How People Help Make The World My World

Ben White World is my oyster FB
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The best result of being Positively Focused happens when people make the world the way I want it. Even complete strangers. When people show up in what seems like magical ways, I know I’m doing this whole “manifesting” business right.

The more it happens, the more I want to keep it up. I’m discovering a brand new kind of life. A life where everything I want happens with no effort.

I know. I write “effortlessly” and “no effort” a lot.

I wouldn’t use those words if they weren’t accurate.

What happened to me last week shows how through little effort people show up for me at the right time and the right place.

Last Monday, I went to a meeting at the local LGBTQIA community center. I’m getting closer to the community this way. This is the second or third meeting I’ve attended. This week, over half the people there were new. One of the people was a shy transgender woman just starting out in her transition.

When the meeting ended, she stood in the doorway as most people left. I stayed too. I was talking with another attendee and the meeting organizer. I got an impulse about this person in the doorway. It told me I would be speaking with her.

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I share a lot about how I follow my intuition. That’s because it is how my Broader Perspective tells me where to go what to do and who to talk with to get what I want.

Two things must happen to hear my intuition: first, I must learn to hear or feel the impulses. Second, I must learn to tell the difference between impulses and other voices in my head. Voices that aren’t intuition. Meditation helps a lot with that. So does practice or trial and error.

I think the main reason people don’t trust their intuition is because they haven’t practiced these two steps. So they think intuition is random at best. Or a trick of the mind at worst.

So here I was in this room. My impulse telling me to talk to this person. I wanted to talk with her. But I’m also engaged in another conversation. Not to worry, my intuition says, I’ll meet her again.

What happened next needs some context.

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I usually ride my bike to get places. Other times I ride the bus. Rarely do I go by car.

Riding the bus can be a place where perfect strangers help make the world my world. It’s all up to what I put my attention on. (Photo by the author)

There are 84 bus lines operating in the city where I live on any given day. Even if only two buses serve those lines each day, that’s almost two hundred buses moving around Portland. There’s also a street car and a light rail as well as many shuttles operating. Every day.

But there are more than two buses per line. Some lines have many more than four. There are literally hundreds of buses running around Portland at any given time.

Tri Met Bus line map
Portland’s more than 84 lines serving the greater metro area.

Ok, that’s the context. Back to my story…

I had finished a great day at my bridging job. I felt high and happy. I wasn’t trying to make anything happen. I wasn’t even thinking about this transgender woman.

I got on the first bus of my 2-bus trip from work. I was listening to a podcast I enjoy. And I was thinking about how cool it was that I got two more informal offers for promotion at that job. And I’d only been there two weeks.

So I got off the first bus. I waited a few minutes until the second bus came. While waiting, I suddently started thinking about being transamorous. I thought about the places I might meet transgender people. I thought this way for about 10 minutes. Then, the image of that transgender woman from the meeting came into my head. Then the bus came.


It stopped in front of me. The doors opened and…you guessed it: there she was.

She wasn’t just on the bus. She was driving the bus!

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Those of you unclear about how matter, events, circumstances and people become life experience might say “Perry, you’re crazy. That’s just coincidence.”

But it’s not coincidence.

This is how everything happens. Evidence is overwhelming. When I connect to my Broader Perspective, I can control what comes into my life.

“Sarah” and I had a great conversation the whole way to where I live. I’m sure I’ll see her again. I encouraged her to come back to the meeting next month. But the fact that she drives the bus line I ride home on pretty much assures me I’ll see her either way.

No matter what I’m doing or where I am, I know the universe responds to my focus. The more I put attention on positive things, the more positive things happen in my life. (Photo by the author).

This is happening all the time in my life.

For example, this week on several occasions, incredible synchronicities happened between me and complete strangers. Since I spend a lot of the day at work, that’s where most is happening.

I drove up to one customer’s house, for example. I called her to let her know I was arriving. Most doing this job say the customer hardly ever picks up the phone. This customer answered immediately. When she came outside, she told me “it’s so strange. I had my phone in my hands when you called. I was looking right at it.”

How’s that for perfect timing?

In another example, I needed to deliver three packages in a secured apartment building. But I couldn’t get in because there was no intercom. At just that moment, a resident showed up. She let me in. I’m sure she wasn’t supposed to do that. 😀

Walking down the hall, I delivered one package. The next package too. The last package needed to be delivered in person. But the person wasn’t there. I walked back towards the elevator and this woman was coming out. I had an intuition this was the customer. I asked her if she lived in that one apartment. She asked why and I told her. Turns out, she was the customer!

Then I drove up to this house with a gate. I didn’t have the gate code. I couldn’t leave the package outside the gate. Someone would steal it. Just then, (I swear!) a woman drove up. It was the homeowner. We completed the transaction and my trainee said “that was good timing”.

Exactly, I thought.

There are so many things like good timing happening in my life. It’s happening in your life too. The more you pay attention to these the more happen. The less you pay attention to negative things happening, the less they happen.

I know it’s really about focus. Everything is happening all the time. Both positive and negative. The question is, what set of happenings are you paying attention to?

I know I have the option. I can see all the negative, discouraging, bad things happening in life. There are a lot of those things. Or I can turn my attention to all the positive, empowering, uplifting things happening in life. There are a lot of those things too.

I know whichever I put focus on is what I see the most. So it makes sense to me to pay attention to what I’m wanting to see and experience. And put no attention at all on what I don’t want to see.

So my life “trues up” to that. It gets better and better. For someone who doesn’t know this, life just looks random and coincidental. Life is not random or coincidental. Everyone creates their reality.

Are you missing out on the greatest adventure ever that is your life?

I Don’t Have To Die To Get To Heaven

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I don’t get to heaven. Heaven comes to me.

I enter heaven by feeling good, being happy and acknowledging when cool things happen in response. Cool things offered to me, by me, which tells me I have walked through the pearly gates. There, my Personal Trinity celebrates me. They celebrate my choices. Because my choices make All That Is more.

To me, heaven is not someplace I go when I die. After all, there is no such thing as death in the sense most people understand that word. Instead, heaven is a state of mind. It results as life shows me how much I am blessed. It results when I see and acknowledge all moments where my Personal Trinity showers me with what I want. I don’t see all those moments. I’m getting better at that though.

Never the less, when I do recognize every thing I want is coming to me, I get a wonderful feeling. That feeling tells me I’m connected to the best part of me. That larger part of me.

Connecting like that. That’s heaven. When I’m in that place, my world matches that state. So Earth for me becomes heavenly.

Today was that kind of day. I woke to satisfying, vivid adventures in my dream scape. After few moments of post-sleep focus, dream experiences feel as real as wake scape. I wake from my dreams feeling heavenly. I know that experience demonstrates my higher awareness kicked in. I know I can’t connect with that “other” reality so clearly if my awareness isn’t at a high level.

Vivid, delicious dreams indicate spiritual advancement.

I did my usual morning routine. Then I meditated for 20 minutes. It was bliss. I found my center, something I love doing in meditation’s stillness. That amplified my already positive feelings. Through specific meditational processes, I re-enter the awareness state in which dreams occur. I know when I recall dreams this way while awake, I practice standing in that high awareness I’m in when dreaming. Only I’m not dreaming.

Being in that high awareness while awake is important. That state is the same unrestricted state which creates physical realities as delicious as dream state realities. Nightly dreams come for many reasons. One reason is through dream experiences, I learn how to hold that non-resistant state while awake.

This practice is how I become a master creator. I know the practice works because of what happens in dream scape. Re-presencing dreams in wake state tells me it’s working too. I also know it’s working because of how I feel. Finally, I know it’s working because of what happens in daily life.

Like what happened the rest of this day for example.

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So, feeling great, I got ready for an eight-hour shift at what I’m calling my “bridging job”.

My bridging job is what I’m doing while I sooth my beliefs about lack and scarcity. I’m replacing those with beliefs about plenty and abundance and possibility. And about not tying my financial abundance to action taken.

I know this is working because my days are getting better and better, week after week and month after month. How do I know they’re getting better? One, I keep a journal. Two, I see miracles – or rather what seem like miracles – happen more and more.

Only they’re not miracles. They’re not miracles because I know this is how life is supposed to be when I’m positively focused. Here are some of the things that happened the day I wrote this.

• A manager told me today that I am on a list of preferred employees at my “bridging job”. I’ve only been there two weeks. I know this indicates positive results of my focus. It also foretells more positive things experiences.

• My whole shift was fun and full of happy moments. I know these experiences should not be discounted. They are the stuff of what makes life heaven.

•  When I checked in this morning, I was assigned a brand new, awesome Ram Van. It only had 48 miles on it. It had all the bells and whistles. My manager said don’t get attached to specific vans because we often trade vans once we get to our loading site. Today, she said we would switch as usual. But, when we got to the site, instead of switching vehicles, we moved our loads to the vehicles we already had.  So I got to drive that van the whole shift. Awesome!

• Mid morning, I received an enormous indication. My trainee and I arrived at our first stop. We were looking for this one lobby where we would deliver a package for a customer, since he wasn’t home. My trainee found it. We were about to drive over there. It was quite a ways away. But just then, a guy parked right next to our van. He got out of his car. At that moment, as we were walking up to our van, I got an intuition our package belonged to this guy. The impulse to ask him was strong. So I asked him. He was the customer! So we gave him the package and avoided having to drive to the lobby. My trainee was stunned. “How did you know that was our customer?” he asked with a look on his face as though I had done some Jedi mind trick. I told him my intuition told me. I said I listen to my intuition all the time. I said I like writing about events just like this in my journal. When I do, I said, my intuition delivers more experiences just like this.

• Later, we had a package for a customer who didn’t leave us the code to get in the secured apartment lobby. As it happened, a FedEx delivery driver showed up at the front door just when we did. And, of course, he had the code. We all walked up together, chatting the whole way. It was a wonderful moment to share positive stories with each other!

I’ve written before that little things that happen that tell me bigger things are on the way. I know they are on the way, not only because of these little things that happen more often, but also because of how I feel. I know I want really big things. I also know my Personal Trinity is working behind the scenes creating my future now. A future now jam-packed with what I want.

And the more I do those things the clearer my dreams get. The clearer my dreams get, the more I match that clarity in my waking reality. The more I do that, the better my awareness becomes. And the more my awareness allows me to see little positive signs. Signs that my dreams, large and small, are becoming real.

As all thathappens I know I’m on the way to my biggest dreams of all.

It feels great being Positively Focused. I can’t think of any better way to live.

I ❤️ What Happens When I’m Positively Focused

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Photo by the author

The Universe amazes me in small ways. These small ways are how I know that big things I want are coming. Because of that, I rest easy about life most of the time.

I’m getting better at making “resting easy” my full-time attitude. I know the better I get at that, the more I’ll see how much my personal trinity showers me with blessings.

Characteristic of my trinity is its recursivity. They’re like a fractal. Every part of my life, large or small, reflects that which makes up All That Is, the Universe and my Inner Being. As well as the processes used which make reality reality.

It’s why I know things always work out.

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Illustration by the author

Case in point: one Thursday not too long ago. It was an amazing day. Full of epiphanies and one of three peak days that week.  I’ll share the whole, fascinating story in a couple months. Things are still “unfolding” as they say.

Today I’ll tease you with one nugget.


When You Think, It Is.

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Photo by the author

A bicycle is my primary transportation mode. Portland is bike friendly. People ride bikes year round here, even though it rains most the year. In late spring though, it’s perfect riding weather. Not too cold or hot. Not as much rain. That brings out a lot of “fair weather riders”.

Like myself.

I mean, I do ride in the rain sometimes…

Anyway, Thursday I was riding home from a couple great appointments. Downtown Portland, where the meetings were, is about six miles from where I live. I love taking this route home. It’s just long enough to get a workout, but not so long it exhausts me.

I got my bike tuned up a couple seasons ago, making a fresh tune up past due.  As I rode up a hill on the way home, the gears shifted on their own, making a loud racket and causing a hitch in my bike get-along.

I thought “hmm. My bike needs a tune up.”

That’s all that happened. Something happened in physical reality. Then in my head a thought occurred.

I’ve noticed something while getting better at creating reality.  If I ever-so-briefly hold an idea of what I want, then let it go, that thing I want happens fast. Usually within the day.

If I stew about what I want, if I keep thinking about it, it usually takes much longer to happen. Strange, isn’t it?

I think that happens because, in the first case, I don’t put attention on the absence of what I want. I don’t have time to think about it. The thought comes. Then goes.

So it’s a pure request. Unhindered by negative thought. I’m told that if a request is pure, it is answered immediately. Resistance is inherent to physical reality. So I don’t expect instant manifestation. Same-day manifestation is pretty quick though.

Illustration by the author

Bigger things I want, such as a huge amount of money, are taking longer only because my old beliefs slow things down. But I’m getting better about letting those beliefs subside. I’m also getting better at replacing them with ones more consistent with what I want.

Old beliefs like “I have to work a job to get money” I’m replacing with “money naturally happens in my life”. Beliefs like “it’s impossible to just have money show up like magic” I’m replacing with “everything is possible”.

How do I know this process works? Because more things are happening like what I’m sharing.

So on Thursday, when I thought about needing a bike tune up, the thought came. I thought it. Then let it go. I didn’t think about how much tune ups cost. I didn’t think about the hassle of scheduling one. I didn’t think about being without my primary (and most enjoyable) transportation.

Three quarters of a mile down the road something happened. I’m among a group of riders. We’re all heading from downtown. It’s after five. Bicycle commuters are overflowing the bike lane. It’s a normal late Portland Spring day.

Except, it’s not normal.

Three quarters of a mile past that hill where my gears puttered, there’s a guy on the road’s shoulder. He has a bike stand – one of those things you clip a bike to that suspends bikes in the air so you can work on them. He’s in shorts, t-shirt and blue latex gloves. At his ankles is a sign. It reads something like “Get bike advice”.

I ride past him.

In the 12 + years I’ve taken this route home, never have I seen this guy. Yet, here he is. On this day. Passing him, I get an intuition to turn back. It’s a strong one.

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My Inner Being has written in this blog about “intuitions” and “impulses”. They say these are communications from them. Urgings which, if followed, lead me towards what I’m wanting. So many times over the years, following their urgings resulted in surprising and delightful encounters. Encounters with people. Encounters with circumstances and events which, like they promise, end with me getting what I want.

So when I rode past Dan (his real name), my intuition pinged. Hard. I couldn’t resist turning back.

Of course, I’m not always great at following my intuitive impulses. Sometimes I miss them. Sometimes I hear them, then don’t follow them. Lately, my Inner Being has been urging me about getting better at immediately following these impulses.

Given ambitions I have, I know they’re helping me get better at this. They know doing so will get me what I want even faster than it happens today. Which already is pretty fast. This story is a great example. In fact, the whole week overflowed with poignant results. Results you just can’t make up!

Dan on my bike
Photo by the author

About half a mile past Dan, I decided to turn back. When I returned, I asked Dan if he would be willing to tune my gears up. And if so, how much he’d charge me.

“Yes I can tune them,” he said. “I’ll also show you how to do it. And, I’m not wanting any money. I’m doing this to help riders. That’s all.”

That’s all? Wow, I thought. That’s AWESOME.

When he said that, I knew this was the Universe responding to my “request”. After the week I was having. After the day I was having, how could it not be?

Only after hearing Dan say this did I realize a couple things. One, I was willing to pay a bike shop like $100 to get my bike tuned up. Two, I also thought about looking on YouTube to learn how to do it myself. My Inner Being knew all this, and here they delivered an “in-person YouTube” lesson!

And you know what? Tuning up bike gears is easy!

Dan showed me how to do it. It took a minute or less. I shook my head. To think I was willing to pay someone almost $100 for a minute’s work when the Universe organized it at no cost!

My ride home after that felt like floating on a cloud. I was on a natural high.

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It’s these demonstrations which tell me I’m connected to my personal warehouse of blessings. That and how I feel on the daily. I’m feeling happier and happier the more I maintain positive focus. My Inner Being tells me there’s no upper limit how happy I can get. I think that’s so cool.

The more happy I get, the more my personal trinity, in small and large ways, shows me that life is easy. It shows me I can relax in my blessedness.

It’s these small events, happening more and more these days, which tell me my bigger desires are on their way too.

For me, manifestation is great. But manifestations are the spice which make the main event tasty. The main event, where I put most of my attention these days, is how great I feel. I feel great knowing the Universe not only has my back, it’s got my entire life in its hands.

So I can rest easy.

Prison: The Best Place To Destroy Ignorance

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Photo: Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

Everyone will realize true freedom when they die. They return to nonphysical. From there they see all their worries and concerns were about nothing.

Sometimes, people get that before they die. Realization comes at different times for different people. You might have an argument with your spouse, for example. You might become awakened in prison. Or it might come through repeated experiences. Experiences repeating because you’re not getting the message.

Perry is telling more of his stories now. But we’ll still chime in from time to time. Today, we are sharing what happened when Perry recently had all three of these.

His story shows how your larger self (that’s us to Perry) organizes life so you can let go of beliefs holding you back. For Perry, letting go sometimes takes longer than we’d like.

He comes around eventually. Sometimes, as you’ll read, we go through extraordinary measures to get him there. He can be stubborn.


Hard Times Are Unnecessary. But They Serve A Purpose

Perry and his wife have been strained as of late. His wife is exasperated with Perry’s focus on everything other than creating an income. It’s been a while. To Bridget, his wife, it’s been too long.

Bridget knows, as Perry does, whatever a person puts their attention on enlarges. Even if what you’re attending to is something you don’t want.  Such as your spouse not bringing in an income, that thing will get bigger. Or in this case, take longer.

Sometimes, people don’t get the message until the circumstance gets unbearably difficult. This was the case with Perry’s wife. She was beside herself in frustration. In literal agony at times. And she took it out on Perry.

But Perry, knowing what he knows ignored his wife’s protests. He has seen too much evidence what he’s doing is working. “Working” meaning leading to more and more prosperity, plenty and joy for him, but also for his wife. Even though that doesn’t include manifested income…yet.

So when her frustration boils over, Perry goes Missing in Action (MIA). He gets as far from her as he can. Until the boiling stops.

Sometimes that’s a long time.

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Several weeks ago, things came to a head. Bridget was trying to use her anger and frustration to goad Perry.  She hoped that would get her what she wanted: for Perry to get a job.

Goading is a terrible way to get what you want from someone. The person digs in their heels. You get more frustrated. Nobody wins.

Perry wasn’t changing course anyway. Instead, he let her know what we had been telling him all along:

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From Perry’s perspective, he is 100 percent responsible for how his wife is treating him. In fact, as we have said to him, his wife’s anger and frustration about his lack of income is a reflection in Perry’s physical reality of his own beliefs about money, success prosperity and how to get it.

Everything in Perry’s reality reflects back to him his own beliefs about reality. Including how other people treat him.  Perry is long down that path of getting that. But he’s not an expert yet.

Yet, when Perry realized his wife’s frustrations reflected back his own, he shared it with his wife. That created a breakthrough for her.

The next day, Perry’s wife sent the following:

Message from abraham
Wisdom seeming coming “coincidentally”. But it wasn’t coincidence.

This card is part of a deck Perry’s wife bought that day. Buying the deck was an act inspired by her larger perspective. They were communicating a way out of her frustration and pain and struggle. A way that didn’t rely on Perry doing anything different.

After getting that message, things between Perry and his wife have been on the mend. The story isn’t over. But for now, some peace has returned.

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To get where he wants financially, Perry must let go of past hurts and transgressions. Hurts and transgressions he believes his wife caused him. Afterall, everything his wife “did to him” is a reflection of something going on inside Perry. It’s hard to hear when you’re on the receiving end of what you think is vile behavior from someone who says they love you.

But it’s 100 percent accurate. How someone treats you reflects something going on inside you.

An Miff Over Text Sets It Up

Some time back, a friend of Perry’s sent him an email. This friend met someone while recording a podcast about entrepreneurs in prison. This person, let’s call her Joy, is transgender. This friend thought she’d make a great guest for Perry’s YouTube show.

So Perry got this email in his inbox.

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He set up time to visit Joy in prison.

The day of the visit came. Perry got ready. When he got in the car, which he and his wife share, the tank was on empty. One day late last year, when Perry left the car in a similar state, his wife raked him over the coals. He had a reasonable explanation. But she wasn’t having it. When a person rakes you over the coals, especially disproportionate to your “offense”, there is always something more going on than what you’ve done.

In Perry’s case back then, Bridget’s anger comprised all her frustration with Perry over the years. And her own personal issues which were particularly strong that day. But Perry too played a role in that. His focus on his wife’s negativity is well-practiced. So his focus momentum matches both Perry and Bridget when they’re not at their best. Relationships are always 100 percent. Each party is 100 percent responsible for what’s happening.

Perry was holding onto that past empty-tank raking over the coals experience. So when he saw the tank was near empty, two things happened.

One, he didn’t get mad, which was good. But he didn’t think about what he did next. Well, he thought about it. But not long enough to avoid doing what he did. What he did was send his wife a picture and text message:

empty tank

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He was not mad. But he couldn’t let go of what happened before. He still held onto his anger and outrage that his wife would get so bent out of shape over something so trivial. He didn’t realize there was more behind her frustration than an empty gas tank.

So he sent this text out of his past hurt and frustration.

Like Perry had, Bridget too had a good reason for leaving the car empty. Perpetrators have reasonable explanations. Reasonable for them. Not the “victim”: the person who now must put gas in the tank.

Perry went to fill the tank, then headed to prison. Little did he know he was already imprisoned. Imprisoned by his old ways of thinking and being. Thankfully, that was about to change.


A Big Surprise Behind Bars

Perry has never been to actual prison. The experience fascinated him. He checked in, got a visitor badge. He had to leave his phone in the car. He also had to dress a certain way. He needed to stand out from inmates, in case there was a problem.

People’s kindness on the inside surprised him. Unlike the movies, people were friendly and conversational. Security was there, but minimal.

Joy participates in a special discussion group. It was the only time Perry and Joy could meet. Perry hoped Joy would be an open book as a guest. He knew she’d have great stories. But he didn’t know if Joy would be willing to share them.

What happened next blew his mind.

Inmates filed into the chapel’s meeting room. About six, all men except Joy and Perry’s escort.

The escort also leads the discussion. She briefly mentioned Perry then asked people to introduce themselves. That’s when it happened.

Each person, to a person talked about “insights” they were getting. They talked about realizing their thoughts create their reality. Each described how calm and peaceful their lives became from participating in the group.

“What is this group?” Perry thought.

It’s called Insight Alliance. Group members take part in experiential learning. They talk about taking responsiblity for creating their reality. And how that reality shows up from the thoughts they think. Thoughts that if left unchecked, will run amok. Which create lives run amok.

Not only did this surprise him, but Perry also felt self-conscious. That’s because he realized something sitting there listening to the inmates. He wasn’t taking responsibility for thoughts creating the reality that is his wife.

Perry was chagrined (I was!).  “If people in prison were realizing their reality is their creation, taking responsiblity for that and letting go of the past, what excuse do I have?” He thought. “Why am I holding on to something Bridget did months ago?”

When his turn came, Perry gave a lengthy self-introduction. Including information about the economic system he expects will replace capitalism in the future, his work with the transgender community and his blog Positively Focused. He didn’t mention the epiphany he had just had.

Then the meeting got underway.

While listening, Perry also saw that “inmates” are people. They are smart. They are thoughtful. They’re not bad. Perry’s preconceived notions evaporated.

And, Joy turned out to be just that. Perry was right: she had a ton of great stories. And, she said, she is an open book. Totally willing to share pretty much everything.

But wait! We’re not finished. More surprises were in store.

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Perry having an epiphany in prison.

The Best Conversation About Capitalism Happened In Prison

After 70 minutes or so, the sharing petered out. That’s when one inmate said something Perry wasn’t expecting.

“I am dying to hear about this new economic system of yours,” he said.

All eyes were on him.

“Go ahead,” his escort said. “Tell us. I’m dying to know too!”

What followed was one of the most inspiring, fulfilling conversations about Perry’s idea.

He described how the system works. Then participants started telling Perry how it would work under various scenarios. Everyone was leaning in. They talked about how the transition could happen. How raw materials and supplies used to make things would be given to people making things (at no cost to anyone). How everyone on the planet could get their food, clothing, shelter, all their education, and all their healthcare at no cost to anyone…with no one footing the bill for those things. And how all that could transform life on Earth.

One guy didn’t get it. He dreams of becoming a rancher. He couldn’t understand how anyone would give him cows for free to ranch. The others tried explaining, but he couldn’t put it together in his head.

Still, Perry’s surprise was obvious. Never had a group got possibility so fast. And these were inmates, Perry thought.

By the time Perry got to his car, he felt far different about inmates. He also felt different about his wife. So he sent this:

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Your reality reflects your beliefs. This happens so you can expand into greater harmony with your larger perspective. That is what life is all about.

Perry’s day in prison shows how we coordinate events so he can see what he can’t see. Many humans can’t see what’s happening inside them. And they don’t know why physical reality exists. So the go through their lives significantly handicapped.

Being Positively Focused brings back ability. You start seeing life as it’s mean to be seen. From that, you can live as intended. With joy and real freedom.

It doesn’t matter when or where you are. Joy and freedom are available. Some people get it in prison. Some get it visiting prison. Others might get it fighting with their wife. Everyone gets it when they die.

But you don’t have to wait until you die to get it. You can get it starting today.






The Most Important Story You Probably Missed in GOT

Artwork: The author

[There be spoilers ahead]

So Game of Thrones is over. What a finale. Danny dead. Jon Snow exiled. Arya off on adventure. The hound…Queen Cersei…well…you know.

But producers hid the biggest GOT story right in plain sight. As much as it was a fantasy, Game of Thrones is faithful to reality. And if you got that, well, you walked away from season eight’s final episode as I did.

With a huge freaking grin and insanely inspired.

There’s Nothing Like A Story

In one of the show’s best monologues Tyrian Lannister tells the story of Bran the Broken. Soon to be chosen as king of the six realms, Bran began the show as what seemed like a minor character.

But that minor part became the major story. And this is the hidden gem. Namely: You can work your ass off and still not be king. Better put: Do nothing and you will be king.

That’s exactly what Bran did. After being pushed off a window ledge at Winterfell, it seemed Bran’s life was over. He ended up a coma. Then paralyzed. He got out of the coma. Only to learn he’d be forever in a wheel chair.

Bran Stark
Artwork by the Author

Which forced him to go spiritual. With nary a limb he could flex, he turned to flexing his consciousness. Then he began probing spiritual mysteries.

What he found helped him marshal forces of destiny. He used them, moving with All That Is as it used other people to do its bidding. Through that connection, Bran became not only Bran the Broken, king of the six realms. He also became Bran the Invincible.

Even facing the Night King, the most fearsome foe in the whole show, Bran prevailed.

Note how everyone moved in Bran’s favor while at the same time serving their own purposes. A assassin tried killing him but a massive hound rips his throat out. Wildlings tried killing him. Theon Greyjoy and Rob rush to his rescue. When Theon takes Winterfell, he survives thanks to Osha’s help.

In every adverse situation, Bran maintained connection with his larger self. His larger self giving insight into the next steps. His larger self directing others in Bran’s defense. Meanwhile Bran relied on inner knowing telling him where to be. Who to speak with. What to say.

All without lifting a finger, arm, leg or sword, Bran became leader of the realm.

GOT is great fantasy. It’s also excellent commentary on reality. GOT is allegory. You have Bran’s ability. I notice this ability unfolding in my own life. Me and my Inner Being write about such experiences throughout this blog.

Here we describe how I choose an outcome. Then I connect with the universe, All That Is and my Inner Being, all representing my larger self. I communicate my desire. Then watch as my personal trinity orchestrates the world around me. Including people and events. Orchestrated in such a way that what I chose becomes my reality.

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My personal complex identity. The “we” of me. Artwork: The author

Action Is Overrated

Contrast Bran’s story with that of Jon Snow, or any other action-oriented GOT character. Jon, the best swordsman. Admired. A master strategist. Handsome. A courageous fighter. Death-defying…and legitimate and rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

All that action-based, work your ass off effort he was known for got him nothing. Nothing except cold days and nights in exile with the wildlings. Not so bad considering that hunk of a guy Tormund Giantsbane. And if there are more beauties like Ygritte there.

Far from becoming king though.

Sure he didn’t want it. But that’s not the point.

Jon Snow
Artwork: the author

The point is, focus on connecting with your deeper self. That larger part of you remaining in the spiritual world. When you do, you’ll discover profound insights. Insights about yourself. Insights about the world and people around you.

When you do, you’ll discover just how much influence you have over the world around you. You become king. King of the largest realm there is. The realm of your subjective reality. Which includes all you’re capable of perceiving.

You’ll also perceive something else. That you are surrounded by messages encouragingi to look within. Especially movies and art.

Game of Thrones was a thrill ride. A great story. A wonderful character exploration. But if you missed what you just read, you just got entertained.

Instead of getting inspired.


How I Get What I Want Easily

Amy Shamblen Not Sorries FB
Photo: Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

The best happiness is conjured. It’s how I get things easily. Getting what I want should be easy. That’s the way life can be for everyone. For me it is.

It hasn’t always been easy.  I had to learn how reality happens before getting what I want came easily. I appreciate what I learned. So I’m sharing it.

In the old days I didn’t know all this. By “old days” I mean a few years ago. 😀

Back then, I got a lot of what I wanted and some of what I didn’t. I got that the same way you likely do. Random!

I became pretty successful, but it was hard work, struggle, sacrifice.

Instead of talking about the old days, I want to talk about today’s days. But I guess I can’t without referring a little bit to the old days for context. 🤷🏽‍♂️


How Do Things Happen?

First, let me clarify something: Getting what I want means creating reality.

Many people scoff when “new agers” talk about “creating reality” and “manifesting”. Here’s the thing about that.

A lot of what I want is “real”. Physical events, physical things and, yes, some intangible things too. Like peace of mind. And understanding how life works.

But everything I want, including intangible stuff, must happen in the physical world. I call that “reality”. You probably call it that too.

So getting what I want means experiencing realities different from what I have. New realities that include in them what I want. Somehow, those realities must come about.

How do they come? Aren’t they being created? If so, who or what creates them?

I explored these questions some time ago. I’m glad I got super-clear answers.

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So when I talk about getting what I want, I’m talking about creating new realities. Realities that weren’t realities before. I’m at the center of “how”. And I’m getting better  proving to myself how that “how” works.

Fig. 1 below shows how I used to create reality. I call it “The Haphazard Way”. Here’s how that process worked for me. Maybe it works for you this way.

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Illustration by the author


Reality Needs A Perceiver And It Shapes That Which Perceives

Reality doesn’t exist if there is no perceiver. So reality needs a perceiver for it to “be”. Any consciousness capable of perception will do. In Fig. 1, I’m using me as the perceiver. But it could as well be a dog, bird, cockroach or single-celled organism.

In The Haphazard Way, as perceiver, I look at the world (Step 1 in Fig. 1) and see what’s happening. From that, I choose what I want.

For example, when I was young, I realized having money was a good thing. In high school, I looked at professions where my talents (love of writing, art, etc) would pay most. Then I planned my life to match that trajectory.

So far so good.

But while spending so much time looking at the world, I also couldn’t help see how other people got what I wanted. Sounds normal, right? You set a goal, then look at others’ success as a model for yours.

The problem is, I’m not here to copy what others did. I thought I was. And I succeeded at that for a while. It wasn’t fulfilling though.

I’m a creator. I’m here to do it my way. A fresh way. You are a creator too. You’re not here to copy others.

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llustration by the author

Besides, the majority of humans (like 99.999 percent) create what they want haphazardly (Fig. 1). That works. But it’s not easy. That’s why so many people describe getting what they want as “working your ass off,” “sacrificing”, “paying your dues”, etc. Then they feel proud about that.

Why would I want to copy that? If they knew what I now know, I don’t think they’d feel proud.

But it’s what they know. So I don’t blame them. Instead I say “more power to you!” Because they’re going to need it.

In their reality (Fig. 1), working your ass off (or who you know, or having money, or paying your dues or whatever) is necessary. It’s necessary because they’ve looked at how others have done it. And they are copying that.

I was doing the same. Here’s why I don’t do that now.


Living Other People’s Experience By Default

When I copied another’s way, I also accepted their beliefs about reality. Everybody’s doing that. Which is why we have the world we have where pretty much everyone thinks the same way about reality. I thought that way too.

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Illustration by the author

Back to fig. 1: Looking at the world (Step 1) formed beliefs within me consistent with what I was looking at (Step 2). Including other people’s beliefs. If I believed as everyone else, my actions would match everyone else (Step 3). Not my original, pure inspirations.

Beliefs dictate actions in The Haphazard Way

My actions reflected what I believed. Next I’d look at results my actions created (Step 4) to check (Step 5) if they matched my expectations. “Expectations” is another word for “beliefs about the future”. Based on beliefs I got from others, I formed beliefs about the future containing what my acts should produce.

Make sense so far?

Here’s the problem. My adopted beliefs included ways to get what I want. But they also included negative beliefs about the world. About me too.

A major negative belief about the world, which I adopted from others was “there’s only so much to go around”. Another: “I’m in competition for those limited things, whether it’s money, women, cars, etc.” Another: “money doesn’t grow on trees” meaning: it’s scarce.

These are beliefs new agers call “scarcity consciousness”. They make an unlimited thing limited.

My beliefs also included other people’s beliefs about people like me. For example, I had a lot of negative beliefs about being African American and queer. These negative beliefs shaped my self-worth, self-respect and, most important, what I thought was possible.

Maybe you have these too. Where do these come from? I got them looking at the world. I listened to what my parents’ said about the world and believed them. I watched their personal experiences, then formed beliefs from that. I got beliefs from my personal experience. I shaped beliefs listening to TV and radio. I got beliefs from reading stuff.

In other words, I got my beliefs from looking at the world around me (Step 1).

How about you? Where do your beliefs come from? Have you thought about that? Some people I talk with are open enough to say they get their beliefs the same way I did. “I was raised to believe…” is how it usually starts.

Maybe you were “raised to believe…” a certain way too…

Back to Fig. 1.

How_Reality_Happens 2
Illustration by the author

So when I checked my progress (or lack thereof), I would make up stories reflecting my messed up (inaccurate) beliefs. “This happened because I was black” or, “I can’t do that right” or, “I wish I could do it like that guy”, or “I need money to do that and I don’t have money so…”

The thing is, the world I saw matched beliefs I had. It’s tricky to sort out beliefs I hold from the world I see. They are so intertwined. In reality, they are one. They both reflect each to the other. I know that now.

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Illustration by the author

So no matter what happened from my actions, I interpreted them according to my beliefs. I still do that. That can’t be helped. Life will always reflect my beliefs.

But today, I have a whole new set of beliefs. They come from a new way of creating reality.

What’s interesting is, I wouldn’t have my new way, were it not for the old way.

Life will not differ from how I believe. “Life” is the cycle illustrated in Fig. 1 and 2. Both cycles repeat themselves over and over. Beliefs become automatic. Acts born of beliefs recede into the background. What’s left are results and interpretations.

If I want any part of my reality different, I must change my beliefs. To change beliefs, I must know how they happen. Then use that process differently.

That’s where Fig. 2 comes in.

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Illustration by the author


The World Turns From One Thing I See To The Next

I questioned early on why things happened the way they did. So The Haphazard Way helped me. It’s not wrong. I think it serves this exact purpose.

I’m not the only person who knows about this. More are learning it all the time. Here’s how it works:

First, I look at the world (Step 1). But I don’t accept that world as factual. Instead I look at what is and use it to decide not only what I want, but how I would like it to happen.

I don’t think about the specifics of how it could happen. I only think about how it would feel to have what I want (Step 1).

Once I figure that out, I choose beliefs (Step 2) consistent with what I want.  I literally make up beliefs. The more original the better. The beliefs boost the feelings.

Next I hold the feelings the beliefs have boosted. I keep feeling the feelings. I pay as little attention as I can to current reality. Including the fact that it doesn’t contain what I want. I don’t think about what I want either. I only feel how it feels having what I want.

I’m not always successful. But you’d be surprised how little success is needed for this to work.

If/when I’m successful with Fig. 2 Step 2, the universe and the larger part that is me gives feedback, suggestions and impulses about acts to take (Step 3). I try never to act unless I get inspiration. This is important.

Sometimes it takes a long time before I get inspiration. Just ask my wife! 😜

Other times, inspiration comes immediately.

Sometimes I have to sort out where the inspiration is coming from. Old beliefs sometimes draw ideas to me. They sound like “you should be doing….”

The right inspiration doesn’t sound that way.

When right inspiration does come, I try to act immediately (Step 4). Next, I do my best to not look for evidence my acts create. I don’t check. Instead, I use observing the world as fuel. Fuel for more made up beliefs. Beliefs consistent with the reality I am creating, rather than the one I’m looking at.

· · ·

My Inner Being has written in this blog about some results this process produced. It’s going to continue doing that. So many things are happening all the time.

Life has changed for me since using this process. Most important, I’m finding myself happier. Not because I’m getting more of what I want easier, which I am. But because when I’m spending most of my time focusing on positive beliefs, how can that not become a habit? And how can a positive focus turned habitual not produce a reality consistent with that? And how can that not create a happy life?

That’s conjured happiness.

In the end, I want what I want because I think I’ll be happier getting that. When I’m positively focused, I’m already happy. That’s the best place from which to have what I want show up. It takes out the yearning that happens when I seek happiness in getting things.

The best happiness is conjured happiness. I know that now. And thank goodness that I do because it makes getting things easy.

Every Person Deserves To Be Rich If They Want That

Matt Collamer Why Can FB pf blog
Photo: Matt Collamer on Unsplash

It’s a common belief, especially among Americans, that people who don’t work, deserve to be broke. People on government subsistence programs are especially judged.

Usually American conservatives are judging. They say such people are “lazy drains on society”.

In a sense, they are right. Such people aren’t paying attention to the belief constellations they’re building around themselves, which creates the reality they have.

But there’s another reason too. One the rest of us can do something about.

One reason such programs are necessary is because civilization makes such programs necessary. A civilization is possible where such programs aren’t necessary. Such a civilization could enrich everyone, no matter what they’re doing. And, said enrichment doesn’t have to cost anyone anything.

That last part is important. I’ll revisit that later. In short, our beliefs create our reality. Everything is possible. But not if you don’t believe everything is possible. And a lot of us don’t believe everything is possible. But it is.

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I get to talk with many conservatives. I’ve learned a lot. Their criticism against such ideas as “we can have a civilization where everyone is rich, no matter what they do” feels valid to them. They call such beliefs “unrealistic progressive utopian fantasies”. They call their believers “socialists”, “libtards” or worse. I’ve found there are a couple reasons for this.

One, they worry such ideas could wreck what we currently have. It’s a “don’t break what’s working” mentality. Or, a “move slow so you don’t break what’s working” mindset.

That’s legit. Throwing out what’s working isn’t smart. Don’t quit your day job, right? Especially if you believe a day job is the only way to consistent income. It’s not the only way. But it is the only way if you believe that.

The “unknown unknowns”, as Donald Rumsfeld once called them, that conservatives worry about keep them from entertaining ideas progressives believe are needed. Given unforeseeable negative future consequences, these new ideas aren’t worth considering, they say.

Looking at some alternatives offered, I get that concern. But they’re not all bad.

But there’s a bigger reason conservatives push back against progressive ideas. Whether it’s my idea or Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Green New Deal, conservatives believe they’re unnecessary. And so not worth paying for. Especially (and this is critical) if they have to do the paying.

Mitch McConnell. He’s not evil. He just doesn’t think America needs progressive improvement. And, he doesn’t want to pay for it if it does. (Photo: U.S. Government)

So their legit concerns over practical matters spills over into a distorted selfishness. Their caution becomes an argument for keeping things the same. And their wallets full.

It’s not these people’s fault. Their belief constellations say the world’s working for everyone. Those it’s not working for? That’s their fault. Why change it? Meanwhile others say it’s not working.  These folks want to change it.

Who’s right?

Both are. The world is working for everyone. And, the world can always be improved.

For sure, it’s unfair to say all conservatives feel the world is fine. It IS fair to say though that some progressives believe the world is fine. Particularly rich ones.  And some conservatives believe that too.

Beliefs Determine Our Civilization

I know human civilization reflects our collective belief constellations. Our collective belief constellations create what we call society. Which is why I know changing infrastructures and institutions often compounds problems rather than fixing them.

Infrastructure – government, laws, etc., I’ve learned are ideas made manifest. Ideas are beliefs prepared to be shared. I can’t change a physical structure in my personal life and expect real change while ignoring beliefs I have underlying said structure.

For example, if I’m trying to change my financial status through action, I may become monetarily successful. But if my beliefs about finances and money still reflect lack, then it’s likely whatever success and money I have realized will go away. Real change happens at the ideological level, i.e. one’s beliefs.

Our collective mindset is humanity’s biggest impediment. It shapes our civilization, which in turn, reinforces everyone’s opinion. That’s because humans like looking at the world as it is, then form an opinion of what they see. That opinion collects about it similar opinions, becoming a constellation of opinions or beliefs. Eventually that collection of beliefs is reflected into the world they’re looking at.

An excerpt from an email I received from Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang emphasizing what you just read.

They could form an opinion first, then watch as civilization shapes to that. That is what visionaries do. It’s what everyone who changes the world does.

Everyone else constrains their opinion to what they see. The more what they see negatively effects their wallet, the more intense their opinion. Their opposition too.

Which is why some conservatives, but not all, express crazy-sounding views about their fellow humans. They are crazy views. Unless you agree with them.

For example, a conservative I was talking with recently compared certain people to drone bees. He said, like drones, people on subsistence programs, or otherwise not “pulling their weight” are worthless drains on productive people. Productive people meaning, like himself:

“Drones, whether bees or other creatures, produce nothing of value. Well, that’s not entirely true – one male bee may get lucky and impregnate the queen of the next new colony. But even that contribution to production is indirect; the male doesn’t produce honey, the females do”.

Distortions fill this opinion/belief. It also shows how such distortions become people’s truths. Even though they’re distortions.

It is inaccurate, for example, to suppose drones “produce nothing of value”. Or even limited value. If that were the case, drones wouldn’t exist.

A beautiful drone brimming with value (By Epgui – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, File:Drone bee (32-image macro stack).jpg)

Drones do exist. Which means they have intrinsic value. Nothing that exists is value-less. If it were, it wouldn’t exist. After all, every thing is All That Is. Would All That Is waste its energy creating something of no value?

Of course not.

People sometimes look to science for understanding. But science is mostly wrong about what it knows. I’m not a science denier. I understand science. Possibly more than most lay people.

Science has some things right. But what it gets right is minuscule compared to total knowledge. It’s also small compared to what it thinks it knows as right. In other words, some things science thinks it knows right aren’t. And a lot of what it could know, that could be helpful, is not interesting to science:

Most of what science knows (blue circle + yellow circle) is wrong. Only a small part of what it knows (yellow circle) is accurate. Critical information about the Universe is uninteresting to science. That’s why much of what it thinks it knows is right is wrong.

Science has proven this over and over. It’s amazing to me people get angry when I say this, when it’s so obvious.

For example, science at one time “proved” blacks were inferior to whites. It “proved” homosexuals were mentally ill*. It claimed many different species as extinct that aren’t. Finally, science largely does not understand the role drone bees play. At least in this case science admits what it doesn’t know.

I’m not saying science is worthless. It has value. It exists :-).  But let’s not let it alone dictate opinion. For it is often wrong. More often than it is right.

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Life’s plenty looks wasteful/valueless. So many drone bees. All those seeds a single tree produces with only a few becoming trees. All those leaves falling to the ground each fall. Leaves humans have to rake up.

…But every seed, every tree, every leaf is purposeful and valuable INTRINSICALLY.

Humans are too.

Human Beings Are “Value” Made Material

Here’s what that means, dear reader. Even though you or science may not yet believe it. That human you’re looking at, then claiming has no value, is value in and of itself. It doesn’t “have” value. It “IS” value.

If it wasn’t, the human wouldn’t be.

Which brings us to this post’s headline.

As with drone bees, leaves or any other physical reality, humans you believe are worthless are immense value. You just don’t recognize, understand or want to acknowledge it. That’s ok. You don’t have to.

Your beliefs are your truth. They aren’t The Truth. And, you can change what you believe.

We also can change civilization. So everyone gets what they want, without it costing you anything.

That last part’s worth repeating. That person you think is worthless, whether progressive, conservative, lazy or not, can get everything they want. They can enjoy wealth. Without doing what you think they must to get it.

That can’t happen in today’s society. That’s because it’s based on beliefs that aren’t true. Well they are, but only in our current version of civilization.

Outside that they’re completely and utterly false.

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The only thing slowing down progress is this: people’s persistent belief that this civilization is the only one worth having.

You may think that. But there are far more people who believe different.

And those people are winning. Which is why you see so much churn today. We can have less churn as we progress. But alas, humans love drama.

Progress is going to happen whether you want it to or not. The question is, how will you relate to it? Will you go kicking and screaming, reviling your fellow human along the way?

Or are you going to enjoy the process? Maybe even get positively focused?

Your beliefs shape your response. Another question: do you realize that?

And if you do, what are you going to do about it?


*For those who argue psychology is not a science