How To Have An Open Marriage Even If Your Spouse Doesn’t Want One

Julian Howard Have What You Want FB Blog
Photo: Julian Howard

Trusting your intuition promises an extraordinary life.

That’s because your intuition knows how to lead you effortlessly to everything you’re wanting. When your intuition delivers what you’re wanting, everyone else gets what they’re wanting too.

In this post, we’re going to describe how to develop trust in your intuition, so you too can get everything you want. And be extraordinarily happy in the process. We’ll do that by telling the true story of how Perry got an open relationship in his marriage. Even though his wife didn’t want one. At first.

Perry got this (and a happy marriage) by trusting his intuition. Not by sneaking around, or trying to have a direct conversation with his wife about what he wanted.

Everything you’re wanting, everyone else wants too. Because when you get what you want, so does everyone else. That is, if you let your intuition give it to you, instead of trying to do it yourself.


Trust: It’s Built On Proof Of Trustworthiness

Someone we respected at the time had smart words about whether a person is worthy of your trust.

“Trust is consistent performance over time,” they said.  Meaning, a person’s behavior over time demonstrates their trustworthiness. Not their say-so or their promises.

Same is true with your intuition. If you let it, your intuition will prove its trustworthiness over time. As your trust increases, your intuition’s demonstrations grow more dependable and noteworthy.

Before long, you’re living an extraordinary life.

Trust Blog
Having trust is crucial. Trust comes from proof your intuition is trustworthy.

Having trust is crucial. Whether you trust it or not, your intuition is accurate 100 percent of the time. That means whatever you’re wanting, your intuition knows how you can have it. And it can lead you to it.

Making your dreams happen without your intuition’s help is hard. And no fun. It takes longer and you sacrifice more. When making dreams happen you miss out on wonderful synchronicities. Synchronicities allowing you to get what you want while allowing others what they want.

That’s the delightful path. The other path makes you bitter, frustrated and defensive about any success you’ve eeked out.

Learning to trust is a never-ending, always evolving and a “getting better all the time” process. The more you trust your intuition, the more consistent evidence you receive. Before long, results you produce are obvious and consistent. It becomes difficult to remember a time when you didn’t trust it.

When you are wishy-washy about how your intuition works, you get wishy-washy results. Let’s say you think or believe intuition is at best random and or at worst some kind of force acting against you. In that case, you’re going to get results consistent with those beliefs.

Science and other well-meaning perspectives at best caution following intuiton. Harvard Business Review, for example, puts it plain: Don’t Trust Your Gut. “Intuition is a fickle and undependable guide—it is as likely to lead to disaster as to success.” the article cautions. On the other hand, the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests it’s more complicated than that. WEF says intuition can be trusted, but works better when balanced with understanding how it works.

The problem is, both organizations, and science in general, say intuition is a brain mechanism. In defining it that way, they have missed the mark. Intuition comes from beyond the brain. By calming brain activity, through meditation for example, one discovers a deeper source of knowledge and awareness, one that can be trusted: One’s broader perspective.

Broader perspective is intuition. It is reliable, but you have to learn how to hear it. And, it functions in a particular way. Through it you create reality. If you believe your intuition is a random voice in your head, it will give you guidance consistent with that.

Intuition fulfills what you believe.

Rohan Makhecha - Intuition fulfills what you believe
(Photo: Rohan Makhecha)

So how do you develop trust in your intuition? Become sensitive enough to tell the difference between it and not it. Then follow its guidance. Generally, you become sensitive by testing.

But here’s the thing: you can’t test and be invested in the outcome. Especially if your investment is contrary to what you’re wanting.

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Let’s say you want a million dollars, but you don’t believe you can get a million dollars. Your intuition is going to lead you to what you believe: not getting the money.

So start with things you don’t have an investment in. Start with something simple. Something you believe you can have. A choice parking spot or meeting a friend “coincidentally” for example. These are light, fun outcomes to start with.

Unless you think those things are “just coincidence”. If that’s you, you have to start with a different test. Something not tainted by your I-already-know-this awareness.

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Your intuition delivers. Every time. But it only delivers what you believe. (Photo: Nick Karvounis)

No matter what you use to test your intuition, early on, some outcomes will always be “false”. But even “false” outcomes are teaching moments. So they’re actually “true”. It’s important you understand this.

For example, you might treat the process too seriously. Making it a serious process creates too much resistance. Your intuition is sending you spot-on guidance. But you can’t receive it because, in your seriousness, you’re blocking the receiving. How that works is explainable but would make this already long piece longer. Just know one reason for a “false” outcome could be you’re being too serious about the results.

Being too serious leads to confusing results. Especially if you aren’t aware of what’s happening. You’ll get results. But they will be “false”.  So you’ll think the process isn’t working. But these results show the process working. They’re trying tell you: you’re doing something that’s blocking getting what you want.

“False” results also allow you to see old beliefs that are contrary to what you want.  “Intuition is BS” or “Is this coincidence?”, or “I can’t do this” are examples of such beliefs. Recognizing these thoughts and beliefs are part of the trust-development path. How can you do something about them, if you’re unaware of them?

Here’s a process for replacing old beliefs with new ones.

So every result you get is “positive”. It leads you to the result you’re wanting, or, it’s highlights something preventing results you want. Can you see how “false” results would then be “true” even though they are “false”?

Recapping: trusting intuition requires knowing what you want. It requires knowing what you want is possible and being light about its arrival. Knowing “false” results are actually, not “false” is also crucial.


Letting Intuition Do The Work

Perry’s life stories show how he gets what he wants by following his intuition. We’ve recently shared stories of his wife doing the same.

We’ll continue sharing these stories because we know real life stories are better than theory. But your real life experience is an even better teacher. It’s easy to dismiss Perry’s experiences as coincidence. Or as a cool thing that happened to him. It’s another thing when it happens to you.

The Roaming Platypus Perspective
Photo: The Roaming Platypus

Even so, here’s how Perry’s trust in his intuition got him what he wanted. With little effort on his part.

This isn’t a process to get what you’re wanting at the expense of another person. No one on the planet is being “used” by another. It doesn’t work that way.

How it does work is, while you get what you’re wanting, others get what they’re wanting too. The world (and the All That Is) is large enough to give everyone what they’re wanting at the same time. Even if what you’re wanting is something another doesn’t.

Perry and Bridget have been together for five years now. Perry didn’t marry Bridget for the reasons most people do. He knew his path lies in being free to explore all relationships which come his way. We know, this doesn’t sit well for many people in today’s society. Especially in the US. Old erroneous beliefs about human life still shape many cultures. Questions of “ethics” “morality” and “propriety” dictate people’s perspective.

Perry knows one relationship can’t meet everything a person is wanting. Society’s encouragement of “death do us part” isn’t about a wholesome vow of love and commitment. It’s about insecure people trying to control other people’s behavior. So they feel less insecure. But that’s another story.

So we understand if you disagree with the “open marriage” part of this story. Think about it as “something someone wants, but is afraid to get it. If they did, someone dear to them would be angry if they got it”, ok?


Perry married his wife because he knew it was the best thing for his wife at the time. He knew giving that to his wife required putting some things on hold. He also knew exploring relationship alongside Bridget would bring “more” to him. Bridget would benefit too.

But when they tied the knot, they agreed their vows would not be “until death do us part”. Instead, their vows ended with “for now”. Meaning “let’s see how this goes day by day, with no real long-term commitment about anything.”

At first, Bridget wasn’t too excited about that.

Throughout these five years, many people have come into Perry’s life experience. Not all those potential relationships had to do with sex or intimacy. Many did though.

Perry didn’t act on these opportunities. He was too focused on his relationship, his projects and spiritual growth.

Bridget too was learning a lot too. She had a lot of disempowering beliefs. Beliefs that were operating under her conscious awareness. They were shaping her behavior and dictating her life experiences. Many of these beliefs did not make Bridget an ideal partner. A lot of them she inherited from her relatives and past relationships.

These realizations weren’t always eye-opening, positive and wonderful experiences. Many surfaced in ugly, angry fights. Fights over small things. Which became big things when these little things triggered her old beliefs.

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Photo: Jason Wong

One day a new guy friend asked Perry about his marriage. He couldn’t understand how Perry could be transamorous and yet married to a woman who isn’t transgender. A lot of people don’t understand this.

Perry described his marriage, including the “for now” clause. He also shared his desire for an “open” kind of relationship. For now, he said, he was working with Bridget in a mutually beneficial relationship. One where Bridget’s desire for monogamy, born out of her personal insecurities, took priority.

His friend said “you should introduce Bridget to someone she might want to be with. That would allow her to open up to you doing the same.”

It was logical advice. But it felt like manipulation to Perry. And he was right. It’s what anyone who doesn’t trust their intuition would do: try to control circumstances to get what they want. Including living a double-life behind their partner’s back.

Perry is not like that. Instead, he let his intuition do the work. Not was it better than being sneaky or conniving, it was more fun. What happened over the next two years proved that.

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For reasons too many to go into, Bridget has been an insecure person most of her life. She learned to manage that insecurity by controlling other people and circumstances. Control to an extreme degree. Knowing this, Perry couldn’t have a rational, productive conversation about an open marriage. He brought it up a couple of times. But even in counseling it sparked a firestorm.

So, instead of talking about it, Perry acted as if he already had one.

Now hold up. It’s not what you think.

He thought about what it would be like having an open relationship. He even explained to others that he was in one. But he never behaved in a way contrary to his commitment to his wife.

He would, for example, tell people how free it was to be in an open relationship. He would add, that neither he nor Bridget actually acted on the freedom. They didn’t need to, he said. Just knowing that was available freed both of them from the pressure of monogamy. In being free, he said, they didn’t have to act.

Being free was the key.

In other words, Perry thought and related to others as if he already had what he wanted. He didn’t act on it. Even when he had opportunity to. Why? He was too busy with his life, his projects, his spiritual path. So there was no inconsistency between his behavior and his marriage in terms of intimate behavior. Just in his words and thoughts (beliefs).

That’s when interesting things started happening.


Providence aka Intuition, All That Is and the Universe Step In

Bridget already had at least one friend who was in a polyamorous relationship. But more people started showing up in her life in them too. Her new friend Claire was in a relationship with a guy who was unwilling to be monogamous. Claire struggled with the idea. And with insecurities she felt around her partner being with other women. She talked a lot about it with Bridget. In time, Claire started seeing other guys, as she became more comfortable with it. She actually started enjoying it!

Of course, all this she shared with Bridget as girlfriends are wont to do.

Then Bridget’s best friend started talking about being in an open relationship. We’ll call her Nancy.

Perry and Nancy had a private conversation about all this one day. Nancy knew Perry was producing remarkable results in his life. Including changes in his relationship with Bridget. Changes that were causing Bridget to change too, which Nancy noticed and appreciated.

So she wanted some advice.

Nancy is married. Like a lot of marriages, Nancy’s marriage is touch and go. Sometimes when one of the two wants to touch, the other wants to go! Neither Nancy or her husband thought they were getting what they wanted. Like Bridget, both were insecure. Their marriage reflected all that insecurity. It was not satisfying for either party.

After talking with Perry, Nancy began her own positively focused lifestyle. This changed her. With the changes, her husband became more insecure. Long story short, Nancy and her husband eventually opened their marriage. Turned out her husband already was seeing someone else.

Today, they’re still sorting out the details. Both are dating other people. Nancy dates a few men, finding great satisfaction and empowerment in that.

Witnessing her friends’ experiences effected Bridget’s insecurities and fears. As friends shared their enjoyment, her fears and insecurities started going away.

Meanwhile, Perry reconnected with an old flame, who is transgender. This person agreed to do a photo shoot with Perry. There was nothing inappropriate going on between Perry and this person. But the energy between them was obvious.

Perry told Bridget about this person, including showing Bridget a picture of her. Bridget said she was beautiful. There was not an ounce of insecurity in her voice or demeanor.

Perry noticed this. But said nothing about it.

In the past, Bridget would have given Perry the third degree about the photo shoot meeting. She’d joke (not so jokingly) about his “date”. Or she would tease him (with a tinge of sarcasm) about his “new girlfriend” he would be “spending the day with.” But this time, she was easy about his plans.

No sarcasm. No jokes.

Was Perry surprised by these changes? Nope. He knew his broader perspective was orchestrating events not only in Bridget’s life. But also the lives of her friends’ and their relationships. Everyone was getting what they want. Including Perry.

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Life will surprise and delight you. If you let it. (Photo: Andre Guerra)

Four months later, Perry scheduled a meeting with this transgender person about another photo shoot. Bridget knew about the meeting.

The day of the meeting, as Perry was getting ready to go, Bridget walked up to him.

“Have a great time,” she said. She meant it too. “Feel free to do whatever pleases you dear. I love you.”

What she meant was, Perry was free to have an intimate experience with his friend, if that’s what he wanted to do. In other words, Perry and Bridget had just walked into an open relationship.

Of course, Perry felt this coming. He saw the signs leading up to it. Bridget’s friend, her neighbor, her best friend’s experiences eased Bridget’s concerns. So Perry didn’t have to have some tense, uncomfortable conversation. Instead, he found himself one day in exactly what he wanted with a loving and supportive partner to boot.

Since then, Bridget has made extraordinary progress in her own positively focused lifestyle. She’s turning into a different person than who Perry first met. Perry has too. So has Nancy. Bridget has even explored with her own dalliance. With Perry’s blessings.

When you learn to trust and follow your intuition, not only does your life benefit. So do the lives of those around you. You get what you want, with little effort on your part. All this is available when you are positively focused.


How To Let Your Intuition Convince You

Perry has been doing this positively focused lifestyle for a while. Starting to learn to trust your intuition? Don’t start with opening your relationship.

Start with small things.

Before Perry’s story we were talking about “false” outcomes being as important as “true” results. Both offer valuable insights. What insights do “true” results offer? Clues showing you how intuition works so you can trust it.

Let’s say you’re using your intuition to guide you to a parking spot. You lightly set your intention. When you get where you’re going, you envision an open parking spot near your destination will be waiting.

Then you get ready to go. You’re positively focused, paying attention to all the great things about your life. Maybe you’ve practiced this process for several weeks. So you’re in a really good mood, and have been for a while.

So when you arrive, not only is there a parking spot. You have “rock star” parking: the parking space right in front of the store. Elation!

It works!

What proof! You recognize the co-incidence of your intent and the realization of it.


You arrive and you don’t get a space. It’s crowded and it takes you a while to park.

Either way, what happens next is important.

You want to note what happened. You also want to note how you felt through the process. Get your journal ready and answer these questions:

  1. How was I feeling right before I acted? Positive? Ornery? Frustrated? Calm?
  2. Did I feel anything about my intention? Optimistic? Eager? Positive? Or doubtful, worried, silly, embarrassed or disbelieving?
  3. Did I get any kind of confirmation that I would fulfill this intention? Was there a shiver in the spine or goosebumps at any point along the way?
  4. How was the “intensity” of the confirmation (if one was received)? Was it light and passing? Or was it a feeling that wouldn’t end? Did it (the intensity) remain steady? Or did it increase over time?
  5. If I did receive confirmation, was there a difference in how it felt? For example, was it more a feeling and less of “words in my head” or vice versa?
  6. Where was the feeling? Was it “high” in my head? Or was it “deep” in my head? Or was it in my stomach? Or was it all over?

With these questions, you can start pinpointing what the process feels like along the way. With practice, you learn the language your intuition speaks.

What if you’re experiencing negative emotion like frustration?

Frustration, disbelief, or any other negative emotions are positive. They tell you there are beliefs you hold working against you. If you didn’t feel them, how would you know you had such beliefs?

So negative emotions aren’t what people think they are. In every case, they are helpful. They tell you whether you’re 100 percent on track with your intention. Or not.

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So when you feel a negative emotion, you want to examine your beliefs. There will be a thought in your head expressing the belief. “This is all bullshit” is a thought telling you you have a belief that goes “this doesn’t work” or “I don’t believe this”. It sometimes is accompanied by anger, indignation, feeling critical, impatient, belligerent, or judgmental.

Embarrassment or shame is something a person might feel when trying something for the first time. Embarrassment shows you believe other people’s opinions about what you’re doing are more important than getting what you want.

When you identify the belief, write it down.

Then use this process to soothe that belief over time. Your beliefs determine what you get. So negative emotion is a gift: it points to beliefs preventing you from getting what you want. Remember, intuition leads you to what you believe. Not what you want.

Let’s say you didn’t get the parking spot, and you don’t have a negative feeling. The “false” result offers insight to other potential sticking points. One may be something you’re doing (or not doing) that the “false” outcome is pointing to.

As we said before, you might be too invested in the outcome. You might be putting forth too much effort (action). Or, you might not have refined your intuitional listening.

For example, in a particular exercise Perry is doing these days, he gets four choices. Only one of them is “true”. The exercise helps refine his intuitional listening. Here’s a picture of the exercise platform with one of his test outcomes.


Sometimes, during this game, he will feel two communications offering two different choices simultaneously. Sometimes both are “true”. One being “true” now…the next being “true” in the next trial. Here intuition is sending answers to two different trials.* It feels like mixed messages. But it’s actually two messages delivered at the same time.

Your intuition operates outside of time and space. It’s sending you information all the time. Your job is learn to cull what you’re wanting from the constant information stream.

Humans are used to linear time. Learning to trust intuition means unlearning one’s familiarity with that. And the idea that everything happens in a single file, one-moment-after-another process.

“False” outcomes also help ease your focuse on results, causing you to enjoy the journey more. The outcome is not the goal: the connection to your inner knowing is. That’s the goal. Not the outcome.

(We needed to repeat that because it’s really, really important).

Relaxing into the journey is the goal. Not the outcome.

The cool thing is, when you’re focused on the real goal, the happy side effects (“true” results) come easily. And delightfully.

Like Perry’s open relationship.

Get good at hearing your intuition. Master focusing on the connection between you and you, which is the “true” result you’re wanting. Then more and more evidence, i.e. “true” outcomes, will pile up.

One day you’ll realize you are trusting your intuition. Because evidence in your life experience is so plentiful you can’t help but trust. Then you’re on your way.

On your way to what? You are on your way to your individual invincibility.

*You can download and play this game yourself here.


Bonus content:

This is Perry. I’ve received A ton of amazing insight since my Inner Being and I wrote this post, over a year ago. Continue this journey with me. Read my newest post, published yesterday,which offers a great follow up.

Open relationships best relationship
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

How To Get All You Love Without Even Trying

Joshua Sortino All You Want FB blog
Photo: Joshua Sortino

A key habit leading to all someone could possibly want, aka a dream life, aka all one could love, is the ability to hear, then immediately follow one’s intuition.

Develop this habit. You will, without fail, live an effortless life.

Intuition gets a bad rap. That’s because you usually can’t distinguish it from random voices born of sloppy thinking.

Given too much attention these voices mask one’s “still quiet voice”. One’s unerring intuition.

Intuition is unerring.

It always leads you to what you’re wanting.

A example from Perry’s life some time ago illustrates.

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One day Perry wanted to meet people eligible for a project. He wanted to meet positive, conversational, open and kind people.  People unafraid of talk with strangers.

That’s how much he prepared. He thought casually about who he wanted to meet, then let the thoughts go. His daily habit framework practice of tuning into his intuition already produced enough evidence indicating trust in the process works. Results he wanted already happened in the timeless, spaceless “moment of becoming”.

Now it was time to rendezvous with his desire.

One morning, after documenting dreams for later examination, he prepped for a trip to the optometrist. Be broke his glasses a few days ago. They needed fixing.

Perrys broken glasses blog
The broken glasses that began the journey (Photo: Perry)

Perry’s intuition first told him to go straight to the place he bought his glasses.  It is about seven miles away. He had success with repairs before there. As he was about to leave, he got another intuitive message. It said go to this eyeglass place near his house.

Your intuition will rarely give you straight-line instructions. Leading you directly to what you want is never fun. A meandering path is more fun. That’s because on the way to what you’re wanting, your intuition shows you things you’ve forgotten you asked for. There are a lot of those things.

Often a person thinks their intuition errs when they follow it and don’t get what they want. Two things are happening when that happens. One, the person isn’t aware they are getting more than just the thing they want. So they think the journey’s a waste. Second, the lack of awareness causes them to quit too soon. They don’t follow their intuitional cues far enough.  So they don’t get to the “big surprise” that is receiving what they want.

Perry knows following his cues to the end is key.

How do you know when you’ve gotten to the end? If you haven’t gotten what you want, you aren’t there.

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Other people’s desires and opportunities are part of the mix too. You are co-creating physical reality with everything else in it. Perry knows this too.

So it was no surprise when, the very next moment after receiving an intuition to go to the shop nearby, his wife said, “Aren’t you going to go to [the eyeglass] shop right by our house before you drive all that way to [the other repair shop]?”

Perry took what his wife was saying as confirmation of his intuition’s instructions. He drove to the nearby shop.

It was closed.

Perry took a picture to send to his wife. Often Bridget will make a suggestion that is not very helpful. She means well. But she also harbors a belief that people need her. She gets a lot of self-worth from that belief.

The problem is, often she acts from that belief, giving suggestions that are unhelpful. She’d be better off letting people figure things out on their own. The people would be better off too.

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Next, Perry drove across town. That place was open. On the way traffic was nonexistent, which is unusual for the time of day on a weekday.

Unbeknownst to humans (and rarely acknowledged by even those “new age” believers) a delay such as the one Perry took to go to the nearby shop is purposeful. Delays sometimes allow circumstances to line up in optimally-fulfilling ways.

Everyone’s intuition operates the same. It’s another reason people mistake intuition as being wrong: they’re expecting straight-line-to-results and that is never the case.

Perry didn’t consciously acknowledge this. But had the delay, and what happened next not happened, the rest of the day would not have happened the way it had.

He enjoyed the drive across town. It was a hot summer mid-day, free of rush-hour traffic. Driving with the sunroof open and the windows down contributed to Perry’s already joyful mood.

When he arrived at the repair shop, Perry got “rock star parking”: directly in front of the shop’s front door. It was the only parking spot open on the busy street.

He went inside and played around while waiting for his turn. A pretty, effusively-happy, and helpful blonde greeted him. Their pleasant exchange was one more indicator of the day Perry was having.

After examining Perry’s broken glasses, the woman told him she thought they could be fixed. Perry was happy to hear that. But then, the other person behind the counter said Perry had a special kind of glasses. He would need to go through the shop where he bought them to have them fixed.

Perry mentioned the name of the shop that sold him his glasses. The blonde woman look up the closest branch. It was in a popular part of town. Not that far in fact.

But just far enough to enjoy another sunlit drive.

Photo: Justin Luebke

In no hurry, Perry arrived and the desk person welcomed him. Perry, feeling equally warm, explained his day so far. Then showed the person his glasses. The desk person examined his glasses. Then told Perry he would contact him the next day.

After that, Perry decided to head to a coffee shop. He loves working out of the house. Two were nearby. For a moment, he thought through his options. Then felt for what his intuition wanted him to do.

He drove to that coffee shop. Parked, went inside and ordered a specialty drink, which the barista prepared expertly. It cost $4.

When he turned to find a place to sit, a woman looked up just as he looked her way. They locked eyes and she smiled at each other.

“I’m going to sit next to you because of that great smile you gave me,” Perry said boldly. It was exactly the thing to say, offered by his intuition.

The woman welcomed him over.

“I love talking to strangers,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to pick you up or anything.”

At that, the woman launched into a lengthy explanation. She described how few people are willing to make eye contact or even smile to strangers anymore.

“So I make a point of doing that,” She said. “It’s fun talking with people.”

Now here’s what we wrote at the beginning of this story:

…Perry wanted to meet … positive, conversational, open and kind people.  People unafraid of talk with strangers.

Perry and this person, whose name is Joy (we’re not making that up!), had a long wonderful conversation about a number of things. As they were talking, another woman sat down next to Perry and settled in.

This person, Suzanne, soon joined the conversation. Turned out Suzanne was new to town. Both Suzanne and Joy were looking for new career opportunities. Exactly the kind of people Perry wanted to meet.

Could it be more obvious how this day unfolded?

Perry set up 1:1 appointments with both women.

But that’s not the end of the story.

As Perry later left the coffee shop and arrived at his car, four one-dollar bills blew into his feet. Four dollars: exactly how much his drink cost.

How’s that for evidence the world is on your side?

This is not an uncommon day for Perry. Life is supposed to be like this for everyone. All that is necessary is a practice which reduces stories having you believe such experiences are random, coincident events, or that they can’t happen as a consistent feature of your life.

In time evidence big and small will be so plentiful proving to you the universe is friendly to your desires and wants you to fulfill them, you’ll start seeing the world different too.

When you do, you’re on your way.

The Only Leverage You Need To Have All You Want

Rodolfo Clix Leverage FB BLOG
Photo: Rodolfo Clix

Leverage that comes from your broader perspective makes living sweet.

When someone discovers how invincible they are, it’s impossible to live any other way.  And, there’s no ceiling limiting how great life can get.

By leverage we mean having life do things for you, instead of you having to do it all yourself.

That doesn’t mean sitting in bed thinking positive thoughts will bring everything to you. You’re in a physical reality.

You have to do things.

It does mean lightly indicating what you’re wanting. Then watching as life puts the pieces together. At the right time along the way, you get an impulse to act. Following that impulse is your “doing”. Your doing doesn’t make anything happen. It’s all happened already.

Your “doing” puts you in the perfect place, in time and space to receive what you’re wanting.

Summarizing: figure out what you want. Life will coordinate circumstances. When they’re ready, life will tell you to act. Your acting doesn’t make it happen. The impulse to act is an invitation. It’s saying: “do this now”.  Your action puts you in the right place at the right time. There, you receive what you want.

Life always works this way for everyone. So why doesn’t it look that way for everyone? Why doen’t it occur that way for everyone?

Three reasons:

  1. Hardly anyone realizes they have broader perspective.
  2. Hardly anyone does what they need to to see life through that.
  3. Too many people try to make what they want happen, instead of letting life do it.
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Photo: Cristian Newman

So what is this “broader perspective”?

“Human” is a projection. It’s an experience you are projecting into yourself. The experience is the best way to know what and who you are. That’s why you’re experiencing this experience.

Everything in your experience is also your projection. You perceive into existence other people, circumstances, even your body. Existence looks like an “objective reality”. So much so, you think it’s separate from you. That’s because you organize your physical senses too. That way they experience the projection as objective, separate reality.

Your senses can’t see the projection any other way.

Your senses are part of the projection.

“Behind” your physical senses, you have another set of “senses”. These are not constrained like your physical senses. Yet, they correspond with them. You see, hear, smell, taste, touch through these “nonphysical” senses. The same way you do with physical ones.

Seeing life through these senses, is “broader perspective”.

The more you see life through them, the more curious you get. You start understanding how much creative control you have.

Ever had a dream feel real as f*ck? How could it have “felt” real, if you didn’t have senses capable of perceiving in that nonphysical place? Dreams are not hallucinations. They’re as real as you and us.

Science claims dreams are “all in the head”. Science is a big stumbling block. It prevents people from having real leverage.

Science is real though. It has validity and purpose. But science is in no way the final arbiter of what is “real” and “not real”. And, nonphysical reality informs science like it does with everything else in physical reality.

If it weren’t for nonphysical reality, there would be no physical reality. And no science.

A person deciding for themselves what is real and not real finds they are the final arbiter. And of course they are. They are the ones doing the projecting.

· · ·

A projector has to have a place to stand and also something on which to project. It has to have something to project too.

You “stand” in the spacious now. The spacious now is outside time and space. It is not bound by what science calls “the laws of physics”.

Neither are you, by the way. Your body is. You’re not.

Your body is part of the projection. You are broader perspective.

We also call the spacious present “nonphysical” reality. Nonphysical reality is “where” you, the projector stands.

You are also the projector screen. So all that you experience is “inside you”. That’s why you can perceive it. There is a lot “outside” you too, out there in nonphysical reality. But it is irrelevant to you, until you expand yourself enough so that it becomes you. And thus relevant.

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So you’re the projector and you’re also the projector screen. What is it you are projecting? Everything that you are. Primarily you are projecting a consistent stream of values comprising your essence. You fulfilled some. Others are in the process. Many more your birth nearly every moment.

Everything that is you is being projected by you out into your real life. It is being projected into you and perceived through physical senses you organized. That way it looks separate from you. That way you can observe it “objectively”.

Until you’re done doing that.

All this is happening so you can become more self-aware.

Realizing this is also “broader perspective”. It is one of many insights that come with seeing your life extraordinarily. When you realize your broader perspective, insights like this come naturally. These insights aren’t available when you don’t have broader perspective.

The broader perspective you have, the more clearly you perceive your projection. The more of your projection you perceive, the greater understanding you have.

Understanding of what? Everything.

Put differently: the less you know about what you’re doing in this thing called life, the more “ordinary” life looks.

Joy, ecstasy, wonder, freedom, invincibility result from living from broader perspective.

Life is extraordinary.

It feels that way when you “see” differently.

“Broader perspective” lets you see “all” that you are. But it’s limited by what you’re capable of realizing. The more you live your life from this perspective though, the more capable you become.

This has immense practical benefit.

So much so, it’s a wonder so few live this way. Broader perspective’s leverage is so great, it looks magical.

But it’s not. We call this leverage.

It’s how life is for one who gets it.

Take Perry’s recent experience.

· · ·

Now, Perry has been at this for many years. He is getting better and better seeing life through his broader perspective. So he sees more examples of extraordinary happening, nearly every moment.

Everything is possible in and through your broader perspective.

Perry’s ambitions reflect that statement.

One of Perry’s ambitions is evolving capitalism out of existence. He has realized better system for resource management and distribution. He knows it’s possible because he’s seen it.

So he focuses his energies in this direction.

One way this energy focus shows up is hiring talent through the “gig economy”. Perry met a wonderful animation team on an online gig economy match-making service. This team already created two animated videos describing Perry’s economic idea. He has plans for ten more videos. Perry wants this same team to create the other eight.

Like many online services, this gig economy match-making service takes a part of the sales that happen on its website. They also discourage members from offering and accepting payments “off community.”

Paying someone else for brokering an initial transaction is great. But when you’re planning to buy a lot more, that transaction fee can add up. Especially at $1500 a video on average.

So one day this Spring, while contemplating his animated video library, Perry got an idea.

“It would be great,” It said. “If I could work with this team directly rather than through this community. I’d save all those fees on the next 10 videos.”

“And,” The thought continued. “Since I’m wanting to do so many, maybe the team would give me a volume discount!”

Perry loved this idea. It came and went in a flash. Three minutes tops. He felt good thinking it. He didn’t think it was impossible. But he knew the community discouraged this. So, instead of taking action, he sat with it.

Fast forward to October. Perry’s ramping up the next videos, preparing the scripts. One day he gets the impulse to send a message to this team via the community. Here’s the conversation that happened:

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Perry had no idea what the guy was going to send via email. But Perry sent his email address. The next day the following conversation happened via email:

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Of course this was a great turn out. But notice what happened here. Perry didn’t have to do anything to get what he wanted. Life coordinated it all for him. Then sent an impulse when it was all ready.

This is leverage.

It is available to everyone.

· · ·

If you dismiss this as “coincidence” you’re doing yourself a disservice. Dismissing it as coincidence denies (for you) your broader perspective. In denying your broader perspective, you obscure your perception. You relegate yourself to having to make it all happen.

That sucks.

We want to write “you cut yourself off from your broader perspective”, but that can’t happen. Your broader perspective is you. You can’t cut “you” off.

But you can create a reality wherein you do not perceive your broader perspective as real. That’s what you do when you dismiss such events as “coincidence” or “random chance”, or “confirmation bias”. When you do dismiss them, you get a life experience reflecting your dismissals. In other words, life looks comprised of events that seem random or chance or coincidence. Not within your control.

But it’s all in your control. The moment you adopt your broader perspective.

Like Perry.

And remember: there is no upper limit on anything about this.

Life can be, a continual, moment-by-moment experience of getting everything you want.

Perry is getting there. He has done this work for a long time. Today he is seeing events like this happening all over. But he’s wanting to get to the point where he’s seeing them continuously. 

He’s close.

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Photo: Gaetan-Meyer

Anything you can think of wanting you can have. You are creating your life experience. That’s the purpose of it. To realize how much say you have.

There is only one relationship giving you everything you want. The relationship between your ordinary conscious experience and your broader perspective. Attend to that. Everything else is attended to for you.

Gradually realizing that you are invincible is intoxicating. Realizing you can have anything you want is intoxicating. Realizing you can be anything, or do anything frees you from limitation.

But when you do do whatever you want, when you do get what you want, and when you become what you want….that just can’t be described in words.

The leverage you have in your life is immense.

Don’t you think it’s time you start using it?

One More Thing To Create Your Best Life Ever

Guiherme Stecanella best life ever FB blog
Photo: Guiherme Stecanella

In a previous post we wrote “If you stick to your guns, you will prevail.”

For some, this accurate.

But for many others…we’d say the majority of people…sticking to your guns is not enough.

That’s because people who want to be great, sometimes believe they aren’t.

You can’t be great if you don’t think you are.

So when we write: “…stick to your guns,…”, we’re referring to a mindset, not the action you’re taking.

Both action and mindset are crucial though. They work together.

But it’s easy for them to work against each other. And this is our point: For most people they do work against each other.

Take Perry for example.

· · ·

For decades he held many disempowering beliefs.

All beliefs like beliefs like themselves. So Perry’s early beliefs, spawned similar ones. Before long he had a collection of similarly disempowering beliefs.

We like to call this collection a belief constellation. They resemble billions of stars on a clear night. Like a constellation, they connect, forming a picture.

That picture is one’s reality.

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Belief constellations resemble pictures painted in the sky by connecting stars. In the same way celestial patterns form objects, your beliefs form your reality. (Photo: Frederik de Wit)

Belief constellations are tightly woven. It’s hard to find the originating belief. One of Perry’s earliest disempowering beliefs, in this life time, for example, was “I’m an oddball and alone.”

Usually Perry was on his own. His parents were often aloof. His brothers were doing their own things. When the three brothers were together, the younger and older brothers often teased him.

It didn’t matter if it was playful, or malicious. Perry, a serious young boy, took these experiences as seriously as everything else, interpreting them to mean he was alone. And vulnerable. And insecure.

Life always reflects one’s mood through life experiences and situations. Not surprisingly, Perry found more and more “evidence” supporting his insecurity:

He got into a fight with a neighbor boy, which he lost. He was shot at by another young boy armed with a gun. A neighbor’s dog chased him up a tree. A nasty bike accident left him permanently scarred.

Then his parents divorced.

Of course, plenty life experiences reflected Perry’s invulnerability too.

But you can only see evidence for your predominant beliefs. Young Perry’s dominant belief was “I’m vulnerable”.

· · ·

The earlier in life a belief is formed, the more time it has to accumulate like beliefs. Over time, belief constellations become “the way life is”.

By then, most don’t have objective access to the beliefs. They don’t question the “what is”-ness of their interpretations which have hardened into beliefs.

They just believe life is this way.

Remember thought: while life reflects evidence consistent with that, it simultaneously contains evidence to the contrary.

That means, one’s life experience, no matter how dour, can change.

The problem is, humans (a) have a hard time accepting this. (b) They are unwilling to exert enough psychological persistence making change permanent. So, (c) they miss evidence confirming life has changed.


  1. One’s mindset created from interpreting experience, spawns more confirming experiences. (“mindset” is another word for “belief constellation”)
  2. The mindset recedes into the background becoming “the way life is”.
  3. One’s actions – their physical behavior, but also their thought behavior – shapes to their experiences.
  4. One acts consistent with their “in the background” beliefs.

If a person believes blacks are scary and sees a black person at a stop light crossing the street in front of her at night, of course she is going to lock her car doors.

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Belief constellations are so powerful they create your reality and dictate your behavior. (Photo by Gijis Coolen)

The point of all this is, stick to your guns and live authentically. But be sure your beliefs match your authenticity. Beliefs that your authenticity is wrong, bad, or unworthy of expression, generate internal conflict.

That will show up in your life experience, making life “harder” than it needs to be.

· · ·

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Such life experiences are showing you your inner reality. That’s good.

You could say that’s what physical life is about. Life experience is dazzling. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the dazzle and forget you’re shaping your life experiences.

Every human comes standing in their invincibility. Until they accept others’ beliefs or get “educated”. Which is not all that educational.

In time, they forget the world responds to them. It’s not the other way around.

In losing their way, they pre-pave their return.

Return to what? To their invincibility.

Everyone returns eventually. The majority return after death. Witness what people regret at their death.

Some people (maybe you?) get it sooner. They end up being remarkable.

Their authenticity will not allow circumstances to dictate belief. They are here to change worlds. Not just this world, all worlds.

Fewer of these people are willing to compromise their authenticity these days. They have something to say. And they’re saying it.

Maybe you are one of these people.

· · ·

If you are, your life experience awaits your expression. No pressure though.

You may see these circumstances for what they are. Your perfect design. In this life.

Or maybe not.

The great news is, there are plenty of lifetimes. Between those lifetimes, you remind yourself what you really are. But you don’t have to die to remember. And you don’t need more than one life time to make your mark.

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Death: a doorway through which you pass. Then you remember what you are. (Photo: Rhodi Alers)

So here is the best way to get at beliefs that may have receded into the “what is”-ness of your life: Don’t worry about old beliefs! Instead, create new empowering ones.

Of course they’re going to feel fake to you. All beliefs do at first.

But the nature of belief is the nature of belief. Meaning: hold that fake-feeling belief long enough. It will fade into your background and become “what is” for you. That belief also will accumulate like ones. A new belief constellation will be born.

Your life experience will reflect that constellation. Just like your old beliefs.

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The road ahead that is your life is being designed by you. What reality are you going to create for you and the world? (Photo: Yoal Desurmont)

At that point, you’ll begin believing what once was a fake belief.

The following example is helpful.

Five years ago, Perry met his now wife. As with all love, in the beginning, it was great.

The more time passed however, the more his wife began reflecting back to Perry his beliefs about being in relationships. Of course, Perry’s wife has her own belief constellation born of her own lifetime experiences.

Perry’s relationship gradually became a living hell for Perry. And for his wife. As marriages often do. That’s why so many end.

But Perry knows he is the common denominator in his life experience. No matter where he goes, he’s there, creating his experience via his beliefs. So Perry decided he had had enough.

He put this reality creation business to the test.

And so he began treating his wife differently.

As far as he was concerned, his wife had no responsibility for Perry’s life experience or their relationship. Not even responsibility for her own behavior!

There are a lot of details we’re skipping for brevity.

Life experience shapes to beliefs on an exponential curve. So at first, Perry didn’t notice much happening.

For the first three years.

He just had to accept something was happening. Even though he couldn’t see it. And indeed something was.

In the fourth year, his wife started changing. On her own, she began taking classes, then she began meditating. Then she began listening to uplifting speakers. Then she started reading books by those speakers.

Emboldened by these results, Perry doubled down on his commitment. And his wife became easier and easier to be with.

Their relationship changed too.

In fact, Perry’s wife had changed for the better so much, even her parents mentioned how lighter and happier she had become.

· · ·

You have more power than you may know. You can change other people’s behavior.

But you have to be persistent in the face of no apparent evidence.

So, here are the steps to making old beliefs irrelevant in your life.

First, start by allowing yourself to recognize things in your life that are contrary to beliefs you have. If you believe that life doesn’t shape to your beliefs, note how your life behaves exactly that way. By showing you a random-generated life experience that appears objectively separate from your beliefs.

Noted, deliberately take a moment and reflect on that. Write about it in your journal. Ponder the evidence your life has just shown you that matches your beliefs.

Then note when life doesn’t. Remember: life always does both. Maybe you’ll think about something happening –– your friend calling for example –– and your friend will call.

You’re wanting to realize that life is full of evidence for any belief.

Which it is.

Any life experience is available, bounded only by your beliefs.

Take your time. Allow many examples like this.

Then, write down a thought consistent with a belief you want to have. Start with something easy.

Say, for example, you want to be an actor, but you believe you’re not talented enough. Starting with the thought “I can be an actor” is going to create too much internal conflict.

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You can live your dream life. It’s never too late. You just have to synch your beliefs and your desire. (Photo: Avel Chuklanov)

Instead, you might create the thought “I really like acting”. That thought has nothing to do with becoming a successful actor.

But it’s in the potential belief constellation of being a successful actor. Pretty much all successful actors like acting.

Next, think that thought for a little while, a few minutes.  You’ll start feeling good while thinking it. You might start thinking thoughts similar to it.

You might think “I liked acting as a child”.

“I always wanted to be an actor”.

“Acting is so a part of who I am”.

At this point, you might feel happy thinking. Or encouraged. Or enthusiastic. Or empowered. When you get to that point, try to forget about the thought completely.

Then, over some period of time, you will be inspired to take action. To the best of your ability, follow every inspiration you get.

Talk to a stranger. Go to a movie. Enroll in an acting class….

When you take an action inspired in this way, you have begun the process that ends in life experiences inconsistent with your previous beliefs and consistent with your new ones.

When that happens, revel in it. Journal about it. Acknowledge it.

You are on the way to becoming the actor you’re wanting to be. While old beliefs are on their way to irrelevancy.

We come full circle to the original story that prompted this one.

For now you must stick to your guns, repeating this process. Do that and you create the unshakable mindset. And the life it accompanies.

What you want is what the world wants. Your authenticity. Give the world what it wants and you change it.

But first you must change.

Hard Work Rarely Makes Life Better Or Fun

Photo: Matthew Schwartz

Life experience says: all you want comes through hard work. Or does it? Success at anything can be easy. All it takes is a Positively Focused orientation.

Life tells you all you want comes through hard work. It tells you that because that’s what you tell yourself.

When you read books from people who “worked hard”, you’re confirming what others told you. Believing you must work long hours because your colleagues, your “competitors” do, or your boss expects you to, only perpetuates what others told you.

Feel you have to work weekends because you’re “behind the 8 ball”?  That attitude reinforces your belief story; the one seemingly consistent with your life experience that says “success comes from hard work.”

It’s the other way around

But your story is NOT consistent with your life experience. Your life experience is consistent with your story.

Change your story and your life will shape itself to fit the new story you tell.

You’ll get immediate results. But unless you know what to look for, you will miss them.

And that’s why people think positive thinking, affirmations, Law of Attraction and things like that don’t work. Because they don’t know what to look for.

Should you be able to drive if you don’t know what road markings mean, or if you don’t understand driving “rules”? Should you be able to teach someone else to drive?

Our guess is you’ll say “Of course not.”

Then we think you’ll agree that not knowing how to see the signs that positive thinking, affirmations and such are working, kinda disqualifies you from being an authority on whether such things work or not.

Success can be inevitable

It’s better to just say “I don’t know.” Because if you don’t know how to see the signs, you don’t know.

Hard work can and often seems to lead to success. That’s only because so many people are working hard at being successful. Meanwhile, what’s actually creating the success they enjoy, has very little to do with the effort they employ.

Hard work is not the key to success. Success comes despite hard work offered. It can be inevitable.

So why are hard workers often successful and those who don’t work hard (seemingly) so often not?

Interesting paradox, isn’t it?

Be the exception not the rule

But if you look more closely, you’ll see FAR MORE hard workers are often not successful and sometimes those who don’t work at all hard are.

Most of us don’t seem to have the luxury of slowing down and exploring what they’re reading here. But overcome that story and test what we’re offering, you will find accuracy in all of this.

Then, you’ll become the exception.

You can be successful without all the struggle you think you have to offer to get it. Through this blog and our 1:1 session work, we show people how success comes easily and hard work becomes obsolete.