Why Positive Focus Works

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Positive focus creates positive experiences. Consistent positive focus triggers momentum, both in focus and in more positive experiences.

Simple tests prove this. One need not understand or believe metaphysical explanations. It happens anyway. The more I focus on positive things, the more positive things happen.

So why do many people focus negatively? I’m not going to answer that question, although I know the answer.

Instead let’s look at this one: Why does positive focus work?

When positive focus becomes chronic, human senses filter out anything not consistent with that focus. Our senses filter experience all day every day, allowing only experiences consistent with our persistent beliefs.

The reason people experience things they would say are “negative” AND “positive” too is usually they have both positive and negative beliefs in their Belief Constellations. So their filters allow in evidence of both.

Random negative experiences, such as getting robbed or raped or hit by a bus, aren’t random. They come from long-term focus, specific focus that feels like “fear”, “insecurity”, “worry” or “victimhood”. Often such feelings get past one’s perception because one focuses too much on what’s happening outside their head.

Focus works best when it predominantly focuses on what’s happening inside one’s head first, since everything happening outside one’s head springs from what happens inside one’s head.

Negativity owes itself to positivity

Very few people are chronically positive. There are many chronically negative people though. Everyone’s life matches their chronic focus.

But even negative people from time to time experience positive experiences. They do because a little positivity overwhelms tons of negativity. Negative “energy” isn’t an energy. Negative “energy” is what happens when positive energy diminishes.

In other words, negative “energy” owes its existence to its relativity to positive energy. It has no substance, no independent existence of its own. It is defined by a lack of positivity.

What’s more, a chronically negative person still is, at the core, pure positive energy. That energy, no matter how obscured it may be by negative focus, still overcomes negative focus when from time to time negative-focused people drop their guards.

When daydreaming, asleep or doing something “mindless” such as driving, taking a shower or experiencing something fun, positive focus’ power eeks through. That’s why a negative person can sometimes experience positive experiences.

Positive benefits feel fun

When I’m positive and excited by positive things, when I’m enthusiastic and eager about what I’m up to (or planning), I open up.

I’m open to possibility, I see things consistently-negative people can’t. The world reveals its delights. When I stay positive, I produce results effortlessly. What I want happens easier and faster. More important, on the way to those outcomes, I enjoy life more. Life experience becomes more entertaining, more fun, more positive.

While Positively Focused, “happy accidents” some people call “luck”, happen often. It’s not luck, but who cares what it’s called? Such events include problems solving themselves quickly and easily compared to focusing on the problem, trying to find a solution, or trying make a solution work.

When negative, one sees more negativity. Such focus turns things into “intractable problems.” When someone filters life through negative beliefs, the sheer enormity of bad things in the world overwhelms awareness.

Standing in overwhelm, feeling hopeless, helpless, anxiety and even despair seems normal, even though those feelings should never happen.

Overwhelming problems such as climate change, institutional racism, pandemics, wildfires, etc. can be and are harbingers of enormous opportunity, not signs of how fucked up the world is. To one who only sees problems, these seemingly insolvable situations become species-ending phenomena, even though they aren’t.

That’s incredibly naive

Someone reading this may not believe what they just read. The majority of people believe these things are overwhelming, species-ending problems.

I know though that one person with enough positive focus momentum is more powerful than millions without that momentum. Such a person births solutions before now unheard of, even while not involving themselves in the solution process.

Evidence in my life proves my Positively Focused practice creates the Charmed Life I describe in this blog.

Yes, many will disagree with this post’s premise. The Positively Focused person, however, doesn’t need or care about other people’s opinions, nor does such a person need others’ validation or agreement.

So disagreement is irrelevant to one who creates reality. She knows her life experience springs ongoingly from her, not others. So she focuses on the one thing that really matters: her focus, not what others say, do or believe.

Here’s the critical thing about being negative: It’s very hard to turn that train around. A life-long “realistic”, pessimistic or negative person may feel right about the world they experience. And they will be right.

They’ll be right because life experience springs from their beliefs. That doesn’t mean an alternative experience, one contrary to everything a pessimistic person believes, doesn’t exist or can’t become that person’s reality.

Momentum is momentum though. It takes a lot of work initially reversing negative-focus momentum. Since Charmed Lives are possible for everyone, that work pales in comparison to benefits derived, making the effort worth it.

Desires fulfilling themselves. It’s a life available to anyone, because everyone at their core is Positively Focused. It’s worth it. It’s fun and it’s everyone’s birthright.

Not living one’s birthright, in my opinion, is living. But just barely.

It’s The Little Things

This is the series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Sunday, Nov. 22, 2020

Had a very late night of engagement. It kept me up past 0200. I wrote this morning needing thought management which I successfully did. Then I did a little blog stuff before attending TC’s Sunday session. That session I enjoyed. It unfolded perfectly. I shared why a Positively Focused Perspective is important. That flowed so easily TC thanked me because he wanted to talk about that but didn’t know how to cue it up.

Before the session I spoke with a client who really wants to soothe his current reality, but is having such a hard time at it. It’s so interesting how much he struggles unnecessarily. He gets the material yet doesn’t feel worthy enough to be the way that will solve all his issues. So cool seeing how what I share gets proven over an over in my life experience and the life of my clients. 

After the call I needed me time. So I prepared food — my peanut soup — and popcorn, watched a little Netflix, then took a nap promptly at 1330. 

A couple small things I enjoyed this afternoon:

  • Listening to Obama’s interview with Terry Gross
  • Realizing I could refreeze that steak so I could have an entire fridge (and belly) available this week free for Turkey day
  • Receiving and enjoying two client contacts and receiving a new client this week
  • Returning to my ordinary weight with NO EFFORT after a brief period of overeating
  • Relishing the team working with me on Copiosis. They are so capable.

I know appreciating little things, things ordinary consciousness takes for granted, leads to real-izing bigger things I desire. 

1616: What wonderful feelings flowing through me right now. Just woke from a nap of three hours. I feel alive rejuvenated and in the peak of life experience. Of course, wonderful dreams accompanied my slumber. Bringing them into wake scape feels equally wonderful. 

I love how great I’m feeling. It feels so good. I received inspiration too. A walk feels nice rain or shine. So that’s what I’ll do next. After basking here until I’m satisfied with that 😌. 

What It’s Like When God’s Happiness Fills Me

This experience happened on June 22, 2020

Yesterday I went on a bike ride while listening to inspirational words from my mentor. I rode up Lief Erickson Drive to the bike/hike trail, then ventured six miles in.

Delight and clarity about life experience filled me as my bike jostled and jiggered over rocks, ruts and mud along the trail. It was hard going, mostly uphill, but I didn’t experience “hard”. Instead, I felt appreciation, fun and good times. I sought this, so “hard” felt “fun”.

I literally laughed at some points when tire and trail disagreed, which sent me and my bike in random directions, but never off-trail. 

The farther I ascended this rocky, shaky, bumpy trail, the more exhilaration, joy and clarity filled me, and the less I felt the trail itself. My body and bike merged with every rock, every rut, while my attention focused, softly taking in All That Is – trees, birds, water puddle, bike, legs pumping…

At mile three I took a break during which sensations along my arms and shoulders caught my attention. I thought something bit me, yet no evidence of bites presented themselves. I scratched and rubbed, but the sensations persisted. Seeing no signs of insect attack, I ignored the itching, remounted and rode on.

After mile six I turned around. Going in, it’s uphill mostly, so going down presented an added challenge: more speed. I swooshed down trail, twisting and turning my narrow-tired bike through puddles, slippery rocks and even slipperier mud.

An Awakening Moment Lay Ahead 

Extraordinary moments happen all the time. The question is, do I see them? Photo by Omkar Jadhav on Unsplash

I came to a sun-drenched clearing just as the itching on my shoulders and arms got worse. I stopped to scratch but again, saw no evidence of irritation…no bites or bumps.

Suddenly, sunlight, colors in the trees, the sky, wind song, bird song…everything I perceived occurred at volume 10. Everything got brighter, clearer. My head got light, goose bumps covered my arms and neck. I understood then, the itching wasn’t skin-related. It was energy-related.

It indicated in-tune-ness with my Broader Perspective, my body releasing resistance yielded to pleasure and power born of pure positive focus. I straddled my bike, stunned in appreciation…

When I started riding again, I felt super-present, loving life and the world around me.

Far from the trail, in one of Portland’s remaining industrial areas, it struck me again! Beauty, oneness, harmony…the elegance of all that is filled me so much, I pulled my bike over, dismounted and sat on the sidewalk against the wall of a local brewery. I couldn’t ride any farther.

Everything I saw, humming birds flittering by, blue sky, white wisps of clouds, bright yellow sun, and yes, roads, buildings, litter along the road, homeless people sleeping in their cars… everything around me amplified themselves.

I saw it all connected. I saw it all beautiful.

Nearly every day since, I feel this way coming out of sleep, this oneness, this peace, this connected-to-All-That-Is-ness. I feel God’s happiness with creation filling me so completely, physical reality experience becomes an ecstatic experience. It’s the feeling I feel filled with the being of me: A God in human form.

I Like Filling My Head With Positivity

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

When I do, I realize a reality matching that. I also open doors through which I discover what humans rarely do while embodied. Dazzling dreams, dazzling angels who all love me, dazzling things I’m up too, all striking my fancy, delicious sights and sounds and experiences, a veritable smorgasbord of wonder and joy.

That shouldn’t be surprising. When I fill my head with positive thoughts, I tune myself so only positive experiences spring from my consciousness. All I experience springs from my consciousness and so with my consciousness full of positive thoughts, shouldn’t my experiences reflect that? And since it is so “as it is on Earth, so in Heaven” my nonphysical awareness tunes to that same orientation. 

In this way, living or dying, awake or asleep, life I create matches my focus. I love positive focus because of how it feels and because of what I experience when I’m there.

My life proves what my mentors say over and over:

The thoughts that you think will – wanted or not wanted – eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough… And so, you could say, as you’re launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you’re filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.

I Love Abundance

I love how abundant abundance is. I see it everywhere.

Abundant entertainment options, abundant rest options, abundant enjoyment options, abundant things to do, an abundance of wonderful thoughts to ponder, an abundance of fabulous feelings to feel…

All these swaddling me in soft folds of eternal reality and knowing: I am surrounded by love. And that love often reveals itself as abundance.

You’re Ready

“I hate humanity.”

“You’re human tho.”

“I hate humanity.”

“But you are humanity.”

“I hate humanity.”

“You are humanity.”

“I hate humanity.”

“Humanity is what you are.”

“Then…I hate me.”

“Ah…Now you’re ready”

“Ready for what?”

“Ready to change the world.”

I Love Waking Up Eager

I love feeling how Abraham said I’d feel, eager, creating reality from the comfort of my own bed, feeling the having off all my desire, happy and at ease. 

It’s glorious feeling this way, open and free, integrating nonphysical, physical and my desires in the now, and feeling thought tones consistent with fulfilled desires while not pushing against them. Then, following impulses received from that feeling place, taking action, then feeling satisfaction as desire fulfill themselves. I love this life way. I love how easy life is. I love feeling my way to fulfilled desires. 

  • It feels like fun
  • It feels easy
  • It feels like clarity
  • It feels like knowing
  • It feels like of course
  • It feels like joy
  • It feels like confidence
  • It feels like I feel in the dream state: invincible

Get A (Godly) Life

Your personal relationship with God creates life experience and it’s all good. The question: are you interpreting life experience the way God is?

  • You are if you’re feeling great.
  • You are if people treat you great.
  • You are if nature puts itself on display for you
  • You are if desired events and circumstances fulfill themselves

And if you are, you know, like I know, that heaven is on earth. There’s no reward after death greater than receiving everything life experience inspires you to want while human in a human body.

Because after death, you get all of that and more at once. But there’s no need to wait until after death. I know we can have it all before death. I know I have it all now.

There’s truth to the saying “on earth as it is in heaven” for the one able to see life through the eyes and mind of God. That is seeing life through a Positively Focused perspective.

Creating Feels Like Lovemaking

Creating is birthing that which has never been birthed before. My role feels ecstatic...like making love with God.
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi

I’m inspired by spells I seduce like raw metal to magnets. Beauty unmatched ready to set souls free on jeweled wings stamped direct from blocks of raw, deep knowing. I soar on such wings over great men whose ideas meant well but give rise and pay homage to ordinariness.

These incantations bring species level and yet intimate personal paradigm shifts, thrilling me with imagined states as real to me as winter’s chill, or a lover’s warm breath. They disrobe before me, naked, my forefinger capturing their magic in dispassionate caresses across my iPhone’s glass face, which like sorcery turns my finger’s caresses into language.

Eagerness wells from me while notions dance before my inner reality, happy, light and mirthful, overflowing with love for me, ready to pop into things no longer private, into the world for all to see. Owned and experienced and created first by me, a part of me born of my ovum and the seed of life’s endless origin, my origin: expansion, freedom, joy. Eternity.