I Love Abundance

I love how abundant abundance is. I see it everywhere.

Abundant entertainment options, abundant rest options, abundant enjoyment options, abundant things to do, an abundance of wonderful thoughts to ponder, an abundance of fabulous feelings to feel…

All these swaddling me in soft folds of eternal reality and knowing: I am surrounded by love. And that love often reveals itself as abundance.

How Can I Contact My Spirit Guides?

Positively Focused Q-A

I’ve this new series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.

Someone recently asked: How Can I Contact My Spirit Guides? I have such trouble clearing my mind and meditating.

Answer: What’s interesting about your question is, it is what is keeping you from contacting your spirit guides. You see, your guides are constantly communicating with you. At times you hear these messages, but most of the time you don’t, likely because of this question.

In other words, by asking the question, you’re saying in essence “I’m not hearing my spirit guide communicating with me”, when actually, you’re communicating with them all the time. You just don’t experience the communication because you think you’re not receiving it.

The way out is to stop asking the question. Instead, focus on evidence you know that convinces you you have spirit guides.

You do believe you have spirit guides, right? How do you know? Focus on what you know and you will come, in time, as you soothe your question-focus, naturally to the answer-focus, which will include hearing messages from your spirit guides.

It’s not that you need to clear your mind, although you do. But in “trying” to clear your mind, just like wanting to contact your guides, you’re focused on the “trouble”. Focus instead on how it will feel when your mind is clear…and you’ll discover yourself there.

Make sense?

I Love My Thoughts

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

I love their variety…

I love thoughts I think while sleeping, which creates grandiose dreams, dazzling in their plenitude and vividness…

I love knowing they come to me according to my vibration…

Meaning the better-feeling my thoughts the higher my vibration must be.

I like when thoughts I think while sleeping indicate where I am relative to fulfilling desires…

I love feeling how good my thoughts feel…

I love how they bring smiles to my face. Like eating a fresh hot bowl of buttered popcorn.

I delight in my thoughts.

And because my thoughts create my reality, I know my life experience is unfolding right along the path packed with my fulfilled desires. 

You’re Ready

“I hate humanity.”

“You’re human tho.”

“I hate humanity.”

“But you are humanity.”

“I hate humanity.”

“You are humanity.”

“I hate humanity.”

“Humanity is what you are.”

“Then…I hate me.”

“Ah…Now you’re ready”

“Ready for what?”

“Ready to change the world.”

I Love Waking Up Eager

I love feeling how Abraham said I’d feel, eager, creating reality from the comfort of my own bed, feeling the having off all my desire, happy and at ease. 

It’s glorious feeling this way, open and free, integrating nonphysical, physical and my desires in the now, and feeling thought tones consistent with fulfilled desires while not pushing against them. Then, following impulses received from that feeling place, taking action, then feeling satisfaction as desire fulfill themselves. I love this life way. I love how easy life is. I love feeling my way to fulfilled desires. 

  • It feels like fun
  • It feels easy
  • It feels like clarity
  • It feels like knowing
  • It feels like of course
  • It feels like joy
  • It feels like confidence
  • It feels like I feel in the dream state: invincible

Get A (Godly) Life

Your personal relationship with God creates life experience and it’s all good. The question: are you interpreting life experience the way God is?

  • You are if you’re feeling great.
  • You are if people treat you great.
  • You are if nature puts itself on display for you
  • You are if desired events and circumstances fulfill themselves

And if you are, you know, like I know, that heaven is on earth. There’s no reward after death greater than receiving everything life experience inspires you to want while human in a human body.

Because after death, you get all of that and more at once. But there’s no need to wait until after death. I know we can have it all before death. I know I have it all now.

There’s truth to the saying “on earth as it is in heaven” for the one able to see life through the eyes and mind of God. That is seeing life through a Positively Focused perspective.

Creating Feels Like Lovemaking

Creating is birthing that which has never been birthed before. My role feels ecstatic...like making love with God.
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi

I’m inspired by spells I seduce like raw metal to magnets. Beauty unmatched ready to set souls free on jeweled wings stamped direct from blocks of raw, deep knowing. I soar on such wings over great men whose ideas meant well but give rise and pay homage to ordinariness.

These incantations bring species level and yet intimate personal paradigm shifts, thrilling me with imagined states as real to me as winter’s chill, or a lover’s warm breath. They disrobe before me, naked, my forefinger capturing their magic in dispassionate caresses across my iPhone’s glass face, which like sorcery turns my finger’s caresses into language.

Eagerness wells from me while notions dance before my inner reality, happy, light and mirthful, overflowing with love for me, ready to pop into things no longer private, into the world for all to see. Owned and experienced and created first by me, a part of me born of my ovum and the seed of life’s endless origin, my origin: expansion, freedom, joy. Eternity.

Ready? Let’s Go!

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

I appreciate where I am

I appreciate what I’m being

I love what I ongoingly discover

I love what’s happening

I love what’s happened

I love feeling calm indicating my connection with All That Is

I love how secure, how stable it feels

I appreciate how grounded I am focused in my knowing

I love life experience

I love how it prompts gradual, expanding awareness

I appreciate resistance I put on my path

I know it’s part of the path and it is good

I like seeing feeling and being outside ordinary life experience

It felt weird before, nowI’m getting used to it

I love getting used to expansionary awareness

I love reveling in my expansionary awareness

It feels good feeling that

I love knowing what I know

I love knowing there always will be more to know ahead of me

I love being

I love my well being

I love knowing

I love All That Is

I love me.

Living Proof Of Universal Blessedness

Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

An editor working with me on an anthology essay I wrote wanted a better headline. The original didn’t pop, she said.

Knowing what I know, I set my intention so Universe would do the work. In some life areas though, old habits are just that: moments later, I scribbled several ideas on my note app, trying to coax Universe into giving me some ideas:

Essay Titles I created while “efforting”. Ugh they suck!

That’s the hard way. And it felt hard. So I wrote back to my editor. I told her I’d get back to her. Take some time, She wrote back.

Days later, I Pre-Paved a future probable reality wherein I’d receive what I asked for: a wonderful headline, one my editor would love. One that would pop.

A couple days after that, I re-read my essay. It’s so good. It’s a true story about an adventure a Transamorous Network client and I experienced. While reading it “Life IS Joy” popped out of the essay. I sent that to my editor, even though I didn’t like it all that much.

My feeble attempt. 😂

That not liking all that much was a clue…

My editor didn’t like it either. She suggested something catchier, something with a play on words:

Not so good response…

Nothing came up when I focused, so I just let go. I figured my Personal Trinity would bring me a perfect headline.

That’s what happened

Last night I watched a favorite James Bond movie for the umpteenth time. A Quantum of Solace it’s called. I enjoyed watching it. I enjoy the luxury Bond enjoys surrounding himself in. People in the movie are pleasant to watch too. 😊

Then I went to bed, blissful in positive focus.

The next morning (the day I’m writing this), the phrase “A Universal Solace” came to mind. My immediate reaction was: hey that’s kinda good. Then I poo-pooed it as too obvious a play on “Quantum of Solace”.

But then I thought “wait a minute! This is what I asked for!”

Tentatively, I looked up the word “Solace”. It perfectly fit what happens in the essay. My Personal Trinity scored a direct hit!

I sent it to my editor. Here’s what she said.


I created a future probable reality, then let my Personal Trinity handle the rest. I noticed how hard it was trying to do what I wanted through action alone. I trusted my feelings instead. Look what happened!

What happened next: even better

Weeks ago I got an impulse that my essay could become a full-length book and/or a movie. I wanted to send my editor a note about that, but held off.

After getting her email above, I sent her two more emails, one replying to her acknowledging the new headline:

and another offering to work together on more projects:

Here’s what she wrote back:

Universe stands ready to do the work for you.

I marvel at this because I love writing. I always have. I love telling stories through various ways; through illustrations, film/video, through speeches and presentations and of course through words.

My life as a story is worthy of being told. And here is my editor urging me in this direction, just as an angel of the Universe would.

This path unfolding before me, filled with so much of what I’m wanting, feels ecstatic. All of it is unfolding aligned with talents and passions I already have, not something I learned in school, but something inherently me.

It’s all coming from my inner knowing, tied to my authentic self. I tell my clients their authenticity is from where their prosperity and joy emerges. My life offers living proof. Universe loves me.

It loves you too.