprehend. That’s what happened to me this week.

Here’s what happened

I had a camera kit I wanted to sell. I posted it several places including Facebook and Craigslist. Selling it felt easy. I knew it would sell. I priced it right and I felt good about what I offered.

The next day “Charles Indekeu” on Facebook reached out to me. At first I was excited because it felt like a direct answer to my intent to sell the kit. “Charles” appeared to say all the right things. He sounded like a serious buyer.

It all started off great…
And just got better…

But while he said these things, I started to get a funny feeling. You know how, in all those movies, a character will say “I’m starting getting a funny feeling about this…”? Well, that’s what was happening.

It felt like a tingling at first, then it was a very clear sense that something wasn’t right. I didn’t hear language. But I interpreted the “feeling” into language: This guy is trying to scam me. The more I interacted with him, the stronger the “sense” got. So strong it became, I couldn’t ignore it, even if I wanted to.

Tangible evidence backs up my Sixth Sense

“Charles” asked me to send a PayPal payment request, including shipping. I did. I know PayPal sent “Charles” notification of my request. Still, I sent him a screen shot showing I sent the request.

Then “Charles” sent me a similar screen shot, showing he had sent payment. But PayPal didn’t send me a notification. By now, my inner senses were really screaming. I was paying attention to my inner senses, but I also wanted this to play out, just to see what would happen.

“Charles” sent this screen shot, but PayPal didn’t confirm his payment.

“Charles” followed up his screen shot with an email “confirmation from PayPal” purportedly showing confirmation of the payment. However, something looked very fishy about this email. For one, it said “Money Won’t Reflect In Your Account Until Verification Is Completed”. I’ve done a number of PayPal transactions and none of them included this message. There were also a large number of other indicators in the email showing this email clearly didn’t originate from PayPal. And, both my mobile app and desktop app still showed no payment from “Charles”.

So I confronted “Charles”. His response? He ghosted:

Evidence abounds

Words can’t capture how visceral messages I received during this encounter were. They were as clear and present as someone talking to me in a normal voice. Only I couldn’t hear the message with my ears. They “originated” from within me. But again, they were as clear as any other “sound”.

I’m glad I heeded the message. But more important, I’m overjoyed at having cultivated my inner awareness such that I’m sensitive to such communication. I’m also happy I gave up subscribing to science as the final arbiter of what is real and not real. As I’ve said, so much evidence in my life proves experiences like this one as not only real, but commonplace.

Science describes “ESP” as “a claimed paranormal ability pertaining to reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.”

Isn’t that exactly what happened? Sure, I confirmed that information with empirical evidence, evidence recognized by physical senses. But it was the inner senses which first clued me in to what was happening. The observable information was simply icing on the cake.

I love my cake, that life I call the Charmed Life. And I love that I’m creating all kinds of evidence proving that prioritizing my inner life experience over my out life experience pays off.

The Charmed Life includes invincibility. Invincibility means being so powerful, you can’t be taken advantage of, harmed or overcome. You can’t be scammed either.

Everyone lives potentially invincible. But most give that up in favor of fitting in, which means, believing how others believe. I choose to live my invincibility. Want to join me?

My Out Of Body Experiences Now Come Easily

Photo by Andrew Spencer on Unsplash

I’m experiencing multiple Of Body Experiences (OBE) regularly. The more I experience, the more intense their vividness and the longer their duration.

OBEs represent practical experiences of our eternal, multi-dimensional natures. Humans are meant to experience these experiences as they move through life. The experiences come when one merges their Broader Perspective with their waking consciousness. That merging marks significant advancement of a Positively Focused practice.

A recent experience shows how inspiring OBEs can be. After all, it’s impossible to dispute OBEs happen when you experience one yourself! And I’ve experienced many since my first one not long ago. In addition to this, other occult experiences are beginning to happen. Those experiences take me to the furthest edge of what people believe possible…and beyond.

Broader Perspective is me too

My Broader Perspective, or Whole Self, is that larger consciousness I enjoy in nonphysical. It isn’t a god or entity separate from me. Nor does it lord itself over me. Or judge me. Broader Perspective consciousness extends my being into multiple dimensions. Dimensions I inhabit simultaneously while also being in this one.

Everyone enjoys such complex constructions as part of who they are. My clients and I explore this conscious construction as part of our 1:1 session work. In time, clients can replicate what I experience. Not all do, of course. Even though everyone experiences these occult abilities, most won’t put in the focus needed. So they won’t enjoy such experiences. Or it will take them a long time before they do.

Our Broader Perspective wants us to enjoy these experiences though. That’s because with practice a person can leverage this broader awareness to their advantage in this life. They can literally create their life. They can create a life consistent with their biggest desires. Doing so represents the Charmed Life. The Charmed Life unfolds naturally as one progresses in their Positively Focused practice.


I keep a journal of my spiritual expansion progress. In it, I make regular notes on my personal sitting sessions. I also record my dreams. My dream recall and retention has improved immeasurably since creating the Positively Focused approach. Indeed, Abraham told me years ago this would happen. And here it is happening.

Anyway, in my journal I note whenever I project my consciousness outside my body. It isn’t something that happens deliberately. Right now they happen spontaneously. That represents where I am in my own practice. I am moving toward where I can project myself willfully. But right now, they come when they come.

When they do, I relish them. And that’s why I’m enjoying more of them. One hallmark of life experience is momentum. The more I put attention on something, that something will get bigger. The same goes with spiritual practice. The more I focus on my results, the more and better results I’ll get.

So remembering my OBEs makes it more likely to have more. Reveling in them after the fact does too. Writing them down increases momentum even more. And then reviewing my journal entries does it more. This explains why OBEs are happening more often. I’m amplifying my results through focus. Focus, attention, awareness are all the same thing. It’s a direction of aware-ized energy. Aware-ized energy is what we all are.

Here’s what happened in the OBE I enjoyed:

My OBE as detailed in my Journal on March 12.

The best life

I strongly believe the best life is possible for all of us. The best life is one where I am focused in the physical world. But I’m also focused in nonphysical. I’m aware of all I’m doing there, tapped directly into and merged with my Broader Perspective. I’m enjoying the best of all worlds. And that brings leverage. Leverage of the entire Universe, the energy that creates worlds. I can use that energy to create in this life whatever I want. Just as I do in nonphysical.

I work with clients because experiences I’m having are just too good to not share. Too good not to show others how to have them too. In this way, I came into the world as an example. I expect my life will ultimately show what is possible. And a lot is possible.

In fact, everything is possible. The only thing limiting what is possible is what we believe. The Charmed Life stands ready to embrace us all. It’s so delicious living it, I encourage everyone to tap in.

Including you.

A postscript:

It’s 1141 on March 17. About 40 minutes ago, I finished drafting this post. I then went into my mid-day sitting session. As if to punctuate everything I just wrote here, I experienced two more OBEs. While having them, I knew what I was doing. Once my 30-minute session completed, I made my documentation. Here’s what happened:

As if to double down, my Broader Perspective took me on two more OBEs after writing this!

What Is The Most Enduring Love Of All?

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Where do we experience love? Is it in the arms of a lover? Is it in the presence of our mother as she takes care of us? How about in the depths of our favorite pet’s eyes?

I would say, in any instance where someone experiences love through what they perceive as another person or external circumstance, the real experience of the feeling of love happens within.

Love, according to science, is a series of chemicals and hormonal secretions which wash through the brain, causing the popular emotion. But the Positively Focused approach asserts a different origin of the emotion called love. The origin comes well before and triggers the chemical suffusion. In fact, the chemicals are a manifestation of an earlier, incipient act. An act taking place in nonphysical.

The great thing about the origin, the actual origin of the feeling “love“ is that it doesn’t depend on an external stimulus. In fact, the most powerful love, the most enduring love, the love we refer to when we describe it as “love”, results from that nonphysical origin. That origin represents a profound connection. A connection we share with the larger part of us. That part that does not inhabit physical reality.

That means the best love we can possibly imagine can be ours regardless of external circumstance. It’s always there. It’s ready for anyone. Anyone willing to open themselves to a consciousness allowing them access to this eternal power, love.

Is it my cat Max who loves me? Or do I experience his love in another, more enduring place? A place where we are one?

How do I know this?

I know this because I experience it every day. The experience is so deep and rich, it infuses everything I do in my waking hours. It literally makes me giddy sometimes! Indeed, the love is so profound, and so powerful, I have no interest seeking love in the arms of a lover. Or in a relationship or other external circumstance. Love derived from those experiences pale in comparison. It’s that deep and powerful.

Once again, this love, everyone possesses. They can access it any time. The only thing standing between them and it is their own beliefs. Beliefs which run counter to the love constantly flowing to them from nonphysical.

But with a little attention and discipline a person can gradually soothe those beliefs. In the soothing process they can enjoy increasingly rich, satisfying, powerful, enduring love they once thought impossible. Or thought they can only get from another. And there’s no upper limit to how good this love feels.

The oneness is love

Frankly, none of my clients are at this point yet. But I am. And I know my clients are getting there too. It just takes a while to get there.

In the meantime, I am encouraged by experiences I’m having. More and more I’m discovering not just love from a single being, like a god, but love emanating from a cadre, a massive number beings in nonphysical, who, every waking moment, every sleeping moment, remain focused on me. They cooperate with me. Together we collaborate, creating realities I desire as waking life experiences. 

And they and me do all this in an extremely profound and enduring state of “oneness“ or “love”. That oneness I feel most directly while conscious in my dream state. But each morning I wake, I feel that profound state as intently as when sleeping. These days, I’m able to extend that feeling well into the day. I describe that feeling in this journal entry:

Journal entry from March 2 describing the rich state of awareness existing behind the “love” humans want to feel.

The power of love and its potential

I assert once again this love is so powerful it will cause someone to give up trying to find love in the capricious, always fading, always insecure romantic love of another. No matter how perfect love from another may be, compared to love that comes from within, that love will always fall short.

But, in the presence of the love I’m talking about, the love never ends. It is ever-faithful. And it always intensifies. It doesn’t chew up your slippers or need to be walked. It gets richer and deeper and more expansive the more a person exposes themselves to it.

Of course these are just words. Experience “speaks” so much better than words ever can. Even the word “love” cannot capture what I experience when the body sleeps and moments in my early morning. But I know my experience is real. And it’s becoming more vivid every night. Meditation amplifies those experiences with bodily sensations that manifest when I feel directly connected.

As I said above, everyone can experience this, the most enduring love of all. How does one do that? By becoming a match to it. How does that happen? By becoming Positively Focused. That’s because the love I’m referring to sees only love everywhere. It’s maximally positively focused. Which is why one must become a match to it before one can experience it.

What does it look like to become a match to it? Contact me. Let’s talk about it.

What Practical Value Exists In Out Of Body Experiences?

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I recently had my first Out of Body Experience (OBE), also known as a “projection of consciousness”. In the weeks following that experience I have had many more. In a client session this week, I shared one recent travel. My client’s response was instructive.

“What is the utility of such experiences?” He asked. Meaning, what practical value do OBEs offer?

Well, it’s a good question. While such experiences provide fantastic subjective revelations, their practical value escapes most people. But that’s because most people don’t look very deeply into spiritual matters. And even some who do look miss the value.

Some may know of religious ascetics. These people renunciate the world to explore nonphysical. Such men and woman hole themselves up in monasteries or even caves sometimes. They practice rites and rituals known to trigger mystical experiences.

But the rest of us have lives.

We have careers. Our families put demands on us. Bills need paying. Hobbies and friends consume our time. Who wants to spend their life constantly meditating? Moreover, why?

Again, our lives suggest OBEs hold no practical value. Especially considering the time cultivating them takes. So is there no practical value at all in them?

I suggest the exact opposite. Tremendous practical value exists in such explorations.

The power of tapping in

For sure, experiencing an OBE takes some doing. That’s why I suggest my clients make their Positively Focused practice a full-time job. That doesn’t mean quit day-jobs and families. It does, however, mean they prioritize their practice.

For while the practice’s early stages bring satisfying rewards – increased calm, peace, and general physical, emotional and mental well being – the biggest rewards come at later levels. Yes, early stage practice delivers the Charmed Life a life where everything one wants, happens.

But the advance practice develops “occult powers”. Abilities people think are mystical, supernatural and magical. People think these things because such abilities are rare among humanity.

OBEs are hard to experience. Mainly, it’s because humans have too much resistance going on. Their doubt and disbelief are too great. Their belief constellations are too full of bogus beliefs about life and physical reality. And about themselves. Their thought processes aren’t inclined to ignite desiring such experiences. So tapping into this power, and there is power here, isn’t possible if one’s thoughts and beliefs run counter to the experience.

Achieving OBEs, therefore, is more about letting go of disbelief. Not practicing a new skill. Everyone already has the skill. It’s only masked by beliefs telling the believer such abilities aren’t theirs. Or don’t exist at all.

But those who dedicate themselves develop seemingly mystical power. The power of pure positive energy. The energy that creates universes.

Tapping in requires soothing old beliefs, not creating new skills.

The value: highly practical

My first OBE signifies an arrival. I’m at the point where I’ve significantly cleared away vibrational interference. Interference blocking natural “supernatural” abilities. I’ve turned the key that unlocks doorways. Doorways of multidimensional existence. Existence I can explore consciously.

Moreover, I can explore consciously those dimensions and retain the experience when returning to physical consciousness. That experience expands my understanding of what it means to Be. Because now I KNOW I am more than my body. I’m learning to KNOW death marks a transition, not the end.

For sure many people believe death isn’t real. Or they want to believe that. But few actually KNOW. Meanwhile, OBEs produce confidence one lives eternally by showing the traveller that they are more than their physical body.

The real, practical value of such experiences however, lies in one’s ability to accomplish one’s desires. And to up-level the realm of what’s possible.

Equipped with conscious deliberate connection to All That Is, one can leverage that in the real world. Such a person can accomplish what most think takes a lot of time. Or what nearly everyone thinks is impossible. She can cut out effort and “luck” people rely upon. Such a person can also bypass much of the nose-to-the-grindstone people think responsible for success. And they can do that in whatever field they choose.

Seth puts it plain:

“The responsibility of dealing with manipulation within the physical universe remains, but in some respects the nature of this manipulation changes. It becomes more direct: Physical properties are manipulated more and more on a mental level. Many actual physical intervening steps are cut out.”

The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

“Impossible” aspirations

So the practical value of this ability lies not in the ability. The ability is a sign post. The real value lies in leverage power existing in all the Universe in service of one’s desires. That way desires start fulfilling themselves.

That’s highly practical.

Armed with this power and leverage, a person begins questioning his or her limits. She realizes her limitlessness.

Then she starts testing herself. Her aspirations ascend beyond where most can imagine. That’s because most don’t believe OBEs are possible. Let alone what OBEs as signposts signify is possible.

From there the practitioner merges with her Broader Perspective’s perspective. It’s a conscious shift Seth describes:

“The ego becomes more similar to the inner ego than to its old self, comparatively speaking. This altered ego is aware of large portions of inner reality that were previously denied. Structurally it remains intact, and yet it has changed chemically, and electromagnetically. It is able to open up so that inner experience can be received. This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality development. It is only a first step, however. Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur.”

Excerpt From
The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

Realizing past incarnations

From here, the practitioner can integrate “intimate knowledge of all incarnations”. This realization holds tremendous value. Psychology has us thinking our mental health springs from our present lives. But psychology and medicine in general, fails to account for influences from our experiences in other dimensions. Dimensions happening simultaneously with this one. However, awareness of past incarnations means we can harness that information for positive change now. In this life.

So the Positively Focused practitioner transcends what it means to be human. Then, they accomplish things humans think impossible. When people see this person doing what they think impossible, a new normal gets created. One in which what people thought impossible, now becomes possible.

And in that, they directly aid in human evolution. Human REVOLUTION. An expansion of what it means to be human.

Finally, this explains why achieving such levels appears extremely difficult or impossible, even though it’s not. It appears that way on purpose. Because getting there is impossible until one aligns their way of being with that of All That Is. They must eliminate as much interference as possible. Few will make a go at it. And of those, few will achieve it. Even though everyone can.

The value is more than just clearing away old beliefs clouding what we think is possible. It literally furthers humanity’s evolution.

The potential is vast

That’s a built in safeguard. All That Is can’t have a bunch of undisciplined, mostly negative spirits running around nonphysical. It would create mayhem across infinite dimensions. This development process happens in very slow motion here, on Earth. It is one of the reasons we come here. But that experience can greatly accelerate. And, it can happen in one lifetime.

Think about that. Would you be willing to dedicate a single life time so that in that life time you can achieve whatever you want, effortlessly, while having positive influence on humanity? And then influence all subsequent lifetimes from that same powerful perspective? I would.

I want to know my limitless power. These limitless powers are available for everyone. But accessing them only happens for the few. The few willing to see the world as it ultimately is: love, oneness, joyful and full of possibility. A willingness to see the world from a Positively Focused perspective, in other words.

Maybe you’re ready to develop your supernatural powers. If so, let’s talk.

The Great Reasons For Mastering Supernatural Abilities

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

I’m on the way to developing what some think are supernatural abilities. They’re not “supernatural”. But if we believe they are, then they occur that way. That also means they rarely happen.

But these abilities can be commonplace. They require cultivated focus and discipline though. Developing focus and discipline is simple. But that simplicity is not easy to master.

Paradoxes like that show up everywhere once we expand our consciousness beyond the Indoctrination of Normal. That’s because paradoxes are the stuff of which we all are created. Everything in the Universe depends on them. Dynamic instability inherent in such paradoxes literally gives rise to everything existing. Including our individual identities and experiences.

We are WAY more than we think we are. Abilities people call “supernatural” help us understand how powerful we are. More important, they familiarize us with abilities necessary to manage All That Is after death.

That’s right. Life after death exists. After we pass through the illusion of death, a vast amount of “data” confronts us. That data changes extremely fast, constantly. It’s so constant, the unprepared would call it “chaos”. The unprepared would quickly disintegrate amidst the torrent of reality in the nonphysical realm. Thankfully, beings stand ready to help once we pass through death.

Why develop such powers now?

But we can make the transition beyond earthly consciousness far easier. By developing and then practicing “supernatural” powers while still in a physical body, we familiarize ourselves with what will come.

Most people aren’t interested in that. So it’s not a good sales pitch. They’re too invested in “the one with the most toys wins” life. How’s this sales pitch instead: When we master supposedly “supernatural” abilities, creating life exactly as we want it while still in a body becomes a cinch.

That’s because, one can’t develop such abilities while also remaining resistant to life experience. In other words, mastering these abilities requires an attitude chronically consistent with what we are in nonphysical.

I always start new client intake sessions the same way. I ask them “how do you think a being who is all-seeing and all-knowing feels about reality as it sees what’s happening in your life?”

The answer, obviously, is it is constantly in a state of wonder, joy, freedom, empowerment, appreciation and love. Well, that’s the state our Broader Perspective constantly experiences. Meanwhile, here we are bumping around in resistant-ladened, negative emotional states. States like powerlessness, boredom, anxiety, fear etc.

People in such states cannot express their vast potential evidenced through “supernatural” abilities. Such abilities are reserved for those who are consistently in tune with their Broader Perspective. They also can’t live a Charmed Life either, because such a life requires being Positively Focused.

And when we’re Positively Focused, the Charmed Life becomes our life.

So there are many reasons to develop these capabilities. Everyone can, but not everyone will. Very, very few will, in fact. Which supports people’s belief that they’re impossible.

Meanwhile, some know they are eminently possible. My clients are on that path. Would you like to be?

How I Live Happy With Better Manifestation Results

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

The essence of this manifestation business is focus. The better the focus, the better the manifestations. I get better manifestations when I remember this, then put my attention, or focus, on that which I’m wanting.

“What I’m wanting” is so important. We often think we’re focused on what we want when we stand metaphorically in the desire of something. But that’s like asking a question over and over and not being willing to hear the answer.

What we really want is the answer, not the question. But in the manifestation business, we often think we fail at manifestation when we don’t get what we want. Or when it takes so long to get what we want that we give up.

But Law of Attraction is always responding to what we focus on and delivering that. So when it seems like things just keep turning out the same, instead of improving, that’s what’s happening. Law of Attraction is working. It’s just giving us what we’re focused on.

Getting what I want

We can’t keep focusing on the question and receive the answer. We also can’t focus on the desire for something and get what we desire. That’s because the desire, often feels like asking the question over and over.

Think about it. If we focus on wanting something, we still don’t possess what we want. That’s why we want what we want: we don’t have it yet. But in putting attention there, we perpetuate that state of not-having. That’s why for many, getting what they want takes very long or doesn’t happen at all.

Now some things do take a while to happen. That’s because of a couple things. One is resistance. Usually on things we want really badly, that “really badly” indicates strong desire. But it also indicates a lot of resistance in the way.

So getting that kind of manifestation requires soothing that resistance. That resistance must soothe before what we want can come in.

The other reason it may take a while is, what we’re asking for requires a lot of coordination of events in physical reality. This Law of Attraction business isn’t magic. It’s reality. And physical reality happens gradually. So we must cultivate patience.

But if we’re focused in the right place, we don’t need patience. Focused in the right place feels joyful. So much so, even the time it takes for something to happen doesn’t feel like a long time.

Which brings us back to our focus.

Abraham putting it plain.

Getting it right

What does it feel like to have the thing we want?

That’s an important question. It’s important because it highlights where we must focus to enjoy the manifestation we desire. Again, standing in the desire is fraught with shaky vibration. Standing there it’s too easy to activate the absence of what one wants. Then Law of Attraction will keep manifesting that.

But if we can feel what it feels like to already enjoy that thing we want, well then, we’re in a totally different vibration.

Feeling thrilled, or excited or happy about a full-fledged manifestation is a start. But in the absence of having what we want, it can again, be tricky staying in that feeling place. There’s a better way that’s easier.

Think about any manifestation you now enjoy. One that happened a while ago. Maybe it’s a job, or a car. Or maybe it’s better health. Are you still, now over-the-moon excited about that past manifestation? Or are you calm easy and not really thinking about it much and generally happy?

It’s likely you’re in the latter feeling place. And that’s the place you want to be in about future manifestation. Feeling as if you have it already feels like that. Calm, easy fun.

It’s a pro tip

No resistance exists in a place where we just accept what is and feel open and empowered and generally happy about life. That’s the sweet spot for allowing in future manifestation. In that place we don’t think about what’s coming. Or maybe we touch on it, but we don’t stay there long enough to trigger doubt or shaky faith. We touch on it, then go right back to accepting what we have. Acknowledging what’s come is a good way to stay in this powerful place.

I practice that often. Whenever I sense a dip in my disposition, I run through all the wonderful manifestations that have come. In short order I’m right back to feeling good. Rarely do I feel dips because I keep a running journal of everything happening in the day. I highlight dreams I experience as well as experiences I enjoy while in meditation.

In this way I perpetuate feelings consistent with vibrations aligned with my Broader Perspective. My Broader Perspective stands constantly looking forward to what’s coming, knowing Law of Attraction has it all handled. I want to stand there as much as possible too.

It’s not a bouncing-off-the-walls feeling. It’s a calm, empowered, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly in my Charmed Life.

What Happens When People Kill Themselves

Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

I once contemplated suicide. In high school, I dated one of the prettiest, most popular girls. One day, she quit dating me. Her parents didn’t approve apparently. Drawings I made of her and I engaged in sexual acts, which her parents found, didn’t help my case…

So much did her parents disapprove that they dropped the bomb, in person…on my mom. They showed up at my home one day and, in no uncertain terms, told mom I wouldn’t see their daughter any more.

My adolescent heart broke. Not knowing what I know now, I thought my youthful world ended right there. What was the point of living without her?

Obviously, I didn’t take my life. It was a momentary blip. The next day, the experience past, I moved on. So did my ex, apparently.

That’s why I understand the dismal place people find themselves where suicide seems logical. Getting to the place where suicide makes sense sucks. But it needn’t suck. Nor need it be fatal.

Instead, it can be the best launching pad to a better life.

Emotions as divining rods

Suicidal thoughts feel scary. Especially when they sneak up on you. But do they though? Are people contemplating suicide happy one moment, then, voila!, they want to die?

Of course not. Suicidal thoughts usually come to ordinary folk after a long period of gradual, increasingly negative thoughts. As such, suicidal thoughts resemble any other thought and their associated momentum.

Thoughts trigger emotions. Nothing else does that. Anyone can figure this out by watching where their emotions come from. The common refrain that “X made me” sad, or angry or jealous is a lie we tell ourselves constantly. No one makes someone else feel anything. How someone feels depends on thoughts that person thinks about what they’re thinking about. That’s the only source of emotions.

And yet, emotions are crucial. They help tell us many important things about every choice we make. Some of the most powerful thoughts humans think happen underneath human awareness. It’s not that they’re “unconscious”. It’s just that the thinker is oblivious to how they’re choosing to think about what they’re thinking about. Emotions, therefore, act as an immediate feedback mechanism for our thought-choices. Not just those we choose “unconsciously”, but ones we consciously choose too.

Emotions also tell a person what’s coming in the future. Yes, they’re a kind of divining rod, accurately and constantly predicting the future before the future comes.

But since most people don’t know this, they end up feeling chronically anxious, worried, doubtful, insecure and depressed. Then they’re frightened when suicidal thoughts show up. Thoughts they could avoid completely had they used their emotions, humans’ natural divining rod, appropriately.

Most people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. So they can’t fully benefit from their emotions. (Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash)

Negative thoughts start it

Negative thoughts, and their associated emotions, essentially tell the thinker “stop how you’re thinking or you won’t like what comes next!”

Suicidal thoughts do the same, but at volume 10. They say “Dude! Wake the fuck up! You’re heading somewhere you’re not going to like!” That’s why thoughts about killing one’s self feel awful. If someone thinking about suicide looks back across their “thinking” history, they will find a succession of increasingly negative conclusions about life, themselves or some situation. They’ve been thinking thoughts on a variety of subjects that are grossly inaccurate. And they’ve felt increasingly awful-feeling emotions along the way.

So suicidal thoughts usually indicate a strong momentum of negative thinking (long held beliefs) leading to feeling unworthy, powerless, hopeless and depressed; all emotions signaling immediate action is needed.

People generally panic or they double down when such thoughts happen because they don’t know how they happened or where they come from. So they don’t know what to do when they show up (that’s powerlessness), which exacerbates their feeling out of control (that’s helplessness). That triggers more fear and powerlessness and lack of control. See how that momentum builds up?

But such thoughts can be reversed with very little effort.

A client who had suicidal ideation found near-complete relief from such thoughts after one session.

What happens after the act

A hopeless or depressed person who kills themselves ends up where everyone else who dies ends up. They return to where they came, a place I call “nonphysical”. There, they remember everything they forgot when they became human. They remember they are an eternal being. Their awareness expands back into the Broader Perspective that tried guiding them while in a physical body. They realize there’s far more to what they are than life on earth.

They also return to the pure positive, joyful energy being that is their natural state. In that state they also realize something else. They get that their exit from the life trajectory they chose was premature. They also see that, like a bad dream, experiences they feared were of their own making. A path they created that, had they kept walking, would have improved.

Human life experience offers so much rich and satisfying opportunity. It literally changes the being experiencing it in profound ways. It does the same for everyone involved.

The experience offers such profound opportunity, a being standing in nonphysical finds it irresistible. That’s one reason why so many humans and other living creatures incarnate.

Post-suicide, these realizations deeply move the person. They remember the profound reason they chose human existence. That reason compels them so completely, they find themselves drawn right back into another body to resume the process they began. The process leading to profound transformation and elevation.

This doesn’t happen against their will. The happening happens because the being, the eternal being, knows what this experience offers. And it wants that.

Life offers profound transformation and elevation. (Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash)

A temporary fix at best

So suicide offers at best a temporary respite from a chronic series of interpretations that ran counter to what really happened. Instead of seeing their life unfolding in a beautiful, perfect, divinely-timed unfolding designed by them, they saw it as an awful experience over which they had no control.

Such distorted interpretations usually don’t lead to suicide. Otherwise far more people would kill themselves than do. Suicide happens less frequently because, most of the time, human consciousness, guided by its Broader Perspective enjoys an underlying propensity towards “good”. Inner guidance steps in well before the train gets near careening off its track.

Killing one’s self looks bad and wrong and scary. But it’s none of these things. At worse, it’s a temporary detour. At best, it offers a reset for the eternal individual. A chance to recover that awesome awareness state from which the human journey began.

In the midst of suicidal thoughts, killing one’s self seems like a good idea. But it only prolongs the inevitable. (Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash)

Suicidal thinking’s great potential

Ultimately, all paths lead to fulfilled desire and expansion of All That Is. No one need experience emotions leading to suicide. Such thoughts usually resolve themselves with just a little attention paid to creating other thoughts aligned with one’s Broader Perspective.

People thinking about killing themselves possess tremendous energy. Such people can transform then channel that energy towards their desires. In other words, a person contemplating suicide enjoys tremendous potential.

I help people learn to channel that energy and potential. I show them how to improve their thinking. After that anything becomes possible. That’s what life holds for everyone. Unlimited possibilities available to all. That makes life so worth living.

I think anyone would enjoy that. Why wouldn’t they? Because most people don’t realize how good life can be. I love helping folks realize life’s goodness. A perspective born from realizing they are, as I am. God in human form.

Thinking about committing suicide? Get help by dialing 988 in the US.

Wonderful Manifestations Happen Best By Living Happy

Photo by OPPO Find X5 Pro on Unsplash

It’s amazing how fast things will manifest in resistance’s absence. And on manifestations where very little resistance exists, things wanted happen in a matter of days. Like this cool manifestation I created this past spring.

Manifestations can happen in an instant. For most of us though, manifesting something we want hardly ever happens. And for things we really, really want, manifestation never happens. That’s why so few believe “manifesting” things is “a thing”.

The reason manifesting hardly ever happens or never happens for most people is because of resistance. Resistance can look like many things. Usually, resistance gets created when a person thinks they’re thinking about what they’re wanting to manifest. But instead, they’re thinking about the absence of that. So when what they want doesn’t happen, they think manifestation isn’t working.

It’s working, though. In this case, the person is manifesting what they’re focusing on, which is the absence of what they want. So they get what they focus on, not what they want: the absence of the wanted thing.

That’s why so many think manifesting things doesn’t work. They don’t know what they’re doing.

But with a few months practice, anyone can create the Charmed Life, the life wherein everything someone wants, happens in such obvious ways, “you create your reality” becomes more than a New Age saying. It literally becomes daily life.

Personal experience abounds

My own life reveals how accurate this is. Yes, things I really want I see more evidence of. I write every week about how things I want manifest. One day a reader said “you always write about little things happening” implying that the little things aren’t that big of a deal.

But they are a big deal. Manifesting little things is really important. Through those little things, I’ve gained confidence. I see tons of wonderful manifestations happening. Because of that, my awareness has expanded to allow me to be able to see evidence of those bigger things most people want – money, relationships, etc. – happening too.

Not only am I feeling more confident they’re happening, others express seeing evidence of them unfolding too in my life and theirs as a result of being my client. So all this evidence soothes disbelief I have about bigger things bing possible.

In the meantime, I use little things that happen near instantly, or in a few days, to build my appreciation of my own Charmed Life. When I do that, I feel lighter and more in love about life.

This all means those little things aren’t little anymore. They represent big indicators of the bigger things coming and they prepare me for them too. For that reason, I celebrate when little things happen. Which is exactly what I did as winter turned to spring earlier this year.

Something lost means something bigger coming

One day in late May I rode my bike to my local Safeway. May where I live brings cool mornings and more temperate afternoons. It’s shirt sleeve riding weather after say 3 p.m. But before that, at least for me, it’s jacket, gloves and a winter cap riding conditions.

On this day I wore all three. At Safeway, I locked my bike, got my groceries, then headed back to my bike. By the time I finished shopping, the weather turned warm. So instead of putting on my winter riding gloves, which are windproof, waterproof and warm, I put on my summer gloves which decidedly are not.

Little did I realize I left my winter riding gloves in the shopping cart. With gloves on my hands, I didn’t think to check the cart. I got on my bike and pedaled away.

It wasn’t until days later that I discovered what happened. They were my favorite riding gloves. I had them for three years. They cost me $50.  Though disappointed, I didn’t let my carelessness totally bum me out. Instead, I knew the fact that I left them behind meant someone else needed them more than me. I also realized Universe was bringing me a replacement.

That’s exactly what happened

As May turned to June, the weather dramatically improved. Indeed, on the week in question, the weather promised its first above 80 degree day. On sunny days I love riding to the beach to bask on hot sands while writing a blog or reading. This was going to be my first day to do that this year. So that was my plan.

I loaded my bike with all my gear and headed out for the beach. Not four blocks from where I live, on the way to my lovely spot, an amazing thing happened.

Once I crossed a main street, a postal truck stopped in my path. I slowed behind and waited, then it turned left down a side road. When it turned I saw these two black things in the road. As I got closer to them, they came into view. It was these bad boys just lying in the middle of the road.

Showers Pass is a top-of-the line winter and rain biking brand. I already own a riding jacket made by the same brand and I love it. Imagine seeing these in the middle of the road. I picked them up and tried them on. Of course, they fit perfectly!

As I said, I paid $50 for those gloves I lost. These cost a bit more and feel way better on my hands.

The rest of my ride to the spot I rode on my own little cloud nine. Rather than riding all the way to the beach, I stopped at a little lake filled with ducks, turtle and nutria. It was the perfect, private quiet spot for me to revel in this wonderful replacement.

A perfect recipe

I knew rendezvousing with these gloves was the response to my Positively Focused attitude about giving up my older ones. The minute I recognized them as gloves, I just knew what was happening. That’s why I felt so amazing when it happened.

How this happened matched perfectly the recipe for manifesting something one wants. First, I didn’t stew on the fact that I lost something. Instead, I knew that somehow, some way, something better would replace what left my life. I also appreciated that whoever now had my old gloves would enjoy them and, needed them more than me.

Then I pretty much forgot that I left them behind altogether. That allowed my Broader Perspective to go to work coordinating something better to flow in to my life. Because I wasn’t stewing, I had no resistance around having “lost” my old gloves. In other words, instead of focusing on what I don’t want (losing my gloves), I focused on what I wanted (knowing something better was coming).

And that’s what happened.

This seems like a small thing, not really worth talking about. But it’s important to know these little experiences, recognize them and amplify them. That’s because these little things will build within me trust and belief that if these little things can happen, the bigger, more wonderful manifestations are happening too, which is true.

They’re only taking longer because I harbor more resistance (disbelief, for example) about those than about these smaller things. But with each smaller thing that manifests, I gain more belief in the bigger things. And at some point, each increment of more belief, must add up to enough belief to overcome the disbelief. Then the bigger thing I want, will pop into my life experience.

It must, because that’s how this “manifesting business” works!

The Less You Do, The Better Life Gets

The best way to create a better, happy life starts with learning how to do nothing. When people discover the power of doing nothing, life really starts taking off. In a short time, it not only gets better, life feels happier.

Most people instead get caught up in the “doing disease”. They think happy, better lives come from doing things that will, supposedly, make them happy. But what they find is, all that doing leads to a whole lot more doing. And rarely does the doing make the person happy.

Before they know it, the person’s at the end of their life, regretting they spent so much time doing as well as not doing what they could have done. Doing is the dis-ease that can rob one of life.

So many think all we need “to do” is do more of what others are doing and we’ll find happiness. So that’s what we do. We work hard, sacrifice, put off joy now for joy later…

I know that path personally. I worked almost 30 years before I realized the secret to happiness was doing less.

Doing is drudgery

Before that realization, doing had me doing what everyone else did. It worked. Sometimes. Looking back, though, all that hard-earned money, lofty positions that looked good on paper but took their toll on my personal life satisfaction, wasn’t worth the happiness I enjoy now, doing a lot of nothing besides attending to my spiritual happiness.

It’s really crazy how so many people, especially Americans, tie their happiness to work. While it’s true work can be fulfilling, that fulfillment depends on landing work that feels fulfilling. Maybe that’s why 50-80 percent of people hate their work. So what’s the answer? Where does happiness happen?

I suggest it lies in the heart and mind, not in an external situation. Which means, of course, the difference between those fulfilled at work, doing, and those hating what they’re doing lies in what they’re thinking about what they’re doing.

The best way to change how one thinks first comes with understanding how one currently thinks. That’s where becoming Positively Focused starts.

Until a person figures out their thinking patterns and habits, it’s too easy to stay trapped in the doing the disease, trying to create a different result by doing the same things.

I’m glad I found the way out of all that. The way out being doing nothing. It seems crazy, but it’s true. Here’s why.

So many people tire themselves out by trying to get what they want through action. But doing nothing begins a path where things happen far more easily. No struggle required. (Photo by Adrian Swancar)

You match what you’re getting

First, the reason so many seek happiness through doing, yet fail to find it, is because they’re trying to get something they don’t believe they can have. Or they’re looking for it in the wrong place. I talk about this with every client. A person can’t find something they think they can’t find. That’s the case for keys, lost gloves and, frankly, a happy life.

If someone thinks life isn’t fun and easy, they can’t experience the fun and ease of life. No matter how hard they try creating that, it will evade them. A person just can’t create outside of their existing beliefs. And what a person believes often lies hidden in thoughts they’re thinking so often, they can’t consciously perceive the thoughts when they think them.

Insecurities proceed us all

The fact is, if a person thinks life is a struggle, people are out to get them (or don’t care about them), or that their life has no meaning or other similar thoughts, the insecurity or anxiety such thoughts trigger tells the thinker what they’re thinking about life, people or the meaning of life is inconsistent with how life actually is.

What’s more, those thoughts will create life experiences consistent with them. Life will occur as a constant struggle, people will be predatory and life will feel meaningless. And once such thoughts create life experience consistent with them, momentum behind those thoughts is so great, those thoughts continue creating life experience on their own. Until the thinker generates momentum in a different direction.

This is why life seems “the way it is”, like some objective reality. Instead of the subjective reality life really is. Life is a subjective reality under direct control of the person experiencing the reality.

Instead of taking control though, people become victims of that auto-created life. Which means becoming victims of their uncontrolled thinking processes. They try harder. They do more, push, struggle more, thinking if they do all that, they’ll finally get what they want.

It doesn’t work that way. Life gives what you think about. Not what you want.

Finding happiness is easy when you give up the struggle. (Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash)

Doing it different?

Doing nothing begins an important process. That process reverses momentum created when a person keeps doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. When someone calms themselves, relaxes and focuses inward, powerful processes get underway even though it seems like nothing happens.

And the more that person relaxes into doing nothing, the more effective they get. That’s because every person receives guidance through their intuition, their Inner Being or Broader Perspective. Doing nothing tunes one into all that timeless wisdom.

What really happens is, by doing nothing, the person calms down noise in their head. That way they start hearing clear signals their intuition sends all day, every day.

In time, the person realizes some profound insights. Like this client:

Uncovering such insights takes a while. And this is the challenge. So many people in our lives tell us doing nothing is lazy and time wasting. But it’s not that. It’s a profound state of being which tunes one back into their deeper knowing.

But if you listen to society, parents, educators and all those loud mouths in the peanut gallery, you’ll hear “stop being lazy”, “work harder”, “success is in the struggle”.

It works but it’s tough

Such approaches work. But do you really want to struggle through life? I don’t. I’d rather enjoy life while seeing my life bringing me everything I want with little effort.

People who struggle claim it’s worth the struggle. They look at and display scars they “earned” on the way to their success. I say give that approach up, especially when it comes to finding happiness.

Instead, figure out how to instantly become a match to the happiness so often sought but not found. When it shows up, you will be a match to it because the instant you create it, you ARE a match to it. You’re happy. Stay in that and a happy life becomes yours.

A better way exists. It starts with doing nothing, which really is doing a lot. Learning to do nothing transforms life. My clients know this. It’s time for you to know it too.

How Wonderful Results Spring From Vibrational Mastery

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

There’s great power in managing vibration so that one stands in a high flying state. Doing so, one can literally shape others’ experiences. One can also shape other people. A powerful example of that happened this week with a client.

This client finds himself profoundly affected by his Positively Focused practice, which spanned some four months. But this week, like many clients, he came having had a rough few days. So when he showed up to the session, he wasn’t ready for what happened.

When I help clients attain vibrational mastery, I create a vibrational bubble in which I hold the session. Every session feels the same because of this. The high vibrational state I create then hold during the session “pulls” clients from wherever they are, to where I am. That’s why, unlike traditional therapy or counseling, every client enjoys extremely satisfying sessions containing powerful insights and breakthroughs.

A compelling offer

This time, however, I brought a lot more vibrational mastery to the table than usual. That’s because I meditated prior to the session, using a process which increases one’s vibrational focus. I also used another process because I wanted to amplify the great feeling I felt after meditation.

By the time I came to the session, I was bouncing off the walls with intense, positivity, appreciation and joy. So much so, the client’s socks got blown off.

The disparity between where he was and where I was was so great, he had to join me. He literally had no choice because my mastery was so strong.

So when the client came into my bubble, his negative vibration had no place to go but outta here! 😂.

Which is why, after the session, he sent this:

Creating people on demand

When it comes to relationships, most people try to manipulate, convince, “love” (it’s not really that), bribe, blackmail or blame their partners into being someone they can be happy with. That hardly ever works. Indeed, the whole idea of “love languages” is part of the problem with relationships. Expecting someone to be a certain way so you feel better is a recipe for disaster. It’s also not loving.

Loving is unconditional. That means, no matter how a person might be, you still love them. That’s hard when vibrational mastery eludes you.

But with vibrational mastery, not only can you love a person no matter how they are, when you do, THEY CHANGE.

The best way to change someone is to come into alignment with the version of the person you want to experience. Then the person you’re with changes into that person. Vibrational mastery makes that possible.

Trying to change people through action or words hardly ever works. When it does work, it rarely lasts. It often also creates resentment. But using vibration, you can make any change you want permanent. And people love you for it.

It’s just like what my client experienced. And I wasn’t even trying!

Want a powerful relationship with those you love, those you work with and those you care about? Stop trying to change them. Attain vibrational mastery and watch how much power you have to produce wonderful results. Including creating versions of people who match your every desire.

Want to know how? I can help!