Racists are in Portland today demonstrating their hatred with tacit support of our presidential administration. Joining them are the anti-fascists hell-bent on making sure racists know they aren’t welcome in America.
Free speech is the name of the game in the US and it’s a good thing. Even when things such as this erupt.
So many people asking for a better way – improvement over current conditions. No matter what side you’re looking at, everyone is asking for improvement. At the very least, everyone at this event has that in common. Even the cops.
But there’s a lot more they have in common.
They share frustration. They share anger. They share disagreement. They feel woefully disempowered and insecure. Anyone who tries to take the freedom of another is feeling insecurity and fear.
Shortage consciousness.
Protesters in Portland standing against racism (photo: DSA Portland on twitter)
A shifting is being born of all this tension, insecurity and strife. Out of all this there must be something new that emerges.
Those fearing that future may feel the justice of a comeuppance on the horizon. But we know no such thing will come. Diversity doesn’t seek vengeance. And “Diverse” is another name for All That Is.
Be encouraged by all this strife we’re seeing. It always gets worse before it gets better.
How worse it’s going to get is irrelevant. Because the worse it gets, the bigger the better that follows.
Here’s an easier one: know what you want. Focus on being happy while tuning into your intuition. Your life will take on a leisurely, joyful and ease-filled quality.
And in that state of grace, what you want comes not only easier, and more quickly, but also with greater satisfaction and delight.
All That Is is on your side. It wants you to have all you want. You don’t have to work to get it. And you definitely don’t have to work hard.
Life experience says: all you want comes through hard work. Or does it? Success at anything can be easy. All it takes is a Positively Focused orientation.
Life tells you all you want comes through hard work. It tells you that because that’s what you tell yourself.
When you read books from people who “worked hard”, you’re confirming what others told you. Believing you must work long hours because your colleagues, your “competitors” do, or your boss expects you to, only perpetuates what others told you.
Feel you have to work weekends because you’re “behind the 8 ball”? That attitude reinforces your belief story; the one seemingly consistent with your life experience that says “success comes from hard work.”
It’s the other way around
But your story is NOT consistent with your life experience. Your life experience is consistent with your story.
Change your story and your life will shape itself to fit the new story you tell.
You’ll get immediate results. But unless you know what to look for, you will miss them.
And that’s why people think positive thinking, affirmations, Law of Attraction and things like that don’t work. Because they don’t know what to look for.
Should you be able to drive if you don’t know what road markings mean, or if you don’t understand driving “rules”? Should you be able to teach someone else to drive?
Our guess is you’ll say “Of course not.”
Then we think you’ll agree that not knowing how to see the signs that positive thinking, affirmations and such are working, kinda disqualifies you from being an authority on whether such things work or not.
Success can be inevitable
It’s better to just say “I don’t know.” Because if you don’t know how to see the signs, you don’t know.
Hard work can and often seems to lead to success. That’s only because so many people are working hard at being successful. Meanwhile, what’s actually creating the success they enjoy, has very little to do with the effort they employ.
Hard work is not the key to success. Success comes despite hard work offered. It can be inevitable.
So why are hard workers often successful and those who don’t work hard (seemingly) so often not?
Interesting paradox, isn’t it?
Be the exception not the rule
But if you look more closely, you’ll see FAR MORE hard workers are often not successful and sometimes those who don’t work at all hard are.
Most of us don’t seem to have the luxury of slowing down and exploring what they’re reading here. But overcome that story and test what we’re offering, you will find accuracy in all of this.
Then, you’ll become the exception.
You can be successful without all the struggle you think you have to offer to get it. Through this blog and our 1:1 session work, we show people how success comes easily and hard work becomes obsolete.
Trump has made America great again…by galvanizing so many against him.
Polarized America portends a balance restoration. Get ready. It’s gearing up to astound.
Gender equality and those pushing against it guarantee more freedom for all. The more strife, the greater the coming shift.
The world seems like it’s gone crazy.
In reality, everything is working out wonderfully.
It’s a wonderful time to be alive witnessing all this. And you are not here by accident. You knew it would be like this. That’s why you came. So enjoy the adventure!
Writing down good-feeling thoughts is a great daily practice.
Make a habit of feeling good. It’s a sure path to seemingly miraculous happiness levels. Only it’s not miraculous.
It’s life.
We are all meant to be happy.
Happy includes prosperity and freedom, including financial freedom and time freedom. Everything you might include as necessary to happiness you can have.
You don’t have to deprive yourself of things to be happy. Unless you want that. Then you can have it.
You’re meant live a continual state of happiness. If you’re not doing that, you’re doing life wrong…but no way is wrong, because every way ends in happy. It’s just that with the way the majority of people are doing life, ongoing happiness comes after death.
But you don’t have to die to be ongoingly happy.
It’s funny how we sometimes say “If I have that guy or girl I’m looking for as a partner I’ll be happy.” Or “He makes me happy.”
Relationships don’t make a person happy.
Having that perfect partner in your life doesn’t make you happy. That relationship, no matter how wonderful, comes with button pushing, unmet expectations, and more opportunities for growth. Can you be happy in a relationship? Yes. But not because of the relationship. You’re happy because you’re happy.
Happy doesn’t come from having that new job, or that car or house you want, or that money you’re wanting or whatever either.
When you satisfy a want, you feel the satisfaction, sure. But notice: over time, that satisfaction fades as new desires dominate your interest. Satisfaction and happiness are not necessarily the same. Satisfaction feels good.
Relationships are like satisfied desires. They are meant to be fulfilled, which brings a state of satisfaction.
But happiness is borne of in-the-moment-awareness of your recognition, your acknowledgment, that your life is a delightful journey, orchestrated by you in every moment. When you get to that recognition, life becomes what it is meant to be: a continuous string of joyful experiences.
When that becomes your life experience, something else happens too: more of your desires get satisfied. And often, with little effort.
It takes a while to get there, not because it’s hard – it’s actually easy.
It takes a while to get there because you have to gradually slow the influence of your old way of living: thinking that life is hard, that you must work hard, that relationships are hard, that “you don’t always get what you want”, that men are all X and women are all Y.
Once you do get there though….oh my.
So the trip is worth it.
Five steps to starting the trip:
Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate – write down how much you appreciate. Try expressing appreciation for things you take for granted, such as the device you’re reading this on, the shoes on your feet, soap, toothpaste.
Pay attention to what you’re feeling. They clue you in on what you’re thinking. Develop a habit of checking in with yourself throughout the day. We can help you develop habits. We’re really good at it.
Stop listening to the news. Very little – actually almost nothing – in the news pertains to you
Get out more. Take more walks. While you’re out there, practice step one above and notice things in the world you take for granted.
Take time at the end of the day to acknowledge all the good that happened today, including your success in doing these five steps.
Before you know it, you’ll find yourself well on the way towards unshakeable happiness and freedom. We guarantee it.
You are meant to live a happy life. If you’re not, why aren’t you?